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A program for optimizing the operation of the processor cores. Laptop: Disable GPU


If the cooling system is efficient enough, you can move on to overclocking. To do this, go into the BIOS (press the DEL, F2 or F1 key during boot, depending on the board model). Find the Features tab. It can be called differently, how exactly, you can read in the instructions for.

Final frequency processor is the result of multiplying the bus frequency by the so-called multiplier processor. Accordingly, acceleration processor you can accomplish by simply increasing the multiplier. However, in most modern he. The exceptions are AMD's Black series and Intel's Extreme series processors, in which the multiplier value can be changed.


The operation to increase the performance of the processor above that declared by the manufacturer is called "overclocking". It should be done with caution, since overclocking the processor leads to an increase in heat dissipation and to an increase in the load on many computer systems. Before starting overclocking, make sure that the cooling fans are working properly and provide desired level cooling. If the processor temperature is normal mode exceeds 50 degrees, it is contraindicated to overclock it without upgrading the cooling system.

In most cases, you should not increase the frequency of the processor by more than 20 percent of the nominal.

When you purchase your personal computer does not work on maximum power. But you can independently, without the help of a professional programmer, increase performance your PC.


To boost performance computer, you need to "overclock" the processor. Run this operation it is possible through the BIOS. Restart the operating system and click the "Delete" button. In the menu that appears, you need to find the option that is responsible for the frequency of the memory. More often this section called Advanced Chipset Features or POWER BIOS Features, if your PC does not have this name, then check the instructions for the name of the section responsible for memory timings.

Set the minimum value. This is necessary in order to avoid failure when overclocking the processor. Now find the AGP / PCI Clock option in the BIOS of your personal computer and set the value to 66/33 MHz.

Open the POWER BIOS Features. It is responsible for the FSB frequency (processor speed). Start increasing the value by 10 MHz. Save the settings and reboot the system. Using the CPU-Z program, check the stability of the processor. If everything functions normally, then increase the frequency by another 10 MHz. Follow this procedure until the normal work processor. Then decrease the value by 10 MHz and save.

To boost performance your personal computer, you need to defragment the disk. Go to "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" and select the "File Defragmenter" application. Specify required section virtual disk and click the "Defragment" button.

You can improve the quality of your computer using Disk Cleanup. Go to "My Computer" right click mouse click on the desired virtual disk and open "Properties". Click on the "Disk Cleanup" link.

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When working on a computer, users often encounter a situation of excessive CPU usage. The image on the screen is redrawn extremely slowly, programs work very slowly. In order for the work to become comfortable again, it is necessary to find and eliminate the causes of excessive processor load.


Increased CPU usage can be caused by the most different reasons starting from autoload unnecessary programs and ending with errors in work operating system. To identify the cause, correct operation computer, open Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del), look general load processor and its load by specific processes.

Most often, a single process causes excessive loading. Determine which program it belongs to, and if the process is not needed, close it. Stop critical important processes the operating system itself will not give, so do not be afraid to spoil anything. In the most extreme case, you just have to restart your computer.

If you cannot understand by the name of the process which program or service it belongs to, use the AnVir Task Manager or Everest (Aida64) programs. Open the list of processes in one of these programs, find the one that loads the processor and look at the path to the executable file. Having determined what it is, you can already decide what to do with it - leave, replace or delete.

High CPU usage can be caused by a large number programs loaded at computer startup. Many installed programs tend to write themselves into startup without the user's permission, so regularly check the startup list and remove unused programs. To remove, use Everest program: run it, open the "Startup" section and remove unnecessary programs.

To remove programs from startup, you can use standard utility msconfig. In Windows XP, open: "Start - Run", enter msconfig command and click OK. In Windows 7, open: "Start" and enter the command msconfig in the search bar. In the window that opens, select the "Startup" tab and uncheck unnecessary programs, save the changes.

To speed up the operating system, disable unnecessary services: "Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services". Find information on which services can be disabled in your OS version on the Internet.

