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Working clock frequency. The clock speed of the processor is the key to the speed of the computer

Probably, every user little familiar with a computer has come across a bunch of incomprehensible characteristics when choosing a central processor: technical process, cache, socket; asked for advice from friends and acquaintances competent in the issue of computer hardware. Let's look at the variety of all kinds of parameters, because the processor is the most important part of your PC, and understanding its characteristics will give you confidence in purchasing and further use.


The processor of a personal computer is a microcircuit that is responsible for performing any operations with data and controls peripheral devices. It is contained in a special silicon package called a die. For short designation use the abbreviation - Cpu(central processing unit) or Cpu(from the English Central Processing Unit - central processing unit). There are two competing corporations in the modern computer component market, Intel and AMD who are constantly racing for the performance of new processors, constantly improving their technological process.

Technical process

Technical process Is the size used in the manufacture of processors. It defines the size of the transistor, the unit of which is nm (nanometer). The transistors, in turn, constitute the inner core of the CPU. The bottom line is that continuous improvement in manufacturing techniques allows you to reduce the size of these components. As a result, much more of them are placed on the processor die. This contributes to improving the characteristics of the CPU, therefore, the used technical process is always indicated in its parameters. For example, Intel Core i5-760 is made according to the 45 nm process technology, and Intel Core i5-2500K at 32 nm, based on this information, one can judge how modern the processor is and how much the processor is superior in performance to its predecessor, but when choosing, it is necessary to take into account a number of other parameters.


Also, processors are characterized by such a characteristic as architecture - a set of properties inherent in a whole family of processors, as a rule, produced over many years. In other words, architecture is their organization or the internal design of the CPU.

Number of Cores

Core- the most important element of the central processor. It is a part of a processor capable of executing a single stream of instructions. The cores differ in cache memory size, bus frequency, manufacturing technology, etc. Manufacturers assign new names to them with each subsequent technical process (for example, the AMD processor core is Zambezi, and Intel's Lynnfield). With the development of processor technology, it became possible to place more than one core in one case, which significantly increases the performance of the CPU and helps to perform several tasks at the same time, as well as use several cores in the work of programs. Multi-core processors will be able to cope faster with archiving, video decoding, modern video games, etc. For example, Intel's Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad processor lines, which use dual-core and quad-core CPUs, respectively. At the moment, processors with 2, 3, 4 and 6 cores are massively available. A large number of them are used in server solutions and are not required for an ordinary PC user.


In addition to the number of cores, performance is affected by clock frequency... The value of this characteristic reflects the performance of the CPU in the number of clock cycles (operations) per second. Another important characteristic is bus frequency(FSB - Front Side Bus) demonstrating the speed at which data is exchanged between the processor and computer peripherals. The clock frequency is proportional to the bus frequency.


In order for the future processor to be compatible with the existing motherboard during the upgrade, you need to know its socket. A socket is called connector, into which the CPU is installed on the computer's motherboard. The socket type is characterized by the number of legs and the processor manufacturer. Different sockets correspond to specific types of CPUs, so each socket accepts a specific type of processor. Intel uses socket LGA1156, LGA1366 and LGA1155, while AMD uses AM2 + and AM3.


Cache- the amount of memory with a very high access speed required to speed up access to data that is constantly in memory with a lower access speed (random access memory). When choosing a processor, remember that increasing the cache size has a positive effect on the performance of most applications. The CPU cache is distinguished by three levels ( L1, L2 and L3), located directly on the processor core. It receives data from RAM for a higher processing speed. It should also be noted that for multi-core CPUs, the size of the L1 cache is indicated for one core. The L2 cache performs a similar function, with a lower speed and higher volume. If you intend to use the processor for resource-intensive tasks, then the model with a large L2 cache will be preferable, given that the total L2 cache is indicated for multi-core processors. The L3 cache is equipped with the most productive processors, such as AMD Phenom, AMD Phenom II, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, Intel Xeon. The L3 cache is the least fast, but it can reach 30 MB.

Energy consumption

The power consumption of a processor is closely related to its manufacturing technology. With a decrease in the nanometers of the technical process, an increase in the number of transistors and an increase in the clock frequency of processors, an increase in CPU power consumption occurs. For example, Intel's Core i7 processors require up to 130 watts or more. The voltage supplied to the core clearly characterizes the power consumption of the processor. This parameter is especially important when choosing a CPU to use as a multimedia center. In modern processor models, various technologies are used that help fight unnecessary power consumption: built-in temperature sensors, automatic voltage and frequency control systems for processor cores, energy-saving modes with low CPU load.

