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Video promotion on YouTube. SEO, analytics, schemes and nuances

Online video, due to its incredible popularity among netizens, can definitely be called a powerful marketing tool. This channel is able to attract the target audience to the site, working to increase conversions and sales. We all know that search engines provide links not only to relevant sites, but also to images and video files in the results of the queries they receive. This can and should be adopted in order to bring interested users to the site who view videos in the search results.

Why YouTube
Today, video is used not only for entertainment or educational purposes, but also for commercial purposes. It successfully works to increase conversion for online stores, service sites and official pages of companies. You can use the YouTube service as a storage for video files and use it to embed videos on your site.
Why YouTube? First, it is one of the most popular and highly visited social media in the world. By placing and properly optimizing the video on this site, you will receive traffic not only from search results, but also directly from the video hosting itself, equipped with file search. A large number of video views and clicks on the link to your site will improve behavioral factors, which will positively affect the ranking of the site in search engines.

Secondly, the YouTube service belongs to the largest search engine - Google. Accordingly, uploading a video to this hosting will significantly speed up its indexing and increase the likelihood of being displayed among the search results.
Thirdly, using the service is completely free, which makes this channel even more attractive for promotion.

Video length
Experts say that the optimal video length for a commercial video is no more than 5 minutes, and in some cases - 90 seconds. The longer the track, the more the viewer's attention is scattered. The task of your video is to convey useful information to the target audience and at the same time not to let them get bored, to keep their interest in what is happening.

The content of the video should be concise and catchy. The highest concentration of attention is at the beginning of the viewing. If you can't manage to keep within a few minutes, put at the beginning of the video all the most important things that the viewer will involuntarily fix and remember, even if they do not watch the video to the end.
Example: So-called "couch shops" have successfully used short commercials that showcase the key benefits of products and how to use them. Such videos can often be found in search results for competitive commercial queries.

Accompanying text
On the video page in YouTube there is an opportunity to create its description. This is a significant moment for video SEO promotion. Create a short accompanying text and include keywords in it. This is how you inform the audience of users and search robots about the content of your video.

"Catching" title
Come up with a good title for your video. The word “good” implies the following characteristics: short, intriguing, relevant to the content, reflective of the topic, and perfectly articulated for the needs of the user audience. Make sure the title contains an occurrence of the keyword. Such a title increases the chances of the video being found in the search and has a positive effect on SEO.

Filling in tags
Don't forget to include keywords in tags when uploading videos to the YouTube server. Let's repeat the already hackneyed phrase: do not miss the slightest opportunity to inform search robots about the content posted on the page.

SEO Friendly URL
Include the title of the video in the URL of the video page on your site. Unfortunately, YouTube does not allow you to edit the URL of a posted video, but you can get out of the situation as follows: simply put a link to a page on your site in the description field, in the URL of which the name of the video will be written. Place the link at the very beginning of the text. Thus, both users and search engines will be directed directly to your site.

Video comments
A number of users who host their videos on YouTube deliberately disable the ability to comment on them. Everyone has their own reasons for this. But, if you intend to increase the rating of the video and promote it to the masses, it is better to keep this option. Let the audience express their opinion. They can do this with the help of the comment block and the “like” and “dislike” buttons.

A video's rating and number of views are directly reflected in the video's ranking in YouTube's search results and recommendations. Negative comments and assessments need to be worked out, the reason for their appearance should be found out, appropriate conclusions drawn and measures taken.

Important advice: do not use artificial cheat views and "likes". YouTube can punish for such manipulation with a ban not only a specific video, but also an account as such.

Anchors in backlinks
When posting content with a link to your video on your website or other resources, use the same keywords as the anchor (link text) that are used in the description of your video.

Account Optimization
The search engine indexes not only videos, but also YouTube accounts. In this regard, it will be very useful to optimize your profile as well. Be sure to make a short description of your activity with keywords included. This is important for users as well. When they come to your channel, they will already have a certain idea about the posted content.

Video Distribution
Behavioral factors are known to play an important role in promotion. Encourage viewers to be socially active and share the video:

What not to do
On the net you can find a number of pseudo-tips, the effectiveness of which hardly anyone has tested on their own experience. In the meantime, many of them don't work, or worse, cause YouTube accounts to be banned.

