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  • A working scheme for the withdrawal of money from credit cards of Sberbank through Beeline. Fraud

A working scheme for the withdrawal of money from credit cards of Sberbank through Beeline. Fraud

Modern cellular operators offer a wide range of services, which can be accessed in a few clicks or by sending special SMS. But figuring out the current number of service numbers is much more difficult than it initially seems. So, not many subscribers know what number 7878 is. Meanwhile, it allows you to use the most useful service that can be useful to users at any time. That is why it is worthwhile to figure out in advance what it is and how it will be useful to the customers of the telephone company.

Modern mobile operators provide not only telephone, but also financial services, and a short service combination of the above numbers allows you to withdraw funds from a SIM card. That is, a correctly sent team debits money and allows you to receive it in almost any way convenient for the subscriber. At the same time, SMS makes it possible not only to cash out the balance of the phone, but also to transfer finances to other subscribers. The main thing is to know the right combinations and commands for managing financial services.

"7878" money transfer Beeline

The process of transferring or withdrawing funds is extremely simple and will require:

  • writing service SMS;
  • obtaining a special code;
  • using code to complete the operation.

In this case, in the text of the message you need to write:

  1. for withdrawal through Beeline terminals “RUB amount”;
  2. to a friend's phone "phone amount" (phone number is indicated after 7);
  3. on a bank card "type of card (Visa, Maestro, Mastercard) card number amount";
  4. to a bank account "bank code (indicated on the website) account number amount";
  5. on WebMoney "wm purse number without R amount";
  6. money and postal orders "payment system code country code full name of the sender passport of the sender name of the recipient amount" (details on the website).

It is important to remember that short number 7878 is a transfer of money to a card to another subscriber, so you should use it carefully so as not to be a victim of fraud.

No message sent to 7878 - reasons and what to do?

Despite the importance of financial services, even such services may not be available. At the same time, if an SMS message is not sent, it is impossible to make a money transfer to the card. The only way out of this situation is to search for the causes of what happened and then correct the detected error or malfunction.

In most cases, subscribers are able to cope with difficulties on their own.


Among the most common causes of difficulties are:

  • typos in the recipient's details;
  • errors in country codes and payment systems;
  • absence or lack of funds on the SIM card, due to which the operation remained unpaid;
  • independent disconnection of the service in the past;
  • system failures;
  • smartphone malfunctions.

There are other sources of potential problems. So, sometimes difficulties with sending are associated with the inability to send any SMS in general, and not a financial option in particular.

What to do?

There are several ways to deal with the difficulties and restore the correct operation of the system:

  1. check whether the specified details belong to the recipient, and make sure there are no typos and errors;
  2. take an alternative approach and transfer finances using the special Beeline website for money transactions;
  3. contact the operators of the contact center and ask them to figure out what happened, and at the same time check the status of the operation.

Each method has its own advantages, so the final choice of the optimal approach depends on the wishes of the user.

How to disable service 7878 on Beeline?

Those who want to disable the 7878 service on Beeline should try:

  • visit your personal account and deactivate the option by finding it in the list of applications;
  • contact the hotline operators and ask them to help with deactivation;
  • visit the nearest communication salon and seek support from the managers working in them.

Several years ago, when I was just studying, my phone rang in the subway early in the morning. A cheerful male voice cheerfully introduced himself as a Beeline employee and said that my SIM card would be blocked. Before that, a sleepy fly, I woke up abruptly and sent him under the surprised looks of passengers passing by. I came to the university, then home and told everyone how to respond to such "threats." Who would have known ...

