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Program for measuring the performance of Windows 10. We speed up the computer using standard Windows tools

Modern computer represents complex device, the final performance of which depends on many factors. Speed hard drive, random access memory, graphics card power often become more significant than clock frequency CPU. Intuitive assessment of the operation of the Windows system can roughly indicate the problem, but accurately calculate weak spots and the solution can only be found using the performance index.

What is performance index

To calculate system performance indicators, Microsoft uses test tasks that load each hardware component computer separately. Five indices are calculated in this way: for the CPU, graphics, graphics for games, RAM, and the main hard drive. The smaller one is considered the base index for the entire system. The scale starts at 1.0, the highest score is 7.9, but it rises as more powerful hardware solutions become available.

Microsoft gives detailed description help file index

The underlying index is close to the average for a balanced universal computer, since all estimates in this configuration are approximately equal. Deviations are typical for specialized hardware solutions. For example, in office computers a weaker video card is usually installed, and for multimedia solutions a faster one is important HDD. In such cases, the overall computer index will be significantly lower than the average, since it is determined by the lowest value. This also implies a simple rule: to increase the base index (and the overall performance of the computer), you should increase the power of the weakest component.

If the hardware requirements for the software being installed indicate a minimum base index value, this means that a computer with this or more high value indicator, it will work steadily.

How to recognize him

To see what performance index your computer has, open Start, then Control Panel.

"Control Panel" on the right side of the menu

In the large “All Control Panel Items” window that opens, find the “Performance Counters and Tools” tab and go to it.

The tab we need is "Counters and performance tools"

The same result can be achieved using system search. Click "Start" and in the search bar enter the word "Counters".

The search bar can immediately lead to the desired tab

Another way to immediately go to the desired window is to press the combination Win keys(with Windows icon) and Pause/Break ( service key, usually located next to Print Screen).

The Assess and improve computer performance window that opens contains a lot of information.

The central part is occupied by the current indices of computer components with brief description. The overall score is highlighted in large and provided with a comment on the calculation "Determined by the lowest score". Several buttons lead to reference materials: "What do these numbers mean?", "Learn more about grades and software(on the Internet)”, “Recommendations for improving computer performance”. Windows 7 tries to clearly explain the principles of the formation of the rating scale, and best ways increase in the base index. This window is especially useful when updating computer hardware, as it stores indexes from previous testing. Can be done with special button"Display and print details about computer performance and system" to print the current indicators, and then conduct a new test by clicking on the on-screen button "Repeat assessment" in the lower right corner.

The same button must be pressed to start current check which usually takes a few minutes. The computer is currently running maximum power, the screen goes blank several times and lights up again, which is a consequence of ongoing tests and is not dangerous.

What do scores mean

Possible maximum rating

Although on this moment Windows announces a maximum score of 7.9 points, this value can only be achieved in the maximum configuration using the most modern processor, memory and graphics accelerators. The need for such powerful equipment usually arises from computers designed for resource-intensive applications - games, systems virtual reality etc. For specialized solutions, lower values ​​of the underlying index are considered normal.

Table: scores and performance description

Points Description
Up to 3.0 Office packages, networking. Some graphics capabilities Windows 7 (Aero branding) will not be available.
3.0 to 4.0 Graphic Windows interface 7 is available, but may slow down or crash when running in Full HD or on multiple monitors at the same time. If the overall score is low due to graphic options, your computer may not be able to handle streaming video, such as high-definition television.
4.0 to 6.0 Windows 7 can work to its full potential, including multitasking and using multiple monitors.
Over 6.0 Powerful computers with high speed hard drive. Can be used for 3D games streaming video high-definition, resource-intensive tasks.

Considering the index formation methodology (by the lowest indicator), there are no clear boundaries between configurations. The same index value can be powerful computer with a slow hard drive, and a balanced weak hardware solution.

How can I increase my rating

The obvious way to increase the overall performance of a computer is to upgrade its weakest nodes. RAM can be replaced with a faster one or simply increased quantitatively. The same goes for the hard drive. On a desktop computer, you can also replace the graphics card or processor. Laptops have much less upgradeability. A more economical way is to set up the system and its individual components, allowing to eliminate some restrictions in their work.

