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Working with additional details 1c 8.3. Setting up additional details and additional item information

Question: Additional props, program appeal.

Good day.

I'm trying to figure out the additional details of the directories.
I figured out how to pull out the necessary data using a query, but something tells me that there is an easier way.
On the form for adding additional requisites in the "For Developers" group, there is a single parameter "Name", which indicates that using this parameter you can programmatically access additional requisites.
So the question is, how is this conversion carried out?

Answer:() Thanks a lot. I'll know.

Question: Additional information about programmatically boo 3.0

how to fill additional details programmatically
for the implementation document, the requisite unloading with type boolean was created in the additional information
how to programmatically write it true


make such a procedure in the general server module and call it where necessary.

Procedure WriteAdditionalProperty(lxDoc, lxPropertyName, lxValue)Export lxProperty = PlansofCharacteristicViews.AdditionalAttributesandDetails.FindBy Name(lxPropertyName); If Not ValueFilled(lxProperty) Then //property not found, exit //try to report if it was called from client mode, //the user will see this message Report("Additional attribute not found: " + lxPropertyName); Return; EndIf; //SetPrivilegedMode(True); //recording the status in the RS (this is the main one) lxSet = RegistersInformation.AdditionalInformation.CreateRecordSet(); lxSet.Selection.Object.Set(lxDoc); lxSet.Selection.Property.Set(lxProperty); lxWrite = lxSet.Add(); lxRecord.Object = lxDoc; lxRecord.Property = lxProperty; lxRecord.Value = lxValue; lxSet.Write(); //SetPrivilegedMode(False); EndProcedure

Greetings dear ones.

I'm sitting, making additions to UT11. For the directory, the nomenclature created its own additional attribute (boolean). To use it, queries become more complex - first you need to find this attribute among others in the table "additional details" of the nomenclature, and only then connect it to the main table of the nomenclature.

If you add the props directly in the configurator, the requests do not become more complicated, just select "Nomenclature. My props". And I output it programmatically once in the form "OnCreateOnServer", which leads to a common module, i.e. one line has been added in the standard form - the update does not become more hemorrhoids because of this.
otherFormWorksServer.AddDocumentStatusToForm(ThisForm.Elements, ThisForm.Elements.Parent of NewElement); Actually the thought, if (in my case) there are a lot of improvements and it’s not worth bathing with additional. details?

Answer: It depends on how often reports and other mechanisms are created that use these details and a convenient selection for them is required somewhere.

Question: Location of additional details on the form

Good day. We have 1C:Enterprise 8.3 ( managed forms mode.
For the "Nomenclature" reference book, the composition of additional details has been changed. On the form of the directory element, these additional details, as far as I understand, are displayed here - GroupAdditionalDetails.

Please tell me how I can place these details in the order and place I need.


Thanks for the feature, I'll take a look at it tomorrow. With regards to the question - everything is the same with the details, but there are too many of them and I want to group them into some logical groups, perhaps even on several pages.

Question: Exchange UT 11.3 -> site on Bitrix, uploading additional details

Hello everyone.
The exchange between UT 11.3 and the site for Bitrix is ​​configured, the nomenclature with additional details (properties) is unloaded. There is one attribute, with the string type of unlimited length, which stores an arbitrary description of the product. So the platform does not allow writing more than 1024 characters into it, this is limited by the plan of types of characteristics. And a large text should be stored in additional props, sooooo necessary, with its subsequent uploading to the site. Do not offer standard props, yes, it allows you to store an unlimited number of characters with subsequent uploading to the site, but it is already used. Advise how to be?

Answer: Or screw an additional register to store this text

Question: Additional props or regular props + extension.

Let's take new configurations ERP, UT11, etc.
The task is to add your attribute to the directory, you can do this using the standard mechanism for additional details, or you can add your attribute in the configurator and display it on the form with an extension.

Which experience is best? In terms of subsequent updates and the use of this attribute in algorithms / reports.

Answer: Is it necessary only for reports - do extra. props.

Question: Additional details, request

Please help with a request.
in the directory "Acquiring terminals" there is a PM "Additional details", there are two additional details "Use" (boolean) and "End Date" (date)
EkvTerm1, Org "Horns and hooves"
Use: true

EkvTerm2, Org "Horns and hooves"
Use: true
End Date: 06/10/2017

EkvTerm3, Org "Horns and hooves"
End Date: 06/12/2017

We need a query so that it outputs in the following form:
EqTherm1 true
EkvTerm2 true 06/10/2017
those. for each terminal, those that are marked to use, show the date, I have been trying to write a request for three days, but it does not output as it should:
EquTherm1 true 06/10/2017
EkvTerm2 true 06/10/2017

Here is my request:

HOW TO CHOOSE EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Ssylka.BankovskiySchet.Vladelets owner EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Ssylka as a reference choice when EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Svoystvo.Naimenovanie LIKE '%% Use the "THEN END EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Znachenie how to use the PUT tabl1 Spravochnik.EkvayringovyeTerminaly.DopolnitelnyeRekvizity FROM WHERE AS EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity. Reference.DeletionMark = FALSE AND AcquiringTerminalsAdditionalDetails.Property = &PropertyUse; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// SELECT Acquiring TerminalsAdditional Details.Link.Bank Account.Owner AS Owner, AcquiringTerminalsAdditional Details.Link AS Link, SELECT WHEN AcquiringTerminalsAdditional Details .Svoystvo.Naimenovanie LIKE "% date%" THEN END AS EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Znachenie DataPrekrascheniya tabl2 PUT OUT HOW Spravochnik.EkvayringovyeTerminaly.DopolnitelnyeRekvizity EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity WHERE EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Ssylka.PometkaUdaleniya = FALSE AND EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Svoystvo = & SvoystvoData; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// SELECT table1.Owner AS Owner, table1.Link AS Link, table1.Use HOW Use, table2 .EndDate AS TerminationDate FROM table1 AS table1 LEFT JOIN table2 AS table2 BY (table1.Owner = table2.Owner) ORDER BY Owner


1s-nick said:

First, we select terminals that have the "Use" property set to true, and then we take all the rows of the add. table. details.

