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Promotion to fb is all you need to know. How to promote a page on Facebook

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As long as Facebook has existed, there have been so many debates about what is better in this social network for business: a page or a community. Page backers and community lovers cite a lot of pros for themselves and cons against a competitor. But there is what they agree on: without the promotion of income, neither one nor the other will bring. Here's how to promote a group or a Facebook page and it is worth talking in detail. Let's make a reservation right away that the methods of promoting groups of this social network are very similar to the methods of promoting a group of classmates, for example.

Let's say you created a page or community for yourself or your organization in Facebook networks... The first thing to do is to believe that it complies with the three basic, but unspoken rules of the social network. The rules are simple: the page must be interactive, positive, and the information must be well visualized.

What to do next? Wait for users to appear on their own? In vain! They will not appear on their own. In order for the page to start working on it, it is necessary to add several dozen users. The first participants can be invited from those who are your friends, colleagues or business partners in real life... It will be somewhat easier further. For example, you can post a newsletter inviting you to join a group or page on your own website, or add a similar invitation at the end of every email you send to customers and partners.

As soon as the page is a little "untwisted" and users began to like the photos, you can start systematic promotion.

What are the methods of attraction? Let's describe them in more detail.

Referring friends

As it is not surprising, but the simplest and effective method promotion is all about inviting friends too. However, this also requires some caution, since the goal of promotion is still to attract the target audience. Therefore, after some time, they will simply unsubscribe from your page. Although, probably, there are cases when it was from friends that the very coveted 5000 participants were recruited ( maximum number users on a page or in a community).

Own site

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising (cross-advertising) is very effective remedy to promote the page on Facebook. At correct installation targeting settings (settings for displaying ads exclusively to the target audience), you can attract not just participants, but interested users. However, this method is paid. There are also a couple of downsides: inconvenient payment methods and a complicated setup system.

People who have a certain weight in an area close to you or are "fans" of something similar to your subject help to promote well enough. How to promote Facebook with their help? Simple enough. For example, you can agree to invite his subscribers to your page, in exchange for any service, or for a fee.

Making accounts

This method requires a lot of labor. The principle of the method is simple: a lot of accounts are created on the same Facebook, as well as on other social networks (Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.). The purpose of this work is to connect to these pages different users, who are then invited to the main page or community. The question immediately arises: why unwind several pages at the same time? Honestly, there is no in question about full promotion additional accounts... Their goal is only to initially attract customers and transfer them to the main group.


Pictures are always good. In any field of activity, you can always find something to photograph. If you post successful, beautiful or “cool” photos on such services as Pinterest or Instagram, then it is quite possible to attract users to your Facebook page.

If there is no opportunity or time to promote an additional page on Twitter, then you can organize an automatic repost to this network of messages from Facebook. For a twee account, this may not be very good, but it will ensure transitions to the page. Although much more optimal method there will still be parallel accounts in both social networks. At the same time, it is important to take a close, but still different topic on Twitter, or present information in a different form. the main objective ensuring that links from Twitter direct users to a page or group on Facebook.

Content control

How to promote Facebook without interesting content? Answer: no way! User interests come first. In order to attract new members and not discourage existing ones, you should not let the user get bored. The information should be interleaved, i.e. to be helpful, serious, important and entertaining at the same time. In this case, strict proportions must be observed. The time of posting is also important: when people at work should post more information on business, but in the evenings and on weekends - the audience can be entertained.

Contests, incentives, polls and quizzes

Various contests, polls or quizzes will liven up the page very well. Do not consider such things frivolous. It is interesting to the public, which means it will attract additional users... Well, if such "enticements" are thematic, then this will be just the right target audience.

Do not forget about the promotion. active users... It is imperative to give likes to regular participants for answering questions, their likes or comments. People enjoy it.

A group or page must be useful. Otherwise, readers will simply unsubscribe from your account. Publish advice, opinions of competent people, various photos and videos. Posts like these grab users' attention much better than direct ads or dry ads. text information... An important point is tracking user actions. Observe what they respond better to and try to present a little more of exactly this information or make posts in a similar form.

