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iPhone display size 6 inches. Comparison of iPhone models

aim this material is a discussion of stereotypes and common misconceptions regarding the hardware and software characteristics of the Apple iPhone with iOS smartphones and competing Android smartphones. Our resource already has objective and detailed technical reviews iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. We also recommend that you read the first part of this material.

The screen of a modern smartphone is perhaps one of its most important components, because it is with it that the user interacts. Accordingly, the screen (in the broadest sense - both as a physical entity and as a system interface) should be given priority. Is always.

It is all the more curious that the screen is evaluated not by the overall picture quality and ease of use, but by one of the most primitive characteristics (it used to be resolution, now pixel density), which has long gone beyond reasonableness. Color reproduction, comfortable brightness, balance? Pff. And as a result of such a “quick comparison” of specification numbers, it turns out that “competitors have more PPI, which means they have a better product,” although in reality this does not matter, because the eye is not able to catch this difference. But in terms of numbers, 420 is cooler than 326, isn't it? Is not it?

In general, the screens of the iPhone 6 and 6+ are perhaps one of the most striking examples of a situation where, within the framework of the “traditional hardware” approach, the main advantages of Apple are out of the game. And iPhones look significantly worse than they really are, due to an incorrectly chosen comparison.

However, the new screens have their own peculiarities, so let's talk about them in more detail.

PPI race in the squirrel wheel

The screen parameters of the iPhone 6/6+ caused the most heated debate among enthusiasts almost immediately after they were announced. At the same time, which is funny, iPhone 6 enthusiasts in general, according to by and large, written off - both the diagonal and the resolution (fuu, only 720r!) They are not interested, because today it is “pop”, competitors call their devices with a screen diagonal of 4.7 inches “mini”. Whether it's a shovel phone ... sorry, 6+! This model is in the trend "smartphone with huge screen”, which is actively promoted by everyone who is not too lazy, so for enthusiasts it is more interesting. But there were a lot of complaints about him too: they say, how is it all Full HD, when Korean manufacturers put already ... (substitute any numbers to taste, gradually approaching 4K resolution).

Here it would be time to stop and think: why use a screen with PPI (let me remind you, PPI is the number of dots per inch, it sets the clarity of the image) 400, and then 450, if the human eye does not distinguish more than about 300 on such a screen (we don’t take now Pentile screens, where is this characteristic inflated)? With technical point view, a high pixel density only puts extra strain on the system without providing any convenience. This means that pure marketing remains: “Let's measure ourselves by numbers!” AT real life does not affect anything, consumes resources, but ... but "cooler". Just because the numbers in comparative table more. Who has more - that and the flagship.

The approach, by the way, is effective, because it gives a killer argument about the advantage of an arbitrary Chinese device over iPhones and predicts the end of Apple. It is especially insulting to meet this not in discussions, but in articles. In numerous “first glances” on leading English-language resources (including really top ones), everyone unanimously notes that the screens of the iPhone 6/6+ are very good, but in some apologetic tone, and at the same time they add that PPI, certainly not up to the current Samsung flagships and LG, which already have xxx PPI.

Apple screens, on the other hand, have very wide viewing angles, accurate color reproduction, high contrast and a new polarizing layer that improves the readability of the screen in the sun, as well as a reduced touchscreen thickness (see our iPhone reviews 6 and 6+, there's a lot of screen quality research there). And thanks to this, the screen surpasses all competitors not so much in numbers, but in subjective image quality. It remains to be understood: will they believe it?

The problem with these “invisible improvements” is that they are difficult to assess immediately. Understanding comes with use, and for this you need to buy a device. For example, when the iPhone 4s was placed next to the Galaxy S4, which has Pentile, a chemical riot of colors and colors “blew out”, then when asked “which screen do you like best?” my friends chose rather S4. More colors for the same money! True, after some time of work, you simply get tired of such a screen (and you begin to understand what “comfortable in long-term use"), but that's later. And, to the question of subjectivity: some liked such a screen even with prolonged use.

