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Attracting referrals to various platforms. How to attract referrals

A referral is any member of any affiliate program, attracted by another member. As you know, at the expense of these people you can get a stable profit, provided that they are active. But what if there are none or the quantity leaves much to be desired? Where to get referrals? There are several ways to attract them, none of which should be neglected.

Engagement through forums

To search for referrals for free, you can use the forums. How? Yes, it's very simple - you just need to find a few suitable forums and place your own link on them, following which people will become referrals and make a profit (if they are active, of course). But it is worth remembering that a very important aspect is the text of the attached message.

When wondering where to get referrals, it is worth remembering that the message should attract forum users. It should be made as truthful as possible, because after a person clicks on the link and notices the deception, he will never return to this site.

Help friends

Attracting acquaintances is a fairly reliable way, since friends most often will not refuse to help, but at the same time, there should be enough close people to make good profits thanks to them. The advantage of this method can be the dissemination of information about the affiliate program through these very friends, but unfortunately, such cases are very rare and you have to look for referrals using other methods.

And besides everything else, before becoming a referral, a friend does not always think about how to be an active user of the affiliate program in which he becomes a member in the future.

Paid attraction

The effectiveness of the methods already considered, as a rule, is quite small, while paid advertising is very effective. This is explained by the fact that thanks to the paid referrer attracts thousands of people, placing an ad on various sites and forums can attract no more than a few dozen.

There is such a way as paid mailing of letters, thanks to which people interested in work find certain referrers. This is what distinguishes this method from simple spam (when letters are sent to everyone indiscriminately). If the letters reach the intended audience, then the activity and the number of referrals will increase markedly. But after a certain time, you need to pay again for the newsletter in order to observe the same effect.

Buying referrals

There are several services on the Internet that motivate referrals so that they not only follow the link, but also actively participate in the affiliate program. People are selected according to criteria such as time of activity, interests, age. But a direct set of referrals can be unprofitable if, after receiving the money, the person refuses to cooperate. Many will think that it is not so important to retain each person if there are thousands of them, but in fact, effective attraction is possible only if each person is taken seriously.

contextual advertising

When thinking about where to get referrals, you should also consider such a way to attract them as placement or an advertising line. On sites where you can place a link, there are quite a few people who might be interested in it. The user is given the opportunity not only to choose an audience for his ad, but also to track how many clicks were made, to see the effectiveness of the link.

Create your own website

Free (not always), but quite an effective way to attract referrals is to create a personal website with links posted on it. The advantage of this method is that you can create a website on a free hosting and independently increase traffic on it in order to attract people. Many are skeptical about free sites, thinking that it is not so easy to promote them, but practice shows the opposite.

One of the advantages of the site is that it is constantly online, while paid advertising, for example, is valid only until the time when the money on the account runs out. In addition, the site can describe in detail the terms of cooperation so that referrals do not fill up with questions in private messages. But not everyone will find time to create and promote the site. Among other things, the site must be made so attractive to visitors that they agree to cooperate, and not just look at the links and leave.

Features of attraction using the site

If you are going to lure people with the help of a website, then you should remember what repels them. First of all, this is intrusive advertising of other sites, on which the owners of the resource want to earn extra money. For the site to work and attract visitors, you do not need to leave it, thinking that it will constantly function at the same level. To maintain activity, it is worth starting a news feed, where information should be updated daily. In this case, it is necessary to organize the distribution of this information.

Relationship between speed and efficiency

A rapid increase in referral activity through paid advertising, as a rule, is short-lived and not as effective as a gradual and more targeted attraction of people through an active search for exactly those interested in the affiliate program. In addition, it is necessary to motivate people for independent activity and attraction of new partners.

In order for referrals to make a profit with them, you need to keep in touch, encourage them to work, and describe the bonuses that they can receive for their activity. The methods of finding active users include conversations in various chat rooms, where it is very easy to get referrals in real time. There you can also tell the person about your affiliate program and find out why he refuses the offer, if such behavior takes place.

In almost every application, for making money on an Android and IOS phone, it is possible to earn money on an affiliate program. The essence of this program is to earn additional money by attracting other participants (referrals) to the project.

Referral (affiliate) program is a system of rewarding project users for inviting new users.

As you know, referrals are able to bring a stable passive income for a long time. Therefore, almost everyone who earns by installing games and applications on their phone dreams of having a large number of referrals and receiving passive income from them.

