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Examples of phone greetings. For reference

We analyzed texts of over a thousand voice menus of various companies!

We have chosen the most important phrases, the most laconic formulations!

Expand the block, click on the required replica, and it will appear in the text editor:


  • Hello! You have called the "Company Name". Thank you for your call
  • Hello! You called the hotline of the company "Company Name"
  • Hello! Welcome to "Company Name". Thanks for your call
  • Hello! Welcome to "Company Name"
  • Hello! We are glad to welcome you to the "Company Name"
  • Hello! You called Main office company "Company name"
  • Hello! Thank you for calling the company
  • (outside office hours) Good night!


  • Please wait for a response from the operator. Your call is very important to us!
  • Please stay on the line, you will be answered soon
  • Please stay on the line, the first available operator will answer you
  • Please stay on the line, the operator will answer you in ... minutes
  • Your call is very important to us! Stay on the line, you will definitely get an answer!
  • Stay tuned, our secretary will answer you soon!
  • Please stay on line!

Transfer to tone mode

  • Please put your phone in tone mode
  • For further action, put the phone into tone mode by pressing the "star" key
  • To use the services voice menu, put your phone in tone mode, please.
  • Please follow the instructions electronic operator(auto attendant)

Working hours

  • We work from ... to ... Moscow time
  • Our working hours are on weekdays from ... to ... Moscow time
  • Our consultants will answer your questions from ... to ... Moscow time
  • You can sign up for a consultation every day on weekdays from ... to ..., on weekends from ... to ...
  • Our store is open for you every day on weekdays from ... to ..., on weekends and holidays from ... to ...
  • Our office is open every day from ... to ... except weekends and holidays
  • Our salons are open for you every day! From Monday to Saturday from ... to ..., on Sunday - from ... to ...
  • The working hours of our call center are from ... to ... hours.
  • The working hours of our office (online store, call center) are from… to… hours.

Call forwarding

  • To contact (to connect) with the department ... click ...
  • To contact (to connect) with the office on ... click ...
  • To send a fax, press ...
  • To contact the operator (administrator, secretary, consultant, office manager), click ...
  • To leave a voice message, click ...
  • (Please in tone mode) dial the extension number of the employee
  • Dial the extension number of the employee or press ... to send a fax
  • Please wait for the operator's answer, or, in tone mode, dial the employee's number
  • Please wait for the secretary's answer, or dial the extension number of the subscriber. Thanks!
  • If you know the internal number of the subscriber, dial it in tone mode
  • Please dial the extension number of the subscriber
  • Please, in tone mode, dial the subscriber's number, or wait for the operator to answer
  • Please wait for a response from the operator (administrator, secretary, consultant, office manager)
  • If you want to contact the employees of the company, click ...
  • ... or wait for the operator's response (administrator, secretary, consultant, office manager)
  • ... or stay on the line until (to) connect with the secretary
  • ... or press ... to connect to ...,
  • ... or stay on the line, you will definitely be answered
  • To return to the main menu (to the beginning of the menu), press ...


  • If you want to listen to detailed information about our products, click ...
  • If you want to know about ... please click ...
  • All information about ... you can get by pressing the key ...
  • You can find out about ... by pressing the key ...
  • To record a voice message, press ...
  • To find out how to get to us by car, click ... on public transport, click ...
  • The addresses of the company's salons: ...

Non-working hours

  • Sorry, we are unable to answer your call. Please call back during business hours.
  • Unfortunately, we are currently unable to answer your call, as you called outside of business hours.
  • Sorry, you called outside of business hours. Please call back during business hours.
  • We are waiting for your call on weekdays from ... to ... Moscow time.
  • We will be happy to answer your questions from ... to ... Moscow time.
  • You can place an order on our website right now, and we will definitely contact you.


  • To improve the quality of service, all conversations with the operator are recorded
  • In order to improve the quality of customer service of the company, a random check of the content of telephone conversations is carried out
  • Attention, all conversations with the operator are recorded!


  • You can leave a request on our website "site address", we will definitely call you back.
  • You can find detailed information about the services of our company on our website "site address"
  • Detailed information about offers and prices, purchase on credit - you can find on our website ...
  • (outside working hours) You can place an order on our website right now, and we will definitely contact you.

Request to call back

  • All operators are busy, please call back later
  • Please call back or leave a message after the (beep) signal


  • Thank you for calling! All the best!
  • Thanks for your call!
  • Thank you for your interest in us!
  • We are grateful for your call! You can leave your feedback and wishes after the signal

Our dear clients!

We invite those who order the production of individual voice greetings from us. Those who do not mount themselves in the constructor, but those who send us the text and we, according to the provided text, sound and mount the personal file.

We urge you not to be boring and conservative in this matter.

According to statistics, 99% of the texts provided in the voice acting differ from the texts that can be formed in the constructor only by the name of the company, which cannot be formed in the constructor.

But, damn it !:

There is such a great opportunity to be creative and thereby give smiles to your clients. After all, as it is sung in the well-known song:

A gloomy day is brighter from a smile,
From a smile in the sky, the rainbow will wake up ...
Share your smile
And she will come back to you more than once.

"Will be back"! It is "Will come back" that is the key word here, because:

A smile makes the conversation brighter
They will wait for the smile of the operators ...
Share your smile
And the clients will come back to call.

Therefore, if it is even a little permissible to smile, be kind, cheerful and mischievous - be so.

And in order to have something to start from, we publish a collection of texts of the best original answering machines, funny and interesting voice greetings.

Examples of texts from funny and interesting autoresponders of companies

Perhaps we went too far in some places with humor, but, nevertheless, for us these are just texts.

And we offer you to transform it into something really practical and at the same time original and exciting!

Voice greetings without specifying the type of business of the company

Hello! We value our customers, so we always talk to them not only politely, but also in full dress. Just a second. A little blush and lipstick. Let's fix the manicure. Let's take an elegant pose. (If a woman answers).

Ooh, are you serious? And I just sat down to paint my nails, you can't wait, well, at least an hour? Not? Hmm, how busy we are ... okay, I'm putting you in touch with a free operator ... I think you'll have to wait, I hope you can.

While you are waiting for the operator's answer, I could offer you tea or coffee, but I'm afraid if I start pouring it into the pipe, and you are far away, it will take a very long time to reach you. At the same time, one must also take into account the thickness of the wire, in the case of a wired device, as well as the density of air, the physics of the process. ... Perhaps I would better put you music ...

We are glad that you called us. We value your time, so while our specialists are busy, you can tell me interesting story or anecdote. Although, no. Better, I'll tell you something. For example, an anecdote. A long time ago, when I was working as an answering machine on a rotary dial phone. ... Haha "laugh", on a rotary phone ... An answering machine ... Okay, I'd better put you some music.

Welcome, answering machine! And, I, his - a faithful companion, an answering machine! If you want me / a man to accompany you in the menu, press the "1" key; in order for me / a girl to accompany you in the menu - press "2". Thank you, your choice has been made. Follow me to the menu ...

Hello, the answering machine is talking to you. I am so lonely and there is no one to talk to, could you be my interlocutor until the beep sounds?

Hello, you have called the company with the most hospitable and cultured answering machine. Hopefully, this time I can get the customer a cup of tea before the beep sounds.

Hello! You have called the subscriber service. The cost of a call directly depends on your positive attitude towards our employees. Please smile, meditate and wait for the operator's response!

You are greeted by the best manager of the company you called first! Unfortunately, it is still very early now. We start from (time). Leave a message, you will definitely be called back! Thanks!

Ouch! Well, you finally got through to us! How long can I ignore you, there are only two hours and fifty-six minutes left, I repeat, three years, two months, eighteen hours, and ... Do you really need it? Well, it's just that we are so bad, I suppose we drink coffee for ourselves, or even drink at all in broad daylight, but we don't answer so good, well, horror is direct ...! Wait, and my joy, rain-ish, Sko-Oro will answer you-e-e, Na-as, be it-so-obr do not be angry, We are already zagging-and-ish ...

Hello dear customer! We remind you that if you wait for the operator's response for more than five minutes, you will have the right to demand a discount on the account in the same amount.

Hello. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Your call has put on the ears of all operators and at the moment there is a fierce struggle for the opportunity to talk to you. As soon as one of the operators gets to the microphone, they will answer you.

Good afternoon. Without casting a shadow over the fence, there is a discount day in our company. Prizes and bonuses, from morning to night. We delete everything that is not much old, but still in juice. Your first task is to collect more, carry it away. Our discounts are good, take it from the heart. I wanted to, not enough, we issue loans. He did not come to us today, he lost a lot.

Hello gentlemen, our company is always glad to see you. For small and old, young and backward, for sad and cheerful, in cities and villages. There will be bonuses and discounts, and nice estimates. Call, write, we will solve all the problems.

Hello, we'll pick up the phone soon.

A hand is already reaching out.

If we are all at dinner

And we don't hear a fig

We ask you for forgiveness.

Call us later.

Well, and we, as soon as we can,

Then we will answer you soon.

Hello! Run, run

To the phone very quickly.

We will answer you now,

Whether you are a lady or a mister.

We will deftly pick up the receiver.

We have always been waiting for your call.

And sorry if we

They didn’t answer you for a long time.

Hello, if you wait for the operator's answer, you are a very balanced, patient, intelligent, kind, understanding and educated person ... Wait ... Are you still on the line? You are already our favorite client, now we will be at your service!

