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Arbitrary system rollback. How to roll back Windows XP a few days

Microsoft programmers have provided a convenient opportunity to roll back Windows 7 to the state before the date of the failure.

When do you need to rollback Windows 7?

This is an extreme measure, because refers to the way the system is debugged. Performed in cases of incorrect installation of applications that led to the crash of Windows. It often happens that rolling back the entire OS is required due to failures in only one specific software, which does not directly affect the functioning of Windows 7 as a whole, but is a very important utility for the user.

An example of such a program is a licensed office, which is required for the daily work of the owner of the computer and, moreover, the purchase of which was spent on financial resources. There can be many such examples. Rollback Windows will entail the return of all software to its original state, as it was on the day the restore point was created. The system rollback procedure is not difficult to do, and it does not take a significant amount of time.

The essence of the OS recovery procedure

The rollback principle is based on the creation of special restore points by the operating system. To rollback the owner of the computer, you need to take a few simple sequential steps described below. It is not difficult to carry out the procedure.

Recovery points

This is the name of the saved versions of Windows. This process is carried out during normal operation of the operating system, which retains its state in memory during normal operation and makes a mark to return to it when errors occur.

OS recovery step-by-step

The process does not require the use of specially installed separate applications, since the whole procedure is carried out using Windows 7 tools.

Where to begin?

You will need to do the following:

How do I choose a restore point?

After completing the initial four steps, a special menu will appear for the user to define an OS restore point. In this menu, the procedure for performing actions is as follows:

When performing the Windows 7 rollback procedure, it is not allowed to turn off or restart the PC, otherwise it will lead to the irreversible deletion of all information from the system partition. you may need to perform a complete reinstallation of the OS.


Using the above guide, it will not be difficult even for an inexperienced user to roll back the OS. If the owner of the computer cannot do the indicated actions on his own, then it is recommended to contact the service department.

It should be noted that there is no strict sequence of necessary steps that must be taken when OS restore points are missing. But, when the reason lies in the incorrect functioning of the drivers, then it makes sense to take the opportunity to switch to the latest working version when the operating system starts.

Regularly working with a computer, there is a high probability of "catching" a virus that will affect the stability of the operating system. If removing all threats with an antivirus program and uninstalling recently installed programs and drivers did not help, you will have to use Windows 7 system rollback.

Today I will show you several ways to do this. Don't think it's hard. Any novice user can handle it.

What is a rollback point?

Rollback point (TO) or restore point (TV) is the version of Windows OS hidden in the archive (). It can be used in the future to resume computers. TO is created either automatically by the system (after each installation of new software or drivers), or independently by the user. This process cannot be performed without a Windows restore point.

We create TO for our own safety

If you do not want to worry about the safety of your own data, create a TV before installing new programs and drivers and if you plan to make changes to the registry or BIOS configuration. To create a backup archive, you need to follow a few simple steps. This is done in a few minutes.

Click the "Start" button (located in the lower left part of the screen) and follow the path: "Computer - Properties - System Protection". The following should open:

Through this window, not only the creation of TO takes place, but also the direct restoration of the operating system. Before starting, check that protection is activated on the system disk. If it is not there, click the "Configure" button. A window will open in which you need to select the desired partition and the amount of memory that will be allocated for backups (3-5 GB is enough).

Now let's move on to the process of forming a restore point. As many of you have guessed, it starts with clicking the "Create" button.

In the field of the window that opens, enter a description. For example, if you plan to install the "Example" program, you can specify its name. If it comes to a rollback, it will make it easier to navigate. It is worth noting that TO can be stored in a computer from several weeks to several months. Therefore, if you created it a few days ago, you can easily use this point.

We carry out a rollback through "Start" and "Run"

If your computer has stopped working stably, but it starts up, then you can restore it directly from the Windows interface. First you need to open the system utility. This can be done in two ways.

The first is to go to "Start" and type "restore ..." in the search bar. An issue will appear where you need to select the "System Restore" application. The second is through the command line. To open it, press the key combination Win (located between CTRL and ALT) + R. In the line type "rstrui.exe" (without quotes). When using any method, the required program will open, which looks like this:

The next page will display a list of available restore points. Select the one you need (be guided by the description and date of creation).