Questions and answers

It is imperative to answer user questions. And the quicker the answer is, the better. Encourage users to ask questions. If there are few questions, then you can initiate them yourself. Subsequently, users will get involved in the "game" and will ask themselves.


Interactivity is important for promotion. Users should be perfectly aware that they are being communicated with, that the page was created for them. It is important to monitor the reactions of the group or page members. Try to give more of the information that is interesting to them and to which they respond better. After all, you can even ask users direct questions about what they like on the page and what they don't. This communication also works well in terms of retaining old members and attracting new members.

And the last thing. Don't use bots. Maybe this will lead to quick results, but not for long. Real participants will quickly understand your insincerity, and, as a result, unsubscribe from you.

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Business Facebook page and how to promote it


Many people have a business Facebook page. Naturally, it is dedicated to what a person does - services, goods, etc.

If you want to sell exactly through your business page then this material is for you.

Therefore, we will analyze a strategy for making your Facebook business page popular.

Here you will learn how to promote your business Facebook page. via exactly paid advertising.

Facebook Business Page: Why Paid?

Of course, you can promote a page for free, but it is very long and very ineffective.

If you have a ton of time to do free promotion- spam, invite people, comment on pages, etc., then some people will subscribe to you. But this is hardly the exact audience you want.

We're going to talk about setting up of a certain type advertising. After advertising, your community will gradually grow with the necessary subscribers.

You publish some content, introduce yourself, offer your product or services, then make some kind of offer.

Facebook business page: promotion strategy


The first is the design of your business page.

This is all automatically downloaded from the community. You can change only ad text... So, take care of the design of your page... You can test which text works better.

Attraction of subscribers

Therefore, the first advertising campaign that should be launched is to attract subscribers to the page. If you do this through Facebook, then go to advertising cabinet and choose a target - Engagement, Likes page.

When people follow your page, they see your content.

Lecture hall

The second problem that can be faced is the selection of the audience.

Choose your audience knowing the portrait of your ideal client.

Choose people to whom, for example, you have shown ads for your site. Subscriber cost depends on targeting settings.

Maybe 1 or 2 cents, maybe 30 - 40.


People have come to your page ...

The main disadvantage is that they may not see your content. In most cases, in the news feed, they simply click on the "Like" button.

The main part will go to your page and see what you have there. Some will subscribe and will not even see what you have there.

What to do?

Your content should be liked

It works best if people follow your page, not because you asked them to, but because they like what you post.

Accordingly, you have some kind of post that you can promote. Through the button "Raise a publication" or through the target advertising campaign“Involvement”.

The post for the target audience that you have selected will appear in the news feed. If the post is interesting, people will join this community, and this post will also receive likes and comments (engagement), because all advertising will come from your business Facebook page.

As a result ... 2 advertising campaigns

We have a post read, content engagement and more targeted traffic because people click on your community and go there.

Because Facebook will do for you what you want based on your goals.

And every post that is posted in the same way is promoted to different target audiences.

The second type provides activity, engagement, and people who will interact with your community.


Why do you need these people?

Do you want to develop a community to sell ads? Either you have a commercial community, or you have a community for audience engagement if your project is educational.

The goals may be different, but if there is no goal, then the investment of money goes nowhere. And in the future, there will be no money left for promotion, and hands will begin to give up for not knowing what to do ...

Therefore, promote the community if only you see potential in it.

  1. We make a presentable business Facebook page ( good design, interesting content);
  2. We launch ads to get people to subscribe to your page;
  3. We launch advertising on interesting publications with different target audiences;

We get the result.

I hope there was healthy... Share in comments!


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In 2016, the number of Facebook users crossed the 1.5 billion mark. Human. Therefore, it is not surprising that this social network has long been an effective platform for commerce. Both professionals and amateurs are actively promoting on Facebook. How to achieve tangible results from promotion? How not to step on the same rake over and over again? We will talk about this with you now.

