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Tricolor card firmware for all packages. Access card DRE encoding, what is it all about? Where can I get new firmware


I think that everyone is already aware that Tricolor TV is a place for freebies ... free opportunity watch almost all channels.

And so ... the topic is relevant and therefore I have collected all the possibilities about this topic. Let's start with a plugin that solves a lot of questions...

First option…


WE INSTALL AS A USUAL PLUG THROUGH A FLASH DRIVE. Before installation, you need to stop all plugins.
Uploading the attached file keydata to the keys folder and run the plugin.

plugin.rar .... pick up:

keydata.rar .... pick up:

Path for keys \plugin\var\tuxbox\config
e36.bin or e56.bin

However… Tricolor TV now works on oscam and vicard, but every day you need to change the keys for them….

The second option...

Tricolor without an access card? Does it happen?

Yes, sometimes …
First you need to install the emulator oscam(if it has not been installed before). To emulate the encoding DRE (Tricolor) developed special version oscam emulator.

Here is the assembly of the oscam, It updates the keys itself.…. pick up:
Install from flash drive. After reboot, install DRE, then run au off au again au, and only then oscamdre on .... fresh keys.

Specifically on this topic...

Third option

Gold Wafer Cards…(Very good for Dreambox)

The card contains a peak controller chip such as PIC16F84 and an EEPROM memory chip such as 24C16.
In fact, they are exactly the same cards.

A firmware for this card appeared in the public, which emulates the official tricolor card of the 13th series.

It opens the same as the oscam_dre emulator, but the card has AU (auto-update), i.e. no need to update the ee.bin key file every week.

In addition, the card can be used in those tuners that do not have an emulator.

Already specific...

Yes! Remains eternal question… but will Tricolor TV be free for a long time?

HD channels of Tricolor TV are available again via modules.

So, the essence of the issue is as follows - both in the recommended receivers for viewing Maximum HD channels, and in the now non-recommended DRE NKE MPEG-4 CAM modules, a common NKE-1 chip from Neotion is used.

This chip allows decoding pay channels that use DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding when joint work with the required access card. That is, in all equipment that was previously used to open HD channels, the same circuit design is used.

This omission further allowed us to disassemble the commands responsible for participating in channel decoding and apply them in software for CAM modules, But more on that later. And here a natural question arises - why on the same equipment still you can watch channels, but not on the other? The NKE-1 chip standardly uses external memory, which can be loaded with instructions that it uses to work, and in general, thanks to this, it is possible to change the functioning algorithm, so to speak, use overcrypt. As a result, initially CAM modules were not supplied with all instructions for DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding.

And for the recommended receivers, in the absence of such instructions in them, an update was made software via satellite. Thus, the Tricolor TV operator deliberately refused to update the software of its CAM modules that support such an opportunity, and called them simply in short - non-recommended equipment.

How did you manage to find a solution to this problem?

Since Tricolor TV after free testing own HD channels included in the Maximum HD package ( Tricolor Full HD), did not encounter significant problems on CAM modules, and later implemented this solution in its recommended receiver models without significant changes in circuitry. Accordingly, the commands used to decode TV channels in the new modification of the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding can be used both on DRE NKE MPEG-4 CAM modules and on recommended receivers. As a result, after some manipulations with the internal software (dumps) for CAM modules, their new modification from craftsmen.

How can I modify the software of the CAM module?

At present, memory dumps for CAM modules of versions 4010 and 4020 are posted, which were once sold together with Tricolor TV access cards - 23 and 24 series. To change the software, you need to carefully open the module case, remove the board from it, use a hot air gun to remove the flash memory chip - Atmel AT25DF161, flash it with a new dump on the programmer and, after installing it on the board, assemble everything in reverse order. Memory dumps for DRE NKE MPEG-4 CAM modules can already be found on many specialized Internet resources involved in the discussion of this issue. If you cannot do these manipulations, then you can look for a specialist who will provide assistance or change your module to an already modified one, simply paying the difference for the work.

What else is needed to watch HD channels, except for a modified module?

Tricolor TV access cards 23 and 24, sold together with the CAM module, had limited subscriptions to the services provided by the operator. That is, they initially did not plan to work with a separate subscription to HD TV channels. This could have been established a long time ago, when users of such cards tried to officially subscribe to the Maximum HD TV channel package, but the operator by the DRE ID number of the card immediately wrapped all these attempts and they simply ended in failure. After finishing test broadcast channels in high definition, Tricolor TV instantly changed the subscription class for viewing them, and all cards from CAM modules simply cannot open them anymore, even if such cards are used in receivers recommended by the operator.

How can I solve the issue with the HD channel subscription class on the access card?