At the final stage, you need to select the system drive and click the "Finish" button. Another window will appear. In it, click "Yes". The rollback will take place over the next few minutes. It will end after rebooting the system. Information about the end of the return of the previous parameters should appear on the opened desktop. If no changes have occurred, try repeating the process, but with an earlier TV.

Using Last Known Good Configuration

If the malfunction is so critical that the operating system will not start, you will have to use this method. In fact, it is the simplest one. It is necessary to take a minimum of steps to return your PC to work.

Reboot the PC and, after loading the BIOS (when the start screen picture ends), press the F8 key several times (located at the top of the keyboard above the standard numbers). This will open the page for selecting additional OS startup parameters. Here you must select Last Known Good Configuration.

If everything is normal, then stable work will be resumed. When you restart your computer after selecting the above item and returning to the previous black screen, you must use the method that I will describe below.

We activate "Safe Mode" to rollback Windows

If the methods described earlier did not help, use this. Start the reboot again and press the F8 key several times after activating the BIOS. You will see the already familiar section with a black background, where you need to select "Safe Mode":

The system will start, but with serious restrictions. I will say right away that you will not be able to interact with many applications, since this mode is intended for system actions (in particular, for rollback). Run the "System Restore" utility as we did in the first method. Only here, at the first step, you need to manually select maintenance:

Further, the algorithm of actions is already familiar: select the desired point and the system disk and agree with all subsequent conditions. After the reboot, the correct operation of the Windows OS should resume. But provided that you created the backup before the problem occurred.

We roll back the system with the installation disk and to the factory settings

Go to this method if the previous ones did not help. To use it, you must have a USB flash drive or disk with Windows of the required version in your hands, I already told you earlier. That is, if you have a "seven" and a disc with a "ten", then you will not be able to roll back from 10 to 7. To get started, insert a disc or flash drive, restart your computer. After activating BIOS, press F9 or F11 several times.

The Windows OS installer should turn on. On the start page, click on the "System Restore" button.

A well-known utility will run, where you need to select a restore point, a system disk and agree with all subsequent warnings. It is possible to roll back to factory settings. But it depends on the features of the PC and the installer. This can be done at the stage of choosing a recovery tool (see the screen above):

In the next step, select the first item:

Once the process is complete, the computer will restart and you will have to re-specify the system configurations. It is worth noting the main disadvantage of this method - after it all files on the hard disk will be deleted. Don't forget to save them to the cloud.

Of course, it's better to never face something like this, but no one is immune from the activities of modern hackers. If you want to protect yourself from modern threats, use antivirus software Dr.Web Security Space 11 ... You can buy it in the large online software store AllSoft.

Now you know where the tools needed to rollback Windows 7 are located. With this knowledge, you can easily recover if any problems arise. My article today is coming to an end.

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog! Andrey Zenkov was with you, I'll see you in the following articles.

When working with a computer, failures often occur. Some of them can lead to bad consequences, up to a complete system failure. To fix this problem, you need to roll back the system. In this article, we will tell you how to rollback windows 7 system to a specific date. It is quite possible to perform such actions and there is nothing beyond natural in this.

Reasons There are many reasons for this. First of all, it is the incompetence of the user himself. Knowledge about a computer and working with it is not enough, but the desire to delve into a folder called windows, where all information about a given system is stored, takes over. There are situations when, due to inexperience or carelessness, the necessary data is deleted and, starting from the first reboot, the computer stops working.

The second reason is viruses. The computer is constantly exposed to a significant number of virus attacks, and viruses can easily enter the system. This should never be forgotten, especially when working with the Internet.

Recovery using system tools It is quite possible to restore the system using the standard program, if, nevertheless, the reason is not a virus damage to the operating system. Before rolling back, you need to check your computer for virus infection. If this is the case, then the system just needs to be cleaned. After the complete removal of all virus programs, you can start rolling back the system.

Actions begin by going to the "Start" menu. Next, you need to click on the line "All programs" and find the "Standard" section. After opening the section, click on the "System" folder. In the menu, select the "Windows 7 System Restore" section. After that, the system will scan the computer for a few minutes and open the system recovery program. In the pop-up window, select the date to which you want to rollback. Then click Next and wait until your computer restarts.

