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Promotion of VK groups. How to promote a group in VK: basic tips and tricks

This article will not be entirely ordinary, in it we will tell you about possible ways to promote groups in the popular Russian social resource. Today, every second Seo-blog posts articles on their pages, which tell how you can increase website traffic using social services. At first glance, such a "promotion" may seem elementary, but in reality, everything turns out to be not so simple. As usual, in order for social resources (in in this case the brainchild of Pavel Durov) the site received good traffic, your account should have a lot of friends and, preferably, those who are interested in the topic of your site, or there should be a well-promoted thematic group on your account.

The first option immediately disappears, because collecting a very large number of friends, at the same time, who are interested in the topic of the site and, in addition, active ones (who will make transitions to your site), the task is simply not realistic, so the option of the thematic group remains. It will not be easy to “promote” it to a decent number of participants (the minimum number is up to 10,000 people), although it is quite realistic. Now let's take a closer look.

How to promote a group in a Russian social resource.

In order to get targeted visitors to the group, it must be “promoted” to the top line of the search engine “Vkontakte”. Due to the number of newly joined members, the position of the group in the search engine also increases, respectively, the greater the number of participants in the group, therefore, it will be able to occupy a higher place in the search engine. Now let's look at an example:

On the screenshot, you can see that the places in the first three lines for the request “Films On-line” are occupied by those groups that have a large number of participants. Nevertheless, there is some contradiction in the screenshot: so the last group, whose number of participants is 225,000 people, in theory, should be in the first place in the search results, however, it does not even make it into the top three. And everything is quite simple: the name of the group does not contain the entry of a key phrase such as “On-line films”.

The popular Russian social resource is constantly evolving, constantly adding various filters, thanks to which groups are blocked.

For example, a webmaster who recently created a group often turns to cheaters. In the hope of the possibility of a rapid increase in group members and positions in the search results of a Russian resource, he has to pay a lot of money. Although, as it turns out in practice, the harm from such "promotion" may be more than good. Indeed, over time, more than half of the "wound up" participants can be blocked for their dubious activity. In a group, it might look like this:

An increase in blocked members, over time, can lead to the blocking of the entire group as a whole. The money, therefore, was simply thrown into the wind, the group was blocked and there was absolutely no sense from it now. Therefore, before using the services of such "cheaters", think carefully about the possible consequences. It is quite possible to "promote" a group for free. Although it may take much longer, the group will be really "live" in this case, which is extremely necessary for you.

Thus, we slowly moved on to the opportunity to “promote” groups in the Russian social resource for free.

Ways to promote groups for free in a popular social resource.

There are a lot of possible options for free promotion of groups: from elementary invitations to participants to a viral marketing campaign. Let's analyze each of the methods.

First way: invitation of participants by interests. For example, you have created a group on the topic of network marketing business, and you need people who are interested in this topic.
You need to do the following:

- Go to the "people" tab.
- Choose your age, gender, region.
- Be sure to check the box next to the option “online now”.
- Expand the section "Work" and write down the global network marketing or global network business here.
- Go to the pages of people, add them as friends and send a message to them with a request to join your group.

This message should not take the image of obvious spam, do not send the same message to all users, a Russian social resource may mistake it for spam and “freeze” the page. Only 40 times a day it is possible to send invitation messages and add friends. However, we do not recommend using all 40 invitations, because for suspicious activity the Russian resource will be able to “freeze” the account.

Second way: viral marketing campaign. Organization of all kinds of competitions, marathons, various relay races, promotions and much more. Your goal is to awaken the interest of users in your brand, name or campaign. Taking part in contests, various promotions and relay races, users will more often visit your group, invite their friends to it, and will also remember your name. Winners should definitely be rewarded. Seeing that you always keep all your promises, users will begin to trust you, and your business will be built on trust.

Fifth way:"Cheat". Although we wrote above that “cheating” does not give a positive effect, and can even lead to the blocking of the entire group, nevertheless, this method is also included in our article. If you correctly approach the "cheat", then with its help in the search engine it will be possible to successfully promote your group. As previously noted, the highest places in the search results are occupied by those groups that have a large number of participants, for this they can simply be “cheated”. Now we will explain how to make sure that your group would not be able to turn into “dead”, and its users would not turn into “dogs”.

