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The psychological impact of a computer on a person.


2.1 Psychological addiction to computer games

2.2 The mechanism of the formation of psychological dependence on role-playing computer games




Today there is no longer any doubt that the new 21st century is the century of information and scientific knowledge. The development of the global process of informatization of society, which covers all developed and many developing countries of the world community, including Russia, leads to the formation of a new information environment for people and a new, informational way of life and professional activity.

The information sphere, being a system-forming factor in the life of society, actively influences the state of the political, economic, defense and other components of the security of the Russian Federation.

The state of the information environment of society has a very significant impact on the state of the psyche of people, the stereotypes of their behavior in society and personal life, on their moral standards, moral criteria and spiritual values.

This influence became especially noticeable in the last decades of the 20th century, when information and communication processes in society have significantly increased due to its universal informatization, and the transition from a totalitarian state to a democratic one has spawned in many countries, including Russia, an increase in chaotic processes in the information sphere. ... In this regard, in the last 5-7 years, society has begun to realize a new global problem - information and psychological security.

1. Information environment and its impact on the human psyche

1.1 Types of information and psychological impact

Depending on the information technology used, several means of information and psychological influence are distinguished: oral influence, including with the use of acoustic means of voice amplification and noise effects; impact associated with the use of printed products; exposure using television and radio communications; impact based on the use of computer technology and the Internet.

It is important to note that the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for measures to combat websites containing information that may adversely affect the psyche, behavior and spiritual health of the younger generation. In this regard, there is a need to improve legislation in the field of information to ensure the protection of minors from computer crimes, from unwanted information, as well as to limit the access of children to this kind of information by the Internet resources themselves.

In recent years, the potential of the computer itself has much less influence on the education system than, for example, the “primitive models of behavior” that are implanted in computer games and the emasculated advertising style of messages of the “screen culture” of the Internet. Internetization has a massive effect on the psyche, modification of the behavior of individuals.

On the other hand, the Internet has the opportunity to take a certain place in the education system, acting as a factor in increasing its efficiency and modernization. Currently, science is taking the first steps towards a pedagogical understanding of the penetration of new communication technologies (NKT) into education.

At the moment, it is no longer in doubt that the impact that the Internet can have on a user's personality is deeper and more systemic than the impact of any other technological system.

1.2 Definition of the concept of information and psychological security

In many studies devoted to the problems of information security, the main attention is paid to the problems of information security of states, economic and legal structures, information systems, etc. (5; 13; 11; 10, etc.). Unfortunately, behind these diverse manifestations of the human world, the person himself is usually lost - the personality. But after all, it is the development of the personality, the disclosure of its creative potential that is the highest goal of progress, the decisive justification of its costs, and it is the personality that should become the subject of the first concern and protection from possible threats, including information.

Today, information search on the Internet gives more than 2.5 thousand sites where the category of "psychological safety" is mentioned. Analysis of their content allows us to single out two areas of research: psychological security in the information sphere; and psychological safety as a means of protection against destructive cults and totalitarian sects.

According to the definition of the Vice-President of the Academy of Informatization of Education, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under “information and psychological security, it is now accepted to understand the state of protection of citizens, their individual groups and social strata, as well as the population in on the whole from negative information and psychological influences ”.

2. Classification of methods of psychological influence

There are various classifications of methods of psychological influence. Experts distinguish between such types as:

1.spontaneous influences due to technological modes of functioning of certain information systems (for example, electromagnetic radiation from communication, computer or television equipment);

2. deliberate influences on a person for the purpose of explicit or latent inducement to certain actions (psychotropic; informational and propagandistic; psychoanalytic; neurolinguistic; psychotronic.

Researchers note their following main features: high professionalism in organizing such influences that can be prepared only by persons with special psychological knowledge and experience; the use of new forms and means of latent influence on the individual, group and mass consciousness of people (the so-called psychological technologies); the appearance in recent years of psychophysical (psychotropic) weapons, that is, technogenic means, the use of which can have a remote effect on mental functions and the work of physiological organs and systems of a person. We will consider in more detail the psychological impact of computer games on a person.

From the side. It seems to me that the most serious offense of psychomanipulators should be considered their intrusion into the secrets of our consciousness, and we must protect these secrets. 4. The impact of electronic media on the population What informational and psychological impact do we mean? First, we are talking about the impact on the individual consciousness of a person as a citizen, as a subject of political life, ...