In this article, we will tell you how to quickly invite a lot of referrals using a referral link and an invitation promo code, as well as list the main paid and free ways and methods using a real example.

How to attract referrals

There are two ways to attract referrals to earning applications. Depending on the project, they may be available either individually or simultaneously.

  1. Referral link- you are provided with a unique link, upon clicking on which a person downloads the application and automatically becomes your referral.
  2. Invitation code- you are provided with a unique promo code, upon entering which a person becomes your referral.

You can find your unique code or link in the menu of your personal account. At the same time, the invitee himself does not lose anything, the developers are interested in new users, so in most cases the invitee receives a cash bonus.

Where is the best place to get referrals?

Before you start recruiting referrals, we advise you to take your time and first choose an application with a more profitable affiliate program that will allow you to earn more money. First of all, this application must be popular and have many orders available. Let's find out what affiliate programs are and consider their main differences. As a rule, they differ in the form of payment and are of two main types:

If you have not yet chosen where to attract people, then we recommend reading the article Top 20 applications for making money on your phone, in which you will find all the most popular programs at the moment.

Now that you have decided which application to earn referrals in, let's look at all the most popular ways to attract them.

How to attract referrals for free

First, let's list all the free ways to attract referrals. There are not so many of them, but with a serious approach and the availability of free time, you can get a lot of referrals quickly and without investment.

How to attract referrals for a fee

And in conclusion, we will talk about paid ways to get referrals. Compared to free methods, paid attraction makes it possible to recruit hundreds or even thousands of people to the project in a short time, without loss of time and effort. And so, how to effectively attract referrals for money?

In this example, you will learn how to effectively invite people to referrals. In order not to waste money, you must remember two basic rules:

  1. We are interested in real people who are interested in making money.
  2. We only need transitions from Android and IOS mobile devices.

At first glance, a difficult task, but in fact everything is very simple, the easiest option is to run your ads in the Globus Mobile application. Why in this application? Firstly, ads can only be configured for Android and IOS devices, which is very important for us. Secondly, 100% of the audience of this service want to earn money, otherwise they would not use the program that pays for displaying ads.

An example with step-by-step instructions of a real way to quickly get a lot of referrals, in applications such as: Appcent, Tapmoney, Advertapp, Vktarget, Easy money, etc.

In such a simple way, you can quickly get any number of referrals, and most importantly, all of them will be interested in earning, and, accordingly, bring you passive income. Of course, this is not the only way, but at the moment one of the best, and you should definitely try it.

It doesn’t matter which way you choose to attract referrals, the main thing to remember is: no need to concentrate on just one app! Attract users to several projects at once, thus you will protect yourself in case some application closes or stops paying.

Hello, friends. Today, from this article and its video tutorials, you will learn in detail about how how to get referrals, what methods of attracting referrals exist and how to use these methods correctly in order to attract more and more referrals and get more and more money. So, how to get referrals read and watch carefully:

If you want to receive a constant good passive income on the Internet, then you simply must know how to get referrals know all the ways to attract them. And let's start right away with these very methods, as well as read detailed explanations for each method and watch video tutorials.

But first, I want to remind you that you need to attract referrals through your referral link or through a referral banner, which also, one way or another, contains this link. A person follows such a link, registers on the project and becomes your referral. So, wherever you are going to attract referrals, first find your referral links!

And now about ways to attract:

How to get your friends to referrals

This is the easiest way. You can easily tell your friend or all your friends about the project, and then, if they are interested, give them a referral link, following which they will become your referrals. It is better to work with such referrals of all, because. You can help them with everything even by phone.

How to attract referrals through social networks

In social networks every day there is a huge number of people who can easily become your referrals. To do this, place information about projects (where you are going to attract) on your pages in your groups, notes, statuses, etc. and put your referral link there.

For example, right on your wall you briefly describe the project, say that you can earn money there and leave a referral link that people will follow to register and become your referrals.

Especially to attract referrals, you can even create several groups where all the necessary information will be located, as well as your referral links.

How to attract referrals using forums

If you communicate on some forums, then you can attract referrals. Any forums where you can leave links in the signature will do. How to attract?

Go to your profile settings on the forum and edit the signature in such a way that it contains very short information and a referral link. For example: “Make money here: and ref link”.

Then just continue to communicate on this forum. Forum visitors will see your signature, and will follow the link and become your referrals.

How to get referrals with blogs

The main thing here don't spam! Leave good quality comments on thematic blogs. And in these comments, carefully enter your referral link so that without it the comment would not make sense.

