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Carrying out complex information events in the public library. Event formats and their features

Chapter 2. Methodology for conducting a comprehensive information event in a public library

Characteristics of the public library. B. V. Shergina

Solombala Library. B. V. Shergina was opened on October 22, 1922. On October 27, 1941, the Solombala Library was noted in the Order of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR "On the work of public libraries" for being able to subordinate its activities to the tasks of defense. On November 4, 1989, the library was registered at the address: st. White Sea Flotilla, house 8 (two-story building). On March 24, 2000, the library received a grant from the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) for the development of the target local history program “Solombala: old and new”. On January 13, 2006, the library was awarded a special professional award "Success" based on the results of work in 2005 in the "Library of the Year" nomination. On December 26, 2008, by the decree of the mayor of Arkhangelsk, the library was named after Boris Viktorovich Shergin. Today it is the largest library in the city of Arkhangelsk. Readers are served by the following structural divisions (hereinafter referred to as service departments):

· Children's subscription; Children's reading room;

· Adult subscription; Adult reading room;

Museum exposition dedicated to B. V. Shergin

The documentary fund contains more than 108 thousand copies. The library fund contains various types of publications: educational and educational literature; scientific literature; reference and other literature; fiction. The fund of scientific literature includes monographs, materials of scientific conferences, collections of scientific papers. A significant part of the fund (educational, educational and methodological literature, including course programs, lecture notes, guidelines for writing term papers and theses and performing seminars and practical tasks, scientific works of teachers, audiovisual materials, electronic documentary resources) is located in Solombala library. The number of readers is about 8,000 people. The library sees its mission in providing free access to information and services that meet the personal, educational and professional needs of the inhabitants of Solombala. The Center for Legal and Socially Significant Information was opened on the basis of the library. Reference and legal databases "ConsultantPlus" and FSO "Legislation of Russia" are at the disposal of users. Since 2008, the Solombala Library has been named after the original northern writer Boris Viktorovich Shergin. A museum exposition dedicated to his life and work has been created here, Shergin readings are held, a city literary award named after a fellow countryman writer is awarded, and the work of the Magic Ring theater studio is organized. The Rose Bush Art Gallery has become a creative platform for young and professional artists.

Serious work is being done by the library staff on the in-depth thematic program "Solombala side". The layout of Zosima Petrovich Kalashnikov "Old Solombala - the beginning of the 20th century" donated to the library was a great help in this work. Excursions around the layout are popular not only among the Solombals, but also among residents of other districts and guests of the city.

Main areas of work

  • "Solombala: old and new": local history program;
  • "Holder of a wonderful tale": popularization of the creative heritage of B. V. Shergin;
  • Shergin readings for library specialists, teachers, local historians, journalists;
  • "Kingdom of Berendey": environmental education of the population;
  • "Heavenly City and Earthly Fatherland": cinema club together with the Arkhangelsk regional branch of the Writers' Union of Russia;
  • center of legal and socially significant information;
  • family reading center together with teachers from S (A) FU named after M. V. Lomonosov;
  • art studio "Solnyshko" together with the Cultural Center "Solombala-ART";
  • fabulous club "Ladder";
  • literary drawing room "Faces of time in verse and prose";
  • art gallery "Rose Bush".

Library partners

  • administration of the Solombala district;
  • pedagogical teams of general education schools in the microdistrict (joint planning and implementation of creative activities to help the educational process and extracurricular activities);
  • preschool institutions No. 140, 179, 183 (information about literature for educators, organization of excursions for children to the library);
  • MUK "Solombala-ART", Solombala House of Children's Art, Children's Art School No. 2 (joint activities for the implementation of cultural policy in the microdistrict: exhibitions, literary evenings, concerts);
  • department of social protection of the Solombala district (work with disabled children, large families, foster families and difficult teenagers);
  • Council of Veterans of the Solombala District.

The entire staff of the Solombala Library named after Boris Viktorovich Shergin consists of: the head of the library, the chief librarian, the leading librarian and 5 librarians.

Conducting complex information events in the public library

Complex information events include various exhibitions, presentations, fairs, information days, specialist days, business seminars, conferences, round tables, interest clubs (for example, local history, historical, poetic, business clubs) and other events.

All public libraries carry out mass holding of comprehensive information events. They are carried out using the following activities and means:

1. Information days;
2. Specialist days;
3. Days of bibliography;
4. Bulletins of new arrivals"For those who study and teach"

6. Permanent exhibitions, where the position on the library, the list of services, rules of use, working hours and other information are presented;
7. Printed information forms"Library Use Rules", "Book Handling Rules", etc.
The library also conducts differentiated bibliographic information: collective and individual.
The topics of informing subscribers are very diverse: on socio-economic problems, market relations, pensions, literature and culture, etc.

expansion of this particular area of ​​its activity.

The choice of sources of factual information depending on the search object is shown in the table.

6.4 Comprehensive information activities

To complex information events include: exhibitions, presentations, fairs, Information Days, Specialist Days, business seminars, conferences, round tables, interest clubs (for example, local history, historical, poetry, business clubs) and other events.

Sources involved in the execution of the main types of factual queries

Sources of identification of factual information

Search object


"Ready" factual

library products


and information services



Statistical reference books; stat-

static sections in business

periodicals, price list

sheets; statistical databases

Address data

Address directories and database; services

help desks

Name and

Reference books


equipment database; show-


price lists, commercial and industrial




rials (prepared

information services or

nye messages in periodic




websites of enterprises - manufacturers

enterprises - production

Composition, properties and


purpose of substances

Similar to hardware discovery

and materials

Information about

Company directories, trade

Branded database and card file


industrial directories, database or-

ki. brochures, pamphlets,

organizations, websites of organizations;


annual reports of foreign firms



and Russian JSCs; branded magazines



from organizations




Personal databases and pro-

directories, personal databases,

professional dossiers

guides like "Who's who..."


Press clipping


cultural, eco-

nomic life

In the practice of library services, this group of activities has traditionally been referred to as mass work. Recently, to designate this direction, such concepts as scientific and technical propaganda, cultural and educational activities, advertising activities, public relations events, analytical and communicative activities, etc. have been used.

The plurality of definitions is a consequence of an attempt to terminologically designate the diversity of functions of this group of events and the social technologies used in their preparation and implementation. Indeed, firstly, they are the type of services offered by libraries and information services to their users in order to meet their information needs. Secondly, these events, organized on the initiative of the information institution itself, carry an advertising load, they are aimed at promoting its fund, services, and shaping its image. Thirdly, they provide both organizers and participants of events with the opportunity to express themselves, establish and strengthen business contacts. Fourthly, they have a complex modular structure - as a rule, the exhibition program includes presentations, conferences, round tables. The holding of the conference, in turn, is accompanied by the organization of an exhibition, etc. All this allows us to define this group of services as complex information events.

This section deals with activities that target users of a library or information service. In the event that the audience of the appeal "is also other target groups - the management of an enterprise or region, sponsors, media representatives, potential partners, etc., complex events act not so much as a type of information service, but as a means of forming an image and promoting the services of a library or information service ( see section 8.3).

There are a number of interrelated trends that are characteristic of this area of ​​information services library activity.

Traditional for library services was the organization of events related to the promotion of their own book fund, for example, book exhibitions, the typology and organization of which are widely reflected in the literature. Currently, the range of objects of exhibition activity has been significantly expanded. More and more often, libraries organize exhibitions-fairs of paintings, handicrafts, flowers, office equipment, information and educational services, etc. An example is the annual exhibition “All flags are visiting”, organized by the TsGPB them. V.V. Mayakovsky. Here is what the information about the exhibition, posted on the official website of the library, looks like:

OCTOBER 10, 2003 From 11 am to 6 pm at the Central City Public Library. V. V. Mayakovsky, the VII International Exhibition of Educational and Cultural Programs “ALL FLAGS AVAILABLE” will take place. At the exhibition, foreign scientific, cultural and educational centers and Consulates General will present the information, cultural and educational resources of their countries, the possibilities of their use in study and work. At the exhibition, you can learn about the conditions of studying abroad, choose a program to study

teaching foreign languages ​​both in St. Petersburg and abroad, to get acquainted with the book production on regional studies and education of domestic and foreign publishing houses. The exhibition will be attended by the Consulate General of Poland, the Consulate General of Japan, the American Information Center at the Consulate General of the United States, the American Councils for International Education, the Austrian Library, the Austrian Bureau for Cooperation in Education "Culture Contact" (Austria), the British Council, the German Cultural center them. Goethe, the Dutch Institute, the French Institute, the Israeli Cultural Center, as well as the representative office of the British publishing house "Longman", the publishing and information agency "Rome", the cultural and educational center "Relod". During the day, everyone will be able to visit the programs presented by the exhibitors, including: multimedia presentations, video screenings, lectures, individual consultations, open lessons, illustrative exhibitions, lotteries, competitions. We are waiting for you at the address: Fontanka, 46, 2nd floor, conference hall.

Inquiries by phone: 117-22-47, 310-41-69, 112-52-42. Free admission.

In the preparation and holding of such exhibitions, another trend is manifested - an orientation towards interaction with other organizations. Moreover, this interaction is of the most diverse nature. A library or information service may:

cooperate with other libraries or information services for joint activities;

cooperate with institutions of culture, science, industry, education to conduct joint events or provide services;

provide premises and offer their services for the preparation of such events to other organizations, institutions, enterprises;

get sponsorship for your own events and

As business collaborations have an increasing influence on the success of libraries and enterprise information services, let's take a closer look at this issue. At the beginning of the XX century. It was believed that the main reserve of any organization is its internal resources: personnel, material and technical, financial. However, by the 60s and 70s the twentieth century, it became obvious that the success of the institution depends on the external environment. Prospects for development can only be determined taking into account changes in demand, activities of competitors, saturation of the market with products, the latest achievements suitable for use in the practice of the organization, etc.

At the same time, increased competition, which encourages organizations to expand the range and improve the quality of their products, has led to the realization of the need for cooperation with other institutions. The advantage of such cooperation is the ability to combine intellectual, financial and other resources, which makes it possible to offer such products, the creation of which is impossible only on our own. This trend, characteristic of all branches of social production, is also fully manifested in the information and library sphere. However, finding business partners and establishing interaction links that are beneficial to all participants in this process is a very difficult task.

The matter is that the circle of potential business partners cannot be set. Except for the obvious cases (interaction between libraries of a region or libraries of a certain department), it has to be formed independently, “recognizing” institutions that are useful for a library or information service, getting them interested in cooperation and establishing links of interaction for a long time.

In order to cope with this task it is necessary:

see the prospects for the development of their own library or information service, those new areas of activity that have to be mastered;

be able to outline the range of problems that cannot be solved only on their own;

have information about organizations that solve such problems, their reliability as business partners and a predisposition to cooperate;

identify positions that may be attractive to potential partners and serve as the basis for their consent to joint activities;

have the skills to develop and implement collective projects.

It is important to note another condition for successful interaction. It is desirable to establish professional relations until the moment when a real need for cooperation or support begins to be felt, that is, as if “in reserve”. If a potential partner has a positive opinion about the organization, its reliability and prospects in advance, it will be easier to apply at the right time with a specific business proposal. Therefore, the management of organizations and leading experts are recommended to be publicly active: participate in the public life of the region, join professional associations, cooperate with the media, speak at conferences, etc.

It should be noted that the employees of libraries and information services are aware of the importance and prospects of business cooperation. Libraries actively cooperate with museums, creative associations, educational institutions, and enterprise information services - with Chambers of Commerce, exhibition associations, professional associations and unions.

Let us illustrate this by the example of the business partnership of the CBS of Monchegorsk (Murmansk region) with the administration, enterprises and public organizations of the city. The library organizes information support for city programs, events, and promotions. For example, during the seminar “Using the Opportunities of the Barents Program for Russian-Norwegian Cooperation in Monchegorsk”, representatives and heads of municipal enterprises, business, medicine, education, and cultural institutions gathered at the Library's Business Information Center (CDI). In addition to the program of the seminar, consultations of specialists were organized, packages of documents were prepared: a memo to the applicant for a grant, addresses of charitable foundations, samples of regulatory documentation. In the computer

existence, as it reveals the features of these processes from different points of view. When talking about conceptual service, they tend to emphasize that the consumer is provided with new generalized information obtained during the processing of known, but not explicitly present in the documentary stream. Through logical analysis and synthesis, trends in the development of various scientific and technical areas can be revealed, forecasts can be made, situations that have caused these or other phenomena can be established.

When such activity is called analytical, they tend to emphasize the depth of processing and understanding of the source information.

Finally, in recent years, the concept of "information research" has been increasingly proposed, indicating the acquisition of new knowledge as a mandatory attribute of research activities. In this paper, we use it, believing that this concept is the broadest, generic, allowing within it to combine such various information products as analytical reviews, patent research reports, rubricators of promising areas and maps of science, reports for management, etc. All of these analytical products have features that need to be taken into account when organizing a service. Their creators can be:

the specialists themselves (scientists, developers of new technology, etc.), whose activities are impossible without analyzing the state of the problem;

specialists together with workers in the information sphere (bibliographers, referents, speech writers);

only workers in the information sphere, for example, patent experts.

AT when analytical products are the result of the work of specialists, they are rarely formalized as an independent outcome of the study, but act as a section of monographs, dissertations, research reports, innovative projects and business plans. This circumstance is taken into account when identifying such analytical materials.

Using the aspects of the characteristics of information products proposed in Section 3.2, it can be noted that the resource base of information research is the total world information resources and the personal knowledge of expert experts who conduct their qualitative selection and processing. The basis for the implementation of the service are individual requests or analytical products are created at the initiative of the organization conducting information research. Analytical information products can be provided in a one-time mode (as a response to a newly arisen consumer problem) or ongoing (as monitoring of a particular subject area, problem, phenomenon or object).