It is worth noting that a system rollback cannot be carried out for a certain time, since for this you need to create restore points. To successfully complete the process, you need to make sure that the computer system itself has the ability to create restore points. Usually this function is enabled by default at the factory settings of the computer. In addition, there are programs that allow you to create such points yourself.

Rollback using disks Use this method when an attempt to rollback using system tools is unsuccessful. To do this, you need a recovery disc. After turning on the computer, you must insert the media and boot the first step. Further, you just need to consistently execute the commands according to the instructions that appear on the screen. Everything, the system is rolled back!

Conclusion Now you know how to rollback windows 7 to a specific date. It is advisable to create a restore point yourself or check if it exists at all before installing each program. Thus, you can avoid serious consequences by keeping the previous settings and programs installed earlier.

How to rollback windows 7

Each of us, in the course of using a computer, faces various problems, it simply cannot be avoided. Someone catches a virus, someone has a program failure, or even a system failure, problems can be described for a long time. They manage everything in different ways, someone calls specialists, someone is looking for a suitable antivirus, or reinstalls something. But the easiest way is to roll back the system to the date before the problems.

System rollback will restore the system files to the date when the restore point was created, and the programs installed after will be removed from the system. Documents, files, music, films will not be affected. Therefore, I recommend creating them manually from time to time. The operating system itself creates them once at a certain time and before installing programs that may affect system files.

And so press start - all programs - standard - service - system restore

System Restore will start, click Next

At the next step, you will see all the current restore points, if you need everything at all, including the old ones, then check the box next to the item "Show other restore points". Then select the desired restore point and click next. Please note that there is a description for each restore point, sometimes it is very useful. (for example, "The point was created before installing such a program")

At the next step, confirm the decision by clicking on the "DONE" button

How do I restore the system to an earlier date?

In this article, I will talk about how to restore the operating system to a working state if any problems begin in the system.

Sometimes it happens that after installing an unknown program or updating the driver, the system starts to work incorrectly or stops starting altogether.

In most cases, such problems are solved by restoring the system at an earlier date.

That is, before installing some programs or drivers, a restore point is created or updated on the system partition of the hard disk. This is done so that you can roll back the system in case of problems.

If the system suddenly starts to work incorrectly, then first you should use the last good configuration or safe mode. Here's how to do it.

If the first method did not help, then you need to perform a system restore.

How do I restore the system?

After the operating system is installed, recovery is enabled by default. It is highly discouraged to turn it off, because if there are no restore points, you will have to reinstall the OS in case of malfunctions ...

In order to enter the system recovery menu, you must first open the control panel and select Recovery. If you have windows 7, then System Restore is located both in the Control Panel and in the Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Tools menu.

A window with the following content will appear:

System recovery menu

Creating a recovery disc - recording the operating state of the operating system on a flash drive or DVD disc. A useful thing that will help to restore the stable operation of the system, even if it is impossible to start it. Recovery is performed using a bootable image.

Launching System Restore - Cancels all performed actions on the system and restores the last working state until the OS was affected by any application or user action.

At startup, a window will appear with a choice of previous dates and times when the system worked normally. In order to restore, select the date you need and follow the path - further. You will have to wait a bit while the system rollback is performed.

Also, you can see which programs may be affected after recovery.

System recovery settings

In the settings, you can choose on which partitions the restore points will be created, the amount of disk space for creating points and directly creating a point right now.

Protecting the system from unwanted changes

When you click the Configure button, you will be presented with a choice between enabling or disabling recovery (of course, it is recommended to enable it), as well as a choice of disk space.

Recovery settings

You can leave the default size or choose a larger one (for better effect). After that, space is reserved on the C: / drive and will be filled as required.

Also you can see the occupied space by the restore point.

If it is not possible to boot the operating system, then insert the installation disc with the OS and preload it (it must be set in the BIOS in the BOOT CD-DVD ROM section first in the list, otherwise the disc will not boot, but the OS will boot. an optical drive or flash drive, and the second is a hard disk drive (HDD)). After loading the disk in the initial window for installation at the bottom will be the item "System Restore". This menu will be similar to the one described above.

