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Program for renaming files in order. Bulk convert and rename images

To start. open the folder with pictures in the left window of the program. In the upper left corner, select the "Batch Rename" tab. Select the required ones (using the Ctrl or Shift keys) and transfer them to the right window by clicking on the "Add" button. You can transfer all files at once, for this click "Add All".

Operations will be performed with these files.

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Renaming can be of two types - complete renaming of all files or partial replacement of characters in the names.

Complete replacement of the name of all files, a new name is created using a template

Choosing an option "Use Filename Template":

Then we select or create the template ourselves, according to which a new name will be created
The available variables are:
# - one digit of the serial number for example, *** corresponds to the number 001, and ****** corresponds to 000001
* - original file name
$ P is the name of the parent folder
$ Y - year
$ M - month
$ D - Day
$ H - hour
$ N - minute
$ С - second
Example 1. We have one hundred source files, names Image-001.jpg ... Image-100jpg, make a template Photo_#, press the "Rename" button, the "Are you sure you want to rename the files in the Input List?" (Are you sure you want to rename files from the executive list), click OK, at the output we get names from photo_1.jpg before photo_100.jpg

Let's try harder. We have fourteen files with names from "1.jpg" before "14.jpg" located in the Water Splash folder. Select all files in the folder and set the following template: $ P-photo - ## - mine... We get the name Water splashes-photo-01-my.jpg etc.:

File extension. The "Ext Case" option changes the case of the letters of the file extension. The value of the "No Change" option does not affect the extension, "lower" converts the extension case to the lower one, "UPPER" converts the extension case to the upper one.

Partial or complete replacement of characters in the file name

To rename some of the file names, select the "Search and Replace" option.
Let's take the newly renamed array as an example. I want to remove the words "Water splash" and "-my" from the names, remove the first zero from the numbering and replace the word "photo" with "photo". We introduce the following:


In the input box Ext you can enter the old and new file extension. but this must be done with caution.

Batch convert images to another format

To convert file formats, go to the "Batch Convert" tab. Here we can select the output format (Output Format), the output folder ((Output Folder), if you uncheck this option, then the inscription "NOT specified. Files will be saved in original folder !!!" will be saved in the original folder.

Conversion has four main options:
Use advanced options- use advanced features. When the option is enabled, the "Advanced Options" button appears, by clicking on it, we can change the size of the photo during conversion, add a watermark, etc.
Remame- renaming a file, when converting the files will be renamed using a template, the principle is described above.
Keep original date / time attributes- keep original date / time of file release
Ask before overwrite- ask whether to overwrite the file if the names match.

A small but very flexible file renaming tool that supports all standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes; as well as removing quotes, adding a counter, removing numbers or symbols, changing extensions, and much more. Advanced users can take advantage of the Pascal language by creating their own renaming rules.

Often, traveling across the Internet, we download whatever we hit, and then we can't sort the files we need for a long time. For example, yesterday you downloaded about fifty pictures of nature onto your desktop, but today it turned out that instead of names they contain a bunch of meaningless sets of letters and numbers.

Or the same situation with music. What to do, it is necessary to meet for renaming files. However, you will do all this manually for a very long time. It is easier to use special programs.

You can find enough such programs if you search well, but do they all deserve attention? I suggest not to search, but to download ReNamer.

This small program can give odds to any commercial product in the same direction. The paid program File Renamer Turbo has similar functions. Let's compare the capabilities of two "renamers":

Comparison of the ReNamer program with the paid analogue of File Renamer Turbo

ReNamer is a powerful enough and at the same time uncomplicated tool that can be customized to suit your needs as you please.

The first good news is that the program does not require installation. It is enough just to unzip it (you can use it on a flash drive) and run it.

The second is the presence of a Russian interface (the program was made by our compatriot). Let's start and have a quick look at ReNamer:

If you need detailed information about all the features of the program, then I advise you to familiarize yourself with the "User's Guide" before starting work. And if you are from the category of people who immediately jump into action, click "No" on the suggestion panel.

ReNamer interface

The program window consists of the following sections: menu bar, file control panel, rules control panel, rules entry field and file display field.

There shouldn't be any problems in managing ReNamer, since each item has a hint in its arsenal. I believe that you can go straight to action.

Let's say we downloaded several pictures with inappropriate names from the Internet and saved them on the Desktop. To open these images in ReNamer, you can either select them and simply drag them to the bottom file display field, or click the "Add Files" button and select the desired images through the explorer. The file list is ready.

Now you need to create rules for renaming files from the list. The first rule can be created simply by left-clicking on the rule entry field. Subsequent ones can be added using the context menu or the "Add" button.

Renaming rules

The rules themselves have not been translated into Russian, so I will explain a little the meaning of each of them.

Insert Used to set a new name. Here you have to enter a new common name for all files that you will rename. Here you can configure where the record will be inserted (prefix, suffix or arbitrary position).