Graphics settings

Visual effects, a high resolution screen, working with multiple connected monitors take up a significant part of the resources of the computer's graphic nodes. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the load on this component and, accordingly, improve overall performance by disabling some Windows options 7 or reduce the screen resolution.

To change the graphics settings, you need to press the right mouse button in a free area of ​​​​the desktop. In the context menu that opens, select the "Screen resolution" line.

Select "Screen Resolution" from the menu that appears.

The “Screen Resolution” window that appears contains other parameters of the connected monitors, for example, graphic design(themes). Now we select the "Resolution" drop-down list.

If multiple monitors are connected, the desired one is selected in the "Screen" list

From the list options choose a resolution lower than the current one.

Hard drive care

Clearing from extra information and maintaining sufficient free disk space can significantly increase the speed of the drive. In addition, if your computer is not equipped with a solid state, but normal disk, it is necessary to regularly carry out the defragmentation procedure. This operation merges the disparate parts of the stored files, bringing them together, thereby reducing the read and write time. The reader needs to spend less effort to move from one part to another if they are located in a row. In addition, it combines free space, allowing new files to be written as a whole block.

We press the "Start" button and in the input line we type "Disk Defragmenter", after which we select the tab that appears with the same name.

The system shows all in one window available drives, allows you to analyze their status and conduct an immediate defragmentation.

The main window shows the degree of defragmentation of drives

For regular work, you can set up an appropriate schedule, for example, to run the utility at night.

Set up each drive in turn

Defragmentation takes a significant amount of time if the hard drive is large and there is not much on it. free space so it is recommended to remove unnecessary information- it will speed up the work.

System care

Timely updating, replacement of drivers with the latest ones, use special programs to detect problems in the software also have great importance for the index. You can use the system interface to update the driver for the selected device.

We press the on-screen button "Start" and in the input line we type "Update drivers". The system shows the search results, including the “Device Driver Update” tab we need, which we go to.

To search, just enter the beginning of the phrase

The main window of the "Device Manager" contains a list of all hardware components installed on the computer. We select the one whose driver we want to update, and click on its name with the right mouse button.

Right mouse button opens context menu

Choosing from context menu the line "Update drivers ...", start the process. The system in the next window will prompt you to choose one of two options: automatic search on the Internet or manual search on the computer.

Selecting "On the computer" makes sense only if the drivers are downloaded in advance

A typical user rarely preloads new drivers on the computer, so we select " Automatic search…” and wait for the update. Windows 7 checks for freshness installed driver and updates it if necessary. The same steps should be done for other devices from the Device Manager list.

There is also a lot free apps, including those that do not require installation, perform the process of checking and updating drivers in a semi-automatic mode. For example, Driver Pack Solution first scans the computer and compiles its own list of hardware components and drivers. The program accesses the websites of device manufacturers and checks for updates, after which it downloads and installs new drivers. The application has a simple and friendly interface, designed for an entry-level user.

You can completely update your drivers in a few clicks

Changing power settings

For more economical Windows work 7 sometimes deliberately reduces performance. For example, this applies to power settings. You can sacrifice some autonomy (for a laptop) or energy savings by preventing Windows 7 from switching to the appropriate modes. To do this, in the search bar, type "mobility center" and select the appropriate tab.

The Mobility Center also contains power options.

There are several settings in the window that opens. We are interested in the power parameters in which we select the mode high performance. In this case, you need to consider: battery consumption will increase slightly, which will reduce the battery life of the laptop.

Choose high performance

Using the ReadyBoost Feature

There is free space not only on the hard disk, but also on external media, including USB flash drives. ReadyBoost allows you to reserve some part of it for Windows needs 7. To enable the option, you need to select in Explorer removable media and call right click mouse click context menu, in which select the "Properties" option. Now it remains to go to the ReadyBoost tab and set the size of the reserved space.

ReadyBoost option can be enabled on every media

Now the system's got to work extra space, which will positively affect its performance.

If performance evaluation does not work or disappears

In some cases, the system refuses to evaluate performance due to cost considerations or more serious obstacles.

