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  • Set the alt and title parameters to the img tag. What are alt and title attributes in WordPress and what are they for? What is Alt Attribute

Set the alt and title parameters to the img tag. What are alt and title attributes in WordPress and what are they for? What is Alt Attribute

To date, images among all web content are given quite a great place. However, not all users optimize them for better ranking of the entire site as a whole. WordPress, among its other features, provides handy tools to add alt text and image title to the appropriate tags. In this article, we will look at the difference between attributes alt/title and their areas of application.

Why is the alt attribute needed in images?

Alternative text or alt is an HTML-attribute added to the image embed tag . This text will be shown if the image for one reason or another is not loaded and displayed on the page. This move provides information search robots about what is shown in the photo. Usually in a tag alt write a short description of the image. In addition, the attribute also serves to improve the accessibility of the site for people with limited vision or for those who use screen readers. The reader program will announce text part page, and when it comes to the image, it will also read the text in alt. Thanks to this, users will always know what is drawn in the picture, even if they do not see it.

How and where to fill alt in WordPress?

WordPress provides some pretty handy tools to populate an attribute. alt. So, it can be specified already when uploading an image. To do this, open a post or page, insert the cursor at the image insertion point and press the button Add media file.

After the button is pressed, a window will open media libraries WordPress, where you will need to specify the local location of the image file. As a result, you will see a sidebar with the parameters of the uploaded file.

As you can see, the panel has a field alt attribute. By default, it is empty. It is necessary to set the text in the attribute with a length of 2-3 words, and they must accurately describe what is in the photo. To insert an image on the site, click the button Insert into post.

Why is the title attribute needed in images?

Title- another attribute HTML-image insertion tag . It is used for the title of the picture and usually refers to the title of the picture. Note also that the text inside title will not be shown to the user if the image is not displayed on the page.

How and where to fill in the title in WordPress?

The attribute is filled after the image is uploaded to the site. For this in media library WordPress should highlight the image, after which the familiar will appear side panel.

Title or the title should be set meaningfully depending on the information presented in the image. At the same time, the text must be different from the attribute alt. The title can be written in Russian or use transliteration. Quite often site owners use it to SEO-optimization by specifying keywords there. You can also set the attribute while on the post or page edit page. To do this, click on the picture, and on the appeared additional panel tools, press the edit button with the image of a pencil. In general, to optimize the site, it is recommended to use both attributes for images. Attribute alt has one advantage - it helps search engines find images on your site and display them in image search results. In doing so, the site receives additional traffic from search engines. Another benefit of both attributes is to improve the site's accessibility for people with special needs.

If we were asked to come up with a phrase to convey the importance of alt text, it would sound like this: a picture without words is like a fire without firewood. What is this text and how does it affect search engine optimization your site?

Alt text is called short description any image. The term comes from the phrase " alternative text". It is not displayed on the site and is not visible to visitors, it is a kind of meta-data hidden from prying eyes. But despite the fact that almost no one reads alt texts, they are very important for two reasons:

    This is useful tool for SEO. Search engines do not recognize images and only respond to words. By adding alt-text to the picture, you make it "noticeable" for Yandex or Google, and as a result, your site starts to rise in the search results.

    They make the site accessible. People with visual impairments use special programs to read when they go online. These programs, like search engines, do not recognize images. Alt-texts help out. They describe the image, and for a person who does not see well, everything becomes clear.

Now that we have understood the importance of alt text, let's figure out what it should be and what to keep in mind when adding it.

    Don't be verbose. When adding alt text, try to keep it within 15 words maximum.

    Write clearly. When you add alt text, you are describing the picture to someone who cannot see it. Make sure that the imaginary reader understands the text correctly and is able to present the image according to its description.

    Consider context. Alt text often depends on the content and subject matter of the resource. Imagine a picture of a happy couple preparing dinner. On a food blog, it will have one meaning, but on a dating site it will have a completely different meaning. That's why alt texts should match the context of the site and the individual page.

    Don't spam. Don't add keywords or meta tags to the alt text field, even if you really want to. Instead, come up with good description and carefully include a couple of words suitable for promotion.

    Don't get away from the point. You don't have much space, so focus on the essentials. It can be people, objects, places, colors, the author of the picture, or the atmosphere. In general, do not scatter and note what you need to pay attention to.

