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  • Training program using the Connoisseur constructor. "the mystery of the electrical circuit"

Training program using the Connoisseur constructor. "the mystery of the electrical circuit"


  • Arouse children's interest in research when using the electronic designer "Connoisseur".
  • Continue to teach children to read diagrams and use them to assemble working mechanisms.
  • To develop children's skills in rational design and modeling, design thinking and creative initiative.
  • Develop cooperation and partnership skills in children. Support and strengthen children's self-confidence and their capabilities.
  • Develop empathy: induce in children a sense of responsiveness to those who are in difficult life situations and need help.

Material and equipment:

  • Laptop, presentation for class
  • Electronic construction kit “Connoisseur” - 12 sets
  • Schemes for the designer
  • Audio recording – Morse code

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group. Greet guests.

Educator: Guys, the guests came to see how interesting you can play and practice.

The signal sounds SOS .

Educator: Children, this is a distress signal. This signal is transmitted by an unmanned space station: “The station’s electronics have failed: there is no lighting, the cooling system has stopped working, sound sensors are not working. We urgently need help from a team of design engineers!”

Educator: How can you help an unmanned station? What suggestions do you have?

The children answer.

Educator: I suggest you try yourself as a design engineer. You will fly to the space station and help repair and restore electronics. What will we fly on? On a spaceship!

Educator: Guys, do we need some kind of repair kit to work at the station? What can we use in our work? (electronic designer “Connoisseur”).

Grab your construction sets and get ready to go. Is everyone ready? Let's fly!

(an image of a spaceship appears on the interactive whiteboard screen)

Educator: Attention children! We are docking with an uncrewed space station. Guys, we need to go to the station, but it’s very dark there! What should I do?

Children: The first thing you need to do is restore the lighting!

Educator: Right! Engineers, in front of you on the screen is the “Lamp” diagram. But since the electronics have not yet been restored and the switches do not work, I suggest you make a lamp controlled by a magnet. What part can replace the switch?

Child: to the reed switch.

Educator: What is a reed switch?

Children: a magnetically controlled contact or button that operates from a magnet. If you place a magnet near the reed switch, the lamp will light up. If the magnet is removed, the lamp will go out. Get to work!

Children assemble an electrical circuit called a “Lamp controlled by a magnet.”

Educator: Well done! You completed the task, fixed the lighting. Here comes the second compartment, and it’s very hot here! The cooling system is not working! What to do?

Children: I need to assemble a fan!

Educator: engineers, to assemble a powerful fan, a diagram will help you. Attention to the screen.

Children assemble a flying propeller circuit.

Educator: Guys, to prevent the propeller from taking off, you need to change the polarity of the electric motor connection (swap “plus” to “minus”) and install the propeller on it. Click the button. You can see that the direction of the propeller has been reversed. He can no longer take off and has turned into a powerful fan.

Children assemble an electrical circuit "Powerful Fan"

Educator: Well done! And you completed this task, you repaired the cooling system. Now the station is light and cool! You can dance.

Physical exercise “I am a rocket”

We move on to the third compartment, in which we need to restore the sound sensors. You and I have created many audio electrical circuits. And since we are in outer space, I suggest you assemble a sound electrical circuit “Star Wars sounds, manually controlled.” There is a new circuit in front of you, look carefully at the electrical series, the polarity relationship and assemble the circuit.

Children assembling an electrical circuit "Star Wars Sounds, Manually Controlled."

Educator: Amazing! The sound sensors have been restored, all electronics are working properly, and we can safely go home.

Morse code signals sound, the teacher deciphers: “Dear guys, thank you very much. But I really want you to make a spare power supply generator for the station, which will supply current, light, and heat in case of an emergency.”

Children each collect their own electrical circuit and combine these circuits into a spare power generator. Demonstrate his work.

Educator: Children, I suggest you collect repair kits and go to kindergarten. Come into our spaceship. Take a seat, fasten your seat belts. Let's fly.

Educator: Here we are back in kindergarten. You did a great job today. Your technical knowledge and skills helped save the unmanned station! Children, what do you think you did best? What are you proud of?

Children say goodbye to guests.

Communication with children during the lesson.

An electric motor is a special device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Why is this necessary? Only in this case is it possible to make various machines and mechanisms work as a whole.

Fan. There are many different parts in the world of electronics, and a fan is just a motor with a propeller, but the fact is that all these parts get very hot during operation! This is where the fan comes to the rescue. It cools the devices from the inside with air flow and if it does not work well, the device may turn off or break!

Piezo emitter. A device for reproducing sound.