How to create a restore point in windows and roll back the system

Regularly working with a computer, there is a high probability of "catching" a virus that will affect the stability of the operating system. If removing all threats with an antivirus program and uninstalling recently installed programs and drivers did not help, you will have to use Windows 7 system rollback.

Today I will show you several ways to do this. Don't think it's hard. Any novice user can handle it.

What is a rollback point?

A rollback point (TO) or a restore point (TV) is a version of Windows OS hidden in the archive (What is data archiving). It can be used in the future to resume computers. TO is created either automatically by the system (after each installation of new software or drivers), or independently by the user. This process cannot be performed without a Windows restore point.

We create TO for our own safety

If you do not want to worry about the safety of your own data, create a TV before installing new programs and drivers and if you plan to make changes to the registry or BIOS configuration. To create a backup archive, you need to follow a few simple steps. This is done in a few minutes.

Click the "Start" button (located in the lower left part of the screen) and follow the path: "Computer - Properties - System Protection". The following should open:

Through this window, not only the creation of TO takes place, but also the direct restoration of the operating system. Before starting, check that protection is activated on the system disk. If it is not there, click the "Configure" button. A window will open in which you need to select the desired partition and the amount of memory that will be allocated for backups (3-5 GB is enough).

Now let's move on to the process of forming a restore point. As many of you have guessed, it starts with clicking the "Create" button.

In the field of the window that opens, enter a description. For example, if you plan to install the "Example" program, you can specify its name. If it comes to a rollback, it will make it easier to navigate. It is worth noting that TO can be stored in a computer from several weeks to several months. Therefore, if you created it a few days ago, you can easily use this point.

We carry out a rollback through "Start" and "Run"

If your computer has stopped working stably, but it starts up, then you can restore it directly from the windows interface. First you need to open the system utility. This can be done in two ways.

The first is to go to "Start" and type "restore ..." in the search bar. An issue will appear where you need to select the "System Restore" application. The second is through the command line. To open it, press the key combination Win (located between CTRL and ALT) + R. In the line type "rstrui.exe" (without quotes). When using any method, the required program will open, which looks like this:

The next page will display a list of available restore points. Select the one you need (be guided by the description and date of creation).

At the final stage, you need to select the system drive and click the "Finish" button. Another window will appear. In it, click "Yes". The rollback will take place over the next few minutes. It will end after rebooting the system. Information about the end of the return of the previous parameters should appear on the opened desktop. If no changes have occurred, try repeating the process, but with an earlier TV.

Using Last Known Good Configuration

If the malfunction is so critical that the operating system will not start, you will have to use this method. In fact, it is the simplest one. It is necessary to take a minimum of steps to return your PC to work.

Reboot the PC and, after loading the BIOS (when the start screen picture ends), press the F8 key several times (located at the top of the keyboard above the standard numbers). This will open the page for selecting additional OS startup parameters. Here you must select Last Known Good Configuration.

If everything is normal, then stable work will be resumed. When you restart your computer after selecting the above item and returning to the previous black screen, you must use the method that I will describe below.

We activate "Safe Mode" to rollback Windows

If the methods described earlier did not help, use this. Start the reboot again and press the F8 key several times after activating the BIOS. You will see the already familiar section with a black background, where you need to select "Safe Mode":

The system will start, but with serious restrictions. I will say right away that you will not be able to interact with many applications, since this mode is intended for system actions (in particular, for rollback). Run the "System Restore" utility as we did in the first method. Only here, at the first step, you need to manually select maintenance:

Further, the algorithm of actions is already familiar: select the desired point and the system disk and agree with all subsequent conditions. After the reboot, the correct operation of the Windows OS should resume. But provided that you created the backup before the problem occurred.

We roll back the system with the installation disk and to the factory settings

Go to this method if the previous ones did not help. To use it, you must have a USB flash drive or disk with windows of the required version in your hands, I already told you how to write an image of a bootable disk. That is, if you have a "seven" and a disc with a "ten", then you will not be able to roll back from 10 to 7. To get started, insert a disc or flash drive, restart your computer. After activating BIOS, press F9 or F11 several times.

The Windows OS installer should turn on. On the start page, click on the "System Restore" button.

