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Removal program avast. What to do if avast is not deleted

Now we will analyze how to uninstall Avast so that after uninstalling the antivirus, there are no traces left on the computer left after uninstalling the program. Many users face issues when trying to uninstall antivirus from their desktop or laptop.

The antivirus installed on the computer is designed to protect the computer from malicious software... Antivirus software constantly monitors the state of your computer in order to prevent virus infections or other threats.

Due to the specifics of the work, antivirus software deeply integrated into the Windows operating system. Antiviruses have a self-defense function to prevent the uninstallation of a program or disable protection from malicious software. Therefore, the process of removing the antivirus does not always go smoothly, sometimes problems arise after uninstalling on a PC.

Quite often, after removing the antivirus, the remnants of the deleted application remain in the operating system, for example, some module has not been removed, protective shield, driver, etc. In this case, the remnants of the previous anti-virus prevent the installation of another anti-virus program on the computer, cause conflicts in the system. Therefore, the user needs to completely remove the Avast antivirus from the computer.

Avast Antivirus is the world's most popular antivirus program. Avast gained its popularity thanks to the free version of the antivirus - Avast Free Antivirus with fairly wide functionality... In the line of antiviruses from AVAST Software have other versions of products for home use: Avast Pro Antivirus, Avast Internet Security, Avast Premier, Avast Ultimate.

Let's see how to remove Avast from a computer completely in the operating system Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7. Ways to remove antivirus, depending on the version operating system, practically do not differ.

In this article, we will look at instructions on how to remove Avast from your computer using 2 methods:

In the first case, the antivirus is uninstalled using the built-in Windows tools to uninstall programs. At this way, in some cases, traces of antivirus remain in the operating system, so this is not the most the best option to uninstall the application.

The second method uses the special Avast Clear utility for complete removal applications from the computer. Using the avastclear tool, you can not only uninstall Avast, but also remove the remnants of the antivirus left after uninstalling it (delete the deleted Avast).

It is better not to use to remove antivirus software. specialized programs- uninstallers, because when using them, errors may appear in the system, after removing the antivirus.

Disable Avast Self-Defense Module

Enter the Avast antivirus settings, open the "Troubleshooting" section, uncheck the box next to "Enable Avast self-defense module", click on the "OK" button.

How to remove Avast from a computer using Windows (1 way)

Depending on the version of the operating room Windows systems installed on your computer, go to Control Panel (Settings) to access the list of programs and applications.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select from the list installed programs Avast antivirus, click on it right click mouse, select the "Delete" item in the context menu.
  2. In the warning window that opens, agree to remove the program.
  3. Then a wizard window will open Avast installations, in which you need to click on the "Delete" button.

  1. In the next window, you will see a message about trying to uninstall Avast. Confirm your consent to remove the application, click on the "Yes" button.

  1. After the process of uninstalling the anti-virus is completed, in the installation wizard window, click on the "Restart computer" button.

Avast antivirus! removed from the computer. If the anti-virus components have not been removed from the system, search for the remaining traces yourself. Read about it below.

Find and remove traces of Avast antivirus left after uninstalling the program

After the uninstallation of Avast antivirus is completed, the computer may contain uninstalled program components that have entries in windows registry... Before making changes to the registry, just in case, do backup registry.

To find and remove traces of Avast in the registry, do the following:

  1. Press the "Win" + "R" keys.
  2. In the "Run" window, enter the command "regedit" (without quotes), and then click on the "OK" button.
  3. In the "Registry Editor" window that opens, enter the "Edit" menu, select "Find ..." in the context menu.
  4. In the "Search" window in the "Find" field, enter the expression: "avast" (without quotes), and then click on the "Find Next" button.
  • You can uncheck the boxes next to Parameter Names and Parameter Values ​​to search only by the value of Section Names.

  1. A registry key will open in the Registry Editor window that contains the expression "avast" in its name (it will be highlighted). Click on the section with the right mouse button, select "Delete".

  1. Press the "F3" key to search for a new partition. In a similar way sequentially delete all found registry keys related to Avast antivirus.
  2. After completing the operation, restart your computer.

