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Checking laptop matrix online. Standalone programs to test the screen for dead pixels

Many people mistakenly believe that testing a monitor is something incredibly complex, comparable to a piano tincture and only experts can do it. In fact, everything is much simpler, today I will prove it to you on the example of a service. But first, a few words about why this test is needed? The most obvious use case is testing the monitor you are about to purchase (if you have the opportunity) or the monitor you just bought. Actually, I got this situation - it was necessary to check the new monitor for the presence of dead pixels, and indeed to see how it behaves in different situations and tests. Apparently, I accidentally deleted the desktop program, but I didn't want to spend time downloading and searching for it among the many users. Fortunately, I managed to find a monitor testing service online.

In addition, some monitors, especially new ones, may not be calibrated (factory settings are not always optimal). I agree - even a very good monitor can demonstrate the most mediocre result if it is not configured, nevertheless, the set of tests of the Online Monitor Test service will in any case make it possible to draw some conclusions about the quality (and qualities) of the monitor under test. Let's go directly to the service. Let's start with the fact that there are 3 test options (modes) available on the Online Monitor Test:

  • HTML FS- monitor test runs in a separate 1280x1024 pixel window. It is necessary that the Adobe Flash 8+ plugin be installed in the browser;
  • HTML Window- the test is launched in the same browser tab (and not in a separate window). As in the previous version, the Flash 8+ plugin must be installed in the browser;
  • Executable mode- Windows users can download the test as an application (exe-file). In this case, the presence of a flash plug-in is not required.

Whichever option you choose, the result will be the same; for example, I will choose the HTML FS mode.

Main page and Color Range test

After starting the test, its main page (Main page) opens:

On it you will see grayscale rectangles. The shade change step is 1%. This test will allow you to assess the monitor's ability to display similar shades. A good monitor will show a 2 percent difference in dark tones. On very good monitors, a 2% percentage difference is visible on the lightest shades.

For the sake of fairness, I note that it is more convenient to watch it in the "Color Range" - "Black / White%" mode (if you move the mouse pointer closer to top edge of the screen, you will see the menu test, in the same place you can turn off hints):

Since we got to the Color Range menu, let's continue exploring it. In addition to the "Black / White%" mode, in this menu you will find similar tables of red, green and blue, as well as their gradients. The principle is the same - on a good monitor, differences between shades should be visible. Gradients should be smooth.

Trailing test

With the help of a group of these tests, you can determine how well the monitor performs with moving objects. Turn on the "Main" mode, run the Start Box and compare the result with the reference from the hint.

Homogenuity test

With the Homogenuity mode, you can examine the monitor backlight (its uniformity) and look for dead pixels. The monitor should definitely look at each of the "substrates" - white, black, red, green and blue.

Test 1: 1 pixelmapping

The so-called moire test (vertical interference lines on the screen) is important for those who are going to use the monitor, including as a TV. If you can easily distinguish between pixels and there are no “streaks”, everything is OK.

Text Test

Thanks to this test, it is possible to identify the monitor's predisposition to blurring of text with some combinations of text color / background color (for example, text can cast a shadow as shown in the tooltip):

Try a variety of text and background colors to test.

In addition, there is a useful tool - Input Lag HTML (there is also an exe-version), which is useful for those who have multiple monitors connected to one computer. With this test, you can determine if there is a lag between the monitors.

Well that's all, I hope the online test of your monitor will not upset you. Even if something is wrong, do not rush to panic, maybe it should be properly configured first? Of course, a big plus of the Online Monitor Test service is its mobility; it makes no sense to store the corresponding programs on all your computers, it is enough to have access to the Internet.

P.S. If you are new to wordpress and do not know where to start, then the course on how to create your own blog consisting of training videos will come in handy for you.
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Your vision and health in general directly depend on how high-quality monitor you buy and how you set it up. In addition, a good monitor is the key to your comfortable and productive work at the computer. So, you should not rush to choose a monitor, but take it very carefully and seriously.

