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Hardware inventory program. The program "Accounting of computers" and computer equipment, software for inventory

Remote scanning of computers and servers based on Windows,
OS X, Linux, FreeBSD
and ESX / ESXi without using pre-installed agents - you only need to know the administrator password. Scan individual hosts, network address ranges, or Active Directory structure.

Computer accounting

In the centralized TNI 4 storage, each computer occupies only a few tens of kilobytes. Group devices, provide them with comments and attach additional information to them. Total Network Inventory 4 turns enterprise computer inventory into recreation.


Create flexible reports for different categories of data. Build tabular reports using hundreds of fields in the Total Network Inventory 4 data model. Reports can be copied, exported or printed, and the search function will show you the results before you finish typing your query.

Change log

Track changes in hardware and software. Find out when programs were installed, removed or updated on any computer in your network, monitor the connection and disconnection of devices, the dynamics of disk space usage and much more.

Scan planner

Automate data collection across your organization. Create one-time deferred tasks or schedules to periodically scan computers. Every day? On Fridays? On the first Monday of every month? Schedule a network scan and you will always have the latest information.

As well as...

Create a database of users of your computers; store multiple passwords for different devices and protocols; monitor the online status of devices in real time. These and many other functions of TNI 4 will save you a lot of effort and hassle.

Everything will be scanned!

Computers based Microsoft Windows- 2000 and higher. • Computers from Apple With OS X on board. • Devices based on OS family Linux. • OS-based devices FreeBSD. • Servers ESX / ESXi. • Any network devices that support protocols SNMP or Telnet. •

What is needed for this?

Administrator password only. There is no need to preinstall agents on remote computers or otherwise prepare them for scanning. Install Total Network Inventory 4 on one computer - and in a few minutes you will have data about the entire network in front of you.

Really smart scanner

Just tell the program that you need to scan, and it will start working: it will find all the nodes in the IP range, show you a list of computers in the workgroup, and retrieve the domain structure. Select the required nodes, specify logins and passwords for individual devices or groups - and click Start scanning.

In just a few minutes, the scanning of computers on the network will be completed and the information will be placed in the TNI 4 storage.

Scheduled Scan

If some devices need to be scanned later or updated regularly, keep them in a separate list and specify how and when to scan them. The task scheduler allows you to flexibly configure the time and frequency of scanning:

You can create an arbitrary number of tasks scheduled for different days and times. Your data will be kept up to date automatically!

Centralized storage

Storage TNI 4- a simple folder on your hard drive. Each computer in it is a file about 35 KB in size. You can easily transfer these files to another database or create a backup. Once the vault folder is shared, you can work with it from different locations.

Everything you need to keep track of computers

Add notes, inventory numbers and additional fields of various types to computers: strings, prices, dates - all the information you need will be stored in one place, always at hand.

The network at a glance

A variety of information can be displayed in the network tree: network name, IP address, inventory number, operating system icon and name, online status light, and much more. Total Network Inventory 4 will automatically detect and flag virtual systems. All this information can be used for searching: knowing at least something about a computer, you will instantly find it among thousands of others!

Shelf data

Each scanned computer can be examined as if you were sitting at it. Keeping track of your computers couldn't be easier!

Include in the report any number of computers and categories at the same time.

Tabular reports

The tabular report editor allows you to present any data about your network in the form of a convenient and clear table. Decide for yourself what information you want to see in your reports.

Instant search

Search results become visible as you type your query: not a single extra click!

Printing and export

Any report can be printed in short or complete form, copied to the spreadsheet editor or exported to PDF, RTF, ODT, HTML and other formats.

Know what's going on in your network

Each time the computer is scanned again, TNI creates a new configuration snapshot for it. Change log compares these snapshots and provides an exhaustive list events: if anything was
Added, Removed or Changed, you will find out about it here.

You can see how installed, removed and updated applications ...

... how to apply system updates ...

... how to start and stop service ...

... how it moves Hardware…

... and much more!

The journal is equipped with instant search and filtering options, and is also available as a printed report:

Create a detailed map of your network

Visualize the structure of network devices in a way that suits you. Users of the Total Network Inventory 4 Professional license have access to a new network map editor.