Not worth:
put an extra blank minute or pause at the end of the video to prevent competitors' video announcements from being displayed on the screen (you will lose ratings and increase the number of bounces);
copy other people's tags from similar videos;
if there are a large number of diverse videos, place them all on one channel (YouTube positively looks at creating several channels, divided into categories and interacting with each other);
use "sock" or cartoon characters in the plot for a video promoting a business or product (instead of the expected "wow!-effect", this technique only reduces the loyalty of the viewer).


Video on your site can become not only a tool for communication with visitors, but also an effective channel of attraction. The YouTube service and the functionality that it offers for posting and optimizing videos for promotion in search engines will help you with this. Following a series of simple tips, you can get additional targeted traffic from Yandex and Google video searches, as well as social networks absolutely free.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."


YouTube is a popular platform that is an effective means of promotion and promotion, a tool for making money. Competently combining the principles of standard television and social networks, it builds up a large audience and attracts new users.

Actively viewed videos with thousands of coverage can create a powerful stream of subscribers and significantly increase channel traffic. Here are some effective ways to promote a video on YouTube and increase the number of views.

YouTube Video Promotion Basics

Most users firmly believe that by shooting an interesting video, they will instantly find their audience, take possession of an audience of many thousands. High-quality author's content is certainly important, but it is not the only criterion for success. Below is a list of requirements that will help promote a video on YouTube:

  • correct name
  • catchy title
  • detailed description
  • correct category selection
  • tag registration
  • attractive picture
  • mailing.

Correct name

Before uploading a video, you need to create a semantic core, think about what queries may be of interest to your potential audience. Google.Adwords or Wordstat services will help you to isolate suitable phrases. When coming up with a title, be sure to include keywords in it. This will help you get additional and, importantly, free traffic, and will allow you to get into the TOP of search engines.

catchy title

Looking at search results for a query, a person should want to open your video. A bright and catchy headline can attract his attention. When developing it, it is necessary to take into account current trends, needs and interests of users. So, for example, today one of the most popular topics is making money on the Internet. When shooting in this genre, you can use the following titles: “Business on the web. How to earn 100,000 in a month?”, “Remote work. How to build a business on the Internet? etc.

Detailed description

Write a good description, starting with the keyword. Structure the information, present it concisely and concisely. Important points can be highlighted as shown in the screenshot.

In some cases, full transcription is appropriate, when what is said in the video is duplicated by text.

Video category

Try to shoot content in a certain way by putting it in one category. So, for example, if all the recordings are educational in nature, displayed in the "Education" section, they will automatically be included in the "Related Videos" list. This will allow you to collect additional views, attract new users to the content.


In fact, tags are key phrases and queries that users use to find the videos they need. They are the most important tools in the promotion of videos on YouTube. Write them separately for each video, trying to take into account the interests of the potential audience.

Step-by-step instructions on how to fill in tags:

  1. Find videos of similar topics using the search tools
  2. Open the page to view
  3. Right-click, in the pop-up context menu, select the line "View page code"
  4. Simultaneously hold down two keys - "Ctrl" and "G"
  5. Enter "keywords".

Attractive picture

Choose a bright and eye-catching image to use as your video cover. Pictures that reflect a key query work especially well. Looking at them, the user immediately understands that he will be able to find a solution to his problem when watching the video.


To bring a video to the TOP, you need to collect a certain number of views, likes and comments in the first hours after its publication. According to official figures, YouTube gives account holders two days to promote content. After the specified time has elapsed, it is useless to act - the video will be lost in the stream of the same type of materials.

That is why you need to prepare a letter for subscribers in advance, which will contain information about the new video. It should be sent immediately after uploading to the channel.

However, this option is relevant only for those who have already built up an initial base of subscribers. What to do if you have not yet acquired a permanent target audience, do not have your own distribution channels? Content needs to be promoted.

Primary promotion of video on YouTube

The most important in the promotion of the video are the first 48 hours after its placement on the channel. To collect a large number of views, likes and comments you need to:

  • add video to all social networks and accounts - the more people see it, the better
  • publish it in social bookmarking services (the most popular examples are “Myplace”, “BobrDobr”, etc.), which will allow you to collect free backlinks
  • find relevant topics and discussions on popular forums.

Performing these actions will increase the number of views at the start.