For example, on a site for making money, you leave a comment that everything is fine there and you liked everything, but you still don’t get another site for making money, which you also checked and can even provide screenshots of payments, etc. In such a comment, enter a link.

How to attract referrals using YouTube

Post various custom videos on . It can be both special videos and everyday ones. For example, you can record a video about how to make money on any service or just shoot a cool video on your mobile phone.

And in the description of each video, put your referral links with a brief description of where these links lead. This way you will be able to attract more referrals too.

How to get referrals with your own website

This is the best way to attract, which I personally have the most basic and brings me referrals every day for various projects. Perhaps, thanks to this site, you will also become my referrals on some projects, and this is usually much more profitable than not being anyone's referral.


You will find all the necessary information on how to create a website on this website “ ” in the relevant headings on the right. Don't forget to bookmark so you don't lose sight of the information you need.

Leave a comment to the articles you like and share them with your friends. Let everyone know about the possibility of earning good money through the Internet.

And remember: anyone can earn big money on the Internet!

One of the most interesting types of earnings in the world wide web is earnings on referrals.

Thousands of different projects offer their users to build referral networks and thus organize a passive source of income.

In this article, we will try to consider the main questions of people who are just starting to organize their referral network and want to succeed. The most common question is “Who are referrals and how to get them?”, so we decided to start with that.

Watch the video lesson.

Referrals are users whom you invite to various projects, and in the future you get profit from their actions. For example, by inviting people to mail services, you can receive a percentage of their earnings or from depositing funds.

In addition to mail services, you can attract referrals to freelance and copywriting exchanges, affiliate programs, online casinos, betting shops, etc.

How to recruit referrals for free?

To attract new users, the system provides its users with special links, after clicking on which, people register and become referrals of other participants.

The benefit in this case is obtained for everyone, the services receive a constant “tide” of new users, referrers (people who invite new members) profit from the activity of users, and referrals learn about the possibility of using a useful service and can contact those who invited.

There are many different ways to recruit referrals:

one . The simplest is to invite all your friends to the service you use. For example, you can tell your friends and acquaintances about the success that you have achieved by selling articles on one of the exchanges. This type of attraction is the most effective, because. you can explain everything to new users, and your offer will be accompanied by trust.

Unfortunately, the circle of acquaintances is limited, and this method will not bring you a huge audience of users, which makes it not the most practical.

2. If you have money or time, you can start advertising referral links. For example, you can post posts on forums, thanks to which you will receive new users. In addition, you can invest in an advertising company that will display your banners and links for a fee.

This method can be quite productive, but at the same time it is accompanied by some expenses, both time and money, which limits the circle of people using this method.

Creation of a website for the purpose of recruiting referrals

3 . The last option we will present is creating your own website. Thanks to your project, you will be able to constantly receive new referrals and distribute advertising.

Separately, I would like to say that thanks to the articles, you can influence the level of user interest, which will allow you to get a huge number of potential referrals.

According to many people, this method of attracting participants to the service is the most acceptable and productive.

If you want to build a large referral network, then start implementing your site, perhaps this will allow you to succeed.

If you start to actively use all the opportunities to attract users, then it is quite possible that you will achieve a successful result.

Many people choose this way of earning, and it is easy to understand them, because thanks to referrals, you can earn money without doing anything, but only by receiving a small percentage for their activity.

How to get referrals on the machine?

In order not to have to send invitations yourself, communicate with people and post links somewhere, use click sponsors.

On the best mailers, you can create tasks and ask people to register, or place a referral link on some site.

This is not difficult to do, for example, if you use the Wmmail project, then the instructions for action will be as follows:

It's simple, people will start registering using your link, and you will only have to check their reports so as not to pay deceivers.

Don't have money for it? It’s also not a problem, because on axle boxes you can perform other people’s tasks and thereby replenish the balance. Choose the most expensive assignments, completing a task with a payment of $ 1, you can order 100 completions of your task for 1 cent.

Where to get referrals for free?

If you have free time, then try to attract referrals for free through social networks. You can place any posts in them, as well as wind up reposts, using special services.

It’s good if there is a promoted page, and the most effective option is on similar sites.

Posts need to be designed beautifully so that they attract attention. The image must be:

It is these systems that are best to look for, because just one person invited by you can attract a whole network of participants.

There is no need to pay any money on social networks, but there are so many advertisements now that your posts can simply be deleted or not viewed. Plus, you should take into account their rules, the page can be frozen for spam.