Finally, you can argue for a long time that they say “more PPI is all marketing”, but buyers are falling for it. Therefore, when such questions are asked “why do we need more pixels per inch, and this is enough! Better let's get busy color balance If the producers from the Android camp begin to ask, then their market indicators immediately move into the zone of negative values. In general, on the one hand, the approach Apple is correct in terms of achieving optimal results. On the other hand, it is not certain that the market will accept it. Consumers sometimes vote for very strange decisions.

New iPhone screens: where's the catch?

However, the passage about 326 dpi certainly gave rise to many readers sarcastic questions regarding the iPhone 6+, which has a declared parameter of 400 PPI. Well, let's take a closer look. Here is a table with screen parameters new iPhones.

With the screen of the iPhone 6, everything is more or less clear: it's just a larger screen of the iPhone 5. The layout of the interface and controls is the same, the icons and fonts are the same size (well, what, the PPI is the same!), Only the distance between them has slightly increased . As for applications, here again everything depends on the developers. For correctly written applications, the interface will simply stretch, for incorrectly - it will stretch (but through the system scaling mechanisms) and may lose clarity (because graphics and, possibly, fonts will be recalculated). In general, there should be no surprises or unpleasant moments after the iPhone 4 or 5.

But with the iPhone 6+, everything is completely different. We first see the good old Full resolution HD and rejoice: "Finally something familiar, from the world of Windows and Android!" True, at the same time this resolution is perceived as something already outdated. (And this is a reason to sigh a couple more times in various forums “yes, Apple already not that one." I remember Zhvanetsky: “How is it fourth, when it’s been five for a long time ?!”) And only then we begin to think that although the aspect ratio is the same here, the resolution somehow doesn’t fit very well.

Let me briefly recall the history of the issue. The iPhone had a screen with certain parameters: a physical size of 3.5 inches, a resolution of 480 × 320 pixels and a pixel density of 163 ppi, under which all elements of the application interfaces (fonts, graphics, layout of elements) were created. Since there was only one screen, it was possible not to make an adaptive interface, which is calculated in conditional values ​​​​and adapts to any screen, but to draw it directly in pixels. This is much easier for developers (especially when creating graphic elements that are always in pixels) and significantly saves system resources ( adaptive interfaces the system has to assemble on the fly, wasting computing resources, and it simply displays the drawn ones on the screen).

With an introduction Retina display the pixel density has doubled (up to 326 ppi). Elements with the same size in dots (pixels) now look twice as small on the same screen. The problem was solved simply: the size of the elements was doubled, and the graphics were redrawn under new size(for example, 64x64 instead of 32x32 pixels for icons) and that's it. The iPhone 5, roughly speaking, added places on top, but the size of the element on the screen remained the same. Because of this, some applications did not stretch to full screen if the vertical size of the interface was set directly in pixels (dots). Actually, even then, Apple actively promoted the use of proportional values, which makes it possible to adapt to any screen. But ... In general, many lazy people simply added another option for interface sizes under new screen and calmed down.

So, what happened with the new models. iPhone 6 physical size the screen became larger, but there were also more pixels, i.e., the same 326 pixels and 326 pixels remained per inch virtual points(a pixel is a physical element of the screen, a point is an element when calculating the size of the interface; you can read more in our series of articles on scaling - I recommend reading it in order to better understand what is stated below). As a result, responsive interfaces will simply stretch, and the distance between graphical elements in the interface will become larger. Wrong applications with interfaces in pixels should be stretched by the system itself - with some loss in clarity, but the functionality will be preserved. By the way, as far as I understand, in the iPhone 6, choosing the “large option” of the interface will cause the geometry to become like on the iPhone 5, i.e., all elements will grow slightly in size. Some interfaces are likely to be rewritten by developers to make it more convenient to work with them on more large screens. Plus, most likely, you will have to remove the controls from the top of the screen.

Weird iPhone 6+ screen

With the iPhone 6+, which for some reason made 400 pixels per inch, this trick will not work. If you take a standard interface element under 163 PPI and stretch it twice (326 PPI), then it will look very small on the iPhone 6+ screen. Triple increase? Then the interface elements and fonts will look too large on the screen, and besides, little information will fit on the iPhone 6+ screen with its current PPI - less than on the iPhone 5 screen. And this is unacceptable: why make the screen larger if it fit less information?

