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Processes and services in windows 7. Unnecessary services that can be disabled in Windows

As you know, none of the current Windows systems is one hundred percent productive, offering the user a huge number of unnecessary services, processes and components that work in How to disable unnecessary Windows 7 services, let's try to figure it out. We will take the seventh version of the OS solely as an example, since similar operations can be performed in both the eighth and tenth modifications.

How to disable unnecessary Windows 7 services: general rules

First of all, you need to clearly understand that disabling some services should not be done by terminating some processes in the "Task Manager", which contributes only to a one-time stop of the selected component, but exclusively through special system editors.

In this case, there are several basic methods for deactivating services. Roughly speaking, they can be divided into explicit and implicit. For example, the processes displayed in the startup menu or in the tree of executable background services are visible to the user. These are explicit processes. Components such as the Hyper-V module, which also requires activation in the BIOS, are not needed by the user at all, but he does not know about it. They are not in the process tree, and disabling Windows 7 services and using them can only be done using special settings. But more on that later. For now, let's stick with what everyone knows.

Update Installation Center

"Update Center" is almost the biggest headache for users of Windows systems. The service works as it wants (it is not possible for the user to determine the time when the next update will be released or loaded). Therefore, it can be disabled, especially since all major updates relate exclusively to the Windows security service. And if the user is enabled to receive updates for other Microsoft products, like Office, then in general you can notice almost a daily update.

But here the download and use of Internet traffic is involved. If the system is functioning normally without it, the Update Center can be disabled. This is done quite simply in the settings contained in the standard "Control Panel".


In principle, access to the management of services can be obtained through computer administration, called by the corresponding line in the properties menu when right-clicking on the icon, where unnecessary processes are disabled through the utility built into the Windows system.

Here, the services section is selected and the desired startup options are changed. But do not rush to rejoice. First, let's look at the theoretical issues related to what should be turned off and what should not.

Services section

You can quickly get to the services management section by entering the services.msc command in the Run management console (Win + R). Most services are disabled here.

But here you need to be extremely careful. The fact is that the completion (shutdown) of some processes can adversely affect the entire system as a whole. But in the simplest case, you can simply change the automatic startup type to manual.

Which services in Windows 7 should be disabled?

Now specifically about those processes that can and should be deactivated. A list of them is presented below:

  • remote registry access and remote procedure calls;
  • analysis of offline files;
  • IPSec key exchange;
  • printing system;
  • error logging client;
  • tracking changing links;
  • the Parental Control service, which came to the "seven" from "Vista";
  • Hyper-V virtual machine;
  • unused devices and their drivers;
  • video chip management consoles.

Using autoload

All startup applications are of the type of programs that are loaded with the system at the time of its start (probably no need to explain this). However, not all users use settings to disable unnecessary services.

You can also disable Windows 7 services at the start of the download from here. To do this, use the msconfig access command, which is entered in the standard Run menu.

Next, we look at the startup menu, where the services that can be disabled are presented. In principle, there is nothing wrong with unchecking all processes. You can even deactivate video cards that start together with the system of control consoles. Depending on the modification of the OS itself, you can only leave the control of switching the ctfmon language bar if such a process is on the list (as a rule, it is not there when installing a “clean” version of Windows 7 instead of XP or Vista).

Deactivating system components

But not all processes are available for deactivation in the Task Manager menu or disabling unnecessary startup items. Some components can only be found in the advanced settings of the system itself.

First, let's pay attention to the "iron" components. Smart cards are used by a lot of users who have the ability to connect them to modern terminals and determine them by computer or mobile programs.

Sometimes even card terminals without installing related drivers can give errors. Moreover, not all smart cards are compatible with certain types of devices or operating systems. The same banking system running under Windows makes absolutely no difference which card is used. The main thing is to read the information on the magnetic line. Such a function is not provided in Windows 7, as well as fingerprint recognition, so there can be no talk of disabling it.

But another important aspect of the question of how to disable unnecessary Windows 7 services is to eliminate system load problems by deactivating additional components.

If you go to the "Control Panel" section and select the Programs and Features menu, it is easy to notice that some services are in the active state (checkmarks are placed on their names).

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that the Print Manager service is active in any system, even installed from scratch and without the presence of a connected printer. There is nothing surprising in this, because it is initially assumed that the user will print some documents. This is not true. And the Print Spooler component can be disabled without any doubt.

Here you can also find a bunch of unnecessary things that Windows systems turn on without user notification. At least most of the above components can be disabled without any serious impact on the system.

Additional BIOS settings

In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting separately that not all components associated with the operating system can be deactivated precisely by its software tools and settings.

So, for example, you can disable unnecessary Windows 7 services like a camera or the same Hyper-V module by setting the appropriate parameters of the primary I / O system. The parameters can be accessed by pressing the corresponding button or keyboard shortcuts at the start of the computer or laptop, which the system itself offers. Usually this is Del, F12, F2, etc.

Here you need to deactivate support for Hyper Threading Technology, which for Intel processors is responsible for creating and using a virtual machine.

But what you definitely shouldn’t do is disable the services of DHCP servers and DNS clients, as this can lead to communication failures.

It is also not recommended to disable the Superfetch service, which is responsible for the correct operation of applications after waking up from sleep. Although ... If not used, there is nothing wrong with disabling it in the power plan settings.


