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  • The computer manufacturer depends on the specifications of the following devices. Main characteristics of a personal computer

The computer manufacturer depends on the specifications of the following devices. Main characteristics of a personal computer

The main characteristics of a particular computer are:


    RAM capacity;

    hard disk capacity (HDD)- Winchester, etc.

(The term "Winchester" originated in 1973. From the slang name for the first model of a hard disk with a capacity of 16 KB, having 30 tracks and 30 sectors - this coincided with the 30/30 caliber Winchester hunting rifle.)

The important characteristics of a computer are:

    a type video systems- monitor and video adapter. The image quality of monitors is affected by the minimum grain size, the frequency of regeneration. A monitor, especially older designs, can have a harmful effect on human health. However, hygiene standards should be observed even when working with a modern LCD monitor. For special purposes, touch monitors are used that respond to finger touches.

    a type printer(matrix, inkjet, laser; black and white or color);

    hardware and software compatibility with other PCs;

    software compatibility top to bottom (each new processor "understands" all the commands of its predecessors;

    open architecture– the ability to supplement existing hardware with new components without replacing old ones.

    A multimedia computer must include a CD-ROM drive and a sound card.

Consider the main characteristics of the PC in detail.

1. Performance computer can be evaluated by knowing clock frequency and microprocessor bit depth .

Clock frequency determined by the frequency of the clock generator. She is equal number of ticks per second and measured in megahertz(MHz). Frequency in 1 MHz corresponds million cycles per second. PC processors can have frequencies of 266, 400, 700, 1000 MHz or more. Pentium IV processors are available with clock speeds greater than 2 MHz.

The bit depth is the number of bits that the microprocessor perceives as a whole ( or the maximum number of digits of a binary number that can be performed on one machine operation) – 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, those. integer power 2. How more digit, topics more performance ( speed) of the computer .

2. RAM capacity - measured in megabytes. With less than 8 megabytes of RAM, many modern application programs either do not work at all or work very slowly.

3. Hard disk capacity.HDD is a circle of non-magnetic material (aluminum, glass, ceramics), one or both surfaces are coated with the thinnest magnetic layer. Information is written and read block of magnetic heads . The disk has a system of indivisible segments of information - clusters included in magnetic track - circle . The set of such tracks with the same circumference diameter on several disks forms cylinder. The block of read / write heads is quickly installed on the desired cylinder, and the desired track is quickly selected by switching the heads. The drive can contain multiple interlocked hard drives constantly spinning at speeds up to 10,000 rpm. Hard drives have the following options:

    disk diameter in inches (5.25, 3.5, 2.5, 1.8, etc.);

    number of cylinders;

    number of heads;

    full disk capacity (30-500 GB or more);

    access time (from 0.3 to 0.5 ms);

    information transfer rate (25-30 MB/s and higher).

>>Informatics: The main characteristics of a personal computer

§ 8. Main characteristics of a personal computer

The main topics of the paragraph:

Characteristics of the microprocessor: clock frequency and capacity;
the amount of internal (operative) memory;
characteristics of external memory devices.

The operating mode of the microprocessor is set by a microcircuit, which is called a clock frequency generator. This is a kind of metronome inside the computer. A certain number of clock cycles is allocated for each operation to be performed by the processor. It is clear that if the metronome "knocks" faster, then the processor works faster. The clock frequency is measured in megahertz - MHz. A frequency of 1 MHz corresponds to a million cycles per second. Here are some characteristic clock frequencies of microprocessors: 600 MHz, 800 MHz, 1000 MHz. The latter value is called gigahertz - GHz. Modern models of microprocessors operate at clock frequencies of several gigahertz.

The next characteristic is the processor capacity. Bit depth is the maximum length of a binary code that can be processed or transmitted by the processor as a whole. The bit depth of processors on the first PC models was equal to 8 bits. Then came 16-bit processors. Most modern PCs use 32-bit processors. The most high-performance machines have 64-bit processors.