Judging by the available data, Apple did the following: interfaces are assembled under the standard density of 163 dpi with a magnification of 3x, which gives 2208 × 1242 pixels (the resolution of the screenshots in our 6+ review is exactly that). After that, the already assembled interface is hardware scaled to 1920 × 1080. Thus, the final scaling on the screen is about 2.5, but it is done in two steps. In general, a suboptimal and rather unexpected scheme for Apple, which loves technical excellence. Not to mention the possible loss of quality.

You can see how it turns out in the form of infographics.

And we'll talk about a more interesting thing: what do we need from this? On the one hand, I don't think it's a big deal. With high pixel density and correct scaling algorithms, artifacts and compression errors should not be noticeable, at least on fonts. And where they are noticeable is rather the fault of application developers who do not apply new standards. Therefore, gradually, as applications are updated, the problem incorrect display must leave. Another thing is that this will be given at the cost of great additional efforts for developers - they received two new additional form factor screen, under which you will also have to calculate and optimize the interface.

And a few more conclusions

Thus, the iPhone 6 screen retained the optimal (from Apple's point of view) density of 326 pixels per inch. On the one hand, the eye at such a density no longer distinguishes the pixel grid, which means that there is no need to further increase the resolution for a screen with a diagonal of 4.7 inches. On the other hand, all fonts and graphic elements applications are designed specifically for this pixel density, so there are no problems with displaying applications. In general, for the Apple ecosystem, this is a screen with optimal parameters.

But the 6+ screen looks, to put it mildly, strange. A non-standard for Apple combination of diagonal and resolution leads to a non-standard PPI - 400 pixels per inch, so that fonts and graphic elements of system and application interfaces look smaller on it than on others Apple smartphones. From a technical point of view, everything is also very, very strange: first, the interface is assembled for one resolution, and then rescaled to another. This is not at all in the style of Apple, which has always been distinguished by grace and technical excellence their decisions. And it's so awkward...

Why did it happen? We do not know the true reasons and, most likely, we will not know. Various assumptions are made - for example, about the desire to save money and use common Full HD matrices, and not to fence something of their own with strange parameters. Or that the "true" resolution (i.e. 2208x1242) is being saved for the next iPhone generations(7+), which will already be hoo. But both of these assumptions sound strange when applied to a smartphone, which is supposed to be the flagship for the coming year.

In general, there is a suspicion that the iPhone 6+ is not a flagship, but some kind of experimental product that hastily assembled on the knee in order to catch on to the promising market of "tablet phones" and not miss it completely. This would fully explain the strange story with the screen: for the production of screens with the right parameters there was no time left, I had to take standard solution. The poorly thought-out case leads to the same thoughts: both the fact that the iPhone 6+ bends relatively easily, and the inconvenient location of the power button (it is made in the same place as the iPhone 6, but due to other case sizes it is inconvenient to use here). Moreover, for all other hardware components 6 and 6+ are compatible. Yes, availability information iPhone lineup 6+ started leaking a long time ago, but it was already a production stage. And we do not know how long the development cycle lasted. By the way, Apple clearly underestimated the demand for 6+, the main shortage is now for this model.

In general, there are some suspicions that both the form factor and the screen with such parameters (diagonal 5.5 inches, resolution 1920 × 1080) are some kind of intermediate solution, and it is not a fact that it has a future. But if we take the "internal resolution" iPhone interface 6+ and Apple's standard pixel density per inch of 326 PPI, then we get that the screen with these parameters should have a diagonal of 7 inches exactly. I wonder if Apple is planning a large seven-inch tablet phone model in the future with a “native” ratio of interface and screen parameters?

Of course, using a seven-inch device as a smartphone is already difficult and inconvenient. However, now we have a smart watch Apple Watch, which, in combination with an audio headset, allows you not to get your smartphone at all for current urgent actions: answer a call, send an SMS or a message in a messenger. By the way, Siri is being actively pulled up to a level where she can take control of these functions. If so, then the main device can only be used when it is really needed. big screen(i.e. tablet scenario) - and there will be no need for any compromises.

