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Ps3 media server setup. Thinstation in Russian All about easy connection of a thin client

Connection Sony Playstation 3 to media server - Contest | Instructions

Connecting Sony Playstation 3 to media server

In this article we will look at how to connect and configure game console Playstation 3 to connect to a media server.

For this we need:

1)PS 3 with software not lower than 3.40 version.


3) Wireless or wired network.

4)Soft PS 3 Media Server 1.52.1 Download - (Windows, Linux, Mac.) At the time of this writing (04/26/12) this is the latest version of this program.

5)Java Download

Consider the principle of wireless and wired connection:

Wireless network:

wired network :

At this stage, we see the connection between devices, let's look at everything in more detail:

The PC transmits data using the DLNA standard to downstream devices. This technology allows you to receive and send various media files over the local network. (images, videos, music). This is convenient because you do not have to burn media files to disk or upload it to the HDD console, all data from your PC is synchronized with another device, in our case, Playstation 3 and can be viewed / updated in real time. Playstation 3 supports many format , MPEG-2,VC-1 MPEG-4 SP, WMV, MPEG-1 AVC HP MPEG-4, (h264 / AVC ), (Xvid , DivX, etc. Thanks to a properly configured DLNA you can watch HD material without loss of quality.

And so let's get down to business:

Preparing the Components PC and Playstation 3.

First you need to decide what content and what quality you will watch. If this video is in normal SD (720x576) quality will suit you wireless connection, if you want to Full HD (1080p ) then you can’t do without a wired connection, because there will be jerks / brakes during playback. Please note that for encoding video materials in resolution FullHD 1080p You don't need weak iron. Two are enough for comfortable viewing. nuclear processor and 2GB of RAM. If you have connected everything, then let's set up the program.

Installing Playstation 3 Media Server.

1) Download Java (see at the beginning of the article).

2) Download Playstation 3 Media Server (see at the beginning of the article).

Everything is ready, everything is downloaded and installed, let's start setting up:

3) Launch PS 3 Media Server.

"Main Settings"

1) – program interface language.

2) – use only if your PC 2 or more network cards are installed. Choose the one you're connected to Playstation 3. If we use a router, skip this item.

"Navigation / Sharing"

3) - If you have certain folders that you want to give access to, then add them to the "Shared Folders"

"Transcoding options"

4) – Specify your number of cores.

5) - Uncheck the box if your console outputs sound through TV speakers or an analog audio system.

6) – With this feature, you can degrade the quality of the encoding if your computer can't handle the load.

engine MEncoder :

7)– Turn on if you have a multi-core processor.

8) – Enable the function if you want to reduce the load on the CPU and reduce the quality of the picture.

That's all, click the "Save" button and restart the program.

Playstation 3 setup

We make sure that the console firmware is not lower than 3.40. To do this, turn on the console, in the main XMB menu we look for the "Settings" item, go down below and go to the "System Settings" sub-item.

Almost at the very bottom there will be an item called "System Information".

Turn on the "Connect to media server" option

In the system settings, enable ATRAC and WMA.

If you did everything right, then in the menu, under the items video, audio, photo, a label of your server will appear. Please note that files of certain extensions are in certain headings.

When you watch 720p and higher video, the rewind may hang and give a connection error, it is advisable to use the "go to" item with OSD menu.

We will install and set up PS3 Media Server so that you can watch any media files from your PC directly on your PlayStation 3.

We will need:

  • PS3 with firmware version 3.40 or higher
  • PC or Mac
  • Working wired or wireless network to which both devices are connected
  • PS3 Media Server (download)


PS3 is an excellent media player that perfectly reproduces all industrial formats: DVD, Blu-Ray, AVCHD, SACD, Audio-CD, etc. If you, like me, prioritize quality, reliability and compatibility, i.e. If you collect a media library on standard media and in original formats, then there will be no problems with its playback.

But unfortunately, during the existence of the Internet as a medium for the active distribution of media content, a huge amount of self-made material has accumulated that has never heard of any standards: all kinds of "rips" of varying degrees of curvature, the "codecs" used (and their countless versions), containers, encoding profiles, and so on. similar. This whole zoo, with a number of subspecies of just under a million, is not possible to clean up and correctly support even with the use of stacks of crutches, and Sony is not particularly keen. To solve this problem, another and more competent approach was proposed - DLNA.