One of the most annoying causes of excessive CPU usage is an operating system error. In this case, in the Task Manager, the bulk of the processor load falls on the line System. This sometimes happens with unlicensed versions of the OS and their "modified" assemblies. After the start, such a system may work normally, but at some point the processor load jumps to 100% and does not decrease any more. The best option in this case is to replace the defective OS with its working version.

Sometimes high loading processor gives antivirus program. If this happens temporarily, with a peak load of up to 80-90%, then everything is in order. But if the antivirus constantly and excessively loads the system, replace it with another one.

A slow-running computer can piss off even a very calm person. It is not necessary to change a slow machine to a new one - it is enough to find out which particular component reduces its performance and upgrade.


There are two reasons for performance degradation computer: Insufficient processor processing power and too little random access memory (RAM). The second of these reasons reduces speed work indirectly: when a resource-intensive application is running that is not , it starts using for temporary storage data hard disk. This process is called swapping. Communication with hard drive is much slower than with RAM. To determine what exactly needs to be upgraded, look at the hard drive activity indicator. If the “braking” of the machine is accompanied by active access to the drive, it is necessary to increase the amount of RAM, and if not, replace the processor.

Do not resort to increasing productivity in ways that are detrimental to equipment. If the processor is overclocked, it will overheat. This does not mean that it will fail immediately, but its reliability will be significantly reduced. It is not uncommon for overclocked processors to let users down for one or two years. Also, don't create swap partitions (on Linux) or swap files (on Windows) on a flash drive. She works faster than HDD, but still slower than RAM, and active overwriting of information in the same cells causes intense drive wear.

Before going to the store or to the market, carefully write down the name motherboard. Tell it to the seller, and then say what exactly you want to buy: memory modules (DIMMs) or a processor. In the second case, also buy high-quality thermal paste. Unplug the machine before upgrading. Simply switching it to standby mode is not enough: some nodes, in particular the same memory modules, can be supplied with power in this mode as well. To remove the memory module, spread the latches to the side, and to install, insert it with the correct side into the slots in the latches and press it. The latches will close automatically. Replacing the processor, if you have never done it before, entrust a specialist. A misaligned heatsink or improper application of thermal paste can damage an expensive component. If you have changed or added RAM modules, check them for errors with Memtest.

Inexperienced users may mistake a low data exchange rate with the computer for "braking" the computer itself. global network. To increase it, change the provider or switch to a more expensive one. tariff plan(within their capacity). It must be unlimited. Sometimes equipment can also be a limiting factor, for example, replacing an EDGE modem with a 3G modem if available base stations corresponding standard will greatly increase the data transfer rate.

So he ? File fragmentation is a very common occurrence when working with the Windows operating system, especially if there is a frequent process of writing to disk or deleting files from disk. As a result of this process, different parts of the same file may end up in different places. hard drive, and the operating system spends more time accessing the file, which affects the overall performance.

The process of defragmentation - organizing the structure of files on - helps to speed up the computer's performance in terms of reading information. Defragmentation can be done as regular programs operating system, and third-party.

The problem is more rare, but taking place - registry defragmentation. The Windows Registry is a place where programs and the operating system itself store data that is important to work, various settings and so on. The registry, in fact, is a few files of the operating system. Registry defragmentation comes down to organizing the structure of these files on the hard drive in such a way that the computer cannot read the information.

The operating system has a master file table (MFT). This table stores information about all files on the hard disk. MFT has fixed size, and there can be a lot of files on the disk. If you often delete files and then add them back, there is a situation where the MFT becomes fragmented. If such a problem occurs, the computer starts to slow down due to difficult access to the main file table. In these cases, it is recommended to remove junk files. These files include:

1. Temporary files Internet (cache, cookies, log, history)

2. Various temporary program files

3. Temporary operating system files

You need to delete such files, understanding what is at stake. Accidental deletion important file may lead to inability next boot Windows. Most often, in this case, they resort to help special programs.

Computer performance may be affected by viruses. To fix this problem, it is recommended to use any antivirus program.

If you notice that yours, then start measures to improve its performance. Competent and timely implementation of the actions described above is the key to normal and fast work your computer.