Create a general map or divide the network into separate segments and levels. These can be office floor maps, different company departments, or other options.

Just drag any groups and devices with the cursor directly onto the map, and then arrange them in a way convenient for you. Add various connections between devices.

Shapes and background

Upload any images or use the shapes that are already available, which can be easily given the desired look. For example, you can use a fill, change the color, width and style of the frame. Objects can also be set to the level of transparency and change the depth of their location relative to other objects.

(Click on the pictures to view the demo)

Ample opportunities

Work with devices directly on the map, it's easier! You can ping, rescan or perform an action right from the context menu.

The size of the map has no boundaries. Let your imagination run wild!

Computer technology is used today in every enterprise. Like other fixed assets, it is subject to inventory. This procedure has distinctive features. The procedure for carrying out an inventory of property is regulated by: Law on accounting No. 402-FZ dated 06.12.2011, Methodological recommendations, approved. By order of the Ministry of Finance No. 49 of 13.06.1995, Regulations on accounting, approved. By order of the Ministry of Finance No. 34n dated July 29, 1998. Let us consider in detail in the article how the inventory of computers is carried out, what the inspectors need to know about this type of accounting.

Basic inventory concepts

Checking the availability of computer equipment involves an inventory and related components. The main objects of the inventory are presented in the table.

The inventory of computer equipment has the following goals:

  • Control over the safety of property;
  • Determination of the correspondence of the actual availability to the accounting data;
  • Optimization of expenses for the purchase of computers;
  • Identification of unused objects;
  • Formation of a write-off list;
  • Control of changes in the value of property;
  • Maintaining the discipline of those responsible for the technique.

Inventory of computers over the network

Currently, there are a large number of special programs that allow you to quickly carry out an inventory of computers. To carry out the inventory in an automated way, it is necessary that all the company's equipment be connected to a single network. The order of further actions is shown in the table.

The use of an automated program has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to use template or independently developed reporting forms;
  • Background check;
  • Saving time;
  • No need to detach employees from performing their duties;
  • 100% accuracy of the received data.

The entire volume of data on computer hardware and software products is checked.

A feature of a specialized program for inventory is that you can schedule a scan on a specific schedule. According to the indicated scheme, the program will view the network data and present the final reports. This allows you to find out at the right time the state of the company's computer equipment.

Accounting for inventory of computer equipment

The shortage of computers is written off at the residual value to the 94th shortage account. If the culprit is identified, then he must compensate for the damage. Its value is determined by the value of the property according to the balance sheet. If the guilty person is not found or the court refused to collect funds from him, then the shortage is attributed to the financial result. The loss from force majeure is taken into account in the same way.

Surplus is taken into account at market valuation. It is determined by the price of a similar object, confirmed in writing, for example, by the manufacturer or by the opinion of expert appraisers. The cost must be documented. The corresponding amount is charged to the financial result.

In the income statement, the surplus is shown under the item "Non-operating income".

Example. Vympel LLC lost a computer worth 48,000 rubles on the balance sheet. The amortization amount is 14,000 rubles. The investigating authorities did not identify the culprit and issued an appropriate decision. The object is to be written off to the financial result.

Dt 01.2 Kt 01 48 000 rub. - reflects the original cost of the missing computer;

Dt 02 Kt 01.2 RUB 14,000 - wear is taken into account;

Dt 94 Kt 01.2; Dt 91.2 Kt 94 34 000 rub. - the shortage is written off.

Timing of the inspection

Computers are the main assets of the company. In accordance with the law, their planned inventory is carried out once every 3 years before completing the final financial statements. The management can independently determine the timing and frequency of the audit and reflect this in the accounting policies.

Taking an inventory is mandatory for the following reasons:

  • Change of responsible employees;
  • Identification of cases of theft and damage to property;
  • Liquidation of a company or its reorganization;
  • Emergencies and natural disasters;
  • In other cases established by law ( p. 1.5, 1.6 of the Recommendations, approved. Order No. 49).

The procedure for conducting computer accounting

Before starting inventory actions, you need to carry out preparatory measures. To simplify the procedure, a label should be attached to each object. It reflects the following information:

  • The name of the company;
  • Object name according to accounting data;
  • Inventory number;
  • Responsible officer.

