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Program for permanent deletion of files. How to permanently erase a drive: CCleaner tools

Or documents with passwords.

Or even worse, when your information falls into the hands of not just an ordinary inquisitive, but professionals who know how to use the data they receive to rob you of money.

You can say, "This will never happen to me." "I always delete all files" or "I always format a drive before it goes into the wrong hands." Not so simple. The data is still on disk.

When you delete a file, it is not completely deleted. The file data remains on the disk until it is overwritten. The same thing happens when you format HDD. Most of the data remains the same. It's just that the disk is completely free for recording.

To protect yourself, you need to overwrite/delete/erase all important information. Also in the OS of the Window family, you need to clear the "paging file", as it may contain your confidential data.

  • For data security on large hard drives, more than one data overwrite pass is enough.

    The best practice would of course be to regularly overwrite the free space on the disk. I found practically nothing on the overwritten space big disk. Overwritten with random data only once, PC Inspecot File Recovery did not find anything useful, or found a bunch of files filled with random data.

    However, on disks small size data can be recovered, so it largely depends on the pattern that empty space is filled with random data.

  • Since cleaning everything free space takes enough big time, You can only clean specific files. For specific files and folders, it will be much easier and faster to overwrite information with random data. However, be aware that some media use a hardware wear leveler, which may prevent normal disk cleaning.
  • Data cleaning programs currently also assume that it is necessary to erase data from the load file, which is used in the Windows family. This can be done using Ultimate programs Windows Tweaker or following these instructions:

Clearing the paging file:

2. Navigate to the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management"

3. Create or change the ClearPageFileAtShutdown key of type (REG_DWORD) to value 1

4. Restart your computer

Swap File Encryption (Vista or higher):

1. Launch a command prompt.

2. Run the "fsutil behavior set EncryptPagingFile 1" command.

3. Restart your computer.

  • If you need to erase the entire disk before getting rid of it, then Darik's is for you boot and Nuke (DBAN). This utility specially designed to clean the entire drive. But be prepared that you will have to spend time, since there will be nothing on the disk at all, including partitions.

Overview of Free Data Deletion Programs

Eraser is one of the most powerful tools for secure data deletion.

More programs for secure data deletion

  • Revo Uninstaller (from the uninstallers overview): includes the "Unrecoverable Delete" utility to overwrite files, as well as the "Evidence Remover" utility to clean up free space.
  • Recuva (from a review of file recovery programs): A program for recovering files. But it can also delete files from those found during recovery.
  • EraserDrop : Has a nice drag & drop interface. Allows you to quickly delete unnecessary files. Supports Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7.
  • Ultra Shredder : small program. Easy to use. And it can work from a flash drive. Supports Windows XP/2000/98/98SE.

An alternative of a slightly different plan is (DBAN). It is used to create a floppy disk (rarity) or CD for automatic cleaning. hard drives any computer that was booted from them. A cool tool if you need to clean up a lot of computers, as well as if you need to quickly delete important information. However, in the hands of a beginner, this utility can become a dangerous weapon.

Good to know about secure data deletion

Do I need to do 35 passes?

If fast, then no. current rigid dimensions disks become quite large. And the chances of just finding 10Kb of your data on a 500Gb drive are pretty slim. Therefore, several passes for filling with random data will be quite enough.

Why is it necessary to erase? Just to know what deleted? Or that I have good manners?

  • Stealing information is not paranoia. This is reality. Access to your information can get some kind of virus that can easily walk through hard drive looking for certain type information. Or the person who got your hard drive can easily see what was interesting on it before.
  • When I delete a file, then I delete it!!! And I don’t store it somewhere in a basket, or wait for someone to restore it. True, sometimes it's for the best.
  • There are some types of programs that restore themselves after deletion, thanks to the fact that the file itself is not physically deleted.
  • To save from outsiders confidential information.
  • Some organizations require by their security policy. However, some of them may require more extreme action.