Adding alt text is very easy. Here is the instruction.

For a Wix site:

    Click on the image.

    Click on the "Settings" icon.

    Add alt-text in the field "Photo texts" - "Describe the picture to search engines".

For a blog on Wix:

    Open a new or already written post in the blog editor.

We prescribe alt and title

When SEO promoting a blog article or a product in an online store, images play a significant role. There are users looking for a product by the picture. And for your products or blog to be higher in search results, you should pay attention to image tags. It's about about alt and title. Success in search results depends on how we prescribe alt and title.

What are tags? Generally speaking, when we , the search engine sees that the picture in the article reflects its title, topic. The attribute is aimed at robots and directly affects the ranking of the site. And when we write a title, when you hover over a photo, a tooltip with text appears. If the alt is aimed at system bots, then the title improves usability (the ease of use of the site). If we thoughtfully write the title, we better reveal the topic that the article is talking about.

Write an alt tag

main feature given attribute- significant impact on search engines and help in getting the article to the top of Yandex or Google. Reading the tag search engine understands what is shown in the picture. If a write alt correctly, in accordance with the subject of the article, its relevance will increase significantly. nice bonus– users from the Image Search section will come to the site. That is why the use of the alt tag is especially beneficial for online stores.

What else is a tag useful for? The fact is that not all users have a browser that loads pictures. By different reasons: due to saving traffic, due to low connection speed, or if the user himself turned off the display of pictures. In this case, instead of a photo, it is shown text description, given by tag. Prescribing alt is useful for visitors sitting with mobile devices trying to save traffic. Your site will load many times faster. But it is the loading speed of the resource that significantly affects the behavioral factors and the number of regular visitors.

Consider an example of a well thought out SEO optimization. We chose a site about flowers. The screenshot below shows a well-filled title attribute, which will be discussed in a separate paragraph.

When you hover over the image, a pop-up text appears: what flowers to give. Let's check how alt is spelled. Press the key combination Ctrl+U. The website code opens. Now press Ctrl+F to search the page. When typing the phrase what flowers to buy, we see a correctly filled alt tag.

Those. the site administrator took care of filling in both tags, thereby improving both the position in the search results and behavioral factors. And what about the rankings? Let's go to Google image search. We enter a request for what flowers to give, and the first image is from the site we are monitoring.

As you can see, tag optimization works great. Sufficiently enough write alt. How to do it?

  • Brevity is the soul of wit. And good SEO promotion. The acceptable number of words is 3-5. The tag limit is 250 characters.
  • Availability search phrase or words. If the title has a phrase in the pop-up text that affects the user more, then the alt has a direct effect on the search engine. But do not overdo it with keywords, otherwise the robot will determine it as spam.
  • As in the case of the title, you need to prescribe alt in accordance with the image on the page.

How to write a title tag

The title attribute does not affect promotion directly. Search bots do not take it into account when ranking an article or product in the search results. Essentially, we write the title optional. But its role on site visitors is high, because it improves the usability of the site. When you hover over an image in an article, a tooltip appears that reveals the essence of the image - in fact, this is how the title tag works.

How to spell the title correctly?

This is an example of good optimization, since the alt tag, which we talked about above, is also well placed on the site. If you write the title correctly, it will improve the article in terms of behavioral factors and will be a nice addition to the usefulness of the article.

Let's summarize. alt tag designed to directly influence the position in the search, it is addressed to the robots. The title tag is optional, but is good bonus to the quality of the article. It is created for visitors.

To attain maximum effect in article optimization, we recommend contacting professionals. Promotion specialists are well versed in the topic, skillfully work with search programs keywords. A significant role is played by extensive experience in solving problems. As a result, you will get a working result, and your site will be able to reach the top in search engines.

If you want to sell banner space on your WordPress blog, you don't have to go and register on the exchange banner advertising, because this service has a great replacement - this is a plugin for displaying banners on your AdRotate blog.

It is worth noting: it is convenient, because you do not need to individually negotiate with advertisers about placing a banner, i.e. You practically do not take part in this. The main work falls on the advertiser: he chooses the size, banner, link from it and places it on certain period(for example, for a month) and for the price you set (the more popular your blog, the higher the price), and you only receive money for the banner space purchased by the advertiser automatically. You just need to install the code on the blog to display the ad "buy ads" with the logo:

1. The banner will hang on your blog until the term for placing the banner expires.
2. No rotation, i.e. the ability to show other banners in rotation with the advertiser's banner.

