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Asus laptop problems. What causes ASUS laptops to freeze: typical diseases and problems

Are you having a problem with your laptop? You don't know what to do? Then this material is for you. The solution to the problem should start from here. Here are solutions to common laptop problems.


This article provides solutions to common laptop problems in a Q&A format. Over time, this list will expand.

1. Problems with turning on and off the laptop

Question: My laptop won't turn on. When you press the button, all the lights come on and after a couple of seconds the laptop turns off. What to do?

Answer: often these kinds of problems are caused by the failure of the south or north bridge (these are such large microcircuits on the laptop motherboard) or unsuccessful BIOS firmware.
Microcircuits can fail due to overheating, due to static electricity, due to the fact that faulty equipment was connected to the USB or other port. Often, repairs come down to replacing the laptop motherboard or re-soldering the microcircuit. Service centers do this. Replacing the motherboard can cost from $100 to $300, soldering is $50-200 cheaper. At home, soldering is almost impossible.
In case of unsuccessful laptop BIOS flashing, you can try to restore the BIOS. How to do this is roughly described in this forum topic: BIOS Recovery procedures / Translation of BIOS Recovery procedures. There are no guarantees that everything will work out, but it's worth a try. In extreme cases, you can take the laptop to a service center, where the BIOS will be flashed on the programmer.

Question: My laptop screen won't turn on. When you turn on the laptop, all the lights come on, you can hear how Windows is loading, but there is no image on the monitor at all. What to do?

Answer: the reason for this behavior of the laptop can be both a malfunction of the matrix and the video card. You can pinpoint the cause using a flashlight or lamp, as well as an external monitor. If you can see something there with intense external illumination of the laptop matrix, then the problem is in the backlight. Either the backlight itself or the inverter ("power supply" of the lamp) has failed. Replacement can be done at the service center. Depending on the greed of the service center, a replacement can cost from $50 to $150. Also, the fault may be the matrix cable. Just lost contact. If nothing is visible on the laptop monitor, then you should connect an external monitor. If there is an image on an external monitor, then the problem is in the matrix itself or in the matrix cable. If there is no image on the external monitor, then the video card is out of order. Replacement costs from $100 to $300. You need to contact the service center.

Question: my laptop turns on, but on the screen there are multi-colored squares / stripes / uniform illumination. How to fix?

Answer: The easiest way to diagnose is to connect an external monitor to the laptop. If there are the same image defects, then the video card is to blame. If everything is fine on the external monitor, then the problem is either in the matrix itself or in the matrix cable.
If the problem is with the monitor or cable, then you should first try to pull out and insert the ends of the cable into the connectors and check the places of soldering / twisting. A sign of problems with the cable is also a change in noise on the screen when you change the angle of the cover. Interference usually has the form of bands or uniform illumination. If after these manipulations the image is still covered with stripes, then the matrix itself has failed. You can replace it at the service center. It costs about $200-400.
If the image on the monitor is covered with multi-colored cubes, doubles / quadruples, defects begin after installing the video driver, then the problem is with the video card. You can replace it at the service center. Problems with the video card are discussed in this forum thread:.

Question: My laptop freezes when I turn it on. How to fix?

Answer: the problem can be both in overheating and in programs / drivers with errors.
First you should try to go through Safe mode. To do this, press the button when loading F8 and select the appropriate item. When the system boots up, use the CCleaner utility to clean up startup and remove bad programs. How to work with this utility is described here:. If this does not help, then the laptop is probably overheating. How to solve this problem is described here:. Laptop cooling issues are discussed in this forum thread:. It is also worth checking the hard drive and laptop memory according to this instruction:.
Freezes during BIOS loading are often associated with poor contact between the hard drive, drive and memory, as well as the presence of extra devices in the laptop ports. To solve the problem, you need to pull out the hard drive, drive and RAM a couple of times and insert it into the laptop, and also check for errors as described in the article at the link above. All external devices should be disabled.

Question: Windows won't boot for me. What to do?

Answer: how to restore Windows is described in detail in this material: Restoring Windows. If you urgently need data on a laptop, then use this instruction:. If you have a problem loading Windows, then you should ask for help in this forum thread:.

Question: My laptop won't boot. When loading the BIOS, an error occurs PXE. How to solve a problem?

Answer: you should go into the BIOS of the laptop and set the hard drive to the first place in the boot list.