To “cheat” you need special programs. You can use multifunctional programs to work in the popular Russian social resource “FvCheat”, “Viking Botovod” or “VkBot”. All these programs have demo versions with which you can test the cheat. True, the difference lies in the fact that the demo version spends much longer "cheating" than the full version, so we recommend that you immediately purchase the full version, however, the decision remains only with you.

In this article, all actions will be demonstrated using the example of the “Viking Botovod” program, which can be downloaded from the official website at: After installing the program, launch it and you will be taken to the page with functionality. In the demo version, only the “exchange” tab is available, with the help of which it is possible to “wind up” group members, “Like” tags, various polls, as well as “wind up” views of videos and friends.

In order to be able to start carrying out the "cheat", you will need to do the following:

- Go to the program and click on the "Add page" option.
- Select the "Add account" option from the drop-down list.
- Enter the password and login from your page.
- On the “exchange” tab, check the box next to the “Enable exchange of joins to the group” option.
- Enter the group number. To determine the group number, click on the "magnifying glass" icon, write the group address and click on "determine the number".
- Save all settings.

All the fun starts from this moment. After the “cheat” has started, the number of users who have joined the group will increase every day, but at the same time the number of blocked users will also increase. Your task will be to check the “user status” on a daily basis. To do this, you need to go to the "community management" page in the group, then go to the "members" tab and delete all users who have images of the "dog" instead of a photo. In parallel with this, you continue to “wind up” the group members.

After you have managed to recruit the required number of participants for a specific request, stop “cheating” and view the statistics. If, for several days after they stopped the “cheating”, the participants continue to come, therefore, real users who came from a search engine of a Russian social resource began to join the group. Indeed, as a matter of fact, this is exactly what you tried to achieve.

An important point, after you stop winding up, keep checking the list of participants further. After all, the administrators of a popular social resource block users gradually, so you still have a chance to block the group.

How to promote a group in a Russian social resource using paid methods.

You can quickly "promote" your group to the required number of participants using paid methods. The positive thing is that the group will be replenished not by robots, but by real people. There are a lot of ways for this, but we will tell you only about the most effective ones. Let's analyze each of them.

The second way: "promotion" using the "Advego" service. By registering on this site, create a task with text like:

- Go to the social resource group (by the link to the group) and join it.
- Leave an appropriate comment for any of the entries (comments like "respect author", "super" and the like do not pass).
- Click on the "invite friends" option and invite 40 users to the group.
- To check, send a link to your page, the wording of the comment and a screenshot of the invitees.

The cost for completing such a task will be set - 10-15 cents. And as a result, at minimal cost, it will be possible to get a well-promoted, and most importantly, a “live” group. The content can be edited in accordance with your requirements, it is also possible to add a condition - click the option “I like it and tell my friends”. The effectiveness of such "promotion" will be higher, but the reward will have to be increased by a few cents.

    Hello dear friends and colleagues.

    If you find yourself on this page, most likely you are interested in the promotion of the VKontakte group.

    I have been working on social networks for over 8 years, and all this time I have been constantly experimenting with new and new ways of promotion, advertising and promotion. And now I can say with confidence that for each project, the promotion strategy needs to be supported and built individually. This is due to the fact that you need to consider external and internal factors that interact with your product, service, brand or personality.

    Today there are many ways to promote a group in contact. Most of them are, of course, white methods. But there are also black methods that allow you to promote VKontakte for free and quickly. And of course, the readiness of these methods is getting more attention. Group admins grab these free tools and start to greedily use them. As a result, they lose their group, as well as their personal page. And it's good if this is a temporary measure, and the group or page is returned, but permanent bans and deletions may follow. Therefore, it is important not only to know, but also to understand what you use for your promotion in contact.

    The purpose of creating a VKontakte group

    Initially, I propose to decide for what purpose you need a VKontakte group. There may be several goals, but I have highlighted the main ones:
    1. Sale of goods or provision of services
    2. Promotion of your site, getting traffic to the site
    3. Earnings on your Vkontakte group (advertising)
    4. Bonding with the client (increasing loyalty)
    5. Hobbies and pleasure

    As I said above, promotion methods are selected individually if you want to get the maximum effect from advertising. And now I will list the main ways to promote a VKontakte group.

