How to set up smartphones and PCs. Informational portal

File backup software. Works in automatic or forced mode

Backup- the process of creating a copy of data on a medium ( hard disk, floppy disk, etc.) intended for their original or new location in the event of damage or destruction. Procedure backup or Reserve copy very simple, but can be a big headache if not done. The business of many companies directly depends on the manipulation of information that is stored on servers: databases, source code repositories, web projects, etc.... All this must be saved on a daily basis on backup media. In case of loss of information and its inability to recover, the company may incur heavy losses.

Copying data from production server to backup server

Production server Is a working server that performs any services for users.

backup server- this is the server to which the content from the production server is copied. The sole purpose of such a server is to store data from other servers. Usually he himself does not perform any services. The main requirement is a large disk space. The speed of disk drives does not really matter, since access to data is not frequent - write the backup to disk and read it if necessary.

The disadvantage of this solution is the need for a separate server for backups, and this is additional costs. Small and medium-sized companies usually try to save money on the purchase of ancillary equipment.

Cross-copy data

When two or more production servers copy their data onto each other. In the case when production servers have enough disk space to store data from other servers, they can be used as backup servers. We copy data from server1 to server2 and data from server2 to server1.

Plus - we save money on equipment. As I wrote above, small and medium-sized organizations may not allocate money for auxiliary equipment, even if it is necessary for backups. In this case, this backup method can help you.

Data storage systems

"Classic" servers for storing backups are good for relatively small volumes. Now it is several hundred gigabytes. When the volumes are much larger, storage systems, Data Storage Systems come to the rescue.

Disk arrays

Essentially the same server, but designed specifically for data storage. Has many larger HDDs. For example, the Sun Storage J4500 disk array. Scalability - from 24 to 192 TB. Supported OS: Solaris, RedHat, Suse, Windows

Tape drives

They are streamers. Data, as in the case of tape libraries, is written to special cartridges. Typically, the cartridge is a magnetic tape in a plastic case. For example, an HP StorageWorks DAT 160 SAS Tape Drive. HP StorageWorks DAT 160 SAS Cartridge. 160 GB.

Tape Libraries

Designed for automated data backup. The simultaneous use of multiple tape drives increases library performance and reduces the time it takes to write and read backups. One of the most serious decisions of SUN. Sun StorageTek SL8500 tape library. Up to 56 petabytes of data. Up to 70 thousand cartridges.

Other storage media

  • optical disc (CD-R / RW, DVD-R / RW);
  • flash drives;
  • ZIP, Jaz, MO drives.

Types of backup

Full backup

A full backup usually affects your entire system and all files. Weekly, monthly and quarterly backups are full backups. The first weekly backup should be a full backup, usually on Fridays or over the weekend, during which all desired files are copied. Subsequent reservations, made Monday through Thursday until the next full backup, can be incremental or incremental, mainly to save time and space on the media. Full backups should be made at least weekly.

Differential backup

With differential (differential) backups, each file that has changed since the last full backup is backed up anew each time. Differential backup speeds up the recovery process. All you need is a final full and final differential backup. The popularity of differential backups is growing, since all copies of files are made at certain points in time, which, for example, is very important when infected with viruses.

Incremental backup

An incremental ("incremental") backup copies only files that have changed since the last full or incremental backup. Subsequent incremental backups only add files that have changed since the previous incremental backup. On average, incremental backups take less time because fewer files are backed up. However, the data recovery process takes longer as the data from the last full backup must be restored, plus any subsequent incremental backups. At the same time, unlike differential backup, changed or new files do not replace old ones, but are added to the media independently.

Cloning reservation

Cloning allows you to copy an entire partition or medium (device) with all files and directories to another partition or to another medium. If the partition is bootable, then the cloned partition will also be bootable.

Image backup

An image is an exact copy of an entire partition or medium (device) stored in one file.

Real-time backup

Real-time backup allows you to create copies of files, directories and volumes without interruption, without restarting your computer

Backup rotation schemes

Rotation Is the policy by which the backup is made. How often will we make a backup, how long will we keep backups. All this is described by the rotation policy.

One-time copy- the administrator makes the copying manually. Usually done full data backup.