A crook called my mom today. He introduced himself to *** as a Beeline employee (and introduced himself to them on purpose several times during the entire conversation). The name and patronymic is hardly real, but he called it methodically, taking into account, as it turned out from searches in Yandex, the previous experience of divorce.
Mom talked to him for about 3 minutes. From the conversation, in fits and starts, I realized that my mother was connected to the Beeline Mobile Banking service and she wanted to turn it off (which Beeline, by the way, even sins too much). Since she was busy, she called me (“I’ll call my daughter now,” which again killed my vigilance). But I realized this, sitting through 2 walls and reading a book, from snatches of her conversation. She often asks to do something "technical" for her and not really, referring to the fact that she does not understand anything about this, in fact she simply does not want to. In my amazed look and the question: "What is happening?" she just waved her hand (“she has no time, figure it out”), put the phone in me and asked me to bring my phone.
At this moment I hear on the other end: "Well, you pressed?" I think: aha, again does not want to "poke buttons".
This ***, realizing the situation, sent an SMS, as it turned out, with a number to pay for services on RURU.RU - Payment world, and said to send it to number 7878 with confirmation to 8464 - Beeline mobile payment.
I only use my phone to make a call / send SMS and therefore did not notice a catch. I somehow already turned off the services with the help of the operator (though that time I called Beeline myself), she also asked me to send some numbers to some short numbers.
And here is the result - not a critical minus, but a good amount that I personally would spend a year or 2.
As a result, it turned out that they were not going to turn off the service for my mother, but to re-register the SIM card, which they were going to BLOCK (ha-ha), which I pulled out of it when the policeman had already arrived. Get this bastard to me ...
Both Beeline and refused to help, sent to write a statement. We wrote a statement to the police, we sit, we hope for a miracle. The hope that this creature will not withdraw money from the account until Monday tends to zero, but I hope that someone, before following this ***, will go online and punch these 2 lucky numbers.
And CJSC National Service Company should take care of the safety of its activities. Self-respecting companies require confirmation of the mobile number, at least, and link it to the account of a specific user. And you, moreover, are not a social network, but you directly work with money and their transfers!

Our valiant militia only called back after a month and a half to ... ask us for proof that our numbers belonged to us. They were waiting month and a half... I took the application because They obviously won't find money, and running from work is not convenient for me.

I went to the Beeline website, registered, entered my office, turned off the damn mobile payment and a couple of other services for the whole family. Which I advise everyone.
I have done about how it is done.

On the stump of mobile payments, on the stump of, on the stump of the rest of the participants in these frauds. Some steal from technically not very literate old people, others eat lunch at reception hours, others “cannot help” if you did not come to give your money, but for the help that you need because of their negligent and incompetent work.

Update 2
Scammers are closer to us than ever. ...

Perhaps every person has a mobile phone today. Convenient and compact means of communication makes today's dynamic life much easier. Having passed the way from a simple intercom, the cell phone today has turned into a real multifunctional unit. Simultaneously with the phone, applications are also changing with the provision of a wide variety of mobile services. One of the most popular services these days is online money transfers. Consider what the mysterious abbreviation 7878 money transfer is.

Some time ago, two serious companies joined forces to provide their clients with a very useful service - mobile transfer using a cell phone. One of the companies is widely known in Russia and is called "Beeline", but the other is, rather, familiar only to a narrow circle of specialists. Despite the absence of a big name, the RURU electronic payment service has been engaged in such a business for a long time and successfully. The company provides services for mobile transfers from a phone account with the receipt of cash and transfers to electronic cards, accounts and all kinds of wallets.

A joint project of two companies, RURU and Beeline (OJSC Vimpelcom), was the introduction of a promising system of money transfers from mobile phones. This is how a very popular payment service appeared.

Service codenamed 7878

For ease of memorization, the service was officially assigned the numbers 7878, by which it is known in Russia. It is useful to know the round-the-clock multichannel number of the company RURU 8 800 700 4848, which, in fact, is engaged in mobile transfers of the Beeline company.

Close interaction of partners with the UNISTREAM and CONTACT systems is a serious help in this difficult matter. It is in their offices that cash should be received if necessary.

We figured out the numbers 7878, now we will determine the sequence of steps for making money transfers. It should be emphasized that this information is relevant only for holders of a SIM card of the mobile operator "Beeline".