DLNA or Digital Living Network Alliance is an industry standard that allows compatible devices transmit and receive home network various media content (images, music, videos), as well as display it in real time. On the this moment standard is supported by all the largest producers household appliances and electronics: Intel, IBM, Sony, Panasonic (Matsushita), Samsung, Cisco and others. So there is no need to worry about the future of the standard and support in end products. Even Microsoft had a hand in it, although in this case one can rather talk about an attempt to undermine the "enemy" technology from the inside (as was once the case with Java), because DLNA support on Xbox 360 and Windows Media Player leaves, to put it mildly, much to be desired and traditionally "does not fully" meet the standards.

In the case of PS3, we can talk about the following work model

  • for a wired network:
  • for wireless network:

On PC / Mac, a DLNA server (special program) is launched, which is responsible for all the nuances of parsing the source material and sends the media stream in the correct format to the connected devices. In turn, the PlayStation 3 runs a DLNA client that provides the user with an interface to select open resources DLNA servers and ensures their playback. As DLNA servers so can others home appliances: digital recorders, file storage etc. In this case, the DLNA server software is already built into them. This article is about DLNA server for PC/Mac.

Because PS3 supports all major video compression standards MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 SP (DixX, Xvid, etc.), MPEG-4 AVC HP (AVC / h264), WMV, VC-1, etc. .d., then when using a competent DLNA server, you can achieve playback of 95% + SD material and 90% + HD material without transcoding (transcoding), i.e. without loss of quality and load on the PC processor. Such a "literate" server is PS3 Media Server, a free product (GPL v2 license) and platform-independent. We will take care of its installation and configuration.


First we need to connect the computer and PS3 to the network. PS3 supports wireless WiFi and wired connection. If you are going to watch video only in SD resolution, then wireless will be enough. But for flawless viewing of HD video, especially 1080p, you will definitely need a wired connection of both the set-top box and the computer. Perfectly gigabit ethernet. In the simplest case, you can connect the PC and PS3 directly with an ethernet cable.

As for the PC, any working vacuum cleaner from 5 years ago should cope with streaming without transcoding, but if you need Full HD video transcoding, then the requirements will already be somewhat higher. Push off the level processor Intel Core 2 Duo and above and 2 GB of memory. The video card doesn't matter.

Since PS3 Media Server is a platform-independent product, you can choose anything as an OS: Windows, Mac OS or Linux. The following instructions will apply to the Windows version of PS3 Media Server, however the settings on other operating systems will be almost identical.


First, install Java support (JRE), if you haven't already done so. Because the court has long banned Microsoft from distributing its crooked implementation of Java in order not to discredit the technology, then we go to the site and install the complete JRE from Sun.

Then we download directly PS3 Media Server from the official site. We choose the version for Windows, it has proven itself well 1.20.412-BETA. I advise you to download it, because it contains a number of significant improvements compared to version 1.10.51 and at the same time demonstrates no less stable operation.

After downloading the program, run the installation:

Click Next:

In order to avoid problems with rights in latest versions Windows install not to Program Files and to c:\ps3ms . Click Next:

We are filming tick "Start PS3 Media Server" and complete the installation.


Open Notepad and copy the following text into it:

Thumbnails = true alternativeffmpegpath = C:\\ps3ms\\win32\\dvrms\\ffmpeg_MPGMUX.exe mencoder_ass = false language = en usecache = true embed_dts_in_pcm = true mencoder_remux_ac3 = true mencoder_encode = keyint=3:vqscale=2:vqmin=3 mencoder_mt = true use_mplayer_for_video_thumbs = false thumbnail_seek_pos = 60 tsmuxer_mux_all_audiotracks = false enable_archive_browsing = false engines = tsmuxer, mencoder, mplayeraudio, ffmpegaudio, tsmuxeraudio, pmsencoder, mencoderwebvideo, mplayervideodump, mplayerwebaudio, vlcaudio, ffmpegdvrmsremux, rawthumbs mencoder_fontconfig = true mencoder_ass_shadow = 2 mencoder_subcp = cp1251 mencoder_sublangs = rus,und,eng mencoder_audiolangs = rus,jpn,eng,und mencoder_disablesubs = false mencoder_ass_defaultstyle = false mencoder_ass_scale = 1.2 mencoder_noass_scale = 3 mencoder_noass_blur = 2 mencoder_audiosublangs = rus,off;jpn,rus,eng,und;eng,rus,eng,und mencoder_usepcm = false nbcores = 2 avisynth_convertfps = true skiploopfilter = false maximumbitrate = 88 audiob itrate=640 prevents_sleep_mode=true folders=autoloadsrt=true minimized=true maxvideobuffer=380 mencoder_decode=dvd_isos_thumbnails=true hide_media_library_folder=false itunes=false codec_spec_script=mencoder_mux_compatible=true mencoder_ass_outline=0 mencoder_ass_falsefolding=falsefolding hide_coder=false hide_translations false audio_resample = true mencoder_noass_outline = 6 subs_color = -1 mencoder_remux_mpeg2 = true
Save the file as C:\Users\Your_Login\AppData\Roaming\PMS\PMS.conf(if necessary, overwrite an existing file) and close Notepad.