Thematic analytical reviews

An overview is a text message that contains a summary of an issue or a set of issues based on the use of information extracted from a set of documents selected for this purpose for

communications or part of any documents:

Distribution method

Presentation form

Analytical reviews, sub-

standalone document

Individual editions

prepared by services

enterprise information

or informational

think tanks for


Macro document part

Chapters of monographs, review

Review chapters in the dissertation

articles in magazines

tions, research reports, sections in

innovative projects

AT as "finished" analytical products are reviews published in the form of separate publications, review periodicals and articles in scientific and production professional journals that do not specialize in reflecting only analytical materials.

The publication of analytical reviews in the form of separate publications at the federal level is practiced by INION, VINITI, VNTIC, NIO Informkultura. As an example of the most authoritative materials, one can name the VINITI series “Itogi nauki i tekhniki”.

Analytical reviews are also issued by NTI sectoral bodies, although to a lesser extent than before. And, finally, many information and analytical commercial firms, such as FINMARKET, AK&M, RosBusinessConsulting and many others, are engaged in the preparation of analytical materials. In addition, most information business firms provide as an important area of ​​their activity the creation of analytical reviews at the request of client organizations.

AT Currently, a large number of review journals are published all over the world. They are bibliographed in the US Institute for Scientific Information Index to Scientific Reviews. It is interesting to note that, in addition to the reviews themselves, this index includes articles containing lists of references with more than 40 titles. It is important to pay attention to this seemingly formal sign in the course of serving specialists: the title of the article may not indicate that it is of a review nature, but this will be evidenced by the volume of the list of cited literature. As the authors of the collective monograph note, “as a formal sign of a review scientific document, the number of contained

in there are bibliographic references... On this basis, from 75 to 85% of all review scientific documents can be identified" [ 65, p. 310].

Often, titles of journals containing such concepts as "Successes ...", "Achievements ..." or the subtitle data "information-analytical publication" indicate that they belong to the category of review journals.

AT as an example of Russian review and analytical periodicals

publications are "Expert", "Results", "Science in Russia", "Successes of Chemistry", "Successes of Physical Sciences", "Successes of Modern Biology".

The characteristics of "finished" analytical products in the economy are given in the manual by G. F. Gordukalova, in other industries - in the "Bibliographer's Guide".

Most of the analytical materials are prepared, however, by specialists from various organizations, and the analytical activity itself is an integral part of their research and development. Information services take the most active part in this work, ensuring the implementation of a number of stages:

Stages of preparation of analytical reviews


Refinement of the thematic boundaries of the review

Joint work of specialists and co-

information service workers


Identification of source information. Creation

Information service staff

working array of documents

Assessment of the sufficiency of the working array


Analytical processing of information. Co-

Information service staff

tabulation of factual data

as illustrative materials for the review

Compiling a list of sources for a review

Information service staff

Review writing

Specialists; often with employees in-

formation service, which are prepared

provide an overview of the information

hepatic problems

Review formatting. If necessary

Information service staff

The methodology for writing analytical reviews is described in detail in the manuals of A. A. Grechikhin, I. G. Zdorov and D. I. Blumenau. Therefore, we will dwell only on some fundamental points.

The success of the entire work largely depends on the quality of its first stages: the clarification of thematic boundaries and the development of a multi-aspect rubricator. As noted in section 2.4, the rubricator should be focused on the subject of information needs, the purpose of writing a review, and not just on the content of documents. This allows you to identify and characterize not only what is reflected in the stream, but also gaps, unexplored issues, the range of missing information.

Throughout the work, the rubricator remains open, i.e., it provides for the reflection of new aspects and concepts found in the process of analyzing the source information.

It is extremely important at the stages of developing a rubricator and its subsequent addition to establish all significant aspects of the problem's characteristics, that is, to fully describe the subject area. Further, this multi-aspect rubricator will

used as a layout plan for the analysis of texts and non-textual information of individual documents, a tool for constructing morphological factual tables and grouping material in a review.

One or two main aspects are chosen as the future table of contents, all the rest are reflected within this logical structure and in tables illustrating the text review. For example:

Review topic

elected as

Regional geriatric centers: organization of activities, efficiency

Welding of gas pipeline joints

Training of specialists in the information sphere

Age classifications of the population - conditions that significantly affect the duration and quality of life of the elderly and senile - medical and hygienic problems of this category of the population

Options for organizing medical care for elderly and senile people - experience in specific medical institutions - drug provision - options for organizing medical care for geriatric patients in various regions of Russia and abroad - criteria for assessing the effectiveness of medical care for this category of people Types of welding - welded materials - welded thicknesses - dimensions of welded joints - equipment used - quality of welds - quality control methods - experience in welding pipelines in different countries - firms that develop technology and supply equipment Modern information specialties - the state of the labor market for information specialists - educational institutions that train personnel - content training (higher, secondary specialized, post-education) - terms of training - training conditions - quality of training of specialists in the information sphere

Conditions that significantly affect the duration and quality of life of the elderly and senile. Options for organizing medical care for geriatric patients

Types of welding

The state of the labor market for information specialists The content of training in the main information specialties

The rubricator is made in the form of a faceted classification, that is, each aspect (facet) and the concepts included in it are indexed. Further, during the analysis of the source documents, their main semantic fragments are identified and indexed.

cops. This allows you to then isolate and characterize each significantly significant aspect of the problem. Statistical analysis of the frequency of occurrence of various aspects and the concepts included in them will help identify promising areas, leading organizations - developers and authors, similarities or differences in views on the problem.

In the practice of information services, the preparation of overview notes for management or leading specialists is common. What distinguishes them from reviews is the smaller volume of source documents involved (usually only for the last 1-2 years) and a greater degree of generality of the problem characteristics. The preparation of survey reports is therefore less time-consuming, but no less complex. Clarification of the subject and development of a rubricator for this type of work is also required, as well as for writing analytical reviews.

Reports on the results of bibliographic research

Bibliographic research* is the process of obtaining new knowledge based on the analysis of the documentary flow reflected in secondary editions. The results of such studies differ from analytical reviews in three ways:

it is not the object or problem itself that is considered, but documented information about them, therefore, such studies do not imply deep professional knowledge about the object and can be carried out by specialists in the information sphere [ 24 ];

not the texts of primary documents are subject to analysis, but secondary documents - bibliographic descriptions, annotations, abstracts;

these studies are not aimed at obtaining specific information about an object or problem, but at identifying trends associated with tracking development research and production activities; that is why the analysis in dynamics is subject to significant arrays of secondary documents over long periods of time.

At the same time, review-analytical activity and bibliographic research have a common feature: their goal is to characterize the state of the area of ​​activity that is reflected in the documentary flow.

The possibility of carrying out bibliographic research is based on the fact that secondary documents contain indicators that indicate the features of the object of study.

Determining the frequency of occurrence of these indicators and their relationships with each other makes it possible to judge the following:

* Such studies are often also called bibliometric and scientometric, thus showing the necessity of using quantitative methods of measurement.

Types and types of documents

The circle of specialists actively involved in this problem “Contribution” of various organizations and countries to the development of the problem

Relationships of interaction in scientific and research and production areas The main directions in which the study of the problem is going on Stage of development of the problem

The possibilities of bibliographic research are greatly expanded when not only the real flow reflected in secondary editions, but also the flow of cited literature is subject to analysis, and both flows are studied in dynamics for significant periods of time.

The methodology for conducting bibliographic research is covered in detail in monographs. M. Zusman, I. V. Marshakova, S. D. Khaytun.

Bibliographic research can be an independent result of the work of specialists in the information sphere. In addition, they are a mandatory component of analytical reviews, patent information and marketing research. Bibliographers or information service specialists identify and analyze the documentary flow on the problem, then compile ranked lists of countries, regions, organizations, authors and groups of authors involved in solving the problem. The thematic and type-species distribution of documents is also characterized. Through the pattern of scattering of documents in the real and cited streams, the connections of this problem with other areas of science and practice are revealed.

Problem-oriented headings are compiled with an indication of the number of documents per each of the selected sections and their combinations. The latter are fixed by filling in morphological tables (see Sections 2.3 and 2.4). Similar results of bibliographic research can be included in retrospective literature indexes, significantly enriching them.

The use of network information resources, bibliographic and abstract databases, SCI databases significantly expands the range and reduces the complexity of bibliographic research.

However, it is not only the flow of secondary documents that is subject to study. The basis of the research can be selected factual information recorded in regularly updated reference publications or factual databases. Combining the possibilities of analyzing the flow of secondary documents and actual data makes it possible to carry out information diagnostics

- "information modeling of an object based on known information about it using special methods, techniques and technologies to assess its condition and identify development trends" . Essence, methods and

methods of information diagnostics of an object are described in the works of G. F. Gordukalova.

Patent Research Reports

Patent research is a study of the technical level and development trends of objects of economic activity, their patentability, patent purity, competitiveness based on patent and other information. They are carried out in the process of creation, development and sale of industrial products in order to ensure its high technical level, as well as to reduce the cost of creating products by eliminating duplication of research and development. The procedure for conducting patent research is determined by GOST R15.011-96. Patent research. Content and procedure.

According to the results of patent research, it is possible to judge the state of the markets for these products, the technical level of objects of economic activity*, the directions of research and production activities of organizations that produce certain products; patent cleanliness of various objects and their competitiveness. The content, methodology for implementation and directions for using the results of patent research are described in detail in the publications of E. P. Skornyakov-

Patent research is carried out at all stages of the life cycle of industrial products and, in particular, when drawing up technical specifications for the creation of new or modernized products, when conducting research and development work in the process of creating new products, in the process of organizing mass production of products, as well as in the process of its commercialization. sales in the domestic and / or foreign markets up to its removal from production, when these products lose their competitiveness.

The source of analysis is patent information, but it is rarely limited to it. As a rule, in parallel, scientific and production-practical documents (primarily articles in professional journals), market and commercial and advertising information are identified and studied. The widest range of sources is used in determining product market development trends, competitive conditions, and the characteristics of the activities of firms that occupy a leading position.

The fact is that descriptions of inventions, including extremely valuable information about the technical nature and distinctive features of products, technical and economic indicators, which they are aimed at improving, do not contain data on the stage of development of the object (i.e., whether the invention is at

* According to GOST R15.011-96, products include the results of economic activity that are goods: industrial products (equipment, materials); scientific and technical products; capital construction objects; selection achievements; biotechnological, agricultural, medical preparations; methods of treating people and animals. According to the same GOST, participants in economic activity include enterprises, organizations, associations, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination.

stage of research and development or industrial development). That is why additional non-patent sources are involved. In addition, for an objective assessment of the situation, it is important to know not only about the advantages of new technical solutions compared to previously known ones (this information is present in the text of the description of the invention), but also about their shortcomings. Information about the disadvantages can be obtained from later non-patent sources, as well as from the descriptions of subsequent inventions in which this is used as a basis for comparison. Non-patent materials (articles in professional journals, papers at scientific and technical conferences, industrial catalogs and prospectuses) are also attractive for getting an idea of ​​the results of testing and product operation.

After determining the range of sources to be identified and analyzed, a search procedure is developed. This requires:

formulate the subject of the search;

establish chronological and geographical boundaries of the search;

select the classification headings corresponding to the subject of the search.The subject of the search, as well as all other parameters, including you

selection of the range of sources of analysis depends on the objectives of a particular patent research.

EP Skornyakov gives possible options for the subject of search in relation to various objects of research. So, if a device (equipment, device) acts as an object, then the subject of the search can be:

device as a whole (principle diagram);

how the device works;

functional elements of the device (assemblies, blocks, parts);

method (technology) for manufacturing the device and its functional elements;

appearance (design);

means of individualization (marking) of the device.

If the object is a technological process, then the subject of the search can be:

technological process (method) as a whole;

individual operations (stages) of the process;

initial products and methods for their preparation;

final product (product);

equipment and instruments used in the process.

And, finally, in the case when the object under study belongs to the category of a substance (composition, material, raw material), the subject of the search is:

the substance itself (its qualitative and quantitative composition, structural chemical formula, etc.);

method of obtaining the substance;

starting materials (substances);

areas of possible application of the substance.

We deliberately present aspects of the search in relation to various

research objects in order to show their closeness, and sometimes a significant similarity with the plans-layouts of abstracts (section 2.4; Appendix 2). The already mentioned book by E. P. Skornyakov describes in detail the methodology for compiling matrices “the goals (tasks) of the invention - the means to achieve them”. Let us give an example of such a matrix, proposed by the author, to prove its similarity with morphological tables, also considered in section 2.4.

Means to achieve goals (tasks)

Purposes of inventions (tasks)

Exclusion of the influence of membrane outgassing

Increasing the durability of the device operation Improving tightness at high pressures Eliminating the introduction of membrane particles into the evaporator

The execution of the sealing membrane in the form of a tape with the possibility of its movement

Great Britain

Great Britain

Use of a tube made of elastic material as a channel for inserting a syringe needle into the evaporator

Using a rotary valve to seal the channel for inserting the syringe needle into the vaporizer

Using a throttle in the channel to remove vapors from the evaporator and two channels to supply carrier gas




Describing the goals and directions of studying the documentary flow (Section 2.3), we noted the possibility of identifying leading countries, organizations, authors - scientists and developers. E. P. Skornyakov writes about the same: “the distribution of patents related to the improvement of a particular type of product by firms - patent owners allows us to rank these firms according to the degree of their activity in the market for this product. The distribution of patents issued by individual firms by years of priority allows you to

to reveal trends in the development of these firms, and by countries of patenting - the interests of these firms in relation to the markets of specific countries. Moreover, the author emphasizes that it is often sufficient to analyze only the bibliographic description of patents to characterize the market.