Quick Guide (Download Free Secure Wipe Tools)


Works with any device including IDE, SCSI, RAID, CD-RW. Good scheduler. Rich in functionality. good support. Fairly informative reports.
Consumes a lot system resources. Starts slower than File Shredder.

File Shredder

Little. Easy to use. It has enough functionality to increase efficiency.
Not everything is provided. No scheduled launch. Very small help.


Pretty good and works fast. There is a portable version.
It takes a lot of work to finally get to the delete functions. Installs Yahoo Toolbar by default.

Today under my software microscope» had the imprudence to get free program for permanent deletion files and folders called Alternate File Shredder.

Does it spray well and reliably various computer files into atoms, without the possibility of their recovery by any means, methods and special programs, as manufacturers say? Let's check.

How to completely and securely delete a file or folder

Several times on the pages of this site I have described special recovery software accidentally deleted files. With their help, it was possible to return data even after formatting the disk.

But what if the task is to completely delete a file or folder, without a single chance for recovery (by bad uncles and evil aunts) ... so that no Recuva , Hetman Partition Recovery or PhotoDOCTOR couldn't resurrect them? Are there really no such programs?

We launch the program and specify files or folders for safe deletion ...

"Number of iterations" is the number of passes. On ssd drives, I do not advise you to abuse this figure (one pass is enough).

Click on the "Destroy files" button and confirm the complete removal ...

(Oops, screenshot with deleting another file)

...we are going to apply to any spy organization in the world...

Checking the reliability of data deletion ...

… the Recuva program didn’t find anything even similar to my deleted file, but it found a huge pile of deleted ones a couple of years ago.

I didn’t check the data with other resuscitators - I’m sure that the result will be the same.

Download Alternate File Shredder

The program for permanently deleting files and folders Alternate File Shredder lives at this address -

Its size is 909 kb. There are no viruses and installation difficulties. It has a multilingual interface (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, German, Korean, Czech…). Works in absolutely any version of the Windows operating system.

Lastly, don't confuse Alternate File Shredder with program removers. These are different things. The hero of this article removes exactly individual files and folders, and does not uninstall the programs previously installed on the computer.

P.S. I also ask you not to breed holivar in the comments about the fact that there are other programs with a similar function of reliable permanent deletion - of course there are, but it was in this article that Alternate File Shredder was discussed.

to new useful computer programs And don't forget to delete files after you.

When deciding to clean up a hard drive, users usually use formatting or manual removal files from recycle bins. However, these methods do not guarantee the complete erasure of data, and with the help of special tools, you can restore files and documents that were previously stored on the HDD.

If there is a need to completely get rid of important files so that no one else can restore them, standard methods operating system will not help. For this purpose, programs are used to complete removal data, including those deleted by conventional methods.

If the files have already been deleted from the HDD, but you want to erase them permanently, then you need to use special software. Similar software solutions allow you to overwrite files so that later it will be impossible to recover them even with the help of professional tools.

In short, the principle is as follows:

  1. You are deleting a file "X"(for example, through the "Basket"), and it is hidden from your field of view.
  2. Physically, it remains on the disk, but the cell where it is stored is marked free.
  3. When new files are written to the disk, the marked free cell is used, and the file is overwritten "X" new. If the cell was not used when saving a new file, then the previously deleted file "X" continues to reside on the hard drive.
  4. After repeated overwriting of data on the cell (2-3 times), the initially deleted file "X" finally ceases to exist. If the file takes up more space than one cell, then in this case we are talking just about a snippet "X".

Therefore, you yourself can delete unnecessary files so that they cannot be restored. To do this, you need to write any other files to all free space 2-3 times. However, this option is very inconvenient, so users usually prefer software tools that, using more complex mechanisms, do not allow you to recover deleted files.

