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Protocol of the interdepartmental commission. in the Rostov region

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1 MINUTES of the meeting of the regional interdepartmental commission on labor protection on March 22, 2018 Nizhny Novgorod / 18 mvk Chairman: Acting Deputy Chairman of the Region Governor, Deputy Government of Nizhny Novgorod S.B. Shevchenko Present: Adviser Head of the Volga-Oka Department of the Federal Service for N.D.Bogatov environmental, technological and nuclear supervision Minister of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Deputy Chairman of the IAC Deputy General Director of the All-Russian Public Organization All-Russian Association of Specialists on A.N. Gneushev A.Ya. state institution - the Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation I. I. Zhuchkov A. A. Zagumennov Deputy Minister of the Nizhny Novgorod region of construction A. A. Krikunenko Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food data resources of the Nizhny Novgorod region Head of the labor protection supervision department S.A. Kurepchikov L.A. Minaev

2 State Nizhny Novgorod Region Labor Inspection Consultant of the Department of Occupational Safety and State Expertise of Working Conditions E.A. Mineev of the Labor and Employment Department of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Secretary of the IAC Deputy Chairman of the Control Committee of the Association Self-Regulatory Regional Industry Association of Employers Association of Nizhny Novgorod Builders Deputy Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Union of Organizations Trade Unions Oblsovprof Head of the Labor Protection Service of OKBM JSC Afrikantov Head of the Department for Supervision of Working Conditions of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Nizhny Novgorod Region Deputy Minister of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Head of the Labor Protection Group of the Regional Security Department of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Head of the Defense Industrial Department M.V. Maslov M.B. Orlov S.A. Petryaev E.V. Potemina A.I. Svyatnenko E.E. Selezneva N.A. Starchenko of the complex for the development of civil industries of the Ministry of Industry Head of the Department of Labor Protection and State Expertise of Working Conditions of the Labor and Employment Department of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Deputy Minister, Head of the Public Policy Department of the Ministry of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Head of the Department of Departmental Quality Control and Safety of Medical Care Ministry of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod Region I.V. Tarasov S.M. Tarasov S.V. Teplova

3 3 I. On the dynamics of occupational injuries and the results of supervisory activities over compliance with labor protection legislation in the Nizhny Novgorod region at the end of 2017 (L.A. Minaev) 1.1. To take into account L.A. Minaev's information on the dynamics of occupational injuries and the results of supervisory activities for compliance with the legislation on labor protection in the Nizhny Novgorod region at the end of 2017. 1.2. Recommend to the State Labor Inspectorate in the Nizhny Novgorod Region (A.G. Emelyanov): Send to the interdepartmental commission on labor protection (hereinafter - IAC) updated information on the results of supervisory activities in the field of labor protection and industrial injuries in 2017, including brief information on the results of the investigation of each fatal accident Inform the IAC about the circumstances identified during the investigation, the reasons and measures taken for high-profile group accidents (the murder of three people at the GAZ LLC plant on August 23, 2017, the death of four employees of the contractor in an explosion on on the territory of OOO LUKOIL - Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez October 5, 2017) Consider at a regular meeting of the IAC the results of inspections carried out in respect of accredited organizations of the Nizhny Novgorod Region conducting a special assessment of working conditions as part of the execution of the instructions of the meeting with the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Me dvedeva (Minutes of December 12, 2017, DM-P12-70pr). Deadline - June 15, 2018 Take into account, when implementing supervision measures and during public hearings, the fulfillment by employers of Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts and recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia on the organization of labor protection services (their number of employees, job titles and the availability of professional training ). Inform the IAC about the results. Deadline - December 20, 2018

4 The Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (A.N. Gneushev) to organize and conduct an information and methodological seminar on the reduction of industrial injuries and improvement of working conditions with the chairmen of the municipal MVK on labor protection, labor specialists of the administrations of municipal districts and urban districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region, and also with specialists from the executive authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region in charge of labor protection issues. Deadline - September 30, 2018 P. On the state of working conditions and occupational morbidity at the enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region according to the results of work for 2017 (E.V. Potemina) 2.1. To take into account the information of E.V. Potemina on the state of working conditions and occupational morbidity at the enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region according to the results of work for 2017. 2.2. To the Ministry of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (A.A. Shaklunov): Analyze, together with the Rospotrebnadzor Administration for the Nizhny Novgorod Region (N.S. Kucherenko), the issue of ensuring the quality of medical examinations and identifiable occupational diseases as part of periodic medical examinations at the end of 2017. Inform the IAC about the measures taken, including the training of medical workers in the areas of occupational pathology. Deadline - April 30, 2018 To update the composition of medical commissions of state healthcare institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region, created for the purpose of psychiatric examination of employees on the basis of paragraph 4 of the Rules for psychiatric examination, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002 No. 695, and post this information on the official Internet -site of the ministry. Deadline - April 30, 2018 2.3. Recommend the administrations of the urban district of Perevozsky (N.M. Trunina) and Tonshaevsky municipal district (A.V. Afanasyeva) of the Nizhny Novgorod region together with the territorial departments of the Rospotrebnadzor administration in the Nizhny Novgorod region to analyze the reasons

5 5 Low coverage of workers with medical examinations. Report to the IAC on the measures taken Recommend to employers of the Nizhny Novgorod region - members of the Nizhny Novgorod Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, members of the Association of the Association of Nizhny Novgorod Builders, state and municipal budgetary institutions: To complete in 2018 a special assessment of working conditions in relation to jobs, employment in which is associated with the provision of guarantees and compensation for harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions. When carrying out a special assessment of working conditions, document the accounting of employees' proposals for the identification of harmful factors (the recommended form of the questionnaire is Appendix 1). Deadline - December 20, 2018 Ensure the use of the results of a special assessment of working conditions for the development of measures to improve working conditions and reduce occupational morbidity, on a planned basis to eliminate the employment of women in jobs with heavy physical labor and hazardous industries. Deadline - December 20, 2018 To intensify the referral of certain categories of workers provided for by law to medical examinations (including in-depth in licensed occupational pathology centers), as well as psychiatric examination. Deadline - December 20, 2018 III. On the experience of JSC Afrikantov OKBM on the implementation of an OSH management system (S.A. Petryaev) 3.1. Take into account the information of S.A. Petryaev on the implementation of the labor protection management system. Recommend the positive experience of Afrikantov OKBM JSC in organizing the admission of contractors, in carrying out corporate control over the state of working conditions, in preventing workers from falling when moving and when working at height, to be studied by employers in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

6 6 3.2. Recommend to employers of the Nizhny Novgorod region, members of the Nizhny Novgorod Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, to update the occupational safety and health management systems in the context of the development of lean production, taking into account the experience of the leading enterprises considered at the IAC, as well as: ... 1 (Occupational safety and health management systems. Requirements and guidance for use); -GOST R Lean production. Guidelines for an Integrated Quality Management System and Lean Manufacturing; -GOST R Lean production. Organization of workspace 58. Deadline - constantly. 3.3. Recommend the trade union organizations that are part of the branch associations of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Union of Trade Union Organizations Oblsovprof (A.M. Sokolov), the All-Russian public organization All-Russian Association of Labor Protection Specialists (A.M. Kolin), following the results of public control, public monitoring, to inform the MVK about enterprises with advanced experience in the field of labor protection and lean production, about employers who have problems in organizing labor protection work, as well as proposals for improving the labor protection management system in the region. Term - permanent IV. On the implementation of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational morbidity in 2018 and the provision of public services provided by the Social Insurance Fund in electronic form (A.A. Zagumennov) 4.1. To take note of A.A. Zagumennov's information on the implementation of preventive measures on reduction of industrial injuries and occupational diseases in 2018 and provision of government services in electronic form. 4.2. Recommend to the State Institution - the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (V.M. Brikker):

7 Provide the IAC with information on the preliminary results of the participation of state and municipal institutions (enterprises) in the implementation of preventive measures in the sectoral and municipal context. Deadline - June 15, 2018 Provide assistance to specialists of state and municipal institutions responsible for submitting applications for financing preventive measures in electronic form. Deadline - June 15, 2018 To take part in information events of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, organized by the administrations of municipal districts (urban districts) of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Deadline - June 15, 2018 4.3. Recommend the members of the IAC to submit to the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (A.N. Gneushev) proposals on the strategy for the development of the system of state management of labor protection in the region and increasing the efficiency of the IAC. 4.4. To the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (A.N. Gneushev): To form in the section on Labor Protection in the Nizhny Novgorod Region the official website of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (Pra: / Ayuyuy. Deadline - April 20, 2018 When agreeing on educational programs of organizations that carry out or plan to carry out training in labor protection, take into account the information: - about the personnel, including information about the availability, work experience and professional training of teachers on a regular basis; - about technical means of teaching; - on the composition of the commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Inform the IAC on the results of the year. Deadline - December 20, 2018 4.5. The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (A.V. Cherkasov) shall provide information on