Hello! You call the mobile version “guess the melody”, so choose a category. Click one if this melody of TV series from the 90s, like our program itself. The choice has been made! And now you need to continue the melody by pressing the buttons on your phone.

Hello! You called

And they made us happy.

Rushing to the phone,

We will answer this very hour.

Day and night for your good

Our team is working.

Well, finally! You called us, and we waited, waited, completely tired of waiting. Press the buttons and, especially, on "0". The lively voice of our operator will always provide technical support, encouragement and refer you to a specialist.

Hello, you called the future! We will now hand over the phone to you from the future. (Pause 5-10 seconds). Unfortunately, you from the future said that you cannot come up, you (play XBOX, cook chili, see New film, whatever, depending on the type of activity). Now we will transfer you to the operator.

With such a loud bass-baritone, like the announcers in the USSR: "Attention!" We translate to the operator.

We wish you a good day and bright thoughts. The Supreme Deity has blessed you to dial our number. In our society, you will find the meaning and joy of your existence in CREATION with friends and the Almighty. We love you and wish you perseverance while awaiting an answer.

At any time of the day or night, we were expecting a call from you very much!
We ask you to wait a minute, we will not disregard you!
Communication with our specialists will be pleasant and fruitful for you!

Our service company is pleased to thank you for the choice made in our favor, high-quality performance of the service and a favorable offer to reduce the price. Our experts are looking forward to the opportunity to communicate with you

Hello! You are our anniversary caller, so we have a special offer for you. Its rules are as follows: you buy two products for the price of three and get the third as a gift. Since this is very beneficial, I believe that we have agreed.

Wait here. Do not put the receiver down anywhere. We're on our way to the phone. You understand the office. But you wait. I’m talking to you in a voice. I can listen to you too. I will tell you frankly - wonderful person.
Oh no really! You and I will not speak, I hear someone's footsteps. Or maybe it was someone passing by.
No, no, someone has already taken the phone and will talk to you. You are ready?
Have you forgotten what you are calling? Then get ready, get ready, get ready and and and and and and ...

We are glad to welcome you and we ask you to wait.
We apologize for keeping you waiting, because we are not immediately able to pick up the phone. There are many clients today. We want to pay attention to everyone, and you are no exception, so stay on the line, please, and wait a little.
Your call is very important to us. So don't hang up, we're already here.

Congratulations to you! Please wait, someone will tell you hello. More precisely, this will be done by our secretary, if she is at the workplace. Do not worry if she is not here, she will answer you anyway. No one will let her go from her workplace without a phone.
But perhaps you will wait a little, because if our secretary took the phone into her purse, then you yourself understand - a woman's purse - will find it for now.
Let's time the time with you - how long it will take for her to pick up the phone. If it takes a long time - I promise you as a boss - I will fire you.
You count with me 1, 2, 3 ...

We can't answer the phone now.
After the dial tone, please, leave your name, phone number, Master Card, Visa or American Express account numbers, and we will call you back if your solvency is confirmed.

Hello. V currently the operator is woken up by your call and runs to the phone as fast as he can. He fell asleep on the trading floor. On a very soft sofa of the latest model. With velor upholstery and comfortable armrests. Agree, it's hard to resist. It is very important for us that our operator shares his impressions with you.

Voice greetings indicating the activities of companies


Good afternoon. If you called us, then we are the best. The most modern room with a comfortable bed and coffee in the morning is already waiting for you. After a while, our operator will answer you and tell you what other surprises we have prepared in honor of the FIFA World Cup.

Hello. Your call is very important to us. If you answer correctly with whom the Russian national team played in the World Cup, you will receive a 10% discount on accommodation in our hostel. We will answer you in 5 seconds.

Greetings. The windows of our hostel overlook the main stadium, where the FIFA World Cup is taking place. If you don't believe, order a room and stay with us! Wait until our operator becomes available and book the best apartment.

Good afternoon. Our staff are avid optimists. We believe in the victory of our team. If you are one of us, we are glad to offer our services. If after 15 seconds our administrator does not answer you, we are ready to provide one day of free accommodation in our hostel. So, 15, 14, 13, 12 ...

Cleaning of premises

Hello! We bet you need help saving your apartment or office from dust cyclones and debris. Our rescuers are already ready to go to the site, write down the address!

Voice auto answer of the floristry center

Hello! You have called the floristry center. Now we have a promotion! Wedding bouquet at half price, provided that our employee comes to your wedding and catches the bouquet back! If you want to learn more about the promotion, please wait for the connection with our operator.

Surgical complex answering machine

Hello! You are calling the surgical complex. Everything here is very reliable and of high quality! You can be convinced of this by coming to another person's operation. And to see how Irina was fat at first, and then Irina became fat! We are waiting for everyone tomorrow at 14.00! More details by phone.

Call the auto answer of a dairy farm

Hello! You have called the dairy farm. We have quality and inexpensive milk filled with love and happiness. But what can I say, our milkmaids have such gentle hands that the cows moan a little when they give milk. To communicate with the operator, stay on the line.

Musical Instrument Store Voice Answer

Hello! You have called a musical instrument store. There are ten chords left before contacting the operator ... nine chords ... eight chords. Unfortunately, until the operator has finished playing another song, he will not pick up the phone, so he put you second in line. Before contacting the operator, there are 14 chords left ... 13 chords ...

Holidays company auto-reply

Hello! My name is Alexey, I am a representative of a company for holding holidays, sweepstakes, children's parties. Ha, fell for it, we thought we answered the phone !? For communication with the operator, please wait three minutes on the line ... for communication with the operator, wait 4 minutes ... Hello! My name is ... Ha, be led? Another 2 minutes and we will pick up the phone ...

Telephone greeting from the tour operator

Bonjour! Our tour operator welcomes you from a small cafe in the center of Paris. A little accordion won't hurt. Truth? (background theme music). Return to the homeland through 5,4,3,2,1 ...

Financial company answering machine

Good day! Today and only for you is the most fun action from our company. Remember the three Russian proverbs with the word "money" - and the waiting time of our operator will become not only imperceptible, but also useful.

Wedding dress salon greeting

Hello, you have called the wedding dress salon. We are very glad that he has finally decided on this step and is ready to pay you for a gorgeous dress, which we will be happy to help you choose. Wait for a response from a free, unenviable operator.

Beauty salon answering machine

Hello, you have called the beauty salon. If we don't get back to you in a minute, wait a bit more as we provide the best service in town and it's worth the wait. We are now busy creating an image of the waiting client response.

Travel agency answering machine

It is customary to welcome guests in sunny Turkey with a short "Selam" and warm hugs. But you will hear the most sincere Russian greeting through 5,4,3,2,1 ..

Discount store answering machine

Hello? Oh, I understand why you are. Sorry, but I already sold the TV. Oh, it seems you are not about this ... I can transfer you to a free operator, but I also have a laptop, inexpensive. Not? Well, then I transfer you to the operator, after about ... wait a minute, as if the laptop is not of interest, consider it at such a price, I give it ... Well, no, no, no.

Computer firm

You hit a busy line, how did you do it? Are you from anonymous? Not? Come on, not scary. But don't do that anymore ... You tried to get on the line with an operator, right? Then I'll put you in touch now.

Private Dentist Answering Machine

While you are trying to make an appointment with the dentist, can I recommend a good toothpaste for you? After all, as I understand it, your current toothpaste is not doing its job well. Although, you probably don't have time for that.

Voice greeting of the travel agency

Greetings, while you are waiting for a free operator. Fact: “It rains 350 days a year on Kauai. This is the rainiest place on earth. " I hope you stop worrying about what is pouring out of the bucket in your city.

Call to the nightclub after hours

Good morning! You have called a nightclub. Nobody answers the phone? Still not answered? This is because we are still sound asleep. Call us after sixteen hours, and we will cheerfully answer you.

Fishing store answering machine

Hello! You are calling a shop that specializes in fishing! The action is taking place, the echo sounder with the SOS button! When you press it, our employees bring you fish, and they hook it on your hooks so that your wife does not think that you went to a booze! To communicate with the operator, wait 10 minutes when he comes from a call ...

Busy line in water delivery

Hello! You are welcomed home delivery of water! To contact the operator, wait 20 minutes, or call back in an hour! If you are calling for the second time after you have waited for an hour, just calm down, drink some water, cool down!

Phone joke from the phone shop

Good evening! You are calling phone repair! Unfortunately, the foreman is now unable to answer your call, as he is repairing his phone. You can leave a voice message, which our employee will listen to in the future. Thanks for understanding!

A humorous greeting from a detective agency

Hello! You are calling a private detective agency! Don't say anything! We know everything about you! Even the fact that not only your soul mate is cheating on you, but you are cheating on your soul mate! Wait for the operator for further conversation!

Call the manager of the school

Hello! You are calling school # 76! We want to tell you right away that you owe us money for the curtains and a new board. Soon we plan to replace all windows with metal-plastic ones, and put projectors in every classroom! If you listened to the end and did not hang up, then something really serious. Wait for the caretaker on the line!

Private hospital call

Hello! You are calling a private hospital! We have experienced doctors who do not say the phrase "That would be all right" before operations. We have good equipment, which accurately identifies your illness, and not "you probably have a cold." To contact the operator, wait, wait 1 minute

Phone joke from a dating agency

Hello! We value your time very much, so while you wait, I suggest you play simple game... Let's start? Say "Liu". How do you say blue in English? Blue. Now everything is together. "I love". Me? Oh, how unexpected and pleasant! And I you! Perhaps, for the sake of this moment I will put good music... Hold on.