Method 1: CCleaner

A well-known program designed for cleaning hard disk from garbage, and also knows how to reliably delete data. At the request of the user, you can clear the entire drive or only free space using one of four algorithms. In the second case, all system and user files will remain intact, but the unallocated space will be securely overwritten and unavailable for recovery.

Method 2: Eraser

Eraser, like CCleaner, is simple and free to use. She knows how to reliably delete files and folders that the user wants to get rid of, in addition to this, it clears the free disk space. The user can choose one of 14 deletion algorithms at his discretion.

The program is embedded in context menu so by clicking on unnecessary file right click mouse, you can immediately send it for deletion in Eraser. A small minus is the absence of the Russian language in the interface, however, as a rule, it is enough basic knowledge English.

Method 3: File Shredder

The File Shredder program is similar in its action to the previous one, Eraser. Through it, you can also permanently delete unnecessary and confidential data and overwrite free space on the HDD. The program is built into the Explorer, and can be called by right-clicking on an unnecessary file.

There are only 5 mashing algorithms here, but this is quite enough for safe removal information.

Note: Despite the fact that using such programs is very simple, this does not guarantee complete deletion of data if only part of the disk is overwritten.

For example, if there is a need to permanently delete an image, but the thumbnail display is enabled in the OS, then simply deleting the file will not help. Knowledgeable person will be able to restore it using the one that stores the thumbnails of the photo. A similar situation is with the paging file and other system documents that store copies or thumbnails of any user data.

Method 4: Formatting multiple times

The usual formatting of the hard drive, of course, will not delete any data, but only hide them. A reliable way to delete all data from hard drive without the possibility of recovery - holding full formatting with a change in file system type.

So, if you use the NTFS file system, then you need to complete(non-quick) format to FAT and then back to NTFS. Additional, you can mark up the drive by dividing it into several sections. After such manipulations, there is practically no chance of data recovery.

If you have to work with the hard drive where the operating system is installed, then all manipulations must be performed before loading. For this you can use bootable flash drive with OS or special program to work with disks.

Let's analyze the process of multiple full formatting with changing the file system and partitioning the disk.

  1. Create a bootable USB flash drive with the desired operating system or use an existing one. On our website you can find instructions for creating boot flash from , .
  2. Connect the flash drive to the PC and make it the main one boot device through the BIOS.

    In AMI BIOS: Boot > 1st Boot Priority > Your flash

    IN Award BIOS: > Advanced BIOS Features > First boot device > Your flash

    Click F10, and then "Y" to save the settings.

  3. Front Windows installation 7 click on the link "System Restore".

    On Windows 7 you are taken to "System Recovery Options", where you need to select an item "Command line".

    Before installing Windows 8 or 10 also click on the link "System Restore".

  4. From the recovery menu select "Troubleshooting".

  5. Then "Extra options".

  6. Select "Command line".

  7. The system may prompt you to select a profile, as well as enter a password for it. If the password is account not installed, skip typing and press "Proceed".
  8. If you need to find out the real letter of the drive (provided that several HDDs are installed, or you only need to format the partition), type the command in cmd

    wmic logicaldisk get deviceid, volumename, size, description

    and press Enter.

  9. Based on the size (in the table it is in bytes), you can determine which letter of the desired volume / partition is real, and not assigned by the operating system. This will protect against random formatting not that drive.
  10. For a full format with a file system change, write the command

    format /FS:FAT32 X: - if your hard drive currently has a file NTFS system
    format /FS:NTFS X: - if your hard drive is currently FAT32

    Instead of X substitute the letter of your drive.

    Do not add a parameter to the command /q- he is responsible for quick format, after which files can still be restored. You need to carry out exclusively full formatting!

  11. After formatting is complete, write the command from the previous step again, only with a different file system. That is, the formatting chain should be like this:

    NTFS > FAT32 > NTFS

    FAT32 > NTFS > FAT32

    After that, the installation of the system can be canceled or continued.

To be sure that no one will use your confidential data after you have erased it, the advice of experts and special programs selected by them will help.