  1. Go to the "Creative Studio" section
  2. Click on "Channel"
  3. Open the "Recommended Content" window
  4. Click on the "Promotion" button.

It is noteworthy that in this way you can promote not only the latest published entries, but also any others.

Backlinks to Promote YouTube Videos

Backlinks are active hyperlinks that, when placed on various sites and resources, refer to the original page. They act as effective tools for promoting YouTube videos, helping to quickly collect views.

The process of promotion through backlinks is built as follows:

  1. The person who has watched your video finds it valuable and useful and starts sharing it with friends by posting it on their page or blog.
  2. Your materials continue to be shared on various sites and portals, they receive backlinks, gradually filling the Internet space.
  3. Search engines index their popularity, begin to bring them to the TOP, rank them in the first places.

At the initial stages, getting backlinks can be created artificially with the help of social networks.

An example of how to promote a video on YouTube using a backlink:

How to get more backlinks

There are a number of services that allow you to increase the number of backlinks. They provide their services both on a paid and free basis. The most popular among them are:

  • Piston Poster. Paid smart crossposting service. Here, announcements of your videos are automatically sent to various social networks (which ones you choose yourself), in which you receive backlinks.
  • OnlyWire. An analogue of the above service, which allows you to get backlinks from Western social networks. With it, you can easily collect up to 50 backlinks.
  • Fiverr. Freelance portal in English. The starting price of services is $5. To get backlinks, it is enough to enter the query “youtube seo” into the search bar and find an artist who will do the necessary work. With the help of this site, you can also increase the number of views, likes and comments under videos, expand your audience.

Using the services of any of the presented services, you will receive additional backlinks, increase activity on the channel. This will allow you to promote the uploaded video, bring it to the first positions in the search.

Three main promotion mistakes

Do you strictly follow all the rules and recommendations for channel promotion, but do not get the desired results? Most likely, the problem lies in some banal error. Most specialists experience difficulties in promotion for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of a specific plan and calculation. To promote video content, considerable material costs are required (advertising, getting backlinks, etc.). The main rule is that investments must be profitable.
  2. Bet on what seems popular to you. Starting to shoot videos, analyze the market, study the work of potential competitors. Engage in a content plan only on the basis of the work done and the statistics collected, and not personal feelings.
  3. The pursuit of likes, comments and other "criteria for success." There are many factors that affect the ranking of videos on YouTube, and "Like" marks are not the main ones. The service starts recommending your content to other users based on metrics such as viewing depth and video popularity growth. Below we will tell you what it is.

Viewing depth is an indicator that reflects the usefulness of content. So, your video may have more than a million views, but YouTube will not recommend it to other people. Why is this happening? Let's say the total duration is 10 minutes and the average viewing time is 30 seconds. Based on this, the system concludes that the video is not interesting to users, is not able to satisfy their request, and, therefore, cannot fall into the “Recommended” category.

The dynamics of popularity growth is an important indicator. It is due to him that some videos manage to become viral and fly around the entire Internet in just a few days.

YouTube algorithms track video statistics. So, if any of the records gains a record number of views in the first day, the social network automatically starts recommending it to a suitable audience. This increases the reach and makes the video even more popular.

In order to promote a video on YouTube, you need to study in detail the materials about the coefficients, ratings and filters of the video hosting itself.

    • Friends and thematic communities
    • Linking your video to external resources
    • Increase in the number of subscribers
    • Keywords (phrases) and description for the video
    • freeze frames
    • Social networks, thematic forums and resources
    • Instead of a resume

Very often you can meet users who believe that after shooting a high-quality and interesting video, you can relax and expect that the uploaded file will gain hundreds of thousands of views with confident steps. This is absolutely not true. If you miss a moment, you can only count on a couple of hundred views, and there will be no financial reward from it. The same applies to a commercial video: You cannot promote a product or service by simply creating a good demo video.

In order for your video to become the most popular, you need to know how it can be promoted in search engines for top results. Let's define the main points that will help promote a video on YouTube.

Friends and thematic communities

Grow your YouTube account wisely: Explore the complete guide to making money on YouTube

For many users, YouTube is considered just a file hosting service where you can watch videos. In fact, this service is practically no different from various social networks, in which there are a huge number of ways to attract people.