The amount of internal (RAM) memory

Pro memory computer we have already spoken. It is divided into operative (internal) memory and long-term (external) memory. The performance of the machine is highly dependent on the amount of internal memory. If there is not enough internal memory for some programs to work, then the computer begins to transfer part of the data to external memory, which drastically reduces its performance. The speed of reading / writing data to RAM is several orders of magnitude higher than to external memory.

The amount of RAM affects the performance of your computer. Modern programs require RAM of tens and hundreds of megabytes.

For the good work of modern programs, hundreds of megabytes of RAM are required: 128 MB, 256 MB or more.

Characteristics of external memory devices

External storage devices are drives on magnetic and optical disks. The magnetic disks built into the system unit are called hard disks, or hard drives. This is a very important part of the computer, since it is here that all the programs necessary for the operation of the computer are stored. Reading/writing to a hard drive is faster than to all other types of external media, but still slower than to RAM. The larger the hard drive, the better. On modern PCs, hard drives are installed, the volume of which is measured in gigabytes: tens and hundreds of gigabytes. Buying a computer, you get the necessary set of programs on the hard drive. Usually the buyer himself orders the composition of the computer software.

All other external memory media are removable, that is, they can be inserted into the drive and removed from the drive. These include floppy magnetic disks - floppy disks and optical disks - CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM. Their properties were discussed in § 6. A standard floppy disk holds 1.4 MB of information. Floppy disks are convenient for long-term storage of programs and data, as well as for transferring information from one computer to another.

Recently, flash memory has replaced floppy disks as the main means of transferring information from one computer to another. Flash memory is an electronic external storage device used to read and write information in file format. Flash memory, like disks, is a non-volatile device. However, compared to disks, flash memory has a much larger information volume (hundreds and thousands of megabytes). And the speed of reading and writing data on a flash drive is approaching the speed of RAM.

CD-ROM drives have become an almost mandatory component of a PC kit. Modern software is distributed on these media. The capacity of a CD-ROM is hundreds of megabytes (the standard size is 700 MB).

You can purchase DVD drives of your choice. The amount of data on disks of this type is calculated in gigabytes (4.7 GB, 8.5 GB, 17 GB). Videos are often recorded on DVDs. Their playback time reaches 8 hours. These are 4-5 feature films. Recording optical drives allow you to record and rewrite information on CD-RW and DVD-RW. The constant decline in prices for these types of devices moves them from the category of "luxury goods" to the public.

All other device types are considered I/O devices. Mandatory of them are the keyboard, monitor and manipulator (usually a mouse). Additional devices: printer, modem, scanner, sound system and some others. The choice of these devices depends on the needs and financial capabilities of the buyer. You can always find sources of reference information about the models of such devices and their performance properties.

Briefly about the main

The main characteristics of the microprocessor: clock frequency and bit depth. The higher the clock frequency, the higher the speed of the processor. An increase in bit depth leads to an increase in the amount of data processed by a computer per unit of time.

The amount of RAM affects the performance of your computer. Modern programs require RAM of tens and hundreds of megabytes.

A hard (hard drive) magnetic disk is a mandatory external memory device in a computer.

Removable media are floppy disks, optical disks, flash memory.

Required set of input-output devices: keyboard, manipulator, monitor.

Additional input-output devices: printer, scanner, modem, speaker system, etc.

Questions and tasks

1. What characteristics of a computer determine its performance?
2. What order of information volume do floppy disks, hard drives, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM have?
3. Which memory devices are built-in and which are removable?
4. Which input/output devices are required for a PC and which are optional?