    Ways to promote a VKontakte group

    1. Invite friends to the group from your personal account. By clicking the button on the right under the avatar "Invite to the group".
    2. Sending private messages to friends and friends of friends with a request to join your group. It is very good if you write only to those who are interested in the topic of your group. This way you will avoid blocking your account. people will think that you are sending spam. How to avoid this, I will tell you in the following articles.
    3. Filling with unique content using tags.
    4. Conducting promotions, surveys and contests with valuable prizes.
    5. Sending invitations to communities on your topic in manual mode.
    6. Sending invitations to regional communities by targeting (for example, gender, age, city).
    7. Sending invitations to communities using programs (automatic promotion).
    8. Using their sites. Community widget hosting, social buttons, comments widget.
    9. "Purchase" of participants in a group through special Internet services (sites for earnings, where people complete the task and receive a reward for it). Such people are called "offers".
    10. Placement of contextual advertising in the search engines Yandex and Google or targeted advertising in the social network VKontakte itself. This type of promotion is paid. You pay for the clicks or impressions of your ads.
    11. Buying or creating accounts for the purpose of joining their group.
    12. Mutual PR with other community administrators, on your topic, exchange of posts (reposts).
    13. E-mail distribution of e-mails to your subscription base.
    14. Purchase of advertisements in already promoted groups and publics on VKontakte. You are placing your sponsored post.
    15. Promotion by comments on thematic sites, portals, forms, VKontakte group.
    16. Promotion of communities through the purchase of eternal links and the method of article promotion. Building up the link mass. Promotion of the group to the top of Yandex and Google search engines.
    17. Services of SMM-agencies and freelancers for the promotion and promotion of communities.
    18. Advertising on third-party sites - thematic forums. Banner advertising.
    19. Promotion of groups and publics through video hosting Youtube. Video is trending in 2014-2015.
    20. Bonus. Pumping bots. Cheat subscribers to the group. The most popular method for promoting VKontakte.

    By the way, if you are interested in a step-by-step algorithm for promoting on VKontakte from A to Z, then you can purchase it.

    In the next articles I will talk in more detail about some of the above methods. You can write in the comments below what interests you more. I will tell you the pros and cons that I have identified on personal experience. Of course, for maximum effect, you need to use several methods of promoting a VKontakte group at the same time.

    Thank you, I hope you found this article helpful. I will try to write more often to my personal blog. You can also find me on YouTube, the video of this article is below.

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In this article, I continue to cover the topic of social media. Not so long ago I talked about publics, how they differ from groups and how they can be created. In today's issue I will try to help you figure out how to promote a group in VK with your own efforts. Well, and, of course, I will not forget to reveal the topic of paid development of VKontakte communities.

Why promote a VKontakte group at all?

The promotion of a Vkontakte group implies a set of a large target audience that will be active (like, repost, write comments). If there are many subscribers and their actions: tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, then the owner of the public will be able to start monetizing and earn good money.

So, how can you monetize:

  • The main way to make money on your own VKontakte group is to publish posts with ads;
  • A less effective way to advertise is by placing links in the right pane of the community;
  • Mediation in the organization of various events. VKontakte has built-in tools for attracting people to various events in real life through advertising in groups;
  • Partnership programs. Selling someone else's goods. They come to your group, see the link, follow it and make a purchase. A set percentage is transferred from each single sale;

To be able to receive such advertising offers, you should start by recruiting subscribers. The main thing is not to engage in cheating participants, comments, etc.

There are two options to attract an audience: the first option is with money, and the second involves all kinds of free ways.

Do not forget to design the community with high quality. Attractive appearance plays an important role in the development of many projects. Make or order easy navigation so that users will enjoy spending more time within the walls of the community.

How to promote a group in VK with your own efforts and completely free

Developing a group in contact is similar to promoting a website, only with communities it is much easier. But this does not mean that it will be easy. You can advance quickly enough if you have a clear plan and money in service.

For a beginner, I advise you to start recruiting subscribers without investment. It will take some knowledge, a lot of time and patience.

What to focus on when creating a group?

First of all, it is important to understand what kind of audience are you targeting? This is necessary in order to sell your goods or services with high efficiency in the future. As it became clear, the promotion should not be so "the main thing is more", but so "we need to find our audience." That is, there should be high-quality traffic, consisting of potential customers.

