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The program for testing the local area network windows. Free network testing tools - use them before hackers

In this video, let's figure out how to check speeds local network. As a rule, the need to check the data transfer rate in the network appears when there is a malfunction, or rather, at a low speed. So, within the framework of this lesson, we will consider the work of the program for checking the speed of the local LAN networks Speed ​​Test, as well as consider a case study to understand how to accurately identify the cause of low speed or network failure.

Let's say I need to measure the speed of data transfer in the local network between the server and workstation. The simplest option is to copy some file and see the approximate speed of the local network in the copy information window. But, for this, the computer must be open general access for writing, the file to be copied must be big size, in order to have time to analyze the information, and it is also not very convenient to perform a local network speed test between several computers.

Therefore, I will use the LAN Speed ​​Test program, which will greatly simplify the process of measuring the speed of a local network. More fresh version The program has become paid, so I use an outdated, but still free one, especially since its functions are quite enough for me.

The essence of the program is as follows. We specify the path to a folder on the local network, specify the size of the copied file and measure the speed of its writing and reading.

Since I have virtual network, then the measurements do not correspond to reality, since, in fact, the information was not transmitted via physical environment. However, in real network everything will be adequate.

By the way, if you do not have a public folder on your computer with which you need to check the speed of the local network, then hidden network resources that are intended for administrators and are created by default on any computer will help you here.

Looks this resource\\windows-7\C$. Pointing out given way, you can also check the speed of the local network, but for this you need to have administrator rights to this computer, because only the administrator is allowed to connect to the hidden resource. And if you are testing from under account domain administrator, then there will be no problems at all, since doors are open everywhere for you.

You can download the LAN Speed ​​Test program from the link below!

Now consider the situation in which this program Helped me to identify the cause of network failure. In general, there is a remote employee who connects via RDP to one of the workstations in the organization. So he says that the remote desktop is very slow and periodically throws out.

The structure is as follows, there are two switches in different buildings. One contains a server with client computers, and the other contains only workstations. The employee works for client computer No3, so data is transmitted along the following path Server - Switch 1 - Switch 2 - Client 3. And there can be many sources of problems along this path, and in this example there are 11 of them, not counting software errors.

So these can be problems with network cards, a network cable, ports on switches, and a malfunction of the switches themselves. And we need to find out exactly what is the reason, so we will sequentially check each node.

In my situation, it turned out that 2 ports on the second switch were faulty at once. Moreover, other ports either gave out a normal speed, or a low one. As a result, I connected devices to stable working ports, but in any case, I need to buy a new switch, as it is clearly ending its life.

Also, the problem may be in a computer that is actively distributing or downloading via torrent.

Distribution size: 11.2 MB
Spreading: shareware NetInfo - set of 15 network utilities, combined in a single interface. Among them are Ping and Trace, which are complete analogues of Windows system utilities, but more convenient to use due to the comfortable launch of the corresponding processes. Other utilities include Whois (displays information about a domain or IP address from WHOIS databases), Lookup (looks up a domain name by IP address and vice versa) and Finger (displays information about users connected to a specific server). As well as utilities Daytime (shows the local time of day for the specified remote host), Time (synchronizes system time on a computer with remote server, which provides information about the exact time), Services (checks the availability of network services), E-mail (checks email addresses for existence), etc. There is no Russian-language localization of the program, and the demo version of the program is operational for 30 days and is almost fully functional (tools on the "Web Center" tab do not work). Price commercial version depends on license type - Home users are eligible for a $39.99 Home license. The NetInfo window consists of 15 tabs, each for a different utility, but they can be activated in other ways by selecting the appropriate command from the Tools menu.

To check if the server of interest is "alive", just go to the "Ping" tab, enter the URL in the "Host" field and click on the "Start" button. The report will display the same information that can be seen in the command window after running system utility Ping - that is, all sent by specified address requests, as well as the values ​​of the RTT and TTL parameters.

Starting a trace is no different - you need to open the "Trace" tab, enter the URL in the "Host" field and click on the "Start" button. The results will show total number hops and displays a list of all nodes through which the packets passed, indicating the average travel time.