We launch PS3 Media Server through the Start menu, in case of questions we allow the firewall full access, and complete the fine-tuning:

Language (need application restart)- language of the program interface. I recommend leaving English for now to simplify the setup

Force networking on interface - change only if there are several active network cards installed on your PC. Select from the list the one that is connected to the network with PS3

By default, PS3 Media Server allows PS3 access to all drives on your computer. If you want to allow viewing only certain folders, then do it in the list Shared Folders. I recommend that you immediately open access to the torrent download folder, very convenient: from the ship to the ball. Don't forget to only enable the addition of the .!ut extension for under-downloaded files in the µTorrent settings so that they do not interfere in the list:

Attention! If you have OS Windows Vista or higher, then in the settings µTorrent be sure to turn off Windows caching, otherwise you may get problems with playing large files:

We continue setting up PS3 Media Server:

Number of cores used for transcoding- set equal to the number of processor cores, in brackets "it seems you have ... core(s) available" indicates the number of cores according to the program, in 99% of cases it is correct

Keep DTS Audio in stream - uncheck if your set-top box outputs sound through a TV or analog stereo system, and not a receiver

Mpeg2 Video quality settings - do not change anything yet. In the future, it will be possible to lower the encoding quality if the PC cannot cope with trunkcoding HD video. A characteristic feature is 100% CPU usage, playback jerks, video and sound out of sync. Or, on the contrary, increase it to "Lossless Quality" (encoding without quality loss), if there is a margin for processor power.

Mux all audio tracks - check the box if you want the server to send video with all language audio tracks available in the file (they are switched during playback via the "triangle" menu or from the remote control). This will slightly increase the load on the PC and may slow down the rewind of the video. In any case, you can always select the desired track through the TRANSCODE item in XMB in the folder where the file is located.

Enhanced multicore support - uncheck if the processor has 1 core

Skip loop filter - check the box if you want to reduce the load on the PC processor when transcoding video due to quality degradation

This completes the setup, press the Save button on top, then Quit and start the program again.


Turn on the PlayStation 3. If you do not have latest firmware, then we update it either automatically via the network, or from a USB key fob / memory card. Check that the XMB option Network setup -> Connect to media server was included, then System Settings turn on ATRAC and WMA playback. After that, the PS3 Media Server item will appear in the XMB in the Photo, Music and Video sections, and the server status will change accordingly on the PC:

Congratulations! If everything went well, then you got access to all media content from your PC. Here's what it looks like:

Please note that photos, music and videos are under their respective XMB icons. 90%+ videos with our settings should work without transcoding. Playback is completely similar to local content. Switching audio tracks is available through the OSD menu (triangle). For SD video, scene navigation (square) is available. It will not work in most HD videos, use the "Go to" option from the menu to navigate. Fully (with all additional materials) work is supported with DVDs presented either in the form of regular catalogs (usually with the name "VIDEO_TS"), or in the form of ISO images.

Please note that for rewinding "heavy" mkv files and Blu-ray remixes, it is desirable to use the "Go to" menu item, and not fast playback.

It is worth noting that in context menu(triangle) each file has an option to copy to internal HDD console or memory card. File Size Limits No. You don't need any flash drives anymore!

Unfortunately, subtitles without transcoding do not work yet. To play videos with subtitles, go to the TRANSCODE section at the top of the folder, select desired file and then the required language of voice acting and subtitles. All types of subtitles are supported, like separate files(the name must match the name of the video) and inside the container (mkv). V last case the XMB will immediately display their language, if it is of course specified.

Keep in mind that transcoding is much more CPU intensive, so a video that is normal mode plays without problems, with transcoding it can "slow down", especially Full HD files with a high bitrate. In this case, you need to reduce the quality of transcoding (see above). If your PC is very powerful processor, then it can finally be applied to at least something useful and improve the quality to Lossless, i.e. no loss. Just get ready for the fact that the bitrate will sometimes rise above 100 Mbps.


