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A program for sorting photos into folders. The best free photo collection software

You can often find programs that are viewers, editors, and catalogers at the same time. These are, for example, Zoner Photo Studio, ACDSee, Nero Kwik Media and many others. No doubt, all-in-one tools are convenient for many users. But if, among the many of their possibilities, the main ones for you are those related to organizing photos, it might be worth looking at specialized programs.

Firstly, such applications are not overloaded with unnecessary options - and therefore, in most cases, they work faster and more stable than multimedia combines. Secondly, specialized programs usually offer more tools for finding photographs based on different criteria.

Daminion 1.0 RC

Under its current name, the Daminion cataloger has been in development for over five years, but the experience of its creators in writing applications for organizing photographs is much greater. Previously, the developers of Daminion released the PicaJet program, but later decided to write a completely new application with multi-user access to the photo database and other interesting features. At the same time, a single-user version of Daminion is also available, which is distributed free of charge. The multi-user version is called Daminion Server.

Daminion works with catalogs - databases of photographs, and adding files to the catalog is the user's concern. This means that you need to manually specify the path to the folders with snapshots. In this case, files can be physically copied or transferred to the folder that is used to store data, or they can simply be added to the directory without copying. At the same time, Daminion remembers relative paths to files, therefore, when transferring photos to another drive, all data in the directory will be saved. When adding photos to the catalog, you can immediately assign tags to them, or you can do this later - everything is at the discretion of the user.

As soon as the files are entered into the directory, they are displayed in the program window in the form of thumbnails with signatures. In the signature, you can see the basic information about the file: name, resolution, size, exposure, ISO. In addition, each thumbnail contains tools for organizing: you can quickly set a rating, tag an image, add keywords, set a color label, view detailed metadata. The user can change the way of displaying files, displaying only images without additional information, or, conversely, removing thumbnails and calling a list of files with information about them.

If you select an image, you can see more information about it in the Properties panel. There is also an opportunity to supplement this information: indicate the people who are captured on it, the event during which the photo was taken, the location of the shooting, and the category. For professional photographers such fields as "Project", "Client", "Copyright" are provided. You can also fill in the fields on the "Properties" panel in batch mode - for this, you just need to first select the necessary photos. All changes in tags are synchronized with the metadata of the files, so information about the files is always presented both in the database and in the files themselves.

If the right panel is informational and at the same time serves to enter data, then the left panel - "Tags" - is intended for search. All file search criteria are at a glance. For example, you can display only pictures located in one folder, expand the "Date of creation" list and quickly find a photo by month of shooting, display only the files with the highest rating, and so on. It is very important that, in addition to the user tools for the organization, the program also offers many automatic ones. For example, it is very easy to select geo-tagged images taken with a specific camera using a specific lens. There is nothing difficult in using several conditions at once.

There is also an advanced search in the program, which allows you to use up to fifty parameters, including operators AND, OR and others.

There are no image editing tools in Daminion, you can only rotate thumbnails for better viewing. If any changes were made by mistake, you can always roll back to the previous version - the program keeps track of revisions. This is especially true when working with an application on a multi-user basis.

Daminion works not only with graphic files, but also with video, PDF documents. At the same time, the program is optimized for working with very large collections of images (the test base consists of 500 thousand images), so you don't have to worry about the stability of its work when adding new files. By the way, for convenience, you can use several independent directories that can be opened in the program at the same time - each on a separate tab.

IMatch 3.6

Operating system: Windows
Spreading: shareware
Russian interface: No

Despite the fact that the latest version of IMatch is dated at the end of last year, looking at the program's interface gives the impression that it is already many years old. Indeed, the appearance has always been the weak point of IMatch, and against the background of modern interface solutions, small buttons with graphics in the style of Windows 2000 look scary. The author has long promised to redesign the appearance of the application, but so far he has not done so. However, many users still prefer this particular program.

The main reason is the support of scripts, thanks to which you can connect to the program almost any function that is not implemented in it by default. For example, there are scripts for versioning files, for finding files that have been tagged incorrectly, for checking the correct names, and so on. Scripts do not have to be created manually - many useful add-ons have already been written by other users of the program and are available on the forum.

Another important feature of IMatch is stable work with large collections of files. The program easily copes with databases containing hundreds of thousands of photos, does not slow down and works quite stably. In addition, IMatch implements a periodic reminder to create a backup.

Like Daminion, this program works with databases of photographs that need to be manually populated with photographic content. The processes of creating a database and importing images are implemented in the form of a wizard, but despite this, it is difficult to call them intuitive. Too many boxes have to be set along the way. By default, the database is sorted into folders in the program window. You can also browse by category, by saved templates for search, by the history of selected files, and so on.

MyPhotoIndex 1.24

MyPhotoIndex is inferior in functionality to its more advanced competitors, but the program has several important advantages. First, the program is free and open source. Secondly, it is very simple, and the user does not need to puzzle for a long time over where to find here or another option - they are all at hand.

The program offers organizing photos by category, by tags and by rating. Tags can be added to a slice when importing images into the program's database; moreover, several tags that are used most often are already added by default.

All main functions are accessed through the context menu. With its help, you can add and remove tags, add and edit comments, change the date of the snapshot, send photos to print, encrypt them, set them as wallpaper on the desktop. Separately, it is worth noting the possibilities of data exchange: with one click of the mouse, photos can be uploaded to Facebook, Flickr and other services.

Using the built-in search tools, the user can search for photos by tags, title, and other criteria. A convenient function is to search for images that were taken between two specified dates.

Photo Event Organizer 1.3

Of course, it is very good when you have the time and desire to keep your photo collection in perfect order: set ratings, sort pictures by categories and add tags. But, unfortunately, even a simple parsing of hundreds of photographs into folders for some takes months. Thanks to the large memory cards, we do not have to worry about the lack of space and often copy photos to our computer every two months. And then all the events recorded during this time end up in one heap.