HOW TO CHOOSE EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Ssylka Ref EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Svoystvo as a property value from EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Znachenie AS AS Spravochnik.EkvayringovyeTerminaly.DopolnitelnyeRekvizity EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity WHERE EkvayringovyeTerminalyDopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Ssylka IN (SELECT FROM DopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Ssylka Spravochnik.EkvayringovyeTerminaly.DopolnitelnyeRekvizity AS DopolnitelnyeRekvizity WHERE DopolnitelnyeRekvizity.Svoystvo = & Soul And AdditionalAttributes.Value = TRUE)

It's just not clear why you need NULL

Home 1C: Integrated Automation 2 New in version

Simplifying the creation of additional details / information

Creation of additional details and additional information is carried out by command AddFrom another set.

The result of executing this command is to open a form for selecting an additional attribute/information, the use of which allows you to select an additional attribute/information for its further addition to the set.

The transition to the form for selecting the option of adding additional details/information is carried out by clicking the button Further.

Various options for adding additional details and information are supported (the option is selected in the form Adding additional details/information).

  • copying a common attribute included in several sets (types of nomenclature), and all its values ​​- option Make a copy of props,
  • copying attributes according to the sample (with a common list of values) - option Make a copy of the attribute according to the sample (with a common list of values). The list of values ​​for this attribute will be the same for both sets. This option is characterized by convenience, due to which it is ensured that the list of values ​​is centrally configured for several attributes of the same type at once. It is possible to correct the name of the attribute and its properties. Changing the values ​​of an additional attribute is carried out by hyperlink List of values ​​shared with props on the form of additional props,
  • adding a common prop to a set - option Share props and add to set. This option is suitable for those cases when the props must be the same for both sets. In this case, it will be possible to select data of different types by it in lists and reports.

Creating and adding additional information for item types, characteristics and series is similar to creating/adding additional details.

Using additional details and information in BP 3.0

Additional details and information (hereinafter referred to as DRS) is a mechanism that allows you to expand its functionality without changing the configuration. Writing this note was prompted by an order to print TTN and Certificates A and B with the preservation of details, with the aim of their further use in declarations for alcoholic products, and simply in order to re-look at additional information on the implementation. They use the basic BP 3.0 - you can’t change the configuration accordingly, but DRS is quite enough for this task.

For BP 2.0, in principle, I have had a solution for a long time - I also use additional details, where data on the car, driver, carrier, etc. is stored. The scheme has been worked out - when printing, additional details are recorded (during the first printing, not created ones are created), at the subsequent printing, the details of the form are filled with the saved values. I use the same data when filling out alcohol declarations. I began to do it on UV in BP 3.0 ( and saw that the mechanism for using DRS has changed significantly, and IMHO for the better:

  1. The objects "serving" DRS have changed:

BP 2.0

BP 3.0

Reference ValuesPropertiesObjects

Plan of types of characteristics AssignmentsPropertiesCategoriesObjects

Characteristic types plan


Information register ValuesPropertiesObjects

Directory Sets of Additional Details and Information

Plan of types of characteristics Additional DetailsInformation

Information register Additional Information

  1. In 2.0, the name "Additional details" does not quite accurately reflect the essence of the purpose of this data - after all, this is exactly "additional information", and they are stored in configuration objects that are different from the object of this information itself. In 3.0, you can specify both the information stored in the "Additional Information" register, and exactly the details stored in the tabular part of the "Additional Details" directories (in UT 11 documents now have a similar tabular part), and these details have become available in the form of a directory element , rather than being called by a button in a separate window.

As you can see, there are fewer DRS objects, and it seems to me more convenient to work with them. A significant difference is the storage of the list of configuration objects for which it is possible to store the DRS, not in terms of the types of characteristics "Assignment of Properties of Categories of Objects", but in the "Sets of Additional Details and Information" reference book, which has two tabular parts:

  • - Additional Details - contains a list of details available in the form of a reference for reading / writing and a flag for their mandatory filling. these details are stored in the tabular part of the directory;
  • - Additional Information - a list of information stored in the "Additional Information" register and available by an additional button.

For documents, only a selection of additional information is currently available:

For directories, you can set both information and additional details:

Moreover, additional details of the directory are edited in the form of an element:

The details registered for the directory are displayed on the element form, but additional details in the tabular section appear only if they are filled in.

The composition of objects with DRS has also changed:

  • - BP 2.0 is 15 directories and a list of all configuration documents in one characteristic,
  • - BP 3.0 directories became 18, and 110 documents (did not check all these documents or not), for each of which additional information is set in a separate predefined element of the directory "Sets of Additional Details and Information".

For additional attributes with the "Object property value" type, you can specify an arbitrary list for selection - in fact, an analogue of the reference book (since 2.0 it was the "ObjectPropertyValues" reference book):

The list can be edited.

One more point, from the reference to the PVC "Additional Details and Information" -"All additional details and information about objects can be displayed in reports and lists.". Indeed, now registered ADRs can be used not only for data storage purposes, but also, for example, for selection in a document list, etc.

List of RTiU without selection:

Recorded additional information for the document:

Setting up the selection of the list of RT&U by additional information:

List of RTiU with established selection for an unfilled driver:

It seems to be trifles, but it’s nice……….

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