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The location of friends in VKontakte value. Possible VKontakte friends

Probably many of us have noticed the VKontakte tab "Potential Friends", but not everyone knows what it is for and how it works. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Let's take a look at what the tab looks like "Potential Friends", perhaps someone did not notice her.

And how many of those who know about it have guessed how this function works, and by what principle it defines people with whom we may be familiar? Everything is very simple. Let's open this section and study it in more detail. Having done this, you will notice that most of the people who are there are those with whom we communicated, but did not add as friends, or we have mutual friends with them. Now it's a little clearer how this function works, but that's not all.

First, this list is formed based on the people with whom you have mutual friends. Further, this is a whole chain. Those users who have the same city as yours, the same job and other factors are searched for. That is, it is a clever algorithm that constantly updates your list of possible friends. Let's say you added someone as a friend and immediately, from the list of his friends, there will be those who have common friends with you, and they will be offered to you as your possible acquaintances. Here is the whole principle of the section. "Potential Friends".

Of course, it is impossible to obtain accurate and reliable information. Only the developers of the VKontakte website know this. It can be assumed that VK collects anonymized data that is tied to an identifier, or buys it from other networks. But this is only a guess and do not be afraid, your personal data is not collected.


We hope you now understand how this function works. With the help of it, you will find your old acquaintances or even get to know people from your city, educational institution.

Most of the users of the social network have repeatedly asked the question: "How is the list of friends in VKontakte formed?" So what does it depend on? From the system? From a user? You will probably be surprised if you find out that both factors influence how the VKontakte friends list is built.

You can find out who is your friend in two ways:

    Go to your page and in the menu to the left of the main photo, select the item "My friends" - it is the second from the top.

    Scroll down the main page and on the left side, right after the gifts, there will be a "Friends" tab.

In any case, choosing one of the items, you will be taken to the same page. In the middle of it there will be a list of friends and several functions for processing their pages. At the very top there is a column for quick search - the name or surname of a friend is entered into it, and on the right is a more advanced search by gender, city and age.

How is the VKontakte friends list formed?

At the very top are those people whose pages you visit most often. Their list is generated automatically and depends only on your active pastime on the accounts of your comrades. Which tabs from the menu on the right you would not open, for example, "phone book", "new friends" - the list is created automatically. The same is the case with the online tab.

How is the list of friends "VKontakte" formed from standard groups?

By default, "VKontakte" has several "lists" in which you can add your friends. They are named:

    Best friends.


  1. Friends at the university.

    School friends.

How the VKontakte friends list is built in this way depends only on you. Any of your friends can be entered in the corresponding column without any obstacles. Information about people on such lists is not checked, for example, anyone can be entered in the column “colleagues”, since the management of the VKontakte network will not confirm or deny this information.

Any user can see the list of friends who are in such groups. You cannot undo or somehow hide one of the standard groups. As for adding friends to such lists, it is very easy to do. It is enough to go to the list of friends and select the item "add to the list" next to any of them in the options. Next, in the pop-up window, mark the necessary group with a tick.

How is the list of friends "VKontakte" formed when using their groups?

Friends "Vkontakte" can also be in individual lists that are created personally by the user. Such groups have any purpose and name. The main feature of such lists is that they are hidden from others and are available only to you. You can create an individual category in the friends menu on the right side. After the standard groups, there is an item "create a list", when you click on it, a pop-up window will appear.

Its menu will be divided into two parts: on the left is a list of your friends, and on the right is the people who will be in the group. First you need to come up with a name, for example, "guys". Then just click on people from the left column and they will move to the right. Now you understand how the VKontakte friends list is formed in this way ?! To fix the positions of friends in it, just click on the "save" button at the bottom of the window.

In order to delete individual categories that are not used and do not contain friends, just go into them and select the "delete list" item at the top. The advantage of friends who are in such groups is that they can be denied or allowed access to the content on your page through the privacy menu in the settings. To do this, go to the settings and select the "privacy" tab, and then edit the features by selecting the item "some lists of friends".

Sometimes the social network Vkontakte incorrectly builds the order of friends on the profile page and because of this it becomes inconvenient to communicate with your friends. So that you can yourself set up a list of important friends, we will analyze how to raise a friend in the VK list to the top, what methods are there for this.