Question: when I boot my laptop asks for a password to start or to the hard drive. How to recognize him?

Question: My laptop won't turn off. How to fix it?

Answer: put the patch first KV909667(download / download). If this does not help, then it is worth updating the drivers for the video card. More details can be found here: and here:. If this does not help, then you should reinstall the drivers for the Webcam and Wi-Fi.

2. Problems installing Windows

Question: how to install on windows laptop

Answer: Windows installation is described in detail in these materials:, and. Questions about installing different versions of Windows, please state in this section of the forum in the relevant topics:.

Question: I want to install two Windows on a laptop with a choice of which one to boot at startup. Is it possible?

Answer: yes, it is possible. The procedure is described in these materials: and.

Question: when installing Windows on a laptop, it freezes or gives a "blue screen". What to do?

Question: When installing Windows XP, the installer does not see any hard drive. What is the reason?

Answer: you need to integrate SATA drivers according to this instruction:.

Question: while installing Windows XP from a flash drive, I get an error with hal.dll. How to fix it?

Answer: you need to edit the file boot.ini as described in this article: .

Question: When installing Windows Vista / 7, the system asks for a driver for the DVD drive. Where to get the driver?

Answer: you don't really need a driver. You need to update the BIOS and try a different build of Windows (highly desirable original).

Question: I can't install from disk. How to install Windows?

Answer: First of all, it is worth checking whether it is worth booting from disk in the BIOS. If it is, but the disk still does not boot, then you need to check whether this disk is loaded on other computers. If it does not load, then you should look for another distribution. If it loads, then we try to burn the distribution kit with Windows to another disk.

Question: I had Windows XP / VIsta / 7 preinstalled on my laptop, but I deleted it along with hidden partitions for recovery. There are no recovery discs. Is there any way to get a license system?

Answer: can. If the laptop came with the original Windows, then on the bottom of the laptop there should be a piece of paper with the specified Windows version and serial number. You take out a disk with Windows and at installation enter that serial number. After installation, you will need to install drivers and programs, as well as carry out activation. Windows in this case will be original.

Question: I heard that you can restore the system with programs and drivers as at the time of purchase? What are the hidden partitions on my hard drive with a capacity of several gigabytes?

Answer: at the moment, laptop manufacturers are less and less likely to complete their products with disks for system recovery. The user is prompted to record them manually using a special utility that comes with the kit. To restore the system, you just need to boot from those disks, and then follow the instructions on the screen. Often, with such a recovery, the entire contents of the C:\ drive or the entire hard drive are erased. This is worth considering.
In addition to recovering from disks, you can also restore the system from hidden partitions that are recorded by the manufacturer on the laptop's hard drive. To start this recovery, you need to press certain key combinations at the beginning of the laptop boot, when the BIOS is loaded. For Acer laptops, this is Alt + F10, ASUS - F9, Dell - Ctrl + F11, Fujitsu Siemens - F8, HP - F11, MSI - F11, Packard Bell - F10, Rover - Alt, Sony - F10, Toshiba - F8. As in the case of recovery from disks, the contents of the C:\ drive or the entire hard drive will be erased (except for hidden partitions, of course).
For recovery to work, you need the original MBR (boot record) and the presence of hidden partitions. Also important is the partition structure of the hard drive (number and type of partitions). If you accidentally deleted hidden sections, then do not despair. You can always install Windows from scratch by entering the serial number on a piece of paper on the bottom of the laptop. It is advisable to use the original builds of Windows. Detailed installation instructions are available on this site. You will also need to install drivers and programs. This issue is discussed in this forum thread:.

3. Problems with installing drivers;

Question: Where can I find laptop drivers?

Answer: This guide can help you with that. Questions that relate to the search and installation of drivers, please state in this forum thread:.

Question: Where can I get the latest video card drivers?

Answer: for integrated Intel graphics cards, drivers are available on the Intel website. In the case of ATI and nVidia video cards, check out these materials: and. Please ask questions about video drivers in this forum thread:.

Question: I don't have a driver installed. I run setup.exe but it doesn't install. What to do?

Answer: it is worth trying to install the driver manually according to this instruction: Manual driver installation. Beginner's Guide. If it doesn't help, then refer to this forum thread:.

Question: I don't have Bluetooth drivers installed. What to do?

