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Call to action in a commercial offer, what is the strength. Click on the cap: how to write a compelling call to action

We are glad to welcome you on the site website! One of the most important principles of Internet marketing, which in particular guarantees for, but in general helps the client to take the next step, is a call to action. The correct use of a call to action in advertising of any kind or in one of them makes it more effective, this is especially true for advertising on the Internet.

The most important thing:

1) The call to action should be minimal and non-committal. For example, "Visit the site!", And then "Free consultation" or "Download the catalog of projects for free." It is not true if you immediately want to sell a product or service, because in most cases, a person is not ready to give money right away and therefore will simply go to your site.

2) Words that call to action should be logical, because if you are targeting students and working youth, then it makes no sense to offer to download a price list with wholesale prices, it would be better to offer a free consultation or samplers.

3) At the same time, what you offer should be valuable to the user. He must understand that if he takes 15 seconds and leaves you his contact details, he will receive something valuable for him: a checklist, access to a closed video, or a free consultation from a competent specialist.

Compiling a call to action

Now let's try following the above rules to compose a call to action, depending on the niche.

1. Subscribe if you always want to stay up to date with the news ________!
2. Subscribe now to get the most complete checklist for _______!
3. Do you want to always be one step ahead of your competitors? Subscribe to the blog ______!
4. Subscribe to the mailing list to become a _____ guru!
5. Did you like the article? Subscribe and receive more useful content straight to your inbox.

Offer useful information and added value. Can be used on .

Free cost calculation, consultation

1. Get a free cost estimate within an hour.
2. Free for the first 14 days.
3. Order a free departure of the measurer.
4. Calculate the cost using our calculator.
4. Leave a request for a free test drive.

The more value you can offer, the more applications will flow. For example, you can use for .

Buying goods, ordering services

1. Buy ____ today and get ___ as a gift.
2. The price is only until November 30 _____ rubles! Then it will double!
3. Make a powerful breakthrough in the development of your business!
4. Promotion until December 5 - make sure you buy it!
5. New Year's (summer) offer.

Give the opportunity to buy at a discount, but at the same time limit the expiration date. The second option is to give gifts, customers like them even more than discounts! Be sure to use this when .

We invite you to the event

1. Attention! Limited number of seats! Book now!
2. Will you be attending a personal performance improvement workshop?
3. The most anticipated and important industry event is _____. Be on topic!
4. Want to learn how to _____ yourself? Sign up for a masterclass.
5. Only practice! 10 Effective Techniques for Improving _____! Sign up!

Let the visitor understand what he will get by coming to your event and motivate him to complete the targeted action.


Pay close attention to the phrases that call to action in advertising. Remember, as long as there is no good call to action, there will be no sales. Study your customers and give them what they want.

Do you want to increase your sales by 10 times or more?

In order for a potential client to regularly buy your products, services or subscribe to your newsletter, you need to push him to this .

No matter how beautifully and convincingly you write your text, if it does not contain the right call to action, the visitor to your site or landing page will not press the coveted “button”.

How to encourage a person to do what you need?

To do this, you will have to master the art of writing killer, super effective CTAs (calls to action).

You can do it in just five minutes!

The 5 Components of a Sensational Call to Action

The text you write for , is an extremely important element. It affects the actions of your readers in the same way as other key factors (color, size, shape of the CTA button).

I think you will be interested to know how to polish it in order to entice your potential customers to “knock” on you.

I have great news for you. In this article, I've put together proven formulas for effective CTAs.

But first, let's finally understand the main components of a good call to action.

1. Goals

First of all, you need to clearly define what actions the user should take.

For example, leave you your email.

Remember? IN I already said that the action should be one. If more, it complicates the decision-making process. Even if there are only 2 choices, a person can get confused and not make a single one.

When composing the text of the message, rely on your goals. The goals you set are the key to crafting a winning call to action. The right text will stimulate the client to take the right action.

2. Short line of action

Choose your call to action words carefully. Be sure to write reflecting the essence of your proposal. Then use intuitive or action verbs.

For example:

The client, having read your call, should feel the benefit and satisfaction that he will receive by clicking on the button.