Simple rotation- it is assumed that a certain set of media is used cyclically. For example 5 tapes for each day of the week. On Friday, we make a full backup of the data, and on the rest of the week, we make an incremental backup.

"Grandfather, father, son" (GFS)- has a hierarchical rotation structure.

Three sets of media are used. A full data backup is made once a week. On other days of the week - incremental. Once a month, another full backup of the system is made. A set of media for daily incremental backup - son, a set for a weekly full backup - a father, a set for a monthly full backup - grandfather.

"Tower of Hanoi"- the name comes from an ancient Chinese game. The meaning of the game is as follows. There are three rods and some kind of set of discs. The discs need to be moved from rod to rod, but so that each new disc rests on a larger diameter disc. This backup method is quite complicated and is practically not used at the present time.

"10 sets"- the method is designed for 10 sets of carriers. The 40 week period is divided into ten cycles. During the cycle, each set is assigned one day of the week. After a four week cycle, the dial number is shifted. That is, in the first cycle, set N1 was responsible for Monday, N2 for Tuesday, N3 for Wednesday, etc. In the second cycle, set N2 will be responsible for Monday, N3 for Tuesday, N4 for Wednesday, etc. This scheme allows you to evenly distribute the load between the carriers, but due to its complexity, it is practically not used.

Database backup methods

  • hotbackup- hot backup of the database. This is when the backup is done with the database server turned on.
  • coldbackup- cold backup of the database. This is when the database server needs to be shut down to make a backup.

Most users have a maximum of useful and necessary information stored on their computer, which is often presented in a single copy, that is, there is only this PC.

Therefore, as a result of a technical failure, human factor or unpredictable actions of any programs, or such information may be lost irretrievably.

To avoid this, backup programs are used to help copy information for further recovery if necessary.

Features of choice

What is the basic principle of such programs?

They create a recovery backup file - this is a file that contains all the information needed after a technical failure (for example, when the operating system crashes) or accidentally deleting it manually.

Not the information itself is copied into this file, but only data for its recovery and search for leftovers on a PC, therefore such a file weighs relatively little.

The operating principles of such programs are different.- some of them create files on their own automatically at a configured or established frequency. Others generate them forcibly or upon request, while others implement both of these methods.

Some programs work only with a certain type of file, while others work with all data on a PC.

So among all this variety it is quite important to choose the optimal program for yourself.

Such a program will not slow down your work at the computer, take up a lot of memory, exert a significant load on the processor and generate excessively large backup recovery files with unnecessary information.


For the easiest and fastest orientation among all the variety of programs described in this TOP, below is a table with the main features of each of them.

These features can influence the final choice.

Technical characteristics of software for copying information from a PC
Name License type Scheduled launch Force start (manual activation of backup creation) Functional
Aomei backupper Free of charge No Yes narrowed
EASEUS Todo Backup Free Free / Paid Yes Yes narrowed in non-commercial version
Redo Backup and Recovery Free of charge No Yes wide
Cobian Backup Free of charge Yes Yes very wide, customizable
Macrium Reflect Free Free / Paid No Yes sufficient
DriveImage XML Free of charge Yes customizable narrowed
FBackup Free of charge Yes Yes narrowed
Backup maker Free of charge Yes Yes wide
Clonezilla Free of charge No Yes very wide
Paragon Backup & Recovery 2014 Free Free / Paid Yes Yes wide

This TOP includes non-commercial software with various characteristics and intended for various purposes.

Among them, each user will find the most optimal one for himself.

Aomei backupper

An easy-to-manage free backup software that doesn't take up much space on your PC.

Differs in high efficiency, stability of work and functionality with minimum weight and high ease of operation.

Allows you not only to copy, but also to save, encrypt data, etc.

All you have to do is select a drive and start creating a backup.

  • Simple interface;
  • Minimum weight;
  • Several types of work with files.
  • Inability to automatically start copying;
  • Slightly narrowed down functionality compared to other programs in this TOP;
  • Too simplistic aesthetically unattractive design.

User reviews of this program are as follows: “Great program”, “Great utility! Not worse than Akronix, not complicated and works quickly. Files are easily recovered, it creates archives with adequate compression. I had to test it "in battle" - I was satisfied ".

