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Working window ms excel. MS Excel window

Parameter name Meaning
Topic of the article: Description of the Excel working window
Category (thematic category) Maths

Basic information

Excel spreadsheet

Section 6


1) Primary - consists in preventing the amount of a narcotic substance. Form and means: lectures, talks, anti-drug propaganda through the media

2) Secondary - helping people who abuse drugs (publication of brochures on ways to overcome obscendental disorders) and ending with treatment and rehabilitation

a) Early detection and treatment of drug addicts

b) Prevention of remission breakdowns, anti-retidive therapy. Fighting the progression of the disease into a chronic stage.

3) Tertiary - weakening the most serious consequences of the disease and dangerous behavior for others. Task: complete refusal of the drug addict from the drug. It is carried out by the forces of special drug services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

Excel spreadsheet is an integrated system. It is intended for creating and processing spreadsheets, lists (databases), presenting the results of processing tables and lists in the form of diagrams and graphs of functions, preparing output forms of documents, saving them on disks and printing.

To download the program, start the Windows program and click on the Excel application icon in the Microsoft Office toolbar.

To exit the program, enter the command File, Exit.

In the upper part of the window there is a title bar, which contains the system menu button, the application title and the name of the edited table loaded into the window (at the beginning of the work, the name of the Book-1 table is displayed by default), the buttons for minimizing and expanding the program window. Below are located: menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, data entry line, working window (Fig. 6.1).

Menu bar provides access to all commands in the spreadsheet.

Standard toolbar contains buttons that duplicate the main menu commands. By clicking on the panel button, you can immediately call the desired command. The purpose of the buttons is highlighted when the mouse pointer hovers over the corresponding button.

Format bar allows you to design a worksheet by choosing the type of data, font options͵ for placing content in cells, bordering cells, as well as choosing the font color͵ for lines and background.

Toolbars can be removed or supplemented using the command View , Toolbars . The displayed panels have check boxes. Check the box to display the desired panel on the screen. To remove the panel from the screen, uncheck the box by clicking on the corresponding box with the mouse.

Formula bar has three fields: cell address field, control key field and data input field. In field Cell addresses the address of the current cell or its name is specified. If you click on this field, enter the cell address and press the Enter key, the spreadsheet cursor will move to the specified cell. This technique of moving to the desired cell is usually called direct addressing... V control button field three buttons are displayed: X - cancel editing the input line, P - end editing, “=” - enter the symbol “=”. The named buttons appear when the input line is activated. Field Data entry is intended for displaying the entered information or the contents of the selected cell. It is extremely important to click on the input line to activate it.

Status bar located at the bottom of the working window. The left side of the status bar displays information about the current state of the spreadsheet. The right side displays information about the state of the Caps Lock and NumLock control keys.

Description of the Excel working window - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Description of the working window Excel" 2017, 2018.

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    Purpose and brief characteristics of Microsoft Excel

    Spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel 2003 is one of the best modern software products for creating spreadsheets, which allows you to perform fairly complex calculations, including statistical modeling, with exceptional visual means of presenting the results.

    Some of the new features discussed in previous chapters also apply to Excel, such as task panes and pop-up buttons with drop-down menus. Most of the new or improved features will not be visible to you until you start using the program. Numerous innovations have made it easier to use Excel in key areas such as managing links, working with search tools Find and Replace, sorting, using international number formats, editing cells, checking errors, printing, working with headers and footers, etc.

    Excel workbook structure

    Excel application window

    Excel is launched in the same way as for most Microsoft Office applications. Click the button Start on the taskbar, select the command from the menu that appears Programs and then a variant of Microsoft Excel.

    When you start the program for the first time, a blank sheet appears, as shown in Fig. 14.1. Many of the elements of the Excel window — the main menu, toolbar, taskbar, and status bar — are common to Office applications. Therefore, some experience with Word allows you to quickly get used to Excel.

    If at the first start of the program, the working window is not maximized to full screen, you can expand it manually by clicking the button located in the upper right corner of the window.

    To make hidden toolbars visible or to hide panels that are visible by default, place the pointer over one of the toolbars and right-click. A list of toolbars appears. Those of them with a checkbox next to their name are currently visible. Accordingly, to make any of the panels visible, select its name in the list. Selecting this name again will hide the panel.

    Rice. 14.1. View of the Microsoft Excel window after starting the program

    V status bar shows information about the status of various keys, including Num Lock. On the left, various messages are displayed, for example, about the selected command. When you open a previously created book, the status bar graphically shows the degree of completion of the process. The status bar also informs about whether data can be entered or a command can be selected. In this case, it displays Ready... A distinctive property of this row in Excel is the presence autocomputing fields, which shows the result of a predefined function (by default, this is the sum function) for the selected cells of the current sheet.