A well-known utility will run, where you need to select a restore point, a system disk and agree with all subsequent warnings. It is possible to roll back to factory settings. But it depends on the features of the PC and the installer. This can be done at the stage of choosing a recovery tool (see the screen above):

In the next step, select the first item:

Once the process is complete, the computer will restart and you will have to re-specify the system configurations. It is worth noting the main disadvantage of this method - after it all files on the hard disk will be deleted. Don't forget to save them to the cloud.

Of course, it's better to never face something like this, but no one is immune from the activities of modern hackers. If you want to protect yourself from modern threats, use the Dr.Web Security Space 11 antivirus program. You can buy it in the large online software store AllSoft.

Now you know where the tools needed to rollback windows 7 are located. With this knowledge, you can easily restore the correct operation of your computer if any problems arise. My article today is coming to an end.

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog! Andrey Zenkov was with you, I'll see you in the following articles.

Hello everyone, Ruslan Nova is in touch, and today we will talk about how to rollback the Windows system.

Operating systems from Microsoft are equipped with the ability to rollback, that is, loading the last created restore point. This parameter is very useful in the event that your computer started working incorrectly, there were crashes, and there is no way to reinstall the system from scratch.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to rollback a system based on Windows XP;
  • how to rollback a system based on Windows 7;
  • how to rollback a system based on Windows 8 and 8.1;
  • How to rollback a Windows 10-based system.

How do I roll back Windows XP?

Option number 1

First you need to click Start, after which the main panel will open, in which we select the All Programs tab.

In the window that appears, look for the Standard line and click on it.

The tab that appears contains many items, but we need to find the Service line and activate it.

In the tab that opens, all that remains is to select the Restore item, after which the necessary service will automatically start.

Option number 2

The second method starts by opening the My Computer folder, then you need to open the Local drive C.

After that, go to the Windows folder

Inside there is another folder called System32, which you also need to open with a double click.

Inside you need to find and open the Restore folder.

Double clicking on the rstrui.exe application will activate the system restore system.

How to restore a Windows 7 checkpoint

Option number 1

This method is somewhat similar to the principle of system recovery on the XP platform. Press the Start button, in which we are looking for the line All programs.

Click on Standard.

After that, activate the Service line.

The System Restore shortcut launches the process we need.

Option number 2

This method is one of the simplest. It consists of only 2 steps. The first is to open the Command Prompt by pressing the Win + R key combination.

Then all that remains is to enter the rstrui command and click OK, after which the system restore will automatically start.

Option number 3

Option similar to the most 1. Open the My Computer folder, then the Local drive C folder.

We go to the Windows folder.

With a double click of the mouse, go to the System32 folder.

All that remains is to select and run the rstrui application, after which the system will rollback to the last restore point.

Option number 4

Another easy way to quickly recover Win 7. Right-click on My Computer and open the Properties line.

In the left column of the window that opens, you need to find the line System protection and click on it.

The tab contains the Restore button, pressing which leads to the launch of the process.

Option number 5

The last method that allows you to roll back the system. Click Start and select Control Panel.

Launch Recovery.

How to rollback Windows 8 and 8.1

Option number 1

The easiest way is to activate the Command Line, followed by the introduction of a special request. Pressing Win + R, you will open the above line.

Then you need to enter rstrui, and click OK. This will start the recovery service.

Option number 2

This method is the same as in the case of Windows 7. Right-click on My Computer and go to the Properties tab.

After that, go to the System protection line.

The corresponding tab contains the Restore button. Its activation starts the process, and eliminates the questions of how to roll back the system.

Option number 3

And this method is classic for almost all Windows systems. Go to the My Computer folder, and then to the Local drive C folder.

Inside there is a Windows folder, which is what we need.

Inside it, we are looking for another folder called System32. We go there.

We find the rstrui application, it is activated by double-clicking, and now you do not need to think about how to roll back the system.

Option number 4

The last method has 6 steps. It all starts with opening the Options tab in a special pop-up window on the right.

Click Shutdown in the window that opens.

After that, a tab with a choice of 2 items is highlighted. We need to select the Restart line, but we need to click on it while holding down the Shift button

The screen that appears has 3 items, but we need Diagnostics. We activate the line.

After that, go to the Additional parameters item.

System Restore is the button we need to bring the service into action.

