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Simple programming languages ​​for beginners. How to choose the programming language that suits you

What is the simplest and easiest programming language? In this article we will try to figure out whether it is possible to highlight any specific language programming.

Programming has become one of the most promising activities for young people in our time. This is completely understandable, because the world around us is becoming more and more computerized and intelligent: automation, robotic computers, all kinds of self-service services, Internet technologies, starting work on artificial intelligence, smartphones - all this works and exists only thanks to the programs embedded in the hardware. Online banking, entertainment services, educational programs and other things that absolutely everyone now uses are written common people- programmers. That is why all this is now very demanded, highly paid and very prestigious.

It is enough to choose some simple languages programming, it is good to understand them and you can safely take on the first orders in freelancing, write your first website or even try to create an application on a molar basis. Let's try to figure out which programming languages ​​are the most simple and why it would be worth paying attention to them.

The easiest programming languages ​​for beginners

There are different ways to approach the classification of programming languages ​​and the level of their simplicity. If you rely on typical tables of ratings of languages, their requirements and similar parameters, you get a typical set of C, C ++, Java, Python and others like them. But we will approach the issue from a different angle. Let's consider languages ​​not for their usefulness and versatility, but for their ease of learning. And so, the following languages ​​can definitely be called leaders here.


The language is already quite outdated, but it is still actively taught in many universities. The explanation is simple - this language is easy to learn, perfectly perceived even by people far from any programming. It was developed back in 1964, but even now it is still heard by many. This language was originally developed specifically for educational purposes - students who are not programmers could develop elementary application programs who carried out arithmetic operations, worked with elementary logic puzzles. The language is considered to have quite a feasible set of commands.


HTML is arguably the simplest programming language for website layout. With its help, you can easily create templates for Internet resources, equip them with additional blocks, tables, create a high-quality SEO core of the future site, which is important for its promotion on the Web. Most of the sites on the Internet are written in HTML. The language was developed in the late 80s by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee at the famous scientific center Cern. Written literate HTML language the site is equally well displayed in different browsers, on smartphones and other gadgets, perfectly interacts with the works of other languages: scripts, web applications, and so on. Learns very quickly and easily.


A formal programming language that is also often recommended as an answer to the question of which programming language is the easiest. By itself, it does not have such a great price, but in conjunction with the HTML mentioned above, it can work wonders. CSS makes styling appearance web pages on the Internet. The style sheet created thanks to it can be easily applied to any sites, XML documents... All beautifully designed buttons, animations, transitions and the like are usually done with this language. Its development, as a rule, occurs in conjunction with HTML and only in such a connection is it considered appropriate.


A scripting programming language with the help of which a huge share of modern web development... Thanks to PHP, it is relatively easy to create dynamic websites that are so beloved by the public, equipped with slide-out tabs, automation important processes, easy traffic handling and various files, and many other features. By using of this language you can even create user interfaces although it is usually not actually used for this purpose. Learning the language is relatively easy, although, of course, you have to try. But the result of the training will be very good - even knowing PHP at a quite average level, you can apply for the job of an administrator of sites, servers, write functional site templates.


JavaScript is the most easy tongue programming for beginners who want to quickly learn how to write their own scripts. This language has a relatively simple syntax, but at the same time it is capable of performing rather complex functions. Scripts of this kind are very popular for use on websites, since they are executed on the user's computer, and not on the server. Due to this, they neither work quickly, increase the work of web applications and do not load the servers. There are many tutorials on the Web that you can use to master this language effortlessly.

Why these languages?

As mentioned above, it is not so easy to create a list of the simplest programming languages, because there can be a lot of simplicity criteria. These languages ​​were selected on the list because they are really easy to learn (simple syntax, not too a large number of most used commands, visually the code is clear and simple). But more importantly, they are not only simple, but also relevant, thanks to which you can smoothly move from mastering the language to practice on real tasks and make money on it (except that Basic is hardly suitable for this).

