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Does linkedin work? Other experts believe that after the lockdown, in general, nothing will change

The resource contains both profiles of business representatives (more than 150 areas) and pages of specialists. LinkedIn is translated into 24 languages, including Russian.

In 2016, the LinkedIn project was acquired by a corporation. In the same year, the site was blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation by decision of Roskomnadzor. The reason for the blocking was not the transition of the social network under the control of the largest IT company, but a site check Russian authorities.

As stated in Roskomnadzor, as a result of the analysis of LinkedIn activities, attempts were identified to process personal data of users without their consent.

The Russian side demanded that the developers store information about Russian citizens exclusively on the territory of the country.

To do this, it was necessary to create separate server rooms and transfer them to the Russian Federation.

Representatives of LinkedIn refused such a condition and after a few days access to the resource was limited.

Among all CIS countries, LinkedIn is blocked only in Russia, but users continue to use the resource.

Despite all the warnings from the authorities, many consider the blocking unfounded.

In fact, LinkedIn has never been involved in situations of identity theft or unauthorized processing.

The reasons for blocking are rather ambiguous. The laws of the Russian Federation that regulate the activities of such sites are sharply criticized by all representatives of the global IT industry.

This suggests that you can continue to use the resource without any problems, bypassing the ban. It does not threaten your personal data in any way.

Note, ordinary users have the right to use prohibited sites, even if they were closed on the territory of the Russian Federation. Sanctions apply exclusively to developers. You will not be held liable for dealing withLinkedIn. There are some very simple and effective ways how to bypass blockingLinkedInand access the site without any problems.

Bypass blocking from a computer

Over the past few years, the number of ways to restore access to sites has increased several times.

A lot of new software is constantly appearing on the Internet, which not only opens access to prohibited resources, but also maintains absolute anonymity on the network.

This means no one can track your exact location during a session with the site.

All options for bypassing blocking are related to the principle of operation - a virtual private network that changes the IP address of your device.

In simple words, when you go to a prohibited site, you will be identified by the provider not as a user from Russia, but, for example, from the USA. Access to the resource will be allowed.

Work exampleVPN:

for computers and mobile devices there is a lot of useful software for enable VPN.

If you often use LinkedIn on your computer, we recommend using one of the programs described below.

There are 2 types of software in total:

  • For browser;
  • Desktop

Anonymizers for the browser

Browser blocking bypass tools work only in this program. With your VPN-enabled browser, you can access any wetland resource.

But if you decide to download the LinkedIn desktop client, it will not work with such a program.

You will need to install a program to change in any program on your computer.

The program you need depends on the browser you are using. Also, many browsers have a built-in VPN launcher.

This feature is best implemented in .

If you need to launch a swampy site, you simply click on one button to the left of the address bar. It changes your current IP address.

Other browsers with a built-in unblock feature: Free U , Yandex , TOR .

If you use other browsers, you can simply download the VPN utility from the plugin store.

Best Universal and Free Extensions for Chrome , Firefox , , , MS edge and any other browser:

  • - set up protected web browsing with a single click in the browser menu. AT free version more than 10 countries are available to users. There are no restrictions on traffic or time of using the plugin;

  • is an unlimited VPN. The plugin can be easily found in any extension store. 100% secure connection to the resource;

A huge number of useful sites have been blocked over the past two years, and in the case of LinkedIn, it is difficult to come to terms with this. After all, the site's network covers more than five million citizens of Russia. Since November 2016, LinkedIn has been included in the register of banned sites. But those people who have years of work left in the network have to bypass the blocking. Let's look at two effective ways.

How to log into Linkedin after blocking - anonymizers

it online services, which give you the IP of another country. Most often, working with them is very simple: you insert a link to the site in a special field and continue working with it right in the anonymizer window. Consider one of the most popular sites for anonymizing your visit: 2IP. Go to this page and follow the instructions:

  • in the URL field, enter the website address, in this case it is,
  • then you have to choose the country whose IP you will hide behind, for example, the USA,
  • note that there will be several variants of the same country in the list, try any one, if it does not work - select the next one,

  • click on the “Open” button. will appear in front of you main page LinkedIn site, and on top there will be an anonymizer panel. On it, you can turn on or off the display of pictures, clear cookies and much more.

Unfortunately, the downsides are English language anonymizer, since many sites for anonymous browsing pages in given time block, there is nothing left to do but use English-speaking ones.

Also, your connection will be somewhat slower than usual, because you are not only loading the linkedin site, but also waiting for the anonymizer to respond.

This is where the disadvantages of this method end. If you need to visit linkedin frequently, then this option not the best, there is a way a little faster. Proceed to the next step.