Comfortable and safe working conditions for PC users. Fifth, the operation of the computer is accompanied by acoustic noises, including ultrasound. When discussing the problem of "computer and health", it should be said about virtual reality. This latest technology includes: for the developer - the ability to simulate a physical virtual (artificially created, but perceived as real) ...

Man ”is becoming one of the main problems of modern society. The new information age demonstrates global advantages that determine the development of modern society and man. First, there is a high level of interaction between computers and humans. The computer acts as a person's personal assistant, which responds to almost all human senses. Relatively...

The future of the nation depends. In the affected territories of Ukraine, where the 137Cs radioactive contamination density ranged from 5 to 40 Ku / km2, conditions of long-term exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation arose, the effect of which on the body of a pregnant woman and fetus had not actually been studied before the Chernobyl disaster. From the first days of the accident, the state of health was closely monitored ...

Many parents are convinced that a preschooler or junior schoolchild needs a computer only for entertainment. They are partly right: the computer is really an incredibly attractive and exciting toy through the eyes of children. However, do not forget that kids learn the world precisely through play, and the more varied the games are, the more benefits they will bring.

Today there are a lot of educational games and programs for children of different ages that allow you to playfully teach a child to distinguish colors and shapes, learn the seasons and names of objects, learn to read and count. Here is what one of our regular readers Julia, mother of a 3-year-old baby, says about this:

I believe that computers and tablets are the salvation of parents. ☺ The child is busy, the child is developing. For example, we have already learned geometric shapes and colors thanks to the application on the tablet. ""

At the same time, one cannot deny the negative impact of computers, excessive hobby for which can provoke health problems, difficulties in socialization and the development of gambling addiction in a child.

The child is studying the computer

Modern children get acquainted with a computer at the age of 3-4 years, and by the age of 7 a child becomes a real "ace" who is able to teach less "advanced" relatives various computer tricks. The main task of parents is to control and direct this process, selecting only useful games and programs for the child that contribute to the development of intelligence.

Influence of the computer on the intelligence of the child

The most useful for children of younger and older preschool age are special educational and educational games. These include:

  • graphic editors, including the simplest "drawing" and "coloring";
  • music editors, especially dedicated tablet apps;
  • puzzles, from the simplest for 1-2 elements for children from 3 years old, to complex ones, which will be interesting to collect for both children and adults;
  • presentation pictures with text and sound accompaniment, for example, the popular Doman cards;
  • interactive children's encyclopedias;
  • logic puzzle games, for example, classic Tetris.

Such games stimulate the development of the child, in particular, develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, memory and logic, attention and reaction speed. In addition, games greatly facilitate the learning process and serve to prepare the child for life in the information society.

Naturally, this does not mean that a one-year-old baby can be handed a tablet or put him in front of a monitor for the whole day and consider his pedagogical duty fulfilled. For full development, a child needs communication with parents and peers, outdoor games and "ordinary" toys: pyramids, balls, cars and dolls. Communication with a computer for preschoolers should be limited to 10-15 minutes, and for younger students 20-30 minutes no more than 2 times a day and with breaks between "sessions" at least 2-3 hours.

Excessive infatuation of children with the computer instead of the expected benefit can do significant harm. For example, replacing live communication and games with parents and peers even with the best developmental programs lead to impaired physical and intellectual development of the child. In particular, in the last year alone, the number of children with delayed speech development has increased by 40%, children with delayed speech development by 20%. And pediatricians associate these figures with the “computerization” of our life.

How does a computer affect a child's health?

The computer negatively affects the child if the toddler spends too much time in front of the monitor. Moreover, first of all, the eyesight and psyche of the baby suffer. Also, long games on the computer cause fatigue and can provoke headaches, and an incorrect posture or an uncomfortable workplace leads to scoliosis, pain in the back, lower back, shoulders and neck. In order not to be unfounded, let us dwell on these aspects in more detail.

The high brightness and flickering of the computer monitor, as well as the need to constantly focus the gaze in one direction and at the same distance, cause rapid fatigue of the eye muscles. And regular overwork of the eye muscles leads to loss of visual acuity and can cause the development of myopia.

In addition, a person normally blinks about 20-25 times per minute, and when working at a computer, the frequency of blinking decreases to 1-2 times per minute. A decrease in the frequency of blinking leads to drying out of the mucous membrane of the eyes - as a result, such unpleasant symptoms as burning in the eyes, redness of the eyes, and a feeling of "sand" under the eyelids appear.