Now, this problem can be solved quite simply - the most inexpensive, but recommended Tricolor TV is purchased satellite receiver together with an access card to view the Maximum HD package. For example, you can stop at the GS 8305 model, and it doesn’t matter that this receiver has negative reviews for work. After which it is made official registration equipment with the activation of the access card, which is subsequently removed from the receiver and it is removed to a safe place of storage. Further, such an access card is installed in a modified CAM access module and used on your favorite satellite receiver.

That is, smart cards that were sold with modules will no longer open HD channels?

As already mentioned above, such access cards of 23 or 24 series simply do not have a subscription class for viewing the Maximum HD package, therefore, without certain tricks this question it won't be possible to fix it. Over time, when the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding algorithm is studied, it is possible that the commands responsible for working with subscription classes will be revealed, as a result of which it will be possible to modify the recorded data on the card. Also, there is another option - since smart cards are the property of the operator, while based on the fact that he did not have any cards of the 13th series and those that were sold together with CAM DRE modules NKE MPEG-4, then if it fails, it can replace it with a modern version.

What else can Tricolor TV operator do?

Since the DRE-Crypt 3.0/ADEC encoding has not yet been fully studied and disclosed, the operator may continue to use its hidden modifications in the future. As a result, for the recommended receivers - this will simply end standard update satellite software, after which they will continue to open HD TV channels, as if nothing had happened before. For CAM modules, you will need to edit the memory dump and then flash them to manual mode. This operation will help facilitate a special interface that will allow you to reflash modules without disassembling them and removing the flash memory chip, and searches are now being made in this direction. And we should not forget that even a magician once runs out of hidden "cards" in his sleeve. So Tricolor TV, after opening all its existing "cards", will simply be left with nothing.

To enjoy watching TV in peace and not worry about possible problems, you should use only the most modern, the best equipment. But progress is developing at such a rapid pace that even recently acquired equipment almost immediately begins to lag behind existing requirements. Therefore, in order not to spend extra money on the purchase of new devices, you should simply update the software of old ones in a timely manner. An excellent option for keeping receivers up to date is the Tricolor gs 8306 firmware. But it should be remembered that professionals are required to update the software, since any mistake can make the receiver inoperative.

Any update has several important goals:

  1. removal of existing errors and the fight against existing system failures;
  2. introduction of a more convenient, functional and friendly interface;
  3. connection additional options and services;
  4. reconfiguration of equipment for correct operation programs;
  5. keeping equipment up to date.

At the same time, in 2019, the firmware takes place both at the request of the user and at the initiative of the television company.

You can find out about the possibility of updating the receiver on the official website of the provider or from information message on the TV screen. Other sources of information are also possible, since you can learn about software development from news on various sites, conversations with friends, and recommendations from masters.

GS 7300 firmware for free viewing Tricolor

For those who have already decided to reflash the receiver on their own for free viewing And good reception signals, you should choose one of the currently existing options:

  • installing the program using a bootable flash card;
  • automatic update of the receiver.

It should be remembered that, regardless of the option chosen, users must be careful and careful not to end up in an unpleasant situation.

A sudden interrupted update or incorrect, thoughtless actions will lead to equipment breakdown and loss of the right to warranty service. It will be almost impossible to fix the breakdown, and the repair costs will be close to the cost of a new receiver.

Gi hd mini firmware for Tricolor without card 2019

To update the receiver software without a card and worries. Download suitable program. It can be found on many third-party sites that offer users various programs and drivers. If the program is already ready, it will remain:

  1. format the flash card by installing a file FAT system 32;
  2. transfer the program to it (it is unacceptable to change the name of the file, it is necessary);
  3. insert a flash drive into a USB port;
  4. turn the receiver on and off;
  5. after switching on, the automatic update process will begin;
  6. you need to wait for the end of the process;
  7. and configure by specifying the basic parameters for using the device
  8. reboot receiver.

This completes the procedure and you can start using the updated technology.

It should be noted that it is impossible to cancel the firmware, so you need to be extremely careful when downloading the program, since the quality of the equipment depends on it.

Firmware for GS 8306 Tricolor

If it seems difficult to find an update on third-party resources, and you can’t get into the official firmware site created specifically for Tricolor, you should wait until the system decides to update itself. For this you will need:

  • disconnect the receiver from the network;
  • turn on the receiver again;
  • turn on information channel provider
  • wait for the question about updating the software;
  • agree with the installation;
  • wait for the process to complete;
  • set up the equipment.

Please note that it is unacceptable to turn off the device during installation, as this will lead to irreparable malfunctions. The result of an interrupted download will be the absence of any work program that would allow the device to be used.

