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Computer room program management of computer clubs, Internet cafes. Locker computer club management system

The relevance of computer clubs today would be questioned by many. Indeed, now it is not easy to find a person who would not have a single computer at home, and perhaps the Internet, too.

If you can always take advantage of all this at home, sitting on a soft couch, who needs to go to the club, and even pay extra money for it? But, surprisingly, this business to this day is one of the most cost-effective, and the flow of customers does not even think to decrease.

What is the reason for this, for what reasons people in our time can give preference to computer clubs:

  • Children and adolescents, who make up the largest percentage of the club's visitors, have a developed need to be in the company.
    They are attracted by the opportunity to come to the club with friends, share their impressions during the game and spend time together. In addition, the club allows doubles or even multi-member games to be played, which is not always possible at home.
  • Many parents disapprove of children's excessive interest in computers, restricting access, and also do not allow themselves to be noisy in the apartment.
    In the computer club, you can make a lot of noise and play for your own pleasure.
  • All people have various force majeure events in their lives.
    It happens that you urgently need to do this or that work, find information, contact someone - and the Internet, as luck would have it, is turned off. Such cases are by no means uncommon, so visitors who just need to use the computer will turn up regularly.

In other words, it is extremely wrong to think that modern computer clubs are empty. It is quite possible to receive good income from such a business, however, when organizing the work of a club, you will have to face a number of difficulties.

How to organize the work of a computer club

Open the computer club makes sense if there are no analogues of such an establishment in your city or region, or if they do not satisfy all the needs of customers.

At the same time, the settlement must have at least 20 thousand inhabitants, otherwise the project is most likely doomed to failure. Basically, the work of such a club is designed for adolescents, to a lesser extent - for students, while the rest of the age categories are an exception.

For young people, the most convenient time to visit the club will be evening or night, in the morning the institution will be empty. Therefore, it is better to draw up a work schedule based on this: computer club should work around the clock or late, perhaps in the afternoon.

The central location for the computer club does not play a big role, you can open it in a residential area. However, it is important that the club is located within walking distance from the school, or better - from several. It is desirable to locate the club directly next to a bus stop or a large store. It is not recommended to use the premises located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building - residents will constantly complain about noise.

But, in any location, noise insulation characteristics of the room should be maximum.

Development potential. What questions need to be considered?

How to cover the most important aspects in a business plan of a vending business, read about the features of this direction.

Read more about the preparation for the opening of the LLC here:. What documents are needed to start the registration procedure?

Technical requirements

The activity of a computer club does not require a license, but this is where the "simplicity" of the organization ends.

Otherwise, you will have to draw up a lot of documents and go through a series of scrupulous checks. Still, such work will be directly related to children, and with this in our country it is always strict.

To gain full access to work and functioning, a computer club needs the following:

  • Obtain a license for using the local Internet and providing thematic services from the Ministry of Communications.
  • If you are opting for a 24/7 club, you will need permission from your local police agency.
  • One playing place, according to the standards of the sanitary service, must be allocated at least 4 sq. M.

For the club to generate income, there must be computers in the hall not less than 15.

Based on this, and you need to calculate the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room - as you can see, it turns out to be not so small

  • The next important point is related to the power of electromagnetic radiation.
    This indicator should also remain within the normal range, so the SES employees will take the necessary measurements at each computer. The service, by the way, is paid.
  • In addition, it will also be required to comply with fire safety standards.
    The wiring in the room has to withstand enormous stress, so it needs to be changed during renovations. The club must have a fire exit and fire extinguishers: with such an activity in the power grid, this measure is inevitable.
  • By law, children cannot be in the computer club during school hours, as well as after 9 pm.
    Breaking these rules is fraught with large fines, so you need to closely monitor the schedule.

Computer equipment

Remember that the technique that you will use in the club must be as powerful and efficient as possible. Not every computer can handle modern video games.

Buying computers is better directly from the manufacturer, in this way it will be possible to save a lot on intermediaries.

However, games alone are not enough: high-speed Internet is also required, which will require considerable investment. A corporate network is not at all like the Internet for home use, it is completely different in both speed and price indicators. Subscription fee for about equipping the hall at the lowest speed will cost several thousand - and you will need a much faster connection, you need the Internet to “fly”.