Photo Event Organizer is a simple program that helps you easily sort your running photo archives by date. Specify the directory in which all photos are stored, and also set the time interval that determines the duration of one event. After that, the program will show the photos for what period will be in each folder, and will offer to give a name to each event during which they were taken. If you wish, you can sort the photos simply by month or by year.

After completing the operation, you will see new folders with neat names like "October" and "November". Photo Event Organizer can both copy photos to new folders and move them, which is of course faster. If duplicates are found during copying, they will not be transferred to the new folder. Thus, the program can also help free up some hard disk space.

Namexif 1.6

Finally, there is another simple free utility that helps you organize your photos by adding information about the shooting time to the file names. The information is taken from the metadata written to the file at the time of its creation. As soon as you receive files with names like 2013-04-01-17h56m56.jpg, it becomes a little easier to navigate through them.

Namexif is organized as a wizard: first, the user is prompted to specify files or folders. Since the program can look into subfolders, you can immediately select the root directory, and then Namexif will find and rename all the photos at once.

The second step is to select the renaming format. For example, an application can leave the original name at the end, or add arbitrary characters to all names.

Unfortunately, there is no change preview or rollback functionality, so it's best to practice on small folders first.


The requirements for programs for organizing images may vary, but the end goal for the user is always the same - the ability to quickly find the desired photo. Each of the programs discussed above helps in this in its own way, so it remains to choose the one that suits you best. Do not forget that the photos that you cannot find are how useless, how long deleted.

August 18, 2016

Coming back from vacation or returning home after a weekend full of pleasant moments - which, of course, were captured in the photo - you once again vow to sort all the pictures into folders. The next vow about the same you make to yourself when you urgently need to find "that photo of Aunt Marina, where she is at Uncle Leni's birthday party with a cactus and in a hat." And one more thing - when you decide to illustrate your story about the change in vacation destination compared to last year, but you still won't find the photo you need in last year's ten folders.

In the meantime, it won't take long to organize the archive. And this even - in most cases - does not have to be done manually. You just need to seek help from programs and applications that will do everything for you. Well, almost everything. And today we present programs for organizing a photo archive on a computer.

Daminion STANDARTLONE 4.6.

Daminion works with photo catalogs. This means that you need to manually specify the path to the folders with snapshots. At the same time, Daminion remembers relative paths to files, therefore, when transferring photos to another drive, all data in the directory will be saved.

As soon as the files are entered into the directory, they are displayed in the program window in the form of thumbnails with signatures. In the signature, you can see the basic information about the file: name, resolution, size, exposure, ISO. In addition, each thumbnail contains tools for organizing: you can quickly set a rating, tag an image, add keywords, set a color label, view detailed metadata.

If you select an image, you can see more information about it in the Properties panel. There is also an opportunity to supplement this information: indicate the people who are captured on it, the event during which the photo was taken, the location of the shooting, and the category. For professional photographers such fields as "Project", "Client", "Copyright" are provided. All changes in tags are synchronized with the metadata of the files, so information about the files is always presented both in the database and in the files themselves.

Daminion works not only with graphic files, but also with video, PDF documents. At the same time, the program is optimized for working with very large collections of images (the test base consists of 500 thousand images), so you don't have to worry about the stability of its work when adding new files. By the way, for convenience, you can use several independent directories that can be opened in the program at the same time - each on a separate tab.

There is a Russian interface. The single-user version of Daminion is free - install.

IMatch 5.5

This program works with databases of photographs that need to be manually filled with content. The processes of creating a database and importing images are implemented as a wizard. By default, the database is sorted into folders in the program window. You can also browse by category, by saved templates for search, by the history of selected files, and so on.

The main plus is the support of scripts, thanks to which you can connect to the program almost any function that is not implemented in it by default. For example, there are scripts for versioning files, for finding files that have been tagged incorrectly, for checking the correct names, and so on.

Scripts do not have to be created manually - many useful add-ons have already been written by other users of the program and are available on the forum. In addition, a periodic reminder about the need to create a backup is implemented here.

Suitable for all versions of Windows, but does not contain the Russian interface. Distribution is shareware: you can test the program for a month and decide whether you need to purchase it. Cook $ 110 if needed. Installation link -.

MyPhotoIndex v 1.24.3352

MyPhotoIndex is inferior in functionality to its more advanced competitors, but it is very simple, and the user does not need to puzzle for a long time over where to find this or another option - they are all at hand.

The program offers organizing photos by category, by tags and by rating. Tags can be added to a slice when importing images into the program's database; moreover, several tags that are used most often are already added by default. With one click, photos can be uploaded to Facebook, Flickr and other services. Using the built-in search tools, the user can search for photos by tags, title, and other criteria.

The program is provided in the English version, distributed free of charge - download.

Google picasa

If suddenly someone has a Picasa application from Google saved a long time ago - it's time to get it, dust it off and use it. It is free and Russified, and very, very simple.

When you start Picasa for the first time, it scans all hard drives, and then you can see thumbnails in the program window. Using the "Folder Manager" tool, you can set different options for each directory: scan once, delete from Picasa, or scan continuously. In the latter case, the program will set the folder tracking, and when new photos appear, they will be automatically entered into Picasa.

As you scan, Picasa sorts your photos by folder and folders by date. Thus, if you remember the approximate shooting time, you can quickly find the folder with the necessary photos. In addition, Picasa has the concept of albums. You can add photos to them manually. The application also groups faces by similarity, creates shared photo albums with one person (collections), can exclude duplicate files.

Now instead of Picasa, Google Photo is offered.

Google photo

This application will not be able to find all the photos on your computer, scattered into folders - you will have to collect everything manually. Or use a Windows client. The application will help you choose the best pictures from the series; when using the web resource, it allows you to set the privacy of a number of photos. But on the computer, there are no privacy settings, so pictures that someone should not see will have to be hidden manually.