To popularize a video on YouTube, you need to gather a circle of users who are interested in the thematic focus of this video. You should find different ways to notify them that this video will be of interest to them, leave likes on your subscribers' videos (if any) and comment on them (preferably with a link to your video if it is very close in meaning). This method is quite laborious and is similar to the promotion of blogs.

Linking your video to external resources

The annotations provide a ban on the publication of links to videos, but this method can significantly increase traffic and popularize your video on YouTube. With the help of annotations, you can insert links to a specific video in other videos you uploaded, and on different channels (if you have more than one channel).

Increase in the number of subscribers

7 secrets of teaser advertising

If you do not have enough time to use various methods to promote videos on YouTube, you should definitely take advantage of the opportunity to grow subscribers on your YouTube channel. By uploading a new video, your subscribers will be able to see it on the main YouTube page.

Having an impressive number of subscribers and uploading a quality video, it is almost 100% certain that your video will gain thousands of views through a “chain reaction”. By doing so, you will also get new YouTube subscribers.

Keywords (phrases) and description for the video

Many popular search engines have recently significantly improved the quality of search by various criteria. However, the description and keywords (tags) still remain the main source for searching. Therefore, when publishing a video description on YouTube, you need to include as many key phrases and tags as possible. In the column listing tags, when uploading a video, you need to specify the most significant tags that are most suitable for the content of the video material.

The original title including the main key will also help promote the video on YouTube. It should be borne in mind that the YouTube search engine works on principles similar to Google, therefore, first of all, you need to focus on including the main search parameters specifically for these search engines.

freeze frames

SEO-optimization of a video posted on YouTube

When issuing the YouTube search engine, along with the title of the video, the image for the video is also given. Initially, if you have not taken any action on this issue, the YouTube service takes a screenshot in your video and sets it as the default image.

It is best to perform this operation yourself and post an image on YouTube that the user wants to click on. It should stand out among others that will be nearby in the search results.

Social networks, thematic forums and resources

All users, in addition to YouTube video hosting, use social networks, some browse forums with information of interest to them.

In order to promote a video on YouTube, it can be placed through social networks, thereby significantly increasing the number of views.

Some of the users who find your video interesting can also repost it on their wall, and this will already attract a new audience to your channel, and such a “chain reaction” can significantly increase the number of views and raise the rating to give it to the top search engines.

Instead of a resume

All of the above methods, answering the question: how to promote a video on a YouTube channel, will help to significantly increase the number of views and attract new subscribers. You can use them yourself without investing a penny, and the time spent will pay off in full.

If you do not have a lot of free time, you can use the services of companies that will carry out these manipulations for you, and the money you will need to pay will be much less than the funds that you can get on YouTube from making money on this video.

Greetings to my dear readers. Today I will reveal all the secrets and show you how to promote a video on YouTube for free. Yes, this question is asked by all users who have created their own YouTube channels from scratch and start recording their videos. Personally, I needed my own channel in order to upload videos for new blog posts, since it is very problematic to store all the videos on the hosting.

If you record cool videos, you can earn big money with the help, but not everyone will be able to do everything perfectly; here you need to have talent and be good at video editing and designing your videos. You will not believe it, but sometimes by making one cool video you can one day wake up famous. Don't believe? So the same Justin Bieber or PSY who recorded mega hits became the most popular people in the world and, most importantly, highly paid, which is what everyone aspires to.

Entertainment videos are very popular and well promoted, as opposed to educational and narrowly focused topics. But there is such a thing as a viral video. I think everyone has heard of such a video that instantly sells like pies, and the number of views totals tens of millions. And no producers and no millions of rubles are needed to promote the business, it is enough to show your talent and please the public, and the users themselves will carry you in their arms to the mountain of gold.

Selection of keywords for video

If you look at the main page of YouTube video hosting, you can see the search bar for all videos, which we will use in the first place to optimize our video. After you have prepared your video for uploading, you need to decide on the requests on which we will move forward. I will use my own example based on my video clip on video compression without quality loss.

If we enter this query in the search, then my video is displayed in the 9th place as in the next screen.

How to do it? It all depends on the competition of this request and its frequency. If we look at the example of Yandex statistics, we can see the following picture of changes in the request history.