EASEUS Todo Backup Free

This is a free version of the commercial, distributed for a fee, EASEUS Todo Backup.

It can be described as a fairly good budget version of software for copying with high stability.

Works in automatic or forced mode.

Creates copies of all information, or only specific files, or information from specific locations, directories, sources.

  • Availability of a paid deployed version with advanced functionality;
  • Ability to both launch manual and configure automatic copy creation;
  • Generation of a total or selective copy, that is, indicating the materials to be saved;
  • The ability to limit the rate of copy generation to reduce the load on the hardware.
  • The functionality of the free version of the software is slightly narrowed compared to the paid version;
  • Lack of data encryption;
  • Quite a significant load on the system at a high copy write speed.

Here is what users say about this utility: “Super utility - for generating copies for dummies! Creates backup files in two clicks. It does not work as fast as Akronis, but it is free and understandable. Almost anyone can figure it out, even despite the absence of the Russian language. "

Redo Backup and Recovery

This is an application that needs to be written to a virtual or real disk.

To create a copy, you need to start from this disk, which is inconvenient.

Very functional software, at the same time, with minimal load on the hardware of the device.

It even has its own browser, which allows you to launch it, for example, immediately after reinstalling the operating system.

  • Does not take up space on the computer;
  • Functional enough;
  • Suitable for PC masters and customizers, as it can be launched without installation from any computer;
  • It works quickly and slows down the system to a minimum.
  • The need to write the image to disk, while the size of the image is quite large (249 MB);
  • There is no automatic start of copying, it works exclusively in a forced manner;
  • It is rather inconvenient to use.

And here is what people who already use this software say: “Many thanks to the developers. How many troubles she saved me from ”.

Cobian Backup

A very multifunctional and convenient copying tool that allows you to carry out a wide range of works.

Possible manual and automatic start of the process, differential or general copying of information.

Has over 100 different customizable copy options.

  • The ability to fine-tune absolutely any component;
  • The ability to copy servers;
  • Filters for copying.
  • The program has a very complex management due to its wide functionality and may be inconvenient for beginners;
  • The installation file itself weighs a lot;
  • With active work, such software places a significant load on the hardware resources of the system.

What are the opinions of users about the program? “I have been using it for two years. I was very pleased: good functionality, ease of use. "

Macrium Reflect Free

This is another non-commercial version of a paid utility that has significantly reduced functionality than the one implemented in the paid version.

Allows you to back up from.

Well suited for a novice user and those who do not want to understand the program settings for a long time.

  • Almost all the functionality of the program is available from the main interface, which is quite simple and visually pleasing;
  • Very simple interface;
  • Minimal load on hardware resources, both during storage on a PC and during program operation.
  • You must have a recorded disk image to get started;
  • The software is not capable of both differential and general copying;
  • Cannot carry out encryption, copy password protection, etc.

Name of operations

  • Data backup (Data backup) - the process of creating a copy of data
  • Data recovery - the process of recovering to its original location


Backing up is necessary to be able to quickly and inexpensively restore information (documents, programs, settings, etc.) in case of loss of a working copy of information for any reason.

In addition, related problems are being solved:

  • Duplicate data
  • Data transfer and work with shared documents

Backup system requirements

  • Reliability of information storage is ensured by the use of fault-tolerant storage systems equipment, duplication of information and replacement of a lost copy with another in the event of the destruction of one of the copies (including as part of fault tolerance).
  • Ease of operation - automation (if possible, minimize human participation: both the user and the administrator).
  • Fast implementation - easy installation and configuration of programs, fast user training.