Who are these members that you read about all the time? These can be people who are united by interests: copywriters, collectors, fishermen, entrepreneurs.

1.send invitations

Of course, you won't be able to collect exclusively interested users, but you can try. To do this, find thematic communities or use the usual Vkontakte search and send invitations to join your public in private messages. Select potentially interested parties. Do not try to spam and send an invitation to everyone! Define your audience by age, interest ...

You can invite your friends through special tools in the group. Do not forget about the possibility of burnout due to the struggle of network moderators with spammers. For a long time you will not be able to do such a thing.

2.advertising in other groups

You can contact the officials of other communities and agree to publish your post free of charge in their feed or post a link in the right panel. Of course, popular publishers will not even answer you, since they advertise something, exclusively for money, this is their earnings.

The developing publics (1000-5000 members), which are open for interaction with other communities, will be contacted. Some will be genuinely interested in your content, others will want to exchange ads, which is quite possible.

3. contests

Perhaps the competition is not a free way to promote, but I enroll it in the ranks of budget methods of group development, since the approach here is mostly not monetary, but creative.

If someone asks you how to promote a group in VK, then the answer will be very original and correct: hold a competition!

In the terms of your competition, write down: to take part, subscribe to our community and repost this entry. The winners will receive prizes, and in that spirit.

Such contests, if carried out correctly, give very good results. You will be able to gain the first thousand subscribers, and even more in the future.

In order to understand how such contests work, look at the different communities that periodically do this.

4.Working with forums

On thematic forums and sites, unobtrusively post a link to the community. There's a possibility. that the links will not work, but you can still try. optimization

As mentioned above, publics are similar to full-fledged websites. Based on this, it can be argued that it works in VKontakte groups. This is why you should work to optimize your community feed content. This is required in order to increase the position in the SERP of the social network. You should place emphasis on the titles of posts, their descriptions, as well as on the musical compositions posted in the feed.

Search engines Yandex and Google actively index many VK pages. Therefore, there is an opportunity to attract those who are looking for information in search engines. In general, take SEO optimization seriously. This is one of the most effective ways to promote your group in contact.

What is required for this?

First, form the semantic core. This is a set of phrases, keywords for which you want to be in the first lines of search results. Then use the collected keywords.

Let's say you are selling sneakers in Volgograd. In our case, we select the query "buy sneakers in Volgograd". It is desirable that the request is mid-range. If novice site owners are advised to use low-frequency queries, then in our case it is better to work with medium-frequency ones.

You put the main, basic phrase in the name of the group. In the description, "description" write the second key, and set the third key request in the status.

Having competently worked through all these points, you can be in the top of search and social results.

The advantage is that Vkontakte is a very popular resource that has proven itself in search engines. Its credibility helps promote optimized publics. As a result, the promotion of the group on VK will not be long in coming.

Promotion of a group on VKontakte for money

Paid ways to promote a group on VKontakte may become necessary at any time. It happens that a person promotes his group for free and eventually realizes that he is standing still or advancing extremely slowly. We have already spoken about contests and advertising in other unpopular communities. So we do not take into account these ways of development. But it is worth noting that the mentioned promotion methods are very effective.

group purchase

The easiest way to have a group of followers is to buy a growing community. A regular group with up to 10 thousand subscribers will cost several thousand rubles. If you want to change the theme and customize the public for yourself, then you should think it over carefully. Perhaps the audience will quickly unsubscribe if they see something new that does not suit their taste. The best option is to buy a group of relevant topics.

VK will be engaged in promotion

Anyone who is used to working on a machine does not want to invest his soul in projects. Such guys can take advantage of the automatic group promotion. You pay money to VKontakte employees, and they, in turn, promote your community. You create and publish posts yourself, and VK will advertise you. Below the left menu bar there is a button "Advertising", details can be found there. Under the avatar in your group, open the drop-down menu and click "Community Advertising".

How to advertise on VK? Where are the ads placed?

The first thing you need to do is go to the ad page. Next, click "Create ad". Now let's get started!

The "New listing" page opens. You need to choose one of six options.

Select "Community" and write down its name.

Let's move on to the design.

Setting up the target audience.

Setting the price and location.