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If your computer has several processors or one multi-core, then you can optimize its performance using the program CPU Control. Despite the fact that multiprocessor computers and multicore processors are no longer a rarity, most programs are still not designed to fully work with them. And therefore, such devices cannot show their full potential. It can be fixed.

The CPU Control program (can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the article) can distribute running processes to certain processor cores. For example, all background processes(antivirus, device drivers) to be executed in one core. Programs that are often used (browsers, browsers, messengers) - in the second. System processes - in the third. And heavy programs (games, for example) in the fourth or allow them to use all the cores.

In addition to what the CPU Control program does, you can also configure the system startup by distributing this process to all cores. I wrote about this.

Using the CPU Control program, you can give any distribution to processes. And the more cores or processors you have, the more choice you have. However, it is impossible to say which processes how to optimize, since it depends on the operating system, the available processes, and the processor itself. Therefore, this issue is decided individually and empirically. CPU Control allows you to easily and safely experiment with the operation of the processor.

After you download the CPU Control program, install it and run it. Before proceeding with the optimization, click on the "Settings" button (bottom right) and select the desired interface language, check the box next to "Autostart with Windows" and "Minimize". If the computer has 4 cores, then check the corresponding box. And click "Close" in this window.

Configuring CPU Control

After that, in the CPU Control program, you must select the operating mode.

  • "Auto" mode - allows you to distribute processes in the kernels automatically. Perhaps this is the best option for those who do not want to delve into the details of optimization. You can also choose 9 profiles that differ in their (unknown) process distribution principles, and among them you can choose the best one for your computer empirically.
  • Manual mode - for more fine tuning optimization. Requires some knowledge of the operating system. Not advanced users Not recommended. To assign a process to a certain kernel, you need to right-click on it in the list and select desired kernel(cores) - for example, CPU 1 or CPU 1+2.

Manual allocation of processes to cores through the CPU Control program

  • The "CPU 1", "CPU 2" modes allow you to distribute running processes to only one core. And it is not entirely clear why this is necessary, since the computer will slow down from this.
  • Off mode turns off the program.

If it is not clear from the description how to work with the CPU Control program, then watch the video below.

If you use this program in automatic mode, and do not notice a performance increase, then you should configure it in manual mode. The CPU Control program is far from perfect, and this is especially true of its "Auto" mode. Sometimes it can even slow down your computer. But practice shows that with the help of experiments and the wonderful “poke” method, everything can be adjusted. Moreover, the CPU Control program provides a huge testing ground for experiments.

In this publication will be discussed about another third-party optimization tool multi-core processorsfree program CPU Control. "More" - because the author has already touched on this topic, see about ICEAffinity . The brainchild of German developer Matthias Koch ( Matthias Koch), Russified utility CPU Control will be especially interesting for beginners computer users due to the presence of a multi-profile auto optimization mode, but first things first.

"Why do I need it & what will I get from it?"

This issue was raised in the voiced article, so I will defragment what was said to a couple of paragraphs:

  • Some applications do not support multi-core mode, so in order to work correctly, you need to manually allocate them a separate processor core. Another "problematic" option is that the motherboard initializes the cores asynchronously. In both cases, prompt user intervention is required.
  • By default, Windows assigns equal priority to all running processes in using processor power. Which is not entirely correct in the case of running resource-intensive applications, for example, when your favorite Call of Duty is "interfered" by an antivirus, along with a dozen other "minor" software. CPU Control will help proportionally distribute processes among the cores, which will directly affect the overall performance of the system.


The utility supports dual- and quad-core processors, but, according to reviews, it also works correctly on 6-8 cores.

We optimize

1. First you need to download the utility, for example, from my Catalog the best software. There are no "tricks" in the installation, so successively click " Next" ("Further") until complete installation. By the way, the program does not "litter" in the registry, i.e. portable and wearable on removable drives.

2. After starting, first of all, click on " Options" ("Options") and Russify CPU Control through " Languages" ("Languages") → "Russia". Next, in accordance with the following screenshot, check the boxes next to " Autostart with Windows ", "Minimize" And " 4 cores" (for four or more cores). It is clear that if the CPU is dual-core, it is not necessary to activate "4 cores".