That would be a truly breakthrough device, with a completely new functionality and user interaction scheme. Let it be rather contradictory: it may be convenient to use it, but will traditional users go for such a drastic change in the entire model of interaction with an electronic assistant?

However, it is very likely that these are exclusively my fantasies, based on a random coincidence of parameters (from which a 7-inch diagonal is obtained) and on high expectations of some kind of breakthrough device. We are still waiting on Apple revolutions, and I even wrote about it myself in the first part.

But in reality, we are just waiting for the expansion of the range large smartphones with different form factors. Moreover, now there is a technology that allows you to get approximately the same interface on almost any screen diagonal: first, it is rendered according to the requirements of program interfaces (i.e. original size with a multiplier: for the iPhone 6 it is x2, for the iPhone 6+ - x3), and then it is scaled by hardware to desired screen. And users are given the choice between "regular" and "larger" interface sizes, which will allow them to achieve an acceptable font size for any combination of screen settings - within reasonable limits, of course. This decision will provide the company with some transition period, for which it will force developers to stop using absolute parameters in interfaces and start making adaptive element sizes.

True, this option looks very sad and boring. If Apple just starts to expand the range of devices, then, probably, it will really be possible to say that the revolutionary logic old Apple gone into the past. And Apple will turn into another boring company a la Samsung or HP, where everything is calculated, planned, logistically justified and tested in focus groups.

But in any case, such a mess with the screen is an unpleasant blow to the image of the creator of only complete and optimal solutions.

As they say, there is no friend for the taste and color, but still, if we compare regular smartphone and an iPhone from apple, then we We recommend that you opt for the "apple". In our article, we will consider the parameters of the sixth iPhones, and in particular, the dimensions of the iPhone 6s. So, if you are interested in the size of the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, then our article will be useful for you.

Sixth s iphone

Let's spend short review model characteristics. The appearance of the new 6s is not much different from the previous "six". Surely, the user will notice that the new model has reverse side an "s-point" appeared. Also to external differences take what is at the body new color- pink-gold was added to the already familiar ones.


The size of the iPhone 6s is not very different from its predecessor. Its body has become a little larger: the thickness and weight have increased. The change in weight is due to the fact that the manufacturer installs a screen equipped with a modern sensor, made of the most durable glass. Diagonal iPhone 6s is 4.7 inches, iPhone 6s screen dimensions: 1334x750 pixels. The size of the iPhone 6s in centimeters is 13.8 by 6.7. Thickness - a little more than 7 centimeters. Weight - 134 g.

3D touch

What are the features of this technology? And its essence is that the phone has a special sensitivity. Thanks to this, in addition to reacting to a touch with a finger, it reacts to the strength and direction of the touch. It is very comfortable. For example, if you need to briefly review information from different sites, there is no need to go through them in turn. Just touch the link a little harder, and a pop-up menu with brief information will appear in front of you.


The brain of the phone is its processor. In iPhone 6s, it is powerful and energy efficient, belongs to the third generation A 9. This chip is 70% ahead of its predecessors in performance and economy. An additional coprocessor M 9 is installed in the main point. Thanks to all this, the user receives a dynamic picture that plays with all colors.


If we compare the camera with previous versions of the models, we will immediately note progress. The resolution of both cameras has increased:

    main - 12 MP;

    front - 5 MP.

This allows clear and bright photos. Also note the excellent photo stabilization. Even if your hand trembles while shooting, you will get a clear picture. So shooting on the move just got easier!

6s Plus

Unsurpassed design and impressive dimensions - distinguishing feature this model. How it differs from 6s, we will now consider.

6s vs 6s Plus

The first thing a customer will notice is that the size of the iPhone 6s plus is getting much larger than that of the "six". iPhone 6s plus dimensions in cm:

    height - 15.8;

    width - 77.8;

    thickness - 7.