A playful phone greeting from a pet store

Hello, you've called the pet store. The cat Barsik is talking to you. Right now you can leave your message, come and scratch me behind the ear, or immediately take me to your home. Murmur your option after the signal.

Production of metal doors

Good day! Welcome to the metal door company. Until our operator has answered you, check if the door has come off its hinges, if the lock is working. If there are problems, we will eliminate them with a 90% discount.

Calling the vocal school outside of working hours

Hello, you have applied to a vocal school! The support department is open from 9 am to 7 pm on weekdays. Sing the anthem of our school with us after the sound signal, and if you hit all the notes, we will call you back.

Disinsection - comic answering machine

Hello. Now we are in ambush, but we are already crawling towards the phone to answer you. And while you wait, please accept the encryption: “There are no more ants. Pt. The cockroaches have been destroyed. Pt. The food is saved. Pt. "

Call the veterinarian

Hello, we want to help you! If you want to bring your kitty for inspection - say "meow", if it comes to a dog - say "woof", if you have fish - wait for the operator's response in 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ...

Sale of refrigerators

Hello, however. The Chukchi will now answer the phone, however. The Chukchi was sitting in the refrigerator, however. It is very comfortable and roomy, however. The Chukchi would have lived in it himself, but the wife of the Chukchi already lives in it, however.

Sauna / steam bath / foundry

Good evening dear ... customer! It's so hot in here! I am all wet ... Now I will slowly ... take this big ... phone in my hands and bring it to my face. I'm ready ... to take from you ... order in 10 ... 9 ... 8 ...

Auto answer with a joke from the school of foreign languages

We greet you in English, Armenian, French, Spanish, Italian, Slovenian, German and Swedish. In the meantime, we just propose to speak purely in Russian, without a bazaar, in kind.

Comic phone greeting from the insurance company

Hello. We greet you and wish you good health, long life, good neighbors from above! May earthquakes, hurricanes and floods pass you by! May the Almighty send you safe travel, law-abiding companions and us, humble ones.

Pharmacy / dietary supplements / gym / massage / male doctor

Hello, kind person! Rejoice, for soon all your ailments and weaknesses will go away! Your body will be strong, like a young oak tree that grows in an open field. Eyes - clear as the sky in May. And thoughts are good and lofty.

Call the tire shop

Hello, you have called the tire shop. If the operator does not answer the phone after 13 seconds, we will change 5 wheels for you free of charge, even if the car has 4 of them.

Joke on the phone from the cafe

Hello, you have called the erotica store. Oh sorry! This replica is from another work. And so, you called the cafe - pub.

Auto answer in the insurance company

Hello, you have called the insurance company. Each spent second of waiting for the operator will be equal to the number free years guarantees of your insurance issued with us.

Call to the restaurant

Hello, the answering machine is speaking to you - the chief. If you don't want to wait for a response from the restaurant administrator, then let me dictate some delicious recipes?

Gun store answering machine

Hello, the answering machine of the weapons store is talking to you. I advise you not to joke with the seller, as he is serious, yes, and "armed to the teeth."

Call to the Philharmonic

Hello! You are calling the concert hall, namely the philharmonic department! Unfortunately, all the staff are busy right now, so listen to live music from our brass musicians! There is only one composition left until the employee's reply!

IT company answering machine

Good day! You call the office for the development of IT-technologies. Since we made a robot, now it will process your order, not an operator. So, you have nothing to wait! After the dial tone, speak.

A comic answering machine from a repair shop

Hello! Repair household appliances listens to you. Although no, don't say anything, we feel like your vacuum cleaner got a dust blow ... and also the refrigerator froze its compressor. If you missed something, tell our operator about the problem by pressing the "0" button.

Shoe store voice greeting

Hello! You call the shoe store. We have such comfortable and cozy shoes that some people, going to work, suddenly fall asleep in them! To contact our operator, please stay on the line, she will still run a circle, and immediately to you!

Creative greeting phone repair shop

Hello! You are calling phone repair! If you somehow managed to call us from a broken phone, it means that we are working for a reason, and we fix phones at a distance! If you are calling from a work phone, you should know that soon you will also be calling from the phone that will be repaired if you wait for the connection with the operator!

Shoe Store Answering Machine

Hello, you've called a shoe store. We are very glad to your call, and if you do not want to be left without shoes, wait a little and we will answer your call.

Voice hello from bookstore

We greet you! You called the bookstore. The books you have dreamed of will surely dream of being yours! A moment of patience and we will answer your call.

A humorous greeting from a clothing store

Hello, you've called a clothing store. We are glad to your call. Don't worry, they won't leave you naked. We will answer your call within a minute.

Answering machine of a cosmetics and perfumery store

We greet you! You have called a cosmetics and perfume store. You are not satisfied with your appearance and smell? Don't worry, we will answer your call and solve your problem.

Kids clothing store greeting

Hello, you have called the children's clothing store. Is your cute baby just born or has already grown up? Wait a minute and we will answer your call.

Answering machine in a toy store

We greet you! You called the toy store. With us, your baby will not have to be sad and bored. We will answer your call in a minute.

Phone greetings from a sewing and sewing shop

Hello, you have called the sewing and sewing shop. Cut seven times, measure one? Oh no, on the contrary. A minute of waiting and we will answer your call.

Shoe store call

Hello, you've called a shoe store. We are glad to your call. Don't worry, we won't leave you barefoot. We will answer your call in a minute.

Auto answer from the cleaning company

Hello! You have called the cleaning company. We see the meaning of our life in keeping you clean, dry and comfortable! Our operator is already wringing out the rag and in a couple of minutes will be ready to answer your call!

Greetings from the dental clinic

Hello! Our dental clinic greets you with a wide smile, shamelessly provoking you to use our services! If you buy into our hospitality, please wait for a response.

Optical store call

Hey, come quickly and order discount glasses quickly, everyone. Order by phone - we will deliver quickly directly to your home. And we will check our eyesight at home, our ophthalmologist will help urgently. But don't hang up, the operator will answer and give you a discount on new cases.

Creative over the phone from a beauty salon

Hello, this is a beauty salon for retirees. WWII veterans are given a 50% discount. We will teach your grandparents to stay beautiful even in retirement. Contact us! And if you listen to our full price list, you will receive a free discount card.

Calling a phone store

Hello buyer! Sing along with us Christina Si's song "I Want" and you will receive as a gift newest iPhone and Jimmy Choo shoes. Hurry, buyer - the number of products is limited!

Calling the telephone company

Hello, you have called our telephone company headquarters. For every minute you wait for a specialist, you will receive 5 rubles. Waiting is so precious! Thank you for staying in touch with us. Sincerely!

Creative greeting in a window company

Good afternoon, you called the plastic window manufacturer! The team has already left to take measurements, and after lunch we will put it on right away. Do not worry, you will be satisfied, you have got the most popular sizes and the most fashionable colors. We guarantee you will love the polka dots!

Creative greeting by phone pizzeria

Hello, you are lucky enough to call the pizzeria with home delivery! Would you like to try 4 cheeses, vegetarian or meat: with bacon, sausages, chicken? “Frutti di mare” is also available with seafood. Will you take one or two meters each? Sprinkle with pepper? Should you roll?

Ceiling installation company welcome

Hello, you have called the suspended ceiling installation company, welcome! Today, we have a complete collapse of prices, not ceilings ... Guarantee, we will do the job quickly, efficiently and with great pleasure! You will admire and recommend us from time to time.

Creative greeting from the restaurant

We welcome you and we will be very glad to see you in our restaurant! Would you like to book a table? We congratulate you for your choice and excellent taste! We want to please you - today there is a special offer: a table for one, a discount - 5%, for two - 10%, for three - 15%, and then - 20% ... 30, 50.

Creative answering machine construction company

Hello, you have called a construction company! Our specialists will do the job of any complexity; flood, build, smear, glue, paint over. We provide wide range services - more than ten hectares wide. And now we count up to 4 bricks, our operator will answer on the fifth.

Pizza delivery phone creative

Hello, you called the pizza delivery! Our chefs bake the most delicious pizza; with juicy tomatoes, fragrant mushrooms, melting cheese. Ready to place an order !? Then we count; one sausage, two sausages ...

Autoresponders of insurance companies and companies

Hello. You have reached the insurance company. We will even insure the mother-in-law and the dog. Stay on the line, and if no one answers in 10 seconds, we guarantee a 30% discount on our services. Time has gone - 10, 9, 8, 7 ..

Good afternoon. Our insurance company greets you and would like to congratulate you on being a happy 1000th client of our company. You can find out how to pick up your gift after waiting for the operator's response.

Greetings. Your call is very important to us. If you want to consult on an important issue - press 1. If you want to know how much Ronaldo's leg insurance cost - press 2. Our operator is ready to answer all your questions.

Cheers from the online kitchenware store

Hello. You have called the largest kitchenware store. If you have been looking for a porcelain set for a long time, like your neighbor's, then you are at the right place. We have everything - and more. After a short beep, our salesperson is ready to listen to you.

Hello. Did you break the dishes "for luck"? And here's your happiness! Only today we have a huge discount on all sets. Buy and hit for luck, we pay! Wait for a reply from our seller to find out what other discounts are available in our store.

