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View traffic in the local network. Comparison of the free software for accounting traffic NetWorx with the paid analogue DU Meter

Any administrator sooner or later receives instructions from the management: “calculate who goes online and how much they download”. For providers, it is complemented by the tasks "let in whoever you need, take payment, restrict access." What to count? How? Where? There is a lot of fragmentary information, they are not structured. We will save the novice admin from tedious searches, providing him with general knowledge, and useful links for materiel.
In this article I will try to describe the principles of organizing the collection, accounting and control of traffic in the network. We will consider the problematics of the question, and list possible ways retrieving information from network devices.

This is the first theoretical article in a series of articles devoted to the collection, accounting, management and billing of traffic and IT resources.

Internet access structure

V general case, the network access structure is as follows:
  • External resources - the Internet, with all sites, servers, addresses and other things that do not belong to the network that you control.
  • An access device is a router (hardware or PC-based), switch, VPN server, or hub.
  • Internal resources - a set of computers, subnets, subscribers whose work in the network must be taken into account or controlled.
  • A control or accounting server is a device on which specialized software runs. It can be functionally combined with a software router.
In this structure, network traffic passes from external resources to internal, and back, through an access device. It sends traffic information to the management server. The control server processes this information, stores it in the database, displays it, issues commands for blocking. However, not all combinations of access devices (methods), and collection and control methods are compatible. O different options and will be discussed below.

Network traffic

First, you need to determine what is meant by "network traffic", and what useful statistical information can be extracted from the stream of user data.
Dominant protocol internetworking while IP version 4 remains. The IP protocol complies with the 3rd layer of the OSI model (L3). Information (data) between the sender and the receiver is packed into packets - with a header and a "payload". The header determines where the packet comes from and where (the source and destination IP addresses), the size of the packet, and the type of payload. The main part network traffic make up packets with a UDP and TCP payload - these are Layer 4 (L4) protocols. In addition to addresses, the header of these two protocols contains port numbers that determine the type of service (application) that transfers data.

To transmit an IP packet over wire (or radio) network devices are forced to "wrap" (encapsulate) it in a protocol packet of the 2nd layer (L2). The most common of this type is Ethernet. The actual transmission "to the wire" is at the 1st level. Usually, the access device (router) does not analyze packet headers at a level higher than 4th (except for smart firewalls).
Information from the fields of addresses, ports, protocols and length counters from L3 and L4 headers of data packets constitutes the "source material" that is used in accounting and traffic management. Volume itself transmitted information found in the Length field of the IP header (including the length of the header itself). By the way, due to packet fragmentation due to the MTU mechanism, the total amount of transmitted data is always more size payload.

The total length of the IP and TCP / UDP fields of the packet of interest to us in this context is 2 ... 10% of the total packet length. If you process and store all this information in batches, there won't be enough resources. Fortunately, the vast majority of traffic is structured in such a way that it consists of a set of "conversations" between external and internal network devices, the so-called "flows". For example, within one transfer operation email (SMTP protocol) a TCP session is opened between the client and the server. It is characterized by a constant set of parameters (Source IP, Source TCP Port, Destination TCP Port, Destination TCP Port)... Instead of processing and storing information in batches, it is much more convenient to store stream parameters (addresses and ports), as well as Additional information- the number and sum of the lengths of the transmitted packets in each direction, optional session duration, indices of the router interfaces, the value of the ToS field, and so on. This approach is beneficial for connection-oriented protocols (TCP), where you can explicitly intercept when the session ends. However, even for non-session-oriented protocols, it is possible to perform aggregation and logical completion of the stream recording by, for example, a timeout. Below is an excerpt from the SQL database of its own billing system that logs information about traffic flows:

It should be noted the case when the access device performs address translation (NAT, masquerading) to organize Internet access for computers local network using a single, external, public IP address. In this case, a special mechanism substitutes IP addresses and TCP / UDP ports of traffic packets, replacing internal (not routable on the Internet) addresses according to its dynamic translation table. In such a configuration, it must be remembered that for the correct accounting of data on the internal hosts of the network, the statistics should be taken in a way and in the place where the translation result does not yet "depersonalize" internal addresses.