A similar search and removal of the remaining sections and parameters in the registry can be done in Reg program Organizer.

How to remove Avast completely using the avastclear utility (method 2)

A special tool Avast Clear (Avast Antivirus Clear) is designed to completely remove Avast antivirus from Windows. Download the utility from the official site by Avast.

Run the "avastclear.exe" file on your computer.

Avast Antivirus Clear prompts you to launch the tool in safe mode Windows. Agree, click on the "Yes" button.

In the next window, click on the "Yes" button. Before rebooting, close all running programs and save open documents.

After booting the system in safe mode, the Avast uninstaller window will open, in which you need to select the directories for installation and installed version antivirus.

If you did not change anything when installing the anti-virus on your computer, leave the directory for installing the program and the directory for installing data unchanged.

Select the version of Avast antivirus installed on this computer.

Click on the "Delete" button.

After the uninstallation of Avast is complete, the utility will offer to restart the computer in order to remove the remaining program files from the disk. Click on the "Restart Computer" button.

After Windows boot, Avast antivirus is completely removed from your computer. The user can install a different antivirus on his PC or use the antivirus from Microsoft built into the operating system Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.


In the article, we examined two ways to remove Avast completely: using standard way by means of the Windows operating system and using the avastclear utility. In case of incomplete removal of the antivirus from the computer, leftovers remote antivirus can be found and removed manually in Registry Editor.

Hello everyone. Let's talk today about the Avast antivirus, or rather, about how to remove it. Today I will consider free version Avast Free Antivirus, for which you do not need to pay, well, that is free antivirus, however, this does not save it from the fact that many users want to remove it. But why do they want to delete? Well, to be honest, I don’t know, but I dare to assume that because Avast loads the computer, or maybe it blocks sites, I don’t know guys. But the fact is the fact: often users on the Internet are looking for how to remove Avast from a computer completely

Today I will tell you how not only to remove Avast Free Antivirus from your computer completely, but also how to remove its remnants, that is, I will show you how to scan your computer for leftovers, any garbage that remains from Avast. So what I will do, I say as it is. I have Windows 7, I put Avast Free Antivirus there, that is, I downloaded, installed, everything is as usual. And now we will delete it. If you do everything the way I will write, then everything will work out for you and you can normally remove Avast Free Antivirus from your computer completely. Here we go?

By the way, well, I think that you already know, but along with the Avast antivirus, the Avast browser appeared on my computer, it is called like this Avast SafeZone Browser do you know what it is? This is such a browser, like a secure one, like you can do something in it and no one can intercept the data, like no one can hack you. Well, for example, in such a browser, you can perform some financial operations, there to pay for something, well, in short, you understand. Look, here's the label itself Avast SafeZone Browser on the desktop:

So, okay, I’m talking about something not quite about what is needed! We start to remove Avast. Just a little more information I'll write, Avast himself works under such processes as avastui.exe and AvastSvc.exe, here they are in the task manager:

As you can see, the processor is not loaded by these processes, which is good. The processes themselves are launched from this folder:

C: \ Program Files \ AVAST Software \ Avast

So, now about the deletion. So you pinch Win buttons+ R, then you will see the Run window, you write the following command there:

Clicked OK, then the Programs and Features window will open, here you will have a list of all those programs that are on your computer. Here in the list you need to find Avast Free Antivirus, but usually this program comes first, well, there is the letter A, after all, the first in the alphabet. Well, in short, we found the program, right-clicked on it and then select Delete:

Then you will have a large Avast window, where you can update the antivirus, fix it, change it, well, in short .. And you can also activate free subscription for a year, in a joke! But if you are not interested in this and you still want to remove Avast, then click the Delete button here:

Then there will be such a security window from Avast, well, this is a type of check, but do you want to remove the antivirus? This check is just like what if the virus wants to remove the antivirus, there are such jokes too! Well, in short, in this window you click Yes:

The uninstallation process will begin:

Below you see, there is another question, well, like why are you deleting this antivirus? You can answer this question, or you can answer nothing, I didn’t answer anything there. If you have HDD is on a computer, then Avast can be deleted for about three minutes, but I have an SSD and therefore Avast left in a few seconds:

I pointed the arrow at the Restart computer button because I do not advise postponing this business, it is better to restart it right away! The fact is that there are some files, well, there are libraries and other dregs, so that all this is removed, you need to reboot. It will be removed even before the Windows kernel is loaded, well, something like this, that is, it will be removed while the Windows are not fully awake, in short, something like this! Therefore, it is better to reboot immediately.