Types of backup

Full backup A full backup usually affects your entire system and all files. Weekly, monthly and quarterly backups are full backups. The first weekly backup should be a full backup, usually on Fridays or over the weekend, during which all desired files are copied. Subsequent reservations, made Monday through Thursday until the next full backup, can be incremental or incremental, mainly to save time and space on the media. Full backups should be made at least weekly. Differential backup In a differential backup, every file that has changed since the last full backup is backed up anew each time. Differential backup speeds up the recovery process. All you need is a final full and final differential backup. The popularity of differential backups is growing, since all copies of files are made at certain points in time, which, for example, is very important when infected with viruses. Incremental backup An incremental ("incremental") backup copies only those files that have changed since the last time a full or incremental backup was performed. Subsequent incremental backups only add files that have changed since the previous incremental backup. On average, incremental backups take less time because fewer files are backed up. However, the data recovery process takes longer as the data from the last full backup must be restored, plus any subsequent incremental backups. At the same time, unlike differential backup, changed or new files do not replace old ones, but are added to the media independently. Backing up by cloning Cloning allows you to copy an entire partition or medium (device) with all files and directories to another partition or to another medium. If the partition is bootable, then the cloned partition will also be bootable. Backup in the form of an image An image is an exact copy of an entire partition or medium (device) stored in one file. Real-time backup Real-time backup allows you to create copies of files, directories and volumes without interruption, without restarting your computer.

Rotation schemes

Changing the working set of media during copying is called rotating media. For backups, a very important issue is the choice of a suitable rotation scheme for media (for example, magnetic tapes).

One-time copy

The simplest scheme that does not provide for media rotation. All operations are carried out manually. Before copying, the administrator sets the start time for the backup, lists the file systems or directories that need to be backed up. This information can be saved in the database so that it can be used again. With one-time copying, a full copy is most often used.

Simple rotation

Simple rotation implies that a set of tapes are used cyclically. For example, a rotation cycle might be a week, in which case a separate media is allocated for a specific workday of the week. The disadvantage of this scheme is that it is not very suitable for archiving, since the number of media in the archive is growing rapidly. In addition, incremental / differential recording is performed on the same media, which leads to significant wear and tear and, as a result, increases the likelihood of failure.

"Grandfather, Father, Son"

This scheme has a hierarchical structure and assumes the use of a set of three sets of media. Once a week, a full copy of the computer disks is made ( "father"), incremental (or differential) copying ( "a son"). Additionally, once a month, one more full copy is carried out ( "grandfather"). The composition of the daily and weekly set is constant. Thus, compared to simple rotation, the archive contains only monthly copies plus the latest weekly and daily copies. The disadvantage of this scheme is that only the data that was available at the end of the month, as well as the wear of the media, are included in the archive.

Tower of Hanoi

The scheme is intended to eliminate some of the shortcomings of the simple rotation and rotation scheme "Grandfather, Father, Son". The scheme is based on the use of several sets of media. Each set is designed for weekly copying, as in the simple rotation scheme, but without the removal of full copies. In other words, a separate set includes full weekly copy media and daily incremental (differential) backup media. A specific problem with the Tower of Hanoi scheme is its higher complexity than other schemes.

"10 sets"

This layout is for ten media sets. The forty-week period is divided into ten cycles. During the cycle, each set is assigned one day of the week. After a four week cycle, the set number is shifted by one day. In other words, if in the first cycle, set number 1 was responsible for Monday, and number 2 for Tuesday, then in the second cycle, set number 2 was responsible for Monday, and number 3 for Tuesday. This scheme allows you to evenly distribute the load, and therefore wear and tear between all media.

Tower of Hanoi and 10 Sets are not commonly used because many redundancy systems do not support them.

Backup storage

  • Streamer tape — write backup data to the tape drive;
  • "Cloud" backup "- recording backup data using" cloud "technology through the online services of special providers;
  • DVD or CD - write backup data to compact discs;
  • HDD - recording backup data to the hard disk of the computer;
  • LAN - recording backup data to any machine within the local network;
  • FTP - writing backup data to FTP servers;
  • USB - write backup data to any USB-compatible device (such as a flash card or external hard drive);
  • ZIP, JAZ, MO - backup to diskettes ZIP, JAZ, MO.

Methods of dealing with loss of information

Loss of information happens for various reasons.

Operational breakdowns of information carriers

Description: Accidental breakdowns within the failure statistics associated with negligence or resource depletion. Of course, if some important information has already been lost, then you can contact a specialized service - but this is not 100% reliable.

Struggle: to store all information (each file) in at least two copies (and each copy on its own data carrier). To do this, apply:

  • RAID 1 recoverable the freshest information. Files located on a server with RAID are more protected from damage than those stored on a local machine;
  • Manual or automatic copying to other media. For this, a version control system, a specialized backup program, or improvised means like a periodically run cmd file can be used.