Never buy a monitor without looking at it in action, even if you are absolutely satisfied with all its passport details. Even the same monitor models that came in the same batch can be quite different from each other. In addition, not every monitor is capable of producing those characteristics that are declared by the manufacturer in the advertising brochure. And if you buy a monitor from a company without even opening its packaging, and at home it suddenly turns out that it has some small image defects, then it will be very difficult for you later to prove to the company that the monitor is faulty. Indeed, it is in such situations that the employees of the company, as a rule, try to absolve themselves of the guilt and in every possible way discourage themselves by the fact that small defects in the image on the monitor are within the permissible limits established by the manufacturer of this monitor. To avoid this problem, you need to test your monitor at the firm when you buy it. Moreover, it is advisable to compare with each other several identical monitors of the model that you are going to buy. Any reputable computer company should allow you to do this. If you are denied this service, you should, if possible, look for a monitor in another company.

Follow these steps to quickly test your monitor.

  • Draw a circle using a graphics program. If the result is an oval and not a regular circle, then the monitor will do you a disservice when working with graphics or design applications.
  • Type some small text in 8-10 dots font (1 point equals 1/72 inch). If letters on the screen are fuzzy or a colored halo appears around black characters, select a different monitor.
  • Try increasing and decreasing the brightness and keeping an eye on the image in the corners. If the image changes color or stretches / shrinks, it is most likely that the focus is out of focus when the brightness changes.
  • Boot into Microsoft Windows and test the focusing uniformly across the entire screen. Are small image details such as pictograms legible? Are straight lines wavy or curved in the title area of ​​a window? Monitors always have better focusing in the center of the screen, and significant distortions in the corners indicate poor quality (and not of a single sample, but of a given monitor model). Line shape distortion may be the result of poor video card performance, so do not neglect the opportunity to test this monitor with a different video card.

Calibrating your monitor

You can adjust the image on the monitor using a free utility Monitor Calibration Wizard... With its help you can adjust brightness, contrast, color channels separately. The changes made can be saved as a profile, which will be loaded after Windows starts.

There are several special programs designed to test the monitor. Especially many programs can be found on the Internet. Some of them are pretty sophisticated and not free, for example, the Display Mate program. It is not necessary to buy such a program in order to evaluate the quality of the future monitor. The Nokia Monitor test program is ideal for this purpose. First, it is distributed on the Internet completely free of charge. Secondly, it is quite simple, it is not difficult to understand it. And, besides, with the help of it you can very accurately assess the quality of your monitor and identify almost any possible defects of the latter. Basically, in order for the program to work, it will be enough to have only one launching file ntest.exe, its size is only 81 Kb. You can safely save it on a floppy disk and bring it with you to a computer company, where a manager will meet you and offer to test a bunch of monitors. In fact, you still need to agree in advance with the employees of the company about your visit in order to mentally prepare them for the fact that you will take a lot of their time while choosing a monitor for yourself.

If you buy a monitor with a computer, be sure to test it with your computer. The fact is that the quality of the picture on the monitor depends very much on what video card is used, so it is best to test the monitor with the video card with which it will work in the future. Secondly, before you start testing the monitor, let it warm up a little, at least fifteen minutes. The fact is that some defects in the monitor appear precisely after it heats up. And you simply may not notice them if you test a cold monitor. And yet, set on the tested monitor the resolution, the number of colors and the frame rate with which you will work in the future. Usually, for each monitor, depending on its diagonal and model, there are recommended values ​​for these parameters. It is them that, as a rule, are used by the majority of users. At least I do not advise you to set too small values ​​of the above parameters for testing, because the monitor can show itself well with them, but when installing, for example, a slightly higher resolution, the picture quality can noticeably deteriorate.

Run the ntest.exe file. The main test page of the program opens in front of us. According to it, you can already evaluate some of the parameters of your monitor. First, notice the image field right away. It should occupy the entire area of ​​the screen, but should not go beyond its limits and should not be rotated. Next, evaluate the geometry of the entire image. The circles should be circles, not ellipses, either in the center or around the edges of the screen. On the entire field, you should observe exactly squares, not rectangles, the lines should be straight and should intersect at right angles. Now about the colors: you should be able to see all the grayscale in the rectangles presented. If not all are visible, tweak the brightness and contrast controls on the monitor. These two controls are usually mechanical, in the form of wheels at the bottom of the monitor, so you most likely don't have to call up the monitor's electronic setup menu in order to adjust these parameters. It's also good if you see smooth transitions of red, green and blue colors of different brightness. In the same case, if they are slightly ribbed, this means that the color depth of your adapter is set to a very small (less than 24 bits). Just set, if possible, the maximum color depth, and the ribbing should disappear. This page also contains buttons for entering various tests of the program. By clicking sequentially with the left mouse button on each of them, we go directly to the various tests of the monitor.