I. Semakin, L. Zalogova, S. Rusakov, L. Shestakova, Informatics, Grade 8
Submitted by readers from Internet sites

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Abstract on the topic:

Computer Specifications

The most important technical characteristics of a personal computer include:

1. bit depth- the most important characteristic of a computer, measured in bits; it shows how many binary digits (bits) of information are processed (or transmitted) in one cycle of the microprocessor, and also how many binary digits can be used to address the RAM; computers can be respectively 8th, 16-, 32- and 64-bit;

2. clock frequency– how many elementary operations (cycles) the microprocessor performs in one second;

3. RAM capacity, measured in MB and supplied in the form of modules with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or more MB (modules with a capacity of 1 GB are being developed);

4. capacity of external disk memory, measured in MB, GB and TB;

5. type of display and video card, providing the output of graphic information in the modes:

VGA - 650 X 480 pixels,

SVGA - 800 X 600, 1024 X 768, 1240 X 1024 or more pixels;

6. number of colors- monochrome (black and white) and color, providing 16, 256, 16 million or more colors;

Pixel- this is an indivisible point on the screen that changes the brightness and color (if the display is color). The more pixels, the better the image quality on the display screen.

Computer performance, measured, in the first approximation, in thousands of operations/sec, millions of operations/sec and billions of operations/sec, depends on the microprocessor used in the computer and other components that determine it - hard drive, RAM, video memory, etc. The performance of these nodes is determined by the speed, the value of which is inversely proportional to performance and is measured in mili-, micro- and nanoseconds, having the dimensions of 1/1000, 1/1000000 and 1/1000000000 sec, respectively.

Performance is the response time per operation. For hard drives, it is 8-16 milliseconds or more, for RAM - 8-70 nanoseconds.

Computer performance is thus determined by an integrated indicator that includes all the above indicators of the constituent nodes, and is also measured in MIPS units. The requirements for the method of its determination are stipulated by a number of international standards used for testing on standard tasks, including work with graphics, video, and computer games.

Processor Specifications

The processor is undoubtedly the most important part of a computer. The processor performs the most important role in the speed of the computer - the calculation of the results of the program. Because There can be several types of processors in a computer (for example, a graphics processor on a video card), then we will call the processor in the future the CPU. So it will be both more compact and more correct, because. the processor, which we will consider in this article as the basis of a computing complex, is precisely the central one (CPU - Central Processing Unit).

So, the CPU has a number of important characteristics, and you need to know the meaning of each of them. This knowledge will be useful to you in order to be well versed in reviews and tests of processors in the future and not be afraid of incomprehensible words :) In principle, the CPU is the most complex device and if we consider it in more or less detail, then it will take more than a dozen printed pages in small print. So we will simply outline the main guidelines and try to reveal the main characteristics of the processor at the level of elementary knowledge.

CPU frequency.

For quite a long time, the main characteristic that unconditionally indicated the performance of the CPU was its frequency. And this approach for the time being could be considered relatively correct. But when the main two manufacturing companies went different ways in the development of new generations of processors, the clock frequency has already ceased to be a universal measure of performance.

What is CPU clock speed? In fact, this is the frequency of "body movements" of the processor in a certain period of time. It is measured in hertz (megahertz, gigahertz). But one thing must be taken into account: "not all movements are equally useful." CPU performance per hertz can vary widely, depending on the architecture of the processor. If earlier (in the bright days of Pentium 3 and Athlon) the architecture was quite similar between the processors of competitors, then they could at least be compared in frequency (and that was not correct), but now the architectures of companies differ much more strongly. Unfortunately, since those good old days, the stereotype about clock speed as a measure of performance has not yet disappeared - and the empty faith in numbers is to blame. But in order to understand the architectural twists and turns, let's turn to history: In ancient times, Intel decided that its architecture, used in the Pentium 3 generation processors, was no longer subject to development (at that time, the frequency limit was reached - 1.4 GHz.) And went on a new way. Intel released new Pentium 4 processors, but they had terrible shortcomings at the beginning of their development - the P4 processors had a huge frequency potential, but at the same frequencies they lost to their counterparts from the P3 camp. Of course, Intel quickly developed P4 in terms of frequency and eliminated this unfortunate loss, but the sediment remained. Since then, the architecture of the current P4 processors has not changed much and lives to this day (the so-called NetBurst architecture). AMD's competitor at that time took a different path: it did not change the architecture to a higher frequency one, but simply continued to develop the existing one, making cosmetic changes to it and began to significantly lose to the competitor's processors in frequency, but not in performance. Intel took advantage of the "number frequency" advantage in its marketing strategy and won the battle for the consumer (well, mostly won). Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but the situation has not changed in general. Intel processors are still high-frequency, and AMD are relatively low-frequency, but this practically does not affect the performance of competing solutions. Clock speed can be used as a relative performance rating within processor lines (for example, within the AMD Athlon XP line, or Pentium 4 6XX line). However, the performance of the processor depends not only on the clock frequency of the core, so let's move on:

The central processor is constantly working with memory. But the speed of RAM is not particularly high, so that the processor, when working with it, reveals its full computing potential. Therefore, processors have their own small but fast memory. They call her "Kesh". Usually, such memory on the processor is from 256Kb to 2Mb. The cache stores the data that the processor may need at the next moment. Therefore, before performing an operation on the data, the processor looks for them first in the cache. The cache is divided into levels: usually, processors use a two-level system (the so-called L1 and L2 cache). The first-level cache is small (but fast), and the second-level cache is large. The third level cache is very large, but slow and is found only in certain CPU models. The cache largely determines the cost of the processor, since it occupies a significant (sometimes large) part of the silicon substrate of the CPU. Basically, the larger the cache, the faster the processor runs. But this is not always the case. Often, the performance difference between a processor with 128Kb cache and a CPU with 1MB L2 cache is disproportionately small compared to the increased cost of the processor. So don't go after large L2 cache values ​​(For example, Athlon 64 processors with 512Kb L2 compete quite well with Pentium 4 processors with 2Mb L2 cache.)

Those. process

On the one hand, it seems that the technological norms according to which the processor is manufactured is the problem of its manufacturer (engineers, production facilities, etc.). But in the last five years, everything has changed. Now, manufacturers are forced to reduce processor production rates also in order to reduce processor heat dissipation. A simple user should not focus on this, but you should know: the fewer those. process (and the non-CPU voltage supplied), the less the processor heats up. All modern processors are produced according to the norms of 0.09 microns, mass distribution of 0.065 microns is on the way. For processor manufacturers, the introduction of new technologies is not only a reduction in chip areas, but also an important factor in the way of increasing CPU performance. After all, with more subtle those. process, it will be possible to release processors with higher frequency (and performance) without going beyond the previously established thermal limits.

Technology support.

To optimize the performance of certain tasks, CPU manufacturers implement special instruction sets in their processors. For example, SSE (SSE2, SSE3), 3DNow!, Extended 3DNow! etc. These instructions do not make any changes to the execution part of the processor core itself, but allow you to describe complex sequences of commands with shorter commands and simplify the work of the processor. Basically, these additional instruction sets are designed to increase performance in multimedia tilt programs. To fully unlock the potential of processors, these programs must have support for certain instruction sets (for example, almost all have SSE support, and some do not run due to the lack of SSE), but theoretically, any program optimized for any instruction set should work without support. these. However, software manufacturers do not always leave this option (perhaps because of very low performance?). For your information, the SSE kits were developed by Intel. And AMD released 3DNow! Almost all modern AMD processors have support for SSE (2, 3). Intel processors do not support 3DNow! (Honestly, it's not a big loss.)

Good day! There are already a lot of notes on this blog that help you run various android applications on your computer. The most popular question concerns system requirements - many simply do not know how to look at the characteristics of a computer and compare them with the table of emulator requirements. In today's note, we will analyze all these gaps in knowledge and answer the vital question "How to find out the system requirements of your computer."

Quite often there is a need to find out what is inside your iron friend (I mean a computer or laptop), but disassemble and look into it giblets no particular desire. Of course, opening a computer and seeing what is written on the components is the surest way, but it is far from suitable for everyone and we will not consider it - we will use software methods.