Pay attention to what calls to action you have used before.

Most likely, these were "buy now" or "order now".

This call to action option is geared towards your benefit. Try replacing it with text that shows the benefits for the common man.

Treat every customer like a good friend. Do not write cumbersome and generalized phrases. Start your sentence with an action verb. What follows is the essence of your proposal.

Help people immediately understand the meaning of your offer. The call to action should be simple and clear. Avoid empty phrases that will only distract readers from the main goal.

3. Packing

Build a connection with your readers. Use the words "you", "you", "your". Focus on what people need.

Use the right colors for buttons. Best of all - contrasting ones to attract the attention of your visitors.

Here is one example of how to properly package a call to action. In the text, we communicate directly with site visitors and offer to choose one of our training programs.

size 4

Make your text short, clear, and understandable. Volume - up to 150 characters.

The parameters of the CTA button also play a big role. Too small won't get the attention it deserves. At the same time, too much will look like a cry of despair.

For a call to action to work, your text must be readable, and the color of the font and, in fact, the button, should stand out from the background.

5. Text style

Use purposeful words that imply intellectual leadership and experience. However, try to avoid technical jargon. It can confuse or scare your readers. Describe the benefit of your proposal in a few words. As simple as it gets.

Remember! Bad copywriting can ruin your product. It is important to speak the same language as your readers. Use everyday colloquial words in your conversation.

5 Proven Formulas for Powerful CTA

To convince your readers to act in a certain way (download a book, sign up for a newsletter, buy your product, etc.), use these formulas:

Summon #1 Free

Example / Book / Training / Webinar / Consultation

“Fill out the subscription form and get the webinar recording for free”

Button: "Get Free"

The easiest way to convince people to learn more about you and your product is to offer them something for free. Use the verb "receive".

Appeal #2. Tired

From ineffective diets/Plans that never work (any frustrating factor)

“Tired of sitting on ineffective diets? Download the book "Effective Weight Loss" and create the body of your dreams in just 3 months!

Another trick is to solve problems that are holding your readers back on their path to success.

Explore your readers' pain point and present your product as the best solution to their problem and anxiety.

Call #3. Want

Insanely effective / Free / Sensational product

“Want to get an exclusive t-shirt? Find it in our store!

Ask questions that revolve around the needs of your audience. Use verbs that address the goals, plans, and desires of your readers. This psychological method will help increase the interest of visitors.

"Why Ivan Dorn likes to have breakfast with us"

If your product is recommended by a famous person, it will be easier for you to build trust with your customers. There is a lot of competition in the sales market now. One of the main tasks was to increase its competitive advantages and increase to your brand.

Take a look at the example below. You don't know now what kind of product it is. But since it is recommended by people you see and hear in the media, you are definitely interested in learning more about it. Right?

Call #5. CTA based on reviews

“What do those who have already left an application and enjoy new clothes from abroad say”

Last but not least are the testimonials from your satisfied customers. Not a single visitor will be able to pass by a text built on the positive buying experience of one of your current customers.


Selling texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer Bernadsky Sergey

Call to action

Call to action

Many won't lift a finger unless you give them precise instructions. This is important to consider when writing sales texts. The consumer may like your product, but if you don't tell him exactly what needs to be done, he will forget about you in five minutes.

Therefore, it is very important to write a specific call to action.

The first thing to do is determine the end goal of your text. What action should the reader take? Call, write, press a button on the site, come to the store? Tell your readers what you want from them. For example, like this: "In order to place an order, call 123-45-67 right now." Or: "Press the button "Pay" to order your copy of the book.

You don't just provide contact information. You say what needs to be done (“call”, “click”, “write”). Feel this difference. It seems insignificant, but this is exactly what gives a significant increase in orders.

A few tips.

You can specify when exactly you need to take an action.(“Call 123-45-67 right now"). But make sure that the phrase does not sound too rude and assertive.

Give clear instructions. For example, if you are asking for an e-mail response, then say what the subject line should be in the email (“Write me marked "Participation in the competition""). If you indicate a phone number, write who will answer the call ("Call 123-45-67, and our manager will be happy to answer all your questions»).