8 8 financing of preventive measures for labor protection to subordinate small and medium-sized businesses and business incubators of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Deadline - April 30, 2018 4.6. To the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (S.V. Zlobin): Submit to the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (A.N. Gneushev) proposals to include a representative of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth policy of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the composition of the IAC Send to Acting Deputy Governor, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region S.B. Shevchenko proposals on the development of a system of professional training of young personnel in working specialties and their consolidation at leading enterprises implementing modern lean production management systems. 4.7. To the executive authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region in order to reduce the level of industrial injuries in supervised types of economic activities: To take part in the implementation of the activities of the subprogram Improving working conditions and labor protection in the Nizhny Novgorod region for the years of the state program Social support of citizens of the Nizhny Novgorod region, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region of 30 April 2014 Inform the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region on the results. Deadline - February 1, 2019 To ensure maximum involvement of subordinate state institutions (enterprises) in the implementation of preventive measures for labor protection (including in electronic form), paying special attention to the need to complete a special assessment of working conditions in 2018. If necessary, initiate the correction of the estimates of the relevant institutions (enterprises) in order to ensure the possibility of prepayment for preventive measures. Deadline - June 15, 2018

9 To the administrations of municipal districts and urban districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region, in order to reduce industrial injuries and occupational morbidity, recommend: Take part in the implementation of the state subprogram Improving working conditions and labor protection in the Nizhny Novgorod region for the years of the state program Social support for citizens of the Nizhny Novgorod region, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region of 30 April 2014 Report on the results to the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Deadline - February 1, 2019 Provide periodic (in accordance with the work plans of the municipal MVK) hearing of the heads of organizations in which fatal accidents at work have occurred. Report on the results to the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Deadline - February 1, 2019 Provide monthly information to the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region on the main results of the investigation of fatal accidents (within the framework of monthly monitoring of working conditions and labor protection). Deadline - monthly until the 5th day Conduct information events (meetings, seminars) within the framework of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work with the participation of state supervision and control bodies, territorial offices of the Social Insurance Fund, public associations, specialized accredited labor protection organizations, suppliers and manufacturers of personal protective equipment ... Deadline - June 15, 2018 To promote the maximum involvement of subordinate municipal institutions (enterprises) to participate in the implementation of preventive measures for labor protection (including in electronic form), paying particular attention to the need to complete a special assessment of working conditions in 2018. If necessary, initiate the correction of the estimates of the relevant institutions (enterprises) in order to ensure the possibility of prepayment for preventive measures. Deadline - June 15, 2018

10 Recommend the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod (V.A. Panov) to analyze the reasons for the low (about 33 percent) participation of municipal educational institutions in the implementation of preventive measures for labor protection at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. Report to the IAC on the measures taken. Deadline - June 15, 2018 Recommend the administrations of the Vadsky (I.A. Uraev) and Voznesensky (V.D. Shmakov) municipal districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region to analyze the reasons for the non-participation of municipal institutions in the implementation of preventive measures for labor protection. Report to the IAC on the measures taken. Deadline - 15 tons 2018 Take into account the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 24, 2014 15-1 / B-1978, according to which a special assessment of working conditions at the workplaces of state and civil municipal employees is currently not being carried out. organization and quality assurance of labor protection training for certain categories of insured a layout of a 40-hour updated educational program Labor protection for managers and specialists of organizations in the Nizhny Novgorod region, including certain categories of insured for use by employers and accredited training organizations of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Appendix 2). Chairman S. B. Shevchenko

P R O T O K O L of the meeting of the regional interdepartmental commission on labor protection (hereinafter - IAC) March 2, 2017 20/17 Nizhny Novgorod Chairman Deputy Governor, Deputy Chairman of the Government,


P R O T O K O L of the meeting of the interdepartmental commission on labor protection and industrial safety of the Volgograd region Volgograd December 17, 2015 4 Presiding Secretary D.P. Loktionov S.I.Vyunov


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Appendix to the resolution of the administration of the Zavodoukovsky urban district from the MUNICIPAL PROGRAM "IMPROVING LABOR CONDITIONS AND PROTECTION IN ZAVODUKOVSKY CITY DISTRICT" FOR 2016 2020 Implementation period

2 ANNEX to the letter of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region dated 08.28.2015 318-19-10093 \ 15 INFORMATION on the implementation of the functions of a labor protection specialist for employers with

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Law of the Omsk Region Draft On Labor Protection on the Territory of the Omsk Region Adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region "" in 2016 Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Law This Law

Appendix to the Order of the administration of the urban district of Chapaevsk _D-7 / 381_ dated 06.06.2012. REGULATIONS on the labor protection service of the administration of the city district of Chapayevsk 2012. REGULATIONS on the labor protection service

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Amendments to the Appendix to the Government Decree of April 20, 2010 330-PP Appendix 2 to the Government Decree of September 6, 2011 415-PP n / n Measures Government customers,

Dear leaders of small and medium-sized businesses! The administration of the municipal formation "Romanovskoe rural settlement" of the Vsevolozhsk municipal district of the Leningrad region brings

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan of September 23, 2011 N 340 "On approval of the Republican target program for improving labor conditions and safety for 2012-2016" In order to improve

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1. General Provisions 1.1. This Regulation on the labor protection commission of MBU "school 59" (hereinafter the Commission) has been developed in accordance with Art. 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, by Order of the Ministry of Health

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Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Order of December 23, 2009 No. 22-3-5091 On the conduct of all-Russian monitoring of labor conditions and labor protection In accordance with clause

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2014 N 412н, Moscow "On approval of the Model Regulations on the Committee (Commission) for Labor Protection"; On the approval of the Model

1.1 The main provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on 1 Objectives: As a result of studying this section, you will know: the main provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and protection

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Approved by the decision of the expert working group for the consideration and assessment of applications of the bidders from 2014, the protocol of the Action Plan for the

1 Occupational safety training for workers Russian labor legislation defines the concept of occupational safety as a system of preserving the life and health of workers in the process of labor activity, including

PROGRAM to improve the working conditions and labor protection of healthcare workers in the Voronezh region for 2012 2014. The Priority Occupational Safety and Health Program for Healthcare Workers sets out the legal

SEMINAR - MEETING on the implementation of a special assessment of working conditions Financial provision of preventive measures to reduce industrial injuries and occupational diseases by the Social Fund

REGULATIONS on the labor protection commission 1. General provisions 1.1. The Regulations on the Labor Protection Commission have been developed in accordance with Article 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation


Moscow city. 2016 year. This Agreement is concluded between the State Budgetary Institution of the city of Moscow, the Territorial Center for Social Services "Vostochnoye Izmailovo", represented by the Director Ulyanovich

1. BASIC PROVISIONS 1.1. The Regulation on the Standing Commission (hereinafter referred to as the MPC) was developed in accordance with Article 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated

Report "On the state of working conditions and labor protection at enterprises and organizations of the Katav-Ivanovsky municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region in 2015" Labor safety as a system for ensuring the life and health of workers

P. 1 out of 10 p. 2 out of 10 Informational data 1. DEVELOPED by the director of GAOU SPO "LSPK" KK. 2. THE REGULATION complies with MS ISO 9001: 2008, ST LPK 03, 05 in terms of requirements for construction, presentation, design,

The state of labor conditions and labor protection in the Komi Republic and measures for their improvement Appendix 1 to the protocol Solving labor protection problems, industrial safety, creating safe and healthy working conditions,


MINISTRY OF BRANCHES OF RUSSIA TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY ORDER 10/07/2015 623 / OD On the approval and implementation of the Regulation on the labor protection committee at TSU and the creation of the labor protection committee In accordance with

REGIONAL THREE-PARTY COMMISSION FOR REGULATING SOCIAL AND LABOR RELATIONS P R O T O K O L Meetings of the Labor Protection Council of Magadan August 23, 2017 2 Chairman T.N. Atanova Attended:

Date of placement 02/25/2016. The expiration date of the independent anti-corruption expertise is 03.03.2016. The address for sending expert opinions: 420111, Kazan, Kremlevskaya str., 3. Contact

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Education Center 43" Tula Appendix 5 AGREED Chairman of the trade union MBOU TsO 43

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Approved by: Director of OGBOU SPO IKSU I.V. Bogatyreva "01" September 2014 Regulations on the labor protection committee (commission) OGBOU SPO IKSU 1. Regulations on the labor protection committee (commission) OGBOU SPO IKSU

5. Clause 2 of the section “State program“ Promotion of employment of the population ”of Appendix 2 shall be stated in the wording:“ 2. Indicator 2. Level of registered unemployment at the end of the year percent 0.9 0.9 0.9