How to find out the characteristics of your computer or laptop without disassembling it? - very simple, no matter how system administrators and Windows reinstallation specialists convince you of the opposite. Today we will consider options using standard Windows tools, however, the information on the video card is not always complete, so we will dilute it a little with third-party software to determine the parameters of your computer.

How to find out the characteristics of your computer by standard means

We can look at the characteristics of a computer on any version of Windows with the utilities and tools built into it. These variations are good because they do not require the installation of third-party programs and generally show comprehensive information (which in most cases will be enough).

Method 1. We scoop information from "Computer Properties"

The easiest way to find out the general performance characteristics of a computer is the Properties window, which can be opened by right-clicking on the Computer icon.

This window displays information about the version of your operating system and its bit depth. We are more interested in the "System" block, which says which processor is installed in the system and the amount of RAM (RAM), unfortunately, information about the video adapter is not displayed here. However, for most users, the information presented here will be enough.

Quite often, a situation arises when the amount of available and used RAM does not match (for example, you have noted that out of 4 GB of RAM, only 3.25 is available for use - I will write about this in a detailed note about RAM)

Method 2. Information about the computer in DirectX

I think everyone is familiar with DirectX - this is a set of APIs for programming. In simple terms, DirectX is needed for the vast majority of computer toys, it is included with Windows and allows us to find out information about our computer.

In the good old days, it could be run from the programs folder (like Windows 98 and the like), but now the DirectX Diagnostic Tool is called by a command in the Run window. Press "Win + R" and enter the command dxdiag

In the window that opens, we can see the processor and the amount of installed RAM in the computer. Similar to the previous method - information about the installed Windows system and its bit depth is displayed here. (You can also see the version of DirectX - this issue worries many)

Method 3. Device Manager - a lot of useful information

The task manager can tell a lot about the insides of your computer or laptop (but unfortunately it does not give information about the amount of RAM in the system), below I attached a screenshot of my device manager and marked the most important with numbers - I will now talk in detail about each of the points:

  1. In the "Video adapters" section there is our video card (you can have several of them, for example, integrated into the processor and discrete), in my case it is the AMD Radeon HD 5800 Series (Series means that it can be either 5850 or 5870 - such an answer from us not particularly satisfied, but for example, such information is quite enough to install drivers)
  2. Disk devices. This section contains information about the drives installed in your system. It has little to do with system requirements, but in general, many people are interested in knowing about devices that have been storing your photos, videos, and a bunch of other information for years.
  3. Processors. Information about your CPU is collected here - their number means the number of threads, but not cores (although usually the number of cores is the same as the number of threads)

Device Manager allows you to see all the devices installed in the system - it is an indispensable assistant for every user and it would be foolish to ignore it.

So we found out the characteristics of our computer, but we did not find out the exact information about the video card. There are several more ways to determine iron, but as a rule they duplicate the above and I don’t see much point in talking about them.

How to find out the parameters of your computer with third-party programs

Standard tools are good for everyone, but sometimes annoying - look at one here, look at another there ... I'm not surprised that specialized applications have appeared that collect all the information about the characteristics of a laptop or computer. We will now briefly talk about them and consider their basic functionality.

Method 1. We look at the computer parameters with the AIDA64 program

You can find out the characteristics of your computer with such a monster as AIDA64. This application gives out just a huge amount of useful information about your system - we can use this to our advantage. (of course, you need to download the program first)

The application costs money, but there is a trial version for a month - we will have time to find out what is installed on the computer. We are interested in "Summary Information" in the "Computer" section. Here you have both the processor and the amount of RAM. There is information about the motherboard model and, most importantly, in the 3D accelerator line, the exact match is ATI Radeon HD 5870 - this is the video card I have installed.

For general development, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this program in more detail - do not know how to find out the processor temperature or fan speed? AIDA64 will tell you everything in detail... the application can be used to monitor the system and perform a stress test to assess the stability of your computer - a MUST HAVE for everyone!

