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  • Bring comodo backup to parent state. Backing up select files and folders

Bring comodo backup to parent state. Backing up select files and folders

This program is multifunctional, so here is how to use it for an eternal trial.

The fewer files on disk C, the smaller the size of the backup file. It's worth it - not 8 but 5 GB. Delete the files from the C/Windows/Software distibution/Downloads folder (the files used to install Windows updates are saved here). We reduce the size of pagefile.sys to 300 MB (at least for the time of creating a backup of disk C - then you can increase pagefile.sys). In Windows 7, I advise you to delete the hiberfile.sys file. This file is needed if you are using hibernation. Therefore, if you need this mode, enable it after creating a backup file.

How to remove the hiberfile.sys file

1. We enter Windows 7 into an administrative account.

2. Open Control Panel -> Power -> Sleep Settings.

3. In the "Put the computer to sleep" drop-down list, select "Never" and save the changes.

4. Start-All Programs-Accessories right-click on Command Prompt-Run as Administrator, type powercfg -h off and press Enter.

How to shrink pagefile.sys

In the "System Properties" window on the Advanced tab, the Settings button, in the new window "Performance Options" on the Advanced tab, the Change button.

1. Uncheck the box (we will specify the size manually). 2. Set the size to 300-500MB. After the backup, return the previous size.3. Click to ask. 4. OK. The result is that the updated Windows 7 SP 1 "fits" in my backup.cbu file with a size of 4.1GB. (Up to SP1- 3.1 GB).

So, now the actual launch of the program and the steps on the main topic "How to use the Comodo Backup program"

Run the program and select Back up now.

We will backup the Disk, partitions and MBR (check a little higher - "full" backup), check the boxes next to Track0 and MBR and drive C. Click next.

We save this backup file to disk D, E! But not on S.

The more compression, the longer it will take - and the difference in size is not very large. I recommend medium compression.

Click "Reserve".

The process has begun - we are waiting for the end.

When the backup file is ready, save it (using Puppy Linux live cd) to the backup partition. This is a partition (logical drive) formatted in ext3 file system. There is no access to OS Windows and its viruses, suddenly such ones start up (and viruses just know how to inject their code INSIDE other files). The backup file will be safe and sound there.

How to restore drive C (we restore the contents of drives D and E using Cloud Mail ru, read more).

Copy important files from drive C (from My Documents folder, etc.) to a New Folder on drive D!

Turn on Comodo Backup

Select My computer, on disk D we find the backup file. Further.

You can choose with or without a zero track. Further.

Click "Restore Now"

The program "swears" - drive C is currently in use. Click YES. Restoring the contents of drive C is possible only before loading OS Windows. Attention - by clicking YES, you start a process that, after rebooting, will replace the contents of drive C. That is, this reboot will delete all data from drive C (including trial keys to the software) and return the drive to the state that it was at the time the backup file was created . Programs installed after the backup was created will have to be reinstalled. That's actually all.

In this article, I will tell you how to backup various data using the targeted Comodo Backup utility. Let me remind you what advantages this little utility has. With its help you can:

1) Make an image of one partition or the whole MBR.

2) Create an image of your hard drive.

3) Copy all user system settings.

4) Create a copy of the system.

5) Make a backup copy of both individual registry branches and the entire registry.

6) Reserve selective folders and files.

7) Back up your email.

8) Copy user settings programs for quick messaging.

And also, restore data from the archive and set up backup scheduling.

The main window of Comodo Backup looks like this:

In this case, we will consider working with the utility version 2.0

1. An image of a whole hard drive, MBR or its partition.

Creating an image can be compared to creating an archive in which important information is stored in a compressed form. But what is MBR, most likely not everyone knows. Let's try to fix the situation :-) MBR (Master Boot Record) is a boot record (data and code) from which the system starts its boot. This entry is located, most often, in the very first sector of your hard drive. MBR is also available on other storage media.

Step 1: In order to create an image of the hard drive, MBR or its individual partitions, go to the "Backup" tab. In the window that opens, select the line "Disk, Partitions and MBR", and below indicate the partitions from which you want to create an image, then click the "Next" button. You may have already guessed that "Disc 0" and "Disc 1" are your hard drives. "Track 0 and MBR" means the MBR entry, and what's below it are partitions.

Step 2: a) If you want to create an image of only up-to-date information on the hard drive, then you should not check the box next to the "Free space" line, otherwise even the data that has been erased will be included in the image. b) You can also set the compression level for the future image by selecting it from the list below. in) At the very bottom, the "Break Image" line will help you break it into pieces. If the checkbox is inactive, then, accordingly, the image will be an entire archive. G) By checking the box next to the "Password protection" line and choosing an encryption algorithm, you can protect the future image from unwanted personalities :-) e) It is also possible to add a comment to the image. When all options are selected, click "Next" again.