User information is becoming increasingly valuable, which means that it is required reliable protection from her theft. Important confidential documents, account information and credit cards- all this can become easy prey for inquisitive malefactors. When deleting documents and other important secret data from the Recycle Bin or immediately bypassing it, many users think that they have destroyed them irrevocably and nothing threatens security.

However, in reality this is not always the case. Any person who is fairly well versed in computers, if desired, can easily recover information deleted in this way. In addition, a lot of service data is stored in the operating system and on the hard drive in various forms, including user actions, such as visiting websites, copying and transferring files, what programs he worked with, and even when and which flash drives he connected. .

If for destruction paper documents And optical discs you can use special devices known as shredders, and erase fingerprints, then with the traces left in the PC, everything is not so simple and obvious. For example, even when an encrypted file is created, its temporary, unprotected copy can be generated, which can theoretically be restored by an attacker. In addition, many programs such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop, leave in files service information, including about previous versions, where confidential data erased by the user later can be stored.

Let's talk about the main ways to remove personal information from the system and when working in different programs and subsequent cleaning free space on disk to eliminate the chances of recovery deleted files. In addition, you will learn about the features of cleaning solid state drives.

Destruction of temporary files

Quite a lot about the user can tell the temporary files that are created various applications, such as MS Office, and, of course, browsers. For destruction temporary files best to use special utilities that do their job automatically.

CCleaner. Free Windows Cleaning Utility. Among other functions, it allows you to clear free space on the HDD from previously deleted files and securely erase information. To do this, go to the "Service | Erasing discs. Specify what exactly you want to delete, as well as the method (for example, "NSA (7 passes)"), and select a disk. For destruction CCleaner data provides the user with a choice of algorithm: single overwrite, 3, 7, or 35 cycles.

Mars WinCleaner- this is no longer a new, but very reliable utility for deleting temporary files - the result of the work of many programs. Unfortunately, the function of completely erasing information in this program is not available, but it can be configured to automatic cleaning system from temporary files on a schedule, as well as at the time of turning on or off the computer.

Kaspersky Internet security thanks to its "Activity Remover" feature, it allows you to remove most of the temporary files that can tell about your work with your PC. To find this option can be found in the "Tools" section.

Cleaning up data in programs and documents

A document that you have edited many times often carries a part of the story, and when using standard or special means its past versions can be partially restored.

For example, files with the .psd extension Photoshop photo editor contain a history of changes that can be used both for good - for editing the image, and for revealing some details that the user would like to hide. To avoid this, it is worth copying the finished version of the document into a new one, clean file and send it to the recipient. This way you will get rid of the history of changes. You can check this by comparing the sizes of the new file and the old one that was edited.

In addition, when using old Microsoft versions Office, it may be useful to install a plug-in from the manufacturing company - Remove Hidden Data, which allows you to remove from Microsoft documents Office 2003/XP various service information. In the 2007 version, to do this, click on the round button with the logo of the program, in the menu that opens, select "Prepare | Document Inspector", then in the window that appears, check desired items menu with checkmarks in the checkboxes and click on the "Check" button. After scanning, the wizard will prompt you to delete the found data. In Office 2010, this feature can be found under the File | Details | Troubleshooting | Document Inspector.

Browser Cleanup

For automatic or manual, one-time removal personal information from Internet browsers, you should change their settings.

Mozilla Firefox . To remove traces in this application, you must go to "Tools | Settings” and on the “Privacy” tab, check the “Clear history when Firefox closes” checkbox or configure the program in a way that suits you, for example, so that the browser does not initially save information.

Internet Explorer . You can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+Del" or the menu item "Tools | Delete browsing history".

Opera. Click on the "Opera" button and go to "Settings | Delete personal data." In this window, in the drop-down list, you can specify in detail which data should be deleted.

Apple Safari . Click on the gear button and select "Reset Safari" from the menu that appears.