Answer: First you need to make sure that there is a Bluetooth adapter in the laptop. The presence of a switch button / lever does not guarantee the presence of a Bluetooth adapter in a laptop.
Next, you should turn on the adapter and install the driver itself directly. Usually they are in the folder with the downloaded program. And after installing the driver, you can install the program itself through setup.exe. If you start installing the program right away, a message may appear stating that the driver was not found.

Question: how to install drivers for fingerprint scanner

Answer: Installing the driver for the fingerprint scanner is similar to installing the Bluetooth driver. First, the driver itself is installed on the scanner, and then the program for working with it.

Question: I have additional buttons on my laptop. Why don't they work?

Answer: additional utilities are often required for additional buttons to work. They are specific to each laptop manufacturer. You can find them on the websites of laptop manufacturers. This issue is discussed in this forum thread:.

Question: The touch buttons and scrollbars on the touchpad do not work for me. How to fix?

Answer: you need to install drivers for the touchpad. Often this is Synaptics, less often ALPS and ElanTech.

Question: I do not install a driver for sound, Wi-Fi. What to do?

Answer: First you need to try a different version of the driver. If it does not help, then change the assembly of Windows to the original one. Such problems often occur on Windows builds. This issue is discussed in this forum thread:.

Question: My webcam is not working. How to fix?

Answer: First of all, you should find out from this instruction which camera is installed. Then you need to download the driver and the program to work with the camera from the manufacturer's website. Next, you need to install the driver itself, and then the program for working with the Webcam. If there are any difficulties, then we turn to this forum topic:.

4. Problems with the laptop

Question: My laptop started to slow down in games, freeze or just turn off. What to do?

Question: I began to slow down the sound when playing music or movies. How to fix?

Answer: first you need to check if DMA and caching are enabled according to this instruction. If enabled, then you should update the BIOS and drivers on Wi-Fi. It also does not hurt to check the hard drive for errors according to these instructions:.

Question: My keyboard / touchpad / battery began to fail. What to do?

Answer: First of all, try to remove and insert the battery into the laptop. The power supply must be turned off. If it does not help, then you should contact the service center. This issue is discussed in this forum thread:.

Question: how to properly use a laptop so that it lasts as long as possible?

Question: how can i speed up my laptop?

Question: Can I install more memory in my laptop, another hard drive, replace the processor, video card?

Answer: answers to these questions should be sought in this forum thread:.

Question: I spilled tea/coffee/wine/water/other liquids on the keyboard. What to do?

Answer: first of all, you need to disconnect the laptop from the network and remove the battery to avoid electrochemical corrosion. Next, it is worth turning the laptop over so that the liquid does not get on the motherboard. If certain keys on the keyboard stick or do not work, then they should be disassembled and wiped with clean water. Never use solvents or other household chemicals. This may damage the keyboard. Often a new keyboard costs around $50-150.

5. Questions related to laptop memory

Question: I have 4 GB of RAM in my laptop, but why does Windows only show three?

Answer: The fact is that 32-bit operating systems do not "see" more than 3 GB. This is due to the limitation of the address space. You can read more about this here:. If you still have a 64-bit version of Windows, but the system still does not see more than three gigabytes of memory, then you should update the laptop BIOS or enable the BIOS option 4Gb Remapping, if there is one.

Question: why do some programs show that my video card has only 8 (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024) megabytes of memory. The laptop indicates that it is much larger. What is the reason?

Answer: the fact is that laptop video cards use both their dedicated memory and can use part of the laptop's RAM for their needs. This process is automatically controlled by the video driver. If the video card needs more memory than it has, then the video driver allocates additional memory from the laptop's RAM. This process is fully automatic. For example, let's take the GMA950 video card built into the chipset. She has only 8 MB of her own memory, but if necessary, the video driver allocates her up to 384 MB of memory from the RAM. Manufacturers often like to sum up the amount of video card's own memory and the maximum amount allocated from the RAM. So it turns out more figure :).

Question: I have a 160 (250, 320, 500) GB hard drive in my laptop, but the system shows that the hard drive is only 147 (232, 298, 477) GB. Where did the memory go?

Important note: the article is under revision. If you have suggestions to add to this FAQ, then we express them in this forum thread:

A detailed description of how to solve hardware problems with turning on a laptop, with image defects, as well as many other problems at home.