One interesting point of difference in optimizing titles and descriptions for videos and articles for a blog is that you can advance on YouTube even by high-frequency queries using them many times both in the body of the document and in the list of key queries. While Google does not punish such frauds. But as we remember, articles were also previously sharpened for promotion in the Yandex Top, which made it possible to highlight queries in the text in bold and often use the same situation now on YouTube. But sooner or later, they will be beaten hard for this, as always happens.

Thus, we select the query we need from the Yandex statistics of wordstat, and also use the YouTube search, where we also enter this key and see which tail can be added to it. For example, if you select the query " How to compress video”, then you can add the second part from a slightly less frequent request and you will get a new one with the prefix “+ without loss of quality”.

After the semantics for the video is collected, you need to go to .

SEO video optimization for YouTube promotion

So, we have a list of our requests in the amount of 2-3 pieces. In my case, they are related to working with video. Now, in order for our video to be picked up in the search, you need to take the following steps:

Step #1. Before publishing a video that is ready after editing or just shot, you need to name the file on your computer as the main request for which we plan to promote the video. Also, after uploading the video to its channel, the service will take the name from the video file itself, but we need to slightly correct it at the second stage of video optimization to promote it.

Step #2. Working with the title of the video is the most important point in the promotion, as elsewhere, this tag has the highest weight for ranking in the search. We make the title no more than 70 characters long and insert our request at the very beginning. The title should contain the main essence of the video and meet the expectations of users.

An important point is also the competitiveness of a particular request.

Step #3. descriptions for your video. Here we also need to copy and paste our main query at the very beginning and finish the sentence with supplemented plain text in a meaningful and readable way. What I mean by this is that the sentences should be correctly written and free of errors, and they should also be easy to read and interesting to read.

You describe what will be in your video in the form of an announcement, like they do for movies. Write tempting content with the main pluses and nuances that the viewer can get by clicking on the links, which also need to be inserted at the very end in the form of free bonuses or simply to your accounts, blog or company website

As you understand the whole point, as in the optimization of materials for the blog. But at the same time, you can still spam the text for which today they are punished with a bunch of Yandex and Google filters.

We speed up the indexing of a new video

Also, in order for a new video to be picked up by YouTube and it gets into the TOP of the issue, you need to ask friends and acquaintances to write comments at least 10 pieces which will help to drastically push the video forward compared to the rest.

Advice: There is an opinion that the more likes the better, but they do not affect the promotion in any way and ordering their promotion is useless and stupid. They're just ripping off customers.

These are the main points and steps that must be done first of all and must be done within the first 2 days, as this is the decisive factor in the free promotion of the video.

YouTube video promotion software

I also began to look for information about various services or use behavioral wrapping. I do not advise you to cheat views and user actions using services on your site, unlike videos on your video channel. Per .

First of all, I went to the services of cheaters and decided to find out what the cost of watching a video is, click on the likes and write a comment, and I just fell out when I found out the prices. Here is the price list of one of the most famous Runet services (I won’t promote the name since I left it myself).

Horror, for pressing the useless like button under the video 3 rubles. And if you need a hundred, then lay out immediately 300 rubles into the pipe -)))). I found one very cool service (, which does not require investments, but only for a mini service itself gives you free video views from different IPs according to the desired settings.

It’s a pity, of course, that there are no other functions besides views, but if you alternate with various ways to promote your site, then you can use the view of a particular page.

After registration, we are offered to add our site. For my video, I recommend adding the channel url as a source and a link to the video itself that will be viewed.

I recommend making the following settings:

  • Breaks between views in 300 seconds;
  • Unique IP for sites, but for YouTube it is possible and not unique does not affect in any way;
  • Insert at least 10 key queries in descending order from the main one and beyond;
  • Set the viewing time to 45 seconds.

The essence of this video promotion service is to acquire bonus points, which are called “Rm” in the system. You can get them on your balance by buying for a penny, or what attracted me is the installation of an application from the service, which will quietly browse different sites of the system participants in a minimized form in the tray, and you will receive points that you already distribute to your sites.

In a couple of hours you can get points for viewing a site or video 100-150 times. They just launched the program and forgot.

After you earn points, just go to the distribute section and scatter the amount of "Rm" for each video clip or site that you promote.

If you don’t have time to install a video promotion program on your computer, but you want a quick result, then you can buy 5000 Rm for only 55 rubles, come in and see the rates. And with the help of the program you simply get points, and after certain actions you can automatically receive bonuses from the system.