Information and analytical note on the state of working conditions and labor protection in institutions (enterprises) of the executive authorities of the Volgograd region for the 1st half of 2017 In accordance with the Regulations

Department of Labor and Employment of the Tyumen Region Director of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Tyumen Region S.A. Kabanov Meeting of the regional tripartite commission on the regulation of social and labor



APPROVED: by order of OJSC Belgorodskaya Heating Network Company dated "_19_" _July_ 2010 _82_ REGULATIONS on the Labor Protection Committee of OJSC Belgorodskaya Heating Network Company Belgorod 2010 1 Foreword 1 DEVELOPED

Approved by the II Plenum of the Central Committee of the Russian Independent Trade Union of Coal Industry Workers on November 22, 2016

GOVERNMENT OF KRASNOYARSK KRAI MINUTES of the meeting of the regional interagency coordination council on labor protection June 30, 2016 Krasnoyarsk 3 Chaired by: V.V. Zubarev - vice-chairman

5. In Appendix 2: 5.1. Clause 2 of the section “State program“ Promotion of employment of the population ”shall be stated in the wording:“ 2. Indicator 2. Level of registered unemployment at the end of the year percent 0.9

ON IMPROVEMENT OF LEGISLATIVE REGULATION IN THE FIELD OF LABOR PROTECTION Deputy Head of the Department of Labor Protection Policy of the Department of Labor Conditions and Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor of Russia Yulia Aleksandrovna Erofeeva

Tula Region Municipal Formation Yasnogorsk District Administration of the Municipal Formation Yasnogorsk District Resolution of 07 February 2017 107 On approval of the Regulation on the Department of Economic

ADMINISTRATION OF THE ALEI DISTRICT OF THE ALTAI REGION P O S T A N O V L E N E 14.10.2016 376 Aleysk On the approval of the municipal program "Improvement of working conditions and labor protection in the Aleysky district" for 2017-2019

THE CONCEPT OF LEGISLATION ON LABOR PROTECTION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Grigory Grigorievich Lekarev STATE OF WORKING CONDITIONS IN RUSSIAN

APPROVED by order of the head of the Main Department for Labor and Employment of the Chelyabinsk Region dated March 07, 2012. 29 Methodological recommendations for holding the Day of labor protection in municipalities

"I approve"

Chairman of the Interdepartmental Evaluation Commission

living quarters


meetings of the city interdepartmental commission

for the assessment of living quarters

Commission chairman:

- - Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Municipal Economy of the Administration of the City District "City of Kaliningrad";

members of the commission:

Chief Specialist of the Department for the Implementation of Housing Policy of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Committee for Municipal Services of the Administration of the City of Kaliningrad;

Head of the Department for Control over the Operation of the Housing Stock of the State Housing Inspection (Service) of the Kaliningrad Region;

- - Senior State Inspector of the Department for Supervision of Industrial Safety in the Kaliningrad Region of the Central Directorate of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision;

Deputy Head of the Department, Head of the Department of Judicial - Legal Work of the Legal Department of the Administration of the City District "City of Kaliningrad";

Deputy Head of the Department for the Implementation of Housing Policy of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Committee for Municipal Services of the Administration of the City of Kaliningrad;

Head of the Department for Accounting and Housing of the Committee for Municipal Property and Land Resources of the Administration of the City District "City of Kaliningrad";

And about. the head of the administration of the Moskovsky district of the city district "City of Kaliningrad";

- - Deputy Head of the Land Relations Department, Head of the Department of Legal Documents of the Committee for Municipal Property and Land Resources of the Administration of the City of Kaliningrad City District;

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, dated 01.01.2001 No. / and on the recognition of the apartment building No. 10-12 on the street. Transport emergency and subject to demolition, in the presence of invited owners and tenants of residential premises of an apartment building No. 10-12 on the street. Transport: - apt. 1, d.12; - apt. 3, d.12; - apartment 4, building 12; Pchelintseva, Radneva.

Appeal dated 01.01.2001 No. / and the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 10-12 on the street. Transport emergency and subject to demolition;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building No. 10-12 on the street. Transport;

Technical inspection of the apartment building No. 10-12 on the street. Transport (TO No. 000), completed Project "in 2012;

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, the present owners and tenants of residential premises of an apartment building No. 10-12 on the street. Transport, who agreed with the recognition of the house as emergency and subject to demolition, given that the condition of the main bearing and enclosing structures of the building - foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings - is assessed as emergency, roofs, stairs, heating and power supply networks - as partially workable, the degree of physical the wear of the main structures at the time of the survey is estimated at 67%, overhaul is impractical, the commission decided:

On the recognition of the apartment building No. 10-12 on the street. Transport emergency and subject to demolition on the grounds provided for in clause 34 of the Regulations, with the issuance of an appropriate conclusion.

1.4 Appraisal of apartment building No. 000 on the street. Alley of the Bold (a brick two-story building with a basement, built before 1945, equipped with electricity and gas supply networks. There are 8 apartments in the house, 5 of them are owned by citizens.

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, dated 01.01.2001 № / and on the recognition of the apartment building № 000 on the street. Alley of the Brave emergency and subject to demolition, in the presence of the invited owners of residential premises of an apartment building number 000 on the street. Alley of the Brave: - apartment 1; - apartment 2; - apartment 4; Tsimileva A. B. - apartment 5; - apartment 8; and tenant of living quarters, apartment 6

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

An appeal dated 01.01.2001 No / and the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 000 on the street. Alley of the Bold emergency and subject to demolition;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building No. 000 on the street. Alley of the Brave;

Technical inspection of apartment building No. 000 on the street. Alley of the Brave (TO No. 000), completed by Project "in 2012;

Copies of personal accounts.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, the present owners and tenants of residential premises of an apartment building No. 000 on the street. Alley of the Bold, who expressed their agreement with the recognition of the house as emergency and subject to demolition, given that the condition of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building - foundations, walls, ceilings - is assessed as emergency, the interfloor staircase - as unacceptable; brick, wooden partitions - as of limited working capacity, the degree of physical wear and tear of the main structures at the time of the survey is estimated at 67%, overhaul is impractical, the commission decided:

On the recognition of the apartment building No. 000 on the street. Alley of the Bold emergency and subject to demolition on the grounds provided for in clause 34 of the Regulations, with the issuance of a corresponding conclusion.

Based on the decision taken, the period for demolishing the house, based on the actual state of the building and subject to regular monitoring of its technical condition, the commission sets 4 years.

1.5. Appraisal of apartment building No. 85 on the street. Basseinaya (a two-storey brick building with a basement, built before 1945, connected to the networks of electricity, water, gas and heating. There are 8 apartments in the house, 5 of them are owned by citizens, 3 are in municipal ownership (No. 3, 5.8).

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, dated 01.01.2001 No. / and on the recognition of the apartment building No. 85 on the street. Basseynaya emergency and subject to demolition in the presence of the owners of the residential premises of the said apartment building: Kryuchkova - apt. 2, Mashik - apt. 3, - apt. 4, - apt. 7

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

Appeal dated 01.01.2001. № / and the committee of municipal property and land resources, the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building № 85 on the street. Basin emergency and subject to demolition;

Technical inspection of apartment building No. 85 on the street. Basseinaya (TO No. 000), completed Project "in 2012;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building No. 85 on the street. Basseinaya;

Copies of personal accounts.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, the present owners of the apartment building No. 85 on the street. Basseina, the commission made a decision:

On carrying out an additional survey of the apartment building No. 85 on the street. Basseinaya with the participation of members of the Commission. Submit the results of the survey to the Commission.

1.6 Appraisal of apartment building No. 1 on the street. Zavodskoy (Pribrezhny settlement) (a two-storey brick building built in 1961, connected to the networks of electricity, gas supply, sewerage, heating - central. There are 8 apartments in the house, 4 of them are owned by citizens).

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, dated 01.01.2001 No. / and on the recognition of the apartment building No. 1 on the street. Factory (Pribrezhny settlement) emergency and subject to demolition in the presence of one owner.

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

An appeal dated 01.01.2001 No / and the Committee for Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 1 on the street. Factory (Pribrezhny settlement) emergency and subject to demolition;

Technical inspection of the apartment building No. 1 on the street. Zavodskoy (settlement Pribrezhny) (TO No. 000), completed by Project "in 2012;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building No. 1 on the street. Factory (Pribrezhny settlement);

Copies of personal accounts.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, the present owner of the living quarters of the apartment building No. 1 on the street. Zavodskoy (Pribrezhny settlement), which expressed its agreement with the recognition of the house as emergency and subject to demolition, given that the condition of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building - foundations, walls, ceilings, roofs, is assessed as emergency, the interfloor staircase - as unacceptable; brick, wooden partitions - as of limited working capacity, the degree of physical wear and tear of the main structures at the time of the survey is estimated at 67%, overhaul is impractical, the commission decided:

On the recognition of the apartment building No. 1 on the street. Zavodsky (Pribrezhny settlement) emergency and subject to demolition on the grounds provided for in clause 34 of the Regulations, with the issuance of a corresponding conclusion.