Additional features

Modern processors have acquired the ability to work in 2- and 3-channel modes with random access memory, which significantly affects its performance, and also support a larger set of instructions, which raises their functionality to a new level. GPUs process video on their own, thereby offloading the CPU, thanks to technology DXVA(from the English DirectX Video Acceleration - video acceleration by the DirectX component). Intel uses the above technology Turbo Boost to dynamically change the clock frequency of the central processor. Technology Speed ​​Step controls the power consumption of the CPU depending on the activity of the processor, and Intel Virtualization Technology hardware creates a virtual environment for multiple operating systems. Also, modern processors can be divided into virtual cores using the technology Hyper threading... For example, a dual-core processor is capable of dividing the clock speed of one core by two, which contributes to high processing performance using four virtual cores.

Thinking about the configuration of your future PC, do not forget about the video card and its GPU(from the English Graphics Processing Unit) - the processor of your video card, which is responsible for rendering (arithmetic operations with geometric, physical objects, etc.). The higher the frequency of its core and the higher the memory frequency, the less will be the load on the central processor. Gamers should pay special attention to the GPU.

As you know, the clock speed of a processor is the number of operations performed as such per unit of time, in this case, per second.

But this definition is not enough to fully understand what this concept really means and what meaning it has for us, ordinary users.

There are many articles on the Internet about this, but all of them are missing something.

More often than not, this “something” is the very key that can open the door to understanding. Therefore, we tried to collect all the basic information, as if it were puzzles, and make up a single integral picture from them.

Detailed definition

So, clock speed is the number of operations a processor can perform per second. This value is measured in Hertz.

This unit of measurement is named after a famous scientist who conducted experiments aimed at studying periodic, that is, repeating processes.

And where is Hertz to operations in a second?

This question arises when reading most of the articles on the Internet from people who did not study physics very well in school (maybe through no fault of their own). The fact is that this unit just denotes the frequency, that is, the number of repetitions, of these very periodic processes per second.

It allows you to measure not only the number of operations, but also all kinds of other indicators. For example, if you make 3 entries per second, then the breathing rate is 3 Hertz.

As for the processors, a variety of operations can be performed here, which boil down to the calculation of certain parameters. Actually, the number of calculations of these same parameters per second is called the clock frequency.

Simple as that!

In practice, the concept of "Hertz" is used extremely rarely, more often we hear about megaHertz, kiloHertz, and so on. Table 1 shows the "decryption" of these values.

Table 1. Symbols

The former and the latter are rarely used at present.

That is, if you hear that it has 4 GHz, then it can perform 4 billion operations every second.

Far from it! To date, this is the average. Surely, very soon we will hear about models with a frequency of teraHertz or even more.

How is formed

So, it has the following devices:

  • clock resonator - is an ordinary quartz crystal, enclosed in a special protective container;
  • clock generator - a device that converts one type of oscillation into others;
  • metal cover;
  • data bus;
  • textolite substrate to which all other devices are attached.

So, a quartz crystal, that is, a clock resonator, oscillates due to the supply of voltage. As a result, electric current fluctuations are formed.

A clock generator is attached to the substrate, which converts electrical vibrations into pulses. They are transferred to the data buses, and thus the result of the calculations goes to the user.

This is exactly the way the clock frequency is obtained. Interestingly, there are a lot of misconceptions regarding this concept, in particular, regarding the relationship between nuclei and frequency. Therefore, this is also worth talking about.

How frequency relates to nuclei

The core is, in fact, the processor. The core is the same crystal that makes the entire device perform certain operations. That is, if there are two cores in one model or another, this means that it has two crystals that are connected to each other using a special bus.

According to a common misconception, the more cores, the higher the frequency. It's not for nothing that developers are now trying to fit more and more cores into them. But this is not the case. If it is 1 GHz, even if it has 10 cores, it will remain 1 GHz and will not become 10 GHz.

Every computer user often asked this question, especially when he decided to purchase new equipment. But in order to answer the question - the processor clock speed, what does it affect, you must first understand what it is?

INFLUENCE of CPU clock speed on performance?

This indicator indicates the number of calculations performed by the processor per second. And of course, the higher the frequency, the more operations the processor can perform per unit of time. For modern devices, this figure is in the range from 1 to 4 GHz. It is determined by multiplying the base or external frequency by a certain factor. You can increase the processor frequency by "overclocking" it. The world leaders in the production of these devices orient some of their products towards their possible overclocking.