Using the Lookup utility, you can easily find out the domain name by IP address, or perform a reverse lookup.

It's just as easy to get detailed information about the domain or IP address by activating the "Whois" tab. Developer: AutoNOC
Distribution size: 607 kb
Spreading: free Trace3D - handy utility to visually display the path of the packages. The program can be downloaded and used completely free of charge (there is no Russian localization). To run a trace, simply enter an IP address or hostname and click the "Go" button. The trace results are displayed in the form of a table and 3D graphics, on which different colors shows the minimum, maximum and average packet transit times. The table shows the names of intermediate hosts and the travel time of packets on each leg of the path. When viewing the graph, you can rotate, move and scale. It is easy to visually determine on which part of the network there are difficulties in passing packets.

Visual Trace Route 0.8

Developer: IT Lights Software (the utility is no longer supported by the developer, but it can be found on software portals, for example,) Distribution size: 595 kb
Spreading: Free Visual Trace Route - simple utility for visual tracing. The program can be downloaded and used completely free of charge (there is no Russian localization). There are no difficulties in conducting visual tracing in the Visual Trace Route. You need to enter the IP address or hostname in the field provided for this and click on the "Start" button. The results will be presented in the form of a table. It displays the number of clicks, IP addresses and names of all intermediate nodes, the average time of packet movement (in numerical and graphical form), as well as TTL data at each stage of the path.

HyperTrace 2.03

Developer: AnalogX
Distribution size: 347 kb
Spreading: free HyperTrace is a simple visual tracing utility. The program can be downloaded and used completely free of charge (there is no Russian localization). Tracing here is organized extremely simply - you need to enter the IP address or host name in the field provided for this and click on the "Trace" button. The results are presented in the form of a table displaying the IP address, hostname, as well as TTL and Loss data for each stage of the path. By default, the percentage of missing packets is not indicated, so you will have to activate the corresponding function in the settings ("Config" button). To be honest, we had doubts about the Loss data, since the program for any server, if one was available, consistently indicated 0%, while other utilities were not so loyal.

⇡ Conclusion

We tried to review several well-known diagnostic utilities, as well as online services. We honestly admit that for such multifunctional solutions as VisualRoute, 3d Traceroute and NetInfo, far from all the possibilities were considered, but only those that may be of interest to the average user. The list of these programs includes both free and paid solutions. Free utilities(but not free editions commercial products) from the built-in Windows Utilities Tracert differ only in more convenient application, but no additional information they do not provide (see table). Another thing - paid programs, which not only replace the built-in Windows programs Ping and Tracert, but also turn out to be much more informative than them. Plus, commercial diagnostic utilities provide visualization of testing processes, as they display them in one or another graphical form. Especially from all these points of view, the VisualRoute utility stands out.

table. Functionality of utilities for network diagnostics

Programs / Features Checking the availability of a remote host (Ping) Visual Packet Tracing (Tracert) Displaying trace results Getting data from WHOIS services
VisualRoute(VisualRoute Personal - $49.95; VisualRoute Lite - free) +
(by IP address or hostname; Personal version only)
Graph, World Map, Table (IP Address, Hostname, Network, Geography, Loss, RTT), general analysis(world map and table only in Personal version) +
(only in Personal version)
3D Traceroute(3d Traceroute Pro - €23.95; 3d Traceroute Freeware - free) +
(by IP address or hostname)
(by IP address or hostname)
World map (only in Pro versions), table (IP address, hostname, Loss, RTT) +
(in Freeware version only from one WHOIS service)
Netinfo($39.99) +
(by IP address or hostname)
(by IP address or hostname)
List (IP address, hostname (not for everyone), RTT) +
Trace3D(is free) - +
(by IP address or hostname)
Table (hostname, RTT), graph -
Visual Trace Route(is free) - +
(by IP address or hostname)
Table (IP address, hostname, RTT) -
HyperTrace(is free) - +
(by IP address or hostname)
Table (IP Address, Hostname, Loss, RTT) -

There are several ways to check the data transfer rate on a local network. If your local network is based on WiFi connections, then, of course, the data transfer rate will differ significantly from a wired connection.