It is advisable to make a high-quality image at the very beginning so that it is conspicuous, but do not overdo it.

What do you pay for and how much?

YOU pay for impressions or clicks. Vkontakte has a huge audience, so it does not take money for the time it takes to advertise. Money is withdrawn for every 1000 impressions, that is, if someone visits the page and your ad is posted there, then this is one impression. As for the clicks, a certain amount is withdrawn for each click. When creating an ad, VK will offer you a recommended price. To avoid spending too much of your funds, you can set a budget cap. As soon as the money runs out

The Vkontakte group is a great way to tell about your work, promote your brand, find like-minded people, make money and get new ideas for an existing business. In this article you will find a simple algorithm for promoting a VK group.

Step 1. Determine the purpose of the group and its type. Before proceeding to the promotion of the group, it is important to determine for what purpose you are creating it, and also that it will be a public page or is it a group?

If you want to make money selling sponsored posts, go for commercial themes. For example, topics such as beauty and health, food, psychology, construction and renovation are very popular with advertisers. In this case, it is better to choose a group by type, since you will have to invite a large number of people.

Step 4. We draw up a content plan for the month. Content is the heart of your community. The more interesting and varied it is, the more people will want to tell you about your community. In order for the viral effect to be not long in coming, write a variety of posts. For example, 50% of posts can be made informative and useful, 20% can be allocated for entertainment videos and funny gifs, 20% - cases and interesting stories about your company or brand, 10% can be allocated for advertising and contests.

Once you have completed all the steps, you can bring the group out and start promoting it.

How to promote a Vkontakte group yourself

Today there are many different methods of self-promotion of the Vkontakte group. They differ not only in cost, but also in terms of time. Any community owner, first of all, asks himself the question of how to spend the minimum amount of funds on promotion and, at the same time, get the maximum result.

What methods can achieve this effect?

3. Unique posts and hashtags. Systematic publications of interesting and useful articles will bring a lot of interested users to your Vkontakte group. Make 5 to 10 posts daily. Use the delayed posting option to save your time. When creating content, it is desirable that at least 5-7 articles are unique. The rest you can take from other groups. Or, using the service, set up automatic content generation for your community.

For a small fee, the service will provide you with useful content at a pre-scheduled time. Also, don't forget to make hashtags. With their help, people will find you much faster.

4. Creation of goods and services. If you are promoting your business, be sure to use the "Products" feature in the setup. This will not only generate more interest in the community, but you will also be able to see other people's opinions about your products.

5. Discussions and discussions. Activity in a group is the basis of its existence. No one is interested in visiting a community where there is no live communication. Create interesting discussions, polls, run various contests and ask questions under posts.

These methods will help you to promote the group gradually, but with high quality. Using them, you do not have to worry about the community being suddenly blocked or many people unsubscribed from it at once.

How to quickly promote a Vkontakte group.

To quickly promote the Vkontakte group, paid methods will help to do this with high quality. For example, ordering advertising in large communities with a population of 300-500 thousand people.

The resource will help you to find such public pages and choose the most suitable ones for your topic.

Here, statistics, the growth of each of the groups and its coverage are shown in an open form. You can easily contact the administrator of a suitable community and order a post. Also, an effective method of fast promotion is the creation of targeted advertising in VK, advertising in Yandex Direct and Google Ads. Of course, there are free ways to quickly promote a Vkontakte group, however, they can only bring a temporary effect.

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Because literate promotion of the VKontakte group can bring its owner an impressive permanent Income. To monetize a society or a public page, the following options can be applied:

  • The most popular fetch method is publishing paid posts with advertising;
  • Placement of links to other societies in the panel on the right;
  • Mediation in the organization of various events. VKontakte has integrated recruitment tools people to different actions in real life through advertising in groups;
  • Publication as a logo of a society of a certain brand;
  • Mediation in the sale of products. For everyone human who followed the marketing link and did purchase, the owner of the group receives a certain percentage of the price.

The effectiveness of the above methods directly depends on the number of users who joined. Lure people in a group can be different methods, which can be divided into two more groups: paid and free. I also advise you to think thoughtfully about the design of your own group and work out well the menu of the VK group in order to create comfortable navigation and presentable for eyes reader's page. Otherwise, a clumsy society will alienate future customers.

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