Greetings. By chance, you find yourself in the most unusual world of kitchen utensils. Looking for a flower-shaped cup or ball plate? We still have a lot of interesting things. Order one unit and get a discount on the second. Wait for a response from our operator to find out the details of the action.

Creative answering machine in the circus

Hello, you have called the circus. Our operator must answer, wait for him. He checks the tiger cage. It's been five seconds, and is there still silence? Come to us urgently, we have a tiger - a man-eater.

Creative over the phone at the hospital

The maternity ward welcomes you! There is a promotion in our institution. For men who have received two or more children - a GIFT. We present valerian tincture and a medal "For Courage".

Answering machine from pizza delivery

Hungry? Let's fix everything now! Our dough is the thinnest and our vegetables are ripe! We did not come up with this ourselves, our friends think so. We hope you will join them. Hot pizza is already rushing to you!

Creative idea of ​​an online store autoresponder

Good day! We inform you that we have a promotion every day! Whoever will wait the longest for our operator's response will receive a 1000-ruble gift voucher for purchasing goods from our store! Good luck! All the best!

Call to the online refrigerator store

Hello! You have called the online refrigerator store. While you wait for a response from the operator, our refrigerators cool the food, and our customer service specialists warm the souls.

Hot food delivery service

Hello! You have called the hot food delivery service to your home! Thank you, your address has already been registered automatically. Expect a delicious meal! If it is not delivered within 30 minutes, then the dish simply burned out along the way. We are such a hot company!

Call the head of the hospital

Yes, yes, I have the device! If you do not know who "I" is, then leave a voice message, we will definitely chat, but later. And now, I have to report that our head of the hospital is a little sick. How to recover - will immediately call you back!

Anatomy laboratory answering machine creative

I am listening to you, if you are an individual of the human race. Since you called the anatomical laboratory. Do you want to buy an organ or donate your own? Then you are right on target! Leave a request, we will quickly issue it!

Calling a medical company

Yes, yes, I knew you would call. But, unfortunately, all the medical workers are now having lunch, despite the late hour. After all, he who does not eat does not work! Call later, or leave a few words for me!

Commander's answering machine

Well, well, here you are. Really so early free? And the commander is still on vacation ... Soulful! Therefore, he said not to disturb. You can talk to me, I'll tell you everything. Wait for the beep!

Call to the fitness club

You have called the fitness club. We were waiting for your call, but to make the waiting usefully pass, we decided to arrange a race. After a couple of seconds, the winner of the race will be talking to you.

Creative answering machine of electrical engineering store

Welcome to the electrical shop. Our vacuum cleaners clean themselves, multicooker come up with recipes, refrigerators make online purchases, TVs communicate with satellites. Oh, sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I AM - new phone looking for an owner and a friend. I liked you. I'll be there soon.

Gym answering machine

We pulled dumbbells and got a little tired. And now we will rest, and we will definitely take the phone number.

Call to trendy beauty salon

An innovative, trendy beauty salon welcomes you. All the masters are very busy as they are on the move. We are spreading beauty and will get to you soon. Don't hang up, stay put, your location has already been found.

Creative gym greeting

Hello, the gym was waiting for your call. During the minutes of waiting, we analyzed breathing, and the pulse was quickened. You need to urgently engage in physical fitness. Start running towards us - this will shorten your distance.

Record store answering machine

Good afternoon. You called the music store. Talk to us or just be quiet! In our store, any object, and even a telephone, publishes music. Your call silenced the phone. We are so glad to hear from you. Come, we have musical gifts.

Pet store answering machine

The pet store is listening to you. Our salesman left for lunch, forgot to close the door. Come urgently, our fish gathered on a sewer cruise, pigeons decided that they were postal, turtles that they were ninjas, and the dogs went to look for friends among people. The responsible parrot communicates and stays in touch.

Warm greetings from the collection agency

Hello. They called and forgot where and why? And this is the collection service. We will come for you ourselves. With us, all memory gaps will be filled important information about the events that have taken place. By the way, the responsibility for which we have already invented. We use an individual approach.

Banquet hall answering machine

Good day! Our chef has already started preparing for your holiday, he has a lot of great ideas for the menu! Especially for you, we will serve the best champagne, chilled to 9-12 degrees. So are you ready? I'm writing it down!

Karaoke bar answering machine

Good day! An individual offer just for you - an exclusive karaoke for the soul! If we don't answer within a minute, our operator will sing you an acapella, you can even sing along! And while you wait, choose a song.

Answering machine with humor from the airline

The airline welcomes you. If you do not like skydiving, free fall and relaxation on a desert island, then feel free to contact us. Reliable flights are of the utmost importance!

A funny greeting on the phone of the military registration and enlistment office

Hello, you called the military registration and enlistment office. Would you like to mop floors, clean toilets for 2 years, and visit our exclusive Dirty Rag Battle attraction? Then we know exactly what you need!

Autoresponder of a design firm

Good day! You called a design firm. In order not to waste your time, we suggest that you start transforming your home right now. Grab a brush and paint, start painting the sun on the ceiling ...

Travel agency creative answering machine

You have called the travel agency. Our operator recently returned from vacation. He cannot forget him in any way, because he flew our tour. The operator will immediately answer you when he returns to reality. Return of the operator to reality in 3,2,1 ...

Answering machine in the cinema

Our cinema offers you free popcorn if the operator does not answer your call within the next minute.

Voice greeting on the phone of the veterinary clinic

Hello, this is a veterinary clinic. Our loyal consultants and experts in pet food: Tuzik the dog, Murzik the cat and Khoma the hamster wish your pet more useful treats, which we will give him for free if we do not answer your call in 5,4,3 ...

Interesting nail salon answering machine

A nail salon welcomes you. We will answer you as soon as the nail polish dries. To make it dry faster, let's blow on it together. And 1,2,3 ...

Answering machine with humor from the city taxi service

Hello! You have reached the fastest taxi in the city! All our taxi drivers underwent an internship in France with Daniel himself (film Taxi) and will deftly deliver you anywhere in a short time. Wait for the operator's answer and enjoy an unforgettable ride! If the operator does not answer you within a minute, feel free to ask for a car with Daniel ... or a 50% discount!

Autoresponder for holiday agencies

(to the tune "Everything is good, beautiful Marquis" by Leonid Utesov):

Hello Hello! Hello lucky guy!

You got through, it's "good"!

Listen to the tune for now,

You will not be overlooked.

We will tell you about our company for now,

That the holiday is our strong point!

We will fulfill any desires

You will be delighted!

Corporate and birthday party,

Any banquet without exception

We will turn it into a chic, wonderful holiday!

Believe me, it will be good!

Funny taxi answering machine:

Our taxi is on vacation, which means that you have a unique opportunity to use our freshest service, go on foot! Go on foot, brotherly, eh? No, well, if you are ready to help me with the children, then come on, one on your neck, one for me, a bib is attached, you will have to pay extra for a pacifier. And if you also sing bayu-bayushki bayushki, we will also get there with the comfortable puffing of angels!

Auto-responder food to order:

Alonam! This tee? Ty zavanil me, I made an order for you, two scribes with chebugrek, two koshkanam kolinama, tyri salhvetki in padarak, at minya-ya, at my bro, at ma-amy, everything is daragoy for you, everything! Will you make another order? My advice to you, do it! (Not the slightest desire to offend any nationality or anyone at all, just a small, perhaps extremely rude and stupid joke, like "Our Rashi" by Ravshan and Jumshut).

Greetings on the phone of a company related to sports and sports goods:

Immediately I advise you to sit down ... so-a-ak, great, and now stand up, of course, and now your arms to the sides, legs at shoulder level, look forward, we are in a bullfight, I advise you to run, behind a bull, so stop! You are doing an excellent job, would you like to perform at the Olympics, tell me the number?

Hello, a trendy fitness club welcomes you. If you have already phoned us, it means that we will be useful to you. We give you a personal trainer for one workout. And you start it right now on the phone, put your feet shoulder-width apart and begin to squat. When you have squatted 10 times, you can feel free to start exercising and smile.

Medical service center creative answering machine

Hello. The Medical Services Center welcomes you. We recommend not to waste time on a phone message. Come urgently, we know that healthy people no. We can find your disease and cure it.

Security service answering machine

The security service is listening. We will protect you from all troubles and troubles. For regular customers, the action is meteorological protection. We even predict bad weather. With us you are completely safe in the office and outdoors. Thanks for your call.

Voice greeting with creative from the service center

Good day! The technical service center is glad to talk to you. We believe in your technical skills, but please don't fix things yourself. Please contact us. We will interview your technician, whoever has no complaints will receive a gift. There are no secrets between us and the devices.

Answering machine on the radio

Well, hello, kind listener. You called the radio station. Your voice sounds on the radio, tell your life story ... Thank you for the half-hour story. Now we are glad to announce that our rating has grown thanks to you. We would like to express our gratitude to you and confer the title of "People's Listener".

Pension fund creative answering machine

You called the Pension Fund. Your call is very important - please wait. The more you wait, the faster you will retire. Your expectation is also work and we add to the total experience. Call us more often, but better come, dear citizen.

Answering machine in the call center

A modern call center welcomes you. Be the first to ask the most original question. We analyze and accumulate all questions. For the most creative, we have organized a competition for a free service for a month. The results can be found in the office, come!