But, keep in mind, if you have a miniature hand, then it is unlikely that large body you will be comfortable to hold in your hand. Pay attention to this when choosing a phone. The "plus" of such a screen is a rather large screen, like for a phone. Its diagonal is 5.5 inches, the resolution is 1920 by 1080 pixels. Therefore, the picture that you see on the screen will please with its clarity and brightness.

The nice thing is that the plus incorporates image stabilizing technology. In the usual "six" this is not.


Apple does not stand still and releases more and more new models.

Recently the world saw SE. Its "stuffing" is not much different from 6s. But what the buyer will see with the naked eye is that its body is no longer 8.5 mm.

The iPhone 7 has also recently gone on sale. Read about this new product, as well as many others, in our next articles. We hope we were able to convey information about the 6s simply and clearly. If you are the owner or owner of a small hand, then you just need to know what size iPhone 6s is, because it depends on whether you will be comfortable holding this fashionable gadget in your hand.

iPhones of the sixth line marked "S" Apple presented in early 2015. New items immediately came out in 2 variations - iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. The appearance of the gadgets remained the same as the previous devices. But there is a new color called " pink gold". Cases of the "sixes" S are made of other materials - more advanced than those of the younger models. The functionality of new smartphones has also been expanded.

However, in this article we will not dwell on all the characteristics of the “six” S, but consider in detail such a parameter as the size of the display. Screen quality is one of the best important factors choice specific model iPhone, which takes into account any user.

So, what is the display on the iPhone 6S? As it was known in advance, the design of the devices has not changed much. The screen diagonal of the "six" S was 4.7 inches, the model S Plus - 5.5 inches. Screen resolution "six" S - 1920 x 1080.

The dimensions of the novelty have increased slightly, in comparison with the simple "six", but only slightly. New device became wider by 0.1 mm and thicker by 0.2 mm. The weight of the device, in contrast, has become much larger, increasing by 14 grams for the 6S model and 20 grams for the 6S Plus model.

As mentioned above, the materials from which the cases of new products are made have also changed. A new alloy was used with aluminum in the composition, with the addition of magnesium and zinc. All this makes the new devices of the six S line much stronger. According to Apple, this figure has increased by 60% compared to a simple "six".

Probably, many are interested in the question, what kind of glass was used by the manufacturer to protect the display? According to Apple representatives, the glass on the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus has also become significantly stronger. This was achieved through two-stage ionization. And the glass on the new devices is now the strongest ever to protect a smartphone screen.

Let us remind you once again that the manufacturer has added a new color to the iPhone 6S line. A copper-pink gadget will suit glamorous ladies who find black or silver too boring. In such a phone, next to the display, the panel is white, and the metal base is pink.

Other features of the iPhone 6S

But not only the size of the display, but many other advantages the iPhone 6S line has. The main innovation of these models was the introduction of 3D Touch technology. Thanks to it, the device is able, with the help of special sensors, to recognize the power of pressing a finger applied to the display. And programs can respond to various clicks, as a result of which the use of the device has become more intuitive and convenient.

For example, touching and slightly pressing on a particular letter in the mail will allow you to preview its contents. If the touch is removed, the text will be removed, and only the title will be visible. If you press with considerable effort, the text of the letter will unfold completely. In addition, it is very convenient to jump from one application to another using a force swipe from the border of the display.

The introduction of this technology has opened up many new horizons for software developers for iPhones. And it was beautifully demonstrated by Apple on Instagram example. To easily and quickly navigate to the required section of this application, you need to click on the corresponding icon on the screen, thereby calling context menu. To quickly view a photo in an enlarged view, you need to lightly click on a specific file while viewing the grid of photo thumbnails. In the same way, the technology works on other software.

Among other things, 3D Touch in iPhone versions 6S and 6S Plus has been supplemented new opportunity tactile feedback. Now the device responds to any touch of the user not only by executing commands on the screen, but also through a response from Taptic Engine. The latter is a special vibration motor. This technology implies that the user will be exactly sure of the result of each of his actions. This is ensured by the fact that the reaction force corresponds to the power of pressing the screen.