This is not a complete list of everything that can and should be disabled in Windows. This is the same geolocation system in browsers, the use of volume background copy services, etc. If you dig deeper, then most processes that are in no way related to ensuring the operation of the operating system can be isolated without any damage.

At the very least, optimization of any version of Windows operating systems in the simplest case of applying settings can be to disable startup items, unused Windows components, as well as network services that are activated by default, but not related to the operation of the OS itself.

Only the main ones to be disabled on a mandatory or optional basis have been considered here. In fact, on closer examination, you can disable everything except the core of the system. And here, the use of optimizer programs is not the best option, since they are actually far from always able to interfere with the structure of the background services of the operating system (it simply does not allow this). What the user sees, say, an increase in hard disk access speed or Internet acceleration, is just a trick designed to show the user the imaginary quality of the utility used, so it's better to just turn off unnecessary Windows 7 services without resorting to third-party applications that , by the way, sometimes they don’t know how to do anything like that, although the opposite is claimed. However, by applying all the methods shown above, you can achieve a significant improvement in the performance of any Windows system. And, of course, it is not necessary to disable absolutely all components and services.

I decided to write this article, starting the search for adequate materials about what services can be turned off in windows 10 for faster performance operating system. On the Internet, as always, there are many different opinions. I studied them, generalized and tried to draw general conclusions. I will not advise which services can definitely be disabled. A lot in this matter depends on the individual parameters of the computer, the needs and tastes of users. Personally, I disabled all of the following services on my weak Windows 10 netbook - otherwise it remained an insane brake (I wrote more about all the measures taken to overclock my netbook in the article Optimizing and speeding up Windows 10 on a weak computer). On a desktop computer, I chose not to touch anything and leave all the settings by default. It is up to you to decide whether to completely disable some services that are running by default.

Some recommend creating a system restore point before experimenting with disabling services. Personally, I didn't do it. If only because it is not difficult for me, if suddenly it is needed, clean install Windows 10.

In general, without extreme necessity It's better not to disable any services in Windows 10 . In my opinion, this can be done only when there are problems with the low performance of the computer and it really needs to be overclocked at least a little.

Let me briefly remind you how to get into these same Services: click the RIGHT mouse button on the menu Start, select the item " Computer management", in the column on the left, double-click to open the item" Services and Applications", then " Services". The service is disabled after double-clicking on it: in the item of the window that opens, select " Startup Type: Disabled».

On my insanely weak netbook, I quite painlessly turned off the following services:

  • NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service- this service is designed for NVidia video cards (you may not have it if you use a different video card). If you are not using 3D stereo images, then this service can be turned off.
  • Windows Search- with the help of this service in Windows 10 and earlier versions, starting from the "seven", the search for the contents of the computer works. It is represented by the ability to find the necessary files, folders and programs through a magnifying glass on the Control Panel, and is also implemented as a search bar in any folder. In fact, indexing the contents of a computer can consume quite a lot of valuable resources, so if this functionality is not critical for you and you want to speed up the operating system, try disabling this search service.
  • Offline Files- a service that allows you to work offline with files available on the internal (local) network. As I understand it, you can safely turn it off if the computer is not connected to any other network other than the Internet.
  • Windows Biometric Service- used to process and store biometric data. In my opinion, everything is clear here: if we do not use fingerprint login or other biometric methods, we calmly turn it off.
  • Computer browser- used to create a list of computers on the network and give it to programs upon request. Again, this service is only needed on a local network.
  • Windows Firewall- Protects your computer from unauthorized access from the Internet. If you have another firewall installed (for example, Comodo), feel free to disable it. In other cases, it is better not to touch it.
  • IP Helper Service- supports IPv6 network protocol. It is not needed very often, but it is specifically necessary to look in each case individually. If after turning it off the Internet continues to work normally, then you do not need it.
  • Secondary login- Provides login to Windows with multiple accounts. If there is one, then you can safely turn it off.
  • Grouping network members- organizes multi-user interaction in a peer-to-peer network. Simply put, you need it if you have a local network, or a home group. Disable if there is none.
  • Print Manager- a service that allows you to queue print jobs and provides interaction with the printer. If there are no printers, then you can turn it off.
  • Remote Access Connection Manager- when this service is removed, the browser will not try to connect to the Internet when working with pages with updating elements. As I understand it, it is better not to disable .
  • Network Member Identity Manager- used to identify members of the local network. Turn off if you do not use the Homegroup.
  • Performance Logs and Alerts- this service, as the name implies, collects data on the performance of the computer. Can be turned off.
  • CNG key isolation- needed for cryptographic processes, helps to securely store the user's private keys from running processes. I still understand what it is and what it is eaten with.
  • Routing and remote access- provides routing for organizations in local and global networks. If there is no local network, disable it.
  • IPsec key modules- for Internet Key Exchange and Authenticated IP. As I understand it, you can safely turn it off.
  • Configuring a Remote Desktop Server- Responsible for configuring and maintaining Remote Desktop Services and Remote Access sessions. In the absence of a local network, disable.
  • SSDP Discovery- Enables discovery of UPnP devices on the home network. The need for this house is questioned by many experts. Better off.
  • Smart Card Deletion Policy- if you do not use them (smart cards), turn them off.
  • Shadow Copy Software Provider (Microsoft)- can be turned off if you do not plan to use the system restore function.
  • Homegroup listener- if you do not use the homegroup, it is better to turn it off.
  • Working Folders- used to synchronize folders on different devices. Because of this, they can be used on any computer where this service is enabled. Can be turned off.
  • Windows Event Collector- allows you to collect events from other computers. Turn off.
  • Server- If you do not use the function of access to shared files and printers, then this service can be disabled.
  • Xbox Live Network Service- Provides access to Xbox Live services. If you don't know what it is, turn it off.
  • Network logon- Provides pass-through authentication. Not needed at home.
  • Tablet PC Input Service- Provides pen and handwriting functionality on tablets. Turn off on regular computers.
  • Geolocation service- keeps track of computer coordinates. Can be turned off.
  • Sensor Data Service- processes and stores information received from sensors installed on the PC.
  • Sensor Service- manages sensors on PC. Don't understand what it's about? Turn off.
  • Windows Image Upload Service (WIA)- can be turned off if you do not plan to connect a scanner or camera to your computer.
  • Client License Service- ensures that the Windows 10 store works properly. Disable it if you are not using it.
  • AllJoyn Router Service- as far as I understand, you can turn it off, but I will not give guarantees.
  • Microsoft Windows SMS Router Service- forwards messages according to previously created rules. I understand.
  • Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service- provides the ability to share TCP ports using the Net.Tcp protocol. If the computer is not used as a server, then you can safely turn it off.
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service- responsible for the possibility of synchronization and automatic playback of files from portable devices. Rarely used, can be turned off.
  • Bluetooth support service- everything is obvious here. If you're not using it, turn it off.
  • Program Compatibility Assistant Service- Monitors programs for compatibility issues. Such situations (incompatibilities) occur quite rarely, and even when they do, this service can rarely be of any help. Let's turn it off.
  • Windows Error Logging Service- in case of any failures, sends data about the error to Microsoft so that the company can fix it. It can be completely turned off.
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service- allows you to encrypt disks. This function is used very rarely by home users. You can turn it off if you do not understand why it is needed at all, or simply do not use it.
  • smart card- Provides access to smart card readers. If there are none, it must be turned off.
  • Volume Shadow Copy- creating a backup copy of the contents of the hard disk (for example, previous versions of text files). If you do not plan to use the recovery of deleted files, turn it off. This is also worth doing because the service consumes a lot of valuable resources, and also performs recovery very slowly.
  • Remote registry- used to change registry settings by a remote user. Turn it off on your home computer.
  • Application Identity- Helps AppLocker to identify blocked applications. You can turn it off if AppLocker is not used or you don't know what kind of beast it is at all.
  • Diagnostic System Assembly- just turn off this unnecessary thing.
  • Diagnostic Service Host- similar to the previous point.
  • fax machine- Responsible for the operation of the fax machine. If you don't have it, feel free to turn it off.
  • Performance counter library host- that this is not understood. Many write that it can be painlessly turned off.
  • Security Center- a service that monitors changes in Windows 10 settings and security settings. In particular, it controls antivirus software and a firewall. If they are disabled or do not work correctly, this center issues an appropriate message to the user. You can also turn it off.
  • Windows Update- well, everything is clear here without comment: the service is responsible for updating the Windows 10 operating system. Everyone decides to disable it or not.

You can also turn off all services related to hardware rendering Hyper-V- they are designed to work in virtual machines and are needed by units. Wherever you see the mention of Hyper-V in the name of the service, you can disable it.

Some services in the Windows 10 operating system appear when the user installs various programs. Many of them may also be unnecessary. But here again, everything is very individual.

What Windows operating systems have always been famous for is its rich functionality, which results in a good use of computer resources for those functions that you may never use. In this article, we will focus on services, as some of them not only consume resources, but are also an excellent loophole for viruses.

To be more precise, we will analyze: what services are and why they are needed, how to enable and disable services in Windows 7, which Windows services can be disabled, etc. Let's start in order.

2 How to disable services in Windows 7?

This is done quite simply. Regardless of the version of Windows, go to computer management and select services.

You will see a list of applications.

By the way, in advanced mode, you can see what each of the applications is responsible for and whether it is enabled or not. To do this, click on any of the services with the left mouse button.

To disable and configure the start of a service, you need to go to its properties.

How to start a windows service? In the same way, in the properties of the application, we launch it. If you want it to work all the time, then select the start of Windows services automatically. If it is needed occasionally, then select the startup type - manually.

If it was not possible to start the Windows service, we are looking for a problem either in the application settings, if everything is ok with the settings, then most often the viruses damaged it. I recommend installing. The problem of launching some applications is topics for entire articles, so as the problem becomes relevant, articles with a step-by-step solution will be released. Not to be missed - .

2.1 Which Windows services can be disabled?

Let's move on to the most interesting. List of services that I disable:

  • Windows Search
  • Offline Files
  • Network Access Protection Agent
  • Computer browser
  • IP Helper Service
  • Secondary login
  • Grouping network members
  • Remote Access Automatic Connection Manager
  • Print Manager (only when not using a printer)
  • Remote Access Connection Manager (if not used - VPN)
  • Network Member Identity Manager
  • Performance Logs and Alerts
  • Configuring a Remote Desktop Server
  • Smart Card Deletion Policy
  • Homegroup listener
  • Windows Event Collector
  • Network logon
  • Tablet PC Input Service
  • Windows Image Upload Service (WIA)
  • Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
  • smart card
  • Diagnostic System Assembly
  • Diagnostic Service Host
  • Fax (if not used)
  • Performance counter library host
  • Security Center
  • Windows Update

You can also disable other unnecessary Windows 7 services. But before disabling, I recommend reading what this application means and only then disable it.