First test: Geometry. This is one of the most important tests in the program. A grid with straight lines and circles opens before your eyes. With the left mouse button you can change the color of this grid, and with the right button - the resolution. This is how the mouse works in other tests of the program. In this test, you need to focus your attention on the shape of the objects in front of you. The main thing is that there are no very coarse geometric distortions that could not be corrected by various monitor settings. However, usually when buying a new monitor, it is almost always possible to adjust the geometric distortions with the appropriate monitor settings. Using the Geometry test, you can identify such image distortions as barrel, trapezoid, various linearity, image rotation. Try adjusting the image to see if the defect can be fixed. After all, for example, linearity adjustment is not possible on every monitor. Go through the menu items to adjust the monitor more boldly, you will not do anything terrible for the monitor. Not a single monitor has broken from this yet. In general, it is advisable to adjust the geometry for each of the possible monitor resolutions, and save the resulting settings. This way you can make sure that your monitor can save the resulting settings for each resolution. If so, then you do not have to restore the monitor settings every time you change its resolution.

Also, you should pay attention to the convergence (non-convergence) of rays in the Geometry test. In order to check the convergence in the Nokia Monitor test, there is a separate test, but the convergence can be initially and fairly accurately estimated in the Geometry test. How to do this, and in general, what is convergence (non-convergence)? First of all, display a white grid. As you know, the formation of a color image in a conventional monitor is carried out by mixing in certain proportions three colors - red, blue and green. Each color has its own point on the screen. And the convergence depends on how accurately the electron gun hits the corresponding color point. And since white color is obtained as a combination of three primary colors, then with a strong non-convergence of the rays you can see on the screen instead of a white line several multi-colored ones, i.e. your supposedly white line will sparkle. For this test, pay attention mainly to the edges of the screen. Usually, it is at the edges of most monitors that the maximum non-mixing appears. Do not be discouraged if you find non-mixing on your monitor, the most important thing is that this non-mixing is not very large and does not manifest itself in the form of a noticeable deterioration in the clarity and sharpness of the image, as well as color stripes along the edges of the image or in the form of colored lettering.

Second test: Convergence. This test is, in fact, an addition to the previous one. With the help of it, you can directly identify non-convergence of the rays. As a matter of fact, it was made precisely for this purpose. But the mechanism for detecting divergence is somewhat different here. So, in front of you is a screen consisting of straight lines. But each line is colored not in one color, but in three (green, blue, red). The border between sections of a straight line, painted in different colors, is sharp. The essence of the test is that all lines should ideally be absolutely straight. And in the event that non-convergence takes place in some place on the screen, then the segments painted in different colors will be displaced relative to each other. This is especially noticeable at the edges of the screen. Again, there are no ideal monitors, especially among amateur models, and the most important thing is that the lines in the center of the screen are absolutely straight, and at the edges its non-convergence is the least. If this is the case, then do not fill your head further with a little ignorance around the edges, but proceed immediately to the next test. If your ignorance appears already in the very center of the screen, then you should immediately abandon such a monitor and test another instance.

Next test: Resolution. In this test, we will check how the proposed monitor model copes with the resolution declared by the manufacturer. The fact is that many manufacturers are tricky, indicating in the characteristics of the monitor the maximum resolution that the monitor's scanner produces, although the monitor itself cannot cope with this resolution. Buying such a monitor, the consumer is, as it were, deceived. To prevent this from happening to you, check your monitor resolution using the Resolution test. Resolution is the number of dots per unit area of ​​the monitor screen and is limited by the grain size of that monitor. Because of how high the resolution the monitor actually reproduces, the clarity with which we distinguish fine details of the image depends. This test is especially important for those users who are going to use this monitor for graphics and who want the monitor to actually support the high resolutions they want.