Therefore, if you are determined to master programming, but still don’t know anything about it, then choose any of the easiest programming languages ​​and feel free to go ahead. In the future, it will definitely come in handy for solving a wide variety of tasks.

which programming language is the easiest

  1. The lighter the programming language, the more difficult it is to write the required program in it.
    The simplest is probably Basic, but I don't advise you to learn it - it greatly spoils the programming style. Better start with Pascal, it was specially designed for easy learning started programming. I can recommend the book "Rubantsev. Entertaining lessons with Pascal". Then you will learn C and then C ++. Keep in mind that knowledge of a programming language is not all a programmer needs. Language is just a notation system.
  2. you never learn on the Internet and books you never need to go to a university for this to have a teacher
  3. you can learn any programming language at home, the main thing was desire.
    So I read all sorts of books on programming, and yet I learned to program, but if there is a teacher, then it will also be super.
  4. Here is the file from the old Delphi disk -------------- Borland (Inspire) Delphi 5.1 Enterprise Edition Russian and English version... + RUSSIAN DOCUMENTATION New, updated version one of the most famous programming languages. This language is so simple that even a schoolchild can learn to work with it in less than a week! (Without interrupting studies and exams). At the same time it is a very powerful language in which huge multimedia applications and databases are written. Thanks to the system of components, which is laid down in Pascal, you can customize your copy of Delphi as much as possible to create an application according to your profile. Thanks to the components (and elements ActiveX control you can create very quickly and easily like simple applications and corporate developments. This disk contains a large collection of components for Delphi 5 (over 150), ActiveX controls for any development programs (including Delphi). Also presented are tools for work and installers, thanks to which you can easily distribute your ready-made applications... Of course, there is a large selection of Russian textbooks and books, frequently asked questions, and tips.
  5. They are all the same.
    Difficult seems to be due to the lack of GOOD teaching literature and the abundance of CRAZY.
    Therefore, you need to choose a language in which there are more books, sites and code samples.
    In this sense, php is the best. But it is server-side. However, there is local server with a set required programs- Denver, it's free and any user can handle it.
    C ++, C # and Java are also good.
    Java is the most cross-platform. But for others there is an opportunity to use it.
    And, don't read long books. In general, if there are no code samples attached to the book, don't waste your time. It is best to learn from sites, and more than one, because some topics are better covered in some places, others in others.
  6. There are no languages ​​for dummies.
    A programmer is a serious and responsible job, for which you need to prepare seriously. In particular, it is simply harmful for a programmer to stop considering himself a "teapot".

    The best place to start is, perhaps, with C #, it is simple, straightforward, very popular and at the same time, to a certain extent, cross-platform.
    Here is more about him.
    But it will be difficult for a "teapot" and with him until he ceases to consider himself a "teapot" and decides to become a professional.

  7. The lightest C #, from the web: PHP
    I studied Pascal, C ++, Js there is more complicated.
    If you really want to do it gradually

    HTML-gt; CSS-gt; PHP, OOP PHP, C # = gt; C ++

    You will understand the logic of languages, and so Pascal is the basis of learning simple algorithms in universities.
    Want to learn to make it more fun: start with C ++ Builder / VC ++ Windows Form

  8. read knutta "the art of programming" and the language will no longer matter, because it chews on the very principle of programming and building algorithms, and the language is just a tool that you select to solve a problem 🙂
  9. In order to find something easy - nothing will come of it
  10. Basic, Pascal, Delphi have been dead for 10 years.
    PHP encourages you to write shitty code

    C ++ is definitely not "the easiest - for dummies"

    I would choose Python

  11. The criterion of "lightness" is not specified. In terms of syntax, Fortran has the least rules. It is also suitable for cross-platform - it is everywhere.

Many people who want to start learning programming are wondering - what is the most difficult programming language? The question is quite understandable, because few beginners want to immediately choose a very difficult language and spend a lot of time studying it, without being able to apply their knowledge in practice or even earn extra money on it. Everyone strives to find an option for study that would minimum investment in the shortest possible time would begin to bring concrete results and profits. But in reality, such an action strategy is not always a winning one.

The fact is that simple languages ​​are studied by so many people, so the competition in an attempt to commercialize their knowledge will be too great here. Typical routine actions with such a language can be performed by any normal university student, and more complex operations require either extraordinary resourcefulness, or they are simply impossible due to disabilities the language itself. Therefore, choosing for study, a person obviously significantly narrows the horizon of his future possibilities. Such languages ​​are only suitable for educational purposes and as a basis for learning more complex things.

The most complex languages ​​are usually the most functional

Sorting programming languages ​​by complexity, it is worth understanding that, as a rule, the more complex a language and the longer it takes to master it normally, the great opportunities and he provides perspectives to the programmer. Some of these languages ​​are:

  • C ++... Gradually obsolete, but still a very functional and widespread language. It is quite difficult to learn, but with good knowledge, you can use it to write not only programs on a PC, but even whole OS or their modifications,. It combines the programming capabilities of low and. Also with the help of C ++ one can work with computer graphics, write drivers for devices, create programs for running on servers, and much more;
  • PHP... An excellent language for developing web applications and dynamic sites. Able to implement any idea of ​​a web programmer and present an extremely high-quality and functional product;
  • WITH#... Sea Sharp is also a language that is not easy to learn, but it also provides the programmer with very wide opportunities: creating office applications, mobile programs, use in games, web applications and other areas.