Next solid item of expenditure- software for your computers.

The catch is that it is indispensable must be licensed.

Of course, you can take the risk and use "illegal" software, but, most likely, sooner or later the check will nevertheless reveal your cunning. In this case, the consequences threaten the most sad: up to 60 thousand rubles in a fine, or two years in prison - what to do, violation of copyright.

If the company itself, the security of which you used, goes to court, the fine that you face will increase to five million rubles. In a word, in order not to make things worse, it is better not to joke with the law and organize everything at the official level.

In addition to the main one, you should definitely stock up on small equipment: a copier, blank disks, flash drives. This will allow you provide additional services and get more money (just a copier is worth it - be prepared that this request will be constantly addressed to you).

What can be the equipment of a computer club, see the video:

Where to start compiling. What budget is required to open?

We will talk about the advantages of starting a small business on a franchise in a separate section. How to minimize the investment of your own funds at the initial stage.

An example of an anti-cafe business plan is available at:. How to develop this direction and what is needed for this?


For a computer club numerous staff are not only not required but also undesirable:

  • Firstly, it is quite "independent" entertainment - video game lovers know perfectly well how and what to do, they do not need hints, advertising or close attention from employees.
    In fact, the duties of an employee are reduced only to registration of guests and monitoring the time, and therefore one administrator is enough for such work.
  • Another reason is that when it comes to expensive equipment, personnel selection should be doubly careful.
    It is difficult to vouch for a stranger - what if the employee turns out to be dishonest and decides to quietly unscrew some parts for his home processor? Or it will not keep track of clients who decide to do the same.

Better if the administrator will be a trusted person that you can always vouch for.

An approximate business plan for opening a computer club

As in any business, start-up investments will be required a lot, in the future they will be significantly reduced.

The initial costs of opening a club are as follows:

  • Premises rental - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Network connection (speed 100 Mb / s) - up to 3 thousand rubles;
  • Internet subscription fee for legal entities - 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Repair, change of wiring - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Hardware and software - from 800 thousand rubles;
  • Furniture - 300 thousand rubles;
  • Utility bills - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising, signs - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Consumables, minor needs - 30 thousand rubles.

Generally, start-up capital - about 1.5 million rubles.

The amount is considerable, which is not surprising when it comes to expensive equipment - but a fairly fast (in about a year) payback and good income fully compensates for the costs.

How to open a computer club - we offer a step-by-step business plan + 8 clear steps for opening your project.

Capital investments in the Internet club: 863,000 rubles.
Payback period according to the business plan: 12 months.

How much time do you spend on the Internet?

The information network attracts more and more people, it has become an integral part of our life.

Your own computer club is a real way to turn the expense item of millions of people into a source of income for you.

The main document that will help in this direction - computer club business plan.

Let's analyze the features of the business and the main points to which you need to pay attention.

Most likely, you think that the Internet is present in every home.

How can you get a consumer sitting in a comfortable chair to get up and go to such an establishment?

But a real entrepreneur must look at things deeper, delve into the essence of things.

The Internet is a network.

It allows you to be in close communication with huge masses of people who have common interests, problems, values, hobbies.

Let us turn to sociology: a group of people with common interests strives to unite - this is a fact.

The idea to open a computer club is to provide such an opportunity for people to gather in one place.

The entrepreneur gives joy to the guests, and keeps the income for himself.

What list of documents is included in the business plan of the computer club?

The first step that should be taken when opening your computer business is to properly register your business.

To register a Limited Liability Company, certain conditions are required:

    One or more founders.

    They can be both individuals and legal entities.

    Initial capital (minimum RUB 10,000).

    The amount can be contributed both in money and property.

    Initially, you can deposit 5,000 rubles, and then, within 12 months, deposit the rest of the amount.

    It is necessary to draw up a charter.

    This document is mandatory and is often developed from a sample by simply changing the required data.

After all the conditions specified above are met, the second stage begins - the assembly of a package of documents for registering a computer business.