There will be no such problems when using the AdRotate plugin! But you will negotiate with advertisers, place banners and set the timing of the display yourself.

Now let's move on to configuring the AdRotate plugin.

Download and install AdRotate on our WordPress blog and move on to creating an advertising banner rotation.

The plugin is designed to insert a rotation of several advertising banners. Each group should have banners of the same size, for example, in group 1 there will be a banner rotation of 468x60, and in group 2 - 125x125.

After adding several banners to one group, AdRotate starts showing them on the site variably: first, one banner will be shown, and when you go to another page, or refresh the current page in the browser, another one, etc., depending on the number of banners you added into one group.

How to add a banner?

Search in the AdRotate admin panel, go to Manage Ads and click on Add New to add a new banner to the rotator.

In field Title enter a name for yourself to find out later if you need to remove or edit the banner.

In field ad code you should specify the code of your banner, for example:

And don't forget to check the box clicktracking and write the url of your hidden link.

For each banner, you can set the display priority ( Weight), i.e. how much more (less) the rest will be shown this banner. Priority 2 to 10.

In points Display From … Until you can specify the period of display of this banner. After that, in paragraph Activate choose Yes, this ad will be used to enable the banner. This is convenient if someone bought an ad space on your site, say, for a month.

Now you need to go to Manage Groups to create a rotation group for your banners. Here we specify a name for the group of banners, and then select the banners that will be included in this group.
Click on Save.

To add rotation to a post or page, you can use a shortcode.

Hi people. In order not to waste your time, let's be short and to the point.

The title of an image is the caption that pops up when you hover over the image. This is necessary to give a hint to the visitor. Tell what is shown in the picture or where to look.

Alt pictures - from English word alternative. It's like this useful thing, which search engines love to index in order to determine what is shown. Also, it will be visible if the user disables the display of images in the browser. Which does not make sense and is done in rare cases.

If, nevertheless, the user turns off the display of graphic content or some kind of failure occurs on someone's side, then instead of the picture, a small icon with text will be seen. This text is the alt of the image.

Alt and title images for SEO

For the title of the picture, it has a minimum value. It is not indexed willingly, but it can play into your hands in behavioral factors. It's 2018, seo is about usability and quality content. Therefore, grab the user's attention in any way.

Even think for yourself, it’s more pleasant when a tooltip appears on the image.

But alt pictures are a treasure. Firstly, GoogleBot considers its absence a mistake, Yandex is more loyal. Secondly, it is willingly indexed, and such an image ends up in the "Pictures" section in the search. This means that in this way you can attract additional traffic to your site.

Thirdly, since it is indexed, that is, it is possible to increase the value of the page with its help. It will be good if you write an extra one in the alt low frequency request. But here you need to be careful.

How to correctly fill alt and title for pictures

With title, everything is much simpler. There are no rules for the search engine, but this does not mean that you write here any heresy. Above we made an eyeliner to behavioral factors. It is desirable for you not to annoy the user, to be useful to him.

1) It doesn't have to be long. Agree, a hint in 4 lines will cause rejection.

2) Must somehow relate to the image.

3) Should not be duplicated with the main title, h1-h5 headings, with alt attributes.

Alt images have weight in the search engine, so there are restrictions with the rules, but so are the possibilities.

1) One word is not enough, it is advisable to stay within the framework of 3 words. Maximum number characters 250.

2) It must match the content of the image.

4) Preferably, should not be repeated with other alts on the page.

So, when adding another picture to your blog, think about it. Maybe someone wants to find it? Try turning it into extra traffic.

Where to fill in alt and title of images on the example of wordpress

For example, in WordPress, you just need to go from the control panel (console) to the section "Media Files""Library". Then choose any image.

Or, when editing an article, simply click on any inserted picture, then on a pencil.

Of course, on wordpress example the easiest way to show, but many popular CMS provide such an opportunity. Take Joomla for example. There are some pitfalls there, but most graphic content can be alt-typed if you click "Edit Image"

That's all. We hope that we have been helpful to you. If yes, please like. This motivates us to make more high-quality and interesting content!

Sincerely, Your Essence.

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