Additionally, it should be noted that if there is no system message (about the start of the update) within 5 minutes after switching on, you should reset the settings to the factory settings and repeat the process.

How to flash a Tricolor card for free viewing

Despite the simplicity of the process, it is better to entrust the firmware to professionals so as not to end up in a situation where the desired freebie turns into unexpected additional costs. But if accepted firm decision to update yourself, you need to pay attention to the correctness of the chosen program, since different brands receivers requires the use of different drivers.

Additionally, it should be mentioned that there is a third configuration option that involves using a computer. But it requires acquisition special cable, which allows you to connect a PC to a receiver, so it’s better not to overpay and immediately turn to specialists who guarantee a high-quality result.

Receivers for satellite TV regularly need flashing - software updates. This procedure helps to get rid of the most common errors, and also allows the device to communicate with the satellite and accept new operator functions. In addition, it is possible to flash the Tricolor receiver for free viewing of encrypted channels. Let's talk about how to independently update the firmware of the set-top box.

Possible ways to update

You don't have to be a great programmer to change the firmware. Moreover, each Tricolor user has performed such an operation at least once. A banal software update from a satellite that needs to be carried out regularly is nothing more than a flashing of the equipment. But besides this method, accessible to all, there are other possibilities for updating the firmware.

How can I reflash the set-top box?

You can flash the Tricolor gs 8306 receiver, or any other model, as follows:

  • by downloading the firmware from the computer;
  • downloading software from another receiver;
  • bay update via USB flash drive;
  • allowing the set-top box to update itself via the Internet.

Which option to use, each subscriber chooses for himself. For example, if the set-top box is not connected to the Internet, the ability to update via worldwide network is out for her. On the other hand, if one of the user's acquaintances has a receiver tuned to free access to the content or implementation of any useful features, you can copy software from it without overpaying specialists.

Where can I get new firmware?

The operator regularly provides subscribers with access to new software via satellite. We have already described in detail how. But if for some reason the subscriber needs to download to his equipment not the most latest version Software, and one of the old or modernized ones, you will have to look for sources yourself.

Firmware can be downloaded:

  • from the official website of Tricolor;
  • from databases on the Internet;
  • from another receiver.

Firmware installation instructions

Since we already wrote about software updates via satellite, we will analyze in more detail other options for flashing set-top boxes. As a rule, these algorithms are suitable for any equipment models.

How to flash the Tricolor receiver using a computer?

A null modem cable is required to download software to the receiver from a PC. You can buy it at any electronics store. In addition, it is important that the computer has a COM port, since it is through it that the connection will be made. Desktop PCs usually have such a connector, but laptop owners will have to use an adapter from COM to USB.

Before starting work, the set-top box is disconnected from the power supply and the television receiver. Then it is connected to the computer with a null modem cable through the RS232 connector.

Important! You should not connect any equipment to the computer “hot”! The PC must be turned off before connecting.

After connecting, you will need to do the following:

  • download the DRE Burner program (usually in the same place where you downloaded the firmware itself);
  • run the program;
  • in the window that appears, click Open File;
  • select a pre-downloaded file with firmware;
  • click Upload;
  • turn on the receiver.

After turning on the equipment, the program window will begin to display the progress of the software download process in percent. The same information will appear on the scoreboard of the console. There are two process status scales in the program - loading and burning. It is necessary to wait until both of them are filled up to 100%. After that, the equipment can be disconnected from each other - the firmware is finished.

How to flash the Tricolor receiver from another receiver

If the subscriber has a set-top box with a software version that suits him, he can download it to any other set-top box. Naturally, it is desirable that this device belong to the Tricolor operator. You can try to reflash the equipment left by another TV company in this way, but it is unlikely that anyone will undertake to guarantee the success of this enterprise.

Before flashing the Tricolor gs 8306 receiver (or another model that is not equipped with a USB output), as in the previous case, you will need to purchase a null modem cable. With it, you will need to connect two consoles. In this case, the one that serves as the source of the firmware must be connected to the TV.

  • turn on the source prefix;
  • go to the menu and select "Settings";
  • enter a pin code (0000 or custom);
  • select the "Data transfer" section;
  • press the blue key on the remote control;
  • wait until the data transmission scale is filled and the inscription “Waiting for remote connection” appears.

Important! Only at this moment it is necessary to turn on the receiver, on which the new firmware will be loaded!

Next, a software download bar will appear on the TV screen. It is necessary to wait until it is filled to 100%, and a dialog box appears on the screen asking you to repeat the transfer. Here important point– when the window appears, you need to pay attention to the displays of the receivers. After downloading the software, it begins to be written to the memory of the updated set-top box. This process is not displayed on the TV, its indicator is displayed on the display of the set-top box. You should wait until the value of this indicator reaches 100%. After that, the flashed set-top box will automatically reboot, and the clock will be displayed on its screen. Only after that, in the dialog box on the TV screen, you can click the "No" button.