3. Having closed "Options", in the main application window we see 5 CPU control modes: " Auto", "Manual", "CPU1" (all processes run on the 1st core), " CPU2" (all processes run on the 2nd core) and " Disabled" (without optimization). We are not interested in the last three modes, so we will focus on the first two.

For novice users the author recommends simply choosing the mode " Auto "and, closing the window, check for future Windows downloads, to CPU Control was in the list of startup applications (!). This is easy to do, for example, through any version, look in the menu bar " Tools" → "Autostart manager" (if you need to add an application, click the applet " Add").

4. For lovers of "digging" this simple utility gives a chance to "turn around": in auto mode there is 9 basic profiles-variations of the distribution of processes by cores (screenshot below). If you have time and open on the tab " Performance"Task Manager ("ctrl + alt + Del" ), to monitor the results, you can choose the optimal profile for your system.

5. The most "advanced" users who wish to achieve maximum results in improving system performance in this way, they will certainly be interested in the " Manual ". In this mode, you independently distribute processes among cores or groups of cores. It's simple: select the process (s) and through right key mouse "hang" on the desired core or combination of cores. For example, when choosing " CPU1" the process will "hang" on the first core, when you select " CPU3+4" - on the third and fourth cores, etc.

Here a good option ranking for a 4-core PC: leave system processes to the 1st core, "spray" the most resource-intensive applications (such as Photoshop) between all cores (option as in last screenshot), and "middling" type virus scanner hand over combinations for 2 cores, say, " CPU3+4". Dispatcher Windows tasks help make right choice. For the convenience of monitoring, with the tab " Performance", check that the " Schedule per CPU " (see "" → searched for " Schedule per CPU").

In general, experiment and your efforts will surely pay off handsomely!

Overclocking is the forced increase in the clock frequency of the processor above the nominal. Let us immediately explain what these concepts mean.

A clock cycle is a conditional, very short time period during which the processor executes a certain number of instructions. program code.

And the clock frequency is the number of cycles in 1 second.

The increase in clock frequency is directly proportional to the speed of program execution, that is, it works faster than not overclocked.

In a word, overclocking allows you to extend the "active life" of the processor when it standard performance ceases to meet the user's requirements.

It allows you to increase the speed of your computer without spending on the purchase of new equipment.

Important! Negative sides overclocking is an increase in computer power consumption, sometimes quite noticeable, an increase in heat dissipation and accelerated wear of devices due to abnormal operation. You should also be aware that by overclocking the processor, you overclock the RAM along with it.

What should be done before overclocking?

Each processor has its own overclocking potential - the clock frequency limit, the excess of which leads to the inoperability of the device.

Most processors, such as intel core i3, i5, i7, can only be safely overclocked by 5-15% of the original level, and some even less.

The desire to squeeze the maximum clock frequency out of the possible one does not always justify itself, because when a certain heating threshold is reached, the processor starts skipping cycles in order to reduce the temperature.

It follows from this that for stable operation overclocked system good cooling.

In addition, given the increased power consumption, it may be necessary to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.

Just before overclocking, you need to do three things:

  • Update your computer to the latest version.
  • Make sure that the installation is correct and secure.
  • Find out the original clock frequency your processor (look in the BIOS or through special utilities, e.g. CPU-Z).

Also useful before overclocking test the processor stability under maximum load. For example, using the S&M utility.

After that, it's time to start the "sacrament".

Overview of programs for overclocking Intel processors


SetFSB is an easy-to-use utility that allows you to overclock your processor on the fly by simply moving the slider.

After making changes, it does not require restarting the computer.

The program is suitable for overclocking both old models of processors like Intel Core 2 duo and modern ones.

However, it does not support all motherboards, and this is an absolute necessity, since overclocking is carried out by increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

That is, it affects the clock generator (PLL chip or, as it is called, clocker) located on the motherboard.

You can find out if your board is included in the list of supported ones on the program website.