Thus, multi-aspect (facet) analysis and subsequent morphological synthesis is an indispensable element of any information research. Having mastered the methodology for their implementation, the bibliographer or information service employee is able to take part in the preparation of a wide variety of analytical products. It is important to note one more circumstance: the possibility of enriching the methodological methods of preparing products through the mutual use of experience gained in writing reviews, conducting patent information and marketing research, preparing reports for management, etc. At the same time, a certain unification of the analysis tool is highly desirable in order to so that the results of studying the documentary stream can be used for various purposes.

Returning to patent information research, we note that a rather complicated procedure is the definition of sections (classes) of international and national patent classifications. It is recommended to initially, using the state rubricator of scientific and technical information, determine the range of abstract publications, which may reflect the description of patents on the subject of the search. Then identify them in these publications, make a list of classes and only then turn to patent bulletins (DB).

According to GOST R 15.011-96, a patent research report must contain:

♦ title page;

list of performers;

content (table of contents);

list of abbreviations and symbols;

general data about the object of research (date of commencement and completion of work; a brief description of the object, its purpose, scope);

the main (analytical) part may include sections: technical level and development trends of the object of economic activity; information about the patent purity of the object; the results of studying the activities of an economic entity and the prospects for its development);

♦ conclusion;

appendices (includes a bibliographic list of inventions and other (non-patent) documents used in this study).

AT conclusion, it is recommended to provide an assessment of the state of performance of work, of which patent research is an integral part (for example, R & D) in the light of its compliance with its requirements for the final results, as well as proposals for using the results of patent research to improve products and develop activities.

enterprise. This indicates that patent information research is carried out by the joint efforts of information workers, including bibliographers, patent experts and specialists in research or development of new products.

Market Research Reports

Patent and marketing research have much in common in terms of preparation methods, however, they have a different focus. Patent research is carried out to identify the design features of the object under study, and marketing research is the collection and analysis of information about various components of the market in order to develop an organization's sound market strategy.

The role of libraries and information services in conducting market research depends on the tasks they face. If marketing research is carried out to improve their own activities - launching a new information product or service on the market, expanding the audience of users, studying the commodity-brand structure of the information market, then such research is carried out by libraries and information services in full. The methodology for their implementation is described in section 4.4.

If strategic plans for the development of the organization are being developed, management may decide to order research from a specialized marketing agency, and set the task of choosing the most reliable agency for the information service. The implementation of this task is associated with certain difficulties, as the circle of research agencies is constantly expanding. As an example, we can cite the research companies TOY - Opinion and Marketing Research CJSC (, SNITS (, Ekro-RG (, Gortys (www. and many others.

Turning to the services of a specialized agency has a number of advantages: they have experience, professional staff, proven methods for collecting and analyzing information, specialized databases, and modern software. The quality of their work is confirmed by customer reviews and external evaluations. So, for example, the research company Infowave ( is the winner in the all-Russian competition "Consultant-2002" in the nomination "Best Marketing Research".

Many agencies specialize in a particular type of research. For example, the research company COMCON ( has chosen media research as a priority, for example, monitoring the audience of radio stations. As the main tool for monitoring the audience of radio stations, the Day-after-Recall technology (remembering yesterday's hearing) is used. For its implementation, an automated complex C

ATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing System). The CATI complex supports

lives on NIPO software, developed by the Dutch NIPO the market research institute and used in many research firms in Western Europe.

Group of companies (Moscow) ( and its

The employees are members of ESOMAR, IAA, Marketing Guild, Russian Society of Sociologists and a number of other organizations. Among the main services are marketing research, media research, socio-political and Internet research.

RBC Soft (Moscow) ( specializes in marketing research in the field of information technology, has a certificate for compliance with ISO 9001:2000 quality standards.

Research conducted by specialized agencies can be carried out both on an individual order and be of an initiative nature. In the latter case, their results are often presented in the open press: on the pages of business publications, on the websites of the agencies themselves.

However, the services of specialized agencies are quite expensive and often their recommendations are somewhat abstract, which makes practical implementation difficult. In addition, conducting marketing research on an individual order involves the transfer of confidential information to the contractor, which may cause an objection from the management of the customer organization. And, finally, the information received from the agency quickly becomes outdated, therefore, it is important to master the methods of updating them.

Therefore, research is often carried out by the specialists of the marketing department of the organization, and the information support of the research falls on the library or information service, which requires their employees to have a common vision of the problem and knowledge of the methodology for conducting marketing research.

The main stages of marketing research are:

goal setting;

selection of sources of information;

collection of information;

analysis of the collected information;

preparation of a research report.

AT Basically, marketing research is carried out in order to study the competitive environment, analyze consumer demand, identify the effectiveness of various channels of marketing communications and solve other problems. But most often they are of a complex nature, that is, they provide for the identification of all this information.

The "zone of responsibility" of libraries and information services is to provide the second and third stages of marketing research. In the process of implementing this task, libraries or information services accumulate their own arrays of information, and also perform intermediary functions, collecting information about the availability of certain data in various departments of the organization or in the external environment.

The main purpose of this part of the report is to substantiate the reliability of the results obtained, the key to which is the professional level of the performers; representativeness of the sources of information used - the completeness of thematic, specific, chronological, geographical, linguistic selection; compliance of research tools with the purpose of the study; representativeness of the sample during the survey, etc.

The materials contained in the introductory part of the marketing research report can serve as a starting point for further research: target audiences or sources not covered by the previous research will be studied.

The main part of the marketing research report is built in the "reverse" order: first, the results and conclusions of the study are presented, and then the materials confirming them are given - calculations, tables, graphs, corporate dossiers, ratings, processing of the results of the survey and other materials.

The “reverse” order of presenting the material is explained as follows: the marketing research report is designed for different target audiences. Senior management specialists (traditionally limited in time and accustomed to analyzing information extracted from the context) are intended to draw general conclusions, suggestions, and recommendations. For specialists who will directly use the results of marketing research in their work, detailed materials are presented. An alternative to the “reverse” order in which the final report was built would be to have a separate section of the executive summary. Traditionally, a marketing research report is accompanied by an oral presentation to management.

Texts of speeches and reports for managers

One of the important and complex activities of enterprise information services is the preparation of source materials for oral presentations by managers, as well as reports submitted to higher authorities. This work is called speechwriting.

Pointing to its importance and responsibility, the authors of the manual “Theory and practice of referent activity” note: “Competence, democracy, and reliability of a manager as a business partner are the fruit of painstaking referent work. The success of those who are "on the field" depends on those who are "behind the scenes". The referent shines with his absence and, to some extent, acts as an image maker of his leader.

At its core, the preparation of speeches and especially reports is close to the creation of analytical reviews and is also the result of information research. Of course, both speeches and reports contain opinions, proposals, and the concept of the leader. However, as a rule, this is the part of the documents that is created by the manager himself. The referent (speechwriter) only creates a basis for proving their novelty, legitimacy, and relevance.

As in the implementation of any information research, the first stages are important: clarification of the topic and development of a prospectus plan

future document.

Preparation of presentation materials involves the establishment of:

♦ topics;

goals set by the leader;

characteristics of the audience of the appeal (the number and composition of those present; their competence in this area; attitudes towards the organization and the speaker, in particular, the presence of opponents among the listeners);

rules of speech;

order of speech; topics and sequence of other speeches

All this is taken into account when working on the text of the speech. Next, it turns out: the degree of novelty of the topic for the leader; whether he has any materials on this issue, including unpublished ones; his assessment of their significance; a list of areas in which the manager does not own the state of affairs and, therefore, has a primary need for information; specialists of the organization who can act as a consultant.

At this initial stage of work, the referent formulates the first version of the search prescription and takes the next step - it begins to identify and select source documents, both external and internal. The second stage ends with the preparation of a list, and more often a thematic selection of relevant documents and the preparation of a plan for a future speech.

The plan and the sufficiency of the initial information are agreed with the manager. After that, they proceed to the analytical processing of the content of text messages, grouping the results in accordance with the approved plan, preparing a presentation using computer technology or designing illustrative materials - tables, diagrams, etc. In some cases, it is planned to create and replicate handouts for listeners, which always appreciated by those present positively.

The main result of this third stage is the text, but the text is special, fundamentally different from the text of a review article or a written report to higher authorities. In terms of volume, structure, content, style of presentation, it must be adapted for its perception from the voice. Therefore, the referent has to take into account the peculiarities of oral speech, its differences from written messages. Among these features, we point out the following:

the need to use short, easy-to-pronounce phrases;

the appropriateness and desirability of unexpected comparisons, examples, quotations, rhetorical questions that make the message more interesting;

a statement of only the most important with a detail corresponding to the level of competence of the audience of the appeal;

bringing factual information that is difficult to perceive by ear in tables, diagrams, handouts, and not in the text of the speech;

clear structuring of the material; use of the "frame rule" when

It is known that the beginning of the message is most actively perceived, and after 1-2 minutes, the listeners decide for themselves whether they need to delve into the essence of the story. That is why the first introductory phrases are so important. The purpose of the introduction is not to repeat the topic of the speech, which is indicated in the program or called the host, and not even to prove the relevance of the problem raised, which is obvious only because the speech is included in the agenda. One or two phrases of the introduction are designed to establish a connection between the topic, the audience and the speaker; to convince that the problem raised is important personally for each of those present; reveal the intellectual potential of the speaker and the organization behind him, contributing to the solution of the problem. It is not for nothing that only the performance is considered successful, after which the audience knows for sure what the information received is needed for and how the information received can be used, and the authority of the leader increases.

A quite obvious picture emerges: only if the speechwriter himself owns the techniques of rhetoric and oratory, the materials prepared by him will be colorful, lively, and convincing. In addition, his psychological competence is important, which makes it possible to take into account the characteristics of the leader's personality. Many factors are taken into account:

the image of the leader, the style of behavior, thinking, speech that are typical for him in everyday business life;

the age of the leader and the possible age composition of the trainees;

subordinate differences: the rank of the head in comparison with the position of the students (subordinates; colleagues - heads of other organizations)

organizations; ministry representatives; scientific community, etc.). After completion of work on the text and illustrative materials

they are passed on to the manager. According to his comments, additions and corrections are made. At the last stage, the referent discusses with the leader the range of questions or objections that the audience may have. This is also a very responsible and difficult stage. Reasoned answers are prepared in advance for possible speeches by opponents, which usually requires the involvement of additional information - factual data, authoritative judgments, descriptions of someone's experience.

To improve any areas of information services, it is necessary to analyze feedback data. That is why the referent is attentive to all the comments and suggestions of the head that arise in the course of work. Then he necessarily finds out the reaction of the audience to the speech, the content of questions, comments, counterarguments. This is especially important if the statements of opponents turned out to be serious and unexpected. The referent is trying to correlate them with his own work: whether the provisions reflected in the documentary stream were omitted or not taken into account, which caused criticism.

The functions of senior officials include the preparation of reports for higher bodies. The content of these documents may relate to activities

of the organization, but more often managers are expected to assess the general situation in the industry and make forward-looking judgments.

As with the creation of any analytical materials, the work begins with clarifying the topic and purpose of writing the report, finding out what information the manager or other specialists of the enterprise have.

Further, in parallel, a search for documents is carried out and a multi-aspect rubricator of the problem is developed. Information resources of the organization itself, secondary publications, and Internet resources are used for searching. As a rule, interviewing of the leading specialists of the enterprise is practiced at this and subsequent stages.

At the stage of analytical processing of information, the main attention is drawn to the study of the topic in the aspect stated in the report; identification of existing points of view and approaches; the presence of similar problems in other industries and ways to solve them; general trends in social, economic

and cultural policy. Along the way, fixing their own considerations

and issues that need to be discussed with the manager.

At the stage of the first approval, the manager is presented with:

rubricator as a plan for a future report;

a selection of identified materials;

sketches characterizing the state of the problem;

considerations and questions arising from the referent.

The completeness and consistency of the construction of the rubricator is clarified; the degree of detail in the coverage of individual positions; sufficiency of source material. However, the most important thing that determines the entire course of subsequent work is the clarification of the author's position, the main fundamental idea that the leader intends to come up with. Naturally, it is in relation to this idea that the search for evidence, arguments, and positive examples will be conducted. The text of the report actually begins with a description of the state of affairs and a declaration of the author's position. To highlight the author's idea, stylistic turns of the type are usually used: "It is proposed ...", "the possibility and expediency of ..." are substantiated, "our understanding of the problem lies in the fact that ...", "it is proposed to solve this problem following the concept. ..".

Further, work on the report goes in the sequence of preparing any analytical materials: writing the text - making changes to it according to the head's comments - preparing illustrative material and a list of references - providing all materials to the head - drawing up the report after it is approved by the head.

After writing the analytical part of the text and before transferring it to the head, the referent checks the correctness of his actions in terms of:

the presence in the future report of factual information in an amount sufficient to prove the main provisions;

the accuracy of the terminology used;

completeness of disclosure of those positions that were marked by the head as the main ones; motivations for the reasons for the superficial presentation of the material, if the necessary information could not be identified;

institution strives. Characterized by:

the mission of the organization and the general goals of its activities;

organizational culture values ​​and the means used to implement them;

the specifics of the organization's activities to which it would like to draw the attention of the public; a point of pride;

cultural values ​​and positive changes in the lives of people with whom the organization associates its activities;

unresolved problems and difficulties, the reflection of which indicates

openness of the organization.

The completeness and correctness of the description are discussed with the management.