Based on the decision taken, the period for demolishing the house, based on the actual state of the building and subject to regular monitoring of its technical condition, the commission sets 4 years.

1.7 Appraisal of apartment building number 66 on the street. Litovskiy Val (three-storey brick building with a basement, built before 1945, connected to the networks of electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, apartment heating. Included in the list of cultural heritage of the Kaliningrad region as the building of the Johannes charitable institution. There are 4 communal apartments located in the building. both in shared ownership of citizens and in municipal ownership).

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, dated 01.01.2001 No and-KMI-15/14084 on the recognition of apartment building No. 66 on the street. Litovskiy Val emergency and subject to reconstruction (taking into account the previously sent appeal dated 01.01.2001 entry no. / And with the attachment of the required package of documents) in the presence of a consultant of the State Protection Service of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Kaliningrad Region, invited owners of residential premises of an apartment building No. 66 st. Litovskiy Val: - Apt. 2, Zhinko L. G, - Apt. 1, - Apt. 3, - Apt. 1a, and tenants of residential premises: - Apt. 2, - Apt. 3.

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

The appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, dated 01.01.2001 entry No. and-KMI-15/14084 on the recognition of the apartment building No. 66 on the street. The Lithuanian shaft is in emergency and subject to reconstruction;

Technical inspection of the apartment building No. 66 on the street. Lithuanian shaft (TO No. 000), completed Project "in 2012;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building number 66 on the street. Lithuanian shaft;

Copies of personal accounts.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, the invited owners, tenants of residential premises of an apartment building No. 66 on the street. Lithuanian shaft, who expressed their agreement with the declared issue of recognizing the said house as emergency, the representative of the State Protection Service of Cultural Heritage of the Kaliningrad Region present at the meeting, taking into account the status of the building, the commission considered it necessary, in accordance with clause 46 of the Regulation, to conduct an additional survey of apartment building No. 66 on the street Lithuanian shaft with the participation of members of the Commission. Submit the results of the survey to the Commission.

1.8. Appraisal of apartment building No. 13-15 on the street. Tambovskaya (a one-story brick building with an attic, built before 1945, connected to the networks of electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, boiler heating. The house has 6 apartments, 4 of which are owned by citizens).

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, dated 01.01.2001 No. / and on the recognition of the apartment building No. 13-15 on the street. Tambovskaya emergency and subject to demolition in the presence of tenants of residential premises of an apartment building No. 13-15 on the street. Tambovskaya:, - apartment 1, building 13, Kiseleva A. Yu. - apartment 1.

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

An appeal dated 01.01.2001 No / and the Committee for Municipal Property and Land Resources, the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 13-15 on the street. Tambovskaya emergency and subject to demolition;

Technical inspection of the apartment building No. 13-15 on the street. Tambovskaya (TO No. 000), completed Project "in 2012;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building No. 13-15 on the street. Tambovskaya;

Copies of personal accounts;

A copy of the technical report "Kaliningrad-zhilkommunproekt", made on the basis of the survey results of apt.1, 13, st. Tambovskaya (customer -).

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard the present tenants of the apartment building No. 13-15 on the street. Tambovskaya, who agreed with the recognition of the specified apartment building as emergency and subject to demolition, given that the condition of the main load-bearing structures of the building: foundations, walls, partitions, floor structures is assessed as emergency, roofs, staircase structures, lintels over openings - as limited-workable, degree physical wear and tear at the time of the survey is estimated at 70%, the commission made a decision:

On the recognition of the apartment building No. 13-15 on the street. Tambovskaya emergency and subject to demolition on the grounds provided for in clause 34 of the Regulations, with the issuance of a corresponding conclusion.

Based on the decision taken, the period for demolishing the house, based on the actual state of the building and subject to regular monitoring of its technical condition, the commission sets 4 years.

1.9. Appraisal of apartment building number 22 on the street. A. Tolstoy (a two-story brick building with a basement, built before 1945, connected to electricity, water supply, sewerage, boiler heating, bottled gas. The house has 6 apartments, two of them are in municipal ownership).

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources dated 01.01.2001 No. / and, the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 22 on the street. A. Tolstoy emergency and subject to demolition in the presence of the owners of living quarters of apartment 2 - Serebryakova I., Serebryakov V., tenants of living quarters of apartment 3 -, Slobotsky.

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

An appeal dated 01.01.2001 No / and the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 22 on the street. A. Tolstoy emergency and subject to demolition;

Technical inspection of the apartment building No. 22 on the street. A. Tolstoy (TO No. 000), completed Project "in 2012;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building number 22 on the street. A. Tolstoy;

Copies of personal accounts.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, the present owners, tenants of residential premises of an apartment building No. 22 on the street. A. Tolstoy, taking into account that the condition of the roof, partitions, floor structures, fillings of window openings are assessed as emergency, load-bearing walls of the building, foundations, interfloor stairs - as limited-workable, the degree of physical wear of the main structures at the time of the survey is estimated at 67%, carrying out overhaul is impractical, the commission made a decision:

On the recognition of the apartment building number 22 on the street. A. Tolstoy emergency and subject to demolition on the grounds provided for in clause 34 of the Regulations, with the issuance of a corresponding conclusion.

Based on the decision taken, the period for demolishing the house, based on the actual state of the building and subject to regular monitoring of its technical condition, the commission sets 4 years.

1.10. Appraisal of apartment building No. 45 on the street. Kamskoy (one-story brick building with an attic, a basement, built before 1945, connected to electricity, water supply, sewerage networks, heating - boiler, gas - cylinder. There are 2 apartments in the house, one apartment (No. 2) is in municipal ownership) ...

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the committee of municipal property and land resources dated 01.01.2001 № / and, the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building № 45 on the street. Kamskaya emergency and subject to demolition in the presence of the owners of residential premises, apartment 1 -, tenants of residential premises, apartment 2 -,

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

An appeal dated 01.01.2001 No / and the Committee for Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 45 on the street. Kamskaya emergency and subject to demolition;

Technical inspection of apartment building No. 45 on the street. Kamskaya (TO No. 000), completed Project "in 2012;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building No. 45 on the street. Kamskoy;

Copies of personal accounts.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, the invited owners of residential premises of an apartment building No. 45 on the street. Kamskoy, who expressed their disagreement with the stated issue of recognizing the said house as emergency, the commission made a decision:

Conduct an additional survey of apartment building No. 45 on the street. Kamskoy with the participation of members of the Commission. Submit the results of the survey to the Commission.

1.11. Appraisal of apartment building number 13 on the street. Surikov (a one-story brick building with an attic, a basement built before 1945, connected to electricity, water, gas supply networks, heating from gaseous boilers. There are 2 municipal ones in the house. There is a decision of the Leningrad District Court dated 01.01.2001 administration of "City of Kaliningrad" to carry out major repairs of the house).

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, dated 01.01.2001 No. / and on the recognition of the apartment building No. 13 on the street. Surikov emergency and subject to demolition in the presence of tenants of living quarters, apt. 1 -, apt. 2 -,

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

Appeal dated 01.01.2001. № / and the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, the plenipotentiary representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building number 13 on the street. Surikov emergency and subject to demolition;

A copy of the technical passport for apartment building No. 13 on the street. Surikov (Inventory No. 000);

Copies of apartment cards;

A copy of the decision of the Leningradsky District Court of September 25, 2012.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, the present tenants of the apartment building No. 13 on the street. Surikov, who spoke out against the recognition of the house as emergency and subject to demolition and expressed their readiness to contact the design organization for an additional survey of the house structures in order to prepare a technical report containing a description of the defects in the main structures, ways to eliminate defects, a reasoned assessment of the economic feasibility of overhauling the house, with consent the applicant - the committee of municipal property and land resources, it was proposed to postpone the assessment for up to two months until the tenants provide such a technical opinion. During the survey, ensure the presence of a representative of the housing department of the Leningrad region.

1.12. Appraisal of apartment building No. 14 on the lane. Air (brick two-story building, built in 1954, connected to the city networks of electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, heating - boiler. The house has 4 apartments, 1 apartment owned by citizens, 3 apartments - in municipal ownership).