Advice! To avoid damage to the processor, it is recommended to work with SetFSB only for experienced users who understand what they are doing and are aware of possible consequences. In addition, an unprepared user is unlikely to be able to correctly determine the model of his clock generator, which must be specified manually.

So, to overclock the processor with using SetFSB, need to:

  • Select the model of the clocker installed on your motherboard from the "Clock Generator" list.
  • Click the "Get FSB" button. After that, the SetFSB window will display the current frequency of the system bus (FSB) and the processor.
  • Carefully, in small steps, move the slider in the center of the window. After each movement of the slider, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the processor. For example, using the Core Temp program.
  • Having chosen the optimal position of the slider, you need to press the Set FSB button.

The plus (and for some minus) of the SetFSB utility is that the settings made in it will be valid only until the computer is restarted. After a restart, they will have to be reinstalled.

If there is no desire to do this every time, the utility can be placed at startup.


CPUFSB - the next overclocking program in our review Intel processors core i5, i7 and others, which can be downloaded from the developer's website.

If you are familiar with the CPUCool utility - a comprehensive monitoring and overclocking tool for the processor, then you should know that CPUFSB is an overclocking module extracted from it.

Supports many motherboards Intel chipsets, VIA, AMD, ALI and SIS.

Unlike SetFSB, CPUFSB has a Russian translation, so it's much easier to understand how to use it.

The principle of operation for these two programs is the same: increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

Operating procedure:

  • Select the manufacturer and type of your motherboard from the list.
  • Select the make and model of the PLL (clock generator) chip.
  • Click "Get frequency" to display the current frequency of the system bus and processor in the program.
  • It is also necessary to increase the frequency in small steps, while controlling the temperature of the processor. After selection optimal setting click Set Frequency.

CPUFSB allows you to set the frequency of the FSB bus at the subsequent start of the program and at exit. Current Settings are also saved until the computer is restarted.

It's not uncommon for problems in games to show up over time and literally pop up out of nowhere. It happens otherwise - the braking of the computer manifests itself even at the beginning, immediately after installing any application. There are reasons for everything, but both of these cases have one thing in common - they interfere with enjoyment. Windows user 7. To fix this, you can try to increase the performance of your PC.

Why games slow down on Windows 7

First, the user needs to pay attention to the settings of the game itself, in particular, graphics. The thing is that players are trying to install and play such games, the system requirements of which do not meet technical specifications devices. This is the simplest and most obvious problem that every PC or laptop owner can face. This problem can be easily fixed by changing graphic settings application you are using, set all values ​​to minimum.

Often, PC and laptop users simply forget to follow the updates of video card drivers and other system components, which, of course, negatively affects the optimization of the computer as a whole and leads to problems in games.

Notebook users, unlike those people who sit at personal computers, may experience problems associated with excessive heating of the device. For laptops, this is very important, since most often they are not operated in the way they should be. Surely it is unlikely that if you have such a device, then you will put it on the table and sit at it in the same way as at a stationary PC. You'll likely find yourself in a more comfortable position, such as lying on the couch or bed and placing your laptop on top of you. For most models of such devices, the cooling system is located at the bottom or on the side. This means that when working on various soft surfaces, the device can "absorb" dust into large quantities, and this is extremely harmful for the cooling system and, as a result, for the entire device.

Desktop computers can also overheat, but usually they have this due to other reasons - high performance indicators CPU and other components and the lack of an effective cooling system - a cooler that simply physically cannot generate all the heat coming from the CPU.

Optimizing your computer: how to increase performance

Optimization of the operating system in our time is available not only to highly qualified engineers, but also to absolutely ordinary users. It will allow you to achieve the best performance of the entire system as a whole and improve the performance of games both on desktop computer as well as on a laptop.

Working with the system registry

The registry is present in every computer. This is a kind of database that contains various kinds of information about the configuration of a personal computer or laptop, the settings of the operating system used, and software settings. It is quite natural that fragmented and cluttered system registry can cause errors in the computer, a significant deterioration in PC performance. Information is written to the system registry each time software is installed and removed, so it may remain unnecessary garbage. You can find problems in the registry using special programs, in particular, CCleaner:

  • After installation and launch, you should open a tab called "Registry" and click on the "Search for problems" button. The time it takes to complete this process depends on the amount of information stored on your computer, so please be patient.