The action should be simple and unambiguous. The simpler the better. If you have to register somewhere twenty times, fill out a three-page form and then call somewhere, it is unlikely that anyone will like it very much. The simpler the buying process, the better.

Be precise in your wording. If you say, "Call for details," then the person will call and ask for details. If you say: “Call and place an order,” then the person will call and order.

Use the imperative mood. Be careful with the word "if". For example, the phrase "If you want to order a product, then click the payment button" will not work very well. It expresses doubt that the reader wants to place an order. You must lead the consumer, direct him.

Don't give too many options. You must unequivocally lead to a sale. There may be a large choice in payment methods, but there should be no more than two or three options for action: “To order a consultation, call 12-34-56 or write to the address: address@mail. RU".

Call to Action Examples

- To have time to sign up for a new group, call right now at 123-45-67.

– Click the “Pay” button to take part in the training.

- To participate in the competition, write to: [email protected] ru marked "Competition".

From the book Selling texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer author Bernadsky Sergey

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From idea to action Let's start at the beginning and see how people choose an idea for their project. At this stage, two main

In modern marketing, calls to action are very often used. It is he who, after we read a brochure or watch a commercial, "forces" us to do what they want from us (buy a product, go to a meeting, etc.). A well-written appeal, clearly focused on the target audience (TA), is worth its weight in gold.

Types of calls

The type of call to action also depends on the target audience. The fact is that people perceive information in different ways. For one, a video will do, and for another, a message on the radio.

There are four types of call in total:

  1. text,
  2. sound,
  3. vision,
  4. team.

You ask, and here team? This is also a kind of call. But it does not lie in the way information is perceived, but in the very structure of the human psyche. A person, without even reading an advertisement, but simply by listening to his acquaintances, will want to purchase a product.

Collective appeal is extremely effective for young people, because it is they who are most oriented towards their peers.

Even if a person does not like the information, he will still do what is needed. "Because friends said so."

When choosing the type of call, always focus on your target audience. The same call will work differently for teenagers and older people.

Call context

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, a lot also depends on the context. It should evoke emotions and "force" a person to do as we want. A good and illustrative example here would be politicians.

How do they suggest we go to the rally? First they are printed in newspapers, played on the radio and shown on TV. They tell us what problems we have (dirt in the city, unfair police, etc.).

This is the “seed” that causes strong emotions in us. And the stronger the better. And only after we begin to be indignant and "fidget", they call us to rallies. Naturally, "morally prepared people" go to them with joy, hoping to change something for the better.

Emotions do not have to be negative, as in our example. They can be positive, empathetic, etc. In general, any that can spur us to action.

Psychology of the target audience

Before you start creating an appeal, you need to decide on your target audience.

What are her interests? Financial position? How much does it depend on friends?

We will not repeat that a lot depends on the choice of the target audience. This is so clear. Just remember: the older a person is, the less he is subject to emotions, and therefore it is more difficult for him to manipulate them with them. People, for example, the elderly, have a more developed sense of duty. Therefore, naturally, it is more profitable to “put pressure” on him than on other feelings.

Call to action methods

Call to action methods, unlike types, are many. We will analyze the most popular of them. All of them, as we will see shortly, serve well-defined purposes. But before that, let's analyze the general plan of any call:

  • ad block or "seed",
  • call,
  • impetus to action.

If we have more or less analyzed two of them, then a little explanation is required for the third point.

Man is an extremely lazy creature. Without a "push" it won't do anything. This may be, for example, the threat of dismissal from work - he immediately begins to work harder.

But how to implement the "push to action" in the call? If you're selling an item and if it's bought today, get it delivered straight to your home for free within two days. Or offer a discount for a limited time.

And if you, for example, are a blogger, you can offer a reward like "VIP account for a month" for the most interesting one.

Now back to methods. Let's look at four main ones.

Active discussion

This is exactly the example that we analyzed last. It calls for discussion of a particular topic or event.

This option is mainly used in social networks by news resources.

They talk about a problem, and then offer to discuss it in the comments. If the topic is serious enough, real debates begin, which affects the popularity of the resource. Good PR way!