This is a screen with alternating black and white stripes. With the left mouse button you can change the resolution, and with the right mouse button you can change the vertical lines to horizontal ones. The essence of the test is that each black line must be visually distinct from the white. Those. you should observe a clear border between these lines. Another thing is that in fact the black lines will appear gray, and the white ones - light gray. It's okay, as long as the border between them is visible. Particular attention should be paid to the test with vertical lines. It is in this case that, as a rule, the result is the worst, especially at the edges of the screen.

Next test: Moire. Moire is the result of natural interference. It manifests itself on almost all screens of monitors with a cathode-ray tube and occurs, as a rule, when using high resolutions due to the overlapping of two grids. The first grid consists directly of monitor grains, while the second is displayed on the screen. Moire appears differently in every monitor. These can be various opacities, or, conversely, enlightenment on the screen in the form of ridges, waves, streaks, mainly when displaying alternating contrast lines. Moire can also appear as colored spots or streaks of various shapes. In general, a small moire is not very scary, the main thing is that you do not see moiré patterns in a monochromatic screen illumination, such as, for example, the workspace of many programs or just the Windows desktop. In principle, many modern monitor models have an anti-moir setting, which, by the way, does not always help. But if your monitor has such a setting, then you can try to adjust the screen to a minimum presence of moiré. But don't overdo it with this setting, as it can cause some areas of the screen to shake, which can ultimately be more noticeable than moiré.

Next test: Brightness - Contrast. This is also a very important test, because how bright and contrasting the image will be, depends on how accurately the monitor will transmit different shades of the image, and how comfortable the user will feel under certain lighting conditions in a given room. First of all, you need to adjust the brightness of the image. Brightness controls how black is displayed on the screen. You need to make sure that the overall background on the screen is really black, but at the same time you can distinguish all the gray rectangles (1% - 9%). Here, if your image is too bright, then you will never see pure black on the monitor screen, but if the brightness is not enough, then you will not be able to distinguish some shades of gray. In general, here your task is to find the golden mean. As far as contrast is concerned, here your vision should be "thrown" to the large peripheral light rectangles. By adjusting the contrast, you kind of adjust the intensity of the light tones in the image in relation to the dark ones. In this test, you must ensure that the light rectangles are clearly distinguishable from each other at a normal level of intensity. Also, pay attention to the white numbers indicating percentages, they should not be too dim, but they should also not ripple too much, otherwise your eyes will quickly get tired. In general, as a rule, the knob for adjusting the contrast of the image during operation must be constantly tightened depending on the lighting conditions of the given room. You must admit that a too-contrasting image on the monitor in a dark room "hurts" the eyes, and they quickly get tired. Having adjusted the brightness and contrast (and this is better done in a well-lit room), pay attention to the amount of margin in brightness and contrast left. If this reserve is not available or it is extremely small, this is very bad. The fact is that during operation, the monitor tube sits down, the colors become duller and paler, and over time you will need to add brightness and contrast. And if this is not possible, then you will have to "enjoy" the dim image for the rest of the days of your monitor. If after setting you have no margin of brightness or contrast, then such a monitor should be set aside and pay attention to another.

Next test: Focus. Monitor focusing is responsible for how well the image is correctly focused on the monitor screen, i.e., ultimately, how sharp and crisp it is. Here is a screen with very small figures of various shapes located on it, which are displayed at the maximum resolution. With your monitor well focused, you should have no problem distinguishing the patterns of all the shapes located both in the center of the screen and around its edges. Pay special attention to the shapes at the edges of the screen. Monitors usually have the poorest focusing in the very corners. Poor focusing can be the result, for example, of poor beam alignment, as we talked about earlier, and poor focusing can also be caused by setting the monitor brightness too high, or, even worse, a poor-quality shadow mask or aperture grille of your monitor. As a result of this test, you may find that your monitor lacks focus in both the center and the edges of the screen. This, as a rule, can most often be corrected with certain monitor settings, or, in extreme cases, in a workshop. In general, many modern monitors have a function for adjusting the focus of the image, and you can try to bring focus directly to the computer company when you buy the monitor. If you fail to do this, then I think that it makes no sense for you to buy a monitor, with which you will need to immediately run to the repair shop. Most often, the user is unable to independently adjust the focus in the event that the image in the center of the screen is quite clear, and at the edges it is strongly defocused. It is best for you to set such a monitor aside and pay attention to another. In any case, you won't see the same sharp image at the edges of the screen as in the center.