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  • Solving sound problems

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  • Laptop cooling

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  • Are you having a problem with your laptop? You don't know what to do? Then this material is for you. The solution to the problem should start from here. Here are solutions to common laptop problems.


    This article provides solutions to common laptop problems in a Q&A format. Over time, this list will expand.

    1. Problems with turning on and off the laptop;
    2. Problems installing Windows;
    3. Problems installing drivers;
    4. Problems with the laptop;
    5. Questions related to laptop memory.

    1. Problems with turning on and off the laptop

    Question: My laptop won't turn on. When you press the button, all the lights come on and after a couple of seconds the laptop turns off. What to do?

    Answer: often these kinds of problems are caused by the failure of the south or north bridge (these are such large microcircuits on the laptop motherboard) or unsuccessful BIOS firmware.
    Microcircuits can fail due to overheating, due to static electricity, due to the fact that faulty equipment was connected to the USB or other port. Often, repairs come down to replacing the laptop motherboard or re-soldering the microcircuit. Service centers do this. Replacing the motherboard can cost from $100 to $300, soldering is $50-200 cheaper. At home, soldering is almost impossible.
    In case of unsuccessful laptop BIOS flashing, you can try to restore the BIOS.

    Question: My laptop screen won't turn on. When you turn on the laptop, all the lights come on, you can hear how Windows is loading, but there is no image on the monitor at all. What to do?

    Answer: the reason for this behavior of the laptop can be both a malfunction of the matrix and the video card. You can pinpoint the cause using a flashlight or lamp, as well as an external monitor. If you can see something there with intense external illumination of the laptop matrix, then the problem is in the backlight. Either the backlight itself or the inverter ("power supply" of the lamp) has failed. Replacement can be done at the service center. Depending on the greed of the service center, a replacement can cost from $50 to $150. Also, the fault may be the matrix cable. Just lost contact. If nothing is visible on the laptop monitor, then you should connect an external monitor. If there is an image on an external monitor, then the problem is in the matrix itself or in the matrix cable. If there is no image on the external monitor, then the video card is out of order.

    Question: my laptop turns on, but on the screen there are multi-colored squares / stripes / uniform illumination. How to fix?

    Answer: The easiest way to diagnose is to connect an external monitor to the laptop. If there are the same image defects, then the video card is to blame. If everything is fine on the external monitor, then the problem is either in the matrix itself or in the matrix cable.
    If the problem is with the monitor or cable, then you should first try to pull out and insert the ends of the cable into the connectors and check the places of soldering / twisting. A sign of problems with the cable is also a change in noise on the screen when you change the angle of the cover. Interference usually has the form of bands or uniform illumination. If after these manipulations the image is still covered with stripes, then the matrix itself has failed.

    Question: My laptop freezes when I turn it on. How to fix?

    Answer: the problem can be both in overheating and in programs / drivers with errors.
    First you should try to go through Safe mode. To do this, press the button when loading F8 and select the appropriate item. When the system boots up, use the CCleaner utility to clean up startup and remove bad programs. How to work with this utility is described here: Cleaning up Windows from garbage using CCleaner.

    Question: My laptop won't boot. When loading the BIOS, an error occurs PXE. How to solve a problem?

    Answer: you should go into the BIOS of the laptop and set the hard drive to the first place in the boot list.

    2. Problems installing Windows

    Question: When installing Windows Vista / 7, the system asks for a driver for the DVD drive. Where to get the driver?

    Answer: you don't really need a driver. You need to update the BIOS and try a different build of Windows (highly desirable original).

    Question: I can't install from disk. How to install Windows?

    Answer: First of all, it is worth checking whether it is worth booting from disk in the BIOS. If it is, but the disk still does not boot, then you need to check whether this disk is loaded on other computers. If it does not load, then you should look for another distribution. If it loads, then we try to burn the distribution kit with Windows to another disk.

    Question: I had Windows XP / VIsta / 7 preinstalled on my laptop, but I deleted it along with hidden partitions for recovery. There are no recovery discs. Is there any way to get a license system?

    Answer: can. If the laptop came with the original Windows, then on the bottom of the laptop there should be a piece of paper with the specified Windows version and serial number. You take out a disk with Windows and at installation enter that serial number. After installation, you will need to install drivers and programs, as well as carry out activation. Windows in this case will be original.