Delete. Deletes the current filename. Requires a start and end file to be specified. You can delete the name either completely or ignoring the extension.

Remove. It is used to remove certain letters or symbols from the file name.

Replace Provides the ability to replace one name with another.

Extension With this function you can assign an arbitrary extension to the renamed file.

Strip. With this feature, you can quickly clear file names from numbers and symbols.

Case (register). This rule allows us to arbitrarily change the case of the new filename.

Serialize Helps to automatically number files with the same name.

CleanUp (ordering). Used to remove some characters or replace them with spaces.

Translit (transliteration). Used to translate new names into the Latin alphabet. Transliteration dictionaries for many languages ​​are used, which can be edited at will.

RegEx (regular expressions). An "advanced" function that allows you to change the file names according to the existing rules specified by you (see the "User Guide").

PascalScript (scripts in Pascal). Here you can write your own mini-programs in Pascal that will affect the file name changes.

UserInput (user input). Here you can manually enter all the file names each from a new line (or insert from a prepared list).

An example of renaming files using ReNamer

Now let's see in practice what needs to be done to change the names in the list we have created. Go to creating rules and set "Delete" first to delete the real filenames. And note that the starting point for deleting will be "Position 1", and the final one will be the value "Until the end".

Also check the "Skip extension" box to avoid damaging our files. The result of our manipulations will be a list without names (with only extensions):

Now we need to create a new name for our files. There are many ways to do this. For example, if you have a ready-made list (from the Internet) of downloaded files, you can add a UserInput rule and paste it into the input field. If there is no list, but all files are related to each other by a common theme, you can create a common name for all with numbering.

So let's do it. To do this, add the Insert rule and specify the desired name (in our case "picture_") in the name input field. Note that the "Skip extension" checkbox is checked.

After that, our list will take on a more or less familiar form. However, all files in it will have the same name:

There are several ways to correct this misunderstanding.

Method one. One of the simplest ways is to fix conflicting names using the Options menu. After you click the corresponding button, serial numbers in brackets will be attached to each subsequent file name:

Method two. If you are not satisfied with the parentheses, you can use the serialization function. Add the Serialize rule and set the addition of numbers from 1 with the "Suffix" insertion method.

Also note that the "Skip extension" option has been enabled. Add a rule, and our list takes on a pretty decent shape:

To confirm the new names, now it remains only to click the "Rename" button.


To be honest, ReNamer is not nearly as simple as it seems. This is a very powerful tool that can work miracles in the right hands. To get started, practice doing simple renaming, and when you figure out the nuances of all the rules, try to create your own (read the manual for this).

I am sure you will like it !!! And at the same time learn Pascal;).

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and cite this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Usually cameras call pictures something like "DCS_0018" or something similar. It is much more convenient if the file name is, for example, "2013-09-01 10.08.30". Here, by the name of the file, you can see on what day and at what time it was filmed.

You can rename photos manually. But if there are hundreds and thousands of them, then it is better to do it automatically. I always have the Total Commander file manager installed, and it renames files just fine.

Like that:

In the picture in the Windows taskbar, the program is in the form of a floppy disk (children, probably, do not already know what it is).

How to name a lot of photos by the date they were taken

Download Total Commander from the official website and run it. Open a folder with photos in any panel.

Select the required files or all: key combinations Ctrl + A or Ctrl + plus (on the numeric keypad).

Note: inTotalCommander has one great feature. For example, you have photos in different folders by month, which are in the same folder "year". You can open the "year" folder in the program and press the key combinationCtrl +B - all files without folders will appear in the panel. This is called Show All Files Without Subdirectories. The picture shows how the panel with folders looks (on the left) and how it looks after clickingCtrl +B (right):

Select "Files" - "Batch rename" from the menu or press the key combination Ctrl + M.

In the "Batch rename" window there are several buttons for the renaming mask, for example: [N] - name, [C] - counter, and so on. You can experiment with different combinations of these templates, and the window will show how the file names change.

I personally use this pattern: [Y] - [M] - [D] [h]. [M]. [S]. The new name will be something like "2013-09-01 10.08.30" because [Y] is the year, [M] is the month, and so on.

To quickly find files and navigate them fluently, it is not enough to put everything in the correct folders. It is equally important to give your files easy-to-read and meaningful names. Tinkering with each one individually is counterproductive. Therefore, there are ways to group rename.

To work with a group of files, it is better to copy them to a separate folder. This will greatly simplify the process.

Using standard Windows tools

Changing file names

Let's consider the simplest case: we have n-th number of images with meaningless names.

Let's bring the names of these files to a visual form Picture (n), where Picture will be the name and n- serial number. This can be easily done right in File Explorer.

Select all the pictures that we want to rename. To do this quickly, use the key combination Ctrl + A. Then just press F2 or right-click on the first file and select "Rename". Enter the word as a name for the selected image Picture and press Enter.

Windows will automatically assign the same name to all subsequent files and arrange all sequential numbers.