How to log into Linkedin after blocking – VPN add-ons

These programs need to be downloaded or added to extensions to your browser, there are a lot of them in different assemblies, consider the example “ Free VPN Hola. Hall's add-on has become very popular after the lockdowns, although it has a few more useful features. First, install the extension specifically for your browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera. All links lead to the official website of your add-ons.

  • Install the browser add-on.
  • Make sure the orange add-on icon is enabled.
  • Go to the LinkedIn website.
  • Open the Hola menu by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
  • Select the checkbox for any country you want to view the site from.

  • Wait a few seconds.
  • Access is open.

At your discretion, you can choose any VPN add-on. Just go to your browser add-ons and enter “VPN” in the search bar, then select the more appropriate option.

For other additions, see the video below:

Roskomnadzor started blocking the social network LinkedIn. This is the first time that the activities of a major international resource are suspended in Russia due to a violation of the law “On Personal Data”

On November 17, Roskomnadzor sent a notification to telecom operators about the disconnection of the social network LinkedIn - the site was included in the register of violators of the rights of personal data subjects. During the day, the shutdown was carried out by the largest Internet providers. VimpelCom spokeswoman Anna Aibasheva told RBC that the resource blocking process starts immediately after the address appears in the Roskomnadzor registry. Akado's press secretary Svetlana Belykh explained that the company's blocking process is fully automated. "We have special equipment, which in automatic mode reported to the registry of banned sites, so we are not in manual mode do. When data is entered into the registry, the system immediately blocks the prohibited resource or page,” Belykh explained. “MegaFon has complied with Roskomnadzor’s decision to block the LinkedIn website,” Yulia Dorokhin, head of the company’s press service, told RBC.

The LinkedIn app for mobile devices was also blocked, although it worked on some devices even after providers closed access to the site. As Roskomnadzor representative Vadim Ampelonsky explained to RBC, LinkedIn uses the same network address both for your website and mobile applications, so "blocking will be done automatically". “Although the application can be downloaded further, all traffic from Russia will be limited,” he added.

With particular cynicism

In August, LinkedIn, which operates in most countries of the world, was found to have violated the law “On Personal Data”, which, from September 1, 2015, obliges Russians to store personal data in Russia. The company challenged this decision of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow, but on November 10 the Moscow City Court rejected the appeal. As explained in Roskomnadzor, the department got the right to block LinkedIn immediately after the decision of the Moscow City Court was made, but it is technologically impossible to do it right away.

Now, according to a LinkedIn representative, the company is still counting on a meeting with Roskomnadzor to "discuss the issue of storing personal data." “LinkedIn is committed to creating economic opportunities for workers around the world,” says RBC’s interlocutor. “We are starting to get messages from Russian users who can no longer use their LinkedIn account. Roskomnadzor’s decision to block the service is blocking access to the site for millions of our users and Russian companies that use LinkedIn to grow their business.”

With maximum speed

LinkedIn became the first major social network with hundreds of millions of users to be blocked in Russia due to its refusal to localize user information. At the same time, as Roskomnadzor reported, Twitter and Facebook also do not comply with the requirements Russian law. But, as Vadim Ampelonsky clarified, the lawsuit was filed against the business social network due to repeated reports of large leaks of users' personal data from the resource. In May 2016 alone, information about the accounts of 117 million LinkedIn users was put up for sale on the Internet.

According to PwC Legal's Head of Practice for intellectual property and technologies of Konstantin Bochkarev, LinkedIn has become a touchstone for Roskomnadzor. “This network does not have many users in Russia. In addition, she did not respond to requests from Roskomnadzor in a timely manner, ”he explained. According to the expert, if LinkedIn continues to sue, the network will remain blocked in Russia for at least a few months. Most fast way remove the blocking - report to Roskomnadzor on the beginning of compliance with the requirements of the law. Bochkarev suggests that it will be easy for LinkedIn to transfer data storage Russian users, because there are relatively few of them; and the amount of storage is small, because, for example, video sharing is not widespread on the network.

“What will be the actions of Roskomnadzor in relation to other social networks is difficult to predict. But the department is trying to work with companies during inspections. If they show a clear plan to fulfill the requirements of Roskomnadzor, the service is sympathetic to individual shortcomings, ”said Konstantin Bochkarev.

LinkedIn was founded in 2002 by Reid Hoffman. In the summer of 2011, a Russian-language version appeared in its settings. The network is currently available in 23 languages. In June 2016, Microsoft announced the acquisition of the company for $26.2 billion. According to LinkedIn's own data, the network has more than 433 million registered users from 200 countries, and its capitalization on the New York Stock Exchange exceeds $26.63 billion. 5 million accounts from Russia are registered. According to TNS, in September, the audience of LinkedIn in Russia in cities with a population of more than 700 thousand inhabitants aged 12-64 years was 2.39 million users.