    For more information about the Excel interface and its commands, click Help: Microsoft Excel.

    The working area of ​​the window is a collection of cells in a large table and is called worksheet... Any sheet is divided into a grid of rows and columns. The number of rows can be up to 65536 and the number of columns up to 256. Each column has a letter, and each row has a number. The intersection of a row with a column is called cell, and each of them has its own name, which is sometimes called cell address... For example, at the intersection of the column A and strings 1 there is a cell A1.

    Formula bar

    Excel has formula bar, which is located under the toolbars and is designed to process the contents of the cells.

    It is divided into three parts. The right part is used to display the contents of the current cell, which can be edited using the buttons located in the center of the row. Data editing is carried out either in a cell or in the formula bar. To switch to the data editing mode in the formula bar, press the key F2 or click on the right side of the formula bar. To set the data editing mode in a cell, you need to double-click on it, the cell will become active, and the input cursor will appear in it.

    The middle section of the formula bar contains buttons for manipulating the contents of the cell. The button with the cross icon is used to cancel the last action (the action of this button is similar to the action of the button Esc). The checkmark button is used to confirm data entry or change the contents of the cell, it corresponds to the key Enter... Using the third button, you can activate the formula bar, with which you enter and edit formulas.

    On the left side of the formula bar there is a name field, which indicates the address of the active cell or the size of the selected range. For example, the entry 2R x 3C indicates that the selected range consists of two rows and three columns.

    window After starting the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, the program window appears on the screen, which, depending on the user's settings, may consist of a different number of elements.

    Microsoft Consider the program window in the standard setting:

    1. Title bar 1 , in which the name of the Microsoft Excel program is displayed and, separated by a dash, the name of the open table. When you start Microsoft Excel for the first time, a new spreadsheet is automatically created, which by default is named Book1. On the right side of the title bar, there are three on-screen buttons to control the size of window 2. On the left side there is quick access bar 3, where, with standard settings, buttons are displayed from left to right: Saving document, formatting, viewing and printing... We can easily customize this panel to suit our needs, i.e. remove unnecessary buttons and add the most frequently used ones. To do this, simply click on the rightmost setting button for this panel 4. As a result, a selection list of quick access buttons 5 will appear, where by checking or unchecking the corresponding checkbox, we will get a quick access panel optimized for our work.
    2. Menu bar 6 containing eight tabs. Each tab contains a specific set of commands, united by some criterion and displayed on the ribbon 7. For example, we need to insert an object into a book, for which we click on the Insert tab and a set of commands for this tab will be displayed on the ribbon (i.e. we can insert diagrams, text, tables, illustrations, etc.). When the Home tab is active, the ribbon displays commands corresponding to the tabs of the same name in the menu bar 7.
    3. Formula line 8, which in turn is divided into three parts:
      • The left side displays current cell address nine . An address is an alphanumeric designation of a cell, meaning where the current cell is located at the intersection of which column and which row.
      • In the middle part there are three on-screen buttons 10 that appear when the user starts typing text, a number, or a formula into a cell. Cancel 11 - designed to delete erroneously entered information in a cell. You can also press this button by pressing the Esc key on your keyboard. Input 12 - designed to memorize the information entered into the cell. Pressing this on-screen button can also be done by pressing the Enter key on the keyboard, or by left-clicking on any other cell. If any formula is entered into a cell, then by pressing this on-screen button, the program begins to calculate according to this formula. Change formula 13 - intended for editing the formula of the current cell, if the cell contains a formula.
      • The right side displays content of the current cell... If in a cell text or number entered, then on the right side of the formula bar the same text or the same number is displayed... If any formula, then the cell itself displays the calculation result for this formula, and on the right side of the formula bar - the formula itself.
    4. Bordering the worksheet 14 is the area in which the rows and columns of the worksheet are numbered. And columns are numbered with letters of the Latin alphabet A - Z, AA, AB ..., and rows with numbers from 1 to 65536... The framing of the worksheet allows you to determine the address of the current cell, select the entire column or the entire row by clicking on the desired letter or number, change the column width or row height, select all cells of the worksheet, by left-clicking on the empty space between the numbering of rows and columns.
    5. Worksheet 15 with 256 columns and 65,536 rows (that's approximately 16,777,216 cells). The spreadsheet file is called a Book and can be made up of a varying number of worksheets. In a standard setting, a workbook consists of three worksheets... And each worksheet, in turn, consists of a large number of pages... A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file has a * .xls extension. To move through the cells of the table, use the vertical 16 and horizontal 17 scroll bars. To move through the worksheets, the user just needs to left-click on the corresponding tab on sheet 18 at the bottom of the worksheet. If the number of sheets does not fit within the limits of horizontal scrolling, then to move through sheets the on-screen buttons 19 located to the left of the labels are used:
      • move to the first sheet from the list of worksheets 20
      • move to the previous sheet from the list of worksheets 21
      • move to the next sheet from the list of worksheets 22
      • move to the last sheet from the list of worksheets 23
    6. ex-fur-tree There is a possibility of assigning worksheets individual arbitrary name... To do this, double-click on the corresponding sheet label. In this case, the name of the sheet on the label will be highlighted in black. Next, use the keyboard to enter a new name for this sheet and press the Enter key.