Methods for collecting traffic / statistics information

It is possible to capture and process information about passing traffic directly on the access device itself (PC-router, VPN-server), from this device transmitting it to a separate server (NetFlow, SNMP), or "from the wire" (tap, SPAN). Let's analyze all the options in order.
PC router
Consider simplest case- an access device (router) based on a PC with OS Linux.

How to set up such a server, address translation and routing, written a lot... We are interested in the next logical step - information on how to obtain information about the traffic passing through such a server. There are three common ways:

  • interception (copying) of packets passing through the server's network card using the libpcap library
  • interception of packets passing through the built-in firewall
  • usage third party funds converting per-packet statistics (obtained by one of the two previous methods) into a stream of aggregated information netflow

In the first case, a copy of the packet passing through the interface, after passing the filter (man pcap-filter), can be requested by a client program on the server written using this library. The packet comes with a Layer 2 header (Ethernet). It is possible to limit the length of the captured information (if we are only interested in the information from its header). Examples of such programs are tcpdump and Wireshark. There is a libpcap implementation for Windows. In the case of using address translation on a PC router, such interception can be carried out only on its internal interface connected to local users... On the external interface, after translation, the IP packets do not contain information about the internal hosts of the network. However, with this method, it is impossible to take into account the traffic generated by the server itself on the Internet (which is important if it runs web or Post service).

Libpcap requires external support operating system, which currently boils down to installing a single library. In this case, the application (user) program that collects packages must:

  • open the required interface
  • specify the filter through which to pass accepted packages, the size of the captured part (snaplen), the size of the buffer,
  • set the promisc parameter, which switches the network interface to the mode of capturing all packets passing by in general, and not only those addressed to the MAC address of this interface
  • set a function (callback) called for each received packet.

When a packet is transmitted through the selected interface, after passing the filter, this function receives a buffer containing Ethernet, (VLAN), IP, etc. headers up to snaplen. Since the libcap library copies packages, it is not possible to block them from passing through it. In this case, the program for collecting and processing traffic will have to use alternative methods, for example, calling a script to put the specified IP address in the traffic blocking rule.


Capturing data passing through the firewall allows you to take into account both the traffic of the server itself and the traffic of network users, even when address translation is running. The main thing in this case is to correctly formulate the capture rule, and put it in Right place... This rule activates the transmission of a packet to the side system library from where the traffic accounting application can get it. For Linux OS, iptables is used as the firewall, and the interceptors are ipq, netfliter_queue, or ulog. For FreeBSD OC - ipfw with tee or divert rules. In any case, the firewall mechanism is complemented by the ability to work with a user program in the following way:
  • User program - the traffic handler registers itself with the system using a system call, or a library.
  • A user program or external script installs a rule in the firewall that “wraps” the selected traffic (according to the rule) inside the handler.
  • For each passing packet, the handler receives its contents in the form of a memory buffer (with IP headers, etc. After processing (accounting), the program must also tell the operating system kernel what to do next with such a packet - to discard or transfer it further. pass the modified package to the kernel.

Since the IP packet is not copied, but forwarded to the analysis software, it becomes possible to "throw" it, and therefore, full or partial traffic limitation. of a certain type(for example, to the selected local network subscriber). However, if the application stops responding to the kernel about its decision (hangs, for example), traffic through the server is simply blocked.
It should be noted that the described mechanisms, with significant volumes of transmitted traffic, create an excessive load on the server, which is associated with the constant copying of data from the core to user program... This drawback is deprived of the method of collecting statistics at the OS kernel level, with the issuance of application program aggregated statistics over the NetFlow protocol.