In general, with the help of the service, you can promote your video or website without investing money. I hope the material was useful to my readers. Promote YouTube videos for free in a short time and get high-quality traffic. Subscribe to the news, because in the next lessons I will tell you how to create a beautiful letter to send to subscribers or customers, and also IS FREE!!! Be sure to read the cool article where I show.

I suggest watching a detailed video with practical optimization and loading:

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Today we will talk about how to promote a video on YouTube, what needs to be done to get top positions, views and increase visits.

In order to get the result, it is necessary to take into account many factors that in one way or another affect the achievement of the result.

In terms of results, we are talking about:

- top positions in Youtube search for queries

- top positions in Google search results for queries

Both points are interconnected, and now let's look at all the main points.

To begin with, all the most important processes visually(click on image to enlarge):

The most basic seo processes in Youtube:

- selection of keywords

- video optimization

- external factors

- result in the form of a top

- analytics, how to track

Important: you can promote the video as spam methods (cheat, and it works), and you can not cheat. We will look at both options, but with an emphasis on the normal way.

You can promote a video on YouTube:

— in search

When we enter a search query into YouTube search, for example:

That is, as in Google search results, only in video search results.


To start advertising on Youtube, go to your Google Adwords account at the link: . We create a company, and start receiving.

The cost of the transition will greatly depend on the subject, as well as the speed. That is, the faster you need views, the more the budget will take.

The screenshot shows detailed statistics on some videos that were made for the program. There the price is in hryvnias, if translated into dollars, then 8.2 UAH. = 1 dollar.

Let's turn on the math:

Let's take the first video as an example. Since it was the most spent on it.

That is, in the end it turns out not cheap if it is information traffic, and does not go to.

- hard to make settings

— make selling videos (not like in the example above)

— send visitors to selling pages

- sell in the videos themselves

But there are many buts. Everything here depends on the type of video. In most cases, the sale goes through the process of getting to know each other. That is:

- liked

or didn't like the video

If you liked it, then most likely:

- you subscribe to the channel

- watch them regularly

- eventually become a client

— or at least loyal to the company or individual

From our practice in the West, that is, in many topics, for example: consulting, selling goods, services - this type of advertising pays off. Moreover, it gives a normal return and serves as a constant source of attracting customers.

- free way

The free way is organic results, which are completely similar to Google search results.

First you need to understand the main Youtube ranking factors:

If taken as a whole, then when promoting, you need to focus on these indicators. Since, based on these indicators, the video will either get into the top or not.

Now in more detail:

1. Video optimization

In short, the most important thing in the video is:

- write the title (the title of the video, with the keyword in it)

- make a description of the video (the presence of keywords in the description)

- register tags (promoted keywords)

There are also a number of other points that are described in detail in the article.

In the description, especially if it is a commercial topic, it is important to make it unique for people. At the beginning of the description, put links to the site to which you want to transfer visitors.

But it is worth considering:

— Ahrefsу.com


That is, we take the url of the video, paste it into Ahrefs, for example:

We go into the HTML code, copy the url of the video along with the “embed”, and paste it into the backlink checking service.

In most topics in Russian, there are not many backlinks. But if we take competitive topics in the English-speaking segment, then this is worth doing in order to fully understand the picture of competitors.

There are always 2 options:

- White (normal)

That is, ask to put a video on thematic sites, or just a link to a video from these sites.

In fact, if the video is interesting, then people themselves will link to it, and normally and regularly.

- Grey

You can buy links on exchanges or directly. In RuNet, in most cases, this is exactly what happens.

In the English segment, they simply order submissions (registrations), for example:

– registration of 5000 catalogs on the machine

- or registration on the base of .edu sites

Such a link profile looks spammy, but in practice it gives a normal result.

The most extreme case, if you overdo it with this matter, then they can simply block the channel and have to do everything again.

For example, there is an article about how to promote a site in search engines, and the article contains a video that is also optimized for this query:

As a result, a good result in the Youtube search for this query is:

This is not the main factor that influenced, but still, the video on the authoritative and thematic page is extremely important. The more such sites with your video, the better it will affect the result.

This parameter greatly affects whether the video will quickly reach the top or not. Therefore, it is important for the first couple of days to get the maximum number of views on the video.

How can I do that:

- Normal way (white)

- other Youtube channels

— other video traffic (media, teasers, etc.)