The list of necessary documentation in order to open a computer club is indicated in the form of a table:

DocumentMethod of registration
Confirmation of the uniqueness of the name of the clubApply to Rospatent
Confirmation of the location of the businessInterregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Centralized Data Processing.
Memorandum of associationDrawn up by a notary until the charter of the LLC is drawn up
Data on the size of the initial investmentStatement from the relevant bank, with the exact amount of the investment
The decision to open an LLCTo issue according to the instructions posted on the website of the Federal Tax Service
Bank details where the company's account is opened.Statement from the relevant bank

Only after collecting all the necessary documents and placing the enterprise in the register of the federal tax service, the process of opening a computer club can be completed.

If you have any difficulties with registering a company, it is better to seek help from an experienced lawyer.

He will be able to organize the process properly.

The costs of resolving issues of this kind will cost from 10,000 rubles. (it all depends on the experience of the lawyer and the office he represents).

Marketing analysis for a computer club business plan

1. Analysis of the target audience.

In the second stage of designing a business plan, you need to clearly define the target audience of the club that you decide to open.

Any institution works for the consumer, blindly - this is the key to the failure of the project.

Who can be the target audience of a computer club?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand one important detail - now it is impossible to attract visitors just by the presence of powerful computers and uninterrupted access to the network.

Most potential guests have a computer at home, they do not need to visit such establishments.

Below is a diagram that opens the reader's eyes to how many percent of the adult population of Russia are aware of the existence of the Internet and actively use all its resources.

The diagram shows the percentage of the total population of Russia.

The computer club will be located in a city where approximately 80% of residents are constantly exposed to the Internet and use it.

After analyzing this information, we will determine the main target audience, based on the possible goals of visiting a computer club.

The main goal of a modern visitor is team battles in popular games (World of Tanks, Total War, Dota 2, etc.).

We determine the age of a standard visitor - 14-26 years old, ie. these are schoolchildren, students or just working people who are interested in spending time together in a computer club.

Also, one cannot discard that small percentage of guests whose goal is stable Internet access.

Let's look at the future visitors of our club more clearly:

2. List of competitive advantages.

When drawing up a business plan for a computer club, we must focus on the return on investment of the company and a permanent income.

The goal is to determine why the consumer should choose our institution, how it compares favorably with competitors' establishments.

Building a competitive advantage in practice is proving to be a very difficult task.

To solve it, a deep analysis of the properties of the product is required, in our case, the computer club itself can be called a product.

Let's list its properties:

  • Internet service quality.
    High speed and uninterrupted network access.
  • The level of technical equipment.
    The quality of computers in the club, technical indicators that allow demonstrating the best performance.
  • The location of the computer facility.
  • Staff.
    Ability to provide quality service.
  • Convenience of the client's workplace.
  • The quality of the cuisine, drinks.
  • Interior design solution.
  • Atmosphere.

Having determined the properties of a computer club, we will determine its merits.

In practice, the most significant qualities for visitors were the comfort and compliance of the pricing policy with the services offered.

For a business to make money, you need to try to design all the exceptional qualities early on.

Marketing does not forgive mistakes!

When developing a business plan, you should be guided by the idea of ​​maximizing all the qualities of the enterprise, achieving maximum competitive advantage.

Promotion methods or how to open a computer club and attract more people to it?

Advertising of the company guarantees him an increase in the flow of customers, more guests - more money.

Let's set a task for marketing in a business plan - it is necessary to attract as many city residents as possible to the club.

The correct formulation of the problem is very important, because now we understand that the audience of visitors is limited to residents of the city, and possibly even a small area where the club is located.

Taking into account the specifics of the institution, we suggest considering the most localized approaches to promotion.

Their list and implementation is shown below:

    Publications in the local press.

    We are ready to say to all skeptics that the press will never go to the distant past, even the printed forms of publications do not lose popularity.

    Publications on local Internet resources.

    It is logical to promote a computer club on the Internet.

    Word of mouth.

    For a small amount of money, residents of the city are ready to disseminate any information.

    Loyalty programs.

    Example: Give a discount to people of retirement age.

    In this way, you can achieve public affection, respect for business.

    Don't lose touch with consumers.

    Maintain contact with them, congratulate them on significant events, showing attention has the same effect - only in your direction.