2.2 How to remove a Windows service?

To remove unnecessary services, go to the application properties according to the algorithm described above. Stop the service if it is running and copy its name.

sc delete "Update Jump Flip" (in quotes enter the copied service name)

If the application name consists of one word, then enter the same command only without quotes, for example:

sc delete SysMain

Important: When deleting a service, be careful, because this process is not reversible. Before uninstalling, be sure to read the functions and purpose of the application.

That's all, after disabling unnecessary Windows services, the system resources of the computer will be freed from unnecessary work. To make the effect of Windows optimization more noticeable, I advise you to read the previous articles:

Consider simple tips to speed up Windows 7. A huge amount of resources are spent to make the menus animated and translucent, play additional sounds on the user's reaction and other embellishments. So, if you use a computer for work, then you can safely turn off this "beauty", and in return get some performance boost, as well as free up part of the . In the article, we will consider other services by disabling which, we will increase the speed.

  1. Disable Aero Theme on Windows 7
    Right-click on the desktop and select "Personalization" select Window Color Tab (Color and appearance of windows).
    Uncheck "Enable transparency" and click the "Open classic appearance properties for more color options" button
    Here you can customize the appearance of the classic theme for yourself.
  2. Disable animated themes really speed up your computer. You can check this by looking at the amount of free memory in the task manager with the Aero theme turned on and off.
    If you still care about windows in the Aero style, then you can increase the performance of your computer by leaving Aero but turning off the animation effects. To do this, go to "Properties" "My Computer" - "Advanced system settings" - tab "Advanced" - Performance - "Settings". Remove all checkboxes except the last two last items and "sliding when expanding lists", these parameters do not affect performance in any way.
    System performance is reduced not only by the interface, but also by services, many of which you simply do not need.
  3. Disabling Search Indexing in Windows 7
    Right-click "My Computer" on the desktop and select "Manage".
    Click the "Services and Applications" button in "Computer Management".
    Click on Services.
    We are looking for "Windows Search" - "Search" (Indexing content, caching properties and search results for files, e-mail and other content.).
    Right-click on this line from the list and select "Properties" - "Startup type" - "Disable" - "OK"
  4. Disable unnecessary services to speed up Windows 7.
    Some Windows 7 services are not used by you on a daily basis, but resources are wasted. For example, the Print Spooler service is required only when using a printer. If you do not have a printer, then there is only one harm from it. Go to Manage My Computer and disable services you don't use.
  5. Disable User Account Control user interface (UAC) feature in Windows 7
    In the control panel, open "User Accounts" - "Change User Account Control Settings"
    Click the User Account Control Communication Settings button.
    And now just drag the slider to "Never notify in the following cases:".
    Click the "OK" button and restart your computer.
    The User Account Control (UAC) feature in Windows 7 is very annoying, although the developers claim that it helps protect your computer from viruses and unauthorized access. But in reality, it only annoys you by requiring constant confirmations (recommended only for advanced users).
  6. Using Ready Boost- technology that allows an external USB Flash drive to be used for caching files frequently used by RAM. The main advantage of this approach is much lower latency for random access to information than for a paging file located on a hard disk. It is recommended to use when launching large applications such as Adobe Photoshop, 3Dmax, etc., and only if you have a "fast" flash drive.
    To activate the option, you need to connect the Flash drive to the computer, go to "My Computer" - right-click on the USB Flash Drive icon - go to the ReadyBoost tab - check the box "Use this device". You can set how much space on the USB disk will be used as RAM memory.
  7. Turn off unused components of Windows 7
    Open Programs and Features in Control Panel.
    Click the "Turn Windows features on or off" button in the left pane.
    Now, uncheck any programs you don't use in Windows 7 and reboot your system for the changes to take effect.
  8. Disabling Windows 7 Sidebar
    Right-click on the sidebar and select "Properties".
    In the window properties, uncheck "Start sidebar when Windows starts"
  9. Changing the power plan.
    For maximum performance, double click on "Power Options" in the Control Panel.
    Click the down arrow showing "Show Additional Plans" to see "High Performance". Now it only remains to activate the "!High performance" option. If you want, you can configure power management further.
  10. Disable Preview Feature
    In the control panel, select "Folder Options" - go to the "View" tab - check the box "Always show icons, not thumbnails". This will speed up the opening of folders.
  11. Turn off screensaver and wallpaper
    To display wallpaper and screensaver - the system needs memory. Thus, by disabling these features, we can save some megabytes of memory.
    Right-click on the desktop and select "Personalize".
    Click on the "Screen Saver" link, select "None" from the drop-down menu and click "Apply" and then "OK".
    Now click on "Desktop Background" and select "Solid Colors" from the dropdown menu.
  12. Removing unnecessary programs from startup.
    Run the "MSCONFIG" utility ( WIN+R, in the window that opens, write MSCONFIG), the system settings will open. Now go to the "Startup" tab. Uncheck the boxes that you don't need. This is really important if you have installed a lot of software on your computer. Many programs such as ACDSee will run as a service, in the background, as a device detector, etc. in the launch system. They are not really needed for most Windows users. Preventing such programs from running during system startup will save a few seconds when you turn on the computer and speed up its work in the future.
  13. Disable unwanted system sounds in Windows 7.
    Type Mmsys.cpl in Start in the search bar and click. Go to the "Sounds" tab. Now in the "Sound Schemes:" drop-down menu, select "No Sounds" > Click the "Apply" > "OK" button.
  14. Disabling the login password
    Disable the user's login password, it also takes system time to check it