    Finding problems in the registry

  • When this procedure is completed, click on the "Fix" button, and an alert may appear in which you will be asked to save backups data. It's best to go along with this if you're not sure what you're deleting to avoid possible problems in future.

    Fixing problems in the registry

  • Last step- click the "Fix marked" button and wait for the procedure to complete.

    Removing unnecessary data in the registry

  • Remember that the registry of this operating system is subject to fragmentation, which is why the performance of computers on Windows 7 regularly deteriorates. System Utilities, unfortunately, cannot work effectively with the system registry, so you will have to install additional program, For example, Auslogics Registry defrag.

    Defragment and clean your hard drive

    You don't need any additional software to clean your hard disk and defragment it. Everything can be done with traditional system Windows tools 7. To perform defragmentation, perform the following manipulations:

  • Open the Start menu;
  • Select "My Computer";

    "Computer" in the start menu

  • Select the disk by right-clicking the mouse on which is stored system information(by default - drive C) and go to "Properties";

    Select "Properties" of the disk

  • Go to the "Service" tab;

    Disk defragmenter in the "Tools" tab

  • In the "Disk Defragmenter" section, click on the appropriate button.

    Defragment the selected disk

  • This procedure allows you not only to defragment to improve the performance and optimize the entire system, but also to change file system disk (usually NTFS is used).

    The defragmentation time directly depends on the size of the selected disk, the amount of information on it and the degree of file fragmentation. Thus, the process can take from several minutes to several hours. It is advisable to stop using the computer at this time, as this will lead to a strong slowdown in the PC.

    Cleaning and freeing up RAM to speed up processes

    The number of running programs and applications significantly affect performance. All of them affect the computer's RAM, so you should close everything you can before starting software that is demanding on system resources.

    First you need to close those programs that you currently Not needed. As a rule, everything active applications displayed in the task manager. You can open it with a simple combination Ctrl keys+ Alt + Del or click on the taskbar from the bottom and select "Task Manager".

    Launching the Task Manager

    A window with a list of all running applications. Highlight the one that you do not currently need and click on the "End task" button.

    We clean the RAM by disabling unnecessary applications

    Of course, apart from active and visible applications, others are also involved in the operation of the computer, working in the so-called background. All these programs can be seen in the same task manager if you go to the "Processes" tab.

    Disable processes to free up memory

    As a rule, some of them can have a significant impact on PC performance, its optimization, but remember that disabling unknown processes can lead to data loss or deterioration of the computer (especially if you end the system process). It is for this reason that it is advisable to disable only those processes that you know.

    Visual Effects Optimization

    Windows 7 has an updated GUI- Aero, which consumes an impressive amount of system resources. Accordingly, it can affect the optimization of the system, and disabling it will achieve the best performance. Problems with this interface usually only occur on weak computers and laptops with an integrated or just an old video card. In all other cases, changing the visual effects will change almost nothing.

    In order to reduce the consumption of system resources, it is not necessary to completely disable Aero. You can change some settings in a special menu:

  • Open the "Start" menu and "Control Panel";

  • In the list of all utilities, find and open "System";

    Open the "System" option

  • Next, select " Extra options systems" and go to the "Advanced" tab;

    Click on the "Advanced system settings" tab

  • Click on the "Options" button and select "Performance".

    Speed ​​setting

  • So, here will be presented full list special visual effects. If you don't want to completely disable the Aero interface, you can only uncheck the following items: Animated Controls, Fade, Drop Shadows, Show Shadows, Show Rectangular Selection.

    Disable visual effects interface

    Disabling these options will optimize the system and leave a nice looking operating system interface. Of course, you can turn off other settings, but remember that in this case the effect will be much more noticeable.

    BIOS setup

    BIOS is an integrated environment designed to change the hardware settings of a computer. Using BIOS settings, you can achieve the best performance of your PC or laptop. Flashing the BIOS or changing parameters such as processor frequency, bus speed, etc. is not recommended, as you risk that your CPU will simply burn out. Therefore, we will consider the simplest, optimal, even for ordinary users, possibilities.