I recently became the proud owner of a Philips 42PFL-6877 TV. Almost integrated into the TV set omnivorous player, but poking every time with a flash drive to watch movies is completely inconvenient, so I decided to put a media server at home.

There is a link to a supposedly suitable one from the official site (in the "Software and Drivers" section), but firstly it is under Windows, and secondly it did not start up with a running start. After a thorough googling, I found two more or less sane media servers for Linux: Minidlna and PS3 Media Server.

Minidlna does not seem to require special settings, you need to specify the folder with the content in the config and it should work. It works, but for some reason the TV cannot take the video, although the files themselves are visible. I didn’t go too deep and launched the PS3 Media Server, so the movie went with it.

PS3 MS setup.

To begin with, I’ll clarify - I don’t pretend to be original settings and files, I found everything on the Internet on different sites and brought it into one article.

TV and server are connected via twisted pair cable. wifi router. All experiments with settings were carried out on the latest (at the time of installation) releases Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 and PS3 Media Server 1.70.0 (hereinafter referred to as PS3 MS).

I will not dwell on installing the server itself - there are a lot of manuals in the net, after installation we command sudo apt-get update and than sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo aptitude full-upgrade

There is no Cyrillic in the console, we fix it:

sudo echo "FRAMEBUFFER=Y" >> /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo reboot

After reboot, configure the console:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

select encoding in console UTF-8, used symbol table Cyrillic, console font Terminus Bold, font size 16 .

The PS3 MS itself is in the Ubuntu repository, but I decided to install it from the office. program site.

Download and unpack:

sudo cd /root
sudo wget
sudo tar -xzvf pms-generic-linux-unix-1.70.0.tgz

i unpacked it into a folder /root, my content is in the root folder /torrent and, accordingly, all paths in scripts and configuration files refer to these folders, you can unpack them into any one you wish and correct the paths.

For full-fledged work Several packages need to be installed:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shiki/mediainfo
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre mplayer ffmpeg mencoder mediainfo libzen0 vlc mc

start the media server:

sudo cd /root/pms-1.70.0
sudo ./

and interrupt with Ctrl + c, add to the created by the server configuration file path to content folder:

sudo echo "folders = /torrent" >> /root/.config/PMS/PMS.conf

start the media server again:

We turn on the TV, press the “source” button on the remote control, select the network, and see our media server. Everything seems to be fine, but files with Russian names are not visible, you need to add 2 lines

export LANG=ru_RU.utf-8
export LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.utf-8

to the beginning of the file /root/pms-1.70.0/ #! /bin/sh), execute the commands:

sed -i "1a export LANG=ru_RU.utf-8" /root/pms-1.70.0/
sed -i "1a export LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.utf-8" /root/pms-1.70.0/

and restart the media server.

In principle, now you can already watch movies from a media server, only it transcodes on the fly by default mkv files and with weak hardware, the video slows down, and the TV can play the matryoshka itself. Disable transcoding for avi and mkv:

sudo echo "notranscode = avi,mkv" >> /root/.config/PMS/PMS.conf

restart the media server.

We organize the work of PS3 MS as a service. To do this, copy the file from the archive attached to the article PS3MediaServer to a folder /etc/init.d and run the command:

sudo update-rc.d PS3MediaServer defaults 90
sudo reboot

Now the media server starts automatically at system startup and, if necessary, it can be restarted with the commands:

sudo service PS3MediaServer stop
sudo service PS3MediaServer start

If the server does not start, create a folder /var/log/pms

Done with the PS3 MS settings.


For complete happiness, install a torrent client. I'm using Transmission - a P2P client with a web interface.

sudo apt-get install transmission-daemon

We stop the service, otherwise all changes will be lost after the process is completed:

sudo service transmission-daemon stop


open file /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json

and edit the following settings:

"download-dir": "/torrent"
"rpc-password": "admin"
"rpc-username": "password"
"rpc-whitelist-enabled": false

here we set the download path, username and password for the web interface, disable the "white" list of access to the interface - allow for everyone. The password is specified in open form, after restart it will be encrypted.
We start the service:

sudo service transmission-daemon start

We go to the web interface at the address, - IP of your server)

The TV also does not understand the audio track in DTS and there are 3 options to eliminate this drawback: download movies only from AC3, enable transcoding in the media server, or recode DTS to AC3. Because My transcoding on the fly slows down, my option is number 3.