Method number 1 how to raise a friend Vk

This is a long term method. It can take more than 1 day to raise a friend VK to 1 place in this way. You do not have to constantly sit on the social network - just go to your page every hour and go to the profile of the person you want to put on the first place in the Vkontakte friends list.

It is better to go to a person's personal page through the "Friends" tab. Gradually, click by click (provided that you visit his profile more often than the pages of other people), this friend rises to the list of important friends and takes the top position.

Method number 2 how to raise a friend in the Vk friends list

The second method is similar, but requires a little more labor and is faster. You will not only have to go to the profile of the person you want to raise as a friend, but also be active on his page:

  • like his posts;
  • comment on photos and posts;
  • send messages;
  • write on the wall;
  • repost his notes.

Method number 3 how to move a VK friend to the list of important friends

This is the easiest method to change the order of your important friends. To carry it out, you need to take a person from friends, and then add it again. Then it will automatically move to the top. And if this does not happen, it is enough to write a few messages to the person, like the entry and he will go up in the list.

The fact is that Vkontakte works according to the principle that new people and those with whom you most often come into contact become important friends. So if you want your friend to go up and not find out that you did it on purpose, then visit him more often on the page, less often on the pages of other profiles. If you do this together, then remove it from your friends, and then add it again - and the Vk algorithm will work in the direction you need.

Having done these simple manipulations, your eye will be presented with a new window in which the "new list" in our case will be called "Those who can see my album" and we add to this group those friends whom you consider necessary, that is, those who can visit this folder and view this album After all the friends and comrades you need are added to the list, press the save button.

After that, we already see that an inscription appears next to the photo of some of the friends, which was previously "the name of the list". If you did not immediately add the desired comrade to the specified VKontakte list, you just need to subsequently click "add to the list" and uncheck the box in front of the list.

Why sort VKontakte friends

Why do you need such a wonderful function as sorting VKontakte friends into folders? Everything is very simple. People are different and many do not want to remove a person from their VKontakte friends for fear of offending, and at the same time, many do not want some not to have this or that information. Since friendship in social networks and friendship in real life - These are two big differences. Often on VKontakte, people are added to your friends who seem to be acquaintances, but not quite friends and you would not want them to own your personal information. That is why the function of sorting VKontakte friends is a very useful thing.

By clicking on the Friends section in our VK profile, we are used to seeing colleagues, relatives, classmates, friends from the Internet, etc. there. There are tens, hundreds, thousands of them. And the order in which they are located is not always the same. It changes regularly without direct user intervention. And at the top are always those people whose pages you visit and towards whom you are active. They are called important.

Today we will try to figure out how to make this list, try to customize it for ourselves and identify important friends on someone else's page.

There is no clear algorithm for forming a friend list. It all depends on the activity of the user himself and this means different consequences. Factors include the following:

  • correspondence and visiting a friend's page. Those pages that you visit most often and with whom you communicate a lot are in the top places;
  • date of adding to friends. Recently added pages are located above, one is obligatory in the first five;
  • the number of friends adjacent to you;
  • page content activity. Abandoned, long-deleted, empty are often displayed below the rest.

It is impossible to change the location of friends in the friend list according to a clear plan. It will be determined automatically, but with your visits, likes, reposts and correspondence, you are promoting the people you need to the top.

If you want to put a friend on the list of friends, do not perform any actions with his profile for a while, do not write or go to the page.

The only way to organize the right people according to your preference is to create a separate friends list. For this you need:

You can always add a new person there, but you also cannot promote or demote him in the general order. Although there will be no problems with the location, since you can always make a new list in which your selected top people will be.

How to see important friends of a friend

There is no way to see another user's friend list from your page through his eyes. That is, the issue for you will still be different. You won't be able to find out the order for a friend through the interface of the VK website, as well as with the help of third-party programs. Of course, if you hack a person's page, then friends will be displayed in his order, but we will not consider this option.

If you go to a friend's page and open the list of his friends, they will be sorted for you from top to bottom in the following order:

  1. Your profile is first on the list.
  2. People who have mutual friends with you (the more, the higher in the list).
  3. Sort by registration date and page rating.

Mutual friends are included in a separate list. If a friend created his own, you will see him too.

Important friends on the phone

Everything described applies not only to the web version of the VK website for a personal computer, but also to official mobile applications for iPhone, Android.

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