Reading is not required! Somehow I wrote indecently little in this section, it’s even a little ashamed to use such a program to determine the amount of RAM or to identification processor. There will be time, be sure to familiarize yourself with AIDA64 in more detail - you will not be disappointed ... probably no other third-party application provides so much information about the system.

Method 2. CPU-Z - a small program with great features

One of my favorite programs, designed to provide information about the central processor, but in fact it can tell almost everything about your computer and a little more (they have a PC Wizard program - quite a decent option to learn about the components inside your computer, but does not work under Windows 10 and has not been updated for a very long time). The current version can always be downloaded from the official website of the program:

The program does not require installation, weighs little, and even free - we just have to run it and go through the tabs in search of the information we need. What is usually written in the system requirements for programs? - That's right, the processor and RAM ...

  • CPU tab. The Name line contains the name of the processor installed in the system (in my case, Intel Core i5 3470). Here we can get to know him. process, amount of cache memory and many other useful information about your CPU.
  • Memory tab. In general, there is nothing to tell here. The Type line is the type of your RAM, and Size is the size ... it just couldn't be easier!

Thus, we learned the main parameters of the computer that affect performance in all applications - but the information is not exhaustive, so let's move on.

It is very important to know the model of the motherboard and video card, so that when reinstalling the system, we can download the latest drivers for this type of device. This little program also does a great job with this, so let's not pull the cat for inevitability and go over the other tabs:

  • Mainboard tab. Sufficiently detailed information about your motherboard - in my case it is clear that I have an ASUS P8H67 (you can safely google and go to the official website for downloads)
  • Graphics tab. Not very detailed information about the video card, but unlike the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, the amount of graphics memory was determined quite correctly.

CPU-Z has a very useful feature that shows the RAM by slot (i.e. you can see which module is inserted into which slot) - this is very helpful when upgrading and selecting a chip for your PC or laptop.

As you can see, CPU-Z has no problems with viewing the characteristics of a computer on Windows 10. You can safely recommend the best programs or a kind of "gentleman's software set" to the piggy bank.

Method 3. Piriform Speccy - from the developers of the legendary Ccleaner

The best program for viewing computer characteristics is Piriform Spessy, the authors of the much-loved Ccleaner utility. You can download the application on the official website - I did not use the paid version, the free version also allows you to find out the parameters of the computer, but we don’t need more ...

All that the program can do is collect information about our PC and show it to you in a form that is easy to understand. The operating system, the central processor, the motherboard - all this is conveniently described and there are no difficulties in finding the right item. This is what a highly specialized program means - nothing superfluous, everything is strictly on the topic (even the motherboard socket shows).

In general, there is a lot of related information, such as a SMART hard drive or those. CPU process. Speccy will tell you as much as possible about the rich inner world your computer ... on the one hand, this is very good, but on the other hand, a huge flow of information and unfamiliar terms pours out on you, the meaning of which you will have to look for information yourself.

Computer settings. Results.

I think it’s worth slowly wrapping up - there is enough information and we can draw some conclusions. We have learned how to view the characteristics of a computer in several ways:

  • Built-in utilities
  • Third Party Programs

We found out what their advantages and disadvantages are and you yourself can decide which method is right for you. In general, information about a computer can also be collected using Windows tools, but you must admit that specialized software is more convenient and functional ...

P.S. You can always disassemble the computer and look at the markings on the components, but I do not recommend doing this to an inexperienced user. You can find out the characteristics of a computer in both safe and less destructive ways.