Further, the identified external, outgoing and internal documents are analyzed from the point of view of reflecting the listed positions in them. In the working tables, fragments of the text of specific documents are given in the author's wording. The frequency of occurrence in the texts of each of the positions is set. Worksheets might look like this:

As already noted, internal documents are usually not enough to identify staff opinions about the success of the organization, its reputation, openness of management, and satisfaction with their own belonging to it. In this regard, a survey of employees is practiced, which, if they wish, can be named or anonymous, although the second option is more often used. The most common questions are reflected in the questionnaire (see Annex 7).

Comparison of the results of the analysis of external, outgoing and internal documents, as well as questionnaire data, their subsequent comparison with the reference image of the organization described at the beginning of the work, allows you to get answers to many questions:

whether the perceptions of employees coincide with the image of the organization that management seeks to form;

whether the external and internal communication policies of the organization are consistent;

how noticeable is the activity of the organization, its impact on the life of the region, industry, country;

whether the organization manages to be recognizable, i.e., communicating different information to different target audiences, speaking with one voice and striving to create a single unique image.

In conclusion, we note that in recent years, not only the organizations themselves, but also independent experts have undertaken a communicative audit. So, for example, credit certificates provided by information

Information events include organizing exhibitions of documents, organizing meetings with the public, excursions to archives, presentations, open days, lectures and reports, reader conferences, lessons for students and schoolchildren.

Organization of exhibitions of documents.

An exhibition is an artistically designed collection of documents intended for their public display.

According to the scale of activity, exhibitions are international and domestic, which, in turn, are divided into interarchival, regional and all-Russian.

According to the time of operation, they are distinguished: permanent (the composition or part of it changes every six months), temporary (with a validity period of 2 weeks to several months), short-term (from 1 to 10 days).

According to the place of demonstration, stationary and mobile are distinguished.

Stationary exhibitions can be permanent or temporary. Mobile - temporary and short-term.

The development of the thematic and exposition plan of the exhibition often requires hard work of the entire staff of the archive. Therefore, the plan can exist in several versions - first in a preliminary version, and then in a revised version. It is important to include documents in the plan not on the basis of inventories, but on the basis of viewing documents. Often the exposure of archival documents is combined with the exposure of museum objects of the era.

In 2005, the historical and documentary exhibition "Victory 1945", an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory, was held in the Exhibition Hall of the Federal Archives. Rosarkhiv, GARF, RGASPI, RGVA, RGAKFD took an active part in the preparation, together with the Fund for Mutual Understanding and Reconciliation, of the traveling exhibition "Slaves of the Third Reich: the fate of Soviet citizens deported to Germany."

Organization of public meetings

Meetings with the public are held in the form of evening meetings, excursions to archives, lectures, reports, etc. Thus, direct communication between archivists and consumers and "feedback" is carried out. For a better perception of the transmitted information, the meetings are accompanied by the screening of films and film programs, slide films, listening to sound recordings, exhibitions of archival documents, etc.

In the activities of the state archives, two types of meetings have developed: thematic and informational (overview). Thematic meeting involves presentations on a specific topic with a brief description of the content of the archive documents. The information meeting involves informing the public about the composition of the documents of the archive, the group of funds, about new acquisitions.

The topics of meetings of archivists with a wide audience should be designed for common interest: topical problems of our time, significant and anniversaries.

"Open Days"

They serve to popularize the composition and content of the archive funds, the work of its main departments. The program of the day may include methodological consultations on topical issues of the work of state archives: on acquisition, on issuing archival certificates, on accepting research papers, on organizing current office work in archives, on preparing files for submission to the state archive. To advertise the "Open Doors Day", posters, invitation cards are compiled, announcements are given on radio, television, etc.

Excursions to the archives

Excursions are organized in accordance with the plan, which indicates the topic of the excursion, its content, procedure and timing. The tour plan is coordinated with interested institutions. The advertisement of the tour is similar to the advertisement of the Open Day. Excursions to the archives, undertaken in order to familiarize yourself with the composition of the archive funds, the work of archives, departments of the archive, the reading room, the methodological room, are called sightseeing tours. Thematic excursions are accompanied by information about the functions of the archive, its history, and the composition of documents.

oral journals

Oral journals, as a rule, have a specific title and permanent thematic headings; are held regularly. When they are held, the audience is informed about documents, archival searches and finds.

Lectures, reports

Reports and lectures are aimed at preparing the listener for the perception of archival documents. The texts of lectures, reports, as well as the texts of messages at evening meetings should be literary processed, i.e. the text should be accessible to this category of listeners, entertaining, ensure the maximum preservation of the content of the lecture, report in the listener's memory.

Simultaneously with the lecture, various means are used: illustrative diagrams, film and photo documents, video phonograms, etc.

Information support of the event.

Of course, the audience should learn about the event in advance. Depending on the format and scale of the event and the characteristics of the audience, a period of one to two weeks is sufficient for local events. There are exceptions, but they are rare. The larger the event, the greater the time and financial costs of participating in it, the earlier the notification should begin.

Notification methods depend on the format of the event and the intended audience. This can be direct marketing - if we are talking about corporate events and the circle of invited people is known in advance and limited, or advertising in the media if the event is open and mass. For mass events, outdoor advertising and leafleting (distribution of information leaflets) will be effective. In the case of an audience under the age of 35, it is appropriate to use the Internet.

The second wave of information about the event should be launched after the event. These are the so-called "post-outputs" of information in the media and the Internet.

Event formats and their features


The very name of the format speaks about the informational occasion: the discovery of something. You can open anything with noise and pomp: from a new boutique to a new factory. Of course, the noise and the pump will be of a different nature and scale.

This is the most popular event format, but despite its apparent simplicity, it is the events of this kind that are the most difficult to make successful and memorable. Partly the matter is in the banality of the information occasion, partly in the fact that they often do not really think about the concept of such events. They made some noise, cut the ribbon - and all right.

The main task of the opening, as a rule, is to attract as much attention as possible to the target audience to the appearance of the object being opened on the market. For this purpose, if not all, then many means are good. At the same time, the presentation of the object itself takes place partly in a natural way - visiting it by guests. Therefore, in the first place when planning the opening, it is precisely the elements of the show that can attract the audience to the event and, accordingly, incline it to visit the facility.

On February 14, the Pacific State University hosted the All for Love event in the open mic format dedicated to Valentine's Day. Teachers and students performed creative performances and read poems about love.

The action "All for the sake of love" has already become a traditional event of the PNU library. And every year the number of its participants, according to the organizers, increases.

As part of the event, students read poems by Sergei Yesenin, Marina Tsvetaeva, Mikhail Lermontov and many other poets. In addition, the participants presented works of their own composition. The song of Konstantin Nikolsky "My friend is an artist and a poet" was performed by 1st year students Dmitry Protalinsky and Matvey Morozov. The participants shared their emotions from the performance: “We really liked the idea of ​​​​the event, as it is a great way to say good words to others, as well as gain experience in public speaking. It's always great to sing from the heart, which is why we chose this piece."

Viktor Gribunin spoke from the teaching staff with a wonderful performance. Viktor Viktorovich read a few lines about love in prose and wished the students happiness and great luck.

The action was also attended by foreign students who read Anna Akhmatova's poems in Russian. Despite the language barrier, the speakers were able to correctly convey the message of the works of the Silver Age poetess.

Professional and pedagogical lecture hall on the topic: “Pedagogical heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky in the light of reforming the Russian education system"

On March 15, in the Readers Service Department of the Library of the Pedagogical Institute of the Pacific State University, within the framework of the Pedagogical Lecture Hall, a new lesson was held dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the world-renowned Russian teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

The main idea of ​​the event was the relevance of the legacy of Vasily Aleksandrovich for modern society. The participants - 2nd-3rd year students of the Faculty of Oriental Language and History, 1st year undergraduates of the Department of Pedagogy - got acquainted with the pedagogical system created by Vasily Sukhomlinsky, which is based on the child with his activity, interests, individual creative abilities.

Students listened with interest to the reports of 1st year undergraduate Irina Korol and 3rd year bachelor Vyacheslav Pilnikov, a review of books - the best works of the scientist, presented by librarian Evgenia Aponkina. During the meeting, a presentation about the life and teaching activities of Vasily Sukhomlinsky was demonstrated, materials of the innovative teacher and his scientific works were exhibited.

Teachers, associate professors of the Department of Pedagogy - Svetlana Shedina, Elena Eliseeva, librarians - Alexandra Tserulnik, Olga Rodina took part in the preparation and holding of the lecture hall.

Interactive lesson "Cultural heritage of Ancient Russia" for foreign students

On March 26, in the reading room of the social sciences and humanities of the library of the Pacific State University, the event "Cultural Heritage of Ancient Russia" was held, dedicated to the traditional holidays of Russia. The participants of the meeting were students of PNU from Japan, Korea, China and Greece.

Associate Professor Zhanna Ni, together with the library staff, organized an interactive lesson "Cultural Heritage of Ancient Russia" for students of the Institute of Socio-Political Technologies and Communications and the Faculty of Philology, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication of the Pedagogical Institute of PNU. The hosts of the event talked about Russian holidays and related traditions. Foreign students listened with great pleasure about the games and Russian holiday amusements.

The first-year students spoke about the history of Maslenitsa, its customs, traditions and rituals, read poems by great poets dedicated to the holiday, introduced Russian proverbs and sayings to foreign friends.

The speech of the leading librarian Veronika Belokonnaya, who appeared before the students in the national Russian sundress and spoke in detail about every detail of its ornament, was a great addition to the story about the Maslenitsa traditions.

Special attention should be paid to the speech of the head of the library sector Natalia Lyapun. She presented an exhibition of rare books from the collections of the PNU library. The guests listened to a gramophone record with Russian calendar songs (recorded in 1968). Also, Natalya Alexandrovna shared the nicknames and sayings she heard in her childhood.

At the end of the event, students of the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies" held a quiz for foreign students. The winners received prizes.

The history of the book is the history of the region

On April 9, in the library service department of the PI PNU, a lesson was held "Through the pages of the history of the Far East: books and destinies." The organizers were the teachers of the Department of Literature and Journalism: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Anastasia Breitman, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Sysoeva and the PNU Library.

The guests of the event were students of the Regional Education Center, the Naval Lyceum named after Admiral of the Fleet N.D. Sergeeva and students of PNU, studying in the direction of "Philology".

Opening the event, Olga Sysoeva spoke about the rare book fund of the PNU library and the importance of the library in the life of every person. The lecture by Anastasia Breitman was devoted to unique Russian and foreign books and magazines published in the 18th-19th centuries and currently stored in the Reading Room of the Rare Book of the Togu Library.

The lecture opened with a story about the Plyusnin dynasty - merchants and patrons who made a huge contribution to the development of Khabarovsk as a cultural center of the Far East. The fate of one of the members of the Plyusnin family, Vasily, was closely connected with the life and work of Leo Tolstoy. The rare book fund of the PNU library contains 4 books associated with the name of the writer. Among them are both critical articles and his works. These books contain a large number of marks (evidence that they were actively read). There are many bookplates on the portraits of the writer. The red ex-libris of the Plyusnins is believed to have belonged to Vasily Plyusnin, a sincere and consistent Tolstoyan.

Ex-libris helped track the fate of many other publications. So, in the reading room of a rare book, a part of the Vladivostok Maritime Library and the Red Banner Amur Flotilla is kept. These publications survived the events of revolutions and wars of the beginning of the last century, their fate is closely connected with the fate of historical figures - naval commanders, statesmen who contributed to the development of the region. Anastasia Breitman talks about these and other libraries in an article that will be published in the next issue of Librarium-DV.

Schoolchildren and students with great interest and trepidation got acquainted with the publications from the fund of the rare book of the library of the PNU, because it is not possible to hold a book of a century and more ago in your hands every day.

Particular attention was paid to the story of the Director of the Museum of the Naval Lyceum, Galina Vitalievna Kondratyeva, about how she visited the library of the Amur Flotilla in her youth. The library was "not only a temple of books, but also a place of education in which activities were held for schoolchildren."

Not only rare publications, but also awards from the Russo-Japanese War from the collection of the Sysoev family helped schoolchildren and students to learn about history.

The event ended with a practical task. The young guests had to examine bookplates and engravings in books, decipher the symbols they contain.

Literary and historical lectures on the topic "Far Easterners during the Great Patriotic War"

On May 4, a literary and historical lecture on the topic "Far Easterners during the Great Patriotic War" was held in the hall of electronic information of the library of the PNU. The lecture hall was opened by the presentation "Memory of the Heart: Hero of the Soviet Union Yevgeny Dikopoltsev", which was presented to the audience by the leading librarian Evgeniya Aponkina. This presentation captivated the audience with the depth of content and a unique approach to the disclosure of the topic. The second part of the lecture was held in the format of a literary and historical hour, which was prepared by 1st year students of the Faculty of Primary, Preschool and Defectology Education under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Lyudmila. Malyavina.

Among the scientific student works, the project of Sofia Popova "My countrymen-Lazovites - participants in the Battle of Stalingrad" deserves special interest. As part of the study, Sophia collected information from the funds of the museum in the village of Pereyaslavka, worked with the Book of Memory, and interviewed close relatives who participated in the Battle of Stalingrad. On the basis of the revealed information and collected materials, Sophia compiled biographical information about the participants in the Battle of Stalingrad and their contribution to the victory, created a nominal base that can be used in the future in history lessons, when conducting lessons of courage, and military-patriotic work.

Creative works made by the students – book trailers “We learn about the war from books” turned out to be interesting and original. The most interesting and original were the book trailers by Irina Maskaikina and Valeria Makovskaya based on the book “The May Waltz”, by Varvara Roshchina and Anna Koinova about the Far Eastern writer Nikolai Navolochkin, the book trailer by Tatyana Goncharova and Olga Nikolaeva based on the book “Their Feats Are Immortal”. The undoubted discovery of the literary and historical hour was Valentina Sevryuk. Her manner of reading Robert Rozhdestvensky's poem "The Ballad of Colors" fascinated, attracting the attention of listeners to literally every word.