As a conclusion, it must be said that the most complex programming language in the world is a nonexistent concept. Each language takes an effort to master. If a language requires a lot of effort and memorization of a larger amount of knowledge, then this is more than compensated for by its great functionality.

Programming technologies are increasingly competing with each other, because developers are increasingly focusing on creating cross-platform applications, designed not so much for the web and desktop as for mobile devices... writes about the twelve most important languages programming this year.

Last year, IEEE Spectrum ranked the most popular programming languages ​​based on at least ten previously researched sources, including:

Let's briefly talk about the most important of them at the moment.


C is one of the first programming languages ​​that have become popular and are still used today. Created by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at Bell labs and became the basis for other languages: C ++, Java, C #, JavaScript and Perl. The Pioneer Language is the first to be taught in universities because it helps to better understand other components of programming technologies.

Many popular sites help you learn C for free.


Java combines C and C ++ and is the most powerful language to create cross-platform applications. Java, recently 20 years old, became the first fully object-oriented programming language that works on the principle of "Write Once, Run Anywhere". You can compile Java source code once and run it on any device with JVM (Java Virtual Machine) installed

C #

C # is a representative of the Microsoft family of programming languages. It was created in 2000 as part of Microsoft platforms.Net framework... C # is very close to Java in use, although C # was said to combine the robustness of C ++ with the advanced features of Java.

Almost all types of applications can be created in C # for most platforms.


In my opinion, PHP is the most powerful server-side language that can do a lot with a little bit of code. PHP is widely used for CMS creation for example WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc., as well as for creating dynamic and static websites. PHP is a language with open source... This means that there are thousands of modules that can be modified to perform the desired function.

Objective C

Brad Cox and Tom Love created Objective C in 1983, aiming to fix the shortcomings of C. It is the main language for creating applications for iOS and OS X. Objective C programmers are mainly involved in development for these extremely popular platforms, which guarantees market demand. labor and high wages.

Objective C Learning Sites: Udemy, Mac Developer Library, Cocoa Dev Central, Mobile Tuts +.


With simpler syntax, JavaScript can perform more complex functions. It is an ideal scripting language that is easy to learn. Program code works in browsers and processes commands on the client's computer, not on the server, thus reducing the load on the server and increasing the speed of the application.

Sites for learning JavaScript: Codecademy, Code School, Treehouse,


Larry Wall created Perl in 1987 to make it easier to process reports. Perl (unofficial backronym - Practical Extraction and Report Language) - high-level language programming general purpose which can replace any other language. This family includes Perl 5 and Perl 6. The Perl languages ​​borrow features from C, sh, AWK, and sed.


Scala is a functional, object-oriented programming language created by Martin Oderski in the early 2000s. He provides support functional programming, being a strongly statically typed language. Scala code compiles to Java bytecode and can run on virtual machine Java.

  • Translation

Many people start their journey to learning programming by opening Google late at night. Usually they look for something like "How to learn ...". But how does someone looking for something like this decide which programming language to choose?

Someone after reading the largest sites and blogs computer companies, argues: “In Silicon Valley, every word is Java. I think this is what I need. " It also happens like this: “Haskell. He's at the peak of his popularity. It's scary to think about what will happen next. Definitely Haskell. " And even so: “This gopher on the Go logo is so cute. I want to know Go. "

Some, driven by the desire to learn to program, are looking for this: "Which programming language to learn first?"

There are questions that are asked so often that whole schemes are created to answer them. For example, here is one of them, dedicated to the choice of the first programming language, prepared by the team of this site.


If you consider this scheme, it turns out, for example, that Ruby is suitable for those who loved to sculpt from plasticine as a child.

Choosing your first programming language can be a fun activity, like semi-serious questionnaires like: "Which of the characters of Quentin Tarantino are you?"

But, before you go headlong into learning Ruby, moreover, just because in childhood they could not live without plasticine, let me draw your attention to the fact that the first programming language is very, very important. Too much depends on him.

In order to at least in general outline to understand the chosen language will take hundreds of hours of practice. Therefore, cute logos and ingenious schemes shouldn't confuse you.