Step 3: Now you have to choose where the image will be stored. Comodo Backup makes it possible to save an image not only on the computer on which it was made. You can place it both on another hard drive, and on a laptop, on a remote computer on the network, and even on an FTP server. However, there is one BUT here. You cannot save the image in the location that has been copied. That is, in this case, having made an image of the hard drive, we can save it only on another hard drive, on a laptop, on any other remote computer on the network or on an FTP server, but not on the same hard drive.

Step 4: At this step, you can set up notification of successful or unsuccessful backup to your email. If you check the box next to 1) "/on success", then upon completion of the image creation, a notification about the success of the backup will be sent to your mailbox. By checking the box next to 2) "/on failure", you will receive an email if copying fails. Below you should specify the mail settings. Even lower, you can specify finer settings before and after creating the image. After all settings are done. click.....correct! "Further".

Step 5: At this stage, you can configure the backup frequency as you like. For example, we will choose a single copy. After selecting the desired line, click "Next" and ...... you can brew some tea, because after this action the copying process will begin.

Step 6: Well, while you are sipping hot tea, wrapped in a warm blanket, the utility creates the desired image in full.

Note: Despite the variety of advantages, this utility has several disadvantages in its arsenal. One of them is the lack of a bootable version from disk. That is, with a couple of clicks, the system cannot be restored from the image. To do this, you need to install Windows XP, as well as the utility itself, and only then you can use it to restore the archive. As a result, you will have a fresh system with clearly fixed settings and data, exactly the same as it was at the time of backup. and most importantly, it will be bug-free if you made an image of a fresh system, of course. The second disadvantage is that Comodo Backup simply has no idea what an incremental archive is. How? You too? So I'll explain. Incremental backups can only save changes that have occurred since the last backup. That is, if you created a complete archive yesterday, then today, creating another similar archive, you will spend much less time, since today's archive will only include changes that occurred between yesterday and today. Comodo Backup, on the other hand, creates full archives every time, which cannot but affect the time spent.

2. Backup user system settings.

This type of copying will help you save the entire user folder, which includes registry settings, desktop, documents, and more. This is done quite simply by selecting the "Reservation" item in the main window of the utility, clicking on the "User Settings" line, and then clicking "Next".

The next steps, I think, are not worth describing, they differ little from those described above. When everything is set up and copying is in full swing, you can drink tea again, as the utility will do everything for you.

3. Create a copy of the system.

This type of backup refers to nothing more than a backup of such folders as Program Files, Windows, download folders and user folders. To do this, select the "Reservation" tab and specify "System" as the source for the reservation. Well, the further process is similar to the previous ones. Let's have a cup of tea :-)

4. Backup registry or its individual branches.

Perhaps someone is wondering why you need to copy the registry? After all, there is no information in it, no files, no folders. Let's imagine that you have installed a fresh axle. Works without glitches, fast, convenient, well, just cute. You have installed various software, several toys. You deleted one program, replacing it with a couple of others, and this continues week after week. Now compare the performance of the system with that which was on a freshly installed axis. Feel the difference? The fact is that by deleting various programs and games, we, without noticing it, leave the registry not quite clean, there are many fragments in it, due to which the execution of operations significantly increases in time. And if there is a backup of the registry, then this is not at all scary, because at any time you can again give acceleration to the iron that has fallen ill with fragments.

But, we digress. So, how to backup the registry or its fragments using our utility? This is done simply, on the "Reservation" tab, select either line 1) "Registry" or "Separate registry branches", with the difference that in the second paragraph below you will need to choose which registry branches to copy. And then everything, as before, having figured out a couple of settings ..... Aren't you tired of seagulls yet? Me too. Let's have a coffee :-)))

5. Backup of selective files and folders.

Sometimes there are situations when it makes no sense to reserve the entire system, but you need to save certain data. Utility Comodo Backup and in this case is in a hurry to help you. To make a BACKUP of selected information, you need, as you already understood, on the "Backup" tab, select the "Files and folders" item. Below, simply mark the data that needs to be cloned.

If you do not touch the subsequent settings further, the utility will create a copy of the entire contents of the selected folders. However, if there are files in some folder that you would not like to copy, and mother does not allow laziness to sort them manually or for some other reason, then take a close look at the following screenshot. Comodo Backup has a special filter system in its arsenal, thanks to which you can fine-tune what to transfer to a copy and what not to transfer.

In the screenshot, you can see two types of filters, these are 1) Addition filter and 2) Exclusion filter. Let's take a closer look at who is who. The add-on filter will help you select exactly those files that you need to copy without fail. And the exclusion filter will help weed out those files that you don't need to copy.