Natural and man-made disasters

Description: storm, earthquake, theft, fire, water pipe break - all this leads to the loss of all data carriers located in a certain area.

Fighting: The only way to protect yourself from natural disasters is to keep some of your backups in a different location.

Malicious programs

Description: this category includes accidentally added software that deliberately spoils information - viruses, worms, Trojan horses. Sometimes the fact of infection is discovered when a large part of the information is distorted or destroyed.

  • Installation of anti-virus programs on workstations. The simplest anti-virus measures are disabling startup, isolating the local network from the Internet, etc.
  • Providing centralized updates: the first copy of the anti-virus receives updates directly from the Internet, while the other copies are configured to the folder where the first downloads updates; you can also configure the proxy server so that updates are cached (these are all measures to reduce traffic).
  • Have copies in a place that the virus cannot reach - a dedicated server or removable media.
  • If copying goes to the server: ensure the server is protected from viruses (either install an antivirus or use an OS for which the probability of infection is low). Store versions that are old enough so that there is a copy that has not come into contact with the infected computer.
  • If copying is done on removable media: store some of the media (without adding to them) long enough for a copy to exist that has not come into contact with the infected computer.

Simple and reliable backup solution for your PC

Download and configure Exiland Backup for automatic home photos, videos, work files and other important files, to save once and for all them from viruses, PC breakdown, accidental modification or deletion, etc.

Backup software lightweight, fast, contains no ads and unnecessary features, and at the same time very easy to learn. All you need is to create a task once, specifying in it which files and folders to copy, where to save backups and set up a launch schedule. Everything is ready! More from you no action required!

In case of loss of files, you can quickly restore them from a backup!

Screenshot of a free backup program

Program: Exiland Backup Free
Version: 5.0
Update date: 10.10.2018
, Version history
Interface language: Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, Turkish, Polish, Chinese
System: Windows 10,8,7
File size: 5.4 Mb
Price: Is free
Terms of use: License agreement

Free version limitations

Free backup program for backing up files Exiland Backup Free is recommended for small businesses and home use, it contains a number of basic features sufficient to create backup copies of files. But, despite this, such service functions as automatic deletion of old archives, duplication of backups to other storages, job queue management, copying files to multiple streams, setting up encryption of archives, etc. not available in Exiland Backup Free... For a complete list of limitations and the benefits of other versions, the Version Comparison Chart is best.

We recommend using the Standard or Professional version, since they are devoid of the disadvantages described above. Plus, you will be eligible for priority technical support from the developer and new versions of the backup program for free .

Benefits of the paid versions Standard and Professional

  • Automatic duplication of backups to other drives / servers
  • Automatic deletion of old backups
  • Multithreaded copying
  • Operation of the program as a Windows service (in the Professional version)
  • Copying files from multiple PCs on a local network (Professional version)
  • Flexible ZIP settings (encryption, compression rate, division of archives into volumes)
  • SFTP (SSH File transfer Protocol) support
  • Shadow backup of locked files (VSS in Professional version)
  • Setting a password to enter the program
  • Email notification
  • Job Queue Management at Run Time
  • Free receipt of new versions and updates
  • Priority technical support

How to download and install the program?

You can download the backup program for free. The distribution kit of the program takes only about 5 megabytes. The program is distributed both as a regular installer and as a portable version that does not require installation on a PC.

The usual option (installer):

The downloaded ZIP archive contains the installer file "setup.exe". Run this file and follow the instructions of the step-by-step wizard to complete the installation. By default, Exiland Backup Free backup software will be installed in C: \ Exiland Backup Free, but you can designate a different installation folder.

Portable version (does not require installation on a PC):

The downloaded ZIP archive contains the program files that can be simply placed on a disk in any folder and run the main program file "ExilandBackup.exe"

Recently, a friend of mine asked me to explain to her how to back up data. She is a humanist, so she needed options in which nothing needs to be configured. Since she is not a stupid person who loves to understand the problem and make a decision herself, I decided to collect basic principles for her and describe the pros and cons of certain options (as I see them). I decided to publish here in the event that it is useful to some of you - to help a friend or relative. I would be very glad to have comments on how the text could be made simpler and clearer.