Basically, the application is simple and straightforward, but Picasa was better ...

Now that you know how to organize your archive, you have more time for fond memories. And remember: photos scattered about it is not clear where are as useless as deleted ones.

Despite the fact that the eLiteSort program is paid, it can also be used free of charge on an ongoing basis. Namely 2000 files for sorting at once and 50 files for sorting every day. Such restrictions will not restrict most users. Use it with pleasure.

I'll tell you my story, I had several cameras, even more memory cards for these cameras, several people who took pictures with these cameras, several computers to which pictures from these cameras were dumped. As a result, a situation arose when each of the computers formed their own collections of photographs, i.e. some were common with other computers, some were unique, and were scattered in folders with incomprehensible names such as "101MSCD", DCIM, etc. "new folder" i.e. when there are many of them, there is a natural desire to "clean up". Here you can also add cases when photos are thrown off the camera's memory card, but the card is not cleaned, or only part of the photo is thrown off. All this leads to the fact that as a result you see duplicate photos, but do not remember where the originals are, etc., etc. It becomes difficult to navigate the collection, let alone make a single whole, taking into account the contents of folders on different computers.

To solve this time-consuming task for a person (when the number of photos is more than one thousand), my eLiteSort program will help, a small digression - the lite prefix only speaks about the ease of use of the program and its logic, the Deluxe version, etc. no, maybe someday this will happen, but for now, I have enough eLiteSort capabilities with my head. I must say that I tried to make the program interface in such a way that this instruction did not have to be read.

Program features

This is actually sorting photos, video files captured by the camera. Video files shot with a camera usually contain information about the picture in the form of a (.THM) file, this file makes it possible to correctly judge the date of the video clip, usually video files (not from the camera) do not contain information about the shooting date, so such files cannot be sorted reliably ...

For the correct sorting of photos and videos, it is required that the time and date on the camera are set correctly, why I think there is no need to explain.

For ideological reasons, the program does not contain the possibility of setting a new file name (photo or video), since this change makes it harder to find duplicates, and generally find a file. Therefore, all files retain their original name, it is changed only if the user wants to save two different files with the same name in the same folder.

In the program, you can add events, both periodic and for a specific date, in this case, a photo or video file taken on the date of the event will fall into a subfolder with the name of this event.

I must also say that the program has the ability to independently set the folder names and the depth of the path along which the video or photo will be located.

Sort photos

Sorting photos is the main purpose of the program, it is very simple and transparent for the user. When you first start the program, we specify the folder (the top line of the program) where we will add the sorting result. Next, drag the folder into the main field of the program, the photos in which we want to sort. The program will automatically select suitable file types for sorting. It remains only to press the button to process and wait for the end of the work result. Everything! - photos are sorted.

Sort videos

The video sorting process is identical to the photo sorting process, the only difference not noticeable to the user is that files with the .thm extension (containing information about the video) are not visible to the user.

Video instructions for sorting video and photo files

This process is completely identical for both video and photo. Therefore, the second video is more of a demonstration character.

Sort photos

Program settings

Adding an event

The need to add an event may arise if you want to create a separate folder for some photos, for example, such holidays as birthday, wedding, February 23rd, new year and other dates. Adding an event itself is a very simple procedure - for this we press the "add event" button, select a date, decide to tick the "periodicity" box or not, in the case of a birthday, you can tick the box, but on the wedding day you do not need to tick the box, although it is who like. Correcting an event - double click on an event, adjust and save. Deleting an event - selecting the desired event and the delete key.

Setting up the photo folder structure

The structure setting is performed in the photo hierarchy block of the program settings. The number of lines in the main field is equal to the number of folders obtained as a result, the counting is from the top. By default, the program has two lines in this field:

  • $ YYYY year
  • $ MM_ $ month
Those. As a result, we will get a structure of two folders, the first of which will be named for example: 2010, and the second March 03, and the result will be something like this: C: \ My photos \ 2010 \ March 03 \ DSC1001.JPG. If we want to add another layer - for example a day, we simply add another $ DD line to the existing lines. If we want the name of the month in English, select the desired language from the "Language of the month name" field.

List of placeholders:

  • $ YYYY - Four-digit year, for example 2011
  • $ YY - Two-digit year, for example 11
  • $ MM - Two-digit date month, for example 09
  • $ M - Month, not filled with zero, for example 9
  • $ Month - Capitalized month name, for example October
  • $ MONTH - Name of the month, all capital letters, for example NOVEMBER
  • $ month - Name of the month, all small letters, for example July
  • $ DD - Two-digit date day, for example 09
  • $ D - Day of the date, not filled with zero, for example 9

Other program settings

The interface language of the program can also be changed in the settings, for the changes to take effect, you must close the program and start it again.

Video files in a separate folder - when this checkbox is selected, all video files transferred for sorting to the program will be added to the specified subfolder, inside the main path. Those. the entire hierarchy will be created in the specified directory. By default, the video directory is selected, and this solution, in our opinion, is preferable. Although there are users who put video files shot on the camera in the same place where they put photos. This option also has the right to life, and is not something bad.

Smart sorting in the absence of EXIF ​​information - when this checkbox is selected, in the absence of information about the date of creation of a photo or video, the date will be taken from the file attributes, and the date will be taken as the smallest one, usually it is also the date of creation of the photo or video. In the absence of this checkbox, photos and videos that do not contain EXIF ​​will be added to the folder indicated below.

Registration and payment of the program

Purchasing the program through the site site

Buying the program through the website is pretty transparent. The buyer goes to the purchase page of the program, specifies the name and email, after which he is redirected to the payment acceptance service. Which in turn offers a payment option. After the program is paid, the payment system informs the server about the success of the payment and transmits data about the paid invoice. And on the site, the buyer is given activation details, which remain to be entered in the program in the activation section.