It is not a fact that you will quickly succeed in attracting a normal flow of visitors if you have a regular, and not a viral video. And since the probability that you will have a simple video is 99%, you will have to spend a little money on visitors who will go to the video.

- Grey

There are many services for cheating visitors, and according to the necessary criteria and scenarios. With the help of which for a very small budget, you can attract a lot of views.

Thus, you can very quickly influence the hits of the video in the top, at minimal cost. But you should understand that it is always a risk.

These visitors will not be of high quality, but will affect the ranking of the desired query in the video search results.

Viewing depth is an important criterion

If the video is boring, then you should make its duration not long, for example, 30 seconds. This greatly enhances the depth of your browsing experience.

But it is also worth understanding that in commercial topics, almost all videos will be the same as yours. Therefore, the main thing is that more people would view them.


Likes are an important ranking point. The more positive likes, the better it is for positions and results.

It is worth noting that negative likes are not very good and this also affects the ranking.

How to get likes?

Here the situation is the same as with the previous factors. There is a white one and there is a gray one.

- the normal way

- ask friends, acquaintances, colleagues to like (they must have gmail mail)

- if the video is good, then a certain part of the users will do it themselves

- Gray way

In this case, everything is extremely simple. There are a number of services where freelancers (hungry students) can:

- set a clear task

- according to certain criteria

- they will give likes for mere pennies

If you do that. The most important thing is not to overdo it. You also need to understand that this is a risk, and the consequences may be blocking the channel with all your videos in it.


They have the same effect. And the more comments, the better. It is also important if someone mentions keywords in them (in most cases, very rarely).

To get normal comments, look at point 5. The scheme is the same. Or:

- the video is provocative and I start commenting on everything

- asking friends

- we pay those who make comments

If you pay, then it is important:

- set normal TK for performers

- reply to comments

Then everything will be fine. But in any case, it’s better to focus on the quality of the video, then people with comments will catch up on their own. At least in the video, we can make a call to action, that is, leave a comment or ask a question.

7. Video answers

As practice shows, video answers were needed. But few people leave them in UA and Runet. Unfortunately, this is no longer available on YouTube.

If you make 4 or more video responses, then you could get the top for the average frequency request.

The question is how to get them for a boring video? Everything is extremely simple. Freelance students made video answers for any instruction for a penny.

Video rankings are also influenced by social factors. For example:

The more such signals for Youtube, the better for increasing positions.

How to attract?

Everything is done in the same way as described above for likes and comments.

- ask

- wind up

Both options work. But the option with natural social factors works best. That is what needs to be emphasized.

- total number of likes

- total number of comments

— channel age

- video refresh rate

As practice shows, the best thing is when there is constant dynamics. If it is, then YouTube gives such channels more preference than those that are rarely updated.

These are the main factors that you should pay attention to in order to get a result in the form of a top for visited queries, views, and transitions.

Analytics and results tracking

On the channel, you can see all the statistics, for example:

In general, you can track:

– views

- demographic data

- playback locations

- traffic sources

- devices

In the example in the screenshot, the company's channel on Youtube, which has not yet been actively promoted, but, nevertheless, a small but interested share comes from the search.

You can also see what keywords visitors came to the video for:

You need to analyze with intensive promotion. Since with a normal approach in visited topics, the number of transitions from the search reaches 80% or more.

The most important or double benefit

There are many options, here are the main ones for going to the site:

- Shortcut services (, and others)

It looks like this:

In the shortening service, we insert the url we need on the landing page of the site.

Other analytics

If the video is selling, then you can track calls. This is done simply:

- take a virtual number

- put in the video and in the description next to the video

- tracking the number of calls

In Ukraine, there are a couple of services that allow you to do this:



There are many features that allow you to analyze the effectiveness in terms of calls.

What types of videos are best for making?

Most popular on Youtube:

— Entertaining

— Educational

- Music

Accordingly, focus on these types of videos. For businesses, these are in most cases useful training videos on how to do something.


Now in many regions, including Ukraine, Russia and others, it is possible to receive visitors very cheaply at minimal cost. Sometimes it’s enough just to optimize the video, and it starts to generate visitors.

With the help of this guide, you can safely promote videos on YouTube on your own and get the desired result. I sincerely hope it will help you with this.

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