Time to troubleshoot

Possible reasons for the failure to evaluate:

  • The evaluation has already started. The ability to update grades is disabled for the duration of the test. Either cancel the current process or wait for it to complete before starting it again.
  • Lack of access rights. Sometimes the reason may be the restriction of the user rights of a particular account. You should log in as an administrator and try to run the assessment again.
  • The laptop is offline. Since the calculation of indexes involves a significant consumption of energy, Windows 7 prohibits it from being performed when battery life laptop. The computer must be plugged in.
  • Lack of disk space. To evaluate Windows 7, you need a certain amount of free space on the hard disk, on which the test file is written. You should clean the drive as much as possible, and then try to evaluate it again.
  • No multimedia support. Windows 7 cannot evaluate the performance of computers that do not have media capabilities.
  • Outdated video driver. A defective or outdated video driver will prevent Windows 7 from testing performance. Should be checked Latest updates system and, if necessary, install current versions drivers or, conversely, return the earlier ones. When installing drivers, it is better to use the official website of the manufacturer of your computer, and not, for example, a video card.
  • Antivirus work. Sometimes the reason is active work antivirus programs. You should temporarily disable their work and try again to conduct the test.
  • Legacy BIOS. The BIOS should be updated to the latest version.

Reinstalling video codecs

A common cause of the problem is corrupted or conflicting video codecs. These are files containing algorithms for decompressing video recordings, without which the computer will not be able to display the video on the screen. To analyze graphics performance Windows components 7 uses some of the system codecs, so their damage or accidental deletion makes evaluation impossible. Reinstalling will fix the issue.

Such a concept as a performance index is an assessment of system components, which is calculated by the smallest indicator. The OS independently evaluates and issues the result. The main parameters include video, sound, processor operation, etc. This article will talk about performance indexes on different Windows versions and also show you how to test them. In addition, we will give an index check option that is suitable for command line lovers for all versions of Windows.

System components are rated on a scale of 1 to 7.9 in Windows 7. Thanks to the rating that the user sees in the "General" field, you can understand how powerful or weak the computer is. If the score is below 4, the system is considered to be installed on a weak PC. In the case of a score from 4 to 7 - an average computer in terms of power, and already from 7 to 7.9 points - powerful, reliable computer. As you can see, the main estimates include the performance of the processor, RAM, video adapter, graphics for games, hard drive.

At the same time, the performance index is not a rating that will accurately indicate how good, in terms of performance, your computer is. This value indicates only what rating the system has in a given environment and in different systems the score will be calculated differently. Interestingly, even if the score is, for example, 6.5, this does not mean at all that a computer with 4.5 points will work worse. When the hard drive is full unnecessary garbage on a computer with a high score and relatively free on a PC with a lower score, the latter will definitely have an advantage. We are not talking about viruses, heavy applications and multitasking yet.

In order to find out what performance index you have on Windows 7, you need to go along this path: "My Computer" - right-click on empty space window and select "Properties" - "Performance Index" and you will be taken to the same window as in the screenshot. We have a score of 4.5, indicating an average rating for the system in this hardware environment. "Junk" RAM, and all because of it small size and the operation of the operating system itself from under the virtual machine.

On Windows 8|8.1, there is no longer such an opportunity as on the "seven" to view the performance index in the system properties. In this case, you need to come up with some kind of trick on how to view this parameter, because. he really must be. The initial index is calculated when the operating system is installed and the components are evaluated.

To obtain Experience Index value in Windows 8|8.1 you need to follow this procedure:

    1. Call utility "Execute" ( Windows key+R);
    2. Enter there " shell:games» and press « OK»;

    1. In a new window at the bottom right you will see the system rating, which is formed relative worst case on a scale of 1 to 9.9.

You saw the rating, but it is absolutely not clickable and it will not work to find out which parameter is bad. Even the information in "More About These Grades" won't help you. In this case, you need to use this application - " PowerShell". To call it, you need to enter "Start" - register in the search "PowerShell" and on desired option click with the right mouse button. Select "as administrator" from the context menu.

In the program window we write winsat formal + Enter to get a formal assessment of the computer's performance and key parameters. It looks like this:

After testing, you will see something like this (performed on another PC, because it was not possible to connect the laptop to the power supply):

Here it is not very clear where the performance assessment is, where to look. In order to find out, you need to go to this address: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore across file manager and find the file there Formal.Assessment(Recent).WinSAT.xml”, which will have the date and time of execution at the beginning of the name.

