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A program for viewing exif information. Editing EXIF ​​data about the time of taking photos in EXIF ​​Date Changer

EXIF data does contain a lot of information about a photo, but when it comes to uploading photos to the Internet, which almost everyone does in our age, a double question arises - whether to leave or delete this data.

EXIF is useful because it contains confirmation that the photo was taken from your camera, which, for example, can help. Also, EXIF ​​is useful simply when studying photographs of the masters, when you are interested in how the aperture, shutter speed and other shooting parameters were set. Here's how, for example, on the site

However, EXIF ​​may contain, if not confidential, then at least unwanted information to be shown to the entire Internet. In this case, it becomes necessary to delete this data, although this does not exclude cases of deleting EXIF ​​in order to simply hide whose picture it is and use it as your own. In general, this is a rather difficult question, and it's up to you to delete or leave EXIF ​​data, but my goal is to show how 🙂

Let's start with the fact that there is an excellent service, which in case of loss of the camera will prompt its serial number, even if you have not written it down, and will automatically find photos from your camera - you just need to drop one of the past pictures into the window of this site captured with your camera. True, the test with my photos gave only 4 results 🙁 although there are a hundred times more of my photos on the net., which became even more popular thanks to the fact that it helped, did give a lot more results on my photos - in total, according to the site, they indexed more than 10.4 million serial numbers. However, this service does not automatically detect the serial number: for this you will have to look into EXIF one of your pictures yourself, according to one of the methods shown in the article about that,.

What if you all do not want to reveal the details of the photo?

Again, there are several ways here.

1. The easiest way edit EXIF was described in the last lesson - just right-click on the file and go to the Properties menu item, go to the Details tab and click on the Remove Properties and Personal Information link. In the window that opens, choose which data to delete, which to leave and whether to leave at all.

2. The next method is convenient when processing a photo and saving it for later publication on the Internet. Photoshop has a special function for this File -> Save for Web & Devices or just type t + Shit + Ctrl + S. Here you need to select the file format, in particular, jpg and in the metadata field indicate how you want edit exif data - what to leave and what to remove, or in general remove all exifs data.

Hello dear readers of the blog Summer holidays are coming to an end. People are returning home in droves from various wonderful places. Many with a lot of photos taken during travel or vacation.

The weather this fall, at least in Moscow, is just awful. So, it's time to start processing the brought pictures.

Today we will talk about editing EXIF ​​data photos, mainly about how change the shooting time recorded in EXIF.

Surely it is no longer a secret that any modern digital camera, be it a separate camera, or a camera in a phone or other electronic device, writes information about a picture to an image file - EXIF data (Exchangeable Image File).

First of all, these include: the model of the camera with which the picture was taken, the shutter speed, aperture, focal length, ISO sensitivity, date and time of shooting.

This is not all. Depending on the model of the camera, a large number of other parameters can be registered in EXIF, such as: resolution, lens type, flash usage and many others, including even the serial number of the device.

Today we will be interested in shooting time data recorded in EXIF... It will soon be clear why.

Why edit EXIF ​​data values

Be honest. Do you always check the time set in your camera or camcorder before filming? I think that I will not be mistaken if I assume such a variant of the answer from the lexicon of Viktor Akashin: "More likely no than yes." Again, we can say that happy hours are not observed.

Is it really so scary if the clock in your camera goes in any direction for a few minutes? No, of course not. If we are not talking about the exact time logging of a certain event, then God bless him.

The problem begins when it is necessary to combine reportage, that is, arranged in chronological order, photographs taken with different cameras into one album. Here the error of time + -3 ... 5 minutes can become extremely unpleasant.

For the first time I faced such a problem when my wife and I began to shoot in joint travels in parallel with two cameras. I, say, when passing or passing the street - the left side, it is the right. Or vice versa. We shoot a lot - everything we liked. And after all, that I did not photograph, then after a while I forgot.

When, upon returning home, I undertook to process the pictures, it turned out that in the pre-departure bustle I completely forgot to check what time was shown and, therefore, recorded in EXIF photo data, our cameras. On one there was something like +3 minutes, on the other –4. The total 7 minutes turned out to be a real nightmare.

The apotheosis of that series of photographs, after which it became clear that it was “impossible to live like this,” was the funicular in Bergamo. According to the version of one camera, it turned out that we had already safely climbed upstairs, simultaneously contemplating the dizzying local beauties through the window, according to the version of another, that we were just getting together.

I had to find a way edit time recorded in EXIF ​​of photos, and in batch mode... Basically, you can change the time stamp for each photo separately in EXIF ​​in Picasa, but it was painfully dreary and would take a long time for several hundred pictures.

Expectations to find a ready-made program that would make it possible to carry out the necessary group editing of images were close to zero. Imagine my surprise, I would even say, admiration, when such EXIF editing program found. It is called .