Now do the same on the other computers on the local network. Knowing the IP address of each computer, all you have to do is enter a command in the console to send the packet.

To do this, open the console again and enter: Ping (ip address of the computer), after which you will see a packet sending window where the average packet sending speed will be written below.

Program for testing the speed of the local network

Finally, you can use programs to measure the speed of data transfer in the local network. There are a lot of such programs, both paid and free.

Consider a speed test using the example of the LAN Speed ​​Test program, which you can download on the Internet without special problems. The program does not require installation.

After starting the software, a window will open where you will need to specify any folder on your computer to send the report and click the "Start Test" button.

After a few seconds, the program will display the result of the local network speed test:

The only negative of the program is that it is shareware, so for more specific reports you will have to purchase a license.

Before you write "nothing works for me", try to find out what specifically does not work for you.

If you decide to leave a message on the forum / VKontakte, please note that the message is not considered official address to the technical support service, the contacts of the TP service are on home page site.

Please read at least a few posts on the topic before posting. last page- it is possible that this problem has already been solved or it is already being solved!

Diagnostic commands:

*Performed in advance open window"command line". (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command line)
For Windows Vista/7: Win+R ===> cmd ===> Enter
For Windows NT/2000/XP/VISTA: "Start" - "Run" - "cmd"
For Windows 95/98: "Start" - "Run" - "command".

Copy text: right click on this window - "edit" - "select" and "edit" - "copy".

ipconfig /all
ping [host address (for example, ] [-n 20]
pathping [host address]
tracert [host address]

ipconfig /all shows settings network interfaces.
Everything that is indicated there must be checked with the user's memo (if the memo is old, then check with the data that was issued technical support). See the website for how to set up the connection.

ping [-t] shows the response time from the specified host. Large delays can indirectly serve as an indicator of a slow resource (a busy channel, weak resource hardware, and similar problems). The [-t] key is used to execute the command before the user interrupts it by pressing "Ctrl+C". By default, without this key, ping will only run four times, which is not always enough.

pathping Shows the response time and the number of missing packets along the route to the host.

For graphic display problems, you can download the PingPlotter program from the local network

Verify DNS work.

Check algorithm: Error " Network cable not connected"

1. Check cable connection in network card
2. Check the integrity of the cable up to the shield.
3. Call Tech. support.

The network cable is connected, but there are no incoming packets.

1. Check the cable connection in the network card (you can remove and insert the cable into the socket).
2. Disable all firewalls (firewalls), if you have them.
3. Ping the gateway (take the address from the connection settings or from the connection details in the control panel).
4. Call Tech. support.

The network cable is connected, there are incoming packets, but do not go to the internal services:

1. Disable all firewalls (firewalls), if you have them.
2. Check DNS operation (nslookup).
3. Check connection with these servers (ping)
4. Check connection with central servers. (ping online.vo, ping, ping address _your_gateway)
5. Check browser settings
5.1. Internet Explorer-> "Tools" menu -> "Internet Options" -> "Connection" -> "Network Settings" -> check if the checkbox "use a proxy server" is disabled
6. Call Tech. support.

DNS check:

The nslookup server command should return the ip address of that server. For example, the command "nslookup" should return the address ""

Diagnostic Commands

CommandPurposeLaunch FormatExample
ipconfig Shows network interface settings ipconfig /all
netstat Shows the route table netstat -nr
nslookup Refers to the DNS server (if not specified, it is taken from Windows settings) to resolve a computer's DNS name to its IP address, or vice versa nslookup DNS-name_or_IP-address DNS-server_IP-address nslookup
ping Checks the connection with another computer and the speed of the response. It is not a tool for measuring connection speed.
ping DNS-name_or_IP-address ping
tracert Same as ping, but with information output for all intermediate nodes tracert -d DNS-name_or_IP-address tracert -d
pathping Same as tracert but more detailed view and indicating the percentage of losses pathping DNS-name_or_IP-address pathping

Our programs for system administrators will help to keep abreast of everything that happens in the computer park and the enterprise network, respond in time to equipment failures and problems in software to minimize costs and downtime. This page contains programs for monitoring the network, servers and hosts, for PC inventory, accounting installed programs and licenses, creating reports on the "hardware" of computers, to account for network traffic, to study the network topology and create graphic schemes local networks.