The order of the inventory is shown in the table:

P / p No. Stage Actions
1 PreparatoryAppointment of a commission, drawing up an inspection plan, issuing an order, printing inventory lists
2 ExaminationInspection of objects by divisions of the organization in the context of financially responsible persons, filling out inventories
3 Registration of discrepanciesDocumenting surpluses or shortages (memoranda, inventories) indicating the reasons for discrepancies
4 Registration of resultsDrawing up an act
5 Data comparisonReconciliation of the received data with accounting records

The order can be drawn up in the form INV-22 or in any form. The document indicates the reason for the check, the composition of the commission, start and end dates, what property is being inventoried. The data during the inspection are recorded in the inventories (, for intangible assets).

Information in them is grouped by responsible employees and structural divisions. They contain accounting information about the nomenclature, quantity and inventory numbers of objects to be scanned. During the inspection of the equipment, the commission enters into the inventories similar data in fact.

If faulty equipment or its absence is identified, a report is drawn up in the name of the director. It records the names, numbers of equipment lost or unusable for further use. The reasons for the identified defects are also indicated here, the signature of the employee responsible for the safety of valuables and members of the commission is put. The identified surpluses are drawn up in the same way.

On the basis of these inventories, the commission draws up an act on the results of control. The final stage is the verification of the information received with the accounting data. The necessary adjustments are made, the perpetrators are punished, etc.

Example. In October 2016, during the inventory at OOO Udacha, it turned out that a computer purchased in July last year is in operation. He was not taken into account. The cost of the object is 50,150 rubles, including VAT - 7,650 rubles.

The computer must be registered and depreciated for the entire period of its operation. The service life is determined by the duration of 30 months. Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis.

1/30 * 100 = 3.33% - depreciation rate;

(50 150 - 7 650) * 3.33% = 1,415.25 rubles. - the amount of depreciation per month.

In October 2016, the accountant made the following entries:

Dt 08 Kt 60 50 150 rub. - computer accepted for accounting;

Dt 19.1 Kt 60 7 650 rub. - VAT on the purchased object is taken into account;

Dt 01 Kt 08 50 150 r. - the computer is included in the fixed assets;

Dt 91.2 Kt 02 7 076.25 r. - reflected depreciation for 2015 (1,415.25 * 5);

Dt 26 Kt 02 14 152.50 rub. - the amount of depreciation for the current year at the time of the error detection was taken into account (1 415.25 * 10).

Automated Inventory Program

In the automated method of inventory, barcode labels are printed from the computer credential database for each object. Subsequently, they are glued to the appropriate equipment. When coding in this way, the 1C "Equipment Accounting" program is used for inventory. You can download a demo version of it on the Internet and watch the presentation.

The well-known Hardware Inspector program checks computers by scanning barcodes.

All specialized programs on the market have a similar operating procedure. For example, it's easy to download and use the Network Computers Inventory product. It allows you to detect outdated models, schedule equipment upgrades, select computers whose resource does not match the tasks performed on it, etc.

The IT Invent program has proven itself well. It supports network scanning and collects information for all networked devices. With its help, you can carry out an inventory of network computers in all branches of the company.

The free version contains a limited set of functions; their full list is available in the commercial version of the product. Another program "10-Strike: Computer Inventory" is offered in several modifications. The organization can choose the one that is more suitable for its goals.

Accounting entries for surplus and shortage accounting

To reflect the results of the inventory in accounting, the following standard operations are provided:

Surplus accounting:

Дт 08.3 Кт 91.1 - income in the form of fixed assets is taken into account;

Дт 01 Кт 08 - the object is accepted for accounting at the market price.

Dt 91.1 Kt 99 - reflected the profit from the acceptance of an unaccounted object for accounting.

Shortage accounting:

If the culprit is not found, the damage is reflected as follows:

Dt 94 Kt 01 - shortage detected;

Дт 02 Кт 01 - depreciation of the missing object was written off;

Dt 91.2 Kt 94 - the loss was charged to other expenses.

If the culprit is found, then the operations are as follows:

Dt 73 Kt 94 - the shortage was written off to the culprit;

Dt 50 Kt 73 - the employee has paid off the debt;

Dt 70 Kt 73 - the debt is withheld from the employee's earnings.