Performance and cameras "sixes"

iPhones of the 6S line operate on the basis of the A9 processor in 64 bits. The company claims that compared to the previous model, their performance has been increased by 70% (in terms of computing tasks), and almost 2 times in terms of graphics. Recall that the A8 chip was installed in the usual “six”. In addition, a co-processor was added to the Model S, greatly increasing system performance. According to Apple developers, the new processor is quite comparable to those installed on PCs or laptops.

The main cameras of the new devices come with a resolution of 12 MP. But the pixel size, compared to the model - the closest predecessor - has been reduced. Thanks to the latest innovation, the picture has become even clearer. Phones can now shoot videos in 4K resolution. However, in order to later view them properly, evaluating all the possibilities of the image, you will need to purchase a 4K TV.

An important feature of the “sixes” S is the presence of the Live Photos function. When it is activated at the time of taking a photo frame, the system makes a short video that captures frames a few seconds before and after the shutter is pressed. When such a picture is subsequently viewed, clicking on it opens a mini-movie instead of a regular frame, and the picture seems to become “alive”.

Apple also took care of selfie lovers. The manufacturer in the “sixes” S made the front camera with a resolution of 5 MP. And now the display backlight acts as a flash, which lights up with a white bright light for a fraction of a second.

In conclusion, we recall that iPhones of this line went on sale in September 2015. And already before the beginning of 2016, they began to be sold in all countries.

The long-awaited Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have become revolutionary models in the line of "apple" phones. For iPhone 6, the dimensions of the display diagonal have finally changed in big side which has not happened since 2012. Despite the fact that the creators of the smartphone experimented with plastic case even in previous versions, which, fortunately, was later abandoned, innovations for the “sixes” turned out to be more than successful.

For the iPhone 6, the classic diagonal parameters have been increased from 4 to 4.7 inches. So what size is the iPhone 6 Plus? Now its screen reaches 5.5 inches, which makes it a full-fledged phablet version.

phablet- incredibly trendy class mobile phones, which combines gadgets with screen sizes from 5 to 7 inches. Sales statistics indicate a huge increase in the popularity of devices of this format, therefore iPhone creators 6 plus sizes the new device was customized to the needs of users, which was undoubtedly a huge success. The word "phablet" came from a merger English words phone and tablet, which means that the device implies not only a large screen, but also powerful battery increased capacity.

Innovations in the iPhone 6 Series

Why Apple company so long delayed the release of phones larger than the usual 4 inches? The whole point was that the head of the corporation famous businessman Steve Jobs was deeply convinced that this marketing ploy would be a failure, and no one would buy huge gadgets, since they are extremely ergonomic and inconvenient to use. everyday use. And he was wrong because size iPhone screen 6 Helped Capture Nearly 40% of the Big Phone Market. Gadgets are especially popular at home in the United States and in Asian countries.

Comparison of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

It is worth noting that the "sixes" differ from their predecessors not only in size, but also in design. Manufacturers abandoned the straight edges of the case and replaced them with rounded ones, which caused a lot of controversy among buyers.

The color scheme of the body for the models is made in the usual colors, such as classic silver, beloved by all gold and color "space gray".

But how do phones differ from each other? There are several important differences.

Size. Of course, the first and main difference between the two models is the difference in weight and size of the displays. The iPhone 6 has a 0.8-inch smaller screen size than the plus version, which boasts the same inch screen size as Samsung and Sony's flagships. The size of the iPhone 6 and 6s in centimeters is 13.8 cm in length and 6.7 cm in width. The parameters of the 6 Plus version are significantly larger: 15.8 and 7.8 cm, respectively.

Display. The resolution of the "plus" model pleasantly pleases with numbers - 1920x1080 pixels. For a smaller brother, the resolution is 1334x750 pixels. Interestingly, the number of pixels per inch in lines 6 and 5 is the same and equals 326 ppi.

CPU. Both gadgets have same processor A8 and 64-bit architecture. Dual 1.4GHz cores provide the speed and power of phones, convenient use even the most complex applications, comfort in the work of multimedia and documents. By the way, the RAM remained at 1 GB, the same as in previous models, but in version 6s it was increased to 2 GB, which significantly improved the functionality of the device.