      menu You can also change the sequence of worksheets... To do this, move the mouse pointer over the corresponding shortcut of the worksheet, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the worksheet to the desired location. In this case, the insertion point of the worksheet will be indicated by a black arrow.

      book In order to add a new sheet to the worksheet, you must press the Insert sheet 24 button or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F11.

    7. Status bar 25, which displays help information of a service nature. Here we can change the view of the worksheet and its scale using the corresponding on-screen buttons and the slider in the lower right part of the window.

    When you start Excel 2010 for the first time, a window is displayed with controls that match the default setting. This window can be conditionally divided into several areas (Fig. 1.1).

    Microsoft Excel 2010 with standard configuration are listed below.

    1. The File tab.

    In Office 2010, every application has a tab, replacing the 2007 Office Button. A set of commands that you can access when you click this button let you do what you know. In earlier versions of office programs, these commands were found on the File menu. These are, in particular, commands for creating, saving and opening documents.

    2. Quick access panel.

    When creating documents of one type or another, we often use the same commands. In order not to "wander" each time in search of the required command throughout the program interface, the most "popular" commands are placed on the quick access panel in the form of small buttons with pictures. These buttons are called tools, and clicking any of them will execute the corresponding Excel command. The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable Excel command. The quick access bar is customizable. By default, there are only three buttons on it, but by customizing it you can display any number of Excel commands.

    3. Field for specifying the name of the object.

    It is a handy tool for assigning names to various table objects (pictures, charts, individual cells, and groups of cells). In the future, you can access named objects by their names.

    4. Line of formulas.

    On this line, you will enter formulas to calculate various values. The same line allows you to edit the text of an already entered formula or view it if the table itself instead of formulas displays their calculated values.

    5. Control buttons for the main window of the program.

    These buttons allow you to expand, collapse into a button, or close the main Excel window.

    6. Buttons for controlling child windows of the program.

    These buttons allow you to maximize, collapse, and close individual Excel workbooks within the main window, which remains open.

    7. Headers of the columns of the table.

    Individual cells within a spreadsheet are accessed by cell names that are a combination of the column name and the row number where the cell is located. Accordingly, the column names appear in their headers. By default, the standard Excel 2007 spreadsheet contains 16,384 columns, denoted by combinations of letters of the Latin alphabet, starting with A and ending with XFD.

    8. Row numbers of the table.

    By default, a standard Excel spreadsheet contains 1,048,576 rows (over a million!), Numbered in a row. The technique for accessing cells in an Excel spreadsheet is similar to a sea battle game and shouldn't be too difficult for you.

    9. Navigator through the sheets of the book.

    By default, an Excel workbook contains 3 tables called sheets. But in principle, the number of sheets in a book is not limited by anything, except for the amount of available physical memory on the computer (since the book is loaded into memory as a whole). Thus, there may be many more sheets in a book than can fit in the display area of ​​their tabs. In this case, the "scrolling" of the labels within the zone allocated for them can be carried out using the navigator. Excel command. The quick access bar is customizable. By default, there are only three buttons on it, but by customizing it you can display any number of Excel commands.

    10. Sheet labels.

    By default, sheets in an Excel workbook are named Sheet 1, Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. However, the user can give the added sheets other arbitrary names, as well as change the existing standard sheet names.

    11. Status bar.

    This line identifies the state of certain Excel parameters, as well as some properties of the edited document. The various areas of the status bar are not only indicators, but also act as tools at the same time. This means that clicking on some of the icons on the status bar allows you to change the corresponding setting.

    12. Tool tape.

    In Excel 2010, you won't find menu commands that you might already be accustomed to in other Windows programs. All commands that can be performed in Excel are grouped by function and are now displayed only in the form of beautiful icons (tools). At first glance, this beauty may seem uncomfortable, since the text is missing. But don't worry: when you hover your mouse over any of the tools, you will see an expanded and detailed tooltip (Fig. 1.2), which certainly gives much more information about the tool (or command) than one or two words in the name of a menu command.