How to quickly get referrals?

Do you want to attract a huge audience in the shortest possible time? Then you have to invest. You can negotiate with site owners about advertising.

If you don’t want to contact directly, try using the system, many different sites have been added there, leasing different areas of the site:

This is part of the available resources, the table shows impressions and prices per month. It uses an unusual form of payment. Money is paid not for clicks or impressions (as everywhere else), but for 30 days of advertising.

The prices are relatively low, so this service can be considered one of the best for attracting referrals.

In addition to the above service, there are many alternative resources where you can also order advertising or placing an affiliate link:

  1. - through this site you can order placement on video advertising sites.
  2. - suitable for advertising in Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki groups.
  3. - here is the largest base of sites for advertising from social networks.
  4. – buy links from blogs, YouTube channels and social networks. networks.
  5. - payment for impressions in the advertising line (you can order from me, the line is at the top).
  6. – order placement of banners on partner sites.

If you plan to invite people to some services to make money for beginners, it will come in handy. In total, you will pay 20 kopecks for clicks on your promotional materials.

Be sure to keep in mind that this system is mainly used by beginners, so there is no point in advertising something serious, such as Forex brokers.

Even professionals make great efforts to attract new users to various systems. My main income is referral networks, so I know firsthand how hard it is to find an active user who can bring a good profit.

  • you need to use as many ways as possible to recruit referrals;
  • shows good results;
  • the most effective way to attract referrals is your own website;
  • to come up with tempting texts, you need to learn this;
  • use short sentences, do not send people a text of 5000 characters;
  • create original banners and teasers, do not use hackneyed promos;
  • never deceive people, because after registration they will not be active;
  • offer your help to referrals so that they do not leave the project;
  • motivate people to become a referral, offer bonuses or refback;
  • make short links so that no one goes to the site directly ();
  • animated banners provide the highest conversion;
  • using different methods and services, follow the statistics and draw conclusions;
  • invite only interested people, quality is important in this business, not quantity.

As you work, you will gain experience and you will have your own secrets for recruiting referrals. The most important thing is not to stop and work actively, because here everything goes into perspective, at first there will be no income.

It is difficult to say how many referrals can be attracted in one way or another, because a lot depends on how much money is spent, how filtered the target audience is and whether really good promotional materials are used.

In any case, this is a worthy option for making money, which is worth using.

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Referral - (or referral, from the English referral - "reference") - a member of the affiliate program, registered on the recommendation of another member.

Such a marketing scheme is widespread on the Internet and involves registration on sites that provide certain services.
In this case, the recommendation is accompanied by " referral link”, containing information about the account of the participant who will receive a reward for attracting newcomers.

How to get referrals

It is customary to call a recruiting participant by analogy a “referrer” (English referrer).
In simple words, this is a user who registered using your referral link in the system, for you he is a Referral, and for the day you are a Referrer.

Referral link is a link with which you can invite a new user to the system and thus he becomes your referral.
Each registered user has a referral link. Located in the section - Referral links

Why recruit referrals?

Thanks to the referral system, the project is developing rapidly, as the system pays rewards to Referrers who invite new users to the system. An additional cash reward encourages users to recruit referrals. This is a kind of passive income.

Passive income, residual income- Income that does not depend on daily activities.
It is an integral and organic part of such a concept as financial independence.

Each system for earning Webmoney has its own referral system.
For example, on Wmmail ref system Five-level, (10%, 5%, 2%, 1%, 1%)
If your referral earned $10, then the system will pay you 10%, it turns out $1.
The referrer most often shares encouragement with his referral, in the form of bonuses for work,
Thus, it is more profitable to register with a ref link than without a ref link.

To start earning you need to register in the Webmoney system
More details in the menu -
Next, register in the system itself to earn money.

The best system for earning Webmoney is WMmail
Description of work and instructions for registration in the menu section -
It was not a big digression from the topic.

Referral link has two types:

Remember once and for all.
It makes no sense to use a referral link to the main page, since such referrals may not get to you, they will go to another referrer, since the system has such a set of referrals as “ Banner on the main«.
An auction is held every day, from 00_00 to 23_59 whoever bids the most in WMZ equivalent wins a banner for a day.
In the auction, a place for a banner on the main page of Wmmail is raffled off.
The banner itself is located on the main page of Wmmail, it looks something like this:

After clicking on the banner, the registration page opens, in which the referee's login is the one that won the auction. Thus, if you gave a friend a referral link to the main page, then there is a chance that the user will click on the banner and will not get into your referrals, but will get into referrals to the one who won the banner.