    Create such an atmosphere of the establishment that the guest would like to come back to you and grab a couple of friends.

    You can win over customers by writing a positive review on the local forum.

When designing a business plan for a computer club, you need to pay attention to quality marketing.

Choosing a room for a computer club

A computer club should be opened in a densely populated residential area of ​​the city.

Why is this decision correct?

Our target audience for the business plan is students and schoolchildren, i.e. the time of greatest activity is reduced to 16.00 - 23.00 (after school or work).

This is the very moment when this contingent is confidently walking towards their home (few students live in the center).

The first factor provoked the appearance of the second - the proximity to the house is very convenient (remember the competitive advantages!).

The rental price is significantly lower, which will reduce costs.

    Room characteristics

    A computer club is an institution in which clients work with equipment, i.e. we need to pay attention to fire safety, climate control, high-quality electricity, access or the possibility of placing the technical equipment of a high-speed network distribution point.

    Rental services cost

    Renting a space for a computer club of 50 square meters will cost about 23,000 - 24,000 rubles. (the cost can range from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles).

Selection of equipment for a computer club

Minimum equipment checklist for 15 workplaces (+ administrator's place) according to the business plan:

(1 piece / rub.)
(total rub.)
Total: RUB 706,000
PC (complete assembly)
16 33 000 528 000
Computer desk
16 6 000 96 000
Office chair
16 4 500 72 000
Access point (complete assembly)
1 10 000 10 000

Staff recruitment for the club

The staff is the soul of the establishment, if everything is in order in the club with the service, customers will return again and again.

Let's make a list of the required employees:


    If you are going to work around the clock, you will need several people for this position.

    System Administrator.

    A very important employee who is directly responsible for the operation of the technician.


    Working with the cash register also requires a separate person; calculating taxes and payments is a very painstaking task.

    Security guard.

    When there is so much equipment in the institution, it is obvious without descriptions what a security guard is needed for.

The minimum wage in Russia is 7,500 rubles, i.e. we expect that employees will receive an average of 15,000 - 18,000 rubles. per month.

Do not forget about taxes: for each of the employees you will have to pay about 15% of his income.

Using the method of simple mathematical operations, we calculate the total amount: ~ 73,000 rubles.

The video shows an example of setting up a computer club:

Financial section of the computer club business plan

"If you are heading towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​barking at you, you will never reach your goal."
Fedor Dostoevsky

Let's calculate how much money we need to open a computer club.

It is necessary to take into account the rent of premises, inspections of sanitary facilities, expenses for equipment and salaries of employees.

By eliminating technical equipment and replacing it with technical support, the maintenance of the business will cost 127,000 rubles.

To determine the payback period after opening, let's calculate the daily income of the club.

When the hall is loaded with 10 people for 24 hours and the cost of an hour is 30 rubles. per person, it turns out 216,000 per month.

Let's subtract the amount of the monthly investment: in total, we have 89,000 rubles.

In this article, we have answered the question, how to open a computer club.

The payback period of the project was 12 months.

With careful design and dedication to building a business, a project is bound to be a success.

Are you ready to devote a year of your life to realizing your dream?

Take action, entrepreneurship requires good ideas and quick decisions, don't miss your chance.

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The spread of computer clubs, Internet cafes around the world is experiencing a real boom in popularity. The ability to get easy access to the Internet anywhere in the world is very important and useful for everyone. E-mail, access to Internet resources - all this makes our life more convenient and productive. It is a real storehouse of information for students, a means of communication and leisure activities. Fans of computer games have the opportunity to fight against each other, and not only within the room of a computer club, but also with any opponent anywhere in the world. The help of computer clubs for people on vacation or on a business trip is invaluable. For them, it is a means of communication, the ability to exchange documents, important messages. It is impossible to list all the areas of useful services provided by computer clubs.

The owners of computer clubs, from the very first days of work, are faced with a host of different problems. How to control the work of administrators? Dishonest employees (administrators) often do not bring money to the cash register, selling computer time without accounting. The owner of the club cannot constantly be present and monitor the work. He needs reliable daily work reports (which would be impossible to falsify), statistics of the club's work, the ability to monitor work from home, via the Internet. Its main task is to increase the profit received from the work of the club. The work of administrators of computer clubs is not only about keeping track of paid time and receiving money from clients. It is necessary to monitor the state of computers, the work of the local network, and restrict club visitors from launching malicious programs. All this is not a complete list of problems that are solved with the help of automation programs and management of the work of computer clubs.