    Question: I heard that you can restore the system with programs and drivers as at the time of purchase? What are the hidden partitions on my hard drive with a capacity of several gigabytes?

    Answer: at the moment, laptop manufacturers are less and less likely to complete their products with disks for system recovery. The user is prompted to record them manually using a special utility that comes with the kit. To restore the system, you just need to boot from those disks, and then follow the instructions on the screen. Often, with such a recovery, the entire contents of the C:\ drive or the entire hard drive are erased. This is worth considering.
    In addition to recovering from disks, you can also restore the system from hidden partitions that are recorded by the manufacturer on the laptop's hard drive. To start this recovery, you need to press certain key combinations at the beginning of the laptop boot, when the BIOS is loaded. For Acer laptops, this is Alt + F10, ASUS - F9, Dell - Ctrl + F11, Fujitsu Siemens - F8, HP - F11, MSI - F11, Packard Bell - F10, Rover - Alt, Sony - F10, Toshiba - F8. As in the case of recovery from disks, the contents of the C:\ drive or the entire hard drive will be erased (except for hidden partitions, of course).
    For recovery to work, you need the original MBR (boot record) and the presence of hidden partitions. Also important is the partition structure of the hard drive (number and type of partitions). If you accidentally deleted hidden sections, then do not despair. You can always install Windows from scratch by entering the serial number on a piece of paper on the bottom of the laptop. It is advisable to use the original builds of Windows. Detailed installation instructions are available on this site. You will also need to install drivers and programs.

    3. Problems with installing drivers;

    Question: I don't have Bluetooth drivers installed. What to do?

    Answer: First you need to make sure that there is a Bluetooth adapter in the laptop. The presence of a switch button / lever does not guarantee the presence of a Bluetooth adapter in a laptop.
    Next, you should turn on the adapter and install the driver itself directly. Usually they are in the folder with the downloaded program. And after installing the driver, you can install the program itself through setup.exe. If you start installing the program right away, a message may appear stating that the driver was not found.

    Question: how to install drivers for fingerprint scanner

    Answer: Installing the driver for the fingerprint scanner is similar to installing the Bluetooth driver. First, the driver itself is installed on the scanner, and then the program for working with it.

    Question: The touch buttons and scrollbars on the touchpad do not work for me. How to fix?

    Answer: you need to install drivers for the touchpad. Often this is Synaptics, less often ALPS and ElanTech.

    4. Problems with the laptop

    Question: I spilled tea/coffee/wine/water/other liquids on the keyboard. What to do?

    Answer: first of all, you need to disconnect the laptop from the network and remove the battery to avoid electrochemical corrosion. Next, it is worth turning the laptop over so that the liquid does not get on the motherboard. If certain keys stick or do not work on the keyboard, then they should be disassembled and wiped with clean water. Never use solvents or other household chemicals. This may damage the keyboard. Often a new keyboard costs around $50-150.

    5. Questions related to laptop memory

    Question: why do some programs show that my video card has only 8 (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024) megabytes of memory. The laptop indicates that it is much larger. What is the reason?

    Answer: the fact is that laptop video cards use both their dedicated memory and can use part of the laptop's RAM for their needs. This process is automatically controlled by the video driver. If the video card needs more memory than it has, then the video driver allocates additional memory from the laptop's RAM. This process is fully automatic. For example, let's take the GMA950 video card built into the chipset. She has only 8 MB of her own memory, but if necessary, the video driver allocates her up to 384 MB of memory from the RAM. Manufacturers often like to sum up the amount of video card's own memory and the maximum amount allocated from the RAM. So it turns out more figure :).

    Question: I have a 160 (250, 320, 500) GB hard drive in my laptop, but the system shows that the hard drive is only 147 (232, 298, 477) GB. Where did the memory go?

    Answer: the reason is simple. Hard drive manufacturers believe that 1 KB = 1000 bytes, 1 MB = 1000000 bytes, 1 GB = 1000000000 bytes, and so on. Program developers consider that 1 KB = 1024 bytes, 1 MB = 1048576 bytes, and so on. So it turns out that a 160 GB hard drive has a capacity of 160 billion bytes, or about 147 GB. Hidden partitions can also be the reason for the loss of disk space.

    To be continued...