In order to reduce the negative impact of the computer on the child's vision, it is necessary:

  • limit the time of continuous work in front of the monitor 10-20 minutes for preschoolers and 20-30 minutes for schoolchildren;
  • immediately after working at the computer, the child should wash with clean cool water, and then do special exercises for the eyes;
  • while relaxing from the computer, the child should be offered activities that do not cause eye strain. Ideally, outdoor games or any physical activity, but it is better to refuse reading or watching TV;
  • make sure your computer monitor does not reflect light from natural or artificial light sources in the room. Glare on the monitor provokes additional stress on the eye muscles.

note: The higher the quality of the monitor, the higher its resolution and image clarity, the less harm it has on eyesight. The safest modern monitors with a special anti-reflective coating.

Influence of the computer on the posture of the child

Strictly speaking, it is not the computer itself that has a negative impact on the child's posture, but the child's incorrect posture while working on it. This factor especially negatively affects the health of the spine if the child spends several hours a day at the monitor and does not devote enough time to physical activity and sports.

If a child sits in front of a computer, lounging in a chair, or on the contrary constantly slouches and bends forward, his spine is deformed. This, in turn, leads to back pain, headaches, malformed spine and the development of scoliosis.

The correct posture when working on a computer looks like this:

note: A carefully equipped workstation will help minimize the stress on the spine and ensure the correct posture of the child when working on the computer. At the same time, the usual "adult" office furniture will do more harm than good: the furniture must correspond to the growth of the child.

The main danger of the virtual world for the child's psyche is that the child identifies himself with the hero of a computer game. It's good if this is a "peaceful" hero of an educational game who bakes pies, heals animals or grows flowers. But children quickly get bored of such games: boys prefer to see themselves as the savior of the world, fearlessly destroying aliens or monsters, girls are attracted by virtual simulators of modeling and show business. Passion for such games leads to a distorted perception of reality by the child: aggressive behavior, physical violence and even murder cease to be something terrible in the eyes of children.

Overly dynamic games, such as car racing simulators, excite the child's nervous system and cause rapid fatigue. As a result, sleep and appetite are disturbed, irritability and aggression appear, concentration of attention and the ability to learn decrease.

Therefore, for preschoolers and children of primary school age, all "adult" games with elements of aggression and too dynamic games, including arcades and simulators, are under absolute prohibitions. Such games have a negative impact on the psyche of the baby.

Note: To make it easier for parents to select games for their child, special game ratings have been created, for example, Pan European Game Information (PEGI) is used in Europe. This rating consists of two parts: an age limit and a short description of the content in the form of a warning logo. PEGI divides games into 5 age categories: 3+, 7+, 12+, 16+ and 18+. In Russia, such a system is called the Russian System of Age Ratings, according to which age categories are distributed as follows: 0+, 6+, 12+, 16+ and 18+. Games from the first category are suitable for the smallest users, games from the latter, respectively, are intended only for adults.

At the same time, one should not forget that the unhealthy atmosphere in the family, conflicts in kindergarten or school are much more dangerous for the child's psyche than any computer games. It is these factors that often form gambling addiction, prompting the child to "escape" from problems into the virtual world.

Influence of the computer on sex education

The Internet has made almost any information available, including the content of so-called "adult sites". Naturally, the task of parents is to protect the child from visiting such resources, because the information presented on them, to put it mildly, is not intended for young users and can cause irreparable harm to the delicate child's psyche and further sexual development.

The easiest way is to set the “parental control” function with a high level of filtering in the antivirus settings. Thus, you will protect your home computer and mobile devices with Internet access, but you will not get a 100% guarantee that your child will not familiarize yourself with forbidden sites using a friend's computer. That is why it is important to hear from you about the natural sexual relationship between a man and a woman.

In the age of information technology, parents should pay special attention to the sex education of their children, answering their questions in detail and correctly, without hiding behind stories about cabbage or storks. Your task is to win the child's trust so that he would turn to you with all the juicy questions, and not to the search engine.

It is you who must explain to him that sex is natural and beautiful, however, only when it is one of the ways of expressing love between adults. It is especially important to emphasize that this applies only to adults. In a mild form, warn about the dangers of early sexual activity and do not forget to detail about the means of protection.