There are many services running in the Windows operating system, but not all of them are especially necessary for us, and the use of unnecessary services is a waste of system resources. Accordingly, services we do not need or one service can be disabled. How it's done?

You can see the list of services in two ways:

Method 1.
Click " Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services».

Method 2.
We press "Start" and in the search bar we drive in "Services", after which we go to the result we need:

A list of services opens in front of us. Opposite those that are currently working is the state: "Working".

In order to disable one of the services, double-click on it with the left mouse button or once with the right mouse button and select from the drop-down menu "Properties".

We will open a window: the properties of this service. Here in the tab "General", opposite "Startup type", you must select "Disabled" and click "OK".

You don't need to disable all services. Only those that you really do not need at the moment are disabled. For example, if you don't need Windows Firewall, then you disable the Windows Firewall service accordingly.

Owners of personal computers with limited computing resources often try to improve the performance of the operating system by disabling services. By disabling services, a PC user can increase and improve the optimization of the performance of an old computer, but by disabling services that are necessary for the operating system to work properly, problems may arise.

Problems from disabling a particular service can be very different and lead to different consequences. For example, if we disable a service called " plug and play”, this will lead to the fact that you will not be able to connect new peripherals and accessories to the PC.

To help our readers optimize PC performance by disabling unnecessary services, we have prepared a material in which we will describe in detail the solution to this problem in Windows 7, 8 and XP operating systems.

Optimizing performance in Windows 7

In the Windows 7 operating system, there are two ways to disable services. The first way allows us to solve our problem through add-on in Control Panel, the second - through console. To use the first and second methods, we first determine which services we can disable without harming the system.

Here is a list of services that we can disable without harming the system:

  • Print Manager- if your PC does not have a working MFP or inkjet, then feel free to turn it off;
  • Tablet PC Input Service- is responsible for supporting touch screens in tablets and touch monitors, if your computer does not have a touch screen, then feel free to disable it;
  • Remote Desktop Service- allows other users to connect to your desktop remotely and work on it, if you do not use the remote desktop, then feel free to disable it;
  • Computer Browser- creates a transfer list that is transferred to the rest of the PCs on the network. This list is needed to determine the host computer on the network. For a home user, this does not matter, so the computer browser can be disabled;
  • IP Helper Service- is responsible for the new version of the IPv6 protocol. Since in most cases our providers still use the old IPv4 protocol, we can disable this service without consequences;
  • Remote registry- used for remote editing of registry entries. In most cases, this feature is not needed by the home user, so feel free to disable it;
  • Terminal Service- is responsible for access to remote terminal servers, if you do not use RDP, then disable it;
  • Disk Defragmenter- thanks to this service, the operating system automatically defragments the disk, but if you have a third-party defragmentation utility installed, for example, Defraggler, then feel free to disable it;
  • Secure storage- provides secure storage of digital signatures, private keys and encrypted data. If you are not using encrypted information, then disable encrypted storage;
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service- used to encrypt local drives. If you do not use disk encryption, then disable BitLocker;
  • Bluetooth support service- ensures the operation of the Bluetooth transmitter and data transmission through it. If your PC does not have a Bluetooth transmitter, then feel free to turn it off.

To use the first method, we must go to the program to execute " Run" and enter the command "services.msc" into it. You can run the program through the menu " Start” or using the combination on the keyboard Win + R

After executing the command, we will get into the desired add-in. I would also like to note that this way of opening this add-on works on XP and Windows 8.

For example, we need to find and open in this add-on " Print Manager».

To completely stop Print Manager", select the launch type" Disabled” and click the Stop button. After these steps, the service will go into the state " Stopped».

If you need to turn on the printer to the computer in the future, then leave the startup type of the print manager in the state " Manually».

Now consider the console stop of unnecessary services. The first step is to launch the console as an Administrator. To do this, enter "CMD" in the Windows 7 search and run the console as Administrator, as shown in the image below.

In the running console, we will also try to stop " Print Manager". To do this, type in the console the command: net stop "spooler" and execute it.

After that, the "spooler" process will stop. In the same way, other processes are turned off through the console.

The examples show that stopping an unnecessary service is quite easy, so even a novice PC user can handle this task.

Optimizing performance in Windows 8

For Windows 8, disabling services looks the same as in Windows 7, even the add-on hasn't changed much.

Therefore, it makes no sense to describe a similar process. The only difference between Windows 7 and Windows 8 is the number of services that can be disabled. In addition to the services described in the previous example, in Windows 8 you can also disable the following:

  • Changed Link Tracking Client- this service is designed to monitor the changing parameters in installed programs. For example, correcting the address of a shortcut that has been moved to another location;
  • BranchCache- a technology that helps companies speed up the exchange of data in a large network;
  • Hyper-V- you can disable all services in the control panel add-on if you do not use virtual machines on your computer;
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service- provides access to computers via the iSCSI protocol;
  • Family Safety- when using family safety in the eight, it is better not to disable this service.