Purpose and capabilities of EXIF ​​Date Changer

Since its new releases are created from time to time, it is better to download the program from the developer's site. At the time of this writing, version is current.

The program allows you to:

  • Quickly edit recorded EXIF ​​date / time values ​​for all images in the selected folder (batch processing);
  • Rename all images with shooting date / time stamping in the photo file names and setting the preferred output file name format. For example, “2013-08-15 11-38-56 - Italy.jpg” or “20130815_Italy.jpg”;
  • Facilitate sorting by better naming files;
  • Add copyright and author information, tags (keywords) (used in many programs such as Picasa or Adobe lightroom) (in Pro version);
  • Add date / time stamp to images that do not initially have EXIF ​​data. These are, for example, scanned photographs. (A very useful option for creating digital photo albums from scanned old photos);
  • Add watermarks to JPEG images (in Pro version);
  • Easily sort and process images from multiple cameras (in Pro version).

Available in two versions: Standard(free) and Pro($ 14.95). Paid version Pro is focused on professional use and differs from Standard support besides Jpg a large number of image file formats such as: RAW, CR2, NEF etc. A complete list of formats supported by the Pro version is presented on the program website.

In addition to supporting a large number of graphic formats, the paid version allows you to add various information to EXIF ​​and filter photos by camera model.

Despite the fact that in one of the cameras I initially save pictures in the format NEF(Nikon), finishing and shaping albums is done in a wonderful photo manager in Jpg... For this reason, the free version of the program was more than enough.

What the free version of EXIF ​​Date Changer allows you to do

This is how the main program window looks like:

The program interface is available in several languages. As we can see from the presented screenshot, the Russian language is also supported, which is nice.

In order to change (shift) the time recorded in EXIF ​​of photos located in a certain folder, you need to specify this source and select the destination folder and on the first tab “ Difference in time"Set the desired offset in one direction or another by selecting the line" Set the time”.

In the same line on the right, there is a calculator for calculating the time difference from two of its specified values.

Please note that the original photos will not be modified - their copies from modified EXIF ​​data values will be created in the selected destination folder (and rightly so).

For example, all photos in the original folder will have a 5 minute increase in shooting time. It's that simple.

Determining the shift value itself can be more difficult. You can offer the following options for solving the problem:

  • If the shooting was made relatively recently and the digital clock in the camera did not have time to “go” further or go astray for one reason or another, for example, due to problems with the battery, then the value of the required shift can be taken equal to the difference between the current time and the time in the camera clock. The prerequisite for this is the availability of the camera itself.

If you need to synchronize images from several cameras, then the correction, respectively, must be performed for the photos taken by each of them.

  • If the task is simply to synchronize the time of photos from several cameras, then you can do this.

In a series of photographs taken with different cameras, you must select one key shot at a time. In this case, the key ones are photographs that were taken with different cameras, but at about the same time. Next, we compare the time stamps of the selected photos and solve the simplest arithmetic subtraction problem.

In this case, it makes sense to take as the “basic” camera the one whose clock shows the time closest to the real one.

It was in this way that not so long ago I successfully put together one anniversary event. The photographs were taken by several different devices from different points and it was not possible to arrange them in a single row without first editing the values ​​of the shooting time stamps.

To view the date and time of the photo (not to be confused with the date and time of the file creation), just open the file properties in the file manager Windows Explorer and open the tab “ In detail”:

In addition, EXIF ​​data is shown by almost all photo managers, for example, Picasa.

In fact, this is all that directly related to the solution of the task. Then you can copy photos with edited EXIF ​​data of shooting time stamps taken with different cameras into one folder and see what happened. If an error has crept into the calculation of the time difference, simply repeat the operation with a different offset value.

In conclusion, a few more words about the program. In option Standard almost all actions on the first two tabs are available in the program.

On the first tab “ Difference in time", Which we have already partially parsed, in addition to the time shift in the line" Set date and time”You can set the absolute value of the date and time for recording in the EXIF ​​of the photo:

The right button in this line allows you to copy the date and time from EXIF ​​of a randomly selected photo.

In version Pro additionally, you can set the interval for sequential increase in time for all photos. In the free version of the program, when this option is selected, the EXIF ​​of all photos will have the same shooting date and time.

If this is undesirable, then you can select the desired photos by switching to “ Select images”At the top right of the screen.

Switch “ No date settings”Is used when the shooting date and time do not need to be changed, but it is expected to perform other operations provided in the program. These operations are configured on the following tabs:

On the “ Options”You can set the signature of the image and rename the files using date and time values. You can set the template by which the files will be renamed according to your preferences.

This is where the possibilities of the free version of the program end.