In general, we rebooted and Avast Free Antivirus was removed from the computer, but is it completely? Hmm, this question remains to be seen

So, here I also want to tell you something, it may be that Avast Free Antivirus will be stupid and will not want to be deleted. What to do in this case? Well, I don't even know what to say. There is such a joke that it is better to delete it correctly, because if you delete it forcibly, then there may be jambs in the form of abandoned Avast drivers. Therefore, I advise you to visit this page, this is the official website of Avast:

This page has clear instructions on how to uninstall Avast using their avastclear utility, I advise you to use this utility if Avast does not want to uninstall normally. Just in case, I will also tell you that you can try to remove it using the remover Revo Uninstaller, only here you know what, here it is better to do it before deleting control point recovery, well, just in case. I wrote about the Revo Uninstaller remover, so you can take a look, by the way, the remover not only removes, but also searches for and removes garbage in the system, well, the garbage that remained after removing the program.

So, well, now let's get back to those things that need to be done after the removal of Avast. These deeds are the removal of residues. So, we have two types of leftovers, file garbage and garbage in the registry, let's start with the first. We need to open the system drive where Windows is installed. So I will show universal way how to open the system disk so that it is clear to absolutely everyone, although I understand that many already know how to do it, but still. So guys, hold down the Win + R buttons, then write the following command:

Clicked OK, then you will see a window where all your disks will be, here you need to select the system disk. Usually it goes under the letter C, and also has such a checkbox, well, there is a checkbox like Windows or something, in short, it differs from the rest of the disks. I have only one disk, but it also has such a checkbox, here it is shorter:

In general, we went to the system disk. Great, let's look for trash cans! But there is also such a joke that some files may not want to be deleted, so just in case I inform you that you may need the Unlocker utility, this is free utility and she is a wizard for deleting non-removable files and folders. I wrote about the Unlocker utility itself, I already have this utility installed. So now in the right upper corner window system disk, then there will be a search field, here you need to write the word avast, that is, write here:

Then we wait for the results, that is, we wait until all files and folders are found, in the name of which the word avast is mentioned. But I will say that you need to look for traces only after you have removed Avast, but not just removed, but removed CORRECT, do you understand what's the catch? Well, in short, guys, I've already found this garbage here, look:

Well, the joke, I deleted Avast, but the skoko folders remained after him, of course the guys need to clean it, we don't need such jokes! What to do, how to delete? But how, you need to select all files and folders first, or not, you can try to delete one at a time, if there is not a lot of garbage. Well, so, I selected all the folders and files, then right-click on this all and select the Delete item there:

Then there will be such a window, then click Yes:

Then you will see such a window, here you need to click the Continue button:

Well, kapets, of course, but another window will appear, well, maybe it won't appear for you, but here I have, in this window you need to check the box below and click the Yes button:

Then another window will appear, or rather, if it appears, then there you also need to check the box below and click the Skip button:

Apparently you can't just take and remove the remnants of Avast. Then I had another window, there I also put a checkmark at the bottom and clicked the Skip button:

Everything, then the windows no longer popped up, but not all the trash was removed! Here you need to press the F5 button for the search to be updated, because those files that you have actually already deleted may be displayed here, I don't know about you, but I have such a glitch. Well, we pressed F5, everything was updated, and now we will delete it using the Unlocker utility, right-click on all files and select the Unlocker item there (remember that I have this utility already installed):

Then such a security window popped up, then click Yes:

But you may not have this window if you have such security disabled! But damn, here I was waiting for a bummer. In short, I've pressed the Yes button and the effect is exactly zero! Do you know why? All because of these files:

Well, down there they are still there! I did not select them, but selected only the folders, then right-clicked on them again, chose the Unlocker item, and again there was zero effect, well, jokes, I thought! Then I began to do what I now advise you to do, it is to delete files and folders one by one. I clicked on the first folder, selected the Unlocker item, security popped up, clicked Yes there, then such a window appeared, then you need to select Delete in the menu on the left and click OK:

Deletion started:

Then such a window popped up, which means that everything went normal:

After deleting one folder, I pressed the F5 button to update the search. Well, I tried to delete it again using Unlocker, it also worked. In short, guys, this security window waved me a little, so I turned it off, just when it popped up again, I clicked here:

Then he lowered the slider to the very bottom:

I pressed OK and that's it, the window didn't bother me anymore. Well, I wrote this just in case, suddenly the window will reach you, now you will know how to turn it off. The guys had to sweat a little while I deleted all this, but I still managed to delete it, and then, when I tried again to search for the word avast, nothing was found:

But I succeeded because I deleted one file at a time, for some reason I couldn't delete two at once, I don't know what kind of joke it is. In short, such things, I succeeded, which means you will succeed, believe me

You are probably wondering, is everything already or something else? No, guys, I can't please you yet, because there is still garbage in the registry, you also need to delete it, but it's a little easier there .. So you press the Win + R buttons again, then write the following command:

A registry editor window will appear, this window will appear:

It is in this window that we will look for garbage, but how? Everything is simple here, do not worry, pinch Ctrl buttons+ F, then write avast in the search field and click the Find Next button:

The search will start. Now look carefully, the registry will look for everything that has the word avast in its name, it can be registry keys and keys. Everything that is found will be found one at a time and it will be highlighted. That is, something was found, it was highlighted, the search stopped, you clicked on what was found with the right button, selected Delete, then pressed the F3 button to continue the search. Well, is the algorithm roughly clear? I hope it's clear. Well, look, for example, there was some kind of folder (that is, a section), it is called 00avast, this is a trash bin, so we delete it, right-click and select the Delete item:

Then a window will pop up, click here Yes:

And that's it, the folder was deleted. This is how you need to do with everything, both trash folders and trash keys. With the keys, everything is the same, right-click, select Delete:

Here's another joke, in the name of the key there may not be anything at all related to Avast .. Well, often the key can be called simply By default, but if you look at the Value column, there you will see an entry that just refers to Avast:

By the way, if you delete this key by default, it will reappear, for that it is by default. But the Value field will already be empty. I just now thought, maybe keys with the name By default should be skipped at all? Well, I don’t know, but personally, I delete everything that has the word avast in its name, because I, so to speak, care about the cleanliness of Windows. Here's a joke

So guys, it's clear with the registry, yes, what you need to look for, then to continue the search you need to press the F3 button, then delete the found garbage again, and so on until such a window appears:

Well, that's all the guys on this, so you removed this Avast Free Antivirus, I congratulate you (well, if you actually removed it). What else can I say, except that the guys should clean the computer with the CClenaer utility, it will, so to speak, clean the entire computer of garbage, how to use it, then I wrote about this here. All the guys, that's all, I hope that you understood everything here, but if something is wrong, then you’re sorry. Good luck to you


Antivirus protection is an eternal user headache. The choice of programs on this market is large enough and everyone wants to find optimal solution for your computer. In the process of searching, you have to install programs different manufacturers and not all of them then want to leave the PC voluntarily, perceiving the user's actions as a threat to their existence. In this article, we will tell you how to completely remove Avast from Windows 8.

To remove programs in all versions of operating Microsoft systems a special control panel component is used. Antivirus is no better than the rest of the software, so the first step is to use the built-in OS tools.

  1. Call the "Power User" menu and select the marked item.

  1. The standard tool will open uninstall windows with a list of programs installed on the computer. Select Avast Free Antivirus by highlighting it with the mouse. Above the list of software, then the designated "Delete" button will appear. Right-clicking on the highlighted program will bring up a small context menu of two points. It can also be used to start the uninstall procedure.