When choosing the first language, it is worth soberly assessing the following factors:

  • Labor market.
  • Long-term perspectives of the language.
  • Difficulty in learning a language.
  • What exactly can you create in the process of learning, and by showing others to keep you motivated.
New programming languages ​​appear several times a year. Articles are written about them in scientific journals, comics that can be found on the Web are dedicated to them.
When it comes to choosing your first programming language, you have to face an avalanche of options. To narrow your search down a bit, here is the analysis. search queries at Google for the past 12 years regarding learning programming.

From the analysis of search queries, you can find out that Java has had its ups and downs. And, for example, the rating of Python has gradually grown, it has become almost the most popular programming language. There is also one language here, simple but with remarkable capabilities, the graph of interest in which is slowly growing from year to year, although it is at the very bottom. This is JavaScript.

Before talking about these programming languages, let me clarify something.

  • I do not presume to argue that a certain language is objectively better than any other.
  • I agree that developers ultimately learn more than one language.
  • I am for the fact that at the very beginning of the path, a programmer should learn one language well. And, as you probably guessed from reading the cleverly disguised hint in the title, I believe that this first language should be JavaScript.
Let's start our conversation about the first language by looking at how programming is taught today.

Fundamentals of Information Technology and Learning to Program

In universities, they usually teach to program in the framework of information technology subjects, which often look like additions to math courses, or are tied to some basic specialty, say, electrical engineering.

You are probably familiar with this statement by Eric Raymond: “Education in the field computer technology just as it won't make you a great programmer, just as learning brushes and paints won't make you a great artist. "

Today, just as before, most educational institutions equate programming and information technology, and information Technology equate to mathematics.

As a result, many introductory programming courses are built around fairly low-level abstractions in languages ​​such as C or languages ​​used in math packages like MATLAB.

And those who make decisions about what to teach in programming courses usually stick to all sorts of official sources that regularly publish reports with ratings of languages. Among such reports, for example, TIOBE Index. And here is the IEEE leaderboard.

These "leaderboards" look almost exactly the same as ten years ago. However, things are changing, even in academia.

The JavaScript ecosystem also benefits from massive investments, both financial and human capital, of talented engineers from companies such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Netflix.

For example, a contribution to the open programming language source code TypeScript (extended JavaScript version statically typed) contributed by over 100 developers. Many of them - Microsoft employees and Google, who are paid for the job.

Similar shape working together companies in Java environment harder to find. For example, Oracle, which actually owns Java by taking over Sun Microsystems, often sues companies trying to work on the language.

Factor # 3: Difficulty learning a language

Here's a cartoon about the complexity of programming languages ​​from XKCD.

Most programmers agree that high-level scripting languages ​​are relatively easy to learn. JavaScript falls into this category, along with Python and Ruby.

And even, although in educational institutions the languages ​​with which they begin to learn to program are still such as Java and C ++, it is much more difficult to understand them.

Factor # 4: projects that can be created using the knowledge gained

Here JavaScript is second to none. It can work on any device that has a browser. Why, at least right here, where you read this. Basically, with using JavaScript you can create almost anything and distribute it around the world with the confidence that it will work on almost anything that resembles a computer or a mobile phone.

The ubiquity of JavaScript led to this famous quote from Stack Overflow co-founder Jeff Atwood: "Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript."

Over time, this statement, which is also called "Atwood's Law", does not lose its relevance.

In the environment of other languages, slightly different trends can be observed. For example, it was once promised that Java will work literally everywhere. Remember Java Applets? Oracle officially dropped them earlier this year.

Python suffers from similar problems. Here is what James Hag wrote about this in his article that it is time to abandon Python as the main language used in teaching programming. The student asks: “How can I give this game that I wrote to my friends? Or, it will be even better, is there any way I can put it on my phone so that I can show it to everyone at school, and they don't have to install it? " The teacher, when it comes to Python, can only chuckle. There is no short answer here.

If we talk about JavaScript, then here are the live answers to the above question. These are applications that were written by members of the Free Code Camp community on CodePen using a browser.

Of course, they use programs. This is mainly Facebook, Google maps and some others. There are not so many of them. As a result, the main demand for developers mobile applications concentrated in several large companies.

It is difficult to foresee the prospects for the development of jobs for mobile programmers. At the same time, many tasks related to the development, support and distribution of applications for smartphones and tablets are most easily solved using JavaScript. As a result, companies like Facebook and Google provide strong support for the best JavaScript tools for mobile development.
As of 2016, almost all the work of programmers is focused on web projects. Everything is somehow connected with this huge platform, with “ The world wide web". And the coming generation household appliances that you can talk to, and cars that will pick your children up from school on their own - all of this will also be part of the web.

From the above, the simple conclusion follows: learn JavaScript.

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