Some statistics:

I have been in the system since 2007.
You can see my statistics in the Wmmail system Here -
I got a certain number of referrals using the "Banner on the main" method.
Every day in Wmmail system 500-800 new users are registered. According to the banner on the main page, 50-70 users are registered per day.
The auction where the banner is played on the main page ends more often with a victory of $25-35, after winning your banner is placed for a day with your referral link.
As for the referral link direct to registration, such a referral link is reliable. Use only such a referral link, invited users will be referred to you as referrals.

Let's highlight the main 5 ways to recruit referrals:

1. Banner on the main page.
I wrote about this method above. This method is only suitable for recruiting referrals on Wmmail. In other systems, this method of recruiting referrals does not work.
How to make a banner on the main page?
Go to the "Home Banner" section and click on "Create a new ad"

The banner creation form opens. Fill out the form.

Instead of the login "drugan17" in the link, enter your login.
Here is an example of what kind of banner you will get.

Click save. Banner ready.

Now you have to win the auction.
For more information about participating in the auction, go to the "Home Banner" section and click on the exclamation mark at the top.
After clicking on the exclamation mark, information about participation in the auction will open.

2. Friends, Relatives, work colleagues, etc.
First of all, tell about this type of earnings to those whom you know, most importantly, do not forget to say that this type of earnings does not require financial investments.
Earnings from scratch. With the money you earn, you can pay for the Internet, replenish your mobile phone account, etc.
More details in the menu section -
If your friend is not familiar with the Webmoney system, then give a link to the page -.
Next, go to your WMmail account, and in the menu go to the "Referral links" section.
Copy your ref. a link in the form - "Link to attract referrals immediately to the registration page" and give it to your friend, acquaintance.
If you encounter difficulties when registering or working in the Wmmail system, then go to the menu -

Name- Earnings on clicks on the Internet without investment.
Description– The job is to view ads from advertisers.
The system has been operating since 2004 and pays with Webmoney currency. With the money you earn, you can pay for the Internet, replenish your phone account, withdraw in cash.
You can open a Webmoney account quickly and free of charge at
Registration for earning Webmoney, at the address (here is your referral link to Wmmail).

For example, you place such ads and get interested referrals.
You can find forums and chats for advertising your referral links in the search engine.
Enter "forums" in the search query and the search engine will give you millions of forums.
In social networks, for example, Vkontakte, you place an ad about making money on the Internet in the same way with your referral link in groups, on your wall, on your friends wall, etc.
Through a search in the social network, look for places where a large number of people gather, for example, in the group, you can leave an announcement there.
There are more than 108 thousand people in the Group. Maybe someone will be interested in your ad.

4. Your website, blog.
Of course, one of the best options for recruiting referrals is to create your own website and promote it in search engines, thereby increasing the daily number of site visits.
That is, a person will search in a search engine for a query - “Earnings on the Internet” and will find your site where you will place your ref links. But not everything is as simple as it seems. To create a website, you will need a lot of knowledge, time, patience and, most importantly, desire. You can create your first site at where everything is pretty easy to understand.

5. Advertising on websites.
The point is this. Find a site with high traffic through a search engine. For example, we drive a request into - “Work at home”, a dozen sites open. These sites are visited by a huge number of people. According to statistics for this query, more than 201,000 people searched through google for work at home per month. Go to the site, find the contacts of the site owner and offer to place your ad on the site for a certain amount of money.
We are talking about banners, contextual advertising, etc., or they will make a section in which you post your information about earnings on clicks, or you can tell the site owner about this type of earnings and he will become your referral. By the way, in systems of earnings on clicks, more often from three to five referral levels.
For example, WMmail has five levels. This means that if your referral gains referrals, then they will be referrals of the third level for you, and so on, up to the fifth level. For the first level, the system pays a reward of 10% for the second - 5% third - 2% fourth - 1% fifth - 1%
So if you interest the site owner in this type of earnings, you will get a good active referrer. For example, my referrer gets 1.5$ - 2$ per day of passive income. Agree not bad to receive 2 dollars a day from one referral.

The best systems for earning Webmoney in the menu section - Best mailers
Finally, I would like to say - experiment, try to come up with new ideas for set of referrals.

The more original the idea, the more likely it is to lead you to success.
Good luck to you.

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