The more serious the topic is, the stronger the discussion will be. But do not forget about the "push" to it!

Joining in social networks

“Subscribe to my channel, a lot of interesting videos are released every week. When this video reaches a thousand likes, I will immediately release a sequel! How often do we hear this and similar phrases? All of them are standard, but they contradict the rule “template phrases are ineffective”, because these phrases are really effective in our context! There is a call here, and an impetus to action ...

If the information that a person has received is interesting to him, he will share it and do what is asked of him. Viral content in the flesh!

Making a purchase

The hardest call to action ever.

A man never wants to part with his money. The task of marketers is to make sure that he not only wants it, but also does it as quickly as possible.

For example, Nikolai never planned to buy a VIP-class car. He believed that these were extra "show-offs". But suddenly the car dropped in price by 20%, and there was also an opportunity to buy it on credit without paying as much as five years! Nikolai did this without hesitation, although he did not originally plan to.

When creating a call to action, "play" on the emotions of the target audience. Try not to give her time to think, because after thinking, she may refuse!

Participation in the event

There are not only calls to action that pursue a specific benefit. There is also entertaining. For example, flash mobs.

They are aimed at the most active part of the population - young people and are created only for entertainment. The main factor that makes people participate in them is the energy of the crowd and the call of friends.

Therefore, when creating such a call to action, focus on originality and the promise of vivid emotions. The target audience itself should want to participate in the event!

Information value of content

Locations of call to action text

The text with a call to action can be placed both at the top and at the bottom of the information block.

Let's take an example. "Girl Masha needs urgent medical help! Please don't pass by and save her!" The man became interested. Next comes the block of information that he will read. And then another call to action. This technique is very effective!

But if the call is in front of the information block, it should attract attention and make you read the text to the end, where the person will already make a decision.


How to determine that the call is working? Unfortunately, experiments are indispensable. There are no standard schemes that work for everyone at once.

Periodically change the call method and see how many of those who viewed the information bought the product or subscribed to your group. This percentage of the total will be the conversion. The bigger it is, the better.

It is believed that a good indicator is 10%.

Don't be afraid to experiment and reach your goals. Good luck!

Published: 3 July 2014 | | Category: | Tags: , |

What you need to know about the call to action in the selling text? First, what it must be. Secondly, that he must have a real masculine character. We don't need frail, unconvincing appeals.

I'll tell you how to write a disarming call to action, whether it's the end of a commercial offer, a landing page, or any other sales text.

1. Make the call transparent and understandable

Clean it from the husk and vague wording. What do you want from a person? What must he do to order the goods? Call? So write: "Order product XXX by phone such and such."

2. Don't overdo the action

3. Hint that ordering will not take much time and effort

What example would you give? Oh bingo! Button with the text "Get a loan in 2 minutes».

4. Speak the offer

Classic "Download empetri for free and without registration". Or like this: "Do you want real French stretch ceilings with a 35% discount? Call: XXX-XX-XX.

5. Screw on a discount or bonus

If the text is on one or two screens, then why not report it directly in the call? If the text is long, then either duplicate the calls or announce the discount on the first screen. Example: "Subscribe to the newsletter and receive a book" How to attract hordes of customers" as a gift.

6. Don't be nice and kind

To a plaintive tone and flattering - no iron, you and the client are on an equal footing. Confidently press Backspace to delete all sorts of "if you are interested in our offer" and "please", leaving a clean imperative. Example: "If you are interested in our offer, please place a trial order by calling XXX-XX-XX."

7. Enter a Time or Quantity Limit

8. Customize customer

The phrases "today", "now" and "right now" (although use it) will help you.

9. Squeeze the client with a blow to the problem

Example: “Every day you put off a problem brings you closer to the point of no return. And then nothing will help - only an uncomfortable wig or an expensive transplant. Order Dixilimon Hair Loss Lotion today to start your treatment tomorrow. Phone: XXX-XX-XX (we work from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.).

10. Remind about prospects and benefits

Example: “Do you want to get 100 new customers from the Internet tomorrow? Order the "Service" by phone XXX-XX-XX".

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