The vocal numbers masterfully performed by Valentina Sevryuk and Evgenia Lapushkina caused excitement and emotions. But, probably, the warmest, most exciting event of this meeting was the song "Katyusha" performed by Marina Erem and Margarita Pogudina and all those present.

The lecture hall ended with a quiz "There was a war, but the muses were not silent", which was prepared and conducted by Evgenia Lapushkina. The hosts of the literary and musical hour of the lecture hall, Maria Kuzhgelgenova and Valeria Dyatlova, pleased all the audience with their resourcefulness, emotionality and artistry.

literary bench

On May 17, the Pacific State University hosted a traditional action dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Libraries - “Literary Bench”.

To date, the issue of introducing the younger generation to literature is still relevant. Therefore, an action was held at PNU, thanks to which students were able to remember the school curriculum and show off their knowledge in the field of literature.

For the fourth year already, a team of employees of the PNU library has been working on the Literary Bench event, which invites students to recognize the author from the photo. Are you familiar with the portraits of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky? Will you be able to recognize the portraits of other writers whose work was studied as part of the school curriculum or while reading at your leisure? As the organizers noted, the purpose of the action is to attract the attention of students and staff of PNU to reading and self-development.

Hour of memory of participants of the Great Patriotic War

"Bowing our heads before the feat of soldiers" - under this name on May 4, on the eve of Victory Day, an hour in memory of the participants of the Great Patriotic War was held in the library of the Pacific State University.

The event was opened with a video presentation "Memory in stone", which was presented by Tatyana Palyga, head of the library sector of the PNU. The material was devoted to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War, installed both in our country and in Germany, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine. The video was accompanied by musical fragments that have long become classics. The songs "Alyosha" and "Cranes" were performed.

The Hour of Memory continued with a review of books from the exhibition “Bowing Our Heads to the Feat of Soldiers”, which presented publications about the main events, battles, heroes and commanders of the Great Patriotic War.

Of particular interest to the guests of the event - students of the Institute of Economics and Management and the Faculty of Philology, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication of the PNU was aroused by a series of books about technology, form and weapons of the Second World War. Leading librarian Veronika Belokonnaya spoke about small arms of that era, which turned out to be so reliable that they remained “in service” decades after the war. The review was continued by the head of the library sector Natalia Lyapun with a story about the history of the awards.

At the end of the event, the teacher of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies Viktor Gribunin, relying on the book by M.A. Gareeva "Commanders of the Victory and their military heritage", spoke about the Soviet commanders who were awarded the Order of Victory.

The event reminded everyone that Memory is a link between the past and the present, between the past and the future. Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

Dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the founding of Khabarovsk ...

On May 28, the Literary and Historical Hour “Turning Through the Pages of the Past” took place in the Readers Service Department of the PPI PNU. The event was held within the framework of the decade dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Libraries. This next lesson of the historical lecture hall was prepared by the library staff together with the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines in honor of the 160th anniversary of Khabarovsk.

The "Literary and Historical Hour" was the third and final event of this academic year, held by the library together with freshmen, and became a kind of creative report of students.

Initially, a training seminar with individual consultations was held for students - participants of the event. The event was accompanied by two specially prepared exhibitions of literature: "The City of Happy Fate" (on the subscription of scientific literature) and the exhibition-viewing literature "City of the Dawn" (in the electronic information hall).

The program of the literary and historical hour consisted of two blocks: in the first block, the participants presented their research work: presentations, book trailers and videos related to the history of Khabarovsk, and in the second - materials about modern Khabarovsk, its architecture and sights.

In total, 14 creative student works were prepared and viewed. More than 30 first-year students of the Faculty of Primary, Preschool and Defectology Education took the most active part in the literary and historical hour.

The audience was especially captivated by the vocal project “Along the Amur with a White Sail”, which was prepared and performed by Evgenia Lapushkina, Polina Shtinova and Natalia Nikonova. Among the scientific works, students noted the presentation of Anna Zorkina and Svetlana Bobrik "The Life of the Arc de Triomphe", as well as the video clip "Bridge over the Amur" by Alena Matveeva and Alina Egorcheva. The student audience also remembered the lyrical video by Margarita Pogudina and Marina Yeryoma “Walking around Khabarovsk”.

The hosts Maria Kuzhgelgenova and Valeria Dyatlova also pleased the audience with their artistry.

The literary and historical hour ended with a quiz "Khabarovsk kaleidoscope", which was prepared and conducted by Elena Gurchenko, Anna Zorkina, and Svetlana Bobrik. The winner of the quiz was Elena Litvinenko, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Information Technology. Having answered many questions of the quiz, Elena showed a very good knowledge of the history of Khabarovsk and earned enthusiastic applause from the entire audience.

The results of the event were summed up by L.S. Malyavina, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. She thanked the participants of the literary-historical hour and emphasized that this time the level of students' preparation was quite high, many works were serious and interesting, they surprised with their competence and originality.

Natalia Pishkova, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, also noted the technical skill and creativity of the participants, the informativeness, and the brightness of the presentation of the material.

Presentation of new books by Nikolai Kradin

On May 29, the Intellectual Center of the Library of the Pacific State University hosted a presentation of new publications by Doctor of Architecture, Professor Nikolai Kradin. Nikolai Petrovich presented his books to teachers, students and guests of the university: “Russian engineers and architects in China” and the 4th edition “Old Khabarovsk. Portrait of a city in wood and stone (1858–2018)”.

The sphere of scientific interests and research of the Far Eastern scientist N.P. The ridge is very wide. This is, first of all, the history of Russian architecture, Russian urban planning and cultural heritage in Siberia, the Far East and abroad. He is the author of dozens of books and hundreds of scientific articles. Books such as Russian Wooden Defense Architecture (1988), Architectural Monuments of Khabarovsk (1997), Architects of Khabarovsk (1998), Notes of Local Historians (co-authored, 2000; 2004), Architecture and Architects of Khabarovsk (2003), Harbin – Russian Atlantis (2001; in Chinese 2007; 2nd ed. 2010), Artists of the Far East (2009, 2013), Architects of Khabarovsk (1858–2013 ), “Russian Artists in China” (2013), “Urban Planning of Siberia” (co-authored, 2011), “Russian Wooden Architecture. Works of Folk Masters and Age-old Traditions” (co-authored, 2012).

At a meeting in the PNU library, Nikolai Petrovich spoke about how he connected his life with architecture, which was the reason for choosing this profession. He presented his works, spoke about his creative ideas, in particular, that he wanted to continue the theme of Russian wooden architecture by preparing an updated and expanded edition of his 1988 book. Those who came to the meeting with the professor were convinced that on the eve of his 80th birthday, he is full of strength, energy and is not going to stop there.

The new book by Professor N. Kradin "Russian Engineers and Architects in China" is the result of more than 20 years of work by the author in collecting and analyzing unique information about the fate and activities of more than 750 of our compatriots in the neighboring country. It will allow readers to touch the powerful layer of Russian culture, which for many years remained a blank spot in the history of Russian urban planning.

Meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the magazine "Slovenica Iskusstva"

On October 31, the intellectual center of the library hosted a creative meeting “Under the Wing of a Magic Bird”, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Slovenica Iskusstva magazine – in 2018, the unique Far Eastern almanac turns 20 years old. The guests of the event, organized by the library of the PNU, were students of the Institute of Socio-Political Technologies and Communications, librarians, teachers of the PNU.

The meeting was held in the format of a conversation, starting which the chief librarian Olga Remizova noted that over 40 issues of the Slovenica Iskusstva magazine had been published in 20 years. Its authors are artists, writers, actors, journalists, local historians, researchers, and scientists. The circle of interests of the authors is wide, and the topics of publications are diverse. This attracts readers who find in the journal materials about the life and work of Far Eastern cultural and art figures, unique museum exhibits, book rarities, exhibitions of paintings by Far Eastern artists, and much more.

The artistic and technical editor of Slovenica Iskusstva Galina Pershina spoke about the history of the magazine, the main topics of the issues and ways of development from a thematic page in the Khabarovsk newspaper to a unique publication known not only throughout Russia but also abroad. As Galina Ivanovna noted, the Far East needed such a journal:

“We needed a source that would feed the cultural needs of our city. In the late 90s, a similar publication existed in Moscow, it was the magazine Our Heritage. The new almanac "The Word of Arts" was called upon to become a tribune of culture and art in the Far East.

The editors of the magazine Galina Pershina and managing editor Natalia Rodina talked about the professional ethics of journalists and how materials are created that meet the expectations of the most interested reader. Their words were confirmed by the stories of Maria Burilova. Maria Fedorovna - local historian, laureate of the Prize. Yakova Dyachenko, winner of the regional competition in the field of literature and art for the book "The Society of Old Khabarovsk" spoke about how research is carried out and material is collected for historical books and articles.

With great interest, the meeting participants listened to the story of Nadezhda Kimonko, head of the traditional culture department of the House of Folk Art, about the activities of the organization for the preservation and promotion of national cultures of the peoples living in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The guests of the meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the Slovenica Iskusstva magazine asked a lot of questions to the authors and editors of the magazine. Students and staff of PNU were interested in various topics - from the methods of distribution of the publication to the most common topics of responses. This once again confirmed that the almanac is in demand by readers, and the culture and history of the Far East are of interest to the inhabitants of the region. At the end of the meeting, an exchange of gifts took place: the PNU library presented the editors of the journal with a book by Nikolai Kradin, the PNU library fund was replenished with donated editions of Far Eastern writers and scientists.

Historical lecture hall dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Civil War in the Far East

Russia-Japan: Dedicated to the Cross Year of Russia in Japan and the Year of Japan in Russia

On December 6, an event dedicated to the cross year of Russia in Japan and the year of Japan in Russia was held at the Pacific State University. The organizers of the event were employees of the Humanitarian and Educational Center of the PNU Library.

As part of the meeting, students of the Institute of Socio-Political Technologies and Communications of the PNU prepared presentations about the unique natural places of the Far East, and a student from Japan, Mayu Nomura, made a presentation "My second homeland of Kobe." Also among the speakers was a teacher of the Pedagogical Institute of PNU Akiko Tanaka, who, together with a student of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and History Maria Robbek, told the participants of the event about the Japanese traditional dress Kimono.

At the end of the event, the President of the international club "Friendship" of the PNU Victoria Bessmertnaya told the audience about her trip to Japan and her impressions about this country.

Open classes on the history of Russia

Classes titled “From the February Revolution to the Civil War. Events of 1918" was held on December 4-10 in the electronic reading room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin on the initiative of the senior lecturer of the department of the history of the fatherland, state and law Murashev Mikhail Alexandrovich and the staff of the information and humanitarian center of the library. The participants of the event were first-year students of the Transport and Energy Faculty and the Engineering and Construction Institute.

As part of the event, students prepared reports on the events that preceded the start of the Civil War in Russia. Mikhail Aleksandrovich supplemented the students' speeches with interesting historical facts.

The first lesson took place on December 4 with students of groups GD(s)-81 and NTK(ab)-81 (TEF). Kravtsov Zakhar made a report "Russia from February to October 1917.". In his speech, he emphasized that it was a very difficult and eventful period in the national history of the 20th century. “1917 was a “school of war” without war as such,” Zakhar noted. "Strikes, strikes, this is one of the means of the struggle of the working class for its liberation from the onslaught of the capitalists and the government."

Mikhail Alexandrovich supplemented the student's speech with interesting historical facts that strikes and strikes often entailed a wave of lockouts - a temporary stoppage of work (or a significant reduction in production volumes) of an enterprise by an employer with a cessation of payment of wages, in order to put pressure on workers (an analogue of a strike, but by the employer, not the employees). These events often unfolded in Petrograd. A lot of people found themselves "on the street" without income, hungry, and therefore aggressive. These unemployed people were very convenient for promoting the change of the political regime, it was these workers and peasants who became the main participants in the revolutions and the Civil War.

The librarian of the Electronic Reading Room of the Presidential Library, Tatyana Viktorovna, introduced the students to the PB resources, namely, to the electronic collection “1918”, dedicated to the events of this year. 1918 is one of the most significant and eventful years in the history of Russia. It was this year that the formation of the Red Army, the White movement and the deployment of the Civil War, the conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty during the First World War and the beginning of intervention, the formation of the foundations of the Soviet state and the adoption of the first Constitution of the RSFSR, the implementation of the economic policy of "war communism" and execution royal family...

The event was complemented by the book exhibition "Russia during the Civil War", which was organized by the staff of the reading room of social sciences and humanities (114 p.). interventions. The local history material and campaign posters were of particular interest to the students and the teacher.

PNU students - for the culture of speech

On September 28, the Humanitarian and Educational Center of the Library of the Pacific State University (room 417p) hosted the event "Words we all met", dedicated to the World Day against profanity.

In all countries of the world they are actively fighting against profanity: they create special committees, hold events. After all, the eradication of obscene expressions increases the prestige of the state. In Russia, foul language is legally regarded as a violation of public order, an insult to the individual. For foul language in public places, Russian legislation provides for penalties.

The students who attended the event learned the origin of many words in an easy and entertaining conversation; about what literary expressions can become an alternative to foul language; about the art of swearing beautifully; considered the words most often used in everyday speech with errors. The students also practiced the correct placement of stress, since the correct pronunciation is one of the indicators of culture.

The students were presented with dictionaries and scientific literature from the Linguistic and Regional Studies Center of the Togu Library (room 218p), accompanied by an electronic presentation.