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources dated 01.01.2001 No. / and, the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 14 on the lane. Air emergency and subject to demolition in the presence of the owner of living quarters of apartment 1 - Materov A.E., tenant of living space of apartment 2 -

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

An appeal dated 01.01.2001 No / and the Committee for Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of apartment building No. 14 on the lane. Air emergency and subject to demolition;

Technical inspection of the apartment building No. 14 on the lane. Air (TO No. 000), completed Project "in 2012;

A copy of the cadastral passport of the apartment building No. 14 on the lane. Air;

Copies of personal accounts.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, invited by the owner and tenant of residential premises of an apartment building No. 14 on the lane. Air, who expressed their agreement with the stated issue of recognizing the specified house as emergency, given that the condition of the roof, foundations, load-bearing walls of the building, partitions, floor structures is assessed as emergency, staircase structures are assessed as of limited working capacity, the degree of physical wear and tear of the main structures at the time of the survey is estimated at 71%, overhaul is impractical, the commission made a decision:

On the recognition of apartment building No. 14 on the lane. Air emergency and subject to demolition on the grounds provided for in clause 34 of the Regulations, with the issuance of a corresponding conclusion.

Based on the decision taken, the period for demolishing the house, based on the actual state of the building and subject to regular monitoring of its technical condition, the commission sets 4 years.

1.13. Appraisal of apartment building No. 32-38 on the street. Belgorodskaya (three-storey, brick building with a basement, built before 1945, connected to the networks of electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, heating - autonomous from solid fuel and gas boilers. The house has 48 apartments, 42 apartments - owned by citizens, 6 apartments - in municipal ownership).

The assessment is carried out on the basis of the appeal of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources dated 01.01.2001 No. i-KMI-15/14075, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 32-38 on the street. Belgorodskaya emergency and subject to demolition.

The following documents are submitted for the assessment:

Appeal dated 01.01.2001 No. i-KMI-15/14075 of the Committee of Municipal Property and Land Resources, as the authorized representative of the owner of the municipal housing stock, on the recognition of the apartment building No. 32-38 on the street. Belgorodskaya emergency and subject to demolition;

A copy of the expert opinion in the civil case No. 2-86 / 2013 on the compulsion to carry out major and current repairs of the apartment building No. 32-38 on the street. Belgorod.

Having considered the submitted documents, having heard, due to the absence at this meeting of the owners of residential premises of the apartment building No. 32-38 on the street. Belgorodskaya and with the consent of the applicant - the committee of municipal property and land resources, the commission decided to postpone the consideration of the declared issue to the next meeting of the commission, about which to notify the owners of residential premises.


PROTOCOL No. 21.4 / 02-2012

meetings of the interdepartmental commission on consumer protection

in the Rostov region


EC "VertolExpo"

st. M. Nagibina, 30

The meeting was chaired by: Director of the Consumer Market Department of the Rostov Region - Ivanov Andrey Nikolaevich.

The meeting was attended by members of the interdepartmental commission for the protection of consumer rights in the Rostov region, representatives of municipalities of the region, the Rospotrebnadzor administration in the Rostov region, public organizations for the protection of consumer rights, representatives of business entities operating in the consumer market of the region.

Meeting agenda:

1. Report on the implementation of the regional long-term target program "Consumer Rights Protection in the Rostov Region" for 2012.


Ivanov Andrey Nikolaevich

2. Protection of the rights of consumers of transport services.


Granovsky Yuri Yurievich- Head of the expert department of FBU "Rostov CSM".

Possokhov Sergey Anatolievich- Director of the Department of Transport, Rostov-on-Don.

Rybakov Andrey Andreevich- Head of the Department for Controlling the Work of Transport Enterprises of the Ministry of Transport of the Rostov Region.

Alexey Sergeev- Deputy Head of the Southern Department of State Road Supervision.

Live Natalia Nikolaevna- Head of the Department of Legal Support of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Rostov Region.

3. Problems of quality and food safety.


Ivanov Andrey Nikolaevich- Director of the Consumer Market Department of the Rostov Region.

Lesina Irina Anatolyevna- Deputy General Director for Standardization of the Federal Budgetary Institution, State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing.

Mironova Lyudmila Pavlovna- Director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Rostov Region "Rostov Regional Veterinary Laboratory".

Rodionova Margarita Mikhailovna- Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision over the Nutrition of the Population of the Rospotrebnadzor of the Rostov Region.

4. Problems of the quality and safety of catering services.


Bagryanova Natalia Vasilievna- Deputy Director of the Consumer Market Department of the Rostov Region.

Sysenko Nina Nikolaevna- Deputy Head of the Expert Department, an expert on standardization of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Rostov Region”.

Gusakov Yuri Yurievich- President of the Consumer Rights Protection Committee of the Southern Federal District.

Bondareva Tatiana Mikhailovna- Head of the Sector for Controlling the Execution of State Powers of the Consumer Market Department of the Rostov Region.

Pokhomova Victoria Mikhailovna- Chief Specialist of the Department of Food Supervision of the Population of Rospotrebnadzor in the Rostov Region.

5. Changes in law enforcement practice for consumers in connection with the adoption of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2012 No. 17 "On the consideration of civil cases by courts in disputes on the protection of consumer rights."


Mukhina Svetlana Valentinovna- Deputy Head of the Consumer Rights Protection Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

Melnik Natalia Ivanovna- Judge of the Rostov Regional Court.

Dmitry Dmitrievich Yanin- Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies.

6. The quality of services in the hotel business on the example of the work of the hotel "VertolHotel".


Oksana Denisova- Head of the Directorate for Business Events at the VertolExpo Exhibition Center.

I. on the first question

The program for the protection of consumer rights in the region made it possible to promptly focus attention, first of all, on the most problematic sectors of the consumer market, in particular, such as housing and communal services, financial, tourism services, that is, those where the level of both state and public until recently, the protection of the relevant consumer rights of citizens still does not meet the real needs of the population.

In addition, the activities of the Program made it possible to determine specific tasks for organizing consumer protection in conjunction with the socio-economic development of the region as a whole, to identify the role of all components of the consumer protection system in solving them, to predict the results and impact of the implementation of planned measures on the situation of consumers.

The issues of ensuring consumer rights are under special control of the Government of the Rostov Region. That is why the section "Consumer market" was introduced into the Strategy of socio-economic development of the region for the period up to 2020, which, as one of the tasks, provides for stimulating the improvement of the quality of goods of local producers.

On the first issue, the commission decided:

1.1. To take note of the information of the speakers and speakers.

1.2. Department of the consumer market of the Rostov region (A.N. Ivanov):

1.2.1. in order to create conditions in the region for effective protection of established consumer rights, prepare proposals with a list of municipalities of the Rostov region, in which it is planned to open public receptions for consumer protection in 2013.

deadline 25.12.2012

term II quarter 2013

1.2.3. ensure the prompt placement of information of local governments on consumer protection issues on the website


1.2.4. in order to prepare summary information on the state of consumer protection in the Rostov region for inclusion in the "State report on the protection of consumer rights in the Russian Federation for 2012" send to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Rostov region (Soloviev M.Yu.) generalized information on the results of implementation local authorities of the established powers in the field of consumer protection for 2012.

term until 01.04.2013

1.3. Local governments of municipal districts and urban districts of the Rostov region:

1.3.1. continue to work on interaction in matters of consumer rights protection with regulatory authorities and public organizations for the protection of consumer rights in the Rostov region;

1.3.2. to ensure systematic informing of the population through the mass media about the work of the structural unit of the administration of the municipal formation on the protection of consumer rights, on the rights of consumers and methods of their protection, etc.

1.3.3. ensure the implementation of consumer protection functions within the framework of Art. 44 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".


1.3.4. send information to the regional consumer market department on the organization of work on receiving complaints from consumers through multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (from January 1, 2013, the corresponding amendments made to Article 44 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" come into force).

deadline 01.04.2013

Information on the need to organize and conduct in 2013 seminars with representatives of business entities operating in various areas of the consumer market on the territory of municipalities, on clarification of legislation on consumer protection;

Applications, if necessary, to create on the territory of the municipality of public receptions for the protection of consumer rights, within the framework of the implementation of the ODTSP "Protection of Consumer Rights in the Rostov Region" for 2011-2014;

Summary data on the organization of activities of local governments to ensure consumer protection in 2012 for the rating assessment.

Deadline 15.01.2013

1.3.6. to intensify explanatory work with manufacturing enterprises of the region on the feasibility of providing information on products in the form of standard catalog sheets to FBU "Rostov CSM" to form a data bank of "Made in Don" products posted on the website


II. After listening to the information of speakers and speakers on the second question agenda, the regional Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Rostov Region (hereinafter IAC) notes the following:

The relevance of the issue is associated with the increasing mobility of the population, with the increasing length of street road networks, with the redistribution from transportation by public transport to transportation by high-speed fixed-route and passenger taxis.

As a result of the examinations carried out in the summer of 2012, it was revealed that vehicles with malfunctions are often allowed to carry passengers, in the presence of which their operation should be prohibited. There is no information about the person responsible for the safety of the transportation service. The norms of work and rest of drivers are not observed. Tickets are not issued to passengers, etc.