This protocol was developed by Cisco Systems to export traffic information from routers for traffic accounting and analysis. The most popular version 5 now provides the recipient with a structured data stream in the form of UDP packets containing information about the passed traffic in the form of so-called flow records:

The amount of information about traffic is several orders of magnitude less than the traffic itself, which is especially important in large and distributed networks. Of course, it is impossible to block the transfer of information when collecting statistics on netflow (unless additional mechanisms are used).
Is now becoming popular further development of this protocol is version 9, based on the flow record template structure, implementation for devices from other manufacturers (sFlow). Recently, the IPFIX standard has been adopted, which allows statistics to be transmitted over protocols of deeper layers (for example, by the type of application).
The implementation of netflow sources (agents, probe) is available for PC routers, both in the form of utilities working according to the mechanisms described above (flowprobe, softflowd), and directly built into the OS kernel (FreeBSD: ng_netgraph, Linux :). For software routers flow netflow statistics can be received and processed locally on the router itself, or sent over the network (transmission protocol - over UDP) to the receiving device (collector).

The collector program can collect information from many sources at once, being able to distinguish their traffic even with overlapping address spaces. With help additional funds, such as nprobe, it is also possible to carry out additional data aggregation, bifurcation of streams or protocol conversion, which is important when managing a large and distributed network with dozens of routers.

The netflow export functions are supported by Cisco Systems, Mikrotik, and several others. Similar functionality (with other export protocols) is supported by all major manufacturers network equipment.

Libpcap "outside"
Let's complicate the task a little. What if your access device is a third-party hardware router? For example, D-Link, ASUS, Trendnet, etc. It is most likely impossible to put an additional software tool data retrieval. Alternatively, you have a smart access device, but it is not possible to configure it (there are no rights, or it is controlled by your provider). In this case, you can collect traffic information directly at the interface of the access device with internal network using the "hardware" means of copying packets. In this case, you will certainly need a separate standing server with a dedicated network card for receiving copies of Ethernet packets.
The server must use the mechanism for collecting packets using the libpcap method described above, and our task is to send a data stream to the input of a dedicated network card that is identical to the one leaving the access server. To do this, you can use:
  • Ethernet - hub: a device that simply forwards packets between all of its ports indiscriminately. In modern realities, it can be found somewhere in a dusty warehouse, and it is not recommended to use this method: unreliable, low speed(there are no hubs at 1 Gbps)
  • Ethernet is a switch with the ability to mirror (mirroring, SPAN ports. Modern smart (and expensive) switches allow copying all traffic (incoming, outgoing, both) of the other to a specified port) physical interface, VLAN, including remote (RSPAN)
  • Hardware splitter, which may require installation to collect two network cards instead of one - and this is in addition to the main, system.

Naturally, you can configure the SPAN port on the access device itself (router), if it allows it - Cisco Catalyst 6500, Cisco ASA. Here is an example of such a configuration for a Cisco switch:
monitor session 1 source vlan 100! where do we get the packages
monitor session 1 destination interface Gi6 / 3! where do we issue packages

What if there is no router under our control, there is no desire to communicate with netflow, we are not interested in the details of our users' traffic. They are simply connected to the network via managed switch, and we just need to roughly estimate the amount of traffic going to each of its ports. As you know, network devices with the ability remote control support, and can display the counters of packets (bytes) passing through network interfaces... To poll them, it would be correct to use the standardized SNMP remote management protocol. Using it, you can simply get not only the values ​​of the specified counters, but also other parameters, such as the name and description of the interface, the MAC addresses visible through it, and other useful information... This is done as utilities command line(snmpwalk), graphical SNMP browsers, and more complex programs network monitoring (rrdtools, cacti, zabbix, whats up gold, etc.). However, this method has two significant disadvantages:
  • traffic blocking can only be done by complete shutdown interface using the same SNMP
  • SNMP traffic counters refer to the sum of the lengths of Ethernet packets (unicast, broadcast and multicast separately), while the rest of the previously described means give values ​​relative to IP packets. This creates a noticeable discrepancy (especially on short packets) due to the overhead caused by the length of the Ethernet header (however, this can be roughly dealt with: L3_bytes = L2_bytes - L2_packets * 38).
Separately, it is worth considering the case of user access to the network by explicitly establishing a connection to the access server. A classic example is the good old dial-up, the analogue of which in modern world are VPN services remote access(PPTP, PPPoE, L2TP, OpenVPN, IPSEC)

The access device not only routes the user's IP traffic, but also acts as a dedicated VPN server and terminates logical tunnels (often encrypted) within which user traffic is transmitted.
To account for such traffic, you can use all the means described above (and for in-depth analysis by ports / protocols they fit well), and complementary mechanisms which provide VPN access controls. First of all it will be about the RADIUS protocol. His work is a rather complex topic. We will briefly mention that the control (authorization) of access to the VPN server (RADIUS client) is controlled by special application(RADIUS server), which has a base ( text file, SQL, Active Directory) valid users with their attributes (connection speed limits, assigned IP addresses). In addition to the authorization process, the client periodically transmits accounting messages to the server, information about the status of each current running VPN session, including the counters of transmitted bytes and packets.