Basic principles

1. Regularity and frequency
Backing up data should be as regular as taking the pills. It is for this discipline that one can thank oneself if suddenly there was some kind of collapse. Sometimes losing even just a few working days due to the fact that a backup has not been completed can be very painful. To answer the question - how often it is possible to make a backup, having understood the data for what period of time it would be least painful for you to lose. One of the best options is to back up your data once a week on weekends.
It is desirable that the data be stored on a separate external hard drive (or other medium), stored in a separate location from the main data. The principle is quite obvious - if a problem occurs, it will be localized in one place. For example, if the hard drive on your computer breaks down, the backup drive will function perfectly. However, it is worth striking a balance between ease of access and security. A hard drive next to a computer greatly increases the motivation to use it for its intended purpose. And at the same time, this is not the safest option for very important data that should not be lost in any case. That is why there is a distinction between backup and data archiving.
As soon as the first data backup is made, you must immediately check that this data can be restored from it! This means not only that the files become visible. You need to open several files to choose from and check that they are not corrupted. It is advisable to repeat this check once in some period (say, once a year).
Best practice is to categorize data. The category could be their importance to you, the frequency of the update, or just the topic.

Often, backup programs make so-called “images”. They look like one single file. So, in each such image, it is better to save various data.

What is it for. Data of different importance requires different handling, this is obvious. You will probably want to keep your important documents more carefully than, say, a collection of films. By dividing the data by frequency of updates, you can, for example, save time taken for backups. Topic - what data is it desirable to restore together in one step? A striking example of two types of backup, which should be done separately:

Data backup
These are Word documents, photos, movies, etc. The same applies to this, but is often forgotten - bookmarks in the browser, letters in the mailbox, address book, calendar with appointments, configuration file of the banking application, etc.
System backup
We are talking about the operating system with all its settings. Such a backup eliminates the need to reinstall the operating system, make all settings, and install programs. However, this is not the most essential type of backup.

Where to backup

1. External hard drive. Can often be bought right in the box. There are laptop drives - such drives are small in size, but more expensive. Ordinary hard drives can be purchased relatively cheap with a volume of 2 TB - then you won't have to worry about disk space for a long time.

Reliable enough (unless dropped or shaken excessively)
+ Relatively inexpensive

You must not forget to connect the backup disk yourself
-Not very convenient to carry (does not apply to laptop drives)

2. USB-stick - suitable as an additional tool when you would like to transfer data from one computer to another and / or have it at hand. Also, if the data itself does not want to be stored on a computer.
There is one big but - a flash drive has a limited number of entries, so if you store application data on it, which will write intensively, then the usb stick will quickly order to live a long time. In addition, in my personal impression, they break down quite often. My friend, buying the most expensive flash drives, which were positioned as "not killed", received a broken flash drive in a month or two. For the sake of fairness, I must say that I still have not a single flash drive broken, some have been working for 5 years already. Nevertheless, I would not store data on only one usb-stick.

Mobile storage
+ Takes up little space
+ Very cheap

Unpredictable reliability

3. Data storage on a remote server (or in the cloud).

There are pros and cons:

The data will be available not only at home, but also at work, while traveling.
+ Locational separation of main data and backups (for example, if it happens, God forbid, the fire data survives)
+ There is no need to connect a hard drive for backup, as a rule, everything is done completely automatically.

It is advisable to encrypt the data, since it is not known who can access it
-A large amount of traffic is spent (if it is limited, then problems arise)
-Often only data up to 2 GB can be stored for free. So, such a backup is an additional cost item.

A list with a good description of the services can be found

How to backup

Here is a list of applications that are worth paying attention to (in my opinion) when backing up to a hard drive.

Of the free are popular

1. Genie Backup Manager is a very handy program, but it slows down a little when working
2. Handy Backup - simple interface, works fast.


Often in the settings of backup programs there is an option - to make an incremental or differential backup. The practical difference is pretty straightforward. With a differential backup, you can save on the space it takes up. But there are only two recovery options: data in the state when the full backup was made + data at the time when the differential was made.

Incremental backup, on the other hand, allows you to rollback to any of the moments in the past when the backup was made. However, especially if changes in data occurred frequently, space will be eaten up quickly.

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