Frequently asked questions and answers to them

Question number 1. What is the maximum amount that can be withheld from the salary of the guilty employee in order to pay off the shortage based on the results of the inventory?

No more than 20% of earnings can be withheld monthly.

Question number 2. What consequences can an organization face if tax authorities find unaccounted computers?

Such errors in accounting lead to distortion of financial statements. If it is equal to or more than 10%, then the minimum fine will be 5 thousand rubles.

Question number 3. Is it possible to recover the identified shortage from a financially responsible employee who quit before the start of the inventory?

No. According to Art. 232 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, termination of the labor agreement with the employee does not relieve him of responsibility for the shortage. In order to prove that the damage was caused by the employee, it is necessary to carry out an inventory when he is fired. After a while, it is impossible to prove his guilt and the shortage cannot be collected either.

Question number 4. How to account for the lack of equipment caused by the fire?

The loss at the carrying amount is charged to the current year's loss:

Дт 91.2 Кт 94 - damage from force majeure has been written off.

Question number 5. Do I need to draw up an INV-1 form for computer equipment leased to other companies?

No need. The tenant should check such property. He sends one copy of the inventory with the results of the inventory to the lessor.

Inventory of computer equipment is necessary to keep track of the number of objects and determine the productivity of their use. By using this procedure, the organization optimizes the cost of purchasing computers, hardware and software. Special programs allow it to be carried out without spending time and labor, to obtain accurate data.

February 17, 2012 at 02:50 PM

Urgent inventory. Or I want to know everything

  • System administration

I wanted to share with the Habros community a couple of ways to make an inventory of equipment quickly and effortlessly. She encouraged me here, but as a supporter of the UNIX-way, I will tell you ways to do all the same and even more without the need to surround yourself with a homogeneous network of identical workstations or binding to one technology.

What do we want?

We want to make a census of the available equipment, depending on the requirements of the management or our own impulses to have comprehensive information about our possessions.
I won't pretend to be an exhaustive guide, but I'll show you a couple of quick ways.

Method one, no cost.

We would like to get information about the stuffing of the organization's system blocks, for example, to draw up a modernization plan. Have you heard of the Windows built-in SYSTEMINFO command? And she's very useful. Will give you information about the entire system in a digestible form:
Node Name: VIRTUAL-PC OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 OS Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation OS Parameters: Common Workstation OS Build: Multiprocessor Free Registered Owner: virtual Registered Organization: Product Code: * ****************** Installation date: 03/12/2011 5:28:25 AM System boot time: 02/15/2012 1:21:15 PM System manufacturer: innotek GmbH System model: VirtualBox System type: X86-based PC Processor (s): Number of processors - 1.: x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11 Genuin eIntel ~ 2574 MHz BIOS version: innotek GmbH VirtualBox, 01.12.2006 Windows folder: C: \ Windows System folder : C: \ Windows \ system32 Boot device: \ Device \ HarddiskVolume1 System language: ru; Russian Input language: en-us; English (USA) Time zone: (UTC + 04: 00) Volgograd, Moscow, St. Petersburg Full volume physical memory: 631 MB Available physical memory: 248 MB Virtual memory: Max. size: 1,655 MB Virtual Memory: Available: 1,056 MB Virtual Memory: Used: 599 MB Paging File Location: C: \ pagefile.sys Domain: *********** Logon Server: \\ SERVER Fix (s): Number of fixes installed - 54. Network adapters: Number of network adapters - 2.: Intel (R) PRO / 1000 MT Desktop Adapter Connection Name: Local Area Connection DHCP Enabled: None IP Address: : Intel (R) PRO / 1000 MT Desktop Adapter Connection Name: Local Area Connection 2 DHCP Enabled: No IP Address: **** :: 25e7: a222: dc08: ****