Money transfer 7878

Depending on the purpose of the transfer, you must strictly adhere to a certain sequence of the set of SMS messages. It is different for each transfer of funds. Only one thing unites them - all actions are performed by typing specific text on your own phone.

To receive funds in Unistream

When transferring money by a subscriber of the Beeline company and then receiving it in cash at the Unistream branch, the following text is sent to the number 7878:

uni space sender space passport number space recipient space size of transfer

The first three letters in the Latin alphabet indicate Russia in the directory of the payment service countries. If necessary, the letter designations of other countries can be found on the Beeline website.

After sending an SMS to 7878, you need to wait for a confirmation message for the transfer with a control code. To receive money at the payment point of the Unistream system, you will need to show your passport and give the number of the shipment.

To transfer funds to the card

When a Beeline subscriber transfers money to a Master Card or Visa, the text of the message to 7878 will be different:

Master (Visa) space card digits transfer size

To top up the balance of another subscriber

To replenish the balance of another Beeline subscriber, you need to send the following text to number 7878:

bee space subscriber's phone space transfer size

Similarly, you can replenish the accounts of subscribers of other cellular operators by changing the Latin letters of the abbreviated names of companies. So, for example, Tele2 is assigned the code tele2, MTS - mts, and Megafon - mgf.

To transfer money to an electronic wallet

When transferring funds from the account of the mobile operator "Beeline" to an electronic card, the sequence of actions is different. To do this, you need to open the section Payment for services from the Beeline account on the company's website and select "money transfers". After choosing the type of transfer, in the window that opens, you will need to specify the cell phone number, electronic card number and the size of the transfer. After entering the data, you must confirm the action and the transfer will hit the road.

As you can see, all operations for transferring funds are quite the same type and usually do not cause any difficulties.


All transfers, with the exception of transfers within the Beeline operator's network, are paid for the sender. The commission is debited from the subscriber's account automatically.

The rates, although they amount to a few percent of the transfer amount, can sometimes result in serious money. Cases are different, but in order not to get into a mess, it is still worth studying the issue first. The size of the Beeline company's commission for transfers can be easily clarified on the official website.

In addition, some transfer operations are limited in the amount of funds transferred, so it is necessary to track all official changes in this regard.

Video: We transfer money using the 7878 service


In connection with cases of fraud when using the 7878 number to transfer money by scammers, you need to remember that Beeline has only one specific scheme. When sending an SMS message about a transfer to a number of a certain form, the response of the service always contains a control code for confirming the operation. Sending a code to 7878 indicates a specific intention of the subscriber to make a transfer from this account. After sending the transfer, the service sends a standard notification with all the necessary data. The mobile operator Beeline does not have any other schemes for working with the 7878 number. Any other use of the number is likely to be fraudulent.

In general, for a modern person, there are no difficulties in using mobile transfers. All operations are simple and specific enough for the respective cases. There is no need to be afraid of the new, because progress does not stand still, and it is more dear to lag behind its achievements.

By the way, this also affected me, further from the author:
Faced an unpleasant situation this week. My wife's money was stolen from her credit card. Figured out how it's done. I am writing to warn about holes in Sberbank and Beeline. Whether these holes are random for taking away customer money or not, you decide.

So, the fraudulent scheme still working:

1. Fraudsters collect ads with Beeline numbers on Avito (why with Beeline it will be written later). Then the victims are massively sent SMS with the text, where they address by the name taken on Avito and the words “I offer an exchange with an additional payment. Here is a photo: ". Among the users of smart smartphones, there are a lot of non-smart users at all, so a lot of people will click on the link without blinking. Still, he posted an announcement on Avito, and someone knows his name, offers an exchange. After that, the screen goes out and a viral program is installed on the phone, which gains access to the secret sending of SMS and hides SMS from certain numbers, in particular from Sberbank and Beeline. The presence of the "Mobile Bank" program on the phone is not required. That's it, the victim's phone is charged. Now comes the stage of settings in the personal account of Sberbank.