Camera. Here the "sixes" are also almost identical. Both devices are equipped with a new 8-megapixel camera with a five-lens aperture lens and a face recognition system. The 6 Plus has an additional built-in function optical stabilization Images. There are no differences in video recording. Models support shooting in HD quality with a resolution of 1080p and graphic stabilization. Front-camera each model has 1.2 megapixels and burst capability.

Battery. Both phones work long enough without recharging, but, nevertheless, the battery is the second significant distinguishing feature of the sixth version. For lovers of long conversations and active use, 6 Plus is more suitable, since it significantly exceeds version 6 in terms of power. In player mode, the device works for 80 hours, while version 6 is only 50 hours. In comparison, the talk time is the same: 24 and 14 hours, respectively. Standby time is 384 and 250 hours.

Such a noticeable difference in power is due to the fact that the semi-tablet 6 plus opens up more opportunities for working with multimedia applications and largely replaces its users with a tablet.

Memory capacity and price. Both versions of the phone come in three configurations - 16GB, 64GB and 128GB. The significant price difference can be observed not so much between the 6 and 6 plus models, but between the higher capacity options.

Both versions of the sixth smartphone model have almost the same specifications and differ mainly only in the size and capacity of the battery, so when choosing a gadget, you should first of all focus on personal preferences and needs. iPhone 6 display will appeal to lovers of classic compact phones which are convenient to carry in pockets and use with one hand. The 6 Plus version is more convenient for working with photo and video files, it is convenient to use it to take pictures that come out brighter and clearer.

Although, in the end, it doesn’t matter what size the iPhone 6 screen is and how many centimeters the iPhone 6 has in length, if the quality of the gadget allows you to enjoy every minute of its use.

Difference between iPhone 7 and iPhone 6

The new iPhone 7 has an almost identical design compared to previous version. But still by external characteristics there are some differences between these models. The dimensions of the iPhone 6 and 7 differ by a few millimeters:

In addition, the "seven" promises its users to almost double the speed of the phone compared to the sixth "apple". The display quality and camera visibility are also significantly improved, and battery consumption is significantly lower due to new energy-saving technologies.

With the release of new iPhone models - 6 and 6 Plus, finally - Apple offered users the long-awaited "grown up" displays. Most competing gadgets have long acquired phablet versions with large screens. The prolonged and stubborn ignorance by Apple marketers of the 5.5-inch phone market was largely due to the protest of the company's ideological inspirer, Steve Jobs. He was convinced that huge smartphones uncomfortable in every sense, look ridiculous - brought to the ear, and no one will buy them.

In practice, it turned out that everything is quite the opposite. In the first half of sales alone, the 6 Plus helped the company capture 40% of the phablet market. In fact, he quickly gained magic popularity, especially in his native America, as well as in Asian countries. Comparison of sales levels of past models with new ones showed an incredible increase in sales.

But it is clear that not everyone likes such dimensions, so Apple, far-sightedly, released a more familiar alternative - a 4.7 ″ smartphone, with as close as possible to the unchanged branded four inches. In his segment, he also won a lot of admirers.

Parameters of "sixes"

What are the dimensions of Apple's current flagships? The length of the iPhone 6, with a diagonal of 4.7 inches, is -13.81 cm, the width is 6.7 cm. - 7.78 cm.

Particularly stands out the reduced thickness of the iPhone 6 - 6.9 mm and 7.1 mm, respectively. However, many critics said that it would be better if the “six” was made thicker, but they would have equipped it with a more powerful battery, at least equivalent to the battery in the 6 Plus.

Due to the exceptional slipperiness of the glass-steel surfaces of the models, as well as the large size of the case, it does not hurt to buy protective case. So you can save them from damage, and improve the grip, and add a little personal to the standard design of the communicator.

How to decide?

Thinking about buying a tablet? We recommend holding an iPhone 6 Plus in your hands first. Maybe you don't even need to buy additional device. Why, if the phone is enough for the vast majority of operations? The diagonal of its display is not much inferior classic tablets, but in terms of stability and functionality, it does not lose at all.