So, the reorganization of the control and supervisory authorities, in terms of the reductions and restrictions in the conduct of control measures, led to the uncontrolled work of drivers of passenger enterprises on the line. According to the Department of Transport of Rostov-on-Don, the management of transport companies and drivers must be sure that they can be checked at any time, therefore the department prepared proposals for monitoring the operation of public passenger transport in accordance with the current legislation within the framework of agreements between City administration and supervisory authorities.

In addition, it is necessary to create a control and auditing service for checking the availability of tickets for passengers and maintaining a "rating" of the work of enterprises.

On the second issue, the commission decided:

2.1. To take note of the information of the speakers and speakers.

2.2. Recommend to the Southern Directorate of State Road Supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport (Vysotsky I.Yu ..), the Ministry of Transport of the Rostov Region (Vartanyan D.Kh.), the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Rostov Region (Soloviev M.Yu.), and other interested bodies:

2.2.1. continue work to identify and suppress violations of consumer rights in the provision of services for the carriage of passengers by road in the Rostov region;

2.2.2. carry out information interaction on the facts of violation of the legislation (on the protection of consumer rights) in the provision of services for the carriage of passengers by road in the Rostov region;

2.2.3. provide prompt information to the population through the media, incl. electronic, as well as the site: on the facts of the provision of low-quality and dangerous services for the carriage of passengers by road in the Rostov region (indicating the names of transport companies, route numbers, etc.).


2.3. Recommend to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Rostov Region (Soloviev M.Yu.), the Southern Administration of State Road Supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport (Vysotsky I.Yu.), the Ministry of Transport of the Rostov Region (Vartanyan D.Kh), the Office of the State Inspection for Security road traffic (UGIBDD) GUVD in the Rostov region:

2.3.1. organize a meeting with the heads of transport companies of the Rostov region on compliance with the law, incl. criminal, administrative, civil, consumer protection, sanitary and epidemiological.

term I quarter 2013

2.4. To the Southern Directorate of State Road Supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport (Vysotsky I.Yu.) to analyze the normative legal acts adopted in municipalities on transport services for the population and road activities, as well as an analysis of the maintenance of the road network and send the results to the ministry transport of the Rostov region (Vartanyan D.Kh.) for taking measures.

term I quarter 2013

2.5. Local self-government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts in the Rostov region:

2.5.1. to intensify efforts to protect consumer rights in the provision of services for the carriage of passengers by road;

2.5.2. ensure the availability of regulatory legal acts regulating the organization of passenger traffic in the municipality;

2.5.3. organize the development and approval of the route network based on the materials of surveys of passenger traffic. To develop and approve the timetables and schedules of the movement of vehicles, according to the approved route network, to determine the number of rolling stock for servicing routes, as well as the choice of types of vehicles for the corresponding type of transportation;

2.5.4. organize the procedure for concluding contracts with carriers for servicing routes, in accordance with the approved route network, to bring them in line with current legislation;

2.5.5. to provide conditions on the routes for the carriage of passengers, including on the routes of transportation of schoolchildren, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

term I quarter 2013

2.5.6. organize seminars with the heads of transport companies and the population on clarification of legislation, incl. in the field of consumer protection in the provision of passenger transportation services.

term II quarter 2013

2.5.7. to organize control over the fulfillment of the requirements of the concluded contracts by the entities carrying out the transportation of passengers by buses on regular routes on the territory of the municipality and enterprises carrying out work on the maintenance of the road network;

2.5.8. upon detection of transport organizations providing the population with low-quality, dangerous services for the transportation of passengers, upon a complaint from a consumer (group of consumers), take measures to restore the rights and legally protected interests of consumers, incl. by filing statements of claim with the court, inform the authorized bodies, incl. with a proposal to revoke the license to carry out the relevant activities in court.

2.5.9. continue work on interaction in matters of consumer rights protection with regulatory and public organizations for the protection of consumer rights in the Rostov region;

2.5.10. ensure the implementation of consumer protection functions within the framework of Art. 44 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

2.6.1. carry out public control over the observance of consumer rights and send information on the facts of violations of consumer rights to the state supervision body and local self-government bodies to verify these facts and take, if confirmed, measures to suppress violations of consumer rights within the powers of these bodies;

2.6.2. to apply to the courts with statements in defense of consumer rights and the legitimate interests of individual consumers (a consumer group, an indefinite circle of consumers);

2.6.3. make proposals to federal executive authorities and organizations on taking measures to improve the quality of work (services), to suspend the performance of work, the provision of services that do not meet the mandatory requirements imposed on them and established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation;

2.6.4. to submit to the prosecutor's office and federal executive authorities materials on bringing to justice persons carrying out work (rendering services) that do not meet the mandatory requirements imposed on them, as well as violating consumer rights established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

2.6.5. participate, together with the state supervision body, in the formation of open and publicly available state information resources in the field of consumer protection, quality and safety of work (services) in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.


III. After listening to the information of speakers and speakers on the third question agenda, the regional Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Rostov Region (hereinafter IAC) notes the following:

The basis of competitiveness is consumer confidence in the quality and safety of products. To provide additional guarantees for the realization of consumer rights to purchase products that meet the requirements of technical regulations, identify hazardous, low-quality, counterfeit goods, the regional consumer market department annually conducts independent consumer reviews and comparative studies.

Research is carried out at a professional level, ensuring high responsibility for the results obtained and the reliability of information.

This year, the results of research and examinations revealed a significant number of products that do not meet the requirements of state standards. The work carried out drew attention to these issues not only of consumers, but also of manufacturers, representatives of retail trade networks, who, in turn, consider it necessary to strengthen work to improve the quality of products, as well as to ensure compliance with proper conditions for storage, transportation and sale of goods.

On the third issue, the commission decided:

3.1. To take note of the information of the speakers and speakers.

3.2.1. continue work to identify and suppress violations of consumer rights in the sale of low-quality, counterfeit goods in the Rostov region;

3.2.2. carry out information interaction on the facts of violation of consumer protection legislation in retail trade enterprises of the Rostov region;

3.2.3. promptly consider materials on revealed violations received from public associations for the protection of consumer rights, carry out control measures on these materials, and in case of confirmation of the facts of violations, apply the measures of influence provided for by law.

3.2.4. in order to prevent offenses related to the circulation of falsified, counterfeit products on the territory of the region, to cover this work in the media and on the website:


3.3. Local self-government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts in the Rostov region:

3.3.1. to develop a program of outreach activities in the mass media to prevent, counteract and suppress illegal circulation of falsified, counterfeit products, as well as alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

until 10.03.2013

3.3.2. to hold meetings with the heads of rural settlements on the need to strengthen explanatory work with the population about the importance of messages on the hot line of information about the places of production and sale of illegal, counterfeit alcoholic beverages.

term until 10.06.2013

3.3.3. in order to suppress the facts of child alcoholization, to prevent the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18, organize the work of district inspectors with the participation of heads of rural settlements, representatives of commissions for minors and the protection of their rights in municipalities of the region.


3.3.4. organize work on monitoring retail trade enterprises on the issue of compliance with the requirements of consumer protection legislation.

until 10.03.2013

3.3.5. organize a seminar with business entities engaged in providing retail services to the population on the issue of compliance with consumer protection legislation with the involvement of representatives of the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and public organizations.

term I quarter 2013

3.3.6. continue work on interaction in matters of consumer rights protection with regulatory and public organizations for the protection of consumer rights in the Rostov region;

3.3.7. ensure the implementation of consumer protection functions within the framework of Art. 44 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".


3.4. The Department of the Consumer Market of the Rostov Region, together with the IRU of Rosalkogolregulirovaniya in the Southern Federal District, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Rostov Region, representatives of the business community to prepare proposals on introducing into the SanPiN norms on the maximum content of furan derivatives in beer drinks.

term until 01.03.2013

3.5. The Rospotrebnadzor Administration for the Rostov Region shall strengthen control over the quality of retail beer and specialty beer and beer drinks, including in terms of the compliance of their names with the requirements of the state standard for special beer GOST R 53459-2009.


IV. After listening to the information of speakers and speakers on the fourth question agenda, the regional Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Rostov Region (hereinafter IAC) notes the following:

The increase in the share and popularity of public catering services is associated with an increase in the threat of consumer fraud and harm to health.

Comparative studies conducted this year showed that the largest Rostov and Moscow catering chains do not provide control over personnel, production, as well as the quality and safety of products.

Given that a large number of consumers use catering services on a daily basis, it is necessary to ensure the safety of these services for a wide range of consumers.

On the fourth issue, the commission decided:

4.1 To take note of the information of the speakers and speakers.

4.2. Rospotrebnadzor Directorate for the Rostov Region (M.Yu. Soloviev), Department for Organization and Application of Administrative Legislation of the UOOP of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov Region (V.V. Knyazev):

4.2.1. continue to work to identify and suppress violations of consumer rights in the provision of services in public catering enterprises of the Rostov region;

4.2.2. carry out information interaction on the facts of violation of the legislation on the protection of consumer rights when providing services in public catering enterprises of the Rostov region;

4.2.3. promptly consider materials on revealed violations received from public associations for the protection of consumer rights, carry out control measures on these materials, and in case of confirmation of the facts of violations, apply the measures of influence provided for by law.