My computer settings: Processor – Intel Core i5 3470 / 24 GB RAM / 120 GB SSD storage for the system / Video card ATI Radeon HD 5870 1GB

electronic computing device for processing numbers;
a device for storing information of any kind;
multifunctional electronic device for working with information;
device for processing analog signals.
2. Computer performance (speed of operations) depends on:
monitor screen size
clock frequency of the processor;
supply voltage;
keystroke speed;
the amount of information being processed.
3. Processor clock speed is:
the number of binary operations performed by the processor per unit of time;
the number of cycles performed by the processor per unit of time;
the number of possible processor accesses to RAM per unit of time;
the speed of information exchange between the processor and the input / output device;
speed of information exchange between the processor and ROM.
4. The "mouse" manipulator is a device:
input of information;
modulation and demodulation;
reading information;
to connect the printer to a computer.
5. Read-only storage device is used for:
storing the user program during operation;
recordings of especially valuable application programs;
storage of constantly used programs;
storage of computer boot programs and testing of its nodes;
permanent storage of especially valuable documents.
6. For long-term storage of information is used:
magnetic disk;
7. Storing information on external media is different from storing information in RAM:
the fact that information can be stored on external media after the computer is turned off;
volume of information storage;
the possibility of protecting information;
ways to access stored information.
8. During the execution of the application program, the following is stored:
in video memory
in the processor
in RAM;
in ROM.
9. When the computer is turned off, the information is erased:
from RAM;
from ROM;
on a magnetic disk;
on CD.
10. A floppy drive is a device for:
processing commands of the executable program;
reading/writing data from external media;
storing commands of the executable program;
long-term storage of information.
11. To connect a computer to the telephone network, use:
a printer;
12. Software control of computer operation involves:
the need to use the operating system for synchronous operation of hardware;
execution by the computer of a series of commands without user intervention;
binary encoding of data in a computer;
the use of special formulas for the implementation of commands in the computer.
13. File is:
an elementary information unit containing a sequence of bytes and having a unique name;
an object characterized by a name, value and type;
set of indexed variables;
set of facts and rules.
14. The file extension, as a rule, characterizes:
file creation time;
file size;
the space occupied by the file on the disk;
the type of information contained in the file;
the location where the file was created.
15. Full path to the file: c:\books\raskaz.txt. What is the name of the file?
16. The operating system is -
a set of basic computer devices;
programming system in a low-level language;
software environment that defines the user interface;
a set of programs used for operations with documents;
programs for the destruction of computer viruses.
17. Programs for pairing computer devices are called:
18. System diskette is required for:
for emergency boot of the operating system;
file systematization;
storing important files;
computer virus treatment.
19. Which device has the highest information exchange rate:
CD-ROM drive;
floppy disk drive;
processor registers?

1.Computer is

a. a device for processing analog signals.
b. a device for storing information of any kind
c. multifunctional electronic device for working with information
d. electronic computing device for processing numbers
Question 2. Computer performance (speed of operations) depends on:
a.CPU clock frequency
b. volume of processed information
c. keystroke speed
d.monitor screen size

1. What device can you do without if you need to copy pictures from a camera, but there is no cord to it? 2. where all programs are stored (including

operating system) and data while the computer is turned off? some directory the file Diary.txt was stored. after creating a subdirectory in this directory and moving the Diary.txt file to the created subdirectory, the full file name became A:SCHOOL/USER/MAY/Diary.txt. What is the full name of the directory where the file is stored? 4. in the Roman numeral system 1) the numbers 0,12,3,4,5,6,7,8.9 are used 2) the value of the digit depends on its position in the number 3) the numbers are denoted by the symbols A, B, C, D ... 4) THE VALUE OF A NUMBER DOES NOT DEPEND on its position in the number 5. How is the decimal number 9 written in the binary system? 6. How is the number 25 represented in the binary system? 7. color raster graphic image has a size of 20 * 20 pixels. how much memory will this image take? 8. Assuming that each character is encoded by two bytes, estimate the information volume of the following Unicode sentence: the sun came out from behind the beam

Infoknower decided to upgrade his computer - replace the motherboard. Which of the following devices should Infoknower replace in his

computer. There are still pictures, but I can't show you. Who did this please tell me. Thanks in advance:-)

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