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Push notifications what is it? PUSH - new generation notifications with maximum benefit.

In this article, we will try to explain what push messages are.

Today, many sites offer to subscribe to push notifications right from the doorstep. And every day there are more and more such sites. Let's start with theory.

Push notifications are short messages that come directly to your desktop. Such a message usually contains a site icon and a text field, in rare cases a large picture and buttons are added to it. When you click on this message, you will be taken to the specified page of the site that sent the notification.

What does push mean?

The name of this technology in translation means push. When sending a message, the site forwards the installed texts and images to browser companies such as Google. After that, with the help of a push, this message is delivered to your browser, which displays its contents on the screen. It should be noted that you are not required to leave any personal data, which makes this channel extremely safe.

Push is a new channel that allows sites to send you information about news, special offers, or simply to report the status of an order.

Here are some examples of notifications that sites send out:

Travel agencies can offer you the best deals:

And airlines - to notify about the status of the flight for which you have registered.

Push messaging technology is a new era of communication between websites and you. By subscribing once, you will always be up to date with the latest news of the resource.

Push messages have a number of properties:

They come whether you are on the site or not, are delivered instantly, and your subscription cannot be used on other resources, unlike emails.

As simple as allowing them to be received. We have already talked about this in our blog.

in dry residue.

Browser messaging is a great tool for modern marketing and is extremely user friendly. The technology prevents spam from entering the message channel. But you need to be selective and allow notifications only for those sites whose content is interesting or useful to you.

In conclusion, I would like to insert a few lines for companies that take this opportunity into circulation. By doing everything, you will be able to keep the loyalty of your audience, and your messages will always be welcome on the subscriber's desktop.

Greetings, my dear readers. Today there will be a cool article about innovative ways to get new subscribers to your blog or commercial site. Especially if you run an online store. Collecting will become much easier and faster for your readers.

Push notifications - instant interactive messages. The peculiarity is that they do not come in the form of spam, but are delivered only to people who subscribe to them voluntarily. The user will receive discount messages, interesting offers, news or forecasts directly in the browser, on the desktop or in the mobile device - in real time.

Benefits of Push Notifications:

  • They work on any browser or operating system;
  • Every mobile platform supports push notifications - IOS, Android, Windows and BlackBerry;
  • The technology does not require special applications on the device;
  • The smartphone receives and displays social, media or text messages even when the device screen is locked;
  • They do not get into spam filters;
  • The user will not forget about them in the mailbox;
  • Click-through rate is twice as high as email.

Push Notifications- what is it from the point of view of the interface? They are similar to SMS, text messages, and mobile alerts, but only reach users who have given their consent and set the subscription permission.

These notifications can be personalized by the sender. But they also require the management of user identity data. The technology needs an interface for writing messages, targeting and sending.

What are push notifications and how do they work?

Get ready to tense up as the information is dry and technical. But without it it is impossible to understand the principle of action.

There are three basic parties that are involved in providing push notifications:

  • Notification Service - OSPNS. Each operating system, including iOS, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry, has its own service.
  • Publisher application. An interface that connects to and interacts with OSPNS via an API. The publisher can then provide it as an online service, app in the App Store or Market.
  • client application. The specific interface installed on the user's device. It accepts incoming notifications.

The application registers an event with the OS notification service. The service provides API access to the publisher application. An API is a way for an application to communicate with a service.

How is it in practice

More often, users see a notification in the form of a banner or. At the same time, security alerts will not disturb the user, since the method is legal and safe.

Push notifications - what does it mean for business:

  • Promoting products or increasing sales.
  • Improving the quality of customer service.
  • Immediate sending of transactional notifications.
  • Direct way to communicate with customers.

Activity on the topic of the message increases the return on labor costs. This attracts new orders and helps maintain the loyalty of regular customers. The return on investment for small businesses here is staggering.

But back to the implementation. For notifications to work, they need some kind of interface. Large companies develop their own services, while small businesses, personal blogs and websites go the other way. Use online platforms. Consider the simplest of them - the Sendpulse service. Installation does not require any skills - follow the instructions.

How to set notifications using the service

When registering, the system asks for a phone number. It is safe - money will not be debited from it. After registration, you will be prompted to add a new site.

The input form opens. Enter your domain there. If you select the option with http, a notification will appear that Push notifications on such sites do not work correctly. Therefore, the option of sending from a subdomain in SendPulse will be used. Further work will go in a special panel. Don't be scared and keep going.

The display option is selected individually - by clicking or when entering the site.

The next step is to place the issued code. It will work only on the domain for which it was created.

The code is inserted into the bare html template without difficulty - adding before the closing tag /head. It is clearly shown on the first screenshot of the instructions.