Good afternoon! Dear readers and guests of the blog site, surely many of you have already come across the situation more than once that some previously beloved site stops opening for you, most often these are torrent trackers, but there are also quite harmless resources, for example, It is on him that I could not access from your internet provider. Today I will tell you why linkedin does not open and how to fix it. I think for many people who would like to post their resume, this will be very helpful.

Why is linkedin not opening?

If someone does not know what the resource is, then this

The world's largest network of professional contacts. Over 500 million members. Manage your professional online presence. Create your professional network and collaborate with its members. Get new knowledge, ideas and opportunities

In fact, this is an analogue of our, but on a global scale, where any company can easily find the necessary employee. I wanted to have a profile there for a long time, but when I tried to open the site, I saw an error:

Can't access site

Timed out waiting for a response from the site

Try doing the following:

    • Check your Internet connection.
    • Check your proxy and firewall settings.


I have already seen such an error and told you how this problem is solved on the DNS side, but this case did not fit there, as the traffic was simply blocked until this resource on the provider's side.

After a little googling and finding out why does not open for me, I found out that this social network was entered in the register of unscrupulous sites and all providers were obliged to block it, sadly, but ways to get around this prohibition nobody canceled.

In order to open linkedin from Russia, you can use at least 3 methods, which I will discuss below, but of course there are many more.

  • The first method is to use the onion TOR browser. detailed manual read the link. In a nutshell, this is special browser, which allows you to access the Internet from anywhere in the world, bypassing the prohibition of your provider. It looks like this when you open You are building a chain of three nodes, on the third you go online and get access to the desired resource.

  • The second method to open linkedin is to use Browsec extension or its equivalent. As I described in detail, I advise you to look and install Browsec. Turn it on via the On switch and select desired point release, 4 countries can be used in the free version.

  • The third method, to bypass the ban on opening the site, is to use free or paid Proxy servers for their benefit great amount. They are quietly in search engines. I told you in detail how to register a proxy in the browser, take a look. These are not tricky ways can help you open linkedin from Russia or any other country. Create your resume there and look for the company you need.

What should you do if LinkedIn is blocked in Russia? We share with you simple life hacks that will help you bypass the lock.

Recall that on November 10, the Moscow City Court recognized the decision to block the recruiting site LinkedIn in Russia as legal. Now LinkedIn is negotiating with Roskomnadzor and it is likely that they will come to an agreement in the near future. LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft. And she plans to integrate LinkedIn into her products. Products Microsoft is in demand for Russian market, which means that the company will not benefit from the blocking of LinkedIn, and it may try to expedite the elimination of the causes of blocking by the employees of LinkedIn.

Therefore, let's hope that even if LinkedIn is blocked, then for 1-2 months, and this will not affect the relevance of these candidates. Access to LinkedIn will always be possible to bypass blocking, and our "Magic Button" for importing resumes from work sites and from social networks into FriendWork Recruiter will work.

Therefore, do not worry ahead of time, see our tips.

1. Use the Opera browser

In our opinion, this easiest, safest and universal way open blocked sites in Russia. Built in browser free vpn, you just need to activate it.

  • We go to the browser settings.
  • Check the Enable VPN box in the Security section.
  • AT address bar a button will appear, by clicking which you can configure VPN settings, enable or disable the function, view data usage statistics.

2. Install the Tor browser

Another a simple, safe and universal way to open blocked sites in Russia. In the Tor browser, our "Magic Button" for importing candidates will also work, since the browser is based on Mozilla database Firefox, for which we have an extension.

  • Click Download Tor.
  • We choose Russian.
  • Download and install following the instructions.

3. Install the extension for Chrome - TunnelBear

If you are used to working in Chrome and do not want to use another browser, then you can simply install this extension. TunnelBear is free to use, but limited to 500 Mb of data per month. There are other extensions, but they are inconvenient, paid, and sometimes even unsafe, so we recommend using this one.

  • Click "Install", then "Install extension" again.
  • Register and start using;).

3. Export contacts from LinkedIn

  • Go to your LinkedIn profile. Click on "Network", then select "Contacts on LinkedIn".
  • At the bottom right, under the contact table, click on "Export contacts".
  • Select the format in which the contacts will be exported. Better choose " Microsoft Outlook(CSV file)".
  • We pass a security check and save the document with contacts to our computer.

Ready! Contacts from LinkedIn are now on your computer. Only here there is one point - in the table there will be a problem with displaying contacts whose name, surname or position are written in Russian in the profile. At the time of writing, all Russian words are replaced with unreadable characters.

4. Notifications and messages from you will still be sent to candidates by mail.

Use your preferred bypass LinkedIn blocking and send InMail, regular messages candidates. They will be mailed to them. Moreover, candidates will also be able to respond to you by mail without going to LinkedIn. True, not everyone knows about this, so at the end of the letter it is better to add your contacts for prompt feedback.

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