This completes the software update. Devices can be disconnected from each other and used normally.

Flashing via flash drive

An easy way to flash the Tricolor b211 receiver or other models equipped with a USB connector without the hassle of wired connections is to download the software via a USB flash drive. This process is quite simple:

  • FAT-32 flash card is formatted;
  • on a formatted USB flash drive is loaded from a computer new firmware;
  • connect the flash drive to the USB connector of the set-top box;
  • include equipment in the network.

After switching on, the set-top box will determine the source of the new software version and start updating. It is only important to ensure that it is not disconnected from the power supply until the firmware download is completed. Otherwise, the equipment may become unusable.

Important! The progress of the process can be monitored using the messages that appear on the TV screen. At the end of the update, the receiver will reboot itself.

Updating the firmware in this way is only possible for serviceable set-top boxes. If the equipment has already been tried to reflash, but did not get the desired result, it is better to update the software via a wired connection. Also this option impossible if the receiver for some reason does not turn on.

Every viewer would like to use only the best equipment and watch their favorite programs in best quality. But the quality of the broadcast depends not only on the work of the provider and the work of equipment. Equipment owners need to keep the installed software up to date. It is worth remembering that the timely firmware of the Tricolor gs 8306 and other receivers is able to support maximum performance installed equipment and maintain it in working order.

But updating is an extremely important and rather difficult process, which you should not start without confidence in the correctness of your actions. Fans of freebies need to remember that a mistake made will disable the receiver. And then the only way to restore it will be an appeal to the service center. At the same time, it would be pointless to rely on warranty service.

Flashing Tricolor TV for free all channels on the receiver

Those who wish to install a program for unlimited viewing of TV channels should immediately abandon this undertaking, since it will not lead to good results.

The real purpose of flashing receivers is to:

  • keeping the software up to date;
  • getting the opportunity to watch TV in high quality;
  • adding additional options;
  • updating the main interface with a more convenient and functional option;
  • combating failures and errors in the operation of technology.

It must be emphasized that users have the right to independently choose their preferred flashing method between:

  • manual option using a flash card;
  • receiving updated data automatic mode.

Both approaches, if you approach the existing task calmly and thoroughly, will bring a positive result.

Firmware for free viewing Tricolor for GS

For those subscribers who do not want to wait automatic firmware Tricolor from the official site and prefer to do this process on their own, you should start with a search desired program. It is advisable to download files only from the portals of equipment manufacturers or trusted sites, so as not to get low-quality software.

After downloading the required file, you will need:

  1. prepare a flash drive by formatting it and installing it on a card file system FAT32;
  2. write the downloaded program to the prepared memory card;
  3. insert a flash card into the USB port of the receiver;
  4. turn off and turn on the receiver;
  5. wait for the installation of the software to begin;
  6. without interrupting the process, wait for the update to download;
  7. implement initial setup device by selecting the basic parameters;
  8. restart plugin.

If everything is done correctly, the changes will be noticeable the first time you turn on the equipment.

GS 7300 firmware for free viewing Tricolor

A little easier than the approach described above will be the firmware of the equipment in automatic mode. This approach eliminates the need to independently search for software.

To update the receiver, you will need to make sure that the a new version software and:

  1. disable and re-enable the receiver;
  2. switch to the Tricolor information channel;
  3. wait for a message prompting you to update the equipment;
  4. agree to the proposal received;
  5. wait for the process to complete and a message about the successful installation of the software;
  6. set up the equipment and prepare it for work.

That is, to obtain the desired result, the user will only need to agree to the download and specify the basic parameters.

Preparing for a software update

Subscribers should know that putting in order the gi hg mini set-top box and firmware for Tricolor without a card in 2019 does not require special preparation. The main thing is to know that there is a new version of the software.

Much more value to keep the equipment in working condition correct installation ON. It is extremely important to wait for the complete completion of the process that has begun. Interrupting the installation will damage the set-top box, while rolling back the program to previous state will be impossible. The only exit to similar situations will visit service center and repair of equipment by professionals who know how to restore a broken device.

GI s8120 firmware for Tricolor freebie for 2019

The most convenient and simplest way keeping equipment up to date satellite television in 2019 - automatic download satellite updates. For start this process just switch to the information channel of the provider and wait for a message about installing the desired program. After that, it remains to follow the prompts and make sure that the download is not interrupted.

If you don’t want to wait for automatic flashing, you can download necessary files on one's own. But then only the subscriber is responsible for the result.

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