Next is the simplest test: Readability. In this test, on the entire screen field, you will see the inscription "fullscreen", which will be executed in very small print. This test supplements the previous one, as it were. And with the help of it, you can already really see how readable this inscription is in any part of the screen. Imagine that in the future you will have to work in some text editor or browse the Internet, and everywhere you will see such text. Rate how much you have to strain to perceive it.

Next test: Colors. In this test, you can change the color of the entire background with the left mouse button. The screen will alternately be colored in all primary colors (green, blue, red, as well as black and white). Here, first of all, you have to evaluate how real and believable the colors are in front of you. The colors should be calm, monochromatic, they should not have toxic shades and should not ripple in the eyes. But to correctly assess the correctness of colors, in my opinion, only professional artists can do it. Although, in any case, you will use the monitor, and only you can decide whether you like these colors or not. Ideally, it would be nice to compare the colors you see with some kind of standard, for example, with the colors on a professional monitor. In this test, you should also pay attention to the uniformity of screen illumination with each color. The color should be uniform, its brightness should be uniform across the entire screen, there should be no light or dark spots, streaks, etc. on the screen. If you nevertheless find a certain unevenness in the backlighting of the screen using this test, see if there are speakers next to the monitor, if any power wires are passing close, and if there are any other sources of electromagnetic fields nearby. If there are such objects, then put them as far away from the monitor as possible, turn off the monitor, wait a couple of minutes for it to demagnetize, and then turn it on again. When the monitor is turned on, as a rule, the automatic demagnetization function always works. Some monitor models have a special demagnetization function that can be called up from the monitor settings menu. If it is, then you do not have to turn off the monitor in order to demagnetize it. Sometimes demagnetizing the monitor in this way does not solve the problem. Perhaps, in this case, it is worth trying to demagnetize the monitor with a special device, which is available in any radio workshop. Again, I don’t think this is worth doing in a computer company when choosing a monitor, it’s much easier to take another monitor and test it. In addition, the reason for the uneven illumination of the screen may be not only its magnetization, the reason may be, for example, a partial burnout of the phosphor or some design defect in this monitor that cannot be eliminated. And in this case, you just have to abandon this monitor and test a new one.

Last, one of the most important tests: Screen Regulation. In this test, the screen flashes in front of your eyes, and at the same time, the black color of the image periodically changes to white and vice versa. Take this test very seriously. The fact is that with the help of it you can identify some design defects of the monitor, which can no longer be corrected by any settings. So, pay attention to the size of the image when changing its color from black to white. In fact, almost all monitors are designed in such a way that the same image, painted in white, has a larger linear dimensions than the same image, painted in black. Those. as the image brightens, it kind of swells. This is noticeable in almost all monitors, especially the amateur class. The most important thing is that the light image does not differ very much from the dark one. And if in this test the light part of the image simply "leaves" the visible area, then such a monitor is definitely not worth taking. And you, without even a second hesitation, need to move on to choosing another monitor. This test is the last in a series of Nokia Monitor tests, and it is really advisable to carry out it as the last one, because in order for it to show real results, you need to thoroughly warm up your monitor.

The procedure for testing monitors is over and you have found a suitable copy for yourself. Remember that of all the monitors of the amateur class, you will most likely not come across a single copy that flawlessly withstands all the Nokia Monitor test. You will find some flaws in each monitor. And then rely only on your own flair and intuition, deciding for yourself which monitor parameters are more important to you, and on which monitor you should stop. If you correctly and deliberately approach the choice of a monitor, using the Nokia Monitor test program, then on your desktop at home there will be the best monitor of all presented in a computer company.

Computer vision syndrome (CVS)

During long-term work with the monitor, most users experience pain in the eyeballs, watery eyes or, on the contrary, dryness, redness of the eyes. At the same time, headaches are often disturbed, and rapid fatigability appears. American scientists have found that all this may be the result of prolonged work with the monitor. The features of the display image are its high refresh rate (frame rate), relatively low contrast, and the fact that the monitor is a light source. The central nervous system of a person perceives all the information coming through the eyes, but not everything reaches consciousness. A lot of unnecessary information, for example, flickering outside the monitor, can cause fatigue after a certain time. This reaction is aimed at distracting the person from some work, forcing him to take a break, and then resuming work with renewed vigor. Those who do not understand this risk constantly experiencing the symptoms of computer vision syndrome.