Today there are many programs for managing computer clubs. There are both domestic and foreign developments, professional and amateur, expensive and free. In this article we will consider the development of the domestic (Ukraine / Odessa) company AstrumSoft - "Computer Hall". (). The program for administration has been developed since 2000, the author is Ruslan Andreevich Shcherbatyuk (). The program is popular not only in the former Soviet republics, but also abroad. The program has Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, Lithuanian and Latvian interfaces. The program works under most Windows operating systems (XP / 2003 / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10).

The original interface of the program allows you to assess the atmosphere in the club at a glance. One screen contains information about all computers in the club. This solution places some limitation on the admin monitor. For a club with 16 computers, a screen resolution of 800x600 is sufficient, for a club with up to 30 computers, a resolution of 1024x768 is required, but if you have 31 to 48 computers, a monitor with a resolution of 1280x1024 is required. This is not a problem today.

The program consists of two parts, server and client. The server part is installed on the administrator's computer. This is his workplace. The client part is installed on each computer in the local network. Clients of the computer club (or Internet cafe) will work behind them.

The task of the client parts of the program is to keep computers in a locked state until the rent for their time is paid. Computers are blocked using several mechanisms: an unclosed splash window and a keyboard / mouse lock. This is how an example splash window looks like:

It is possible to insert any picture or a group of pictures that change randomly or with a specified period of time.

Control of paid time is the number one functionality found in any computer club management program. It is enough for the club administrator to enter the time for which the computer is engaged, the payment amount will be automatically calculated, the client computer is unlocked. When the paid time expires, the client computer is automatically locked. Thus, the client will not "replay" more time than he paid for, and the owner of the club will be sure that he will receive the maximum profit. The program can remind the client of how much time he has left (or how much he used), including by voice, 5 minutes before the end of the time, directly into the headphones or through the speakers of the administrator's computer.

In the program, you can enter the price for an hour of games, an hour of the Internet. There are the concepts of "night", "midnight". Often, users stay overnight at Internet cafes. It usually costs less than paying by the hour. You can use "open time", i.e. when the client does not know in advance how much he will work and wants to pay at the end of the work. The sale of minutes in bulk was implemented, with crediting to the balance of regular customers (game and Internet cards).

Discounts, rounding of payments, free time for setting up a computer are taken into account, rates may change automatically depending on the time of day. It is possible to fine the client for bad behavior (to reduce the time of his work). It is possible to return the remaining money to the client (if he paid for 1 hour, but worked only 30 minutes). It is possible to transfer clients to other computers, perhaps for the client to give the remaining time to a friend on another computer.

The program allows you to keep track of the time of use of any game consoles, for example: Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3/4, Wii. To block operation, the program uses networked IP PDUs (purchased separately). When the paid time is out, the program turns off the power of the TV.

Reliable reporting is an essential feature of any computer club monitoring program. In the "Computer Room" program, various reports are kept that can be viewed for any period (for example, a selected work shift on a given day). The reports are encrypted, there is no easy way to change or replace them. Reports even have self-healing mechanisms from internal copies. The owner of the club can be sure of the reliability of the reports, all possible loopholes for deception by his administrators have been eliminated, he will see the statistics of the club as it really was. This is what one of the program reports looks like:

Reports to the program, and the program itself, have different access levels, protected by passwords. The owner, for example, can prohibit editing tariffs used in the program, prohibit viewing reports of changes of other administrators. A special report "Used Processes" shows which programs were used by clients, at what time. It is possible to display a list of processes by sorting "by popularity". For any computer (or for all), for the current shift or any given period. The owner of the club will be aware of how much more popular one game is than the other in his club.

The program allows you to take into account any other services, for example: printing on a printer, scanning, burning CDs, bar services (tea, coffee). Printing on a printer is specially controlled by the program; all printers connected to the administrator's computer are under its constant supervision. Each sheet of paper printed is counted.