Purchase through the program interface

Buying the program through the interface differs from buying through the website only in that as a result you receive an activation key that is suitable only for the computer from which the payment was initiated, and in the paragraph above you receive an invoice + email, which is suitable for activation later on any computer on which activation will occur. For registration, this does not matter at all, and two methods are used to have an alternative payment. Those. you can choose any of the options.

Manual payment

Payment in manual mode means that the buyer transfers the required amount to one of the wallets indicated on the site, and notifies the author of the program in any of the available ways. Manual payment mode is not automatic. When the necessary funds are transferred to the specified wallet, I receive a notification about the funds transferred, after which I send the registration data to the buyer that he provided in the notification.

Activating the program

User's activation data can be of two types. The first type is the key, the second type is the account number and email of the buyer. The key is provided for a specific computer, account + email for activation on any computer, but after activation, this account number and email are associated with the computer on which the program was activated. Thus, either of these two types of credentials provide activation on only one computer. After reinstalling the system, activation keys usually continue to work. The dongle may stop working after changing the hard disk, network card or motherboard on the computer. When changing a unique computer id, you may contact the author of the program for help in a new activation of the program. But since in this way some unscrupulous users try to activate several computers, the author of the program reserves the right to refuse activation if the new received id, in our opinion, is not a derivative of the old one. The activation of the program itself is quite simple - you need to go to the appropriate section in the program and enter the received registration data.

Trial mode limitations

By default, the program is installed in trial mode, which allows you to understand the capabilities of the program, as well as to use it in a limited mode. During the first installation of the program, the program provides the ability to sort 2000 files without any restrictions. Upon completion of the basic free amount, it remains possible to sort no more than 50 files every day. Those. in fact, the program continues to run, but in a limited mode. For the program to work in trial mode, an Internet connection is required. After purchase, there is no need to connect to the Internet.

Feedback and comments:

Williehom - 2019-04-03

Cashbury preparing for default? 11.10.2018 11.10.2018News Head of Cashbury Artur Vardanyan said that from October 11, 2018 the company will freeze payments to its depositors for a period of three weeks. He spoke about this on the company's YouTube channel. Vardanyan promised to resume withdrawing funds from his personal account from November 1, 2018 and report on the progress of the company's recovery every Thursday. According to Vardanyan, "Cashbury" is "going through hard times", which are caused by the "dirt and negativity" of the media, as well as "custom" videos on Youtube. He also announced the blocking of the company's bank and exchange accounts, as well as blackmailing Cashbury partners, canceling events and threatening the project leaders. Because of this, the company is forced to go on a three-week vacation in order to restore blocked accounts and begin to fulfill financial obligations to investors, he explained. 1.From November 1, we will launch the withdrawal of funds from your personal account and will try to make it work as before. 2. Deposit and withdrawal of funds, creation of new deposits, accruals on already created deposits, referral bonuses, transfer of internal money at this time will be canceled. 3. All ordered payments that we did not manage to process this week will be returned back to your accounts and you will be able to order a withdrawal on November 2. On September 26, 2018, the Central Bank named the Cashbury company one of the largest financial pyramids in Russia. "Cashbury" managed to attract several tens of thousands of people to the project, the Central Bank said.

Williehom - 2019-04-03

Caution, "chargeback"! 08/23/2018 08/23/2018News Telephone scammers have reached the unlucky Omsk stockists, OMSKREGION reports. As cheese for the Internet mousetrap, the crooks used the promise to return the funds lost as a result of failed stock exchange transactions. A 45-year-old Omsk resident addressed the police with a statement about the theft of money from a bank card. The investigators found that an unknown man called him on his cell phone and introduced himself as an employee of a brokerage company. The interlocutor informed about the possibility of returning the lost money, which will become available only after registration on one of the Internet sites. The victim was not surprised by the call, since last year he did indeed carry out transactions on the exchange. “The man, under dictation, filled in the necessary fields on the website, indicating his personal data and the details of his bank card. At the same time, almost 270 thousand rubles disappeared from the applicant's account. It turned out that the money was transferred to the account of a website registered in another state, ”the police said. An 81-year-old pensioner found herself in a similar situation, who was also called from a brokerage company and offered to make money in the foreign exchange market. Under the dictation of an unknown person, an elderly woman from Omsk registered on the site and personally transferred 29 thousand rubles to someone else's account. On all the facts, criminal cases were initiated on the grounds of a crime under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud". The sanction of this article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 5 years. The Russian MIA Administration for the Omsk Region reminds citizens: - Do not believe the words of strangers about compensation, money exchange, lottery winnings; - do not tell third parties your card number, PIN code, username and password from the Internet bank, as well as SMS passwords that come to your phone, no matter how convincing the offers of winnings, the sale of various goods or the provision of services may seem. If you nevertheless become a victim of such a crime, promptly contact the police by phone "02" or the duty section of the police department at your place of residence.