It is known that sooner or later all users have a GLC. The only difference is the time required before the onset of symptoms. There are minimum recommended monitor requirements in order to reduce this time to acceptable numbers:

with a color screen, the number of colors must be at least 256, the true color mode is considered optimal;
resolution 800x600 pixels in the absence of flicker;
grain size should be no more than 0.28 mm. The smaller the grain, the better;
Recommended screen size may differ for different applications. For home users, the minimum size is 14 inches diagonally;
the regeneration frequency must be at least 85 Hz. The optimal setting is the setting of the maximum possible frequency, in the absence of flicker;
there should be no glare on the monitor screen. If it is impossible to change the lighting, it is necessary to use anti-glare screens;
when working with text, it is preferable to use white and black symbols as a background. This combination least of all affects the perception of the text.

Views: 2003

Broken pixels are sometimes found even on new screens, especially on Chinese counterparts. In this article, I will explain what pixels are and why they can fail, how you can identify dead pixels on an LCD, and what you can do to try and fix the problem yourself.

What is a pixel

A pixel ("picture element") is the basic unit of programmable color on a computer display or in a computer image. The physical pixel size depends on which resolution you set for the display screen. The specific color that a pixel describes is a mixture of the three components of the color spectrum - RGB. To set the color of a pixel, up to three bytes of data are allocated, one byte for each primary color component. A true color or 24-bit color system uses all three bytes. However, many color display systems use only one byte (display limiting to 256 different colors).
Screen clarity is sometimes expressed as dpi (dots per inch). (In this usage, a dot means a pixel.) Dots per inch are determined by both the physical screen size and the resolution.

Cause of Pixel Failure?

If you've never dealt with stuck pixels before, you should know that these small screen defects are usually caused by faulty transistors or an uneven distribution of liquid crystal liquid within the display. Fortunately, this problem can usually be fixed.

Dark dots are usually caused by dead transistors. Impossible to fix. Pixel Ports Are Wrong Color or Otherwise Displayed Incorrectly: An incomplete sub-pixel defect from an RGB film layer that is not properly cut cannot be corrected.
Bright dots: This is caused by an unstable transistor that allows light to pass through all or none of the auxiliary pixels.

Dead pixels

Dead pixels on a liquid crystal display (LCD) that are not working properly appear as dark dots, bright dots, and partial sub-pixel defects. In the picture below you can see examples of dead pixels.

How to check the screen for dead pixels

Video for checking for dead pixels

How to remove broken pixels

Important: None of these methods are guaranteed to work, so you use them at your own risk.

Two methods to help you get those stuck pixels back up and running.

  • Programming method.

There are several software solutions that will try to reactivate stuck pixels. Here are some free ones:

1.UDPixel: A free app that quickly changes all the pixels around the stuck one. Just keep working for a few hours and see if this fixes your problem.
2.JScreenFix: A web application that turns all pixels on and off about 60 times per second.

  • Screen massage method.

First, display a completely black image on the screen. The display must be on for this to work. Use a small pointed object (You can use an ear stick) with a faint rounded end and gently press down on the stuck pixel until it starts working again. Usually, it will take you 10 to 30 minutes to fix this problem. If the pixel stubbornly does not want to work after 30 minutes of massage, you can try a combination of massage with the inclusion of programs for checking dead pixels described above.

Dead Pixel Recovery Video

The other day I remembered how I bought a monitor in a store a couple of years ago. I then read a bunch of articles on how to choose the right monitor, how to find dead pixels, what color rendition should be, etc. Most of the authors of articles advised to upload good juicy photos to their flash drive, the Nokia Monitor Test program and go with this "gentleman's set" buying a monitor ...

Now, remembering all this, I thought about whether it is possible to simplify this entire preparation process and go to the store light, but at the same time be sure that you choose a quality monitor. And I found a way out - an online service.