Let's summarize all the above methods of collecting traffic information together:

Let's summarize a little. In practice, there is a large number of methods of connecting the network you manage (with clients or office subscribers) to an external network infrastructure, using a number of access means - software and hardware routers, switches, VPN servers. However, in almost any case, you can come up with a scheme when information about the traffic transmitted over the network can be sent to software or hardware its analysis and management. It is also possible that this tool will allow you to carry out feedback with an access device, applying intelligent algorithms for limiting access for individual clients, protocols and more.
This concludes the analysis of the materiel. Of the unanswered topics remained:

  • how and where the collected traffic data goes
  • traffic accounting software
  • what is the difference between billing and a simple "counting room"
  • how you can impose traffic restrictions
  • accounting and limiting visited websites

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These are programs that allow you to track active connections on all network interfaces.

Modern tools for detailed and detailed traffic monitoring, as a rule:

  • are fairly affordable;
  • allow you to limit the speed separately for each connection;
  • give a clear picture of what files and programs are loading the network and what speed they need to have;
  • allow you to determine the sources of the highest traffic consumption.

The program will help you determine your own priorities when using the network.

Today there are many similar utilities for monitoring and planning traffic consumption.


This is a program for monitoring Internet traffic both in a local network (monitors the Internet activity of several clients at once) and personal computer using a modem connection. Accounting and statistics of work on the Internet will be displayed in the form of graphs bandwidth... They show the amount of outgoing, incoming and total traffic.

The program can be configured for almost any tariff plan, which is based on the set volume, takes into account the time of day and connection time. CommTraffic Utility is equipped with:

  • convenient indication;
  • accurate calculation of costs;
  • the ability to notify when overruns.

Moreover, it is simple and convenient to use. Once you set a traffic and time limit that matches your tariff plan, you will receive notifications sound signal or message to specified address when approaching the established limits.

Internet traffic control software Network Meter

Collection application network information that allows you to monitor all network adapters installed in the system. Also provides detailed statistics about outgoing and incoming traffic. First, configure the downloaded program on first launch. To do this, specify what data you want to see in the main window, and the adapters that Network Meter will "track".

Minimize the utility window to the notification bar so that it does not take up space on your desktop. Even in this state, the application continues to background my job.

The program will plot consumption intensity graphs in real time network connection... She's not overwhelmed unnecessary elements interface and settings. Graphical shell utilities are clear and simple. Also with its help you can see:

  • Internet session duration, MAC addresses and IP;
  • connection type;
  • maximum cable throughput.

By downloading Network Meter, you get a fairly compact, simple and free tool... Great for monitoring traffic and viewing information about network equipment.

Internet traffic counter Simbad Traffic Counter

The utility keeps a record of incoming and outgoing traffic, and also calculates, according to the tariff of your Internet provider, its cost. The consumed traffic is displayed in various quantities (gigabytes, megabytes, kilobytes). In addition, the app keeps statistics. It will automatically detect the modem connection, display the time spent on the Internet. This program for monitoring Internet traffic practically does not consume system resources and has small size... Supported work with large quantity protocols.

Net Activity Diagram app

Traffic and speed control software Internet Net Activity Diagram monitors Internet and computer network activity.


  • tracking all established connections;
  • output of various warnings in the form of a message;
  • traffic analysis for specified time periods.

Display of the current network activity produced in separate window, and on the taskbar. In addition, the Net Activity Diagram service tracks statistics independently for each port and provides the ability to monitor each type of traffic separately.