    In this article, a laptop repair wizard gives tips on diagnosing and fixing common laptop problems. How to identify a malfunction, why your laptop does not work, what can you fix yourself, and when do you need a specialist? You will know what happened, what it threatens and what needs to be done.

    Laptop won't turn on

    Your laptop won't turn on. First you need to check the power supply.

    With a tester, we check the voltage in the power supply connector in the three-pin connector, we look at the voltage between the central contact and the outer, in the 2-pin between the inner and outer.

    If there is no voltage, or it does not correspond to the nominal value (usually 19V), the laptop power supply is faulty, just change it.
    If there is voltage, then we look further at the power connector itself, if there is a short circuit or open circuit, we check the operation of the power button. If the button is working, then you yourself cannot repair it, bring it to the service. The power connector is usually destroyed from the inside, it can also only be replaced in the workshop.

    If everything is in order with the connector, but the laptop still does not turn on, then the matter is serious - the motherboard is faulty. It can be a multicontroller, a power switching chip, repair will cost about 6000-7000 rubles.

    Laptop won't boot

    A more common malfunction is that the laptop turns on, but the hard drive does not boot, the motherboard does not start at all, there is no image on the screen.
    We try to remove the battery and reboot, if this does not help, we try to change the memory. If this does not help, we carry it to the workshop. As a rule, this is due to a malfunction of the motherboard, video card, less often the processor.

    If there are problems with the video card, then we look at whether it is built-in (soldered) or as a separate MXM module.
    Some Acer laptops have a separate MXM graphics card. It is unlikely to be replaced, but it will cost about 6,500 rubles. Similarly, with the repair of a video card in Asus and Fujitsu laptops, which may also have MXM video cards. Separate video cards were in some Toshiba laptops.
    If the laptop does not have a separate modular video card, then the video card is soldered into the motherboard, located in the chipset or processor. In this case, you need to repair the motherboard (solder the video chip) or change the processor.

    No image, image problems

    If the laptop turns on, it boots up (the HDD activity indicator shows activity), but there is no image. We try to add brightness, switch to an external monitor and back. If it does not help, we carry it to the workshop. Possible malfunctions: video card, matrix, inverter, cable. If the inverter fails, it is still possible to see a very weak image in reflected light.
    If the matrix burned out, then the following situation may occur on the screen: there is no picture, vertical stripes, a white or gray screen, a partial absence of an image.

    Lost brightness on laptop

    A typical malfunction in a laptop: the brightness is gone, the image is barely visible. This may be a breakdown of the inverter in the lamp matrix, a malfunction of the matrix itself. possible by replacing it. The inverter was used in older laptops, it converted the motherboard's DC control voltage into AC power for the backlight. It is usually possible to adapt an inverter from another laptop as a replacement, but the parameters of this inverter will differ from the original one and correct operation is not guaranteed. If you take the inverter from another device, then the brightness floating effect may occur - the screen starts to flicker after a while, the brightness floats. Repair of the inverter costs 3000 rubles.

    Laptop battery is defective

    Due to a faulty battery, the laptop may not turn on at all. If the laptop battery does not work, we look at how long it holds. We find out if the battery controller is working - the board inside the battery.
    If the laptop does not turn off immediately after pulling out the adapter, then the controller inside the battery is working, and its elements are worn out and you can buy a new battery for replacement. If the laptop turns off immediately after the adapter plug is pulled out, then it should be taken to the service so that the malfunction can be diagnosed there. Otherwise, you risk - in vain buy a new battery with a working old one. Possible malfunctions of the laptop battery: malfunction of the control board in the battery or circuitry on the motherboard.
    If the controller circuit on the motherboard fails, the battery will not work. Replacing a laptop battery costs about 3,000 rubles.

    Individual devices not working

    What to do if faulty: DVD, keyboard, USB ports, touchpad, bluetooth, WiFi.
    If the laptop drive does not work, we fix the breakdown by replacing it with a working one - the replacement price is 1600 rubles. But if the drive controller malfunctions, you will have to use an external USB drive.
    If the keyboard on the laptop does not work, we replace the keyboard in the workshop (it is difficult to pick up and replace it ourselves - you can break the fasteners. If individual keys break, you can repair it inexpensively, but the work is painstaking - you will need to select the keys according to the fasteners (there are several of them), color, shape, size .