It’s just that the “six” is suitable for a lover of gadgets of traditional sizes, they are convenient to operate with one hand, and can be carried in jeans pockets.

Although many girls with a miniature brush noted that they quickly got used to the dimensions of 6 Plus. This iPhone will be a godsend for journalists or bloggers. It’s more convenient to shoot on it, photos always come out clear – due to optical stabilization, and it’s more pleasant to watch video files. A proven fact, even those users who do not like large devices noted that after holding 6 plus in their hands, they no longer want to return to the compact version. This is a completely different quality of perception of the material.

Surfing the menu, reading notes on the Internet is convenient both from the screen of the iPhone 6 and from the 6 Plus. Although, of course, from the last video, games and just photos look much more spectacular and realistic. Still, in this sense, a comparison of the parameters shows well the differences between the two models, and the dimensions of “6 plus” are undoubtedly more advantageous.

On the other hand, when worn every day, the "plus" version is too bulky, it does not fit in a regular pocket. It is almost impossible to use it with one hand, of course, the function of bringing the top of the screen closer to the fingers is Reachability, which simplifies operation, but is not a panacea. So there have been cases when, after vilifying the 6 Plus for a while, the user ended up choosing a more compact iPhone 6. this case How many people, so many opinions.

Competitors of the "sixes"

What alternative does the super popular have? Apple flagships? If you choose based on the size of the case, then worthy competitor iPhone 6, which was released a little earlier, GALAXY Alpha from Samsung, with the same diagonal - 4.7 inches.

It has a solid case with metal inserts, the dimensions of which are 13.2 × 6.5 × 0.67 cm. In terms of “stuffing”, iPhones are traditionally inferior to Koreans. So, Alpha has a more powerful processor - 8 Exynos 5 cores, versus 2 A8 cores - an iPhone. RAM in the Alpha is 2 GB, in the iPhone 6 - one gigabyte. Built-in memory in the first - 32 GB, in the second - 16, 64 or 128 gigabytes to choose from. Both models do not have slots for external cards memory. The camera of the “Korean” is 12 megapixels, the “American” has only 8. The battery capacities are comparable to 1860 mAh and 1810 mAh, respectively.

Worthy of attention is the Xperia Z3 Compact from Sony, with a diagonal of 4.6 inches and dimensions of 12.7 × 6.49 × 0.86 cm. The Z3 Compact is endowed with rugged body made of metal and glass, however, it is much thicker than the "six". This can be seen even in the photo, and it looks much more massive.

But Z3 is waterproof, so you can forgive him some heftiness. In addition, it is equipped with a fast 4-core processor, and has a decent camera with a resolution of 20.6 megapixels.

However, despite the quantitative superiority of the hardware parameters, Alpha and Z3 are still inferior to the iPhone in terms of stability. Say what you like, but this is Apple's "horse", and with much more modest characteristics, in comparative iPhone tests occupy top positions.

Among the main competitors iPhone 6 Plus we can highlight the 5.5-inch G3 from LG, it has a modern stylish design, high-quality contrast screen, works quickly and for a long time. Its parameters: 14.65 × 72 × 7.3 cm

The 13 MP camera allows you to high quality photos, and a 3000 mAh battery can withstand any load.

Good and 5.2-inch version from Sony - Xperia Z3, dust and water resistant. Her measurements: 14.65 × 7.2 × 0.73 cm. She has excellent camera at 20 MP, 4 nuclear processor, along with 3 gigabytes of RAM.

But again, the undoubted technical superiority of competing gadgets cannot be compared with the convenience of the interface of new iPhones. None of the competitors provides a decent level of security and protection of all user data (Touch ID alone is worth something). And the vaunted Apple app store, with an incredible amount of content for every taste? Nobody has anything like it yet. Customer satisfaction and skillful marketing is the main credo of Cupertinians.

Summing up what has been said, we note that the iPhone 6 will suit the vast majority of users, due to its familiar and convenient size for everyday use. The "plus" model is simply necessary for advanced, active users and gamers. He will be able to please them with excellent graphics, performance and battery life. And all this on a large and bright display - beauty! So there is no need to carry a tablet with you.

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