  1. As a result of our actions, the configuration window will open. In the lower right corner, click the marked button, confirming your desire to get rid of this product.

  1. The computer screen dims and a small window with two buttons appears. Click "Yes" to disable it and return the desktop to its normal appearance.

By the way, it is thanks to this built-in protection that it is impossible to silently remove the program from the computer via the command line.

  1. The uninstall procedure is launched, after which we will be asked to take a survey. This can be done in the area marked with a question mark. Since we have nothing to wish for the developers, we immediately click on the highlighted button.

The computer will restart and the OS will automatically activate Windows Defender.

System cleanup

Removing the program is not entirely clean. The uninstaller leaves a significant amount of "tails" on the laptop that must be removed manually.

  1. Open "Explorer" and expand the top command menu... Go to the "View" tab. We put a tick in the box marked with the number "3". We should see the "ProgramData" folder.

  1. We open it and see the directory that we forgot to remove uninstall utility antivirus. Its size is small, but information about the installation date and the type of license is stored inside. We delete it using the icon on the command bar or the context menu.

  1. We confirm our decision by clicking the "Continue" button. The system will issue a similar request when emptying the basket.

  1. Let's open the registry editor to remove the remnants there too. To do this, in the text field of the Run window, enter the launch command "regedit".

  1. In the area with the registry branches, select "Computer". Press Ctrl + F to open internal search. In the text field, type "avast" and click the "Find" button.

  1. The search is performed throughout the entire registry tree. For each line found, call the context menu and delete it. We continue the search by pressing the F3 button until we find all the occurrences.

In total, you will have to delete a dozen values. After completing this operation, there will be no traces of the presence of the antivirus on the laptop.

Avast Removal Utility

The developers themselves recommend using a specially created utility to completely remove their product. The official website is devoted to this problem. separate page, from which you can download Avast Clear.

  1. Place the avastclear.exe file on your desktop. We call the context menu on its icon to launch it with elevated rights.

  1. The utility will determine that the OS is running in normal mode, and prompts you to switch to safe.

  1. Once again, we agree with the proposal. Click "Yes" to send the PC to reboot.

  1. Developers know better where the program is installed. Directories can be left unchanged if they were not changed during the installation phase. We check the version and click the "Delete" button.

  1. The removal procedure is the same as that performed by standard means OS. Upon completion, we will be prompted to restart the PC again to return to normal mode.

The utility does not remove the directory located in "ProgarmData" and the "tails" in the registry. Therefore, it is advisable to use it to uninstall an antivirus program if it cannot be removed by system tools.

Third party software

Users have an extremely strong belief in "wonderful" utilities that are capable of cleaning up the system on their own. This explains the popularity of programs such as CCleaner or Revo Uninstaller. Let's see how the latter will cope with the removal of Avast.

  1. Launch Revo Uninstaller. Select the anti-virus program in the general list and click the "Remove" button.

  1. We receive instructions on how to work with the utility.

  1. At the same time, the removal of the antivirus with its own uninstaller starts. Following the recommendations, we select the delayed restart. We start scanning.

  1. At the first stage, we get a list of detected registry keys. In order not to delete them manually, we entrust this work to Revo.

  1. We confirm the deletion of the registry branch.

  1. The next step, the program will give us a list of files and folders left over from Avast. There are many of them, not because the utility works somehow uniquely. We ourselves deliberately did not let the antivirus uninstaller finish its work by postponing the restart and cleaning. Select everything and allow deletion.

  1. Having failed to complete the cleaning process, the program notifies us about it.

  1. We get a list of temporarily left files and independently activate the reboot of the PC.

The launched OS will greet us with a full basket. Revo put all the files of the antivirus program in there, instead of deleting them. In the process of cleaning the basket, we will confirm the presence of administrative rights and the desire to get rid of "garbage".