Additional features of the professional version of EXIF ​​Date Changer

For those who need the functions provided in the tabs “ Additionally, Proga helped a lot! Thanks again for the info!

    Thank you very much for your feedback. I am very pleased that I helped to find the necessary program with my publication and that everything worked out for you.

Everything is cool, thank you very much!
ps: The following moment happened with this portion of photos: the program generates an error for almost all files: “can’t read sublFD” and does not want to change the date of the file with an offset of one day ahead. I don’t know what to do.
The rest of the photographs from other photographers have been renamed perfectly and the dates have been adjusted as expected.

Photo Exif Editor- Exif editor allows you to view, modify and delete Exif data of your photos
EXIF - this abbreviation should definitely be familiar to photographers, since it is in the photo that there is special meta-data, which indicates not only information from the camera itself (shutter speed, exposure, camera model, etc.), but you can also specify personal data from the author ( see Wikipedia for more details). To edit this metadata on a PC, it is enough to download and install any utility, of which there are now many, but on Android there are just one or two such tools. Photo EXIF ​​Editor allows you to easily edit this data in any photo.

On the main screen, you will find 4 buttons, each of which will allow you to select one of the photos. The first button that might interest you is PhotoMap. With its help, you can see all the marks on the map, not based on the photos that you took (this is provided that in the device's camera settings you have chosen the option of recording geotags in metadata). The next two buttons, Browse and Gallery, will allow you to quickly find the desired photo, only the first one opens the file manager, and the second opens the gallery. The last button launches the camera and then allows you to instantly change the metadata. The editor itself is very simple and you just need to click on the field to edit it. If you just want to delete any data from the photo, then click on the special Remote EXIF ​​button. All entered data is saved immediately.

The application has no settings, it works fine and flawlessly. Photo EXIF ​​Editor perfectly coped with the task and we can safely say that at the moment it is one of the best on Google Play (competitors are very, very bad).


  • View and edit EXIF ​​information from the Android gallery or from the integrated photo browser of the program.
  • Add or fix the place where the photo was taken using Google Maps.
  • Batch editing of multiple photos.
  • Delete all photo information to protect your privacy.
  • Add, change EXIF ​​tags: Camera model, Camera manufacturer, Shutter speed, Orientation (rotation), Aperture, Shutter speed, Focal length, ISO, White balance. And much more...

Download Photo Exif Editor app for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: Banana Studio
Platform: Android 4.0 and above
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Condition: Pro (Full version)
Root: Not Needed

Initial data- a bunch of photos.

Task- quickly remove unnecessary tags in these photos and add the same tag to all (the address of the site where the photos will be).

No problem - I thought. And I got into the Internet in search of a free program for editing exif and iptc tags.

Little educational program
EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format, a metadata standard for media files. It's like id3 tags for mp3 files. You can register authorship, comments. Cameras and telephones register there information about shooting conditions, shutter speed, aperture, coordinates, etc. The photo programs register themselves there, your beloved one, your login on the computer, and information about the PC itself (well, they don’t keep your physiognomy while looking at the photo :).
It is this information that needs to be deleted from all photos at once and register for all your necessary information.

Programs that show tags and allow you to change them - a carriage and a small cart. But the batch mode is already mainly for additional money.

And the most surprising thing was that it turned out to be free and already installed on the PC.
This is Windows Explorer. Yes!

Open the folder with the photo in the explorer. Select the necessary pictures, right mouse button, properties and go to the "Details" tab:

To remove all tags - click on the bottom "Delete properties and personal information". A window will appear where you can choose what to delete. For everything - Select all:

And to write some information to all files at once, fill in the required fields:

And you're done.

"Use what is at hand and do not look for something else for yourself" - as Phileas Fogg said.

Well, I also found the program -

Those who are into photography are probably aware of the Exif data stored in every image file. As a rule, they contain information about the date the photo was taken, the device with which the photo was taken, and much other information. It often happens that it is the Exif data of a graphic file that allows you to find out more information about its creator. Today we will look at a small free utility that allows you not only to view and edit Exif data and EXIF ​​GPS, but also to export and import them into XML files.

For many users, the number of editable Exif data tags in Exif Farm Free will probably not be enough. In this case, the developers have provided the ability to export Exif data, which is not edited directly in the program, to a CSV or XML file. To do this, also, as described at the beginning of the article, open the menu for the file in Explorer, and select the item Export Exif / Iptc Info... The file will be saved in the same folder where the image is stored.

Then we edit the XML file with the Exif data of the photo in any text editor or specialized utilities. After that, all that remains is to erase the Exif data in the graphic file ( Clear Exif / Iptc / Xmp Info) and import them from an edited CSV or XML file ( Import Exif / Iptc Info).

Interface language: English
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
File size: 5.3 MB
License: free, there is a paid version for batch processing of files

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