4.3. Local governments:

4.3.1. to recommend to ensure the placement of standard modular structures of fast food catering establishments in those places where there is a shortage of stationary network enterprises, as well as in rural areas where there is a great distance from stationary facilities;

4.3.2. organize work with the involvement of public organizations for the protection of consumer rights to monitor public catering establishments, including those available in the network and providing fast food services in the Rostov region on the issue of compliance with the requirements of legislation on consumer protection in the provision of food services, as well as compliance rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages;

4.3.3. information on the results of the monitoring carried out in public catering enterprises of the Rostov region should be sent for generalization to the department of the consumer market of the Rostov region.

Deadline until 10.06.2013

4.3.4. when developing and approving the layout of non-stationary shopping facilities for the next year, coordinate the placement of fast food facilities with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, and also exclude from the deployment facilities in which gross violations of the SanPin requirements and rules for the provision of public catering services were detected.

Term IV quarter 2012

4.3.5. organize a seminar with business entities engaged in providing public catering services on the issue of compliance with consumer protection legislation with the involvement of representatives of the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and public organizations.

Term I - II quarters 2013

4.3.6. continue work on interaction in matters of consumer rights protection with regulatory and public organizations for the protection of consumer rights in the Rostov region;

4.3.7. to organize work on retraining of personnel employed in the field of public catering and raising their qualifications;

Term - during 2013

4.3.8. to ensure systematic informing of the population through the mass media about the work of the structural unit of the administration of the municipal formation for the protection of consumer rights, about the rights of consumers, ways of protecting them, etc.;

4.3.9. ensure the implementation of consumer protection functions within the framework of Art. 44 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".


V. After listening to the information of speakers and speakers on the fifth question agenda, the regional Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Rostov Region (hereinafter IAC) notes the following:

The adoption of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2012 No. 17 "On the consideration of civil cases by courts in disputes on the protection of consumer rights" is one of the most significant results of the implementation of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation No. Pr-177 dated January 24, 2012, which were given on the results of the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation, held on January 16, 2012 in Saransk.

According to the decree, the legislation on consumer protection applies to relations on participation in shared construction, personal and property insurance, preliminary contracts, contracts without specifying a price, in the field of real estate services, on the provision of medical services to citizens, provided by medical organizations, both within the framework of voluntary and and compulsory health insurance.

The Resolution contains key clarifications on the most important issues in law enforcement practice and is aimed at eliminating gaps in the current legislation. It can be characterized as a complex document that deals with a variety of issues that arise when the courts of general jurisdiction are considering civil cases on consumer protection disputes.

On the fifth issue, the commission decided:

5.1. To take note of the information of the speakers and speakers.

Inform consumers, interested services and departments about changes in law enforcement practice for consumers in connection with the adoption of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 06/28/2012 17 "On the consideration of civil cases by courts in disputes on the protection of consumer rights."


5.3. Local self-government bodies, public associations of consumers:

5.3.1. send your proposals on improving the legislation on consumer protection (taking into account law enforcement practice) to the department of the consumer market of the Rostov region for further submission of information to Rospotrebnadzor as a federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of protection consumer rights.

5.4.1. carry out public control over the observance of consumer rights and send information on the facts of violations of consumer rights to the state supervision body and local self-government bodies to verify these facts and take, if confirmed, measures to suppress violations of consumer rights within the powers of these bodies;

5.4.2. independently apply to the courts with statements in defense of consumer rights and the legitimate interests of individual consumers (a group of consumers, an indefinite circle of consumers) without the additional involvement of representatives (lawyers).


VI... After listening to the speaker's information on the sixth question agenda, the regional Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Rostov Region (hereinafter IAC) notes the following:

Legal relations between hotel owners (service providers) and customers (consumers) are regulated by the relevant articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation".

A hotel is a commercial hospitality service (hotel product) business that offers its amenities and service to the consumer.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation No. 35 dated January 25, 2011, the procedure for classifying objects of the tourism industry, including hotels and other accommodation facilities, ski slopes, and beaches, was approved.

The classification system for hotels and other accommodation facilities establishes the organizational structure and procedure for carrying out work on conformity assessment and assigning to hotels and other accommodation facilities the categories - "five stars", "four stars", "three stars", "two stars", "one star" , "Mini Hotel".

A necessary guarantee of the quality of hotel services is an agreement concluded in accordance with the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", approved. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.04.1997, No. 490.

On the sixth issue, the commission decided:

6.1. Take note of the speaker's information.

6.2. The Department of Investments and Entrepreneurship of the Rostov Region (S.L. Abdulazizova) on the portal "Donskoy Tourism" post information:

6.2.1. on organizations accredited to classify hotels and other accommodation facilities on the territory of the Rostov region and the requirements of the current legislation in the field of classification.


6.2.2. Organize a seminar for travel industry entities on the classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities.

6.2.3. Subsidize part of the costs of travel industry entities associated with the performance of work on the classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities.

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Great meeting room

Administration of the city of Ufa RB

Ufa, Prospect Oktyabrya, 120



  1. On the state of labor conditions and safety, occupational morbidity, fire safety and road safety in the organizations of the Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan.

2. On the implementation of the IAC Decision on labor protection of the urban district of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated November 18, 2010 No. 2 "On the state of working conditions and labor protection, occupational morbidity in the organizations of the Kirov district of the urban district of Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan."

On the first question listened to:

A.S. Zherebtsova - Deputy Head of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Bashkortostan, Vorobyov V.V. - chief state inspector (labor protection) of the State Inspectorate in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Zhmaeva A.A. - technical labor inspector of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Abdullina R.M. - Head of FKGU "22 OFPS in RB", Lebedeva E.G. - Deputy Head of the Department of State Expertise of Working Conditions of MT and SZN RB, Ivleva M.A. - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Oktyabrsky District of the City of Ufa RB.

After listening to the speakers' information, the MVK was noted.

One of the objectives of the Concept of Demographic Policy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 is to create safe working conditions, reduce the mortality rate from accidents at work and reduce the number of occupational diseases.

In the city of Ufa, measures are being taken to reduce industrial injuries, occupational and industrial-related morbidity, and improve the health of workers.

To this end, the Program for improving labor conditions and safety, adopted for 2009-2011, is being implemented. For 9 months of 2011, with the planned 73.5 million rubles, more than 88 million rubles were actually spent. In September of this year, by the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the "Program for improving labor conditions and safety for 2012-2016" was approved. A draft city program on labor protection for 2012-2016 has been prepared. Work has been intensified aimed at raising awareness of workers in labor protection issues, attracting public attention to these problems by covering labor protection issues in the media and on television.

The work carried out in the field of labor protection is based on close interaction of executive authorities, state supervision and public control, and local self-government. Coordination councils (commissions) on labor protection are successfully operating in the district administrations of the city of Ufa RB. For 9 months, more than 20 meetings were held, at which the heads of organizations were heard where accidents at work occurred or violations in the field of labor legislation on labor protection were revealed.

The territorial labor bodies for 9 months of 2011 conducted a study of the state of conditions and labor protection in 388 organizations of the city. In 287 organizations - together with control and supervisory authorities. During the study, more than 1,700 violations were identified.

The measures taken in the republic and the city over the past few years have made it possible to maintain a relatively low level of industrial injuries. Analysis of industrial injuries in the city over the past three years shows that the number of workers who die in production is 22-27 people annually; 50-69 workers are seriously injured.

In the city of Ufa, certification of workplaces was carried out in 2,200 organizations, which employ 321 thousand people.

At many enterprises of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa, a labor protection management system has been introduced, labor protection commissions have been created, which carry out their work in conjunction with the trade union committee. Organized a three-stage control over the state of labor protection. The commission includes labor protection commissioners of trade unions who have been trained in training centers.

The Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Belarus, together with the state supervision and control bodies, this year carried out inspections of the state of occupational health and safety in 19 organizations of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa, identified 252 violations of occupational safety requirements and issued submissions for their elimination, which are carried out within the specified time frame.

During the current period of 2011, the State Inspectorate for Inspection in the Republic of Belarus in the Oktyabrsky District of Ufa conducted 76 inspections, 228 violations of labor legislation on labor protection were revealed. 44 officials and 4 legal entities were brought to administrative responsibility for various violations in the field of labor protection, revealed during the inspections carried out, as well as on the basis of decisions of prosecutors. The total amount of fines imposed is 211.5 thousand rubles.

During inspections by the control and supervisory authorities, the largest number of violations in the field of labor protection was revealed at the enterprises of the housing and communal services of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa RB.