Open the file through any browser available to you and find figure, which is written near "SystemScore":

This assessment, as you can see, coincided with the one that we received earlier through the Run utility. Now we look at the numbers that are indicated after. We see that we have the lowest score opposite the “Graphics”, respectively, we need to figure out what is wrong with it. The whole problem is that in our "experimental" computer there are two video adapters - one built-in (integrated), the other discrete. The first is weak, the second is much stronger. He cannot give such an assessment, so it turns out that the system took into account a weak variant. Now we have learned what and how was evaluated by the system, and also identified the "culprit" of the relatively low performance index on Windows 8.

In the fresh "top ten" you can also see the performance index in the same way as on the "eight" through "Run" and the command "shell: games". To find out the culprit of the low rating or in general what and how with the components, we also tried using PowerShell with administrator rights. However, defeat awaited us here - on Windows 10, system evaluation through this classic application does not work. Here is what the program itself writes when trying to start the assessment:

At first there was an idea that you can use the command line and write the same command. It turned out to be very efficient, and this is what happened:

Everything went the same way with Windows 8|8.1, and to find out what ratings were given, use the instructions from the previous subheading.

How to improve the performance index in Windows 7,8,10

The question arises, how to increase that assessment if it does not suit you? The answer will not please you very much - you need to think about buying new equipment and replacing the old one. In some cases, updating drivers helps, but more often you have to spend money. Let's take a closer look at what can be done to improve various parameters.

  • CPU. For him, everything is very rough - only a replacement for a faster one. In general, this is the most "stupid" part of the computer, because it stupidly executes a stream of commands. Only after speeding up this execution can we talk about improving performance.
  • RAM. Enough to add additional bar the same size as the main one. If you put a smaller memory size, then the index will be calculated by it, and not by the total amount.
  • Graphics. Only updating the drivers or replacing the video card will help here.
  • Video graphics. Similar to the previous point.
  • Primary hard drive. It only needs to be changed to another with a higher data exchange rate.

There is another way to "increase" the index. In the file we looked at in the Windows 8|8.1 and 10 paragraphs, change the number next to "SystemScore" and save the file. If you can't do it in system folder, save to another location, and then just copy and replace it. After a couple of minutes, the overall rating will change, but it will not correspond to reality.

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Personal computers are complex computing devices. The efficient performance of such a machine is achieved through the use of modern components, but, as you know, they become obsolete over time. The performance index will determine Windows users 7, ignorant of the computer hardware, what exactly should be upgraded.

What is a performance index?

The performance index, as the name suggests, is a tool that automatically evaluates the health computer, that is, a personal computer, key elements. It should be understood that the system does not show the average value, but the smallest. For example, if the parameter "Processor" is equal to 4 points, and all the others - 5, then as a result you will see exactly 4 in the "Overall rating".

Performance is determined by all key system parameters: "Processor", "Memory (RAM)", "Graphics", "Graphics for games" and "Main hard drive".

Looking at the table, any computer owner will be able to independently find out which components need to be upgraded.

How can I find out the performance score?

Finding out the performance score is easy. This can be done in two ways: through the "Computer" and "Control Panel".

View in computer and operating system settings

View the option "Performance counters and tools"

In both the first and second cases, you will be taken to a section where you can look at the performance rating of your system. The window will display all the ratings separately, each of which relates to a particular element of the system, as well as the overall rating.

In the event that you have recently improved some element of your personal computer, it is advisable to re-evaluate manual mode. To do this, click on the "Repeat assessment" button.

Click "Reassess" to get up-to-date system data

This can only be done with administrator rights. If you are using a guest account, you will need to provide a password for account administrator, otherwise you won't be able to change the computer's performance score.

What do scores mean. Normal index performance, what can be the maximum rating?

It is easy to guess that the scores that you will see in the table are an assessment of the performance of a particular system component. The Windows 7 operating system thus evaluates what tasks the computer can handle. If these scores are high, then there is nothing to worry about, since your PC can successfully work even with time-consuming tasks, and if you see values ​​\u200b\u200bclose to 1, then you should consider upgrading.

Table of evaluation of all components

Consider all the elements: the "Processor" component is responsible for the number of operations that it can perform installed processor in one second of time. The "Memory (RAM)" component indicates the speed of performing read-write operations in one second of time. "Graphics" - desktop performance rating for the included Aero interface, that is, for the desktop itself. The next component - "Graphics for games" is already responsible for performance in various applications demanding to system resources, behind 3D graphics. The "main hard drive", oddly enough, is estimated by the speed of data exchange, and not by the volume of the hard drive.