Integration into CMS templates is complicated for a beginner by a lack of understanding where to insert the code. Let's look at the example of the two most popular engines - Wordpress and Joomla.

Installation in Wordpress

Log in to the site's admin panel. Then select "editor" or "editor" from the left menu, depending on the system language used. The template files will be available. On the right, the header.php file is selected. It is present in most themes, it is there that the head tag is located, before which we will insert the code. The only thing left to do is to save the changes.

The three places that will be needed for installation are marked on the screen with yellow circles.

Installation in Joomla

The installation path is different from the previous one. Select the active template, open the styles tab. Here the index.php file is selected. Paste the code before the /head tag and save the changes.

After installing the code, we will return to the service and check the correctness. To do this, use the "recheck settings" button. If everything is correct, a notification will appear.

Now the most interesting.

Refresh the page of your site - a notification about the subscription request will appear in the specified place.

Now set up the details of future Push mailings:

  • title;
  • text;
  • link;
  • picture.

When setting up, pay attention to the text. It must clearly position the message. Otherwise, users will unsubscribe without understanding why they need spam. The service will send you a test notification or provide testing on existing subscribers.

An important factor in reducing the number of unsubscribes is the choice of the appropriate time for mailing.

Poorly planned notifications push people away. A tidy publisher takes into account the habits and lifestyle of the average subscription user. The best time to send notifications is between noon and 5pm on weekdays. Mondays are best avoided as people get busy early in the week, but Tuesday through Friday is the golden time for mailings.

According to research, push notifications 50% more efficient than sending emails. Use your power wisely.

If you have been on my blog, you may have seen a pop-up window offering to receive the newsletter. It is very simple, unlike subscribing to the mailing list, but if you change the browser, you will have to re-subscribe.

A very important and interesting point is the ability to insert your icon into notifications.

Here's what they look like for me in different browsers.

Also, the system offers to select the type of confirmation of subscription to the newsletter. After installing it on the blog, I ran some tests and decided to use the popup. In one evening, after installation, 7 users have already subscribed.

Here is the type I use on the blog:

These services are absolutely FREE if there are up to 2500 subscribers. Recruit new readers in 2 clicks. If you want even more free subscribers, then you should contact the service for the “Optimal” tariff - in it, for 1,000 rubles per month, you can send an unlimited number of messages to a base of 20,000 subscribers from three sites.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Push notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the screen of a mobile phone or a regular computer and inform about important events and updates. When used effectively, these concise informative messages are a powerful marketing tool. The main purpose of push notifications is to inform users about website or application updates, new content additions, or any other news.
Initially, push notifications appeared precisely as a way for mobile applications to interact with mobile device users, but recently the technology of browser push notifications or web push has also become very popular.

Let's start with a new trend, namely browser push notifications.

If we talk about browser push notifications or web push, then these are messages from sites that appear as pop-up windows on the user's desktop if the latter has given permission to receive them. When clicking on such a notification, the user will be redirected to a specific page of the site from which the notification came.
This is what the invitation to subscribe to a notification from the site looks like.

To make it easier to understand how browser push notifications work, you can take a look at this diagram.

The push notification itself consists of a title, an image, a short text, and a link to the sender's website. Here's what it roughly looks like when it appears on your desktop.

How can browser push notifications be of interest to Internet marketers and business owners?

First of all, the fact that this is an alternative method of building your own subscriber base compared to email newsletters. If we compare email newsletters and push notifications, then push notifications have their own advantages, namely:

  1. It's easy to subscribe. To subscribe to push notifications, simply click on one button in a pop-up browser window - and the subscription is carried out.
  2. High percentage of delivery and conversions. According to some estimates, the percentage of delivery of push notifications is up to 90%, and the percentage of clicks to sites through push notifications reaches up to 50%.
  3. Just connect. In order to connect the sending of push notifications on your site, it is enough to install just a few lines of code on it.
  4. Convenient to send. You can set up automatic series or RSS feeds.

Web push notifications can be used by an Internet marketer for a variety of purposes. Here are just a few of the options:

  • Trigger Notifications
  • Sales
  • News/News
  • Reminders
  • Congratulations
  • Events

Sendpulse offers one of the most popular push notification services. Among its main advantages are ease of use, the ability to segment the audience, as well as the ability to integrate SMS, email and webpush mailings. In addition, at the moment, the push notification service from Send Pulse is absolutely free.

Application options for mobile push notifications.

Let's now touch on mobile push notifications. How do they work and how can they be useful to your business? Four main areas were identified in applying these notices to improve business.