2.Mobile Bank is a connected service of Sberbank, which allows customers to make settings in their personal account. For example, such as: connecting auto payment to a mobile phone, transferring money, paying for a phone, etc. Attention, for this fraudsters do not need a "mobile bank" installed on their phone. You don't need to know your login, password, or time codes. None of this is needed! The Green Bank has already taken care of this. Moreover, the client may not even activate this service and may not even be aware of its existence! It is connected to a credit card by default. He may even write a statement to disable the "mobile bank" service from the card. Sberbank, disabling the service from a debit card, will leave the "mobile bank" service connected to a credit card (not a debit card, for example a salary card, but a personal credit card, with a set limit for a certain amount that it can borrow and spend). All that remains is to send an SMS with the text "AUTO 1000" to the number 900 of Sberbank from the infected phone. After that, in the office for a credit card (namely, to a credit card, not a debit card), Auto payment to a cell number will be established, with the setting to top up the phone balance by 1000 rubles, when the balance drops below 600 rubles. That's it, the bank is charged. In turn, the bank will then respond to the client, we received an SMS command from you, we executed it. Moreover, a green fortune may smile at fraudsters, and auto payment will debit money from the card in excess of the established limit for several days in a row. Well, you can get by with a limit of 3000 rubles (proof and withdraw money until the lousy dies. Security officers will not see anything suspicious with credit card transactions. Even if the written off amount will draw on the criminal article 158.

3. The third stage is the easiest. SMS is sent from the Beeline phone to short numbers free8464, 7878, 3116, and so on. In detail, they are referred to as "Payment for mobile commerce services." This is a paradise for scammers. You can per day up to 15,000 rubles. conduct. Then the client will also be told: “Well, you losh-a-ara, the scammers took money away from you! Several years ago, you connected the service of "ban on sending SMS to short numbers", well, you are a loser, this service has not been working for a long time. "

4. The application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is accepted, but, according to the words, the case is closed after 30 days. Profit! No, though. I doubt that it will work for those who want to repeat this scheme by dissecting the viral apk file, changing the settings in order to gain access to the virus themselves, for one simple reason. It is unlikely that the professional security service of Sberbank will not notice suspicious movements on the card and will not react in any way, and the system settings will be so favorable to them that they will allow them to exceed the established daily limits for auto payments. Also, the security service of Beeline will immediately cut through new figures in its clearing.

Why this scheme is applicable specifically to the Sberbank-Beeline link: “The ability to connect auto payment for invoicing by a telecom operator presupposes the presence of appropriate conditions in the agreement between the client and the telecom operator. At present, connection of postpaid auto payment is available only to Beeline subscribers. " proof: Ibid: “After a while, a message from a telecom operator will be sent to the connected subscriber number. In case of successful processing of an application from the Bank for connecting the service, an SMS message will be sent from the operator that the service has been successfully connected (Beeline, Tele2 and NSS); or a notification that the service will be activated after the refusal waiting period (MTS, Megafon, BaikalVestcom) " ..zh_Beeline.pdf). Well, not cynicism?

More details. The virus hides incoming SMS messages from Beeline and Sberbank. But what is interesting, in detail, Beeline does not reflect incoming SMS from Sberbank about card transactions. Although the Bank makes such SMS without fail when debiting from a credit (not debit) card. In Beeline's details, the incoming SMS with the virus is not reflected.

This scheme has been successfully operating since at least last autumn. According to information from friends working at the bank, the money was not returned to anyone.

Well, I warned you. Now protect your wallets and phones as best you can.

Now the details of my case.