The list shows which services can be disabled in Windows 8 without harm to the system.

Getting better performance by disabling unnecessary services in XP

The principle of disabling services in Windows XP is the same as in the seven and eight. If you have had experience disabling Windows XP services, then you can easily do it in Windows 7 and 8. The only difference will be the add-in and command line interface.

Also, the number of services in XP that can be safely stopped is significantly lower than in Windows 7 and 8. Below is a list of services that you can stop without harming Windows XP:

  • Error Logging Service- allows you to send an error report of OS and programs to Microsoft via the Internet;
  • Remote registry- described in the first example;
  • Computer Browser- described in the first example;
  • SSDP Discovery Service- detection of network devices with UpnP protocols; Disabling this service is non-critical for a home user;
  • Remote Desktop Service- described in the first example.

The example describes only a small part of the services that can be disabled.

We advise you not to disable services in Windows XP unless absolutely necessary, since this OS, therefore, consumes few computer resources. By disabling unnecessary services on a computer running Windows XP, you will rarely notice a noticeable increase in performance.

In the reviewed material, we examined the main services, disabling which is safe for the functioning of Windows 7, 8 or XP. You can also disable at your own risk even more unused and running services in the Control Panel add-on, most of which cannot be disabled.

Be careful when conducting such experiments, as they affect the stability and performance of the system.

Before disabling a service that is not described in this material, it is better to familiarize yourself with its purpose in the description in the Control Panel add-on.

I would also like to advise novice users conducting similar experiments, create a system restore point and make a backup important data.

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During the operation of the operating system, dozens of small programs called services are executed imperceptibly from the user. They can be responsible for a variety of things: connecting to the network, switching languages, supporting Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, working with printers and faxes, etc. By default, all Windows services are enabled to make your computer easier to use. However, they all consume some amount of system resources. This article provides a description of which services you can safely disable in order to increase the speed of Windows.

Such optimization is especially important for low-power computers suffering from a lack of RAM.

Proper system tuning and disabling unnecessary services can significantly improve the performance of any PC.

By default, even those processes are connected in Windows that may never be needed by an ordinary user. These include fax support, management and registries, and, for example, networking, provided that you currently have only one machine.

Configuring and disabling services

To work with services, Microsoft has developed an interface that is accessed by default through the control panel:

Which ones can be disabled?

Here is a small list of objects that are enabled by default, which can be disabled without negative consequences for the functioning of Windows.

If you are not working with remote connections and desktops, here is a list of items that you definitely do not need and that you can disable:

  • remote registry.
  • Remote desktops.
  • Auxiliary IP.
  • Remote registry (it is better to disable it even if you are working on the network).
  • NetBios module.
  • Browser for personal computers.
  • Server.
  • Homegroup provider.

The following block contains elements for the operation of certain devices that you may not use at the moment:

  • Fax setup.
  • Print Manager.
  • bluetooth module.
  • Tablet PC input.
  • Smart cards.

And, finally, services for providing access to services that are simply not needed by all Windows users.

  • Themes (if you use classic).
  • Windows Search (if you don't need to search in File Explorer).
  • Archiving.
  • Protected storage.
  • Bitlocker (disk encryption).
  • Update Center (if you have disabled system updates and patches).


The purpose of these manipulations is to optimize the system. However, an incorrect setting can lead to unfortunate consequences. It is better not to touch many services that are started by default, because without them the operating system will lose some important functions for you.

Over-optimization is also not of much benefit. If your computer is able to "pull" all the background processes that are active by default, such a setting will lead to nothing.

Good day to all, dear friends, acquaintances, readers and other personalities. Today we will talk about which services can be disabled for purposes, enhancements and other nuances.

You have been asking for this article for a long time and even updated the old version several times. This is the next update, where we will even talk a little about why, in fact, we turn something off, but keep silent somewhere.

In particular, you can learn to understand these nuances on your own and interact with the system more deeply, as was the case with, and all sorts of other interesting things.

Let's get started.

Useful introductory

In view of the endless holivars in the past, it is worth explaining a few important and simple theses.

  • Firstly, here no one is forcing anyone to do anything, does not claim that it will be useful for you personally, will give an increase or security by so much (specifically) percent, and so on and so forth. You perform all actions based on personal considerations, whether the goals already mentioned or just the desire to study the system deeper and better;
  • Secondly whatever one may say, there is a benefit from this. For whom, what and in what cases - as has just been said - this is the second question. One way or another, services not only create a payload / idle load, but also carry vulnerabilities, and sometimes of a very significant nature. Anyone can quickly google the latest scandals on the subject;
  • Thirdly, if you are not a supporter of anything to study, disable, optimize and you like everything as it is, then just skip this article. You can happily giggle to yourself, but no one needs your holivary comments here. They were enough here, both earlier and on our forum, and decently exist all over the Internet. Go fight there.

Once again, for those who are in the tank, the article was written because. Efficiency depends on the situation and the machine.

OS Services Windows(English) Windows service, services) - applications automatically (if configured) launched by the system at startup Windows and executed regardless of the status of the user. Shares similarities with the concept of daemons in Unix.