The programs are quite flexible. It informs the user in cases of exceeding or approaching the set limits.

Traffic accounting using Internet Connection Counter

This program for monitoring Internet traffic will allow you to take into account the cost and time spent on the Internet, the total amount of traffic consumed. Supports different types connections: Dial-Up, ADSL, LAN, GPRS, etc.

With this utility, the user can:

  • use several tariffs of the Internet provider at the same time;
  • get acquainted with the statistics on the traffic used;
  • tune appearance applications.

In addition, the application will show all active connections, sync system clock and exports to Excel format report.

Traffic saving software

HandyCache will allow you to substantially (3-4 times) using caching. The next time you visit the site, the application will help you not to download it from the Internet. In addition, you can view these sites without an Internet connection, offline.

To get started, you need to install HandyCache and specify it in the browser as a proxy server. After that, all browsers installed on you will use the HandyCache cache. The default settings of this application are suitable for users in most cases.

The utility is equipped with flexible settings to manage the most different parameters... Can load files from cache depending on HandyCache file type or URL. And if necessary, it will download files from the Internet in the event of a constant update of the version. Before that, the program will check their version and only then make a decision about accessing the download source.

The utility is convenient in that to search for any previously used data, you do not need to find them again. Just look in the cache for a folder with the same name as the site name. Besides, this Internet traffic control program for Android is ideal.

Clear and accurate accounting of money

And also time and traffic can be done using StatistXP application. The program for monitoring Internet traffic will allow you to use the network comfortably and economically. There are 10 launches for the trial period. And for further use, the utility is equipped with a prepaid and internet card option.

The program implements:

  • notification when connecting and disconnecting by voice;
  • tracking of time, money and traffic with statistics of connections by months and years;
  • there is a detailed help.

BitMeter II - a program for monitoring Internet traffic

This utility is a traffic counter. In addition, it is equipped with a wide range tools for collecting and monitoring network connections.

In the main application window, you can see a graph of outgoing and incoming traffic in real time. There is a special calculator for quickly calculating the time spent on downloading.

The application supports setting warnings about exceeding the maximum traffic limit and Internet connection time.

Some features of the program:

  • Configurable settings and alerts when speed drops to set level or when loading a certain amount of data.
  • Downloads and downloads are monitored and registered. This will allow you to see how much traffic is used during a specified time.
  • On-screen stopwatch.
  • Successful help file.
  • Convenient customizable appearance.
  • The ability to selectively monitor network cards.

There are a lot of programs for recording traffic in a local network: both paid and free, which differ greatly in functionality. One of the most popular Open source programs - SAMS. She works for Linux platform with Squid.

SAMS requires PHP5, we will use Ubuntu Server 14.04. We need Squid, Apache2, PHP5 packages with modules.

Accounting for Internet traffic in the linux local network

Let's try to figure out how it works.

Squid distributes the Internet, accepting requests on port 3128. At the same time, it writes a detailed log to access.log. All management is done through the squid.conf file. Squid has extensive Internet access control capabilities: access control by address, bandwidth control for specific addresses, groups of addresses and networks.

SAMS works by analyzing the logs of the Squid proxy server. The system of traffic accounting in the local network monitors the statistics of the proxy server, and in accordance with the specified policies, makes a decision on blocking, unblocking or limiting the speed for the Squid client.

Installing SAMS

Install packages.

apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql mysql-server php5-gd squid3

Download and install SAMS



cd sams2-deb-master /

dpkg -i sams2_2.0.0-1.1_amd64.deb

Installing the web interface

dpkg -i apache2 / sams2-web_2.0.0-1.1_all.deb

Modify the /etc/sams2.conf file.

DB_PASSWORD = / Password for MySql /

Launch SAMS

service sams2 start

Configuring Squid

Modifying the /etc/squid3/squid.conf file

cache_dir ufs / var / spool / squid3 2048 16 256

We enable logging and rotation of logs with storage for 31 days.

access_log daemon: /var/log/squid3/access.log squid

logfile_rotate 31

Stop Squid, create cache.

service squid3 stop

service squid3 start

For the purity of the experiment, we configure one of the browsers to work with the proxy through port 3128. After trying to connect, we get a connection refusal - Squid has no proxy access rights configured.