Remember: a computer can become a reliable assistant for your child, facilitate and diversify the learning process. However, excessive enthusiasm for them can be dangerous for both the physical and mental development of the child. Your task is to teach your child the basics of computer literacy and the basic rules for the safe use of technology.

Girls! Let's do reposts.

Thanks to this, specialists come to us and give answers to our questions!
Also, you can ask your question below. People like you or experts will give the answer.
Thank you ;-)
All healthy kids!
Ps. This also applies to boys! It's just that there are more girls here ;-)

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Long-term work at the computer negatively affects many functions of our body: higher nervous activity, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems, vision and the musculoskeletal system of a person ... What can this mean for an ordinary person? Anything! From blurred vision to varicose veins in the legs. Honestly, you can "earn" all this without a computer, simply by leading an unbalanced lifestyle. The computer is just another link in the same chain: insufficient rest, a sedentary lifestyle, inorganic nutrition, etc.

All of the aforementioned ailments will certainly affect your mental state. However, now we will focus on the influence of the computer, which is directly related to our psyche. And if vision, hearing can deteriorate through a keyboard, "mouse" or monitor, then the psyche is primarily influenced by more, so to speak, virtual things - games and the Internet. This is something that "addicts", something that is impossible to tear yourself away from, something without which many no longer imagine their life - this is a manic addiction to the Internet or games. If you like, internet addiction, gambling addiction.

First of all, you must immediately say that we are talking about hours of sitting at the computer. Second, we mean people who spend their time in chats, forums, playing games, and do not work on the Internet (collecting information, etc.). By the way, they make up about 90% of all "long-sitting" in the network. Hence follows the third position: a portrait of this audience.

Actually, he is the fundamental reason for such a pastime, with the ensuing consequences. People living their lives on the Internet often need social support, they have great difficulties in communication, they experience dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, complexes, shyness, etc.

All these problems are "solved" by the Internet! The Internet seems to say to them: "Go to the chat, introduce yourself as anyone, satisfy any of your desires and do not be afraid of anything!" And people are in a hurry to leave for a safe environment for them, a life that does not commit to anything.

Thus, they, firstly, aggravate those traits of their own that they would like to get rid of, and also acquire new ones: escape from reality by changing their mental state, virtually changing their gender, age ... Of course, gradually this way of life , a way of thinking, permeates all levels of their life. The person begins to act and think differently.

He resolves everyday issues, family, personal, professional, partnership, etc. in a different way.

Here are the psychological symptoms a person may begin to experience if he belongs to the risk group of Internet addicts:

    feeling good or euphoric at the computer;

    inability to stop;

    an increase in the amount of time spent at the computer;

    neglect of family and friends;

    feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation not at the computer;

    lying to employers or family members about their activities;

    problems with work or study.

Dangerous signals are also:

Actually, you will find all these symptoms in people with any other addiction, be it alcohol, drugs or work. Over time, if you do not take any measures, the condition of addicts worsens, turning into mania. Experiencing euphoria at the computer, they simultaneously cultivate imbalance, absent-mindedness, slovenliness, self-isolation, the loss of any familiar values, the loss of internal orientations, a disregard for loved ones. By the way, a huge delusion of many people living with drinkers or Internet-dependent relatives is that they perceive the above qualities at their own expense, trying to urge the "dependent" person to ethical standards. But, I repeat once again, this is a delusion. These people are sick, and their illness leads to profound personality changes, the emergence of new, rather unpleasant, character traits.

If adults more or less consciously make their choice, then children often become hostages of their parents' lifestyle. Unfortunately, in addition to the computerization that lies in wait for them, there are a number of other side effects from long-term interaction with the computer.

Children quickly adapt to the world around them, and to the world of computers too. Many changes can be overlooked immediately, "with the naked eye" (they can only be determined by an experienced teacher or psychologist). For example, this may reflect on their emotional plan, there may be increased aggressiveness, outbreaks of violence. Another observation is that children stop fantasizing, become unable to create their own visual images, and have difficulty generalizing and analyzing information. The computer can cause long-term impairments in the mental and intellectual development of children. In the so-called computer generation, some types of memory work worse, emotional immaturity and irresponsibility are observed.

A computer can become a friend or a sworn enemy, it can help in trouble, or it can add a bunch of problems, it can help to find like-minded people, or it can lead to loneliness.