The bulk of mobile push notifications (41%) are used to announce the release of new applications or the appearance of new versions of existing ones. The second, no less important, use (24%) is sending special offers or links to specific landing pages. 14% of push notifications are used to inform users about new content available in the application, and 12% are used to send referral or promotional links. The remaining 9% are used for other types of information.

New marketing channels.

The concept of push notifications has made its way into the marketing world very quickly. But there is a fine line between being cooperative and being overly intrusive. Push notifications should provide the user with valuable information and encourage long-term collaboration. Therefore, messages should be timely and contain relevant content. For example, if a kids app developer sells push notification space to a coffee company, then such messages will be considered spam. This will not help create relationships - the application will lose its popularity. Some marketers use GPS technology to send mobile push notifications when a user is near their outlets. This option of user interaction looks more preferable. The main thing is to provide information that users want to receive in a timely manner.

Also, an effective use of push notifications is to inform the user about the actions of his friends. For example, facebook informs users about new comments on their posts using browser push notifications.

If you're going to be using mobile or browser push notifications as part of your marketing plan, make sure you follow these simple rules:

  • Content must be relevant and up-to-date
  • Content must be linked to social networks for discussion
  • Providing the option to unsubscribe from the mailing list
  • Do not exaggerate with the number of notifications - more than six messages per day will annoy most users.

Above all, remember that it's all about practice. Your first push notification campaign may not be perfect, but the experience gained will give you the impetus to improve further.

Push notifications are pop-up messages that contain a short text, an image, and a link to the sender's website. Initially, they were used only in mobile applications, but in recent years, the technology of browser push notifications, or web push, has become popular.

For sites, such notifications are an effective way to build their own subscriber base. In order to become one of them, the user just needs to click on a button in a pop-up browser window. After that, web push messages pop up with sound and and on top of all windows on the computer screen, even when the browser is not running.

Who sends them and why users need it

Push notifications are actively used by news portals, online stores, travel agencies and even some banks. The media thus announce new articles, online stores - promotions, sales or assortment updates; travel agencies - current offers on hotels and tours, banks - mailing lists for their products. In addition, this way you can receive notifications about payment for goods, reminders about the extension of service tariffs, confirmation of information about departure / departure (in the case of travel agencies), and other notifications.

The main advantage of push notifications is that, unlike e-mail newsletters, such messages are more targeted. Each registered subscriber is assigned an encrypted string (token). The token is unique for each domain, key, and device type. Thanks to this, a user who has subscribed to web push from a work PC will not receive additional notifications on his mobile phone or personal computer. Therefore, it is also impossible to take the base of tokens of other people's subscribers: each site will have its own token.

Why is everyone complaining about web push

The disadvantages of push notifications stem from their own advantages: not all companies use this method for its intended purpose, continuous text messages with the same type of advertising turn into spam. If a user has too many subscriptions to notifications from different sites, at some point it starts to get annoying.

How to turn off push notifications in your browser if you don't like them:

In Google Chrome:

    Launch the Chrome browser on your computer, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the window and go to "Settings";

    At the bottom of the page, click "Additional";

    In the "Privacy and Security" section, select "Content Settings";

    Select "Notifications";

    Choose the appropriate option:

1) block all notifications - disable the "Ask permission before sending" option.

2) block notifications from a specific site - next to the "Block" inscription, click "Add", enter the page address and select "Add" again;

In order to re-allow notifications from a specific site, next to the "Block" inscription, click "Add", enter the page address and select "Add" again.

In Safari:

You can hide requests from sites to send notifications in Safari by choosing Safari menu > Preferences > Websites > Notifications. In the last section, uncheck "Allow websites to ask permission to send push notifications". From now on, Safari won't ask you when you visit websites that can send notifications. You can also enable notifications again if necessary in the browser settings.

In "Yandex browser":

To create this browser, the same engine was used as in Chrome, so the algorithm of actions here will be almost the same. In order to turn off notifications, you need to go to "Settings", then open "Advanced", find the "Personal data" section in them and click on the "Content settings" button. In the "Notifications" section, after that, select "Do not show notifications from sites" and click "Finish".


Click on the "Menu" icon with the Opera icon, go to "Settings" and select "Sites" in the list of sections. After that, in the left part of the window, find the “Notifications” item and check the “Forbid sites to show system notifications” item.

In Mozilla Firefox:

Firefox is an exception to all browsers: here you can also turn off notifications by checking the "Do not disturb" checkbox in the content settings, but they will only be blocked until you restart the browser. Users who want to disable push notifications once and for all should open a new tab in their browser and type about:config in the address bar.

After that, the browser will show a warning about the risk of changing the settings - you need to confirm that you accept it. Then type in the search bar dom.push.enabled. In the window that appears, switch the parameter value from true to false. This means that you can forget about push notifications.

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