SAMS initial setup

In another browser, open the address ( is the server address).

He will tell us that he cannot connect to the database and will offer to complete the installation.

We indicate the database server (, login and password from MySql.

The initial setup of the traffic accounting system is completed. All that remains is to configure the program.

Traffic monitoring in the local network

Log in to the system as an administrator (admin / qwerty).

It is worth mentioning right away about user authorization.

In the Squid branch, open a proxy server and click the "Proxy server settings" button below.

The most important thing here is to specify your IP address in the addresses of folders and files, where necessary, otherwise the proxy server will not start.

The essence of all changes in SAMS settings in that they are written in squid.conf. Sams2deamon is running in the background, which monitors changes in settings that require making a config file(you can also set the tracking interval there).

Fill in the field "User" and "IP address". We will take the same IP as the username (IP of the computer, not the server!). In the field "Allowed traffic" enter "0", that is, without restrictions. All other fields are omitted.

A new acl will be added for this IP address and permission to work through Squid. If the config was not changed automatically, go to the proxy branch and click the "Reconfigure Squid" button. Changes to the config will be made manually.

We try to open any URL in the browser. We check the access.log and see the requests processed by the proxy. To check the operation of SAMS, open the "Users" page, below we press the "Recalculate user traffic" button.

Using the buttons below for managing statistics, you can get detailed information according to the statistics of user visits to pages.

Hello blog site readers! Many users think about the fact that the computer has own counter Internet traffic, or you can call it another way - Internet traffic control, which could show how much traffic you spend. The Internet has long been available in all parts of the planet, but not everyone has unlimited access so far.

Users who are content with limited Internet traffic are always amazed at how quickly the existing limit goes. Basically, nothing surprising: many users have a large number of programs installed on their computers that are updated in.

Users do not even notice how they watch another video on and exchange files with their colleagues or comrades.

Don't be intimidated: this problem is easily solvable. There is a specialized program for accounting and control of traffic - Networx. It is she who will "tell" you that stop surfing the Internet and it's time to remember your limit, which is not endless.

On the site you can download setup file programs and Portable version... In this article we will analyze installation version programs.

To download the program, go down to the bottom of the page and click on the "Download NetWorx installer" button. We are waiting for the download of the program.

Installation Networx

Run the file you just downloaded. Click "Next".

We agree with the license of the program, put a tick “I accept the agreement” and click “Next”.

In the next window, leave the default installation path. Click "Next".

Click "Next" again.

In the next window, you can leave or remove the "Desk Band" - an add-on that visually shows traffic in real time. For those who are disturbed by unnecessary icons on the control panel, it is better to disable it.

In my case, I uncheck the "Install an optional NetWorx Desk Band extensional (as show below)" checkbox. Click "Next".

Click "Install".

The installation of the program is complete. Click "Finish".

Immediately after installing the program, a window with settings will start. Select the Russian language (Russian) and click "Next".

Choosing an Internet connection: you need to choose through which network adapter there is an Internet connection. Click "Forward".

Click "Finish".

Now you will have a program icon similar to a diagram in your system tray.

Double-click the left mouse button to click on the diagram. This will open the main window.

As we can see, the program has a pleasant and intuitive Russian interface. And, importantly, the program counts traffic quite accurately. With the help of it, you can receive reports of Internet traffic: both daily and weekly, as well as monthly.

The program makes it possible to open / save the results in Excel, as well as in the form of visual graphs.

NetWorx is not only a great program to see the accounting of Internet traffic, it also contains interesting moment in the form of a quota setting.

This means that the program can be configured in such a way that when the traffic runs out, the program will automatically notify you about it.

How to set up a quota

For clarity, it is worth examining the process of setting a quota. To do this, click right click mouse on the icon and select "Quota ...".

In my case, the quota has already been configured: I set a limit of 50 megabytes, and when the traffic is used within 85% of 50 megabytes, a message will appear on the screen stating that the quota is coming to an end.

With the help of this message, we will be notified when we should limit ourselves to using the Internet in order to avoid monetary losses!