The wife is on maternity leave, she has no money on the card, for this reason, she does not check the balance. I went to Sberbank-online to pay for my mobile and saw that it was from a credit card with a limit of 40 thousand rubles. a significant amount disappeared. The money was withdrawn for 4 days. Stopped when antivirus was installed on the phone. An application was submitted to the ROVD. Sberbank too. An answer came from Sberbank, in which he said that on the first day, 2946 rubles were debited to the cell phone account and auto payment was connected. And that in the period of four days, in total 10,000 rubles were written off on auto payment. In fact, 7946 rubles were written off on the first day. on the second day 4000 rubles. (with an official limit on operations of 3000 rubles. Thus, in the first two days there were debits from the card that exceeded the daily limits. In just 4 days, 16946.00 rubles were debited. 12,946 rubles as written in the response of Sberbank. That is, in its official response, with the assigned number, signature and blue seal, Sberbank is already cheating with numbers. , where the phone number and the number of the debit salary card are indicated, but as I wrote above, the "default mobile bank" is forcibly linked to the credit card.

On Wednesday, February 24, I'm going to turn to the Prosecutor's Office, because where you sit down, you get off the bank. Need advice and help in drawing up an application to the Prosecutor's Office. How can funds be returned from Sberbank and Beeline. What actions can be taken. Maybe someone also suffered from scammers. It's not so much about money, but about principle. As long as you can bypass the set traps, everywhere they try to bite off and snatch a piece. I want to break the system, just a little.

Modern cellular operators offer a wide range of services, which can be accessed in a few clicks or by sending special SMS. But figuring out the current number of service numbers is much more difficult than it initially seems. So, not many subscribers know what number 7878 is. Meanwhile, it allows you to use the most useful service that can be useful to users at any time. That is why it is worthwhile to figure out in advance what it is and how it will be useful to the customers of the telephone company.

Modern mobile operators provide not only telephone, but also financial services, and a short service combination of the above numbers allows you to withdraw funds from a SIM card. That is, a correctly sent team debits money and allows you to receive it in almost any way convenient for the subscriber. At the same time, SMS makes it possible not only to cash out the balance of the phone, but also to transfer finances to other subscribers. The main thing is to know the right combinations and commands for managing financial services.

"7878" money transfer Beeline

The process of transferring or withdrawing funds is extremely simple and will require:

  • writing service SMS;
  • obtaining a special code;
  • using code to complete the operation.

In this case, in the text of the message you need to write:

  1. for withdrawal through Beeline terminals “RUB amount”;
  2. to a friend's phone "phone amount" (phone number is indicated after 7);
  3. on a bank card "type of card (Visa, Maestro, Mastercard) card number amount";
  4. to a bank account "bank code (indicated on the website) account number amount";
  5. on WebMoney "wm purse number without R amount";
  6. money and postal orders "payment system code country code full name of the sender passport of the sender name of the recipient amount" (details on the website).

It is important to remember that short number 7878 is a transfer of money to a card to another subscriber, so you should use it carefully so as not to be a victim of fraud.

No message sent to 7878 - reasons and what to do?

Despite the importance of financial services, even such services may not be available. At the same time, if an SMS message is not sent, it is impossible to make a money transfer to the card. The only way out of this situation is to search for the causes of what happened and then correct the detected error or malfunction.

In most cases, subscribers are able to cope with difficulties on their own.


Among the most common causes of difficulties are:

  • typos in the recipient's details;
  • errors in country codes and payment systems;
  • absence or lack of funds on the SIM card, due to which the operation remained unpaid;
  • independent disconnection of the service in the past;
  • system failures;
  • smartphone malfunctions.

There are other sources of potential problems. So, sometimes difficulties with sending are associated with the inability to send any SMS in general, and not a financial option in particular.

What to do?

There are several ways to deal with the difficulties and restore the correct operation of the system:

  1. check whether the specified details belong to the recipient, and make sure there are no typos and errors;
  2. take an alternative approach and transfer finances using the special Beeline website for money transactions;
  3. contact the operators of the contact center and ask them to figure out what happened, and at the same time check the status of the operation.

Each method has its own advantages, so the final choice of the optimal approach depends on the wishes of the user.

How to disable service 7878 on Beeline?

Those who want to disable the 7878 service on Beeline should try:

  • visit your personal account and deactivate the option by finding it in the list of applications;
  • contact the hotline operators and ask them to help with deactivation;
  • visit the nearest communication salon and seek support from the managers working in them.

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