Williehom - 2019-04-02

NAS Broker. Forget about your money 08/19/2016 07/09/2017 Publications Through the feedback form over the past couple of weeks, we have received several requests from our readers who had the imprudence to contact NAS Broker companies. The methods of working and attracting clients from NAS Broker managers do not differ in cleanliness and in many respects repeat the tricks and scams of FOREX scammers from our black list. Let's take a closer look at what NAS Broker is and whether it is worth trusting them with your money. Let's start with the legal information about the company. In the section "About the Company" on the NAS Broker website there is absolutely no useful information, only unfounded statements about their mythical successes and achievements. According to the scant information on the company's website, the legal address is NAS Broker The Jaycees Building, Stoney ground, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines. The state register of companies in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is closed, it is impossible to verify the accuracy of this information. An unfounded statement about a certain regulation is striking: Regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), License No. 21969 In this case, the license number coincides with the registration number of the company, but the license itself is not on the site. The conclusion is simple: the statement about regulation is a lie and is designed for naive beginners. Offshore licenses in and of themselves are not an advantage, and when a company is also lying by posting false information, the conclusion is unambiguous: you should not trust. NAS Broker's offer contains several items that have no analogues in any company: 4.22. The COMPANY has the right to charge a monthly commission in the amount of 100 (one hundred) US dollars for servicing the CLIENT's account. 4.23. The CLIENT agrees that the COMPANY has the right, without the prior consent or notification of the CLIENT, to subcontract to third parties the procedure for technical and operational maintenance of the trading account (not "FOREX" related services). Based on the complexity of operations and transactions, applications and activities of the CLIENT, the COMPANY has the right to change the price of service at the discretion of a third party for the services actually provided by the subcontractor (not "FOREX" services). The CLIENT assumes obligations to independently pay bills for real services to third parties. The Client is not entitled to make transfers for FOREX activities to the account of third parties that do not provide FOREX services or amounts higher than those actually provided by third parties in the process of servicing the FOREX trading account of the CLIENT. Not only do the gentlemen from NAS Broker want to get money from you for entrusting them with this very money, but they also oblige the client to pay some incomprehensible third parties for what services they do not understand. 4.31. Withdrawal of the CLIENT's funds is carried out on condition that the CLIENT makes a minimum trading volume equal to 1 lot for every 100 (one hundred) USD of the deposit, after the last replenishment of the account. Lots of less than three minutes are not applicable within the framework of this article. Limitations of the client in the right to dispose of his money and imposing on him the obligatory working out of trading volumes does not go into any gate. This alone is enough to draw a conclusion: NAS Broker is a banal scam and will do everything so that the client can no longer withdraw the money deposited on the deposit. 4.40. By signing this agreement, the CLIENT indisputably agrees with the terms of the "Deferred Payment" service, which allows transactions in the OTC markets using Additional Liquidity, namely: - The additional liquidity provided can be used exclusively for transactions in the OTC markets; - The CLIENT undertakes to carry out operations with the provided additional liquidity from the moment it is credited to the trading account until the moment the corresponding payment is received; - Withdrawal of funds from a trading account for which the "Deferred Payment" service is activated is not possible until the corresponding payment is received in full to the trading account; - The results of the transactions are not available to the CLIENT until the transferred funds are transferred to the account of the COMPANY and are credited to the trading account of the CLIENT; - The CLIENT is solely responsible for the timely receipt of funds in full; - THE COMPANY has the right to refuse to the CLIENT, who violates the terms of debt repayment, in servicing his trading account. - The CLIENT understands and agrees that the COMPANY reserves the right to cancel any transaction carried out using additional liquidity at its complete and exclusive discretion; - The CLIENT releases the COMPANY from any costs, expenses, claims, obligations. Divorce with all sorts of "loans", which must be "repaid" with real money, is actively used by many primitive suckers, and NAS Broker did not come up with anything new. Providing "extra liquidity" is a primitive trick of fraudsters with the aim of extorting additional money from the client. In most cases, after the "loan repayment", fraudsters stop communicating. This is understandable: they have already received the money and they are not going to part with it. 6.3. The CLIENT is liable to the COMPANY for losses incurred by the COMPANY through the fault of the CLIENT, including for damage caused as a result of failure to provide (untimely provision) by the CLIENT of any documents, the provision of which by the COMPANY is stipulated by this agreement, as well as the relevant regulations. The client is liable for damage caused to the COMPANY as a result of any distortion of the information contained in the documents provided by the COMPANY to the CLIENT. It seems that the kids from NAS Broker, having entered the courage when drawing up a phony letter called an offer, are no longer able to get out of it and decided to make the client guilty without the slightest chance for rehabilitation. I would very much like to look at the reasoning of NAS Broker when trying to justify the damage caused by the client due to the failure to submit some unnamed documents. 11.2. The CLIENT unconditionally: - agrees that the courts of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have the right of exclusive jurisdiction, which determines any procedural actions in relation to this agreement; - Submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; - agrees never to make claims that such a place of court proceedings is inconvenient or that it has no legal force in relation to the CLIENT. Well, in conclusion, so that the client does not even have a desire to defend his interests, he is offered to sue on distant islands in the Caribbean. Offers of all companies are drawn up by the lawyers of these very companies, and first of all they protect the interests of the company, not the clients. But such a blatant and cynical violation of rights and trampling on the interests of clients is possible only in scams, which undoubtedly can be attributed to the cute company NAS Broker. Let's summarize what awaits a client who has had the carelessness of contacting this sucker: Charging for mythical account maintenance services, and not only NAS Broker, but also third parties can charge the fee. Impossibility to withdraw money without obligatory working out of trading volumes. Withdrawing funds from a trading account under the pretext of compensation for the mythical damage done to the company. Mandatory deposit of funds to the account to repay the "additional liquidity" provided by NAS Broker. The ability to freeze funds in the account at any time under the pretext of combating money laundering. And this is not a complete list. Are you ready to part with your money? Welcome to NAS Broker ?? ... To be continued.