    The reasons for a USB malfunction on a laptop can be two:

    • viruses (removal of 1500 rubles);
    • the South Bridge on the motherboard burned out - the repair cost is about 6000 rubles;
    • a short in the USB connector - carefully inspect all USB connectors for breakage and contact shorting.

    If the touchpad of the laptop (touchpad) does not work, then first we look to see if it is disabled programmatically, then we try to rearrange its driver. If the electronic part is faulty, we change the entire device in the workshop, possibly together with the keyboard.

    Bluetooth does not work: try to turn it on first (often it is disabled), then replace the driver. If BT does not work, then buy an external USB bluetooth.
    Laptop WiFi does not work, the reasons may be:

    • WiFi turned off;
    • the WiFi board burned out (we change it in the workshop), the price is 1500 rubles;

    Laptop fan not working

    In a special dangerous case, when the laptop fan does not work, urgently take the laptop in for repair, because. overheating is possible, due to which the motherboard will burn out. And do not turn it on before repair. Repair of a fan in a laptop costs 3000-4000 rubles. It can either be repaired or have to be replaced. If the fan rattles, then it most likely needs to be replaced. It is possible that this happened after improper cleaning with compressed air, which led to such a result, when clods of dust do not allow the fan to turn.

    Fan constantly running

    If the laptop fan runs continuously, it means that the temperature of important internal devices is high, the cooling system cannot cope, because. clogged with dust and urgently needed. Check the processor temperature with the Core Temp program, find it by clicking on the link.

    Windows won't boot, program errors

    The most unreliable device in a laptop is a hard drive, it is he who breaks most often. most often associated with the replacement of the disk and its repair. In this case, Windows either does not boot, writes that some file is not found or is faulty, cannot find a boot device, or reboots, or turns off.

    A hard drive usually has a 2.5″ form factor and rotates at high speed. The hard drive heads float in fractions of a micron from the magnetic surface. In the working state, the laptop is better not to touch or shake, you can’t even quickly turn it over. This may damage the surface of the hard disk. During impacts, a bounce effect occurs when the heads, bouncing off the surface several times, damage it. Bad sectors must be removed from the user zone, and sectors from the spare are used instead. But all this is up to a certain level, if there is a lot of damage, the disk needs to be changed.
    Damage to the magnetic surface can be of different levels - from minor to serious, when reading is impossible. This procedure is called remap. The presence of remaps is a bad sign, the disk will not last long and it is better to change it for a new one. The presence of remaps can be viewed in the SMART hard drive. In case of strong impacts or a fall of the laptop, the heads may be damaged, such disks are not repairable. Laptop hard drives are less reliable than desktop hard drives and require more careful handling.
    Complicated repair of a laptop hard drive is associated with a malfunction of the controller and heads. If the controller is faulty, the disk does not spin up, or it spins up, but is not recognized by the system. If the disk spins up, vibrations from the engine are heard, that is, there is hope for data recovery. Replacing the controller is a difficult and expensive job, it is advisable when there is very important information on the disk.

    Errors in the file system

    There are times when errors in the file system prevent Windows from loading. At the beginning, the laptop boots up, but then everything stops, either there is a constant reboot, or an error is generated.
    It is necessary to treat the file system for errors.
    You can request a repair using the form below. Specify the exact model. You will definitely get an answer.

    ASUS laptops have a fairly high reliability of hardware parts. But, despite this, they have typical malfunctions, most often associated with the wear of iron and the fact that the device is heating up. As for the main causes of software errors, most of them are related to the operating system and user applications. This article also covers the main problems that cause ASUS laptop to freeze.

    Cover hinge breakage

    Due to the design features of laptops, the weak point of most of them are the hinges connecting the screen and the bottom of the device. These parts are constantly under significant stress, especially when opening a laptop. Over time, the hinges can break and need to be repaired. To avoid this, it is not recommended to open the device by holding the side of the cover. To make the hinges last longer, you should lift the upper module with two hands, holding on to opposite edges. You can also open the laptop by holding the lid by the center.

    With a partial breakage of the hinges, the stability of the cover is violated. It will not be able to be fixed in the desired position, so when working with a laptop, you will have to constantly lean the screen against a wall or a stable object. Loops have an additional feature that is not so obvious to some users. They contain cables that connect the parts of the lid to the main components of the laptop. Therefore, their wear sometimes leads to loss of the image on the screen, failure of the webcam or other elements located on the cover.