After getting acquainted with the presented literature, the students concluded that they were not expected to read academically, but a journey into the world of everyday mistakes, in which there is nothing terrible, but their correction promises certain benefits.

"I'm reading Pushkin's lines again..."

On May 26, on the eve of Pushkin Day, which is celebrated in Russia on June 6, an event dedicated to A.S. Pushkin - Opening Poetic Hour "I'm reading Pushkin's lines again...". The story of the manager Department of the Library Dudko I.E. about the life and work of the poet was accompanied by a reading of his poems, a demonstration of a colorful presentation.

The guest of the evening - Lyudmila Popova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in Construction of the PNU, director of the consulting company CJSC Bogeria, told the audience about the Pushkin places that she visited, about her attitude towards the poet. Lyudmila Ivanovna donated a collection of personal books about Pushkin to the library. It includes editions of famous Pushkinists, as well as rare, no longer published books.

During the event, an open microphone worked, and everyone - students, staff and guests of PNU - could read their favorite Pushkin's poems.

Meeting with Pushkin is always a holiday, always a discovery of the wonderful poetic world of a brilliant Russian poet.

Round table on the topic "Prevention of terrorism and extremism among the youth"

On May 18, a round table on the topic “Prevention of terrorism and extremism among young people” was held in the intellectual center of the library. It is not the first time that the PNU library has held a round table on this topical topic; its employees have been initiating such a meeting for the past three years.

The participants of the event were students, teachers, professors and library staff. The experts were Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Affairs Alexander Mshvildadze, Director of the Law Institute Valery Stepenko, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities Andrey Zavalishin, Professor of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Regional Studies Alexander Kim, Assistant Rector Denis Letyuk, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Elena Sitnikova.

The opening of the meeting was a video about the security of mankind and the devastating impact of large-scale terrorist threats. During the work of the round table, the main goals of the meeting were identified and outlined, including: educational, upbringing and developing. Issues such as: causes, goals, methods, means of terrorism, problems of early warning of ethnic, national conflicts, personal and psychological roots of terrorism and extremism, threats of terrorism and extremism on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District are considered.

The round table was thematically divided into five semantic blocks.

The first block started with a speech by Valery Stepenko, Director of the Law Institute. The professor revealed the history of the origin of terrorism, the difference in terminologies and definitions.

The director of the regional scientific practical center for monitoring ethno-confessional relations and early warning of a conflict situation Andrey Zavalishin spoke in the second block. The doctor of sociological sciences provided the audience with the results of a sociological survey of student youth in the Khabarovsk Territory on the subject of predisposition to ethnic nationalism and extremism.

Alexander Kim gave many examples from life, against which he revealed the issues of understanding terrorism, the problems of preventing this problem, completing the third block with a comparison:

- Terrorism is a disease that cannot be cured with one pill, you need to find the source of the disease, find a single system of treatment, a single system of ideology.

The fourth block was opened by Denis Letyuk with the theme "Threats of terrorism and extremism in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District."

The final block was the question of concern to many - "Psychology of terrorism", Elena Sitnikova answered many questions from the audience.

At the end of the discussion, the director of the PNU library, Lyudmila Fedoreeva, presented the participants with commemorative certificates, noting that such events would be held on an ongoing basis.

literary bench

On May 17, the library staff in the hall of the university held an action timed to coincide with the World Library Day.

Today, the issue of introducing the younger generation to reading books is very relevant. Library Day is a holiday that allows you to hold many different events on the topic of education. An action was held at PNU, thanks to which students could remember the school curriculum and show off their knowledge in the field of literature.

The organizers held various quizzes, among which was the contest "Recognize the author by photography" and "Flash-test of knowledge of the rules of the Russian language." The students were presented with portraits of famous writers and poets. Participants who named all the authors correctly received a sweet prize. To test your knowledge of phonetics, it was necessary to correctly place the stresses in the words.

For the third year already, a team of library employees has been working on the Literary Bench event. As the organizers noted, the purpose of the action is to attract the attention of students and staff of PNU to reading and self-development.

Professional and pedagogical lecture "Actual issues of family education: history and modernity"

On April 25, in the hall of electronic information of the library of the PNU, the next lesson of the professional-pedagogical lecture hall "Actual issues of family education: history and modernity" was held, organized and prepared by the library staff together with the department of pedagogy.

As part of the lecture hall, the students were presented with presentations prepared by the library specialists, an information review of the exhibition “Founders of Pedagogical Science: Main Ideas of Education in the Family”. The students were interested in the presentation "The concept of family education in the pedagogical works of Jan Comenius and Konstantin Ushinsky" , conducted by the leading librarian Evgenia Aponkina.

Leonid Tovbin and Albina Rusinova, 1st-year undergraduates of the Pedagogy Department, took an active part in the lecture hall, presenting in their presentations a model of family education in the works of Leo Tolstoy and Vasily Sukhomlinsky. Vyacheslav Pilnikov and Elizaveta Gayeva, 2nd year bachelors of the Faculty of Education and Science, discussed in their speeches the pedagogical views and ideas of Jan Komensky, Vasily Sukhomlinsky, Anton Makarenko and their contribution to the development of family education pedagogy.

The second part of the lecture hall was devoted to the issues of the state and problems of the modern family. Emotional coloring of the event was given by the speech of the guest of the lecture hall , Priest Andrei Dolgopolov, head of the youth department of the Khabarovsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The results of the lecture were summed up by Elena Eliseeva, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy. She presented diplomas and certificates to active participants.

Meeting with Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, member of the Union of Writers of Russia Yuri Salin

On April 21, in the hall of electronic information of the Pedagogical Institute of PNU, a meeting was organized with Yuri Salin, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. The meeting was organized as part of the Far Eastern Week of Psychology, held at PNU. Yury Sergeevich called the lecture dedicated to the International Earth Day "Research instinct of mankind". The lecturer focused on the environmental problems of our time, attitudes towards nature, the earth, the human soul. His story about the beauty of the Far Eastern Territory, about interesting trips to Kamchatka, dangerous routes and meetings with the indigenous population captivated guests - students and teachers of PNU.

The lecture was accompanied by a slide show, poetry readings and live performances of songs.

Ivan Aivazovsky - an artist inspired by nature

On April 13, an information hour dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian marine painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky was held in the reading room of the Social Sciences and Humanities Library of the Pacific State University.

The informational meeting was aimed at expanding the horizons of students about art, at the formation of aesthetic feelings. Students got acquainted with the work of Ivan Konstantinovich, learned interesting facts from his life.

The cultural event was accompanied by a presentation, as well as books with reproductions of paintings by a famous artist were provided. The event ended with a quiz.

Meeting with a representative of the FBGU "Reserved Amur Region"

On March 28, in the library of the Pedagogical Institute of the Pacific State University, a meeting was held with a representative of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Amur Reserve", Deputy Director for Science, Candidate of Biological Sciences Rimma Andronova.

During the meeting, the Researcher told the students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Information Technology about the ongoing research activities in the reserves and national parks, about the integrated environmental monitoring of specially protected natural areas, each of which is a unique corner of nature.

The story about the new technical means used in the work of the organization's employees was detailed and interesting: photo traps, unmanned aerial vehicles, GLONASS and GPS systems. Questions were raised about the structure of the institution "Reserved Amur Region" and the possibility of employment of university graduates in this organization.

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution...

From February 27 to March 3, a series of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution in Russia took place in the Electronic Information Hall of the Pedagogical Institute of the Pacific State University.

The reading room featured works devoted to the history of the second Russian revolution. The theme of revolution, civil war and intervention in the Far East region is widely reflected in the works of historians: N. A. Avdeeva, M. I. Svetachev, Yu. N. Tsipkin, T. Ya. Ikonnikova, V. M. Peskov and others .

Among the materials of the exhibition: monographs, scientific articles, materials of historical research, abstracts of dissertations, collections of documents from the state archives of Russia, revealing the development of revolutionary events, the Civil War and foreign intervention in the Russian Far East.

In the section of the exhibition “Far Eastern Republic: Formation. Struggle against intervention” presented materials on the history of the creation of the Far East, its role in the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power in the Far East.

Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the book exhibition, watch thematic newsreels and documentaries, and take part in the discussion of controversial issues.

The scientific seminar “The February Revolution of 1917 in the Mirror of Modern Historical Evaluations”, which took place on February 27, became a platform for discussions. The seminar was organized and conducted by 1st year students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the PNU. The participants discussed topics related to the role of the First World War as a catalyst for revolutionary events, assessment of the personality, behavior and actions of Nicholas II, the impact of the events in Petrograd on the situation in the Amur Governorate General, analyzed the "myths of the revolution".

The conversation that had begun was continued within the framework of the interactive historical and literary hour “We see the city of Petrograd in the seventeenth year ...”, which took place on March 3. Presentations including documentary photos and film footage and created videos (book trailers) prepared by students helped those present to learn more about the books covering the events of the February Revolution. The emotional coloring of the event was given by read excerpts from poems and memoirs of contemporaries, which are a reflection of the atmosphere and moods of people in the February days.

Meeting with Artistic Director of the Far East Film Studio Albert Samoilov

On February 21, in the reading room of the library of the Pedagogical Institute of the PNU, a meeting was held with the founder and artistic director of the Far Eastern Film Studio Albert Samoilov.

The meeting-seminar was organized within the framework of the Year of Ecology. Students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and IT learned how the filming of documentaries devoted to topical environmental issues in the Far East region of Russia took place.

Albert Mikhailovich told how the ideas of films were born, and why documentarians chose this or that topic for their works. Stories about the complexities of the filming process were interspersed with examples of curious cases that occurred on expeditions.

The meeting allowed students of the direction "Ecology" and the pedagogical direction "Biology and Chemistry" to dive deeper into their future profession.

Country Studies Lecture Hall "Countries far and near: my personal experience of acquaintance"

In 2017, the regional studies lecture “Countries far and near: my personal experience of acquaintance” continued its work.

January 24 in the Intellectual Center of the Pacific State University, a meeting was held with Alexander Pasmurtsev, who shared his impressions of the trip to the "Slavic Switzerland" - Montenegro.

From the story of Alexander Vladimirovich, the audience learned many interesting facts from the history of this country; and also about what modern Montenegro is interesting for tourists.

The history of this small state, lost in the mountains, is closely connected with both the world and the history of Russia - Peter I sent nobles here to study maritime affairs, and the Montenegrin military leader Alexander Saichich, during the years of the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905), commanded the Amur Dragoon Regiment . In his homeland, A. Saichich is revered as a national hero, in honor of whose exploits many songs have been composed that have become popular.

By tradition, an exhibition of literature and journal articles from the library's collections was prepared for the lecture hall meeting. The lecture was accompanied by a video presentation on the state symbols of Montenegro, which also contributed to the expansion of knowledge about the history and sights of the country.

April 6 in the electronic reading room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin (room 257c) an interactive lesson was held as part of the lecture “Countries far and near: my personal experience of acquaintance”. The heroes of the next lesson were Chinese undergraduate students under the guidance of the senior lecturer of the Department of Journalism Larisa Trotsenko. With the information and technical support of the library, students demonstrated pre-prepared presentations on their favorite places of interest in China, accompanying the slideshow with oral presentations.

It was interesting to know that the sacred mountain Hua Shan has the most dangerous hiking trail in the world. This is the so-called "Path of Death", fixed on a sheer wall. The trail consists of narrow boards hanging over a bottomless abyss, without railings and fences. Tourists walk holding on to iron chains driven into the wall. Three Gorges Canyon is one of the most beautiful and dangerous places on the Yangtze River, here is the world's largest dam, a powerful power plant. I was impressed by the story about Lake Xihu, whose origin is covered with legends about the Jade Dragon and the Golden Phoenix. These sights are depicted on Chinese banknotes in denominations of 1, 5 and 10 yuan.

All information about the memorable places of the neighboring country was presented by students in Russian. Such classes remain in the memory of the children for a long time, give good language practice, and also expand the horizons of speakers and listeners.

April 11 meeting within the framework of the lecture hall was devoted to the journey through Europe. The artist-sculptor, multiple winner of international competitions in ice and snow sculptures Barsukov Vladimir Vitalievich spoke about him. In Slovakia, the ice sculpture championship was held, where he won first place, and after Slovakia he made a tour of Western Europe, visiting Germany, Austria, and Venice. By tradition, the lecture hall opened with a review of the literature on the European Middle Ages, available in the collections of the PNU library.

Vladimir spoke about his journey using photographs and video materials from his personal archive.

At the end of the event, students PONB-62 participated in a quiz dedicated to Medieval Europe.

12 May Japan was in the spotlight. This is the third meeting organized by the library about the neighboring country, but due to the fact that it is the “personal experience of acquaintance” that is covered, each story about the Land of the Rising Sun is different in content and has its own zest.

The hero of the event was Akiko Tanaka, assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages, with the report "Japan: Traditions and Modernity". Akiko talked about her hometown of Nagoya, focusing on the life of Japanese youth.

Akiko paid special attention to Nagoya State University, 6 teachers of which have received the Nobel Prize in physics and chemistry since the beginning of the 21st century. And at the graduation ceremony at the end of the university, girls put on a kimono and hakama (a very wide skirt with a long belt) - these clothes in the past represented a semblance of a school uniform for students.

The quiz questions given during the lecture helped to better remember the information presented by the narrator. Traditionally, librarians have prepared: an interesting review of fiction by Japanese authors, a selection of magazines about Japan, individual articles of periodicals devoted to Japanese culture. Students were interested in presentations on interactive tables dedicated to famous samurai, Japanese painting and the Japanese tea ceremony.