Williehom - 2019-04-02

Useful advice 23.07.2016 24.10.2016Help and advice choceChoosing a FOREX broker for work is a very important question and must be approached with full responsibility. As practice shows, it is haste in this matter that becomes the main reason why newcomers find themselves in the networks of FOREX scammers. If you receive calls from unknown persons offering profitable investment of funds or with offers to open a trading account with a "world famous" FOREX broker, you can safely add the number to the black list and be sure: you are being cheated by scammers. Not a single decent FOREX company is engaged in attracting customers through telephone calls. Such "tempting" offers can only come from FOREX scammers. If you receive offers to open a trading account in an unfamiliar FOREX company, at least you should collect the maximum amount of information about this organization. What should you pay attention to? 1. Business reputation of the FOREX company. Business reputation, according to Wikipedia, is an intangible good, which is an assessment of a person's activities (both physical and legal) in terms of his business qualities. How to evaluate the reputation of an unknown FOREX broker? The easiest way is to enter the phrase "company name, reviews" into the Yandex search box and carefully study all the available information. The absence of negative reviews or the presence of a large number of extremely positive reviews on numerous FOREX ratings is not evidence of the integrity of a FOREX broker, and you must firmly understand this. It's no secret that FOREX scammers often contain a whole army of paid PR specialists who post a huge amount of praise on various Internet resources on a reimbursable basis. In addition, direct bribery of the FOREX rating administration in order to promote a dubious brand is also far from uncommon. This explains why outright FOREX scams such as MMCIS, MillTrade, FOREX TREND, TeleTrade often occupied and still occupy the first lines in various FOREX ratings. Be sure to go to the FOREX brokers section of the most popular Russian investment resource on the MMGP forum and read the thread of the company that interests you. Pay attention to whether a representative of a FOREX broker is present in the topic and how he answers questions from members of the forum. The absence of a representative of a FOREX company at the forum and ignoring customer questions is the basis for an unconditional refusal of any cooperation with such a company. Any statements from a FOREX broker that they do not communicate with clients publicly, but exclusively through technical support, are typical tricks of FOREX scammers. Do not be lazy to register on the forum, it will take only a few minutes, and ask the members of the forum for an opinion about the company you are interested in. Pay attention to the reputation of the members of the forum who will answer you. The opinion of a novoreg with three posts on the forum cannot be taken seriously. It is also worth paying attention to the length of service of a FOREX company in the market, the availability of licenses in various jurisdictions, the jurisdiction of a particular company in which you are thinking about opening an account. Having licenses in serious jurisdictions (USA, EU), even if you open an account with an offshore company that operates under the same brand, is a serious plus. 2. Trading conditions. Read carefully the trading conditions offered by the FOREX company. Special attention to account types, order execution types, minimum open position size, spread and swap sizes. The lower your costs are, the more you can earn. 3. Legal documents. Study the offers and regulations of the FOREX company in the most thorough way. The absence of these documents in the public domain in Russian is a reason for refusing any cooperation with such a company. Often times, FOREX scammers deliberately hide these documents or post them in English. Remember: any excuses like “we are an international company and therefore all documents are in English” are just primitive tricks of FOREX scammers to hide any nuances from you. If the company is focused on a Russian-speaking audience, all documents must be, including, in Russian. Please note if the company is part of any structures that are authorized to resolve disputes. In the event of any such, most likely, you will not have the opportunity to resolve the issue in the court of offshore jurisdiction. And you have at least hypothetical chances to try to defend your position, for example, in the Financial Commission. Particular attention should be paid to bonus programs. Often, fraudsters actually impose various kinds of so-called bonuses, loans with deliberately impossible conditions. Remember: free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. If you have any questions about bonus programs, ask them publicly and demand a detailed answer. 4. Technical support. Please note if the FOREX company has 24/7 technical support. In fact, the importance of this issue is somewhat exaggerated. As a rule, the need to contact technical support in most cases arises only for beginners. But having 24/7 tech support will be an added benefit. 5. Software. As a rule, at the moment practically all FOREX companies offer the same choice of software. These are different versions of the MeteTrader trading terminal: a version for a computer on Windows, an MT4 version for mobile devices and a web terminal for trading from a browser. As additional bonuses for automated trading, terminal placement services on a dedicated VPS can be offered. Some companies already have the opportunity to open accounts for trading through the MT5 terminal, but it's hard to say how much of this is an advantage. 6. Investment programs. As practice shows, luring money under the guise of investing in various investment programs is the main field of activity for fraudsters. If you are offered options for "low-risk" investment of your funds somewhere with a guaranteed profitability higher than the banking one, sometimes the difference in profitability can be orders of magnitude, be sure: you are faced with scammers. Over the past few years, dozens of financial pyramids have collapsed, offering "profitable investment in the FOREX market." Do not hope that this will not affect you. Money is not rabbits, it does not reproduce on its own. To believe in fairy tales about financial geniuses capable of paying huge interest on your deposits is, to say the least, naive. 7. Security. Pay attention to the company’s focus on safety. Mandatory verification, the need to confirm the withdrawal of funds by entering a code from SMS, the possibility of two-factor authorization can significantly reduce the risk that your money can be simply stolen. 8. Factors, the significance of which is exaggerated. We would attribute the following to these factors: the presence of offshore licenses. By and large, these are just meaningless pieces of paper that are of an image nature. Not a single offshore "regulator" provided any noticeable assistance to any trader in controversial issues. The same can be said about the licenses that are now distributed in the CIS countries. Judging by recent events, a license can be obtained without problems by outright scammers such as the presence of various training courses offered by FOREX companies. The process of becoming a trader can take years and no express courses will teach you to work profitably. As practice shows, unscrupulous companies actively use such courses to brainwash clients and only push them to deposit funds into a trading account. Availability of analytical forecasts on the FOREX company's website. It is no secret that you can work profitably only by trading systematically according to an extremely formalized trading system. And no third-party analysts will replace the trader's own rules for entering and exiting the market. Maximum leverage. Huge leverage is not an advantage, it only speeds up the drain of the deposit by beginners who have not learned to control their risks.

I have accumulated a huge amount of photos from smartphones. I have to change smartphones often, because for each review I always use a new smartphone as my main phone in order to reveal all the features and nuances.

I finally found a way to rename and organize tens of thousands of photos.

Different smartphones give names to photos according to different principles - some take into account the date and time of shooting, some simply call them DSC_0001, DSC_0002, etc.

At first I just wanted to rename the files according to their date, but it turned out that sometimes when transferring to a computer, the date is lost and replaced with the current one.

Fortunately, JPG files contain EXIF ​​- a block of information with shooting parameters, which contains, in particular, the date and time of the shooting.