Computer technologies have become part of our life. It is a fact.

With their appearance, a lot has changed in people's lives, for example, in their way of communicating, seeking and disseminating information. As a result, new dependencies have appeared.

But here, I think, it is important that there is a person who wants addiction - and where to apply it (addiction), he will find it himself perfectly.

What will computerization lead to, how will it affect the psyche and will it change people's lives?

It will definitely lead to something, it is a fact. However, it must be said that each new generation received remarks from the elders like: you are not like us, everything is different with you, this progress is unknown where it will lead. When they moved from horses to steam locomotives, then to faster cars, this also influenced people, their psyche, their way of communicating, their way of life. And now it is the turn of computerization and the World Wide Web.

I'll start with the Polish proverb “Tso is zanadto, then it’s not healthy” - what is excessive is unreasonable. It has always been, any bias leads, as a rule, to sad consequences. There is also such a saying - everything is poison, everything is a medicine, only the dose distinguishes one from the other. But how to prevent this imbalance, and is it there?

The fact is that computers have become part of our life. An ATM for withdrawing money, a girl in a supermarket at the checkout, a constructor, a designer, an economist, an accountant, a teacher - computers are used almost everywhere.

Some specialties do not imply finding a person strictly in a specific workplace; you can work anywhere, thanks to the Internet. We can, without leaving home, manage our finances, play on the stock exchange, in the sweepstakes. This is in the production and financial spheres.

And in personal - social networks, skype, vibe. At any moment in time, we are able to connect with the person we need anywhere in the world. We can write to him, send photos and see him on the screen. We, in principle, do not even need to visit each other, but just talk on Skype. In the end, I also wrote this article on a computer, posted it on the Internet, and you are reading it on a computer.

That is, computer technologies have become part of our life.
But what about them?
Will they harm the future generation? And if they do harm, how?

I think that with every innovation in people's lives, many have asked this question and have expressed many fears about it. In my opinion, it is important in this case (in this case with the advent of computers) to live their own human life. This applies not only to the situation with computers, but in general with everything that happens to us.

This means the following.

  • Study yourself, your capabilities in connection with the advent of the computer.
  • Closely monitor feedback from other people, the world in general.
  • Look for various ways to apply innovations, try them on yourself, in your life.

And I believe that a person is able to competently apply all those innovations that he himself created. We somehow survived when the radio suddenly appeared. And the appearance of television, of course, changed the world, but people have adapted. Now in the age of computers, it is our turn to assimilate the experience of using them.

Of course, there are and will be imbalances (which is only a computer addiction), but there is a feedback from other people, society, in order to notice these imbalances and make the appropriate amendments. And if you are attentive to this, then I am sure that computerization will raise us to a new level of development. And the psyche will not only not suffer from this, but will develop even more.

As has been said more than once in a huge number of books and publications, long-term work at the computer has a very negative effect on many functions of the human body. Here you can also recall the higher nervous activity, as well as the endocrine, immune and reproductive systems. Not to a lesser, if not more so, what has been said concerns vision and the musculoskeletal system of a person. The gloomy consequences of non-observance of a simple set of rules for using a computer can be both impaired vision and varicose veins in the legs. If you put your hand on your heart, then, of course, a person can acquire all these problems without a computer, he just needs to lead an unbalanced lifestyle. Regular computer use is just another cause of health problems, along with insufficient rest, a sedentary lifestyle, or poor diet. Another thing is that this reason turns out to be very, very significant.

Of course, all of the above diseases cannot but have a negative impact on the mental state of a person. But at the moment we are only interested in the influence of the computer, which is directly related to our psyche. And if a person's vision and hearing are primarily threatened by a keyboard, mouse, monitor or headphones, then, as far as the human psyche is concerned, more virtual things come to the fore here, namely, excessive passion for computer games or the Internet. As a rule, it is these factors that can cause a kind of addiction, which in some cases is associated with the inability to break away from one's hobby, causing a kind of maniacal addiction to the Internet or games. In such cases, a person is simply unable to imagine his existence without the subject of his already unhealthy interest, laying on his altar more and more of his time and health.

Before proceeding with the consideration of the above cases, it must be said right away that in this context we will consider only those situations that imply many hours of sitting at the computer. In addition, it is worth noting that we exclude from this context those people who are simply forced to spend a huge amount of their time at the computer due to their occupation (constant monitoring and collection of any information, etc.) Not at all! The focus of our attention will be those people who can no longer imagine their daily life without all kinds of chats, Internet forums or various computer games (it should be said that such people make up about 90% of all "regulars" of the world wide web).