The guest of the lecture was Mihaela Drugdova, a resident of Slovakia, a student of the Czech Masaryk University (Brno). Having won a grant from the European Union, Mihaela got the opportunity to study Russian in Russia, the choice fell on the Pacific State University. Her term of study at PNU is coming to an end, so Michaela was especially pleased to talk about her country, its culture, traditions, details of the daily life of the Slovaks. She shared her impressions of student life at our university, comparing it with her native university. The speech was lively and very interesting for the listeners, which was confirmed by the mass of questions asked to her.

Another guest of the lecture hall was Nikita Frolov, a 4th year student of the PNU Law Institute, who spoke about his stay in European countries, including the Czech Republic. He also prepared a special surprise by performing on the saxophone a piece of music by C. Saint-Saens, written by the composer under the impression of visiting the Czech zoo.

The last chronicler and the first Russian historian

So called the contemporaries of Nikolai Karamzin, whose 250th anniversary is celebrated this year in Russia. Historiographer, writer, publicist, critic, reformer of the Russian language, creator of the multi-volume work "History of the Russian State". N. M. Karamzin is a figure so significant for Russian literature and culture that interest in her remains today. The reader is attracted to his work by the magic of the word, the artistic portraits of historical figures he created, the combination of writing and research talents.

The PNU library hosted events dedicated to this memorable date. In the reading room of social sciences and humanities, readers were presented with the exhibition "Nikolai Karamzin - Writer, Critic, Historian", in which Nikolai Karamzin is presented as a writer, poet, historian, journalist. The exhibition presents the works of the writer and the works of the historian N. Karamzin, the literature of contemporary authors about him and publications relating to the era of Karamzin.

Information hours "Nikolai Karamzin and Russian culture" were organized for students. They talked about the personality of the writer and historian, about his cultural and literary heritage. Karamzin returned to us as a remarkable thinker, a spiritual person who had a profound moral impact on Russian literature, philosophical and social thought. Information meetings contributed to the formation of patriotic feelings, citizenship and spiritual and moral qualities among young people.

On November 18, in the hall of access to information resources of the Pedagogical Institute, the opening of the exhibition project “And his name will live in Russia forever”, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of N.M. Karamzin.

The program included: a review of publications by Karamzin N.M. and literature about him, another lesson of the historical lecture hall on the topic: "N.M. Karamzin and his era", a scientific seminar with student presentations, as well as a series of videos - plots from the "History of the Russian State". Active participants in the meeting were students of the Faculty of Primary, Preschool and Defectology Education: Anastasia Zhguleva, Anna Novosyolova, Ksenia Ozikova, Liza Durneva, Anna Motoro, Alina Kozar, Veronika Perevalova.

The exhibition project presented more than 100 sources from the funds of not only the service department of the Pedagogical Institute, the library of the PNU, but also the Far Eastern State Scientific Library. These are scientific publications, monographs, reference books and encyclopedias, fiction, as well as magazines: Rodina, Russian History, Literature at School, etc., reflecting the era of N.M. Karamzin and his contemporaries. The exhibition project is sufficiently illustrated, presented on several separate shelves, where a rare edition of the author "History of the Russian State", published in 1852 by A. Smirdin's publishing house, found its place. This edition from the collection of the Khabarovsk merchants Plyusnins is in the fund of the reading room of the rare book library of the PI PNU.

About the role of N.M. Karamzin in history told everyone present Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines L.S. Malyavin. With little-known biographical facts and with the creative heritage of N.M. Karamzin was introduced to the audience by the leading librarian E.M. Aponkin in his presentation "The Feat of an Honest Man". An interesting review of the literature was prepared by the leading librarian Biketova I.V. The program also included poems by the hero of the day “Melancholy”, “To Myself”, “Forgive”, etc. All this made it possible to fully reveal the work of N.M. Karamzin and, in general, to expand the idea of ​​the significance of the personality of the great Russian writer and historiographer in the context of our modernity.

On December 25, students of the Faculty of History attended a public lecture dedicated to this remarkable date. It was conducted by Slivko S.V., Associate Professor of the Department of National and General History. In his speech, he revealed Karamzin not only as a historian, but as a writer, poet, journalist and public figure. Further, a book-illustrative exhibition was presented for students, the review of which was conducted by the head. Service Department Sochelina I.A. At the end of the meeting, students were given the opportunity to work with the exhibition de visu.

Meeting with the editors of the literary magazine "Far East"

On April 1, at the Intellectual Center of the Pacific State University, a meeting was held with the editors of the literary magazine "Far East".

The journal "Far East" is the oldest edition of the Khabarovsk Territory and neighboring regions. He will turn 83 in 2016. During the existence of the magazine, Valentin Fedorov, Vyacheslav Sukachev, Dmitry Nagishkin, Petr Komarov and Jansi Kimonko collaborated with him.

The editor-in-chief, Alexandra Nikolashina, the editor of prose, Tamara Savelyeva, and the editor of the poetry section, Elena Dobrovenskaya, told the staff of the PNU who came to the meeting with the students about the magazine. Andrey Zemskov, a songwriter whose works were published in the magazine, was supposed to be a special guest of the meeting, but due to health problems he could not attend.

The journal devotes a lot of time to working with manuscripts (there are about 400 of them), conducts personal conversations and always makes contact to help the author. Professional editors parse and analyze each work line by line together with the author.

Round table "The work of libraries to counter terrorism"

On March 31, the library of the Pacific State University hosted a round table meeting "The work of libraries to counter terrorism." The event was held within the framework of the interuniversity section on reader service. It was attended by teachers, representatives of university libraries and students.

The concept of "terrorism" was considered from the legal, political, socio-psychological and philosophical points of view. And about. Dean of the Faculty of Law, Head of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines Valery Stepenko introduced the audience to international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. The organizational and legal system of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation was the topic of the speech by Olga Chernova, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Law Firm.

The problem of terrorism is multifaceted. In it, along with the legal, political, economic, the psychological aspect should be emphasized. What are people who commit terrorist acts, from the point of view of psychology? What are the psychological motives for their actions? The discussion in this direction took place after the speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Social and Humanitarian Psychology of the Pedagogical Institute of PNU, Elena Sitnikova.

The audience learned a lot about Russian revolutionary terrorism from the speech of Konstantin Korablin, professor of the GPA department. The report of Viktor Gribunin, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, was interesting and relevant. It touched upon the motivational-value and socio-philosophical foundations of terrorism.

There was an exchange of experience in the work of libraries on the prevention of terrorism among young people.

The library as a social institution should carry out information counteraction to terrorism, form the civil position of the Russian society in relation to this global evil and contribute to the prevention of terrorism.

Country Studies Lecture Hall "Countries far and near: my personal experience of acquaintance"

On March 10, at the Intellectual Center of the Pacific State University, the first lesson of the country studies lecture "Countries far and near: my personal experience of acquaintance" was held. The first conversation was about Greece.

According to one of the formations, Alexander Vladimirovich is a historian, therefore it is not surprising that the vivid shots from his personal photo archive, dedicated to the trip to the largest Greek island of Crete, were accompanied by valuable historical information, stories about the features of architecture, and even a brief retelling of the myths of Ancient Greece. As for the general impression of a tourist who ended up in a foreign country, it was very capaciously expressed in one phrase:

The purest air, gentle sun... It feels like you are in heaven on earth!

Speaking about Greece, Alexander Pasmurtsev did not forget to mention the daily life of its inhabitants. How do they earn their bread and red wine from white grapes? How do you spend your free time? What religion do they follow? All these topics were covered in the presentation and answers to questions from the audience.

After the main part of the lecture hall was over, his guests did not let Alexander Vladimirovich go for some time, bombarding him with questions about the trip and plans for subsequent travels.

Well, for those who didn’t think even an hour and a half of a story about Greece was enough, Alexander Pasmurtsev suggested looking for his article in the spring issue of the My University magazine, which is now being prepared for publication. There he promised to show even more vivid photos and amazing stories.

The world through the eyes of travelers

On November 11, the Information and Humanitarian Center of the Pacific State University hosted a presentation of the book “Preparing for Campaigns (Theory and Practice of Security)”.

How to prepare for a hike? How to navigate the area? How to behave in extreme situations? How to provide first aid (as well as self-help) without having a first aid kit with you? These and many other questions are answered by the book of Far Eastern scientists, writers and travelers Alexander Murashev and Vladimir Kryukov.

At a creative meeting, Alexander Mikhailovich, as one of the authors of the publication, spoke about how the book was created. This tutorial summarizes the experience of survival in the taiga. It was accumulated as a result of numerous expeditions (including single ones). Such trips usually last at least a month.

Of course, such a rich experience of travelers was not without unexpected meetings and dangerous incidents. The writer told many stories about his campaigns in the taiga and gave a lot of valuable advice. The story was accompanied by an interesting photo and video sequence.

The book will be interesting and useful not only for tourists who are going on a hike, but also for everyone who is not indifferent to their own safety. After all, the manual will teach you how to behave in any extreme situation - on the water, in case of fire, in case of injury.

Naval Knowledge Day at PNU

September 2, on the day of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, at the Pacific State University in the Electronic Reading Room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin hosted the Day of Naval Knowledge.

The participants of the event, which was held via videoconferencing with the Presidential Library of the city of St. Petersburg, have traditionally been high school students of the Cadet School No. F. F. Ushakova (Khabarovsk), representatives of the university administration and employees of the library of the PNU.

The reports delivered at the conference emphasize the significance of the main historical events and the merits of the Russian fleet. It was also discussed that valuable materials on the history of the fleet from the Presidential Library's collection are actively used in the military-patriotic education of future officers of our country.

On the Day of Naval Knowledge, declassified documents from the funds of the branch of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the archive of the Navy in Gatchina were made public, which for a long time were inaccessible to a wide audience. Among them, for example, photographs of the informal visit of the participants of the Yalta Conference to Sevastopol in 1945, etc.

The event also summed up the results of the project "People's Memory", which started in March of this year in the Presidential Library. The main coordinator of the project for the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region was the Pacific State University.

The purpose of the Internet project "People's Memory" was to create an interactive map of the memorial sites of the Soviet-Japanese war of 1945 - the final stage of World War II. The military battles of that period left a deep mark on the history of Russia, China, Mongolia and Korea. The Presidential Library received many photographs of monuments, obelisks, mass graves and memorial objects erected in honor of Soviet soldiers who died in those years during military operations to liberate China, Korea and other Asian countries from Japanese militarists.

PNU Rector Professor Sergey Ivanchenko welcomed the participants of the event, and Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Affairs Alexander Mshvildadze spoke about the contribution of PNU to the creation of the interactive collection "People's Memory", a significant part of which was the work of the "Flowers of Memory" volunteer group and photographs of memorial objects in the city. .Khabarovsk, collected and described by the library staff.

Meeting with writer Alexander Mikhailovich Filonov

On April 17, 2015, a meeting was held in the PNU library with the writer Alexander Mikhailovich Filonov, retired colonel of the border troops, historian, local historian.

The biography of Alexander Mikhailovich is rich in events, including those of historical importance: he led the demarcation work on the border sections of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, he is closely acquainted with the participants in the conflict on about. Damansky.

The writer has been studying the history of Khabarovsk and the Far Eastern region for many years, as a border guard officer, he is especially interested in the history of the Far Eastern border guard, wars and military conflicts. The result of many years of historical research by Alexander Mikhailovich were such books as: “... Demarcation is not subject to” - about the islands of Bolshoi Ussuriysky and Tarabarov, “Three hypostases of Yakov Dyachenko”, “Far Easterners during the Second World War”, “G.I. Nevelskoy. View from the 21st century.

The meeting, dedicated to the 70th end of the Second World War, began with the story of A.M. Filonov about the creation of the regional "Book of Memory", in the publication of which the scientist actively participated. “The Book of Memory of the Khabarovsk Territory” is 6 volumes (4640 pages), which contains the names and surnames of more than 90 thousand Far Eastern warriors. The printed (paper) version of the "Book of Memory" was published in a small edition only once. That is why information about the inhabitants of the Khabarovsk Territory who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War was not widely available to a wide audience. The guests learned many interesting facts from the military history of our state. For example, they were surprised to learn that the news of Japan's surrender to the capital was transmitted by telegraph from Vasilevsky's headquarters, located near Khabarovsk.

Of great interest was the story of A.M. Filonov about the trip as part of a delegation from the Khabarovsk Territory to present a diploma of the honorary title "City of Military Glory" to Moscow. Alexander Mikhailovich spoke about the difficulties that he had to face while collecting materials proving that the city of Khabarovsk is worthy of the title "City of Military Glory". After all, even among Far Eastern historians there were those who doubted the appropriateness of its appropriation. But many months in the archives were not spent in vain - historians, including Filonov, managed to collect more than fifty sheets of references to archival documents confirming the glorious military past of Khabarovsk.

Video lecture dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II

March 12, 2015 in the Electronic Reading Room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. Boris Yeltsin hosted another video lecture "Knowledge of Russia", dedicated to one of the main events of the final stage of the Second World War - the Soviet-Japanese War (August 9 - September 2, 1945). The main participants in the event were students of the PNU, active members of the Patriot club and the Poisk group, as well as teachers and students of St. Petersburg schools.

The Second World War was the largest military conflict in the history of mankind. The war lasted 6 years, 61 states took part in it. May 8 (9), 1945 is considered to be the end date of World War II in Europe. However, after the surrender of Nazi Germany, the war continued for another four months, ending in the complete and final defeat of Japan.

From August 9 to September 2, 1945, Soviet troops conducted three successful military operations in the Far East, which were of great military-political and strategic importance: the Manchurian strategic offensive operation, the South Sakhalin offensive operation and the Kuril landing operation. Evgeny Abramov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Operational and Tactical Training of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, spoke about the participation of amphibious assault forces in the Soviet-Japanese War of 1945.