The task came down to the fact that you need to rename all photo files so that the name contains the date and time of shooting from EXIF, and at the same time change the date of all files, restoring the shooting date. There was a program on the Internet that can do this: Exifer -

It's simple: Select the desired folder, select all the files (Edit - Select All or Ctrl + A), go in and rename - (Edit - Rename / redate and copy or Ctrl + N), check the box "Redate (by EXIF ​​date fields)" and start the process with the OK button.

All selected files in the folder will be renamed and their date / time will accurately reflect the shooting date and time. For some reason, with a large number of files, the program cannot process several files, which is what it reports. But it doesn't matter - you just need to re-run the conversion for these files.

This can also be automated: the exiftool program, which works in the command line, can arrange all photos in folders by year, month and day of shooting.

Exiftool command "-Directory

Exiftool command "-Directory

Renaming all photos according to the date and time of shooting and organizing them in folders with dates will turn the huge photo washer into a convenient archive. Try it! It takes very little time.

2016, Alexey Nadyozhin

The main topic of my blog is technology in human life. I write reviews, share experiences, talk about all sorts of interesting things. And I also make reports from interesting places and talk about interesting events.
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Millions of users have used a free program called Picasa to organize their family photo archives for years. However, this year they will have to reconsider their habits, because now Picasa cannot be downloaded. The popular program is no longer supported. You can work with the program only if you downloaded it earlier, but it should be borne in mind that no updates for the software product will be released.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing wrong with this state of affairs. There are already enough programs on the market for organizing photos, both paid and free. With so many photo apps to choose from, it won't be easy to find a complete replacement for Picasa. This is mainly due to the fact that this program had a fairly large set of functions. With it, you could organize your photos into albums, select images according to various criteria, perform basic editing operations, and quickly upload albums to the cloud. Also, do not forget that Picasa was a free solution, which means that commercial programs as an alternative option in this case should definitely not be considered. Also, we deliberately will not include programs in this review, the main function of which is to view images. Our goal will be to find solutions that allow organizing large collections of images and uploading photos to the Internet.

Google Photos

Today you can hardly find a better solution for backing up your photo archive than Google Photos. This program is called by many as the successor to Picasa. All albums uploaded using Picasa are automatically transferred to the new service from Google. In addition, as in the case of Picasa, users of this service get unlimited storage space for photos, the size of which does not exceed 16 megapixels. For those who use their smartphones for shooting, this makes it possible to download the entire photo archive for free. In order to upload photos from your computer to the cloud, you need to use the Google Photo Backup application. This application allows you to automatically download all photos from memory cards, standard Windows folders for storing pictures and the desktop. In addition, you can also add any number of additional folders in which the photos are stored. You can use the Google Photo Backup app to upload photos to the cloud from your computer. Like the Picasa app, Google Photos allows you to automatically download photos from memory cards, standard Windows folders, and the desktop. You can also add any number of additional photo folders. In case of automatic copying of photos to the cloud from memory cards, you can also select the folder in which the local copy of the images will be stored. Google Photos Backup can download images in their original resolution or compress them automatically. The app also supports RAW files, but loading them is disabled by default. You can change this circumstance in the settings.

With online downloads, everything is more or less clear. However, many other useful features from Picasa have not carried over to Google Photos. The online service provides fairly modest image editing capabilities. There are no usual tags, captions and comments to pictures. Therefore, if you previously used Picasa not only as a tool for uploading photos online, but also as a cataloger, then in addition to Google Photos, you will have to find a suitable desktop application with the appropriate set of functions.

BonAView 1.9.0

The developer of this software is High Motion Software. The program is distributed completely free of charge, and in addition to everything it has a Russian-language interface.

BonAView certainly cannot be called a well-known program for working with a photo archive. For some reason, she is undeservedly overlooked. In terms of the set of functions, the program is quite close to Picasa. In some ways it even surpasses the recently closed program. BonAView can be viewed by album, catalog, or the Timeline view that Picasa users love. In this mode, photos will be automatically sorted by the time they were taken. Rating can be used to sort images. It is also possible to create custom albums. BonAView is perfect for working with collections of photos of any size, since the program supports an unlimited number of albums, including nested ones. The number of photos in albums is also not limited. The program contains filters that can be used to sort images. They make it possible to display photos that relate only to a particular album, have a specific title or a given rating.

There is a possibility of viewing photos in two modes: in the form of thumbnails, the size of which can be controlled using a special slider, or in 3D. When using the second mode, you can work with a "carousel" of pictures, rotating and editing them in the course of viewing.

Let's talk a little about editing. BonAView has a lot of features to enhance your photos. There is the ability to adjust color rendition, remove "red-eye", level correction, tools for blurring and sharpening, tools for automatic adjustment, a good set of frames for different occasions and about a dozen different effects. Of particular interest is the fact that here it is possible to use editing tools not for the entire image, but only for its part, by selecting the required fragment in advance. It is also worth paying attention to a rather interesting function for creating visual annotations. With it, you can add text and various graphic elements to the picture. It is also worth mentioning that there is a great built-in search engine. BonAView allows you to search for photos by specified folders, user albums, specific properties, such as file type, last modified date, rating or resolution. You can use the Image Board tool to quickly select photos stored in various albums and folders. In the case when the photos are placed in the Image Board, it will be possible to add them to albums, as well as perform various operations as with a group. BonAView does not have complete batch processing tools. For this purpose, the developer suggests using a separate ImBatch program. Unfortunately, BonAView doesn't have any tools for sharing photos with other users. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the latest version of the program was released in 2013, when social functions were not yet in great demand. You can use BonAView in conjunction with Google Photo Backup.