    First, pay attention to the setting of the cooling system (depending on the BIOS version, the names of the items may change). For this:

  • Enter BIOS using the Del key during computer startup;
  • Open the Advanced menu;

    Enter BIOS settings

  • Here, pay attention to the option fan speed. It can have three settings: Enable (the cooler will always work at high speeds), Auto (the cooler will adjust to the load on the system), Disable (turn off the cooler);

    Setting up the cooler in BIOS

  • Choose what you need, save and exit BIOS.
  • Secondly, if your device has two video cards (integrated and discrete), then in the Advanced BIOS menu you can change the switchable graphics settings. To do this, select the item VGA Mode SELECT and in the list indicate what you need: dGPU Mode - the built-in video card is activated or Power Xpress Mode - the discrete video card is activated.

    Switchable graphics settings in BIOS

    Swap file setup

    The paging file is a kind of addition to random access memory. We can say that this is virtual memory that the user can configure on their own. The paging file is taken from the hard disk of the size specified by the user. As you know, the transfer speed of a hard drive is much lower than that of RAM, so it’s impossible to say that the paging file can completely replace RAM, but it has a positive effect on overall optimization. To change and configure the paging file, you should:

  • Open the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel";

    Opening the "Control Panel"

  • Next, go to the "System" tab and open "Advanced options";

    Open the "System" option

  • Go to "Performance" and click on the "Settings" button;

    Speed ​​setting

  • In the "Advanced" tab there is a section "Virtual memory", which is what we need;
  • Click the "Change" button.

    Click "Change" in the "Virtual Memory" section

  • A settings window will appear where you select the disk partition whose paging file you want to change, click on the "Specify size" button and set it. Keep in mind that the swap file, by its very nature, represents a specific area occupied on the hard drive. It is not recommended to install great importance, because the system will automatically place program data in this file, and access to it is much slower than to RAM, so performance may drop. Optimal size is about 30% of the amount of RAM. The last step is to click the "Set" button and restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

    Video card setup

    Performance degradation on Windows 7 can contribute to wrong setting graphics adapter. This problem is most relevant for laptops, as they have an integrated and discrete graphics cards. It will be no secret to anyone that modern manufacturers regularly release not only drivers, but also system settings for their products. For example, for Nvidia - Geforce Experience, and for video cards ATI Radeon - Catalyst Control center. With this software, you can change many settings, including optimizing the device as a whole.

    So, if you have a discrete and integrated video card, then you need to change the options in the software you are using. For Nvidia graphics cards:

  • Right click on free space and select "Panel Nvidia controls»:

    Opening the Nvidia Panel

  • A settings window will appear, in the left menu of which you should find the option "Manage 3D settings";

    Setting up an Nvidia graphics card

  • Next, select the " Software settings” and click the “Add” button;

    Nvidia software settings

  • After clicking, a list of applications installed on your computer will appear, select the one you need and indicate your preferred one graphics adapter in the corresponding list.
  • In this way, you can configure any application, and now, after launching it, all work will be redirected to the video card that you specified.

    For video cards from ATI Radeon, everything is a little different:

  • Right-click on the desktop and select "Catalyst Control Center":

    Open Catalyst Control Center

  • A settings window will appear, where you first need to change the view to "Advanced" and select the "3D Application Settings" option;

    Changing the Catalyst Control Center View

  • After clicking, a list of settings will appear. Select the option that you need and select the option "High performance" in the list that appears.

    Performance Tuning in Catalyst Control Center

  • Thus, the system will automatically launch the most powerful graphics adapter after activating a certain application.

    ReadyBoost function

    Few people know, but in the operating room Windows system 7 provides the ability to use flash drives as additional device data caching. So users can significantly increase the speed of data read-write functions, respectively, optimize their computer or laptop, improve performance. You can activate ReadyBoost in the following way:

  • Insert the USB drive into the appropriate slot of the system unit;
  • After the autorun window is displayed, select "Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost";

    Launching the ReadyBoost option

  • In the window, activate the "Use this device" option and specify the maximum amount of memory;

    Configuring ReadyBoost Options

  • Click the "Apply" button.
  • Everything is ready to use, it will be created on a flash drive special file, which will contain information about programs and applications. Remember that the flash drive should never be pulled out, because at least, until you finish using your computer.