To do this, add packages: sudo apt-get install libdca-utils mkvtoolnix aften and with a script, from the archive attached to the article, we convert:

sudo ./ --wd /tmp -n -f -i -d /torrent/filename.mkv

is an app for using PS3 in as DLNA compatible multimedia server with UPnP support and the ability to stream transcode any multimedia files. The amazing functionality of the application will allow you to use the PS3 as full server for multimedia. DLNA is used to play all kinds of rips.

DLNA(Digital Living Network Alliance) is a standard that allows compatible devices to transmit and receive over a home network different kind multimedia (images, music, video), as well as transfer it in real time. This standard is supported by all major manufacturers of household appliances and electronics: Intel, IBM, Sony, Panasonic (Matsushita), Samsung, Cisco and others. So there is no need to worry about the future of the standard and support in end products. Even Microsoft had a hand in it, although in this case one can rather talk about an attempt to undermine the “enemy” technology from the inside (as it was with Java in its time), because. DLNA support on Xbox 360 and Windows media player leaves, to put it mildly, much to be desired and traditionally "does not fully" meet the standards.

Program features:

  • Quick installation.No need to install codecs and configure access to content
  • Video encoding from MKV/FLV/OGM/AVI etc in real time
  • DTS/DTS-HD Streaming
  • Remux H264/MPEG2 and all audio tracks in AC3/DTS/LPCM encoded in real time (tsMuxer)
  • Full looking for support when transcoding
  • encoder DVD ISO images/VIDEO_TS folder
  • OGG/FLAC/MPC/APE encoding
  • Video Preview
  • Possibility to select via virtual folder the language of audio or subtitles on PS3
  • Support standard formats multimedia: MP3/JPG/PNG/GIF/TIFF, as well as video formats: AVI, MP4, TS, M2TS, MPEG.
  • preview RAW files(Canon/Nikon, etc.)
  • Support for ZIP and RAR files, viewable as folders
  • Support for viewing photos on Flickr and Picasa
  • Internet TV and Internet Radio (VLC, MEncoder and MPlayer support)
  • Podcast audio/video channel support
  • Basic Xbox360 Support
  • FLAC 96kHz/24bits/5.1 support
  • support for alternative encoders DVR-MS remuxer and AviSynth (Windows only)

PS3 Media Server Setup

Required components:

  • PS3 console with firmware version 3.40 or higher
  • PC or Mac
  • wired or wireless network to which the above device components are connected
  • PS3 Media Server app (app link at the beginning)

Examples of connecting PS3 to a computer:

Wired connection using a router

Wireless connection with using Wi-Fi router

How PS3 Media Server works

On a computer (PC or Mac), you need to run a DLNA server (special program), which is responsible for parsing outgoing data and transferring media data in a format accepted by connected devices. On the PlayStation consoles 3 is a DLNA client that provides the user with an interface to the selection of available DLNA server resources and ensures their playback. Other devices can also act as DLNA servers if they support this technology.
The PS3 box supports all major video compression standards: MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 SP (DixX, Xvid), MPEG-4 AVC HP (AVC/h264), WMV, VC-1, etc., such Thus, when using a configured DLNA server, you can achieve playback of most media content without transcoding, and, therefore, without loss of quality and load on the processor of your computer. As a configured DLNA server, PS3 Media Server is used.

Selection of components for organizing a network

We connect the computer and the PS3 console to the network. A wireless connection is fine for watching videos up to 720p, while a wired connection between the PS3 and a computer is required for uninterrupted viewing of 1080p video. A 1000 Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet) connection is ideal.
To stream media content without transcoding, your computer may have single core processor, but if you need to transcode Full HD video, you will need a more powerful PC (at least Intel Core 2 Duo and 2 GB of memory). The video card does not matter in this case. PS3 Media Server supports any OS: Windows, Mac OS or Linux.

Installing PS3 Media Server (using Windows 7 as an example)

You need to install Java support. Next, install the PS3 Media Server (link at the beginning of the article). PS3 media server is better set to root system disk. On first launch, allow the program access to the firewall. Press the "Save" button to create the configuration file and exit with the "Quit" button.

PS3 Media Server Setup

Edit the file in Notepad C:\ps3ms\PMS.conf

If you have installed the PS3 Media Server app in Program folder Files, the above file may be located in the following directory C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\PMS\PMS.conf).