Optimal performance of the processor and other components

Normal performance performance index should be considered based on the priority tasks that you will perform using the computer. If the computer will be used primarily simple applications, like text editors, spreadsheets, mail browsing and web surfing, then you should pay attention to the amount of RAM and processor. The rating of these indicators can be equal to 5, and you can ignore the “Graphics” component at all - 2 will be quite enough.

Computer games and system-intensive applications naturally need the best components. If you are going to perform these tasks on your PC, then make sure that the components "Processor", "Memory" and "Graphics for games" have the highest ratings. The hard drive in this case does not play the most important role, so a score of 3 would be sufficient.

If your desktop computer will be used most of the time as a media set-top box (you will watch a movie or listen to music), then take care of the best indicators of "Memory" and "Processor". For all other components of the system, a score of 3 points will be sufficient.

Maximum Index Score

The maximum performance index score varies depending on the bitness of the system. Modern personal computers have 64-bit operating systems, 32-bit ones are less common. Bit depth is determined depending on the amount of RAM. Thus, 64-bit operating systems are suitable for devices with 4 gigabytes of RAM and more, and 32-bit, on the contrary. This is because 32-bit operating systems are unable to read large quantity RAM than 4 gigabytes. 32-bit devices are rated on a scale of 1.0 to 7.9. 64-bit architectures have a maximum score of 5.9 points.

Score boost: how to increase PC performance in several ways?

Before you run to a specialty store that sells personal computer components, you can optimize your operating system and PC. This procedure will slightly increase the score.

Change the desktop display - increase the rating

First, change the display of the operating system interface. For example, if you have Aero installed, then change it to traditional. Appearance windows and menus affects the performance of the computer, so this procedure can greatly help you solve a pressing problem.

Changing the desktop interface

How to improve the index with diagnostics

Second, diagnose logical drives, optimize them, remove junk files and programs. Remember that a cluttered hard drive significantly degrades the performance of the computer as a whole, so make sure that only what you really need is installed on the PC. After removing all programs and files, defragment, which will put together all the remaining files and folders and improve performance.

Defragmenting a logical drive

Third, diagnose the drivers you are using. It is not uncommon that certain drivers can worsen the operation of a computer, reduce its performance. If you receive a corresponding notification, then it is better to take care of updating and replacing them.

The last thing that will increase the performance index, of course, is the replacement of old components with new ones. You can install an additional memory module if motherboard there is an appropriate connector or replace the old one with a more powerful one. On desktop PCs, every element is subject to modernization, it all depends only on your financial capabilities, and with laptops everything is more difficult. For such devices, only the size of the hard disk or RAM can be improved, and, unfortunately, all other elements cannot be upgraded.

Video: Determining the Experience Index in Windows 7

Why the performance score may disappear and what to do in this case

As a rule, computer performance evaluation works in offline, without any significant problems. However, sometimes there are errors in determining the score, the reason for which may be: a variety of software supposedly responsible for security when working on the network or codecs. Codecs are software designed to decode and encode media files. The thing is that the system performance assessment itself is based on the VC-1 codec, and when it is changed or upgraded, conflicts may occur.

Disabling antivirus

First, try disabling your antivirus software (depending on the software you are using, the sequence may be different).

Removing and installing codecs

So, if disabling the antivirus did not help you, then you will have to remove and install all codecs manually:

  1. Open the "Start" menu and "Control Panel";

    Open the "Control Panel" in the "Start" menu

  2. In the window that appears, find the option "Programs and Features";

    Open "Programs and Features" in the "Control Panel"

  3. Find the installed codecs in the list and remove them (for example, K-Lite Codec pack);

    Remove the old codec through "Programs and Features"

  4. Reinstall K-Lite codec Code Pack;
  5. Enter the program directory through the start menu and run ffdshow video decoder;
  6. A window with a list of video codecs will open, find VC-1;

    Activate the VC-1 codec

  7. Most likely, the Decoder parameter for this codec will be set to Disable, change it to Libavcodec and save the changes.

BIOS update

If these methods did not help you, then you may have to resort to updating the BIOS integrated environment, drivers, in particular DirectX, or roll back to previous versions. Log in as an administrator and navigate to C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore.