Did you think that I will not show the settings? Of course I will show you: we press the button "Configure ...".

The program has a speed measurement function with which you can measure incoming / outgoing traffic. To start measuring, click on the green triangle.

I recommend this program to all users with limited Internet access. With it, you can control your traffic in any direction: both inbound and outbound.

For a number of reasons, I installed the program on Windows XP. But whoever has Windows 7 installed should not worry, as this program works stably and flawlessly on any system.

See you soon, dear friends!

Hello friends! Write about how to monitor traffic I was going right after I wrote the article ““, but somehow I forgot. Now I remembered and will tell you about how to track how much traffic you spend, and we will do this with the help of free software NetWorx.

You know, when the unlimited Internet is connected, then you don't really need to monitor the traffic, except for the sake of interest. Yes, now all city grids are usually unlimited, which cannot yet be said about 3G Internet, whose rates are usually off scale.

All this summer I have been using CDMA Internet from Intertelecom, and I know all these nuances with traffic and tariffs firsthand. I already wrote about how to set up and improve the Internet from Intertelecom, read and. So, their "unlimited" tariff costs 150 hryvnia per month. As you can see, I put the word unlimited in quotes, why? Yes, because there is a speed limit, though only in the daytime, but there is nothing to be happy about, the speed there is simply awful, it is better to use GPRS.

The most normal tariff is 5 hryvnia per day upon connection, that is, if you don't connect today, you don't pay. But this is not unlimited, it is 1000 megabytes per day, until 12 o'clock at night. I have this tariff now, but even though the speed is decent, the real average speed is 200 Kbps. But 1000 MB per day is not very much at such a speed, so in this case it is simply necessary to control the traffic. Moreover, after using this 1000 MB, the cost of one megabyte is 10 kopecks, which is not a little.

Even as soon as I connected this Internet, I started looking for a pretty program that would control my Internet traffic and I could set a warning when the limit was spent. And I found it, of course, not right away, after trying a couple of pieces I came across the NetWorx program. Which we will continue to talk about.

Traffic will be monitored by NetWorx

Now I will tell you where to get the program and how to set it up.

1. Whatever you are looking for a program, I have uploaded it to my hosting, therefore.

2. Run the downloaded file and install the program, I will not describe the installation process, I wrote about it in.

3. If after installation the program did not start itself, then launch it with a shortcut on the desktop or in the start menu.

4. That's it, the program already counts your Internet traffic, it hides in the tray and works quietly there. Working window the program looks like this:

As you can see, the program displays Internet traffic for the current day and for the entire time, starting from the time you installed the program, you can see how much I burned :). In fact, the program does not need any settings. I will just tell you how to set a quota in NetWorx, that is, traffic limits and how to make sure that the activity of incoming and outgoing Internet traffic is displayed in the tray icon.

5. Let's now make it so that the Internet traffic activity is displayed in the tray.

Right-click on the program icon in the tray and select "Settings"

On the “Chart” tab, set it as I did in the screenshot, click “Ok” and “Apply”. Now the NetWorx icon in the tray will display the activity of the Internet connection.

6. And the last item in setting up this program will be setting the quota. For example, Intertelecom gives me only 1000 MB per day, so that I would not spend more than this rate, I configured the program so that when I spend 80% of my traffic, it would warn me.

Right-click on the program icon in the tray and select "Quota".

You see, today I have used up my limit by 53%, below there is a field where you can specify at what percentage to report that the traffic ends. Let's click on the Configure button and set up a quota.

Everything is very simple here, first we set what kind of quota you have, for example I have a daily one, then we set the traffic, I selected all traffic, that is, incoming and outgoing. We expose "Hours" and "Units", I have megabytes. And of course, do not forget to indicate the size of the quota, I have 1000 megabytes. Click "Ok" and that's it, our quota is configured.

That's it, the program is fully configured and ready to count your traffic. It will be launched together with the computer, and you just have to sometimes look in and watch for interest how much traffic you have already burned. Good luck!

More on the site:

NetWorx: How to Monitor Internet Traffic updated: August 17, 2012 by the author: admin

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