How to start promoting on Facebook?

The first step is always the same - formulate a strategy. Don't rush here. It is important for yourself to understand the goals of promotion and what you want to get in the end. Already planning to create and design a page? Stop! It's time to study your competitors. The number of competitors studied does not matter. The quality of the research is important. Composing the analysis of competitors is in the form comparative table in Exel or World.

The more deep Scan will be held the better.

When examining a competitor's Facebook page, pay attention to:

The best way to design a strategy is World.

To automate competitor analysis, there are special services, about which we will talk in the block about tricks and tricks of promotion on Facebook.

Getting Started with Facebook Page Design

Hooray! The competitor analysis is ready, the strategy is drawn up. Finally, you can create your own masterpiece.

First you need to determine what you will be promoting: commercial page, group or personal account.

There are a number of significant differences between a group and a Facebook page.


  • can be closed (participants can join by invitation, records are visible only to participants);
  • you cannot add applications to the group;
  • to a greater extent, it is intended for communication of people with the same interests;
  • no statistics on interaction with the group,
  • you can invite people without their knowledge, which, of course, annoys users;
  • there is a poll functionality,
  • limited advertising opportunities.

An example of a public Facebook group

Closed group on Facebook: information, list of members and administration are visible. Publications not visible


  • visible to everyone - both registered Facebook users and not;
  • perfectly adapted for commercial activities (you can successfully sell any product or service);
  • the number of fans on the page is not limited (like marks);
  • there is advanced analytics, and you can immediately compare the audience engagement of your Page with the pages of competitors,
  • no polling functionality.

This is what the MAVR company page looks like for those who are not registered on the network.

Personal account:

An example of a personal account for commercial purposes. The first account that popped up after searching for "furniture"

If your ultimate goal is to sell products or services, increase brand popularity, get leads, then a Facebook page and promotion is the best option.

With a personal account, everything is clear. But for the page you need to define the type. Facebook offers 6 types of business pages to choose from:

  • Local companies;
  • Company, organization or institution;
  • Brand or product;
  • Executor, musical group, or a public figure;
  • Entertainment;
  • General idea or community.

Depending on the goals of promotion through Facebook, on the type of your product, determine the type of page and category (topic of the page).

First, if your company has a physical address, the Local Companies type will be most effective. By specifying your address, in the future, users who have visited you and who want to leave a post will be able to check in (place a geolocation with your address), which will also become an advertisement for your page.

Secondly, the “Local companies” type has the option “Reviews”, thanks to which your customers will be able to leave real reviews, thereby raising the company's rating.

IMPORTANT! Do not skip fields in the early stages of page design. The more data you enter, the better. Remember, the Facebook page is business card company on a par with the site. And in some cases, its promotion is carried out without the existence of the site.

The purpose of designing a page or group is to make sure that when they get to them for the first time, visitors understand what kind of company you have, what products or services.

Pay attention to url of the page
... If the page name is entered in Russian, then your url will look something like this: D0% B2% D0% BE% D0% B5% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B4% D0% B2% D0% B8% D0% B6% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B5 /% D0% A4% D0% B0% D0% BA% D1% 82% D0% BE% D1% 80% D1% 8B% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B4 % D0% B2% D0% B8% D0% B6% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D1% 8F% D1% 81% D0% B0% D0% B9% D1% 82% D0% B0 /% D0% 9A% D0% B8% D1% 80-356209378049958

To put the address in order, you must enter your username with Latin letters in the information section. The correct link looks like this:

Not only text design should be logical and complete. Visual content is equally important. So, if you sell shoes, the banner at the top of the page should have a photo of your shoes in any variation. Give preference to your own photo content. And only in its absence, use the pictures from the Internet.

The banner can be branded (with a company logo, a slogan and other attributes).