The proportion of industrial enterprises in Ufa, belonging to the 3rd group in terms of sanitary and technical condition (extremely unsatisfactory), is 16% of the total number of organizations.

Over the past three years, the organizations of the Oktyabrsky district of Ufa have registered cases of chronic occupational diseases in 7 people, incl. in 3 women. Lesions of the broncho-pulmonary system among occupational patients accounted for 57% of cases, 29% - of the musculoskeletal system, 14% of allergic diseases. It should be noted that in 5 people occupational diseases (or 70%) were established during their active treatment, and only in 2 (30%) - during periodic medical examinations. This fact testifies to the low alertness of the district medical institutions that carried out medical examinations in matters of early detection of cases of occupational diseases.

According to the revealed violations of sanitary legislation at the enterprises of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa, only during 2011, the Rospotrebnadzor Administration for the Republic of Belarus imposed 26 fines, of which 3 - on legal entities, for a total amount of 169 thousand rubles (legal entity - 125 thousand rubles).

According to the information of the head of the 22nd Detachment of the Federal Fire Service for the Republic of Bashkortostan, 127 fires occurred in the Oktyabrsky District of Ufa for 10 months of 2011, 110 fires occurred in the same period in 2010 (an increase of 17 cases): 23 , 3 people died, including 1 child. Material damage amounted to 6,896,700 rubles in 2011, against 4,256,600 rubles. for the same period in 2010.

On the territory of Ufa there are 4571 fire hydrants, of which 2996 are outdoor, 1575 are located on the territory of various objects of the city's economy, 161 are artificial and 10 large natural reservoirs.

In the Oktyabrsky district of the urban district, the city of Ufana, the moment of inspection:

Of the 558 street fire hydrants, all are operational;

Out of 220 facility fire hydrants, 19 are faulty.

The situation with fire-fighting water supply at OJSC Bashkirnefteprodukt, Safronovskiy proezd, 53/1 remains unresolved. A dead-end water supply system with a diameter of 200 mm has been laid across the territory. The control measurements carried out for the drainage of the network showed that the water consumption is not sufficient for the needs of fire extinguishing. The issue with the construction of the fire pier has not been resolved. The one that is available does not meet the requirements. In winter, it is not possible to take water away, and in summer, the water drops below six permissible meters. Although the construction of a fire pier that meets the requirements and standards would solve the problem with fire-fighting water supply throughout the Safronovskaya pier.

The streets of the private sector remain without fire-fighting water supply: Malaya Tikhoretskaya, Shelkovodnaya, Visherskaya.

In 2011, a preventive and surveillance operation "Housing-2011" was carried out, during which 84 municipal residential buildings and 2,280 private residential houses of citizens were checked.

To increase the level of fire protection, the following documents were agreed with the police departments and approved by the Administration of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa RB:

- "Comprehensive plan to stabilize the situation with fires on the territory of the Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of Ufa";

- "The plan of joint organizational and preventive measures to ensure fire safety in the residential sector and to prevent the death of people in fires in the Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of Ufa."

In April - May of this year, unscheduled field inspections of fire safety were carried out 6 horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens sharing a common border with forest areas, a children's health camp "Chaika".

The administration of the Oktyabrsky district was provided with methodological assistance in issuing fire safety passports for settlements, horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations exposed to the threat of the spread of forest fires.

Organized and conducted 137 gatherings of citizens with coverage of 4,734 people, 156 fire-prevention briefings were conducted at sites with coverage of 4,312 people.

The website of the Administration of the City of Ufa RB contains 6 information on fire-fighting topics, 17 articles were published in the media. In the cinema complex "Prostor", before the start of the screenings, a video on fire-fighting topics is shown.

At the objects of the economy, 3436 radio conversations were conducted with the provision of information about the situation with fires and actions in case of their occurrence.

For 10 months of 2011, 42 scheduled inspections were carried out, 86 unscheduled measures to control the execution of a previously issued order. 98 complaints and applications from citizens and organizations were considered. 234 protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up, including 135 for officials, 11 by order of the prosecutor's office, 42 for citizens, 46 protocols for legal entities, of which 33 materials were sent to the court for making a decision on the administrative suspension of the activities of facilities located in a fire-threatening state.

Inquiry specialists have investigated 127 fires.

According to the traffic police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Ufa, in January-October 2011 there were 1818 road accidents, in which 2081 people were injured, 85 people died. In the city of Ufa, a decrease in the number of road accidents caused by the fault of drivers of vehicles of legal entities was noted by 21.9 (57). In an accident due to the fault of drivers of vehicles of legal entities, 1 person died and 64 people were injured.

For 10 months of this year, in the Oktyabrsky District, there is an increase in fatal accidents at work (6 versus 4), the number of industrial accidents with a serious outcome has been reduced by almost 3 times (3 versus 10).

Territorial bodies, together with control and supervisory bodies, carried out 24 inspections of the state of working conditions and labor protection in organizations of the Oktyabrsky district. Based on the results of inspections, 11 managers were brought to administrative responsibility.

For 9 months of 2011, certification of workplaces for working conditions was carried out in 56 organizations of the region, about 7 thousand people work at the certified workplaces.

The IAC Commission on labor protection points to the insufficient work of the Administration of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa RB on labor protection.

Solution on the first question:

1. Information from the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Belarus (Zherebtsova A.S.), the State Inspectorate in the Republic of Belarus (Vorobyeva V.V.), the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Belarus (Zhmaeva A.A.), FGKU "22 OFPS in the Republic of Belarus" (Abdullina R.M. .), Deputy Head of OGEUT MT and SZN RB (Lebedeva E.G.), Administration of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa RB (Ivleva M.A.) take note.

2.1. The Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Bashkortostan shall inform the Administration of the city district of the city of Ufa RB about the cases of occupational diseases.

2.2. The State Labor Inspectorate in the Republic of Bashkortostan shall inform the Administration of the city district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan about the detected hidden accidents at work.

2.3. The territorial labor authorities of the city of Ufa, if they identify violations of the requirements of labor legislation during the study of labor protection issues in organizations, send information to the control and supervisory authorities for taking administrative measures.

2.4. The administrations of the districts of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan at the meetings of the Coordination Councils (commissions) on labor protection regularly consider issues of the state of conditions and labor protection in organizations.

2.5. To the heads of the organizations of the urban district, the city of Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan:

2.5.1. Ensure control over compliance with the frequency of training on labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements of managers, specialists and employees of organizations.

2.5.2. To improve the quality of training of workers and personnel serving hazardous production facilities and facilities controlled by Rostekhnadzor.

2.5.3. Conduct in a timely manner the certification of workplaces for working conditions and take measures to improve working conditions for workers, to reduce the harmful effects of factors of the working environment on their health;

2.5.4. Ensure that preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out. With a frequency of once every five years, conduct a medical examination of workers employed in work with harmful production factors for more than five years, on the basis of the occupational pathology department of the Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology.

2.5.5. Ensure control over the mandatory psychiatric examination of employees with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions.

2.5.6. Introduce an OSH management system in accordance with the requirements of the Interstate Standard GOST 12.0.230-2007 "Occupational Safety Standards. Occupational safety management systems. General requirements ", GOST R 12.0.007-2009 and GOST R 12.0.009-2009" SSBT. Occupational safety management system at small enterprises. "

2.5.7. Strengthen control over the quality of work performed after maintenance of vehicles and when vehicles are released onto the line.

2.5.8. In accordance with the republican agreement between the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Bashkortostan, associations of employers of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2011-2013, provide guarantees for the activities of labor protection commissioners, including their training, material incentives for their work to prevent accidents and occupational diseases in production.

2.5.9. To improve the quality of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of hazardous production facilities.

2.5.10. Determine the primary task - to increase the pace of modernization, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production.

2.6. Administration of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ufa RB:

2.6.1. Monitor the implementation by the enterprises of the housing and communal services of the district of the instructions issued by the control and supervisory authorities. Provide information on the work done to the labor department of MT and SZN RB in Ufa before 01.03.2012.

2.6.2. Take measures to intensify work on compliance with labor legislation in the field of labor protection and submit a report on the results to the labor department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Ufa by 01.11.2012.

3. To consider the state of conditions and labor protection, occupational morbidity, industrial safety, fire safety and road safety on the example of organizations of the Kalininsky district of the city of Ufa RB in the IV quarter of 2012.

On the second question listened to Oleg Aleksandrovich Kotov, Acting First Deputy Head of the Kirovsky District Administration of the City of Ufa RB.

Decision on the second question

  1. The report on the implementation of the Decision of the IAC on labor protection of the Administration of the city of Ufa RB of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated November 18, 2010 No. 2 "On the state of working conditions and labor protection, occupational morbidity in the organizations of the Kirovsky district of the urban district, the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan" to take into account.

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