Cleaning company answering machine

Hello. We understand that sitting in a mess and feeling dirty is not very pleasant, but, unfortunately, our specialists are all busy at the moment. However, we hasten to assure you - while you wait on the line, our employees become so skilled that they will even clean future stains by working in your home ....

Autoresponder with creative in kids toy store

Hello. We are so glad to talk to you - this is a children's toy store. In our store, toys can talk, smile, laugh, listen and cry. Now we have a special offer - each toy itself chooses a buyer. Hurry to visit us, be the first selected client.

Relaxing answering machine in the massage parlor

Good afternoon, you called the massage parlor. Only we have all types of massage. Listen to a short melody. This is a free sonic soul massage. Feel your mood improving. Do you still have fatigue in your body? Come to us and you will become strong, cheerful and beautiful.

Answering machine on the microfinance company number

Hello, you have called a microfinance company. You have no money - we will lend. You have a lot of money - we will accept it as a gift. Come to us. We will tell our clients for free how to spend money correctly and fun.

Comic answering machine in a liquor store

Hello, you have called the liquor store. In our store, alcoholic beverages can be bought, viewed, tasted. Do not come alone - bring a friend, and our consultant will be happy to be the third. Our staff will provide any assistance for regular customers.

Funny voicemail greeting from the lost property office

You called the lost property office. Forgot what you lost? Don't worry, hurry to us. Our full-time dog-consultant part-time - a detective, will identify your thing by the smell. We help everyone and everyone, day and night - all year round.

Black humor in a flower shop answering machine

Hello. You have reached the flower shop. We have all the flowers for any occasion. Mother-in-law's birthday - there are excellent cacti. Wedding anniversary - there are dried flowers that will last until next year. For women - flowers without thorns. If you are allergic - artificial flowers. Come to us. Our flowers not only decorate, but also improve the mood and prolong the happy moments of life.

Voice greeting to the pharmacy phone number

Hello! You have called our pharmacy! If we do not answer you within three minutes, we provide a 50 percent discount on the entire range of sedatives! And you get chamomile tea as a gift when you buy any product in our pharmacy!

Creative greeting in the store

Hello! You have called our store! If after a minute of waiting we still did not answer you, then after this minute each subsequent minute is one percent discount on our entire assortment.

Autoresponder with humor on plastic surgery

Hello! You have called our hospital specializing in plastic surgery. Before our employee contacts you, look in the mirror at what you would like to change in yourself and tell yourself in the mirror how beautiful is what you want to change in yourself. If you have any doubts about performing an operation - hang up, you are already beautiful!

Calling a bakery store

Hello! You have called our bakery shop! If you want to leave a review for us - press 1. If you want to place an order - press two. If you overeat our buns and need help - press 3. Bon appetit!

Calling the answering machine of a cosmetics store

Hello! We are glad to welcome you to our cosmetics store! If you want to know something about any product from our range - press 1. If you want to rate the quality of our service - press 2. If you are tired and just want to chat with someone - press 3.

Cultural and entertainment center answering machine

Hello! You have called the Cultural and Entertainment Center! So that waiting for an answer is not tedious, listen to the song while (the song is playing).

Voice greeting by phone of the fitness center

Hello! You have called the fitness center! Don't sit still while waiting, start exercising! We make "scissors" - one, two, three, four ...

Psychological support center

Hello! You have called the counseling center. While you are waiting for the call to be answered, we give you free training to develop patience. Time has passed ...

Shoe repair call

Hello! If you've called us, chances are you need help fixing your favorite shoes. Consider that the work has already been done! In the meantime, we take your order, listen to a couple of beautiful chords ...

Creative greeting by phone of an online music store

Good afternoon. You have reached the online music store. All our operators are busy so far, but please don't disconnect - you can listen to music while waiting.

If you like classical music - press 1

If jazz - press 2

If pop music - press 3

If hard rock - press - 4

If thrash - several times sharply and very quickly press 5.

And if you want to be in silence - just wait patiently, and you will immediately become our favorite client!

Bank answering machine

Hello. We are glad that you finally called our Bank. Even without knowing the specific purpose of your call, we are sure that we will be able to do everything you ask us about and at the same time more profitable for you than in other banks. Ask if it will be beneficial to us? Well, you know, we are a very large Bank, we can afford it sometimes ... And here is a free operator!

Creative greeting home appliance repair workshop

Hello! Our technician for the repair of household appliances has already left for you. We promised our clients to work faster than anyone! In the meantime, it is stuck in traffic jams in the city center, please tell us what is broken. We will pass it on to him in detail later.

A humorous voice greeting from a construction company

Good day! Our construction company is happy to help you with any question. If you want to talk to the blonde Lenochka - press 1

If with redhead Olya - press 2

If with a brunette Julia - press 3

If you have a question about work, don't press anything, I'm already listening to you, my name is Andrey.

Mechanical voice greeting for an IT company

You have phoned an IT company. Now, unfortunately, none of the people are in the office. I am the world's first secretary robot with artificial intelligence. How can we help you? Only, please, speak more simply, as you used to talk to secretary Alina, I am also just a secretary, albeit with intelligence already.

Pet store answering machine

Hello! A pet shop welcomes you. If you are from the feline - press 1, if from the canine - press 2, if from the rodent family - press 3, if you are from the underwater world - press 4. Or do not press anything and our all-knowing operator will answer within a few seconds.

Cheerful answering machine for tire changer

Hello, this is a tire service. We swear that bolts and nails lying on the roads are not our work. This is a worldwide conspiracy against motorists. In this regard, all personnel were alerted and desperately repairing the victims. If you are not lucky, then come urgently without an appointment, or wait a minute, the master will answer soon!

Auto Answer Pizza Delivery Service

Hello! Your call to the pizza delivery service is regarded as a clear challenge to the chef and courier for the quality and speed of service. We are ready to bet that delicious hot "Margarita" will arrive at your place on time. This can only be prevented by an alien invasion or a global flood, in which case you will enjoy pizza for free. The operator is about to answer your call!

Greetings to customers by the number of the cleaning company

Good day! You called the cleaning company and you did the right thing. Our specialists with manic persistence are trying to make this world cleaner, turning chaos into perfect order... Armed with cleaning agents, a special squad is ready to leave for the most difficult case. Do not hang up, the operator noticed a speck of dust, and in a second he will return to the phone!

Fitness Center Call

Hello! You have reached the fitness center, and from now on, your body will never be the same again! Do you feel how you become stronger and more confident, how your muscles are pumped up and your health is improved? Not? Think again!

Reckless taxi service greeting

The taxi service would like to offer our compliments! Say out loud the words Abalaher ahui so that we will appoint you the most sober (/ most experienced / fastest) driver ...

Creative over the phone of a real estate agency

You have called the real estate agency! Every second the apartment of your dreams drops in price by 1000 rubles. Please record the total waiting time so that we take this into account when concluding a deal ...

Calling a microfinance company

You called a microfinance company, you have a little time to find a big money bag, we count to 10 ...

Intimate goods store auto reply

You have called the intimate goods store! Prepare to voice a famous fairytale character with a low intellectual level so that we can provide you with an individual 70% discount on any product ...

Calling an answering machine in a beauty salon

You have ended up in a beauty salon, from the beginning of the moment you wait for an answer, your transformation will begin, please go to the mirror to make sure of this! In case a miracle did not happen, we will give you a 50% discount on any type of service in our salon ...

Food delivery phone greeting

You are welcomed by food delivery, before placing an order, it is recommended to work up a brutal appetite, and squeeze out 15 times, 1..2..3 ...

Answering machine with humor for pizza

Hello, you called just in time. Our boss flew to Italy on vacation, and now any pizza has become 50% cheaper. We don't have to pay his bills anymore. Everyone who ordered three pizzas gets a gift! Double filling! Call and order before he returns.

Fun creative over the phone from a dental clinic

Hello! You got to the place where everyone keeps their mouths shut, knows everything by heart, and never looks a gift horse in the mouth. If you can afford our services, then very soon everything will be tough for you! With us you will become more smiling, we give a tooth!

Voice greeting about TV repair

Have white bees been flying on your TV screen for a whole week? Or has he decided to please you with a picture of the blue sky? Or maybe Malevich's "Black Square"? Do not worry, soon it will play again with all the colors of the rainbow, because you have come to the right place! Our masters will bring your TV back to life!

Voice greeting for water delivery service

Good afternoon. Our water delivery service will arrange unlimited watering for you, even if you find yourself in the middle of the desert. And this is not a mirage! Expect your call to be answered and feel like a fish in water!

Creative greeting by phone atelier

Hello, you've called the atelier. While you await our answer, we measure carefully for the seventh time so that we can only cut once. Stay on line or leave us a voicemail. And remember, the main thing is that the suit fits!

Auto answer from plumbers

Is your tap leaking again, and money is leaking along with the water? Or is the unfortunate blockage in the pipes bothering you again? Do not rush to get upset! Our plumbers will eliminate all your "sewer" problems! Wait for our reply. We wish that there are no blockages anywhere in your life, except for the sewage system, and we will help you cope with it!

Auto answer from dentists

Welcome to the Society of Optimistic Dentists! If your mouth is still full of problems, then we will meet you with a smile in all 32 teeth. Expect an answer and make an appointment as soon as possible, we will not speak your teeth for a long time!