It is equally important to choose the right profile photo. It makes sense if it will be a logo or a photo of your product. If you provide services, this may be a personal photo of you. In any case, the picture should evoke associations with the information that is indicated on the page.

REMEMBER, sometimes originality lies in simplicity. It will not work to surprise thousands of people. Be clear to your target audience. That's the whole secret.

How to write a content plan for Facebook promotion?

When the page is ready, for effective promotion it is worth developing a content plan. He will allow you not to fuss in last moment by looking for videos, processing photos or composing texts. Leave some ad-hoc posting in your plan. Determine for yourself the time and frequency of posting (this is where competitor analysis comes in handy).

It is convenient to draw up a content plan in Exel, where on the first tab you place information about the dates and times of posting, according to tags or headings, on the second tab - directly, the content itself.

Do you need hashtags on Facebook? Many respond negatively: “Hashtags? Facebook? Nonsense! " Whether or not to be tagged is up to you. But let's see why they are needed.

  • Unique (those that only you use);
  • Thematic (those that match the topic of the post).

Tags are a kind of rubricator. If you have a content plan, then you probably have defined post categories for yourself. Tags will help you and your readers not get confused. For example, on your Facebook page, you run a tips section with the tag # petrov_recommendations. Readers see your post in the feed. They love your post and want to read all the other posts on this topic. What to do? Go to the page, and then long and tedious to look for what you need? Only a few are capable of such feats. But tags will make the task much easier.

By the way, unique tags are part of branding when promoting a company on Facebook. One style, one concept. Moreover, in the future, people will be able to post records about your product / service using a unique company tag.

How to post? You can post in real time, you can use deferred posting on Facebook itself, or you can use various third party services... The most popular is the SMM Planner.

Tip - when choosing delayed posting, use third-party services. According to numerous observations of smm managers, such Facebook posts ranks better.

Content uniqueness. Surely nice to read unique content... And if it is useful and visually easy to perceive - a huge plus. But in war, all is fair. Therefore, combine your content with what the world wide web has to offer.

In our experience, Facebook ranks the best posts with video content. In second place are GIFs. On the third, there are ordinary pictures. But this does not mean at all that it is worth posting only videos and gifs. Promotion of groups on Facebook should include the whole range of measures - alternate types of content. Moreover, you can safely try to write longreads (long posts). The main thing is to hook the reader from the first lines. Storytelling (real and fictional life stories) is especially well received.

If you have your own business, or you just want to draw attention to some important topic, then, for sure, the Facebook page on your behalf is already open. Perhaps on this moment you can't boast of enviable user activity. Or even you can, but still want even more audience coverage. What to do? Promote your Facebook page, of course! And how to do this, we will tell you in this article.

Start simple - get attention

Have you seen how many different types of publics are represented on Facebook? Even on one topic, albeit the narrowest, you can find several dozen Similar Pages... Naturally, your first priority is to stand out from this diversity. This can be done, despite the skepticism of many users. Start by choosing a striking but very clear title and Page address. It is not necessary to advertise the promoted goods or services in the title. It is important that users of the social network have a direct association of the product or service with the name of the public.

Then take care of the design. Choose a presentable, but not "dry" image for the Header, work on the description of the Page - this is also very important. Choose a post style. In some cases, it is better to choose an exclusively informational presentation of the material, in others - to work in a creative direction.

Finally, content is very important. Here, as a rule, a lot of questions arise. How often and at what time of day should you post? How to captivate the audience? Should fans of the public be allowed to post their content? Naturally, there are no universal answers. In each specific case, you need to take into account the target audience, the topic of the public, etc. It is important to understand that the Page promotion is largely provided by its fans. If they like the content, they will share it. And so the sharing chain will be launched, available only to social networks. And you will get new fans and an increase in user activity.

More serious methods

Even if you have worked hard on the above points, there is still no one hundred percent (or even fifty percent) guarantee that your public will create a furor on Facebook. Without full-fledged promotion of the Page, you will not be able to get the expected user activity. So, there are several ways to help you achieve your goal. You can choose the most effective one for yourself, you can combine them. The main thing is not to get confused in the end and take a serious approach to solving the problem.