Simple and straightforward.
But do not run all over the company by launching the console and copying the command output to a text editor on some ball. In our company, this is basically impossible, politicians forbid users to run CMD, and when using "Run as" all environment variables go to hell. What to do? YOUR ATTENTION PS-TOOLS!
More specifically, the utility psexec.exe included in it. But PSEXEC is not a single person alive, displaying on the screen is not enough for us, we would also like to keep all this disgrace, and preferably with comfort.
Everything is extremely simple:
  • We create a ball with write permissions for everyone in a row, otherwise you never know what truncated rights for workstations (sic! Stations, because the rights of users of these stations are not interesting to us, we will do everything on our own behalf). Well for example \\ share \ audit \
  • We draw a file in our IPs. The fact is that psexec, for some unknown reason, does not understand address ranges like or Of course, you can deceive him and slip something like that, but this is not stable and harmful, I'll explain why below. I am using OO Calc to generate a list of IP addresses. As a result, we get a text editor (.txt) with approximately the following content: ... is broadcast and does not need to be used. You can also exclude the addresses of equipment and servers to which you do not want to connect from the list. You can also use a list with the names of the computers, but I don't.
Next, open cmd and write:
psexec.exe @c: \ ip-list.txt -d -n 12 systeminfo> \\ share \ audit \% COMPUTERNAME% .txt

ip-list.txt is a text editor with ip-addresses.
-d- means that psexec will not wait until the command is executed, but will simply start systeminfo as a daemon and disconnect from the client.
-n 12- this is the waiting period for the client's response (actually more correct than the SERVER, but it won't get confused for long), I have 12 seconds. If during this time it fails to connect, then psexec will skip it. For empty IPs, this is not necessary, but for any network printers, etc. psexec may take a long and tedious connection trying.
When the script runs, in \\ share \ audit \ we will get a bunch of textbooks named by the names of computers on the network. I will tell you later what to do with them.
This method is good for everyone and is fast and simple, but it also has drawbacks.
  • Here is the information only by the contents of the box of the system unit and a little by Windows.
  • Although the installed programs are stored inside the system unit, nothing is displayed about them either
  • Even on the insides there is little information, for example, there is nothing about the type of RAM, only the volume. And the processor is very poorly lit.

Want to know everything

And when the report of the built-in utility is no longer enough, AIDA64 from FinalWire comes to the rescue. this is the same EVEREST only already bought by another company and to which the historical name was returned.
In principle, you can get by with the purchase of the Business Edition and installation on all stations. then allow them to exchange information and connect to each other on some port, and then rivet reports from a nice interface. But, firstly, this is not labor, and secondly, with the automation of the process, there may be delays.
I get by with the Extreme Edition, everything is the same but without network reports.
To start enjoying the fruits of automation, you need a few simple operations.

Now, using the same psexec.exe, we will send a simple script that will launch AIDA on workstations with the parameters we need:

psexec.exe @c: \ ip-list.txt -d -n 12 \\ share \ audit \ aida \ aida64.exe / R \\ share \ audit \% COMPUTERNAME% / TEXT / CUSTOM \\ share \ audit \ aida \ aida64.rpf

The / R parameter<путь>- means that Aida will not display the report on the screen, but will add it along the specified path. % computername% is the cmd environment variable and on each computer where we will run Aida it will correspond to the computer name. You can use any other variable, but this is the most convenient way.
The / TEXT parameter - will predetermine the type of the generated report and will automatically substitute the required file extension, so after% computername% you do not need to put .txt (% computername% .txt) otherwise we will get % computername% .txt.txt
The / CUSTOM parameter - makes it clear to AIDA where to get the list of required report components.
That's all. We run this line in CMD and see how very detailed reports are added to the ball, including full information on the entire periphery.

In the domain

I added the execution of this script (without the psexec part) to Startup Scripts in Domain Policies.
This would not be correct without some modification, as a result, the script in the policies looks like this:
if not exist \\ share \ audit \% COMPUTERNAME% .txt (\\ share \ audit \ aida \ aida64.exe / R \\ share \ audit \% COMPUTERNAME% / TEXT / CUSTOM \\ share \ audit \ aida \ aida64 .rpf) else exit

Thanks to this, at boot time, each computer on the network checks whether it sent a report and if not, then does it, and if so, does nothing.
And in order to update data on one or several machines, I simply delete or transfer the corresponding reports and after a while I have fresh info.
Attention: on some exotic hardware platforms (which AIDA does not recognize) running the program causes crashes and even crashes, a rarity, but it does take place. Therefore, on critical workstations and servers, it is better to do reports manually. Fully running AIDA64 in graphical mode, then the computer does not give errors, and AIDA simply does not start.