Travel agency auto reply

Hello! Our agency is very glad to your call! Where will we fly? Sochi? Egypt? Miami? Maybe Paris ?? Think, think! And in order not to confuse you with thoughts, the operator will very slowly pick up the phone.

Auto answer if you called the ZhEK

Hello, you called the ZhEK. Patience ... and someday you will tell us about your problem. In the meantime, we inform you that we have already turned on the hot water, the tariffs for our services are frozen, and the plumber Volodya has come out of the binge and is happy to fix your taps and toilets.

Well, an auto-answer on the phone of the zoo

Hello, you have called the zoo. Our director today is a big pig, subordinate rabbits and chickens. And I am the only person who takes pictures of this on camera, because you have a holiday today. If you tell us your the exact address, then we in full force will arrange for you an unforgettable evening, at the end of which we will all enjoy a juicy pork barbecue.

Let's try to relax with the dentist's auto-answer

Hello, by some miracle you called the dentist's office, in a few minutes he will fill another tooth and free himself. In the meantime, tell us a little about yourself - what bothers you and what kind of music do you like to listen to? ... But now you can hear his light tread, he is almost there. Remember, no one left the doctor's office without a smile!

Creative auto answer construction company

Hello, you have called the Three Little Pigs construction company. Our craftsmen built the house for Naf-Naf himself. A little time will pass and you will really be convinced that our houses are the most beautiful and durable. Thank you for right choice, because we build like in a fairy tale!

Bookstore Auto Answer Phone

We greet you! At the moment, our consultant has again gone deep into reading some interesting book from our store, so we ask you to wait a few seconds so that he can finish reading the page, return from the book world to the real world and answer the call.

Auto answer from lawyers

Our law firm welcomes you. Remember: whatever you say now will never be used against you. You called your friends. So, how can our lawyers help you?

Auto answer by dentistry number

Hello, this is the best dentistry in town. Our clients leave us with such snow-white radiant smiles that even our chief physician envies them. Do you want the same bright smile? Then we will listen to you attentively and you shouldn't be afraid of us.

Nice auto answer at the hairdresser

Good afternoon, you've reached the barbershop. Here you can always have a cup of coffee, watch the latest magazines, watch TV, take a break from family and work. Along the way, in a pleasant atmosphere, we can work with your hair, do a manicure, pedicure. Sign up, please.

Cinema auto-response creativity

Hello, this is a cinema. We would like to inform you right away that the schedule of sessions is on the poster and on our website, tickets are at the box office, popcorn with cola is at the buffet, and a great movie is on the screen. But where are you and why are you still not with us? Now let's hear your excuses ...

Hello, I am the operator of a restaurant food delivery company. Do you know our motto? We will serve you faster than in a restaurant! So order: we will bring hot hot, sweet - sweet, intoxicating - intoxicating, strong - strong.

Creativity in the auto-response of a massage parlor

Good afternoon, you called the massage parlor. Our specialists and specialists perform all types of massage: therapeutic, revitalizing, relaxing. Of course, we don’t do what you thought about, but we also don’t forbid our clients to think about it during the massage. What would you like to order and for how long?

Fishing Store Auto Answer

Hello, we are in contact with the fishing tackle shop! We are glad that you have taken a bite, our tackle is of the highest quality. Please do not get off the hook, and we will offer you best views dressing. And next time, perhaps, you will come to us by boat.

Intriguing Beauty Salon Auto Answer

Hello, a beauty salon welcomes you! You are charming, and we will highlight all your advantages. The first step to perfection has already been taken, a shining light appeared in the eyes. And then there will still be!

Creative auto-reply by credit community number

Hello! The credit community welcomes you. Even the luckiest guinea pig has never seen the sea, and you think that things are not going well in your life. From now on, solving your problems is our main task. Wait and the pleasant voice of our operator will not deprive you of your attention. We also have tea ...

Creative auto-answer by phone of a security agency

Hello! A security agency welcomes you! Our GPS has already tracked your location and the service evil pit bull Tobik has already started running in the direction of your house. Put the payment in his superman coat pocket. Well, our manager is already running up to the phone in "turbo" mode. Expect ...

Marriage Agency Auto Answer

Hello! The marriage agency welcomes you with pleasure. You think, best men were they taken away as puppies, and the women from the graduation class? Nooo! You're wrong. The best ones are included in our customer base and are already looking forward to meeting you. Hang on for a second, we promise, it's worth it!

Detective Bureau Auto Answer

Hello Hello! The detective bureau welcomes you. Do you suspect that your husband began to go shopping often, also unexpectedly overwork at work, or even more to create shoes himself? Do you think it's not enough to call him on the phone every hour? Then contact us. We will arrange control for him every second with a colorful report in presentation format. We are already wiping the lens camera ... And we are going to you ...

Hilarious auto-answer from a psychotherapist

Hello! Welcome to the Agency of Wounded Souls led by a leading psychotherapist! There is only an old deaf black cat nearby, and you want to talk so much? So you are at the right place. Our ears and doors are always open to spiritual communication. A choice of hot tea, cocoa with milk, whiskey with ice ... Our credo is an individual approach to everyone!


Hello! Your health gives us good mood, therefore, we are interested in helping you with the selection of effective drugs. Hold on...

Computer Repair

Hello! We are already ready to save your computer and have prepared everything you need for this. We are ready to listen to your complaints and immediately start repairing.

Ambulance for computer repair

Hello! You went to an ambulance for a computer repair. We are ready to perform urgent diagnostics and prompt repair of your device.

Call a company that sells beds and mattresses

Hello! You called a company that knows everything about sleeping arrangements. If you didn’t wait for an answer, it means that we accidentally fell asleep on our cozy beds. Please, call later.

Calling a rodent extermination company

Hello! If you called us, then you probably don't like your gray, illegally settled neighbors. We will take care of their eviction immediately!

Call to the restaurant

Hello! If you called us, it is clear that you are good at good food! We have something to please you with!

Call to kindergarten

V Kindergarten you called.

Here playing and joking,

Groom, teach, develop

Precious child.

Calling an insect killing company

We will answer you, of course,

Just a minute later.

In the meantime, you are waiting for an answer,

We will tell you about ourselves:

If a cockroach suddenly starts up in your clean house,

Do not look for slippers right away, contact us better.

We will drive out the foe, eliminate the mess.

No animals at home except cats and dogs!

Delivery restaurant voice greeting

Hello, you called the delivery restaurant.

We will deliver food to you:

Fresh vegetable - straight from the garden,

We'll catch the fish in the pond.

We fry, cook, bake.

What would you like to eat?

We deliver very quickly.

We launder everything.

We spread purity,

We caress the eyes with beauty.

Tell me without hesitation

Where to get out? What to wash?

If we don't answer

We ask you to call back.

A call to a clothing store

Hello, we are glad to call you.

We dress everyone beautifully:

Elegant, bold, bright.

And, of course, very cute.

Call to the salon of fur coats and sheepskin coats

It's good that you called us.

We will offer you a fur coat and a sheepskin coat

So that you are protected from the cold and wind.

We have a wonderful selection of furs.

All dreams will come true and come true.

Will cover you with warmth from the rainy days

Our clothes are even in the Arctic.

Household appliances store

Hello! You have called the store of goods that will save you from the gray days. We have enough trendy gadgets to cheer you up in seconds. What are you interested in?

Sports shoe store

Hello! You have called a store that does not sell running boots, but we are ready to offer a pair of magic sneakers for the development of space speed. What are you interested in?

Jewelry shop

Hello! If you called us, it means that for the perfection of the image you are missing a small detail - a ring with a diamond or just a fashionable accessory. We are ready to listen to your wishes!

Sale of mattresses

Hello! Does your dream resemble the torment of the princess and the pea? It's time to replace the mattress and feel like a man in heaven. Ready to help you, stay on line ...

Book store

Hello! Congratulations - you belong to the category of rare lucky ones. You called a store that sells books that have the ability to extend life by one year. If you want to know more about this, stay on the line.

Holidays studio

Hello! Hello! Welcome to the studio of celebration and fun! Expect, in 30 seconds our operator will listen to your wishes and make your celebration unforgettable, don't hang up.

Vet clinic

Good day! You have called the veterinary clinic! At the moment we are saving our brothers, but for now you can wait a few minutes and get advice from our specialist.

Phone repair

Hello, you've called the telephone company. If you got through from a non-working phone, then this is a miracle, and we refuse to solve the problems associated with it. Otherwise, say your question, and our robot will direct you to the department you need.

Call to the veterinary clinic

Hello, your little animals: cats, birds and dogs

Here they regret, love, heal

Sick poor fellows.

Ears, tails and paws

We will heal and save

Anesthetize, bandage.

We trim the claws.

Call to the trucking company

Hello, if you call us,

So you need to transport the cargo.

We'll move wherever you want

To the region of any large country

Carefully and quickly whatever

An experienced driver will take you.

And in a second the representative

Our firm will take a straw.

Call to the water delivery company

Hello, our company is obliged to warn:

For a healthy and long life

Clean water should be drunk.

The manager is polite and will soon take our pipe.

Our courier in any weather

He will bring you clean water.


Hello, sorry for the wait, our pipe has burst, the operator is already putting on an underwater mask to swim to the phone. Do not worry, as a child he went to the pool, so he will soon answer you.


Hello, do you know who lives at the bottom of the ocean? The list is long, but these are definitely not our clients! We will eliminate any leak before your apartment turns into a small branch of the sea in the city center.