1. Invite Friends and Contacts Email and other social networks. This method is relevant for newly created Pages. Understandably, the first step is to invite all your Facebook Friends. They may have already invited their Friends, etc. One more opportunity should not be missed - import of contacts from social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte) and your e-mail. The second is especially effective if the addresses of your clients are in the contact list.

2. Indicate the place of work in your Profile. Of course, this cannot be called a full-fledged method of capturing a wide audience, but it can still attract the attention of your new Friends or just visitors. personal profile.

3. Tell about your public in all your profiles and on the site, if there is one. It is clear that Russian Internet users are not united with Facebook. Other social networks allow you to promote your Facebook public for free. If you have Twitter, write in the Information a link to the Page on FB and "write down" in the Hat a picture with its address. And if you also managed to get your own website, then be sure to install the Like Button at the end of each published article. And don't forget to post your Facebook business card! It will take a few minutes to create it, but it will definitely attract the attention of site visitors.

4. Collaborate with other publishers. Mutual advertising is very convenient. And often, you don't even need to invest money. You have advertised someone's product, and your Page will also be advertised. Just do not overdo it with such posts, otherwise the public will turn into a message board that will only annoy the Fans.

5. Track statistics. Aware - armed. Monitoring user activity - The best way analyze the situation and understand which promotion methods are effective and which ones can be discarded.

7. Add hashtags. No, these hash words aren't just for Instagram posts. With their help, users of the social network will be able to find the material they need. Accordingly, your posts will fall directly into the hands of your target audience... Well, how not to use this?

8. Buy followers and their "likes". Perhaps this method will seem not entirely honest to some, but many people use it. Go to any service that offers services for buying or selling "likes", and after paying a small amount, order subscribers for yourself. Creating visibility of user activity is very important if you need to attract more fans in the shortest possible time.

Finally, if you have not mastered the promotion of the Page on your own, contact the professionals. Of course, you have to pay and completely trust the third party company. But sometimes it's much more effective method than wasting time learning new skills in promoting Facebook publics.

We have released new book"Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand. "

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Promotion in social networks - important an event that has proven its effectiveness in a short period of time. Social networks give us the opportunity to build a dialogue with potential clients on a completely different level. You can use your group or page not only to advertise goods and services, but also to be useful to your user.

Before I walk you through how to make the world's best social media ads, let me explain why you should choose Facebook as your next promotion tool.

So why Facebook?

This means that Facebook will definitely not die in the next few years, and we, investing in it, will not waste time.

What opportunities are there for promoting a company on Facebook

Before you start promoting on Facebook, you should decide: what kind of promotion platform do you need? Facebook has the usual division into public pages and groups. But they differ in functionality from what we are used to seeing implemented from VK.

Let's try to figure it out!

A Facebook group is a community of people created more to communicate within a specific topic. Newsfeed is a message written by members of the group.

Unlike groups in VK, you cannot post messages on behalf of the group here, and only messages from your friends will be displayed in your news feed. That is, in order to see all the messages of a group without going into it, you need to add all its members to your friends. Groups cannot be advertised within contextual advertising offered by Facebook, you'll have to promote the group yourself. They are closed from indexing search engines, it is impossible to see the statistics of their visits, and all content is hidden from unregistered users.

At the same time, there are business pages. Do not confuse a business page on Facebook with a personal page - they perform different tasks and have different set functions.

The business page serves to promote your company - you cannot use personal profile pages for this purpose. Personal page with a name different from the usual human Name-Surnames, are quickly removed by the administration. The business page can be distinguished by the "Like" button and the likes counter.

The functionality of business pages is much more suitable for promoting a company on Facebook:

  1. It is possible to view statistics and install applications.
  2. The page is completely open for indexing and for unregistered users.
  3. A page can have an infinite number of fans and a wide range of administrators.
  4. The user, after clicking the "Like" button, will see in his news feed all messages published on the company page. Nice bonus will be that the message about the subscription will appear in the news feeds of his friends, as well as in his profile in the section "Interests".
  5. Business pages have the ability to advertise themselves within the network using targeted advertising.