Parsing the received logs

I save reports in simple text form as I use bash scripts for parsing and analyzing them, and the sphere for storing reports is stored on a linux machine. Therefore, if I want to know about all the machines: their name, ip and mac, the amount of installed memory, then something like this is done:
iconv -f cp1251 ./*.txt | egrep -i "Computer name | ip | mac | CPU type | System memory"
This is the simplest processing, but when I master XML parsing in some language, of course I will switch to reports in this format.


You can also discuss the possibility of remotely turning on workstations, and managing computers over the network is not the last issue. But nothing more universal than Wake On Lan has yet been invented, and the variety of remote control tools is so great that it will not fit into the scope of this article. Moreover, this is a matter of taste.

08 February 2018

How to take an inventory of computers on a network

How to conduct computer inventory as quickly and efficiently as possible? In this article, you will learn about the importance of this procedure in terms of RF legislation and get the opportunity to analyze three of the most successful computer inventory software solutions that are relevant today.

Methods for conducting an inventory of computers: we automate all stages of this procedure

Today, a computer park is an integral part of the successful functioning of any corporation. After all, even if your field of activity is far from software development, you probably use computers for order processing, all kinds of calculations, database maintenance, accounting and other purposes. When all corporate equipment numbers more than 2-3 dozen units (moreover, when they are all located in different offices), the process of setting them up and accounting for the system administrator becomes rather difficult.

Fortunately, modern technologies do not stand still, and today the computer inventory procedure can be carried out remotely, without even leaving your own office. To do this, you need to have a properly working Internet, a PC and, in fact, special software that organizes remote access to all physical nodes of your local network.

What does the legislation say about computer inventory?

Based on the provisions described in the legislation of the Russian Federation, each enterprise with its own park of computers must carry out an inventory of computers at least once a year, before proceeding with the formation of annual accounting estimates (as a rule, in most companies, the inventory falls on the period of December -January). As for the more frequent implementation of this event, this is done at the personal discretion of the owners of the enterprise, and is not regulated by law in any way.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the fact that an unscheduled inventory can also be carried out as individual parts are replaced in some PCs (for example, due to repair or modernization). Due to the fact that such information is stored, as a rule, only by the IT department (i.e., in most cases, it does not reach the accounting department - the department to which, in fact, the final inventory reports are supplied), experts recommend re-accounting of the computer park carry out as often as possible (large organizations practice this procedure at least once a quarter).

For more information on the legislative background of the inventory, see Federal Law No. 402 and methodological instructions of the Russian Federation No. 49.

Three programs for inventorying computers on a network that can automate most of the duties of a system administrator

And now - as we promised - we present to your attention three of the most successful software solutions for system administrators that will turn a routine census of the technical characteristics of each physical unit of your local network into a simple and easy-to-follow procedure lasting several minutes.

This program for accounting computers, which is the most popular software product of our company Softinventive Lab, is an extremely easy-to-use tool for inventorying devices and computers on a local network. With its help, you can quickly and easily collect detailed information about all software and hardware components of each PC in the network (you just need to specify the administrator password in the program). The program also allows you to track any changes on the scanned PC.

TNI 3 can be installed on any modern Windows-based PC (in particular, compatibility is provided for all devices based on Windows XP Professional SP3 and higher).

And now - in more detail about the possibilities offered by Total Network Inventory 3:

  • Computer accounting. The first and main task of this software is the remote inventory of computers on the network. TNI 3 collects all the data necessary for the system administrator on the selected PCs and enters their database. Further, the administrator can manually supplement this data, as well as attach comments to it. In order to obtain information on a particular user device, there is no need to initially install special drivers or agents on it. This means that even with the initial launch of TNI 3 on your network, you will not need to visit every office and configure every PC to work with this application. All you need for inventory is a local or domain administrator password.
  • Accounting software. TNI 3 is an all-in-one solution. Therefore, this solution is not limited to only one inventory of computers. With its help, you can also easily implement the software accounting procedure. Thus, you will receive a perfectly ordered list of events about the installation / update / removal of individual programs, and you can also optimize software packages for various departments of the enterprise (since many applications for enterprises are paid, this approach will help you significantly reduce the costs associated with redundant installation of images Software on users' computers that absolutely do not need them).
  • Formation of reporting. All information from the TNI 3 database is presented in the form of reports and tables. Each field of such a table can be added or removed to adapt the report to the specifics of your particular network. If necessary, in just a couple of minutes you can generate a “fresh” report on computers on the network, convert it to the desired format and send it by mail to the boss's PC (or print and give this report to him / her personally). It doesn't matter what format the documentation should be presented in - you can easily export it to files with permissions. pdf, .rtf, .odt, .html etc.
  • Creation of a schedule. In order for your system administrators to save themselves from routine activities, we have created an event scheduler function. Thanks to it, you can schedule network scans in advance, build reports on any data from your employees' PCs, or synchronize with Active directory. Implementing these steps by hand would take a lot of time.
  • Centralized access to PC and software data. Usually, no system administrator is encouraged by the news that he will have to travel to the other side of the city in order to reconfigure and then copy data about computers from the new office. That is why our development team has provided the ability to centralized access to all settings and data about computers on the network. Formally, all this data is presented in the form of a folder on the hard disk, which is located on the system administrator's PC. This folder contains encrypted files (they are opened through the TNI 3 application itself), each of which represents one physical PC and has a "weight" of about 35 Kb. It is very easy to manage this base. You can copy and move files from it, as well as share access rights, thereby providing yourself with the ability to manage the network from any PC, through the administrator password.
  • Advanced search functions. Even if your local network includes hundreds of PCs, it is not a problem - to find one in it, simply using the necessary characteristics or indicators (starting from the most standard ones, such as a MAC address or network name, and ending with individual TX of a particular computer). In TNI 3, the search function is very well implemented, so you can find the “problem” computer literally in an instant.

And finally, we note that TNI 3 is an extremely profitable solution from an economic point of view. The first 60 days you can test this application absolutely free of charge. Further, depending on the characteristics of your local network, you will need to buy a license. Its cost ranges from 2 800 rubles(for the network in 25 pcs and less) - 79 600 rubles(for service unlimited number of pcs).

10-Strike Computer Inventory

This application is suitable for system administrators who are “subordinate” to several dozen or even hundreds of PCs. "Computer Inventory" allows you to check the health of the physical characteristics of each PC in the park. This will help prevent overheating of motherboards, overloading of processors and other troubles that can damage the device. It can also be used to configure remote Internet access to a database that stores and dynamically updates all information about user computers on the corporate network.

In order to take advantage of all the functions of this software, there is no need to exclusively use the local, administrator's computer. You can provide access to the database from any device that is connected to the Internet, simply using the password that was previously assigned by your system administrator.

Prices for this solution range from 2 800 rubles(this is the cheapest version, for networks up to 25 pcs) and up to 100,000 rubles (professional version without limits).

DEKSI Network Inventory

Like the previous application, this utility allows you to implement the procedure for collecting information about computers on your network. The software is quite lightweight, and can be installed even on Windows 9X systems, and the installer takes less 20 megabytes disk space. DEKSI Network Inventory provides all the necessary tools in order to analyze and build reports on the hardware and software configuration of your enterprise. DEKSI Network Inventory can work in the background with all other OS applications on the administrator's PC, without affecting the performance of the latter.

It is noteworthy that all the information obtained using this utility can later be exported into a document of the format you need - be it HTML, a regular Excel spreadsheet or any other file from the Microsoft Office package.

Deksi Network Inventory's cost is pretty reasonable. It starts from $99,95 (for a solution for a network up to 25 pcs) and reaches $2 499,95 (per professional version with advanced reporting that suits IT providers).

Inventory of PCs over the network: conclusion

As you can see, all of the above applications help not only to significantly facilitate the daily tasks of system administrators, but also to reduce the cost of managing a network, the structure of which implies the dispersal of hardware equipment across several physically distant offices.
As for our product - Total Network Inventory 3- we did our best to make it very convenient and easy to understand. And this means that even an employee with minimal knowledge of system administration can cope with it.

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