Terminal. This is a clamp, it is used to secure wires to a power source or other wires.

An LED is a small electronic element that emits light.

Reed switch is a magnetically controlled contact.

At about 3-4 years old, children reach the age of “why”. Parents sometimes get tired of their child’s constant questions, and to some they cannot find answers, and do not really think about them. But in vain, because it is at this age that the child’s brain is most receptive to mastering new information; speech, attention, thinking, and imagination are actively developing. Therefore, it is better for parents to stock up on encyclopedias and educational games.

Will be an excellent assistant in the development of a childElectronic designer "Connoisseur" . This wonderful game will help your child spend his time profitably and introduce him to the laws of physics and electronics in practice. In addition to ready-made diagrams that include dozens of different elements, the electronic designer “Connoisseur” provides unlimited opportunities for the manifestation of a child’s imagination, developing his ingenuity and imagination. Even if your child is an absolute humanitarian, he will be interested in tinkering with the designer, creating something new and unique: an electronic toy or an original miracle device.the child's creative abilities develop.

It has long been known that for the development of speech it is of great importancedevelopment of fine motor skills of hands . Working with partselectronic designer "Znatok"will allow you to improve and make more accurate the movements of your baby’s fingers, which will provide indispensable assistance in mastering writing, as well as in the development of thinking and speech. After all, it’s not without reason that they say that “a child’s mind is at his fingertips.”

Absolutely all children sooner or later become interested in the design of various electrical appliances: how the radio works, why the light bulbs light up, how bells work, burglar alarms, etc. It is quite difficult to answer such questions in a way that the child understands. After all, you have to operate with concepts from physics and electronics. However,allows you to understand the principles of operation of electrical appliances through practical actions.

By connecting various elements: light bulbs, switches, transistors, electric motors, the child not only gets acquainted with new concepts, but understands how the technology around him works. Children who have masteredThey are unlikely to experience difficulties in physics, labor and computer science lessons.

Notice how diligently the kids disassemble into their component parts any toys and household items that come to their hands. Especially those that glow, play, and move. Often, after such research, the toy breaks, the parents scold the child, and the child himself gets upset. Such situations can completely discourage the desire to comprehend new things and experiment. But as a result of precisely this kind of research activity, the baby learns about the world and develops the most important function of thinking - analysis, that is, the ability to decompose the whole into parts. An equally important quality of thinking is synthesis—composing a whole from parts.

Electronic designer "Connoisseur"promotes the development of both functions of thinking and allows the child to experiment without harm to his health and without breaking toys. By following the instructions and assembling certain devices, the child will feel like a real expert and a wizard, because at the end of each successful experiment a small miracle occurs: a light bulb lights up, a motor runs, a toy moves, etc. Elementary physics on the basis of which it was createdelectronic designer "Connoisseur"the thing is so fascinating that the impressions and delight from each assembled device remain with the child for a long time! The electronic construction kit "Connoisseur" is absolutely safe, which is important for children. It is quickly and easily assembled and disassembled.

The “Znatok” electronic construction kit is suitable for any level of knowledge. Even a 5-year-old child can assemble simple electrical circuits by connecting certain parts in various circuits. Of course, depending on the age and level of training of the child, the required share of parental participation in the child’s activities is determined. The electronic designer “Connoisseur” is designed in such a way that it will be interesting to both children and adults, even those who are well versed in electronics. A large number of different construction elements creates unlimited possibilities for experimentation! The “Connoisseur” electronic construction set is an excellent reason to get the whole family together on some grandiose project. During the work, the child learns partnerships, mutual assistance and mutual understanding. Interesting joint activities unite and contribute to the formation of character traits such as attentiveness, sociability, patience and accuracy. All these qualities are irreplaceable in life.

If your child is in middle school, thenElectronic designer "Connoisseur"will help in mastering the school physics curriculum. Which parent and teacher has not encountered a lack of desire among children to cram this rather complex subject? The electronic constructor "Connoisseur" promotes the assimilation of school laws of physics in practice and stimulates interest in this subject. Boring and incomprehensible, at first glance, theories turn into fascinating experiments.

The world is changing, and the approach to learning is changing today. The first place comes to identifying the child’s abilities, an individual approach to him, and training aimed, first of all, at getting the children interested. The times of cramming and coercion are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Recent data from studies of the mental development of schoolchildren have convincingly proven the effectiveness of a democratic and individual approach in working with children. That is why the electronic designer “Znatok” contains tasks that are divided into levels of difficulty, depending on the capabilities of a particular child. Topics of the school physics curriculum such as: “Mechanical vibrations and waves. Sound”, “Fundamentals of electronics”, “Integrated circuits”, "Digital technology. Logic circuits", "Electrical phenomena. Direct current", "Electric current in various media", "Semiconductor components", "Electromagnetic phenomena", "Electrostatics" can be mastered with the help of experimental tasks of different levels of complexity, which offers the Electronic Designer "Connoisseur".