The program allows you to control the use of the Internet in different modes of operation. It is possible to disable it in game mode, or to configure limited functionality. If you are a programmer and want to write your own module for controlling the use of the Internet, the instructions for the program will tell you how to do it.

The program allows you to control and rate the traffic used by customers. The division of traffic into a local network, the Internet and any other networks (for example, city networks) is easily configured. The price of 1 megabyte of traffic is set, depending on the volume.

The program has a built-in database of regular visitors to the club. You can enter the personal data of each client, including address, photo. The program will always tell you who and how much time spent in the club, how much they spent in total (brought profit to the club). It is possible to create user groups and assign discounts to groups, for example: regular group, discount - 3%; silver group, discount - 5%; gold group discount - 10%. At the end of the month, prizes can be drawn for the visitors who have visited the club the most.

The program's capabilities for remote control of client computers are rich. This tool is convenient, first of all, for administrators. You can view client desktops, process lists, delete processes, control sound volume, restart and shutdown computers, send text messages, and more.

One of the drawbacks that many computer club management programs suffer from is the complicated procedure for replacing client parts when a new version of the program is released. To do this is quite long, even for a club with a dozen computers. The "Computer Room" program is able to update the versions of client parts by pressing just one button. By pressing another button, you can easily check the versions of the client parts on all computers, their integrity (i.e. protection against changes).

The owner of the club can control the work of the program via the Internet. To do this, he just needs to launch Internet Explorer, type in the address of the club, enter the password. It is possible to view remotely program reports, snapshots of client computers' desktops, connection with them, currently used tariffs and much more.

The instruction for the program (which, by the way, takes more than 200 pages) contains a lot of recommendations for the owner of a computer club on how to catch the deceptions of dishonest administrators. Changing the clock, deleting the client side, trying to change the report - all this and much more will become known to the owner of the club.

Users wishing to try the demo version of the program can download it here:. Its only difference from the full version is that it supports up to 4 client computers. Otherwise, it is exactly the same as the full version. Small computer clubs, with up to 4 computers, can use the program completely free of charge, for as long as they want.

Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to check out and touch all the programs for controlling the computer room, but nevertheless I decided to make a small subjective review of existing programs for controlling computer time in an Internet cafe so that you know what programs exist, where to download or buy them and the main functions of these programs. I have tried only the first two programs from the entire list.

Quite powerful but buggy program. It is protected by the fact that working on server Windows, it writes data to the MSSQL database launched under another user and the operator does not have access to change the data. I liked the system of accounts, when users, having deposited money into their account, no longer bother the operators and sit down with their password. An extended statistics system that shows how much each account has gained over a period of time. The ability to remove only one specific task without touching the rest. I did not like the format of the logs, according to which it is very difficult to find out who sat down when and how long he sat on what conditions. Very often glitches occur when a negative amount of money is obtained on the account, while at zero the account is blocked. When you start the Generals game, if you choose to turn off the computer, an error occurs, the GCC client falls off and the computer remains unlocked. This is very actively used.

Great program, but unfortunately I only worked with the old version. An intuitive log of operations, a clear description of the configuration of each computer, a list of running programs, the ability to connect via vnc / radmin to the client directly from the program. I was able to run this program directly from Linux using wine. In one of my clubs, operators still administer the hall using Astalavistu under Linux. Having registered the path to vncviewer in the astalavista settings, even under linux, you can perfectly connect to the client computer. Several glitches appeared under Linux: at 100% load on the processor, Astalavist stops responding to clicks. All programs work without even noticing this load, and the astalavista does not even budge. The second is that the operation log does not appear immediately, but after a while flush does not help.

astalaViSta SuperViSor Ver.2
The software package ".:. AstalaViSta SuperViSor" is a backbone software (software) for automating the activities of computer centers (CC), computer clubs (CC), Internet centers, Internet cafes, home networks, computer classes in educational institutions, points of collective access points, Internet access points, etc. Our development is based on experience in the field of computer club automation over the past five years (since February 1999).