    It was not in vain that I clarified that this is how the Microsoft Excel 2010 window looks like with a standard setting. The fact is that the range in which you can change the appearance of this program by adding and removing certain interface elements and tools is very large. Thanks to this flexibility, you can easily customize Excel "for yourself" by changing a number of parameters, and externally, the program can change dramatically.

    The exercise

    Click on the Excel sheet. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + →. The cursor in the table will move to the very end of the table. Make sure the last column heading is XFD.

    The exercise

    Click on the Excel sheet. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + ↓. The cursor in the table will move to the last line. Make sure the last line number is 1 048 576.

    Basic concepts of MS Excel spreadsheets 3

    Active cell and its modes of operation. 4

    Range (block) of cells. Selection of ranges.

    Changing the height and width of cells, rows and columns 5

    Data types and formats for their presentation 6

    Autocomplete cells 7

    Calculating with formulas and functions 9

    Charting 14

    Practical work 18

    Application: . Error message. 34

    Literature 34


    MS table processor Excel refers to the class of application programs designed to create and process tabular data in electronic form. Since 1994, it has been the most popular spreadsheet in the world. Program MS Excel being the market leader in spreadsheet software, it defines the development trends in this area.

    Table processor MS Excel designed for creating, formatting and processing spreadsheets and has advanced business graphics for easy display of entered and calculated data. The electronic spreadsheet processor Excel is most widely used in economic and accounting calculations, for drawing up various forms, for order processing, production planning, personnel accounting and production costs. Besides, MS Excel has powerful mathematical and engineering functions, which allows you to solve many problems in the field of natural and technical sciences. The possibilities of using this program are certainly far beyond those mentioned.

    One of the most important functional extensions MS Excel is an embedded programming environment Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), designed to solve applied problems in MS Office. Thanks to VBA, Microsoft managed not only to expand the capabilities of the Excel macro language, but also to introduce a new level of application programming, since VBA allows you to create full-fledged application packages that go far beyond processing spreadsheets in their functions.

    Table processor MS Excel- a program that is used by accountants, economists, financiers, statisticians, engineers, doctors in their professional activities.

    The possibilities of the program are very diverse:

    · Entering and editing data.

    Formatting table cells, rows and columns

    Formula input (calculation automation)

    Application of a wide range of various functions

    · Construction, editing and printing of diagrams.

    Preview and print the table

    Creation and maintenance of databases


    Assisting educators in teaching students how to use a spreadsheet processor MS Excel: give basic concepts, show features MS Excel, all the advantages of working with formulas and functions, using cell references, visual presentation of calculation results using diagrams using examples.

    General view of the MS Excel working window

    The EXCEL table processor interface is not much different from the WORD text editor interface. Interface elements such as title bar, top menu, toolbars, scroll bars, status bar are almost the same, except for the replacement or addition of some buttons (master function, master diagrams, etc.) on the toolbar Standard... The special interface elements are the cell name row, the formula bar, the column name row, and the row number column. At the bottom of the screen there is an area of ​​shortcuts to worksheets and buttons for their (sheets) scrolling. In fig. 1 shows a general view of the MS Excel window.

    Rice. 1 General view of the MS Excel window

    Basic concepts of MS Excel spreadsheets

    The main MS Excel document is a Workbook, which is a file with the * .xls extension. The book consists of worksheets (Worksheet), which are designated as Sheet 1 (Sheet 1), etc. (fig. 1). A worksheet can be associated with the concept of “document” or “spreadsheet”. Book sheets can be moved, copied, renamed. Moving can be done by dragging the sheet tab with the mouse. To rename, you can perform two left-click on the tab of the renamed sheet, and then enter a new name, or using the context menu (right-click on the tab of the renamed sheet). Also, the context menu allows you to add a new sheet to the book, delete and copy the selected sheet. A worksheet or spreadsheet consists of 65,536 rows and 256 columns or columns that are displayed on a computer screen. The lines are numbered with integers from 1 to 65536, and the columns are designated by the letters of the Latin alphabet A, B,…, Z, AA, AB,… IV. At the intersection of a row and a column is the main structural element of the table - a cell. The contents of a cell can be accessed by its address (link), for example, A5. The address of the selected cell is displayed in the Cell Name Bar.

    Excel is a multi-window program. This means that you can open and edit several documents (workbooks) at the same time.

    The appearance of the presentation of information contained in a spreadsheet can be changed by changing the data format (menu Cell Format), as well as customizing the appearance of cells, changing their width (menu Format Row / Column), heights and colors (menu Cell Format).

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