Jet Photo Studio 4.15

Jet Photo Studio is developed by Atomix Technologies Limited. The program works with Mac and Windows operating systems. For non-commercial use, the program is distributed free of charge. The program does not have a Russian-language interface. Jet Photo Studio has the capabilities of a cataloguer, graphic editor, viewer. The program also contains an impressive set of tools for publishing photo albums on the Internet. At the beginning of working with the program, you need to create an album. After that, photos from various sources (local folders, memory cards, web cameras, etc.) are added to the album. When sorting images in an album, the user can mark them with an asterisk, add notes and keywords, for example, a text description of the photo. There is also the ability to edit information in EXIF. This data can be used to find the images you want. Pictures marked with an asterisk can be highlighted quickly. You can use the calendar to search for the photos you want. It is enough just to click on the desired date, and the program will show only those pictures that were taken on that day. Jet Photo Studio, in addition to the usual thumbnail viewing mode for this kind of application, also offers the option of displaying images on a map. The program recognizes geotags and makes it possible to assign them manually or based on the loaded GPS track. The program also provides the ability to integrate with Google Earth and create KMZ and KML files. If the user automatically does not have access to data about where a particular picture was taken, they can be added simply by manually specifying the location on the map. A similar operation can also be applied to a whole group of photographs, having previously selected them.

Jet Photo Studio offers several ways to view images. For example, based on the selected photos, the user can create a flash gallery, wallpaper, screen saver, web gallery or slideshow. When it comes to image editing capabilities, Jet Photo Studio is more than modest. There are a couple of simple effects, cropping tools and basic image adjustments. Jet Photo Studio, like Picasa, allows you to work with photos not only locally, but also to post them on the Internet. There are two main ways to do this: Flickr and Jet Photo Server. When using the second method, it is supposed to create your own website with web albums based on the proposed templates. In this case, the user needs to purchase hosting, deploy Jet Photo Studio on it, and then upload web albums to the site from the program. For most users, this method is too complicated and overhead. And we want a simple alternative to Picasa, and it's free. Integration with Flickr is more interesting. On this photo hosting, you can store photos, the total volume of which is up to 1 TB. To be able to upload your photos to Flickr, you need to authorize Jet Photo Studio to access your account. After that it will be possible to download both selected photos and entire albums. At the same time, it is possible to download originals, as well as compress images to a specified size, manage privacy settings and add geotags. Notes and keywords added to photos in Jet Photo Studio will be automatically transferred to Flickr. Before each download, for the convenience of users, the amount of available free space is indicated. The disadvantages of Jet Photo Studio include not the most responsive interface. When performing some operations, the program often freezes. Importing photos with default settings can completely paralyze your computer. But if you switch to import in the background, then it is quite possible to work with other applications. Today this problem looks like archaism. However, Jet Photo Studio is in a sense a relic of the past. As mentioned earlier, the last version of the program was released in 2013.

Windows Photo Gallery 2012

As the name implies, the developer of this software product is Microsoft. The program works with Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. The program is distributed free of charge. Also Windows Photo Gallery has a Russian-language interface.

Some users may think that Microsoft's application definitely cannot be an alternative for a product from Google. However, Windows Photo Gallery is close enough to Picasa in its feature set. The application can be downloaded for free as part of the Windows Essentials package. In addition to the component we are interested in, the software package also includes an email application, a blog editor, One Drive, and a program for working with video files. During installation, you can select only those applications that should be installed on the system. Windows Photo Gallery immediately after launch picks up all the photos that are stored in the image library. To add other images, you just need to show where they are stored in the program by changing the library settings. If you need to rewrite photos from a memory card, you just need to connect the drive. The program will automatically offer to import images. Photos in Windows Photo Gallery will be automatically sorted by the time they were taken. At the same time, there may be photographs nearby, which are stored in completely different folders. The location of the folders on disk does not matter. If you wish, you can select one of the sorting options presented in the program: by rating, by folders, by people depicted in photographs, by type of storage, by geotag, by name.

The program also provides flexible customization of the appearance of the workspace. The user can turn on the display of additional information about the file, quickly change the sort order, and so on. You can use a variety of tools to organize your photos: flags, ratings, captions, geotags, text tags, and more. It is convenient to use the sidebar to add tags. In the course of working with the program, the user will have a database of tags, by which it will be possible to quickly find photos marked with a keyword. Windows Photo Gallery also helps with identifying people. The program automatically finds the heroes of the photographs and offers to indicate who it is. Later, all tag information added to Windows Photo Gallery can be used in searches. For example, you can search for pictures that were taken in specific months or tagged with the desired tag. You can use the OR or AND operators to define search criteria. Also, the file type can be used as a search criterion. Windows Photo Gallery allows you to send video files and photos by mail, as well as upload them to various online services such as OneDrive, Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube. Files can be compressed to the desired size before uploading. In addition to sending it to the Internet, you can use photos to create collages, panoramas, videos, and so on. Some image editing tools are provided in Windows Photo Gallery. There are several filters with a preview function, tools for removing noise and color correction, flattening photos and adjusting exposure. In addition, you can directly change the resolution of files, rename them, edit information about the creation date without leaving their program. You can undo all changes made with one click of a button. Support for Windows Photo Gallery for the Windows 7 operating system will be discontinued shortly. This is due to the fact that Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 have a built-in Photos app for viewing, cataloging and publishing photos on the web. This application allows you to view your photos in different modes: by folder, by album or by date. In addition, the app is integrated with OneDrive. All photos that the user works with in this application can be uploaded to the cloud. Albums can be created manually by the user or automatically based on the best images. In terms of functionality, Photos is still inferior to Windows Photo Gallery.

This program was intentionally posted at the end of the review. The application is a junior version of the professional program Zoner Photo Studio. The program has all the functions you need to organize your archive of photos, as well as the ability to download for free to your own photo hosting. Zoner Photo Studio Free 18 differs from the paid version in that it lacks image editing tools. Zoner Photo Studio Free can be used both as a cataloger and as a simple tool for viewing photos stored on disk and any other media.

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