After opening the "Explorer", make sure that the Avast directory in ProgramData remains in place. The registry editor for search will give us a dozen more "tails". As a result, we still work with our hands, cleaning not only the antivirus, but also the cleaning utility.


The considered methods will completely remove the antivirus from the PC and clean up the traces of its installation. Wherein staff funds operating systems allow you to do this with less time.

Video instruction

You can visually study the process of uninstalling Avast from a computer running Windows 8.1 in the thematic videos below.

To protect the operating system, users install anti-virus programs, but over time it may become necessary to uninstall it. As a rule, such tools have a built-in self-defense module, which complicates the process. Below is an example of how to uninstall Avast, what utilities to use for this.

What utility to download to uninstall programs

The problem with how to completely remove Avast antivirus from a computer arises in connection with the mandatory enhanced protection such products. Majority malware try to immediately disable protection tools in order to freely get control of the main processes of your Windows. For the same reason, ordinary users have difficulties with the uninstall procedure.

To remove Avast is not enough standard functions operating system. To do this, you need to use special utilities. Almost every company has its own uninstaller, which is distributed free of charge, but you can also find third party programs that do an excellent job. To safely remove all Avast files from your computer, you can download programs with the following names:

  • Revo Uninstaller;
  • Avastclear.

There is a method that allows you to uninstall the program using the built-in tools of the OS itself. To do this, you need to use standard method uninstalling programs through the control panel, but after it there are "tails" of the program that will interfere with the work the following antiviruses... There will be a need to clean the registry, and this already requires an advanced level of PC use from a person. Application special utilities greatly simplifies the work.

Removing antivirus avast

Those who do not know how to remove Avast antivirus correctly face the following problems in most cases:

  • Due to incorrect uninstallation in system partition part of the antivirus kernel files remains, which is essentially rubbish.
  • In general, nothing happens, because an attempt to manually send Avast to the basket is regarded by the program as malicious interference, the action is simply blocked.

Manufacturers always leave ways to work around such difficulties if the product really needs to be removed. To perform all subsequent actions, the user must have administrator rights or a message will appear that you cannot perform this operation... Whichever utility you choose, you must first disable the Avast self-defense module. As a rule, it becomes the main problem when uninstalling. For this:

  1. Click in the tray (on the panel with the start button in the right corner) on the Avast icon.
  2. Run it, in the main menu, find the item "Settings" (gear icon).
  3. In the window that opens, click on the "Troubleshooting" section.
  4. Uncheck the box next to the "Enable self-defense module" item.

Uninstaller program

This universal remedy How to uninstall Avast will be convenient for both novice users and experienced ones. The main thing is that the utility is located on the hard drive of a laptop or PC. You don't need to install it separately, just launch the application and that's it. To remove you need:

  1. Go to the Revo Uninstaller application, find and select Avast in the list.
  2. Hover over the title, right-click, select the "Delete" command.
  3. After that, the "native" uninstaller should open, click "continue".
  4. When the process is over, click "Restart Later".
  5. Come back on start window utilities, set the "Advanced" scan type, click "Scan".
  6. All files and folders that the search will find, you need to select and click "Delete", then "Finish".
  7. Repeat this step with all found entries in the registry.
  8. Empty the trash, restart your computer.

The avastclear utility

You can use a tool created by the developer himself. The Avast uninstall utility is available for download on the site. It is advisable to use it, because it is ideal for this antivirus, does not require any specialized knowledge on the part of the user, the utility does not pose any danger to your computer. You can download it from the official website of the Avast company. How to remove Avast:

  1. Run the utility in administrator mode.
  2. You will be prompted to restart your PC in safe mode - click the "Yes" button.
  3. After that, select the product name (version) in the uninstaller menu, click "Remove".
  4. The editor will display the progress of the procedure, a message will appear with positive result uninstallation, and then asks for another reboot.

Unlike previous version this tool is only suitable for working with Avast antivirus but does not require additional work with parameters, disabling the self-defense option. If possible, it is recommended to use such an uninstallation method, which guarantees 100% correct removal of the antivirus without junk files in the Windows registry or folder.

Video: removing avast

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