In the PMS.conf file, the contents must be replaced with the following (in this file, the application operation parameters are set):

Thumbnails = true alternativeffmpegpath = C:\\ps3ms\\win32\\dvrms\\ffmpeg_MPGMUX.exe mencoder_ass = true language = en usecache = true embed_dts_in_pcm = true mencoder_remux_ac3 = true mencoder_encode = keyint=3:vqscale=2:vqmin=3 mencoder_mt = true use_mplayer_for_video_thumbs = false thumbnail_seek_pos = 60 tsmuxer_mux_all_audiotracks = true enable_archive_browsing = true engines = tsmuxer, mencoder, mplayeraudio, ffmpegaudio, tsmuxeraudio, mencoderwebvideo, mplayervideodump, mplayerwebaudio, vlcaudio, ffmpegdvrmsremux, rawthumbs mencoder_fontconfig = false mencoder_ass_shadow = 2 mencoder_subcp = cp1251 mencoder_sublangs = mencoder_audiolangs = rus,eng mencoder_disablesubs = false mencoder_ass_defaultstyle = true mencoder_ass_scale = 1 mencoder_noass_scale = 1 mencoder_noass_blur = 2 mencoder_audiosublangs = mencoder_usepcm = false nbcores = 2 avisynth_convertfps = true skiploopfilter = false auto maximumbitrate = 88 audiombitrate = 640 prevents foldersleep_mode = true ized = true maxvideobuffer = 550 mencoder_decode = dvd_isos_thumbnails = true hide_media_library_folder = false itunes = false codec_spec_script = vcodec == mpeg2 && srtfile == null:: -ovc copy -nosync mencoder_mux_compatible = true

Save the file after making changes. Now launch the PS3 Media Server program and proceed to the settings in its interface.

Tab customization General Configuration

  • language- leave the language of the program interface English
  • Force networking on interface— this option is required to select the used network card if there are several in the system. Select the card that is connected to the network from the PS3.

By default, the PS3 Media Server app allows the PS3 console to access all PC drives. If you need to share only certain folders, then do it in the list Shared Folders, which is located at the bottom of the Navigation/Share Settings window.

Advice: open access to the folder where you download torrents for comfortable use and enable the .!ut extension for under-downloaded files in the µTorrent settings so that they are not present in the general content list of this pack.

Attention! At using Windows For Vista or Windows 7, configure µTorrent to disable Windows caching when writing to disk, as well as when reading from disk, to avoid problems when playing large files.

Tab customization transcoding settings, chapter Common Transcode Settings

  • Number of cores used for transcoding— number of processor cores used for transcoding; it is desirable to use all the cores of your CPU
  • Keep DTS Audio in stream- save DTS Audio in the stream; this option is not needed if you are using a TV or analog stereo system as the audio output rather than a passive speaker receiver.
  • MPEG2 Video quality settings— HD video quality settings. With this option, you can lower the encoding quality if the PC cannot cope with HD Video transcoding, that is, if the processor is overloaded, HD video playback slows down, video and audio are out of sync. When using a powerful PC, you can increase the quality level to "Lossless Quality".

Recently, a PS3 console fell into my hands, and completely without games. Out of the corner of my ear, I already heard somewhere what a media server is, but I still couldn’t try it. I thought that watching series and movies on my laptop - perfect solution, better than which it is impossible to imagine. Progress does not stand still.
The first thing an adequate person will do with a PS3 is connect it to a TV. So I did, using my home Phillips with 32 inches and support for HD 1080p (not to be confused with 1080i).

Further, an old and weak, but very quiet computer with a huge HDD. It is running Ubuntu 9.10. I installed a PS3 media server on it. Setting up the server took 2 minutes and no complicated hand movements. The server itself is written in Java for this reason it can run just as well on linux as it does on Windows or Mac. The project account is on Google code, and everyone can read the source code.

The principle of connecting devices to the server is shown below. It is very convenient when home devices have wifi module.

Friendly PS3 media server window:

Now we turn on the PS3, and we are looking for a media server, and we can choose video or music.

The last thing I would like to add, ps3 does not support many video formats, but ps3 media server can transcode video from one format to another in real time. Transcoding depends on the codecs that are installed on the computer, so you should put everything required libraries codecs. For linux, I downloaded Mplayer (as a dependency, it drags all the necessary codecs), and for Windows, it's worth downloading k-lite. Main parameter transcoding - (FPS) / (Picture quality), can be flexibly adjusted to the speed of your processor and the type of connection between the server and PS3 (ethernet or wi-fi).

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