Google Chrome . Go to settings by clicking on the right upper corner button with three stripes, or just enter in address bar chrome://chrome/settings and on the settings page that opens, click on the item “Show additional settings", and then click the "Clear History" button.

Automatic and manual system cleaning

If you don't want to install additional programs, you can use Windows registry, browser settings and OS local security policy.

swap file. Elements of processed sensitive information may remain in this storage. For his automatic cleaning you need to do the following. Press the key combination "Win + R" and in the line that appears, enter the command "secpol.msc" (without quotes). Click OK. In the window that opens, go to " Local Policies| Security settings" and in the right part of the window select "Shut down: clear the paging file virtual memory". Double click on it. In the settings window, set the mode to "Enable" and click the "Apply" button. Now, when you turn off the PC, the paging file will be automatically cleared.

Information stored on the web

Not only your computer can contain user data - in in social networks even after you delete the previously uploaded photos or your pages, they remain in storage and can be restored at the request of the special services. For a long time, all records about the IP addresses you use when connecting, passwords, correspondence, etc. are stored.

Therefore, try not to transfer important and unencrypted information to "cloud" storage: they can be hacked or be under constant surveillance by various intelligence agencies and security services of a competing company. Even by deleting data from the "cloud", you have no guarantees that their copies will not remain in storage and will not be transferred to outsiders or captured by intruders.

Clearing free disk space

At standard deletion the file is not completely destroyed - the operating system only erases the address of its location. The data itself can be stored on the HDD for quite long time until they are overwritten with other information. And even after rewriting, such information can be partially restored. For guaranteed data destruction, we recommend that you use publicly available programs that provide permanent deletion information.

Eraser. This is the most popular free utility, which allows you to really reliably destroy documents, including the Gutman method, in which the file is overwritten 35 times with random data. Eraser also offers the function of clearing free space on the HDD to completely destroy the erased information.

Kremlin. This is a real data harvester, and file destruction is only a part of its functionality. Also, with its help, you can encrypt information and remove traces of work on the computer. Among other things, Kremlin offers useful feature cleaning random access memory where important information can be stored.

Acronis True Image Home 2013 . In addition to the basic data backup functions, the application will help you permanently delete specific files and folders, as well as clean up already empty space on disk. In this case, you can choose the data destruction algorithm.

Spying on flash drives

Operating system can remember information even about previously connected flash drives. Using the USBDview program, you can see when and which flash drive was connected, as well as erase this information. You can also delete such information in the registry editor in the following branches:

"HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\USBST OR"

"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\U SBSTOR".

Wipe SSD

The method of multiple overwriting of data for their complete deletion for solid state drives destructive due to their limited resource. In addition, studies have shown that none programmatic way deleting information does not guarantee its complete destruction - from 4 to 91% of "safely" deleted files are subject to recovery. Therefore the only reliable way irrevocably deleting data from an SSD is the physical destruction of the media.

Hardware erasers

If your HDD or flash drive contains important information, which must be destroyed quickly and irreversibly, one of the ways is the use of hardware.

For internal hard drives

Now on the free market there are devices that allow you to reliably and in a short time destroy all information stored on a “protected” hard drive. There is even an emergency function - physical damage HDD. One of these devices is domestic development 2S-994 "Surf". The cost of such a device is almost equal to the average PC performance and is about 16,000 rubles.

For portable drives and flash drives

In the age of mobility, transporting sensitive information to portable drives can be safe if you take care of it in advance special protection. For example, there are special media with the ability to remotely monitor their position, block recorded and encrypted information on command, and even physical destruction drive. Similar features has a Security Guardian flash drive developed by ExactTrak Ltd. It can also automatically self-destruct, block or delete information if the drive is removed from the specified perimeter. Maintenance of such a flash drive will cost approximately 1,300 rubles per month, while the cost of the 32 GB volume itself is 20,000 rubles, including the first year of security service.

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