To set up a filter, click the "Add Filter" button.

In the window that appears, select the required filter and set the rules for adding or excluding from the bottom, and then click "OK". In this case, we have selected the additions filter and four types of files that will be included in the reserve without fail. In the case when there is no need to bother with setting up filters, just uncheck the boxes next to the "Filter of additions" and "Filter of exclusions" items.

Note: In the "Filter Name" field, all types of filters must be separated by a comma. The names of the filters are nothing more than the extension of the files that you will copy in case of adding, or ignore in case of exclusion. Icon * denotes an unlimited number of any characters, and the icon ? - only one character.

At the bottom, you can set the backup format settings if you select "Backup Format". The "CBU File" item means that the BACKUP will be saved in a special Comodo Backup archive, and the "Symple Copy" item will make a normal copy of the data. Other settings will help you compress your archive, encrypt it, split it into several parts, and add a comment. Having configured all the necessary items, click "Next", select a location to save the archive and give it a name. You already know all the other steps, so let's have another cup of coffee :-))

6) Backup e-mail, as well as program settings for quick messaging.

If you use such mail clients as Windows Mail, Outlook, Eudora, Thunderbird, then you can be absolutely calm about your letters and correspondence history, as the Comodo Backup utility can backup your email without any problems. Just select the "E-mail accounts" item on the "Reservation" tab, and the client that you have is displayed below. Select it and follow the instructions.

In the same way, through this utility, you can make backup copies of some managers for quick messaging. Just select the item "Programs for instant messaging" and Comodo Backup will start scanning your system for compatible managers, which you will find out in the window below. Select the necessary ones by checking the box next to them, and click ..... well, as you wish, of course, click on "Next".

Restoring data from backups.

Everything would be fine, we made a bunch of various backups, but here it arises, but what should we do with them next? Well, of course, you can put them on the back burner and forget until better times. And if these best times have come? Now the axis has ceased to work stably, the registry falls into a stupor from the abundance of fragments, and important and valuable information is threatened with a complete disaster due to the departure of the hard drive. Well, what can I advise here, of course, change the screw, reinstall the axis and .... no, the coffee doesn’t fit either .... let's better read about the restoration of our BECAPs.

Step 1: On a clean, fresh and fragrant operating system, you first need to install the Comodo Backup utility. Next, launch it and go to the "Recovery" tab. At the bottom, select from the list of our backups the one that is needed and click the "Next" button.

Step 2 A: Now it's time to make a choice on the type of recovery. The fact is that restoration can be pure (1), or it can be an addition to existing ones (2). A clean restore will completely remove everything from your system that is in the BACKUP and restore from the archive, and adding to the existing ones will only add to your data those parameters and files that are missing compared to the copy and without deleting the existing ones.

The "Check" button at the very bottom will help you find errors in the backup before restoring, if any. Select the desired settings and click "Next".

Step 3: At this stage, simply select the files and folders that need to be restored, while specifying where to restore. "Restore to default location" means that the archive will be restored to where it should be according to the system. But you can choose the path manually and restore everything to wherever your heart desires. We click "Next".

Step 4: Well, that's all, on the next window you can see the recovery process. As soon as the matter reaches its logical end, click the "Finish" button, since after that all the data that we have selected will be restored. In the meantime ..... no, it's better for a smoke break.

Planning a backup in Comodo Backup.

Comodo Backap has a feature such as a scheduler, with which you can configure the frequency of backups. Let's say you have a wonderful folder with periodically updated files, the loss of which would be tantamount to the end of the world. Exaggerated, of course, but true. And thanks to our utility, you can automate the creation of a backup copy of this folder and set a specific backup schedule.

Note: This example shows how to restore backed up files and folders.

To do this, go to the "Planning" tab. You will see the backup schedule set by the utility, which you can change as you wish, just by clicking the "Edit" button and changing the settings to your liking. The "Run now" button will start creating a backup immediately, and the "Delete" button will allow you to clear the scheduler task list. So, we select the schedule of copying and we go further.

Well, that's all) the backup will start exactly at the moment you specified in the scheduler. as you can see, Comodo Backup is not such a terrible beast, as it may seem to novice users, but on the contrary, if handled correctly, it can become an indispensable assistant. All the best to you and let your iron comrade often forget what bugs are!

Note: Comodo Backup is free (valid for 2 months). You can download it from the official site

This program is multifunctional, so here is how to use it for an eternal trial.