Option number 1

The simplest and most well-known method starts with pressing the Win + R combination, which opens the command line.

Enter the rstrui command and confirm with the OK button.

Option number 2

Alternatively, right-click on My Computer and select the Properties tab.

The last step is to click the Restore button in the corresponding tab.

Option number 3

A method specific only to Win 10; 8 and 8.1. Open the Shutdown menu.

In the window that opens, find the Diagnostics parameter, activate it.

Click on Advanced Options.

The final step is to activate the System Restore line.

Option number 4

First you need to open the Search menu, located to the right of the Start button.

In the bottom line, enter the query Recovery, and click on the corresponding tab, which immediately appears above after entering the word in the search bar.

Click on the line Start System Restore.

So we looked at how to roll back the system and how to run System Restore on the most common Windows operating systems. Good luck and see you soon.

The computer is an integral part of the life of a modern person. It is used for work, study, entertainment. We are used to it. But then, one terrible day, the computer does not boot. Favorite Windows crashes. What to do? How to reanimate an electronic friend? This article will consider 3 options for recovering the Windows 7 operating system, depending on the "severity" of the failure.

1. Rollback the system 2-3 days ago, if the OS malfunctions after viruses, an abnormal system shutdown, improper work with the registry, or if important documents are lost from the user's home folder.

2. Restoring the operating system to the state of a "new" computer with the original user settings and all the necessary drivers. This may be necessary if you did not perform scheduled backups or if you do not have access to these archives.

3. Restoring the windows 7 operating system from the recovery disk.

Roll back the system 2-3 days ago

In order to "roll back" the operating system for some time back, you need to open the "Control Panel" and select the "Recovery" item.

Also, if a severe failure has occurred and there is no way to open the control panel, you can press the "Win + R" keys, and in the command window, type "rstrui" and click "OK".

In the recovery window, click the "Start System Restore" button. Click "Next". In the next window, you can select a specific point in time to which you can return. Also, this list will be larger if you check the box "Show other restore points".

After choosing the most convenient restore point, you must click the "Next" button, and in the next window, the "Finish" button. The operating system will start preparing for recovery, restart the computer, and restore Windows 7 to the state at the point in time that was selected as the restore point. It may happen that the system will not be able to recover exactly from the restore point you specified, which will be said after the reboot, then you can repeat the whole procedure again and select another restore point. If this does not help, then you will have to restore the Windows operating system from an image or to the state of a "new" computer.

Restoring the Windows operating system from an image or to a "new" computer state

When restoring the operating system from an image, you must enter the Control Panel, select the "Recovery" item and select one of two options: restore the necessary documents (click "Document Recovery") or restore the entire operating system image (click "Advanced recovery methods")

The difference between these methods is that when restoring document files, the operating system itself will not be changed, but you can select specific lost files that were included in the archive of the operating system image at the stage of its creation (photos, videos, documents, etc.) ... And in advanced recovery methods, it is possible to restore the entire system from a pre-prepared image, whether it is an image prepared automatically on a schedule or an image that was made immediately after the initial Windows setup. Let's consider this option.

So, select "Advanced recovery methods".

We select the first item "Use the system image that was created earlier to restore your computer." Next, you will be prompted to back up the current user files, which can be restored after the "rollback" of the operating system from the image.

If you decide that there is a need to archive the current files, then when you click "Archive", you will need to specify what and where to archive. This process was detailed in our article Backing up Windows 7 ... Or you can “Skip” this stage and move on to the next one. A window will appear warning about the loss of current user files. Press the "Restart" button to continue the recovery. After rebooting, you will be prompted to specify the archive storage location. This can be the second hard drive in the system unit, an external hard drive that needs to be connected, or network storage. After selecting the archive, the system will be restored.

Recovering the windows 7 operating system from a recovery disc

If, when the windows operating system fails, it cannot start in normal mode, the "Windows Recovery Disc" will help, which must be made in advance, or you can create it on any other computer with Windows 7. The procedure for creating it was described in the previous article. You must insert the disc into your CD-ROM drive and choose to boot from it. Next, a system recovery window will appear, the same as in the previous paragraph.

That is, you will also need to specify the location of the archive and restore the operating system from it.

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