Now let's try to sketch out a portrait of the average representative of the specified audience. In principle, such a task can hardly be called difficult, since the way of life of such a person acts as the fundamental reason for such a pastime, and, moreover, with all the ensuing consequences. We are unlikely to be mistaken if we say that people who live their entire life on the Internet (well, at least most of it), as a rule, urgently need social support, since they experience enormous difficulties with communication, dissatisfaction with themselves, in some cases of extremely low self-esteem, complexes, shyness and a number of other all kinds of problems of this kind. Unfortunately, the Internet is able to solve almost all such problems, providing a virtual life (where you can make yourself absolutely anyone, that is, realize all your dreams of your own exclusivity) instead of real life, to which such a person simply turns out to be unadapted. As practice shows, such a Putin quite often sucks in a huge number of people in a hurry to leave for a safe environment for them, and a non-binding life.

A dual situation is observed here. On the one hand, such people aggravate those character traits from which they would like to completely get rid of, and, on the other hand, acquire new "prizes" that are expressed in escaping reality by changing their mental state, virtually changing their gender, age or some other qualities ... The danger is also expressed in the fact that over time, such a way of life and thinking permeates all levels of their reality, which makes a person act and think in a completely different way. In other words, he completely changes his approach to solving everyday issues, as well as all his family, personal, professional, partner and other problems.

Below is a list of psychological symptoms that can occur in a person at risk of Internet addicts:

    feeling of well-being, and sometimes even euphoria from being at the computer;

    problematic, and in some cases the inability to interrupt work;

    an increase in the amount of time spent behind the monitor screen;

    inattention to family members and friends, turning into complete neglect and indifference;

    feelings of internal discomfort, emptiness, depression and irritation that appear in the absence of a computer;

    more and more lies to employers and family members about their activities;

    having problems with work or study.

In addition, alertness should be caused by signals such as:

    an obsessive urge to check email as often as possible;

    with difficulty restrained anticipation of the next session on the network;

    more and more time spent on the net each time;

    an increase in expenses related to payment for Internet services and computer time.

By the way, it can be noted that all these symptoms are almost completely consistent with the symptoms characteristic of any other addiction, be it alcohol, drugs or obsession with work. In all these cases, including here and Internet addiction, the state of an addicted person is aggravated, ultimately acquiring the status of mania, if no timely measures are taken to remove this person from addiction. The euphoria provided by the computer and the Internet gradually begins to cultivate in a person imbalance, absent-mindedness, slovenliness, self-isolation, the loss of all familiar values ​​and internal orientations, a disregard for family members and friends.

Quite often, among the close people of an addict, one can find a widespread misconception that they themselves can call their “problem” relative to ethical standards and a normal lifestyle. Unfortunately, this practically never succeeds, since in this case they have to deal not with stubbornness, but with a real human illness, which causes profound changes in the personality, accompanying this process with the development of new, rather unpleasant, character traits and characteristics of the personality itself.

Now for the children. If we can say about an adult that he made his choice more or less consciously, then the child quite often becomes an unwitting hostage to the lifestyle of his parents, whose behavior and habits he copies on a conscious and subconscious level. Long-term interaction with a computer, which in the child's mind begins to associate with a friend who is always ready to play and does not say "Enough, I'm tired!"

The peculiarities of the child's psyche force the child to adapt to the world around him in a very short time, which is absolutely true in the world of computers. Unfortunately, many changes caused by such a feature of the child are not immediately noticed by an ordinary person (only an experienced teacher or psychologist can cope with this task). Changes in emotional terms, the appearance of increased aggressiveness, and frequent outbreaks of violence can be cited as examples. You can also pay attention to another aspect - the child stops the flight of fantasy inherent in his age, he becomes unable to create his own visual images, and can also with great difficulty generalize and analyze the information received. Long-term communication with a computer quite often can lead to the development of long-term disorders in the field of mental and intellectual development of the child. Some psychologists already now note in the so-called "computer generation" the deterioration of some types of memory, the appearance of emotional immaturity and general irresponsibility.

You should always remember that a computer can become a friend, help in trouble, find like-minded people, and can add a huge number of problems, lead to loneliness, becoming a sworn enemy.

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