In most cases, services are prohibited from interacting with the console or desktop of users (both local and remote), however, for some services, an exception is possible - interacting with the console (session number 0, in which the user is logged in locally or when the service starts mstsc with key / console).

There are several modes for services:

  • Forbidden to launch;
  • Manual start (upon request);
  • Automatic start when the computer boots;
  • Automatic (delayed) start (introduced in Windows Vista And Windows Server 2008);
  • Required service/driver (automatic start and inability (for the user) to stop the service).

Roughly such things. Now let's see it with our own eyes, before turning off the services.

Where do services live?

Services reside at " Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Services" (the path can be copied, pasted into the explorer and clicked in Enter):

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That is, just a window with a list of services, their status and all sorts of other differences. For each service, you can double-click and see a description, startup status, rights used, dependencies (other services) and other tails:

Here, by the way, you can configure the parameters for interacting with the recovery shell, more precisely, set the parameters indicating what to do if the service does not start:

This is an extremely useful thing that many do not know, forget or simply do not use. And in vain, very in vain. Just because of this, by the way, sometimes they often restart the computer when you can simply restart the service on failure or set up automatic execution of any actions to this effect.

But let's move on to the lists. So to speak, for freeloaders;)

Primary list of services to disable

To begin with, we once again warn you that you do everything at your own peril and risk, for your own purposes and tasks, under your configuration, system version and hardware. We recommend that, firstly, you first save the article to disk (in case of problems with the Internet), and secondly, write down what you are turning off and why. Better in a notebook.

A simplified, primary list for disabling services is as follows (this is the uncommented version, it may be outdated, it may overlap with the updated list below):

  • Windows Card Space;
  • Windows Search;
  • Offline files;
  • Network Access Protection Agent;
  • Adaptive brightness control;
  • Archiving Windows;
  • Auxiliary service IP;
  • Secondary login;
  • Grouping network participants;
  • Remote access automatic connection manager;
  • Print Manager (if there are no printers);
  • Remote Access Connection Manager (if not VPN);
  • Network Member Identity Manager;
  • Performance logs and alerts;
  • Defender Windows;
  • Secure storage;
  • Setting up a remote desktop server;
  • Smart card deletion policy;
  • Microsoft);
  • Homegroup listener;
  • Event Collector Windows;
  • Network login;
  • Tablet Input Service PC;
  • Windows Image Upload Service ( WIA) (if there is no scanner or fotik);
  • Scheduler Service Windows Media Center;
  • Smart card;
  • Volume shadow copy;
  • Node of the diagnostic system;
  • Diagnostic Service Host;
  • Fax machine;
  • Performance counter library host;
  • Security Center;
  • Update centre Windows.

For those who care about System Restore, I highly recommend not disable services:

  • Volume shadow copy;
    Shadow Copy Software Provider ( Microsoft).

Otherwise, recovery and creation of checkpoints will not work.

Slightly harsher list of disabling services + some comments

Below is a slightly more complete and commented list of services. Windows to disable. It was compiled by the moderator of our forum - for which special thanks to him.

The list, like the one above, does not claim to be the only correct one, but, nevertheless, is the most relevant and intelligible at the moment. Moreover, it is built on the basis of Windows 10. Actually:

  • Dmwappushservice, - push message routing service WAP(we disable it so that it does not send any of our confidential data anywhere and in general;
  • Microsoft APP-V client, - this service manages users and virtual applications, if we do not use it, we can safely disable it;
  • Printer Extensions and Notifications, - it makes sense to disable only if we NOT we use a printer at home and / or somewhere else. In other cases, this service NOT disable (!);
  • Shared pc account manager, - disabled immediately after installation Windows;
  • Superfetch, - maintains and improves system performance. Disable it only if you have a drive. In the case of ordinary HDD(especially laptop 5400 rpm) this service should be left and not touched;
  • Windows Search, - indexing content, caching properties and search results for files, email and other content. The service known to all readers, we turn it off ALWAYS (on the condition that you do not need search, although when it is turned off it will work, but just slowly);
  • Xbox Accessory Management Service, - this service allows you to connect to your Xbox device. In the event that you do not have this device, this service should be completely cut out of the system;
  • Xbox Game Monitoring, - similar to the previous service. If there are no xbox devices, then turn off, and if there is, then do not touch;
  • WWAN autoconfiguration, - This service manages mobile broadband ( GSM And CDMA) data cards and built-in modular adapters, as well as connections and automatic network configuration. It is strongly recommended that you do not disable or stop this service for the best mobile broadband experience. That is, in simple words, if you have, say 4G a modem from some megaphone and you actively use it (on vacation or somewhere else), then do not turn off this service;
  • Offline Files, - the Offline Files service performs the work of maintaining the offline files cache, responding to user logon and logoff events, implements the properties of common API and sends those interested in the work of offline files and changes in the state of the cache to those events that are of interest to them. it is necessary to disable the service;
  • WMI Performance Adapter, - Provides performance library information from management instrumentation vendors Windows (WMI) network clients. This service is only available when the Performance Data Support Module is activated. This service should also be disabled;
  • Net.Msmq Listener Adapter, - receives requests for activation by protocols net.msmq And msmq.formatname and passes them to the Process Activation Service Windows. This service is disabled by default, so leave it disabled;
  • Windows Defender Antivirus, - is only disabled if you are using a different antivirus solution. In other cases, turn it off;
  • IP Helper Service, - Provides tunneling connectivity using tunneling technologies for IP versions 6 (6to4, ISATAP, proxy ports and Teredo) and , - if you stop this service, your computer will not be able to use the additional connectivity options provided by these technologies;
  • Secondary login, - Allows you to run processes as a different user. If this service is stopped, this type of user registration is not available. If this service is disabled, then other services that explicitly depend on it cannot be started. also, it is worth turning it off;
  • Grouping network members, - Enables multi-party interactions using peer-to-peer grouping. When disabled, some applications, such as homegroup, may stop working. we also disable this service;
  • Remote Access Automatic Connection Manager, - creates a connection to a remote network when a program accesses a remote DNS- or NetBIOS- name or address;
  • Print Manager, - disable only if there is no printer
  • Payment Manager and NFC/Secure Items, - manages payments and secure items based on NFC
  • Remote Access Connection Manager, - disable if we do not need remote access;
  • Xbox Live Authentication Manager, - again, if not xbox devices, then turn off;
  • Downloaded map manager, - disable if we do not use microsoft cards;
  • Network Member Identity Manager- Well, you understand;
  • Web Account Manager, - should be disabled if we do not use web records;
  • Access to HID devices, - Enables and supports the use of keyboard shortcuts on keyboards, remote controls, and other multimedia devices. Disabling this service is not recommended. If there are no such special effects, then it is worth turning it off;
  • Performance Logs and Alerts, - the service of performance logs and alerts collects data from local and remote computers according to the specified schedule parameters, and then writes the data to the log or issues if you do not look in the performance evaluation, then you should disable it;
  • CNG key isolation, - key isolation service CNG placed in process LSA. This service provides key process isolation for private keys and related cryptographic operations, as required by the common criteria. This service stores and uses long-lived keys in a secure process in accordance with the requirements of the general criteria. should be turned off as well.
  • Hyper-V Guest Service Interface, - if we do not use virtualization based on HV;
  • data usage, - network data usage, traffic limit, background data transfer restriction, networks with a metered data plan. If you use a non-limited tariff plan, then you should disable this service;
  • Distributed transaction coordinator, is the coordination of transactions spanning multiple resource managers such as databases, message queues, and file systems. If you stop this service, then such transactions will fail. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will not be able to start;
  • Windows Presentation Foundation font cache, - optimizes application performance Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) by caching commonly used font data. Applications WPF start this service if it is not already started. You can turn it off, but it will degrade application performance. WPF;
  • Routing and remote access, - offers routing services to organizations in local and global networks;
  • Configuring a Remote Desktop Server;
  • Windows Immediate Connections - Settings Registrar, - service WCNCSVC contains configuration Windows Connect Now(protocol implementation WPS from Microsoft). It is used for setting the parameters of wireless networks - it should also be disabled;
  • SSDP Discovery, - discovers network devices and services using the discovery protocol SSDP, such as devices UPnP. Also declares devices and services SSDP running on the local computer. If this service is stopped, discovery of devices using SSDP, will not be executed. If this service is disabled, all services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start;
  • Shell hardware definition, - should be disabled from a security point of view, because it controls the startup of devices;
  • Disk optimization should be disabled, - if you don't use the built-in Windows;
  • Remote Desktop Services User Mode Port Forwarder, - if you do not use remote desktops, then you should disable it;
  • Smart Card Deletion Policy;
  • Shadow Copy Software Provider (Microsoft), - disable if we use other backup solutions, such as ;
  • Homegroup listener, - disable if you do not use the home group;
  • PNRP protocol, - Allows serverless peer-to-peer name resolution over the Internet. When prohibited, some peer-to-peer networking and collaboration applications, such as Remote Assistance, may not work. a regular home user does not need this, so we turn it off;
  • Publishing Feature Discovery Resources, - publishes this computer with its resources so that they can be discovered on the network. If this service is stopped, then network resources will no longer be published and will not be discovered by other computers on the network. if you do not need to publish anything anywhere, then turn it off;
  • Windows Event Collector, - this service manages persistent subscriptions to events from remote sources that support the protocol WS Management. This includes event logs Windows Vista, equipment, as well as sources with an interface IPMI. This service stores forwarded events in the local event log. If this service is stopped or disabled, event subscriptions cannot be created and submitted events cannot be accepted;
  • Windows Camera Frame Server;
  • Xbox Live Network Service;
  • AssignedAccessManager service;
  • Windows PushToInstall Service;
  • Windows Mobile Hotspot Service, - allows you to use the data connection on another device;
  • Web Publishing Service, - provides connections through the network and manage them using the service manager IIS;
  • User Experience Virtualization Service, - Provides support for moving application and OS settings;
  • Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service, - disable if not in use HV;
  • Windows Perception Service, - allows you to perform spatial perception, spatial input and holographic rendering;
  • Store demo service, - turn off if you do not need a store Windows;
  • Capability Access Manager Service, - Provides a means to control application access UWP to application capabilities and verifying that an application has access to certain application capabilities.

As always, if you have any questions, thoughts, additions and other ideas, then welcome to comment on this material. Nonsense, holivars and other nonsense will henceforth be removed here globally and permanently.

Thank you for being with us.

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