    Using additional software

    Most of the above manipulations can be performed using special software. In addition, such programs often have additional functionality, advanced settings that allow you to optimize the system in the best possible way.

    Razer Game Booster

    Razer Game Booster is one of the most popular applications that provides a wide range of options for optimizing games and other programs installed on your computer. The utility is free and can be easily found on the Internet. To work, you will need to register on the developers' website, which will not be difficult for anyone, and then enter the program interface using your username and password.

    The setup is done in a few clicks - just specify " Game Mode", then system resources will only be directed to the game launched by the user:

  • Select the "Launch" tab;
  • Click the "Add" button and select a game;
  • Select the game and activate the game mode in the menu below.
  • Of course, everything would be fine, but the program works ideally only with powerful computers. Therefore, on older PCs, it is better to use other optimization utilities.

    This program appeared a long time ago and received a good reputation. It is used everywhere, as it has a nice and clear interface, as well as all the necessary functionality to optimize the system. The program is distributed free of charge. Therefore, any user can easily find it on the network and download it. CCleaner allows you to analyze the system, including finding information that may be hidden in some applications. This information can be viewed after running the Cleanup function. Also, with the help of such a utility, you can scan the registry, which was mentioned a little earlier, respectively, this tab is selected. This program has few drawbacks, in fact, which is why many PC users resort to using it. Perhaps the only thing that can be noted here is the ability to delete important data from the registry, but even here the user will be promptly notified about the creation of a backup copy.


    GameGain- software, which allows you to get the most out of your computer or laptop. It has a very pleasant and understandable interface, a minimum of settings, which means that almost no one will have any difficulties in working with GameGain. This utility is also free and can be easily found on the net and downloaded. After launch, a window will appear in which you will be prompted to select the operating system, as well as the type of processor. As you enter this data, move the slider until you get the best performance. It should be said that the operation of the computer at the maximum “overclocking” parameters, and in the case of this program it will be exactly “overclocking”, leads to a decrease in the operating time of a computer or laptop. You risk that you can lose your "iron friend" ahead of time.

    System Care

    System Care- a program designed to clean the system files of the operating system from various garbage. Unfortunately, the program is paid, and it also does not have the ability to change the language, and for some Russian-speaking users this may be an obstacle. In addition, System Care has a rather complex interface, vaguely reminiscent of CCleaner, but unlike this program, users will have to figure out what and where is located here. Unfortunately, this program is of no use. It is distributed in a viral, fraudulent way, and after the first check of the computer, during which viruses and a huge amount of unnecessary rubbish are allegedly found, you are given the opportunity to buy it.

    driver booster

    driver booster- a program that automatically searches for the most fresh drivers for key elements of a personal computer or laptop. This utility will be useful to everyone, since you need to update drivers regularly, but each time looking for them for your model of components is a very boring task. This free software can be easily found on the Internet and installed on your computer. Driver Booster has a clear and simple interface, performs a quick and convenient check for updates, does not need constant user control. Unfortunately, batch updating drivers with this utility is often very time consuming and requires you to reboot your system regularly. Nevertheless, it is a very convenient and good program.

    What to do so that the games do not slow down again? How to keep the system in order?

    In order for games to stop slowing down, you should regularly maintain your computer or laptop in good condition. Try to avoid installing a lot of unnecessary programs, complete cleaning systems from software, and also do not forget about the system registry, in which even after deletion there may be residual files and data. To do this, use CCleaner and make it your " best friend". Once a month, defragment and analyze the system, then the games on your computer will stop slowing down.

    Performing these operations will allow each user, regardless of the configuration of the personal computer, to optimize the operation of the device, increase productivity both online and singles. Regularly check for residual data, files and delete them, then the computer will work efficiently.

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