Network Administrator
Network Administrator is a system for managing computers and keeping records in an Internet cafe or computer club. The system allows you to fully automate the work of the administrator, and also has the following features: Simple and intuitive interface, shell for clients, automatic raising of clients after the paid time. Automatic calculation of the cost of services. Unlimited number of services and tariffs, discount for users. "Night" mode with prepayment. Possibility of managing client computers (viewing active tasks, shutting down, rebooting, issuing a message, launching programs). A system of reports for the manager, the ability to convert reports into HTML format and send them to e-mail. Built-in NAT, proxy, accounting and Internet access restriction. Possibility of prepayment and after payment. Notification of the client about the end of work in 1 and 5 minutes. Creation of tariffs depending on the time of day, on the day of the week on the number of purchased watches.

It is a complex automation system for computer clubs and internet cafes. The main tasks of the system are registration of sessions of the computers in the hall and blocking the operation of computers, the session time of which has expired. In addition, Locker keeps track of the Internet traffic of each computer, accounting for any additional services, user payments, the balance of each user, accounting for computer reservations, collects statistics and generates various reports on work, and much more ... The program has a developed system for sharing employee access to various functions and reports. With the help of additional modules, it is possible to display the state of the computers in the hall on a separate screen to users at the entrance to the computer room, display the current state of computers on the club's page on the Internet, send messages about the current status to the head of the club, and automatically print receipts on the cash register.

Computer room The "Computer room" program is designed to automate the work of computer clubs, Internet cafes. The main tasks of the program: control of the paid time, traffic control, control of printers, control of the work of administrators, maintaining ratings of the popularity of programs used by clients.

Billing system for Internet cafes and computer clubs. Support for fiscal registrars SHTRIH-FRK and the ability to use smart cards as a means of payment for the client.

KravNetAdmin ™
Professional software package for accounting of finances and management of the computer center. This phrase hides more than five years of difficult but interesting work for us; and a serious result for you. The presented complex has absorbed all the best ideas, both ours, and administrators of clubs, and managers, and directors. We have tried to build an ideal and complete set of programs that will suit everyone.

Management, automation and control system for computer clubs and Internet cafes Taskmaster Center Enterprise.

A powerful and reliable management system for computer clubs and Internet cafes.

The ZShell system is designed to facilitate the work of the administrator and the user, to restrict user access to system resources, as well as to record and control the cash register and incoming money, to maintain complete statistics of the administrator's actions and the operation of computers.

Completely free full-featured program for managing computer and Internet clubs. It can also be used in other cases where it is necessary to control access restriction and accounting for the use of a PC over the network.

Non-Russian-language Internet club management programs

CafeSuite is a powerful cyber cafe management software package that can help you with controlling your computers, managing customers, accounting and billing.

EasyCafe is a complete solution for your management needs in your Internet Cafe. It is capable of handling the customers, the accounting and the cafeteria with the minimum human assistance. Moreover EasyCafe has many unic features for adding diversity for the clients. EasyCafe using cybercafes increase the quality of their services by providing wider options to their customers.

Locker is a complex automation system for computer clubs and internet cafes. The main tasks of the system are registration of sessions of the computers in the hall and blocking the operation of computers, the session time of which has expired. In addition, the Locker program keeps records of any additional services, user payments, the balance of each user, accounting for computer reservations, collects statistics and generates various reports on work and much more ...

Locker has an advanced system for separating employees' access to various functions and reports. With the help of additional modules, it is possible to display the state of the computers in the hall on a separate screen to users at the entrance to the computer room, display the current state of computers on the club's page on the Internet, send messages about the current status to the head of the club, and automatically print receipts on the cash register.

New version of the client program for club computers Club Client program... This program works with Locker too!

Bonus system of work: "bonus time" is accumulated on the user's account. For example, for every five hours of work, the user receives one hour of free bonus time. The use of this system is a good incentive for regular users.

Locker program description

The program is distributed as shareware, and is supplied on an "as is" basis, that is, the developer is not responsible for the possible consequences of its misuse. Only the compliance of the program functions with its documentation and our attention to the wishes of the program users are guaranteed.

The program works in Windows 10/8/7 / Vista / XP / 2003/2000 / NT / 98 / ME. Minimum requirements: a computer that can run some Windows, 15 MB hard disk space + data size. The display screen resolution must be no worse than 1024x768.

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