Irina Morozova

February there was a new one in the group constructor. Egor said that he has one like this at home constructor and dad taught him how to assemble the circuits indicated in the instructions. paying special attention to observing the location of the pluses and minuses on the parts. In just a few days, the children mastered the procedure for assembling “circuits” and learned that a circuit could contain a light bulb, a fan, a bell, and much more. The circuit can be closed either manually or with a magnet. And this causes sincere delight in children. The principle is very simple: Bright parts are installed on a plastic board, the connections look and work like snap fasteners on clothes, children can easily handle them. All elements are numbered, which allows you to determine the purpose and name of the part from the instructions. The colors of the parts match the colors on the diagrams. Constructor interested not only boys, girls are engaged with no less interest. Now they are already trying to assemble their own circuits.

Publications on the topic:

My mom is the most beautiful! -Mom is affectionate! -Mommy is very kind and caring! -My beloved mom! These are the words the children spoke about their own.

Every child in his small and bright life has a favorite activity, business. Some people like to play with dolls, others have a talent for dancing.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! The bustling, holiday-filled January season has flown by! Christmas trees and toys have been put away for storage.

This is an unusual hat I made. I created it from materials at hand. The main part, the one that follows.

Finally, after a long slush, snow fell - white, fluffy, unusually mysterious. He attracts both adults and children. From the moment.

Drawing with handprints is a very fun and interesting activity for a child of any age. For both children and adults.

We congratulate you on a holy, wonderful Christmas from the bottom of our hearts! In the vastness of heaven, a star floats in silence. Christmas! This is the most mysterious and magical.

The children of the preparatory group and I conducted a GCD Topic: “Water and its properties” Where the children and I determined that water has no odor and is colorless.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 88"

Short-term educational internship

Call (electronic designer “Connoisseur”)

(Secondary and preparatory group)

Educator: Virginia Zigmantovna Girtaite


Educational program passport

Short-term educational practice

1 lesson.

Bicycle call.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher walks around the group with a bell and rings it. Attracts children's attention.


I wonder where the sound is coming from?

He turns the bell in his hands and tries to look inside.


Guys, are you wondering how the call works?, how can we control the sound?


Yes, interestingly, we ourselves can make different sounds.


I suggest you make the call yourself



Children offer their options on how to make a call.


I want to introduce you to an unusual designer. It's called "The Connoisseur".

He brings construction sets into the group, and the children sit at the tables. They open them and examine them.


Why do you think it has this name?

Children's answers.

Do you guys understand this constructor? Is it similar to the constructors we have in our group?

Children's answers.


The guys in front of us are presented with elements with the help of which we can assemble a circuit, using the same principle, engineers (scientists) assembled our bell, it’s just that their parts are small, and ours are large.

But first, let's study what the parts are called. You can pick them up, look at them, twist them, twirl them, BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO PLACE THEM IN THE CELL IN WHICH THIS PART WAS LOCATED.


Let's start studying. Guys, how do the parts differ from each other?


Color, size, and inscription



We will call the blue parts wires. And the points on them are called connecting terminals.

We also need a red part, a loudspeaker (speaker) and a battery (it is important that the teacher demonstrates each part, and the children find it in their sets). Guys, remember where each part is, this is important.

Also, when collecting sound, like in a call, we will need a Green switch. We don't need the rest of the details. They are needed to collect other circuits. (Pages 2 and 3 instructions). Children also need to be told the rules on page 1. (1 and 2)

Guys, today I introduced you to an interesting constructor, we looked at all the details, and now I will show you how to assemble a bell. The teacher begins to collect, the children, if desired, can also collect after the teacher (If the children are prepared). And now I invite you to try our detail in action. Children take turns pressing the button and a sound is made. They share their impressions.

Our acquaintance with the designer has come to an end for today. I suggest assembling the construction sets, making sure that all the details are in their places.

Expected Result

Knowledge of doorbell circuit assembly

Lesson 2.

Designer expert (one for 2 children is possible)

Instructions (diagrams) for the designer “Connoisseur”

Bicycle call.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, today I brought you the “Connoisseur” construction set. Let's remember the diagram of what item we made? What are the construction parts called?

Children's answers.

And now I suggest you repeat my scheme for a simple doorbell.