Clearing the DataStore folder

Here you should delete absolutely all files and reboot Personal Computer. After starting the OS, run the benchmark again.

Scanning system files

Sometimes this is not enough, so you should check for system files. You can do it like this:

The troubleshooting process will begin. system files and their subsequent elimination.

Reinstalling Visual Studio 2010

If you get an error while running the benchmark that indicates MSVCR100.dll is missing, then you will have to reinstall visual studio 2010. This free library, available to all users for download on the official Microsoft website. You need to choose a package based on the bit depth of your system, and you can find it like this:

Computer performance index - useful tool, which allows the user to find out in a timely manner the need to upgrade a particular part of the device.

The performance index is a measure Windows Health, based on the efficiency of important components of the computer. This number indicates how well the device is performing and may suggest what needs to be done to speed things up.

Index Windows performance exists so that the user can really evaluate the capabilities of his PC

The speed of work is what most users are interested in. Everyone wants the system to respond quickly to processes, without malfunctions and glitches. Let's find out how to view the Windows 10 Experience Index and previous versions this system, and what measures can be taken to improve this indicator.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that such a concept did not appear immediately, but starting with Vista, but is implemented differently in different versions Windows. If in the seventh and eighth versions the information was easy to find, then in the next software it was hidden further, and the data could not be seen just like that.

We suggest that you first find out the path to the performance index, and then decide what to do with it.

Learn about performance in Windows Vista, 7, 8

In these versions of the software, the path to evaluation is easy to find - just click right key click on the "My Computer" icon, select "Properties" and find the line "Rating".

What does this number mean, and on the basis of what parameters is it formed?

The coefficient includes the total assessment of such computer components:

  1. CPU.
  2. Graphic data.
  3. disk subsystem.

Each of the items is scored, on the basis of which an overall performance indicator is derived.

The maximum rating can be as follows:

  • 9 - on Vista.
  • 9 - on Windows 7.
  • 9 - on Windows 8 and above.

When the score is low, and the performance is not up to par, you can find out why. Click on "Windows Experience Index" and you will see full information about how many points each component of the computer received.

Further, in the same menu, you will find out which components you need to improve or replace in order for the device to work faster. But, of course, you can partially do without this - we will dwell on this issue further.

How to find out the performance index on other versions of Windows?

To view your Windows 8.1 PC score, do the following:

  • Open the C: drive, the Windows folder.
  • Select Performance, then WinSAT/DataStore.
  • In the last folder, find the file that has the phrase Formal.Assessment in its name.
  • If there are several such documents, choose the one that was created the latest.
  • Open the file - it should load through the browser.
  • Look for text between WinSPR headers.

The lines alternately list data on general performance, RAM, processor, graphics, disk, and other less important data.

Alternative ways

Another performance score on Windows 8.1 is viewed through command line- right-click on the "Start" button and run it with administrator rights. Next, type "Get-CimInstance-ClassName Win32_WinSAT" and you will see a menu with checkboxes.

If the computer has not previously been evaluated for speed, enter "winsat formal" or "winsat formal -v" in the commander - the second command will launch a more detailed analysis.

Well, if you don’t like this option, you can download separate application- for example, ChrisPC Win Experience Index or WSAT. They are usually free and do not require you to additional installation affiliate programs, do not bother with advertising.

How to view the performance index on Windows 10

If you possess latest version security, again, you can use separate utilities for performance evaluation - for example, Winaero WEI tool.

Or see the information like this:

  • Right-click on "Start" and run command prompt with administrator rights.
  • Enter the winsat formal/restart clean command.
  • After that, the process of evaluating the components will be launched - wait for completion and close the program window.
  • Follow the path C:/Windows/Performance.
  • Next, open WinSAT, DataStore.
  • Find a document with a combination of Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml - choose the newest document.
  • Open the file.
  • You will recognize the scores from the text between the WinSPR headers - they will be in the same order as when viewed on the 8.1 version of the system.

Let's say you learned how to check the Windows 10 Experience Index and found out that it's pretty bad.

What to do? First of all, the system itself indicates which components slow down the system. If you felt like the graphics weren't doing very well, and were rated as underperforming, this will surely convince you that it's time to change this component.

But, it is worth trying to speed up your PC a bit and without replacing parts.

How to increase the performance index of Windows 7 and other versions of the system?