Sushi delivery

Hello, you just called us, and the chef has already put on an apron with a bandage and started sharpening his katana to make you the best sushi in the wild west! Wait, or do you want noodles? It's okay, the katana is perfect for preparing any kind of food.

Production of intellectual products

Hello, our company does not knit brooms, and does not make wooden products. We make smart products. Vacation in kilograms for one client is not limited. With mutual sympathy, bonuses and discounts. Your problems, our brains. We bring the matter to the end.

Pet Shop

Hello! If you are lonely, if it doesn't hurt your child to learn responsibility, if you just love animals, then you are at the right place! In a few seconds our employee will answer all your questions. Getting a pet is easier than it sounds.

Window production

Hello. Everyone knows what Peter I did with the window, and Petka from the next entrance again without keys - a window to help! Windows are an important part of our life. Stay tuned, our experts will help you find an ergonomic and functional model.

Process Automation Firm

You are greeted by a robot answering machine. Our company stands for the liberation of people from routine work... To brighten up the waiting for a response from the robot operator, I offer you a dialogue. My program meets the "grateful listener" standard, you have nothing to worry about. And so, I am listening to you ...

For travel agency

Hey! You have reached us and you are on the right track! We will send you to any place on planet Earth! Your wishes are invaluable to us! Only for you the most favorable prices, hot offers, the best conditions! Spend this time with us!

Company activity - dry cleaning

If your halo has become dusty for a long time, and your wings need high-quality washing, then you've come to the right place! We will organize the heavenly purity of your angelic reputation of any complexity!

Football center

Hello! You have called the football center ... Unfortunately, all employees are in training. The first operator to score a goal will answer you.

Construction company

Hello! You called the construction company. ... The prices of apartments are growing inexorably and our employees are doing their best to keep them especially for you! The first released operator will make you an offer that you cannot refuse!


Hello! You called the taxi. ... We ask you to stay on the line while our staff calculates your location. It will take no more than thirty seconds.

Mobile operator

Hello! You called your mobile operator. ... Long hours of waiting, unqualified personnel and much more - not our method! You can make sure of this in a few seconds!

Confectionery company

Hello! A confectionery company welcomes you.… Our products are so tasty that it is impossible to resist and not try! A minute of waiting is nothing, before delightful moments of sweet life.

Furniture store

Hello! You are absolutely right that you decided to call us, because you are now sitting on an extremely uncomfortable sofa. ... Or a chair. ... Or an armchair. ... In any case, if you bought furniture not from us, you still do not know how comfort is felt! Very soon our employee will pick up the phone and tell you everything about softness, ergonomics, convenience, hardness, elasticity and, of course, comfort.

Tool shop

Good day! If, after working with our tools, you found an incomplete set of body parts, and then called us, we warn you - we do not sew on fingers under warranty and we do not accept a dirty tool! If you understand that carpentry work is not for you - we earnestly ask you not to gnaw the saws out of anger, do not mutilate hammers and do not jam axes!

Video equipment store

Ding-dong! Do you know who is calling you? Unfortunately, you don’t know yet, and we don’t know, but we guarantee that after calling us you will know everyone who comes to the door of your house, you will remember the neighbors by name and patronymic by heart, and finally, you will catch those who make noise after 11 evenings.

Accounting scope

Greetings. You have phoned our accounting firm, but at the moment our employees are busy and cannot pick up the phone - they are counting money. Wait for the beep and we will call you back.

Accounting company

Good afternoon. Do you still have a substantial amount of money that needs to be counted? In a few seconds our operator will contact you and tell you what to do. Moreover, it's free.

Accounting firm

Greetings. We know who you are, where you are from and why you are calling. After the beep, we will call you ourselves.

Accounting services

Hello. Report, calculation, accounting, income, expense - quickly, efficiently, inexpensively. After a few seconds, our operator will help you solve all the problems.

Construction activities

Greetings. If you have not yet decided what you want to build, you have 20 seconds to decide and announce the decision to our manager. The countdown went: 20, 19, 18, 17 .....

Construction firm

Hello. Our motto is we know how to build. We work even on weekends. Wait for the answer of our operator, and find out what other advantages our company has.

Organization of holidays

Hello! Here we are! Funny clowns for your event - Stepashka, Antoshka, Fedor and Mitya. If you guess the name of the clown you are talking to now, you will receive a 3% discount on our services.

Party company

Welcome to our planet! Haven't decided on the style of the party yet, but have guests already been invited? We will help you organize the best holiday ever. Wait for our manager's answer and let's start creating.

Party organization

Hello! We are professional adult party organizers. Well, are we going to be mischievous? If our manager does not get in touch after 10 seconds, then one prank from us is a gift.

Hello. Don't know where to start preparing a children's party? Chip and Dale will come to the rescue. And we are not joking. Stay in touch and find out who else you can choose as assistants. Freken Bok is temporarily absent.

Show ballet studio

Hello. Professional show ballet at your service. Let's dance until we drop. Our manager will answer you soon, but for now listen to our favorite music.


Hello, you are welcomed by a network of pharmacies ... Only here, by ordering a medicine, you can get a bottle of placebo as a gift! Stay on the line, the first available operator will answer all your questions.

Fishing base

Hello, the fishing base is glad to hear from you! Currently, all operators are putting fish on the hooks of our customers. The first employee to take off the scuba will help you make the right choice! Cool fishing only with us!

Real estate agency

Hello! You called the real estate agency ... Hundreds of houses, thousands of layouts ... You can really get confused in them. But we will not let you do this! Wait a few seconds and our operator will help you make the right choice!

Mobile operator

Hello, you called your mobile operator ... Our employees, like bees, take care of the radio cells of your connection! We ask you to wait a while, and the first released operator will literally fly to you!

Taxi service

Hello, you have called the taxi service! Your Majesty, the carriage has already left for you! But keep in mind, after 15 minutes of waiting, it can turn into a pumpkin! If you are not Cinderella, and over time you have no problems, we promise your trip will be fabulous!

Transportation service

Hello, you have called the transportation service! We will take you where others cannot reach! We will not be able to get there - we will carry it on our hands! It will be necessary to swim - let's swim without hesitation! We haven't learned to fly yet, but just for your sake we will master this skill too!

Greetings for a toy store

Welcome to the magical world of toys. At the moment, the Snow Maiden is busy sending gifts, so in a few minutes Santa Claus himself will answer you. Please stay on the line, his sleigh is on its way.

Fun club

Where, where did you get through?

You have reached our fun club.

Everyone here will meet and greet you.

All of you will be fed and entertained here.

DJ is our fairest rule,

Will play you an overseas new hit.

Well, the bartender is our creative

A new cocktail will immediately stir up.

Travel agency

Hello! Your vacation starts now. We close our eyes and imagine the perfect vacation. As soon as the manager picks up the phone, we tell our dreams, take a suitcase and enjoy a heavenly vacation.


Hello, you have called the hairdresser. Our salon employs the best masters and will certainly cut you stylish, fashionable, modern. There are tons of hairstyles good ideas, come to us soon.

Setting up video surveillance

You have called the video surveillance setting company. Unfortunately, at the moment our operator cannot answer your call, but we can see you. Yes, it’s you. You shouldn't look around, just say what interests you, and we will read your lips.


For two years now Olya has not been able to make an appointment with her hairdresser for a haircut because the girl should not call first. We congratulate you! If you called us, it means that you have no stereotypes and are ready for a new hairstyle!


Hello! Oh, and we indulge in buns here. If after 15 seconds our operator does not answer you, then we will give you one bun as a gift. So 15, 14, 14, ...

Sweet desserts

Hello! Did you want a sweet one? Then you have come to the right place. Our cakes are delicious both outside and inside. Our operator will be free soon and will tell you which dessert we have the most delicious. Hold on.


Welcome to the world of confectionery art. Only we have chocolate-covered chocolate cake. And one piece is already sent to you. Stay on the line and our operator will tell you a couple more of our highlights.

Strudel shop

Hello. We cannot answer you now, because we are looking at an appetizing apple strudel, which everyone is ready to eat. Don't hang up, and you might get the strudel.


Good afternoon. You have reached the most delicious bakery on the phone. If you guess which bun is considered our crown jewel, you will receive a 25% discount on the entire order. And in 10 seconds our operator is ready to accept your answer. 10, 9, ...

Bakery products

Hello. No, this is not sushi or shawarma. These are sushi, buns, pretzels and cheesecakes. Not sure what to choose? Take all. And gingerbread as a gift. Our baking does not make you fat, but kinder. Stay on line, our operator will be available soon.

Baking order

Greetings. While you are choosing baked goods, we want to inform you that we have a competition - The Best Bun Recipe. Tell us the recipe for your favorite pastries and get a prize or an annual discount from us. Ready? In 10 seconds our operator will contact you.

Pizza delivery service

Hello, you have called the pizza delivery service, we are happy to take your order. If our courier delivered you the wrong pizza, brought cold pizza and was late, then this courier is illegal. Don't scold him, don't scold him, but better piece treat our pizza. He will pay for the order for you, we will deduct the advance from it, and you, as a kind client, will send our compliments and do not need applause, because you are good customers.


Hello Mademoiselle, Madame and Monsieur! You have reached a great mood salon, where dreams will come true. Maybe we are at work, maybe we are busy with THIS - top secret hair tuning! Are you eager to know what it is? Don't get disconnected.