Whichever promotion format you choose - be it on Facebook or maintaining a page - there are a number of general rules to help you find your target audience.

Facebook promotion on your own: how to stop panic and start acting effectively

1. Creation and optimization

Business promotion on Facebook is, in fact, the same conclusion to the TOP, but only within the framework of a social network. Now the search in them works according to an algorithm similar to the algorithm search networks... We are ready to open the veil of secrecy for you. So, the efficiency of the issue is influenced by:

  • direct entry keywords in the title;
  • number of members or likes;
  • update frequency and development of the group / page;
  • the number of your friends in the group;
  • user behavior: user activity, number of shares and comments, etc.

From all this follows a clear list of actions that will help us get into the TOP:

  • we must clearly and succinctly formulate the idea of ​​our business, formalizing it in popular query, and add it to the name of our group / page.
  • it is necessary to build up a fan base, involving everything more users to their community, encouraging them to communicate and take action - comments, likes, reposts.
  • it is worth worrying about the quantity and quality of the posted content: do we forget about our project, are we active?

2. Content filling

Even if you are creating a page dedicated to your business, you do not have to advertise every post - it is much more effective to be useful to the user. Remember that pages and groups are all communities that share a theme. And, until you gain the trust of its members, it is best to refrain from self-promotion. How to conquer it? Create user-friendly content.

There is an empirically derived formula for publishing posts on social networks: 30% thematic news, 30% company news, 30% humor and 10% feedback.

For example, for, - write useful information articles that will help tourists in other countries, post funny pictures and community stories, once a month poll or bring up a hot topic for discussion. Such posts are interesting to users, they will share them on their pages or send them to friends in private messages... One viral post on a Facebook group can bring you hundreds of likes and dozens of new customers. You will be able to form an active community based on your brand.

It should be borne in mind that not all posts can be shown in your fans' news feed. Unlike news feeds VK and OK, where the last published messages are displayed, for news feeds on Facebook, the EdgeRank algorithm is used. The principle of its work in automated selection interesting for the user of news messages that are published by friends or pages / groups. A simplified version of the algorithm looks like

Where does it mean matching the interests of the user

  • timeliness

Weight - determined by the presence of a photo, video or link. Blank text will be light and unlikely to gain a large number of views.

Timeliness - sort by publication date. The older the post, the less likely it is to see it in the news feed.

Attach multimedia content to your posts, share links to interesting articles, invite users to exchange opinions - all this will make EdgeRank work in your favor.

Don't forget the importance of keywords too: even if you decide to create a Facebook group, you still need to include keywords in your posts. There is no need to talk about the need for keywords for business pages: if you are promoting your business through Facebook, it is vital for you to enter the keys that will be read by search robots.

3. Keep active

Add new content regularly. Posts 1-2 times a week will keep users, more often they will attract new ones. Arrange polls, ask the opinions of the participants, offer them your help in solving their questions. Respond to questions and comments, and keep the discussion going.

An effective strategy is to work with opinion leaders - these are users whose words are listened to by the rest of the community. Gather more influential people on your page who will take an active part in the life of your brand, and new users will reach for them. For example, you can make a positive review of their article, not forgetting to mention the link by the author himself. With a high degree of probability, after that he will become a member of your group.

4. Clean the group from spam

No matter how hard Mark tries to protect us from spambots, there is still no escape from them. Remember to regularly check comments and posts for unwanted messages... Remind users from time to time about group rules and this should not be allowed. If you do not have time to follow this, then you can hire a moderator. Just don't let your group turn into another trash can with discount points from RayBan - this will negatively affect the promotion of your Facebook group.

5. Use paid and free ways to promote on Facebook

It's simple. For promotion you need promotion - your K.O.

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