He will provide you with all the necessary tests to check the monitor before the purchase. Now you do not need to drag anything to the store with you - you just need to ask the seller to type the address of the specified service in the browser, and you will be armed to the teeth)).

I'll tell you what opportunities this online service provides for testing the monitor. You can choose from three options for work:

  • "Html Window" - running tests in a browser tab
  • "Html FS" - running tests in a separate browser window with a resolution of 1280 × 1024 px
  • Executable Mode - You can download tests as a Windows application and run them directly from your computer.

All these options are absolutely equivalent, so choose which one suits you best.

Immediately after starting the test, a page with a picture will open to test the monitor's ability to display similar shades. On quality monitors, you can see a 2% difference in dark tones.

To switch to other modes, you need to move the cursor to the top edge of the browser window to open a semi-transparent menu in which other monitor tests will become available.

Color range

Evaluation of the quality of color rendering when displaying smooth gradients of various tones. There are 9 different modes available.


Test of the real response speed of the matrix. There are 6 test options available.


Checking the uniformity of the backlight of the monitor lamps and checking the dead pixels. You can fill the monitor screen with five different colors.

1: 1 pixelmapping

A test for the presence of streaks, the so-called moire.


Checking the readability and blurring of text on the monitor. You can choose both the color of the text itself and the background on which it is located.

Among other things, Online Monitor Test will be useful for you if you work on several monitors at once. Using the "Input Lag Html (Exe)" test, you can determine if there is a delay between them in the output of the applied signal.

Friends, I hope you enjoyed this online monitor test. When you are thinking of going to the store for a purchase, do not forget to use it to choose a good quality copy.

When buying a TV or monitor, sellers offer to use an additional service - check for dead pixels. Moreover, the service is paid, costing from 500 rubles and more. If you find a defect at home, you will no longer be able to return the TV back, they explain. After all, this is not a guarantee case, and they are right. In fact, you can perform such a matrix test yourself and for free, there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to bring a special video or pictures with you on a flash drive for verification, after reading our article before that.

Warranty case

Why are some dead pixels allowed? The fact is that the technology for the production of LCD matrixes is very complex, and not even every device manufacturer can afford their own production. And such a defect can only be detected on the assembled device. If the manufacturer scraps screens even with minor defects, then the price of TVs and monitors will increase several times. Therefore, such a compromise was found:

  • Producers keep production at the same level and do not raise prices.
  • Buyers allow the presence of a certain number of dead pixels, which is not a warranty case. In this case, the buyer has the right to check the display before purchasing.

Allowable amount

How many dead pixels are acceptable? The answer to this question is contained in the international quality standard for LCD TVs ISO 13406-2. It identifies 3 types of defective points:

  1. Open or white - such pixels freeze in the open state and constantly glow white.
  2. Closed or black - such pixels freeze when closed and constantly glow in black.
  3. Colored - these pixels have a control transistor out of order, and they are constantly lit in one of 3 colors: red, green or blue.

Also LCD devices are divided into 4 classes. The first class is the highest, the presence of defective points is generally not allowed in the matrix of devices of this class. The bulk of the devices on the market are of the second class. The standard defines the allowable number of different types of defective dots depending on the maximum resolution it supports. Information for popular 2nd class devices is shown in the table below.

How to check

To check the screen for defects, you need to consistently submit pictures of the primary colors to it, and at the same time carefully look at it, trying to find points of a different color. This is what broken pixels look like. For example, when there is a white picture on the screen, it is easy to detect black and colored dots. If the color is black, then it is easy to find white dots, etc. Before the test, with the TV turned off, make sure there are no dust particles or other debris on the screen.

We have prepared a special archive for you, which contains a video test. It sequentially displays pictures of different colors, which will allow you to check for a defect. There are also pictures themselves so you can see the individual colors in more detail. You can download the test at the following link:. Unzip it and write it to a USB flash drive before going to the store. Before buying, ask the seller to run this video from your flash drive on your TV.


There are several methods for recovering dead pixels found during the test. They give a result extremely rarely and only in the correction of colored dots (3rd type). Also, tests show that it usually helps for a short time, the next day the pixel fails again. Plus, you can easily mess up neighboring points. Therefore, we highly do not recommend doing recovery, but we will still consider the methods.

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