Here are some proven methods that probably won't make your computer much faster, but will help optimize its performance to some extent.

Try the following ways:

  1. Computer cleaning. Sometimes the PC starts to work slowly simply due to the fact that a lot of dust has accumulated on the fan, it has become worse to spin, the processor heats up and, as a result, freezes and braking appear. Such situations happen often, and cleaning requires all the details. So be sure to clean system unit or a laptop at least a few times a year.
  2. Fix disk errors and defragment. This is also a kind of way to restore order, however, from the inside. Checking the C drive will help identify problems, after which the system will fix them. Further, the second procedure is the folding of information on the shelves, thanks to which the computer is better guided in your requests and is not sprayed on searching for data. Note that these two procedures must also be run several times a year.
  3. Installation of special programs. Apps like Auslogics BootSpeed ​​and CCleaner - great way PC status monitoring. Yes, they are most often paid, but definitely worth the money. Such utilities will clean everything themselves, they can walk through the entire system or separate disk, or folder. They are looking for options to speed up work, check disks for errors, and are also able to defragment and speed up the Internet. They will be able to give advice on how to increase productivity. But be careful and analyze their suggestions - not all changes are easy to implement, and some are not worth trying at all.
  4. Cleaning the startup menu. Almost any program tends to turn on as soon as Windows boots up, and the more components there are at startup, the worse the processor and RAM become. Be sure to check this section of the system and remove everything from it unnecessary processes, or entrust this matter to one of the above programs.
  5. Always update your drivers, check your PC for viruses.

Computer Performance Evaluation I have 3.3, they say it's very small. But personally, what difference does it make to me, can I really not be able to install games or the programs I need? What criteria does Windows 7 use when evaluating performance and can it be improved without replacing components? Sergei.

I’ll tell you a funny story, my friend bought a computer, brought it home and installed it on his own, turned it on and saw a computer performance rating of 3.0, and in the store they showed him 5.5. Naturally, he went back, the sales manager turns on the computer with him and everyone sees the grade 5.5. He comes home, turns on the system unit and sees all the same 3.0, a tantrum happens to him, his wife is already calling me, come, she says, I don’t know what to do with my husband. On the spot, of course, I checked everything for the correct connection of the system unit and monitor, at that time a friend was soldered with valerian in the kitchen. I look and on the motherboard, except for a powerful video card PCI interface Express for 1GB of memory, there is also a built-in or integrated graphics card, there are such on many motherboards, he connected them there, of course, the rating will be lower with it. The manager, in the store, connected everything correctly and the score was correspondingly higher.

Computer Performance Evaluation

In my opinion, the assessment is given, for the concept overall picture performance of your PC, so that you know its approximate capabilities. For example, you came to a store to buy a computer, and no matter what they tell you, you can check everything by looking at the computer's performance rating. This is firstly, and secondly, according to the assessment, you can choose the kind of system unit you need. For example, if you want to play 3D games and watch movies in digital format no brakes, your score must be at least 5.0. If you need a computer to work with office applications and access to the Internet, a score of 3.0-4.0 will suit you.
Keep in mind that a score less than 3.0 will make your computer experience unbearable, the fact is that the Aero interface imposes on Windows performance 7 significant load and you just have to turn it off. Read our article.
Another case, we already have a system unit, we decided to install Windows 7 on it and immediately after installation we received computer performance evaluation and were confused, who had it more, who had less, and thought about what criteria Windows 7 evaluates our computer, but by what.

  1. The number of processor cores.
  2. RAM
  3. Video card memory
  4. Hard disk communication interface. If SATA, the score will be higher.

The capabilities of the above components allow Windows 7 to evaluate your computer, but oddly enough, it is always given, according to the lowest-performing device. For example, let's take my laptop with you (illustration below), see operating system I gave it a rating of 5.0, only because of the video adapter.
How to improve your computer performance score? We take the system unit, right in our trading floor, it is not a gaming type, with a weak video card and overall score, Windows 7 also assigned it to a low-powered device. If I now change the video adapter to a stronger one, the score will also change. If you upgraded your computer, that is, replaced some low-performance component with a more powerful one and want to check if the score has changed, you can do it like this. Start->Control Panel->System and Security->System->Windows Experience Index-> Reassess, of course it will change to a higher one. Notebook performance rating.

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