When choosing such a device, an important indicator of performance is not only its frequency. This is also influenced by the vigor of the processor.
Currently, there are practically no such devices that have only one core. Multi-core processors have completely pushed their single-core predecessors out of the market.

About nuclearity and clock frequency

Let's start with the fact that the statement that the processor has a frequency equal to the total sum of this indicator of each of the cores is not true. But why is a multi-core processor better and more efficient? Because each of the cores performs its part of the total work, if it allows, processing the program by the processor. Thus, vigorousness significantly increases the performance of the system, in the event that the processed information can be divided into parts. But if this is not possible, only one processor core is running. Moreover, its overall performance is equal to the clock frequency of this core.

In general, if you have to work with graphics, static images, video, music, a multi-core processor is just what you need. But if you are a gambling addict, then in this case it is better to take a not very multi-core processor, because programmers may not provide for dividing program processes into parts. Therefore, for games, a more powerful processor is better suited.

About processor architecture

In addition, system performance depends on the processor architecture. Naturally, the shorter the signal path from the point of origin to the point of destination, the faster the information processing is performed. For this reason, Intel processors perform better than AMD processors at the same clock speed.

So the clock speed of a processor is its strength or power. It affects the performance of the system. But at the same time it is necessary not to forget that this parameter, in addition to power, depends on the number of cores and on the architecture of this device. Is it necessary to choose a processor taking into account what it will need to work with in the future? For games, it is better to take a more powerful processor; for everything else, a multi-core processor with a not very high clock frequency is suitable.

Frequency? GHz? 2.6? Ghz?

From a technical point of view, the definition sounds like this:

Clock rate is the number of clock cycles produced in a given amount of time.

For me, it was also a dark forest, when in my first year I wrote this in a notebook, studying to be a programmer. Then I, like many now, did not understand at all what this means and why is it needed?

Let me explain with examples, it will be easier to figure out how it works with it. Let's start.

Explanation by example

Let's imagine that 1 beat of the musical drum is 1 beat of the processor. For comparison, we take two drums, one is beaten 120 times per minute, the second is beaten 80 times per minute, it will be obvious that the frequency of the sound of the first drum is higher and louder than that of the second.

For an independent experiment, you can take an ordinary writing pen in your hand, mark 10 seconds and make 10 strikes with an edge from the pen on the table, and then make 20 strokes in the same time, the result will be the same as with the drums.
You also need to understand that if a musician has four drums, instead of one, then the number of beats is not multiplied by the number of drums, but is distributed to everything, thus there will be more opportunities for playing sounds.

Remember! The number of cores is not multiplied by gigahertz.

And that is why, nowhere in the descriptions are there such large numbers as 12Ghz or 24GHz, well, etc., if only in the overclocking results, and then hardly.
In the microprocessor, a certain number of instructions are executed per cycle. That is, the higher the clock frequency, the more instructions executed within a certain amount of time occur inside the microprocessor.

By the way, about what's inside, you can find out in the article - "", which has already appeared on the blog. Further more interesting, so to always be aware of the appearance of new articles.

What is measured and how is it indicated

In gigahertz or megahertz, abbreviated as - GHz or MHz, Ghz or Mhz.

3.2 Ghz = 3200 Mhz is the same thing, only in different values.

On sites in the description, the frequency is indicated in different ways. Examples are shown below and are highlighted in blue.

Influence in work and play

When working at a computer, this parameter affects:

  • system performance
  • responsiveness and speed of work
  • computing power
  • performing multiple running tasks at the same time
  • and much more.

How does it affect games? Directly depends on how much power is needed for the game. Manufacturers recommend using 3.0 GHz and higher. It all depends on the game itself and the recommendations that come with it. Where to watch them? You can read in which I told everything in detail.

One of the CPU models that has the highest clock speed at the time of this writing is the Intel i7-8700K.

Of course, many believe that this parameter is not the most important, but this indicator directly affects the performance of the PC, so if you have the opportunity to acquire a higher gigahertz, I advise you to consider it.

In my opinion, I would consider these optimal models for various tasks:

  • INTEL Pentium G5600
  • AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
  • INTEL Core i3 8100
  • INTEL Core i5 8400
  • INTEL Core i7 8700

What tasks are they intended for? You can see in the article how, so as not to regret it later.

I do not indicate the prices, as they always change, so take a look. The choice is yours.

I hope you understand everything. I will end on this. To stay informed about the appearance of new, understandable and interesting articles on my blog, leave comments, I am always interested in your opinion. Thank you for the attention. See you in new articles.

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