Open page 8 of the instructions and begin assembly.

The teacher pronounces each step.

Now we have completed the assembly, let's press the button and check if we have connected everything correctly.

Guys, what difficulties did you experience in assembling the call?

Children's answers.

Now let's look at our diagrams and don't forget to put each part in its own cell.

Expected Result

Assembled doorbell circuit.

Lesson 3.

Designer expert (one for 2 children is possible)

Instructions (diagrams) for the designer “Connoisseur”

Bicycle call.

Simple call




Progress of the lesson

Guys, look how many calls I have, let's look at them. All of them are controlled by pressing a button or lever. Did you know that you can make a call that is controlled by water? Children's answers.

Today we will make such a call to you. But instead of a green switch, we need a touch plate (yellow). The teacher must demonstrate the detail.

Let's take the “Connoisseur” constructor and open the diagram of a familiar call, page 8

Let's start assembling. The teacher comments on his every step.

Now we have put together a diagram of what we will need to launch if we made a “water-controlled doorbell”.

Children's answers.

I suggest looking at how it works first. The teacher first drips a drop of water onto his model. Then he offers to do it for the children.

Guys, which call did you like better? Which call has a more complex circuit? Children's answers.

Now let's look at our diagrams and don't forget to put each part in its own cell. And today it is important to wipe the part with a rag on which water has been dripped.

Expected Result

Assembled diagram of a water-controlled doorbell.

Lesson 4.

Designer expert (one for 2 children is possible)

Instructions (diagrams) for the designer “Connoisseur”

Bicycle call.

Simple call

Bell or other bells.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, what kind of calls did we collect? How were they controlled?

Children's answers.

Today I suggest you assemble a circuit for a sound-controlled doorbell. What sound can we use? Children's answers. Correctly, we can clap our hands loudly, or shout loudly.

To do this, we need a new part, called a piezo emitter (yellow)

We begin by assembling the bell that is already familiar to us, now we connect the piezo emitter between terminals A and B.

Let's try how it works for us.

Guys, we met the designer “Connoisseur”. Tell us what the parts are called, diagrams of what objects we made, what we controlled? Children's answers.

The teacher summarizes all lessons.

Expected Result

Assembled circuit of a sound-controlled doorbell.

This presentation is a development for a lesson at the scientific and technical association “Technical Design and Modeling” and “Electronic Automation” for students of our center for additional education in grades 3-6. The presentation is accompanied by the work of an electronic designer of the type: “Connoisseur” and “My Electronic Laboratory” serves as an instruction card for assembling circuits; material for repetition - tasks in the form of puzzles; material for fastening. This presentation saves handouts (paper) and allows you to work in groups on speed and quality in completing the work.



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Slide captions:

Practical work with an electronic designer

What are the names of the radio components whose symbols you see on the slide?

Solve the puzzles

Solve the puzzles

Let's remember the definitions of radio components. A connector is a blue or yellow part that connects current-carrying radio components to each other according to the diagram. Performs the role of wires in the device. The battery pack is the power supply element of the circuit, which supplies electric current to the elements of the circuit and ensures the normal operation of the electrical circuit. A light bulb is an element of an electrical circuit that converts electrical energy into light. Used to illuminate home street devices. LED - an element of an electrical circuit that converts electrical energy into light, is sensitive to high current. Used to illuminate home street devices. A resistor is an element of an electrical circuit that reduces electric current. Serves to protect the LED from burning out. A switch is an element of an electrical circuit that, when the contacts close, ensures the operation of the circuit, and when the contacts open, turns off the electrical circuit. A reed switch is a sealed contact, an element of an electrical circuit that, like a switch, regulates the operation or shutdown of the circuit, but only with the help of a magnet.

Let's get acquainted with the diagram. Practical task: 1. Name the conventional graphic symbols for the radio components listed on the slide. 2. Draw a diagram from the slide. 3. List the details of the circuit. 4. Using a constructor, assemble the circuit. 5. Check the operation of the switch or button and reed switch. Answer the questions. How many elements can be switched on using a reed switch? How many elements can be turned on with a button or switch?

Reflection What details did you learn about in class today? What function did they perform? Where can we observe these properties of radio components? In what devices? What new things did you learn about yourself today? What was interesting? What difficulties did you experience while working with the diagrams?

Evaluate yourself 1. From the listed symbols, write down those that are responsible for light or illumination? 3. From the listed symbols, write down those that can turn on or off a working circuit or circuit? 2. From the listed symbols, write down those that are responsible for movement?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Answered correctly Answer to question 1 Answer to question 2 Answer to question 3

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