If necessary, you can undo the bulk rename by pressing Ctrl + Z.

If you want to rename a group of folders in Explorer, you can do it in the same way.

Changing file extensions

Let's say we have several text documents that, after double-clicking, open with a notepad. But we need them to be opened by the browser by default. To do this, you will have to change their extension from .txt to .html. This kind of operation can be done quickly using the command line.

Press the Windows + R keys, enter in the field that appears cmd and click OK - we see the command line window. Now we insert into it the path to the folder in which our files are located, right after the command cd: cd C: \ Users \ Max Volotsky \ Desktop \ Docs, and press Enter. Then we use a special command that will change their extensions: rename * .txt * .html, and press Enter again.

The first in the command is the original extension, the second is the new one. After entering the command, the system makes changes instantly.

To return everything as it was, you need to reuse the rename command, swapping the places of the extensions.

Using third-party utilities

No built-in tools can match the functionality of special programs designed specifically for batch renaming. You can find many such free utilities on the web, just search for bulk file rename.

We'll look at renaming using the Bulk Rename Utility program as an example. With its help it is very convenient to change the names of folders and files, as well as the extensions of the latter.

When you first start it, it may seem that the interface of the utility came straight from hell and, perhaps, there is some truth in this. But the user does not need to navigate through numerous tabs and menus: he gets access to all functions from one window.

So, let's say we have a group of audio files that we want to bring to a pleasing look to the eye. In this case, the numbers and the absence of the artist's name are annoying.

We launch the application and, through the built-in file manager, go to the folder we need. Then, with the familiar keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A, select all the files. We need to remove the first 3 characters at the beginning of each file name and add the artist's name at the very beginning. To do this, specify the necessary parameters on the Remove and Add panels, and then click Rename.

Now we will make all extensions consist of lowercase characters: in the Extension panel, select the Lower option and click Rename.

As you can see, there are other panels available in the program window. For example, Numbering allows you to number documents in different ways, and with Case you can change the case of characters in file names. Thanks to the New Name column in the built-in explorer, which shows the result of renaming even before it is applied, you can easily figure out the rest of the Bulk Rename Utility tools.

The last operation with files and folders performed in the program can be easily undone by the Ctrl + Z key combinations.

It is much more convenient to store photo files renamed by the date of shooting. It is easy to navigate, when the picture is taken, you can immediately open or copy the necessary photos without flipping through everything and without peering at the miniatures. The only thing you need is to learn how to rename photos automatically, because renaming each file separately is problematic.

EXIF is additional information that is found in almost every photo. It is automatically added by cameras and, in addition to the date and time, there may be various information there - from the shooting modes to the coordinates of the shooting location, if this function is supported by the camera.

To work with files, we need the popular file manager Total Commander and the exif plugin for it. With the plugin we can do exif rename. The plugin can be downloaded from the official website of the program. To install a plug-in, just find it in one of the Total Commander panels and double-click on it with the left mouse button. After that, a window will appear asking for installation in which you need to click "Yes"

Before starting experiments, it is better to copy the photo files from a separate folder and work with the copies so as not to damage the dear originals of the photos.

Select all the photos and select the item "Batch rename"

Remove everything from the line “Mask for the file name” Click on the plugin button and select the use of the original date, as shown in the picture. Please note that you need to select not just a date for insertion, but the string “original date”.

In the column "New name" we will see what result we will have in the end.

Naturally, many photos can be of the same date, and all files must have a unique name. Therefore, at the end of the line “Mask for the file name” we add a dash or an underscore character and, similarly to inserting the date described above, add the original time. You can put your own separators between date, month, year and time, but only those characters that can be in the file name. For example, you can use parentheses, but you cannot use a colon.

We press the execute button and if there are photos taken in one second, for example a series of images, we receive a warning about matching names.

Click "YES" and we get a message that not all files have been renamed. Click "Ok" Agreeing with this.

If there are not many files with the same dates, add _1 to the end of the “Mask for the file name” line and rename it again, then add _2 and so on. Photos with the same time up to a second will be supplemented with numbers 1, 2. 3, and so on.

If you have a professional camera and there are many files in the series with the same time up to a second, you can press the “Counter” button instead of entering the number manually. Then the repeated photos are numbered automatically, but all at once. Those. for example, to the first ten photos with the same date, up to a second will be added from the figure from 1 to 10, to the second series from 11 to 20, etc.

For the lazy, the ready-made line:
[= exif.DateOriginal.Y-M-D] _ [= exif.TimeOriginal.h-m-s]

In addition to renaming files, you can set the date and time from EXIF ​​for file attributes - to change the time of creation and modification.

This is useful when photographs have been edited. For example, you shoot in RAW format. After editing in Photoshop or another program, you get a file, the date of which will naturally correspond to the date of editing.

To set the attributes, select all the files again and select the command to change the attributes and make the settings as in the picture.

As a result, we automatically changed the name and date of a group of files to the date taken from the EXIF ​​properties of these files.

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