The network administrator may also find it useful to use programs to search for files on local networks and audit user access to file resources servers over the network. All these programs will help the system administrator to improve performance network devices and servers and ensure the proper level of security in the enterprise network.

10-Strike programs are included in the unified register of Russian computer programs of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and can participate in public procurement.

Programs for the network administrator, network utilities

Program for inventory and accounting of installed software and hardware on computers in local networks. "Computer Inventory" allows system administrators to keep track of computers in the enterprise network, view configurations remote computers and lists of installed programs over the network, monitor configuration and software changes. The program contains a powerful report generator. For example, you can create availability reports certain programs on computers and their number. At upgrade planning you can create report containing computers with insufficient disk or RAM. Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8.1/2012/10/2016 are supported.

- program for monitoring servers and computers on the network, which allows you to visually observe the current state of your network at any time. LANState monitors hosts on the network, keeps track of connections to network resources, monitors traffic, and signals various events. LANState contains many features useful for network administrators: broadcasting messages, shutting down remote computers, scanning hosts and ports, receiving various information from remote computers (access to the registry, event log, etc.). Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8.1/2012/10/2016 are supported.

- program for monitoring servers and other network devices, monitors the health of the network and notifies the administrator of problems. Find out in time about the failure (disconnection, running out of server disk space, service stop, etc.) and fix the problem with minimal loss of time. The program signals problems with the help of sound, on-screen messages, by e-mail, can launch external programs and services, as well as restart computers and services. Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8.1/2012/10/2016 are supported.

- program for searching files on local network computers(via NetBios and FTP protocols). Enter a phrase or file masks and search for necessary information. When viewing search results, the found files can be immediately opened, saved to disk, or generated a report. When searching, multi-threaded technology is used, which significantly speeds up the work. You can set filters by file size and modification date. Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8.1/2012/10/2016 are supported.

- monitoring program network connections users over the network shared folder and files, allows you to find out in time about the connections to the computer of network users. The program beeps, displays alerts on the screen, and keeps a detailed log of connections, which records information about who and when connected to network folders computer, what files were opened, etc. Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8.1/2012/10/2016 are supported.

3.0 FREE!

- scanner of local networks, IP addresses and hosts. This free program allows you to scan the local network and detect active hosts, computers and servers. It supports scanning of IP ranges and many protocols for discovering network devices (ICMP ping, searching for open TCP ports, NetBios, SNMP, UPnP, ...). If you have administrator rights with Windows computers can count as many useful information. Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8.1/2012/10/2016 are supported.

Sets of network programs for system administrators

Sets of programs for system administrators allow you to save money when buying several of our network programs or all at once. Get three programs for the price of two etc. For example, when buying Full set of administrator programs in the option " per organization" (no seat limit), which consists of our seven programs for network administrators, you can save up to 85,000 rubles or 30%!

Other utilities

- CD cataloger (CD, DVD). With it, you will quickly find necessary files on CD and DVD discs your collection. SearchMyDiscs helps you organize your CD collections and DVD discs, allowing you to find desired disk in a few seconds. If you are tired of looking for the right disk every time for a long time - this program is for you! Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8.1/2012/10/2016 are supported.

- Apache Raw log file analyzer. Creates various reports and histograms. The program has many settings and filters that will allow you to get exact information about your site, the files you download, and who comes to you from where. Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8.1/2012/10/2016 are supported.

Payment and delivery

When ordering programs legal entities payment by bank transfer is accepted. Accounts are issued in in electronic format, the contract is concluded. Electronic delivery: the distribution kit is downloaded from our website, registration keys sent after payment e-mail. After payment, the original contract and accounting documents are sent to the buyer by mail.

Issue an invoice (specify necessary programs and types of licenses, your details and the name of the director for the contract)

All our programs are also presented in the SoftKey and AllSoft online stores (follow the "buy" links from our website).

Our clients: small and medium business, state and budget institutions, hospitals, schools, colleges and institutes, banks, oil industry, telecoms.

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