The features of the preparation and conduct of the Manchurian strategic offensive operation were revealed in his lecture by Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, First Deputy Chairman of the Khabarovsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Military Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Assistant to the Deputy of the State Duma, General of the Army Mikhail Alekseevich Moiseev, Major General of Police, retired Alexander Kezin.

Yegor Tikhonovich Polichko, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and the war with Japan, a member of the Public Organization of Military Service Veterans of the Far Eastern Military District, also spoke to the audience. Being a direct participant in the Manchurian strategic offensive operation, he shared his memories with young listeners who were born and raised in peacetime and did not know the horror of war.

At the end of the video lecture, the staff of the Presidential Library launched the Internet project "People's Memory: To the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II."

Anniversary birthday of Alexander Pushkin

June 6 in the electronic reading room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B. Yeltsin, a solemn celebration of the 215th birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, which has already become traditional, took place.

The information and educational hour "My Pushkin" was prepared by foreign students and teachers of the Department of Journalism.

Famous poems were heard at the event, and the life of the poet flashed before the eyes of foreign students with a colorful and informative presentation prepared by Russian students of the department.

The information and educational hour was led by senior lecturer Larisa Trotsenko. Students learned a lot about the life and work of the poet, about translations of Pushkin's works into foreign languages, about monuments to the poet located in different countries and continents.

And at the beginning of the meeting, the guests of the electronic reading room were shown a film telling about the history of creation and the possibilities of the Presidential Library.

Seminar-training "Creating a comfortable library web environment as a means of overcoming the information inequality of users"

On March 26-27, 2014, a seminar-training "Creating a comfortable library web environment as a means of overcoming the information inequality of users" was held on the basis of the PNU library, in which 48 representatives of various types of libraries took part.

The seminar was organized as part of the work of the interuniversity section of the ZMO on information and bibliographic work together with the Khabarovsk Regional Specialized Library for the Blind.

Section Chair - KSAEP Library Director Potekhina Yu.V. - made a report on modern means of positioning libraries in the environment of electronic communications, on the conditions and principles of work of libraries' web-representations. She focused the attention of the seminar participants on innovative solutions of the libraries of the Far East region in the web environment.

Potekhina Yu. V., the editor of the library of KSAEP, Tserulnik A. Yu., supplemented the speech by telling in detail about Web 2.0 services and new opportunities for promoting reading.

Dombrovskaya I.V., psychologist, deputy. Director of the Khabarovsk Regional Specialized Library for the Blind.

The speech of L.D. Fomin, head of Department of the Khabarovsk Regional Children's Library named after A.I. N. N. Navolochkina. Being himself a visually impaired person of the first group, he spoke about his personal experience of library services for people with disabilities - about the forms and possibilities of technical means in serving this category of readers.

Seminar "Transfer and commercialization of technologies: modern opportunities"

On May 22, 2014 in the library of the Pacific State University (142c) a seminar "Transfer and commercialization of technologies: modern opportunities" was held. The participants of the event were students and teachers of the Faculty of Law of the PNU, employees of the PNU library, as well as those invited from other higher educational institutions in Khabarovsk (FEGUPS, DVIU RANEPA).

Liudmila Fedoreeva, director of the library, delivered a welcoming speech. She opened the seminar and said that it was the first of a series of events dedicated to copyright and patent law. Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Law of the PNU Olga Popova explained the process of registration of rights to the results of intellectual activity, and Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Head. Head of the Department of Civil Law and Entrepreneurship, Tatyana Kalacheva, spoke about the forms of contracts for the transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity that are used today.

Irina Bochkova, Head of the Technology and Innovation Support Center of the Togu Library, Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation, informed the audience about her participation in the international forum "Intellectual Property - XXI Century" and in the II Forum "Innovative Potential of Russia", held in Moscow from 21 to 25 April 2014 as part of the Intellectual Property Days.

The seminar also discussed the issues of involving intellectual property objects in economic circulation (PhD, associate professor, director of the consulting company CJSC Bogeria Popova Lyudmila Ivanovna) and presented the possibilities of the information resources of the PNU library (head of the library sector Margarita Argunova).

The participants of the seminar approved the holding of such an event and proposed to make it an annual event, and proposed to strengthen its practical component.

Information and educational hour dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the birth of Sergius of Radonezh

In 2014, the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh, a Russian saint, the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, is celebrated. It was he who laid the foundation for Orthodox asceticism unparalleled in history. St. Sergius of Radonezh did not leave a single line behind him. He always eschewed teaching and teaching. Therefore, we can say that the teachings of Sergius of Radonezh are his life. The asceticism of Sergius of Radonezh largely influenced the entire national spirituality, as he introduced into it the most important religious and philosophical ideas for the entire Russian national consciousness.

On May 26, an event dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the birth of Sergius of Radonezh, "Great and Holy", was held at the Information and Humanitarian Center of the PNU Library. It was timed to coincide with the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture, as well as the All-Russian Day of Libraries. Students of the faculty of land management and nature management were present. First of all, it was about the life of Sergius of Radonezh as an example of moral perfection and the highest spirituality. The students got acquainted with hagiographic publications about Russian saints, in which the life path of the “great old man” looks paradoxical: all his life he fled from the society of people, and as a result became his spiritual leader.

Much attention was paid to the important role of Sergius of Radonezh as a symbol of the unification of Russian lands on the basis of spirituality and patriotism.

The image of Radonezh has found its embodiment in art and literature. A book exhibition was organized for the attention of the students, at which the library staff presented a variety of literature on the history of the Fatherland, religion, and philosophy. Those present looked at the albums with interest, flipped through the works of art.

Acquaintance of students with the personality of Sergius of Radonezh took place at a high emotional level. After all, a person, in addition to personal aspirations, also needs universal human values, of which patriotism is especially important - love for one's fatherland and pride in the achievements of one's homeland.

Parliamentarism Day in Russia: meetings with high school students

March 20 and April 3 in the electronic reading room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin for students of gymnasium No. 8 and economic gymnasium, open lessons were organized dedicated to the Day of Russian parliamentarism. These lessons are conducted for students of schools in Khabarovsk by teachers of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of the Faculty of Law of the PNU. Head of the department "Constitutional and municipal law" R.A. Zagidulin told the high school students about the very concept of "parliamentarism", about the history of its appearance and about the development of parliamentarism in our state. Associate Professor of the ILC Department Anna Arkadievna Zdorovtseva told the children about the history of parliamentarism in other countries and gave an interesting example - the Libyan Jamahiriya of Omar Gaddafi. The lecture was also attended by a deputy of the regional Legislative Duma, the rector of the PNU, Professor Sergei Ivanchenko, as well as a deputy of the City Duma, the first Vice-Rector of the University, Professor Sergei Shalobanov. They told the children about their work in elected bodies and answered their questions.

At the end of the meeting, employees of the electronic reading room spoke to the schoolchildren. They spoke about the electronic resources of the Presidential Library, demonstrated the wide possibilities of the hall. As a keepsake, the students were presented with the magazine "My University", "Literary Almanac" and other useful brochures.

Literary and educational meeting with the editorial board of the Russian journal "Far East"

On April 19, a literary and educational meeting with the editorial board of the Russian journal "Far East" took place. The event was held in the reading room of the university library and was timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the journal. The participants of the meeting listened with great attention to the speeches of the editor-in-chief of the magazine - Nikolashina Alexandra Viktorovna, editors of the departments of prose - Tamara Savelyeva, poetry - Elena Dobrovenskaya, journalism - Viktor Remizovsky. It was unexpected and pleasant to get acquainted with the work of the Far Eastern bard Andrei Zemskov. The audience watched a documentary, colorful film "Shantar Islands". The meeting gave a start to cooperation between the editorial board of the Far East magazine and the University, especially the library and the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language.

The meeting ended with a speech by Alexander Pasmurtsev, editor-in-chief of the My University magazine and concurrently one of the authors of the Far East magazine.

Conducting an information and educational hour "The explorer of Kamchatka Stepan Krasheninnikov"

March 16 in the electronic reading room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin hosted an information and educational hour "Kamchatka Explorer Stepan Krasheninnikov" for student journalists and library staff. Head of the Department of Local Lore Literature of the Far Eastern State Scientific Library Balashova M.L. revealed little-known facts from the biography of this remarkable Russian traveler, ethnographer, geographer, and botanist. The details of his research in Siberia and Kamchatka, about his famous book Description of the Land of Kamchatka (1756) amazed the listeners.

The meeting ended with acquaintance with an electronic copy of the book by S.P. Krasheninnikov - "Description of the land of Kamchatka", 1755 edition (in 3D electronic version), placed in the collection of documents of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin.

In May 2012, the doors of the electronic reading room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin opened for the I Interregional Competition for Foreign Students "The Living Russian Word". Pacific State University held it with the support of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russkiy Mir Foundation. The purpose of the event is to popularize the Russian language, motivate foreign students to study the Russian language and culture of Russia, encourage them to improve their knowledge of the Russian language. The goal is close to the activities of the Presidential Library, because four main thematic areas for completing its collections have been chosen - power, people, territory and the Russian language.

The contest participants are students of the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok), foreign students of the Far Eastern State Transport University (Khabarovsk), students of the Pacific State University. Students from the Far Eastern Agrarian University (Blagoveshchensk), the School of Pedagogy (a branch of the Far Eastern Federal University, Ussuriysk), Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service became absentee participants.

Foreign students of PNU performed for the guests and participants of the competition, presenting a sketch from the comedy by D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth". The winner of the contest "Golden Voice of PNU" student Cao Yu sang a song in Russian.

Project "Orthodox Culture in the Far East"

May 9 in the electronic reading room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin, the employees of the Far Eastern State Scientific Library presented their electronic project "Orthodox Culture in the Far East". This electronic publication contains information on the formation and development of Orthodoxy in the Far East - the most extensive and remote territory of Russia. The main goal of the project is the popularization of Orthodox literature and information support for the spiritual and educational activities of libraries in the Khabarovsk Territory. The electronic edition contains unique old books, photographic documents on the history of Orthodoxy, illustrations from modern albums, as well as a documentary film about the modern Orthodox temple culture of Khabarovsk.

Information and literary meeting "Vsevolod Nikanorovich Ivanov: writer, thinker, journalist"

November 27 in the Electronic Reading Room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin hosted an information and literary meeting organized by the staff of the department "Russian as a foreign language" headed by Doctor of Philology Yakimova S.I. This meeting opened a series of events dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Vs.N. Ivanov, Russian writer, thinker and journalist, which will be celebrated in November 2013.

The fate of Vsevolod Nikanorovich Ivanov was both dramatic and happy. A man of great knowledge and culture, a well-known writer, historian and philosopher by education, he lived in different historical eras: the First World War, the Revolution, the Civil War and emigration. Thanks to his talents and erudition, he learned life lessons for himself, his contemporaries and descendants. In the canvas of the artistic fabric of his works, he skillfully and organically interwoven excerpts from materials that have come down to us from the distant past. This gives the works of Vsevolod Nikanorovich historical authenticity, although they also contain the author's fiction.

The event was attended by employees of the Khabarovsk Regional Museum. N.I. Grodekova Pozina N.S., Grebenyukova N.P., as well as a member of the Union of Writers of Russia Efimenko Yu.V. They spoke about the personality and work of the writer, noted the weight of the contribution of Vs. Ivanov in Russian literature and, especially, in the culture of the Far East. The writer lived in Khabarovsk for a quarter of a century, exerting a spiritual and moral influence on the life of the region and creating his historical works. Pozina N.S. and Grebenyukova N.P. also presented the book “The Continuous Movement of the Spirit...: Diary and Notebooks of Vs. N. Ivanov”, compiled on the basis of materials stored in the funds of the Grodekovsky Museum.

The students who came to the information and literary meeting shared their perception of the works of Vsevolod Ivanov, read poetry. The staff of the library and the department organized a book exhibition dedicated to the work of the writer.

"Nature and Civilization": a meeting with the Far Eastern writer Yuri Sergeevich Salin

December 9 in the Electronic Reading Room with access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin met with Yuri Sergeevich Salin - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and National Economy of the Pacific State University, a Far Eastern writer, a member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation. Yuri Sergeevich revealed his vision of the problems of mankind. The conversation with the professor aroused genuine interest among all the listeners. The professor spoke about his numerous geological expeditions in the Far North and remote corners of the Far East, in which he got acquainted with nature and small indigenous peoples - Koryaks, Chukchis, Evenks and others. The conversation was accompanied by a demonstration of amazing wildlife shots from the personal collection of Yu.S. Salina.

"History of the development of constitutionalism in Russia": meetings with high school students

On December 8 and 15, in the electronic hall of the Presidential Library, meetings were held dedicated to Constitution Day with schoolchildren of grades 10-11 of gymnasium No. 8 and the Naval Lyceum. Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law R.A. Zagidulin spoke on the topic “The history of the development of constitutionalism in Russia. The Constitution of 1993 and a new stage in building civil society in Russia”. Future students were interested in discussing the main directions for the further development of the Russian constitution. Then head. electronic hall - Stepanova O.G. told high school students about the possibilities of the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library, its information resources, and selection of electronic collections.

Information and educational hour dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of M.V. Lomonosov

On December 2, an information and educational hour was held for students of the specialty "Journalism", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of M.V. Lomonosov. The students got acquainted with the book exhibition "Lomonosov. Life, fate and discoveries", watched and discussed the film "Mikhailo Lomonosov. 10 short stories from the life of a genius". And, most importantly, they got acquainted with the electronic collection of research publications, essays and archival materials dedicated to the life and work of M. V. Lomonosov, his own works on the grammar of the Russian language, history and metallurgy, as well as individual letters presented on the website of the Presidential Library.

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