The fewer files on disk C, the smaller the size of the backup file. It's worth it - not 8 but 5 GB. Delete the files from the C/Windows/Software distibution/Downloads folder (the files used to install Windows updates are saved here). We reduce the size of pagefile.sys to 300 MB (at least for the time of creating a backup of disk C - then you can increase pagefile.sys). In Windows 7, I advise you to delete the hiberfile.sys file. This file is needed if you are using hibernation. Therefore, if you need this mode, enable it after creating a backup file.

How to remove the hiberfile.sys file

1. We enter Windows 7 into an administrative account.

2. Open Control Panel -> Power -> Sleep Settings.

3. In the "Put the computer to sleep" drop-down list, select "Never" and save the changes.

4. Start-All Programs-Accessories right-click on Command Prompt-Run as Administrator, type powercfg -h off and press Enter.

How to shrink pagefile.sys

In the "System Properties" window on the Advanced tab, the Settings button, in the new window "Performance Options" on the Advanced tab, the Change button.

1. Uncheck the box (we will specify the size manually). 2. Set the size to 300-500MB. After the backup, return the previous size.3. Click to ask. 4. OK. The result is that the updated Windows 7 SP 1 "fits" in my backup.cbu file with a size of 4.1GB. (Up to SP1- 3.1 GB).

So, now the actual launch of the program and the steps on the main topic "How to use the Comodo Backup program"

Run the program and select Back up now.

We will backup the Disk, partitions and MBR (check a little higher - "full" backup), check the boxes next to Track0 and MBR and drive C. Click next.

We save this backup file to disk D, E! But not on S.

The more compression, the longer it will take - and the difference in size is not very large. I recommend medium compression.

Click "Reserve".

The process has begun - we are waiting for the end.

When the backup file is ready, save it (using Puppy Linux live cd) to the backup partition. This is a partition (logical drive) formatted in ext3 file system. There is no access to OS Windows and its viruses, suddenly such ones start up (and viruses just know how to inject their code INSIDE other files). The backup file will be safe and sound there.

How to restore drive C (we restore the contents of drives D and E using Cloud Mail ru, read more).

Copy important files from drive C (from My Documents folder, etc.) to a New Folder on drive D!

Turn on Comodo Backup

Select My computer, on disk D we find the backup file. Further.

You can choose with or without a zero track. Further.

Click "Restore Now"

The program "swears" - drive C is currently in use. Click YES. Restoring the contents of drive C is possible only before loading OS Windows. Attention - by clicking YES, you start a process that, after rebooting, will replace the contents of drive C. That is, this reboot will delete all data from drive C (including trial keys to the software) and return the drive to the state that it was at the time the backup file was created . Programs installed after the backup was created will have to be reinstalled. That's actually all.

Comodo BackUp can quickly and easily make backups and upload information to archives on a disk or network. Download the latest version of Comodo BackUp for free. Permanent link: website/en/backups/comodo

Brief description of Comodo BackUp

Komodo Backup is designed to create backup archives automatically. Whatever you say: bykap, and bukap, and backup, and bikap, and boykap and even bokap, but it is clear that we are talking about a backup copy. To work with the program, you need to download Comodo Backup in Russian for free for a computer without registration and SMS and solder it into the system. You can also download Comodo Backup 3.0 for 1C for free from the website in Russian without registration and SMS. Everything will go quickly and without problems.

Interface, settings, functionality

The interface is convenient, the settings are clear, devoid of unnecessary functions. Reliable, stable program, works without failures. KomodoBackup is the best service for hassle-free backup of the necessary files.

Functionality and principle of operation of Comodo BackUp:

Copying information from hard drives to the backup occurs almost on the fly.
- Backing up system registries, as well as copying and saving user settings, copies of email accounts.
- Using Komodo Backup will help send copies from local drives to Internet servers, cloud storage, removable drives.
- The program sends reports on the location of the saved information to e-mail,
- You can also organize automatic backups using the scheduler manager. With this feature, you can schedule the job to run daily or by time.
- Komodo Backup allows you to work with information using filters and macros.
- For safe storage of information, K.Backup will help to encrypt or password protect backup archives, system files.
- Convenient function of synchronization with the backup file: the program automatically updates the backup file if the main file changes, so to speak, differentially.
- How to restore from a backup, yes, it's very simple, the free program K. Backup checks the integrity of the file structure before unpacking it, to avoid file recovery problems,
- The program can be integrated into the explorer of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
- A localizer is built into the backup for archiving Russian files.

For the program to work correctly, the company strongly recommends downloading the latest version of Comodo Backup for free for home use without registration and SMS. On the official website of Comodo Backup, you can download instructions on how to use the program, get acquainted with the full description of the software product, also get technical support, leave your comments and feedback on using the software. There are similar programs for Android devices. Updating the program to the latest version is always available, we recommend downloading Comodo Backup RUS for Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP for free from the website

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