    Universal ASUS models from the Transformer Book line are subject to another malfunction. Sometimes they break the oblong connector that connects the tablet part to the docking station on which the keyboard is located. For this reason, the computer does not perceive keystrokes and does not recognize movements on the touchpad, and in some cases touch input also hangs. To avoid this problem, open Transformer Book with both hands. Hold the bottom with one hand and lift the top with the other.

    Note! Devices with a long loop in the center are usually more secure than those with two small loops on the sides. The reason for this is the distribution of the load over a large area.

    ASUS laptop gets hot

    After some time of use, the ventilation system of the laptop becomes clogged and passes less and less air into the case. Repair of the device in this case is simple - just disassemble it and remove dirt from the surfaces. For cleaning, a brush or a can of compressed air is suitable, releasing an air stream under high pressure. It is recommended to clean regularly, as exposure to high temperatures sometimes causes unpleasant consequences:

    • ASUS laptop gets hot and restarts.
    • Heat causes ASUS laptop to freeze.
    • The internal components of the device are damaged or even burned.
    • The operating system constantly slows down, programs run slowly.
    • Individual connectors or components (webcam, speakers) stop working.
    • Stripes or other artifacts appear on the screen, the cause of which is overheating of the video card.
    • The fans inside the case make excessive noise.

    Power Supply (PSU) Malfunctions

    There are several weak points on ASUS power supplies that constantly cause problems. This is a cable, a plug and the main part, which is located inside the case. The cause of the breakdown of the first two components in most cases is mechanical damage. Therefore, if the battery does not charge, and when it is turned off, the laptop does not work from the mains, check the integrity of the cable and the serviceability of the plug. If you find defects, repair by connecting frayed or broken wires.

    The internal components of the PSU are less susceptible to mechanical damage. As a rule, the parts of the block are covered with a metal heatsink, which provides additional protection. The causes of problems with electronics are more often overheating and power surges in the network. If you encounter problems with your ASUS power supply, we recommend that you stop using it immediately. Operating a laptop with a broken PSU can damage the components of the device.

    From regular overheating or problems with the electrical network, capacitors can swell inside the PSU case. This problem is easily solved in a service center or at home. Broken parts can be soldered and replaced with new ones. But if, after a power surge, the power supply burned out (significant damage can be determined even visually, without a tester), its repair is impractical. It will be more reliable, and sometimes cheaper, to buy a new PSU. There are three main types of such devices on the market:

    1. The original ones from ASUS are the most expensive and most reliable.
    2. Cheap analogues from other manufacturers are usually of lower quality, so they constantly break.
    3. Universal PSU - have a set of interchangeable adapters for connecting to connectors of different devices.

    Important! When buying a universal power supply, make sure that the included plug is suitable for charging your model. Be sure to check the current parameters at the output of the device. Their values ​​must match the specifications of the original power supply.

    Errors due to which ASUS laptop freezes most often

    Most of the reasons why the device hangs tightly are due to errors in installed programs and the operating system. In this case, the use of alternative software helps. Sometimes you may also need to install updates or reinstall the OS. If the problem manifests itself even on a new Windows without third-party programs, it may be necessary to repair the hard drive or replace the RAM.

    To identify problems with the HDD, use the Victoria or MHDD utilities. With their help, you can find bad sectors on the surface of the hard disk - areas with difficult access to data, when accessed, the OS temporarily hangs. In some cases, you can remap bad HDD sections using the "remap" procedure. To do this, there are spare areas on the surface of the disks. After such a repair, the laptop will not constantly hang when trying to read data or write to a bad sector. Instead, the new information access address will be used.

    The most effective bootable versions of programs for diagnosing a hard drive, and not those that run in Windows. This is due to the fact that during the operation of the operating system, some processes constantly read and write data. If you try to repair a sector that is already in use by the system, an access conflict will occur, the utility will hang or display incorrect values. The duration of diagnostics depends on the size and condition of the hard drive. On worn out HDDs, the process will hang and stretch for several hours.

    RAM can also be tested using special programs. Windows systems starting with version 7 have a built-in memory checker. To launch it, use the search in the Start menu or run the "mdsched" command in the OS console. The utility will start working after the next Windows restart. During the scanning process, the utility may hang for a short time.

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