Fitness club

Hello, you have called the fitness club. Our motto is for every woman, for an elegant figure, for every man, for a powerful torso. We will make you attractive, the first exercise is jogging in place. Come and bring your friends!

Driving school

You have called the driving school, we are glad to hear from you.

He who calls the school in the morning is wise.

It is better to drive badly than to walk well.

You will go quickly, you will not go far.

More skilled drivers on the roads of the country!

Billiard club

Hello, we will answer you as soon as we can get the ball that has rolled under the table, unfortunately, all the staff are busy with this now, including the operator. For a second, it seems, they have already found it and put it on the table!

Tour operator

Hello, sorry for the delay, while you are waiting for an answer, we can offer you to play an exciting game: you need to throw a dart at the globe, and then book a tour from us exactly to the place where you got to!

Quest room

Hello, before the operator answers your call, you must unravel the secret code, then write it on a piece of paper so as not to forget, and then find the key hidden in the hollow of the tree. Oh, I think I already told where he is, well, then our operator will just connect to you.

Company for organizing holidays

Hello, unfortunately, our operator cannot answer you at this moment, he was so carried away by the general atmosphere of the holiday that he breathed in helium. You will have to wait until his voice returns to normal and your conversation continues without occasional bursts of laughter from you.

Call to the dental clinic

Hello, we are a dental clinic.

We are happy with every call.

We are all here, beaming with smiles,

We will tell you everything as if in spirit.

Wait, they will answer you soon.

Striking with the whiteness of the teeth

Information is true, without secrecy

Any of us is ready to tell.

Call to the furniture salon

We are a company with a lot of furniture.

And we are glad to your call.

Maybe you haven't been with us yet,

Have not seen our beauty.

The manager is in a hurry to the phone,

Rising from the gentle couch.

It's hard because the sofa is so sweet

As caring as my own mother.

Call to the construction company

Hello builder company

Anything you want will be built for you.

Wait a couple of seconds -

We will respond politely and promptly.

If not, then we are building a house.

Respecting you as a minister.

We are already running towards the tube.

Service center

Hello. What's broken? Washing machine won't wash or dishwasher won't wash? While you are waiting for an answer, let's run a free diagnostic, shall we? Have you tried unplugging the device from the power supply? Did not help? Have you checked the body of the item, is it intact? Has the item been hit? Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do to help you, you need the help of a professional, wait for an answer.

Dance studio

Hello, you have dialed the number of the dance studio, we have already heard the call, split into pairs and waltz to the side of the phone to the groovy music to answer your call.


Hello, you called the sauna, please wait while we answer your call, but for now - close your eyes, imagine yourself basking in a hot and steamy hammam, then cool off in a cool ceramic lined pool that has a hydromassage function , relaxes, huh?

Household appliances and electronics store

Greetings, you called the home appliances and electronics store, we heard your call, now we will only reduce the prices for the most popular and hot products High Quality, and immediately after we will definitely answer your call.

A restaurant

Good day, you called the restaurant, you are greeted by an answering machine, please talk to me a little while, the chefs are preparing, and the waiters bring food and drinks to our beloved and dear guests, by the way, do you like Spaghetti Carbonara pasta? This is our chef's signature dish.

Body check

Hello, we are glad to welcome you, as well as hear, listen, see and inspect. We can also touch, touch, let you lie down and sit in our armchair. Write down the address and come to our appointment, do not waste time.

Fillings store

Good afternoon, but also delicious, sweet, meaty and satisfying. If desired, we can sweeten, salt or add bitterness. What it will be with you, decide together with our fillings for every taste and color.

Hearing aid shop

Good afternoon. Hello Hello. Speak. I can't hear you, wait a minute, I'll put in a hearing aid. So, put it in, turn it on. Just a minute. Everything is ready. I hear, I hear. Glad to hear from you with our hearing aids.


Pharmacy chain

Hello. Be healthy. Do not be ill. Good health to you and your loved ones. Let all colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections bypass you, and our pharmacy chain, will gladly help you with this !!


Hello. Hungry? Have a snack? Are you very hungry? If you leave us your wishes and address, your problem will be solved as quickly as hot freshly baked pies disappear from a baking sheet.


Hello! You have reached the gym. If you have problems with top body, dial 1; if from the bottom, dial 2; if with limbs - 3. If you are healthy, then dial 4, this is the gym. After a couple of days of intense training without a coach, you will need help at numbers 1,2,3. To avoid this need, order yourself a personal trainer by pressing 5. Remember, a good trainer is the key to your health!

In-store clearance

Cheerful female voice: Hello! (3 seconds of silence) In the same cheerful voice: Goodbye! (2 seconds of silence) Male cheerful voice: It was a joke! (Pause 2 seconds) In a serious voice: But the spring sale in our store is not a joke!


To qualitatively imitate the dubbing of Don Corleone's dialogue (in such a husky, calm, low voice, almost a half-whisper) from The Godfather: “You call me on my daughter’s wedding day and want to order pizza”? (pause) "But you're asking for it without respect." Female voice: "Hit zero to show respect and get 10% off." 5 seconds are given to the client to make a decision. Then there is a connection with the operator. Depending on whether the user pressed 0 or not, a discount is given.

Call to the newspaper

Good day! While you are waiting for someone to answer the call, your construction is in progress. For every second of waiting, a brick as a gift! For recommending a bag of cement to a friend! Build your dream home!


You called the newspaper, and now you are waiting for an answer.

Maybe we're looking for news

And we cannot answer you.

Maybe we are getting the truth of the world in the rain and storm.

You will forgive if we do not answer the call for a long time.

Call to real estate agency

Hello, we are a real estate agency.

You can always discuss with us.

How it is more convenient and profitable for people

Rent a dacha and buy an apartment.

If we are busy, it’s impossible,

So we don't even hear the call.

Don't worry - call later.

You, of course, will be answered then.

Repair of Apple products

Good day. If you have problems with taking care of "apples", then you have come to the right place! Apple product repair service will listen, fix and deliver safe and sound. And if we do not have the necessary parts in our warehouse for your particular variety of "apples", we will definitely find them for you with a 50% discount. Report.

Rolled metal

Hello. Do you need to borrow an Iron Man suit here? Well, if so, then our metal rolling company can provide you with a high quality and wide range of metal products. So what does our superhero need?

Flower delivery service

Hello, you have called the flower delivery service. All our flowers are fresh, long-lasting, so they will withstand even a long journey. And if you order a bouquet for your mother-in-law, then it will reach you for FREE! So, we are listening to you.

Electronic equipment website

We are glad to welcome you on our website for the sale of the most necessary electronic technology, now I will close the bunker at one of our employees, and your call will be answered immediately, but for now I suggest you listen to music.

Water delivery

Hello. If you are very thirsty, then you have come to the right place. By ordering a bottle of water, ice is provided as a gift. Wait for our operator's response and place your first order.

Taxi service

Hello. You have called the fastest taxi in the city. While you are putting on your shoes, our car will already be waiting for you. If the driver is 5 minutes late, you will have a unique opportunity to choose your favorite music during the trip. After the beep, our operator will contact you.

Bath call

Hello! We got to the bathhouse!

We assure you - this is so!

Cleanliness and hygiene

This is not a trifle at all!

We are in a hurry to answer you:

We love to wash people.

Well, if we don't hear you -

Call later. Here!

A call to the theater

Hello! You called

V full of mystery temple of art.

But don't you hear the answer?

And did you feel very sad?

Do not be sad! We are just into the distance

Carried away, cherishing the dream.

And our reception is empty.

Call us later.

Internet shop

We are glad to welcome you to our online store. We will answer as soon as we finish cutting off extra numbers from the price tags. There is very little left, please wait, our scissors are working for you.

Grocery store

Hello. As a grocery store, we suggest you remember the golden rule of gastronomy and take an aperitif before talking about food. Coctail time is no more than 20 seconds, we hope you have enough time to whet your own appetite.

Bridal salon

Hello. You have called the bridal salon. We offer a small rehearsal: for 20 seconds, the brides should maintain restrained silence, this will help not to jump for joy when the decisive question is raised in the registry office, and the grooms - to think again.

Vet clinic

Hi! You have called the veterinary clinic! I am a parrot Rrromeo, and I pass the word to the operarator! If the operator is not in the working place, send the information to me! I have a good memory!

Tourist agency

Hello! A travel agency is in touch. Many people dream of going to the ends of the world, but our clients' dreams come true!


Good afternoon, you called the hairdresser. Our hairdressers work conscientiously, carefully, carefully and without "oh, excuse me, I accidentally."

Pyrotechnics store

Pyrotechnics shop is in touch. We provide quality fireworks. How long have you said "Salute"?

Building supplies store

Hello, Welcome to the building supplies store. We kindly ask you never to make faces with bricks, bricks are our topic.


Hello Hello! The best dentistry in town welcomes you. And while you were smiling, our telephone sensor revealed three dental problems. We are forced to inform you that a visit to the dentist is inevitable, and our best doctor is already waiting for you.

Call to the management company

We already hear your call

And we are in a hurry to answer you.

The house manager is a friend of man

Every citizen knows.

The lights went out, the water was gone.

We will come to your aid.

Well, if we don't answer,

We are waiting for a call later.

A call to the theater

In the magical world of the theater you are calling.

Come to our show with your family.

Romeo and Juliet live with us.

The secret of Russian ballet is hidden here,

And the magic flies over the lodges.

And if you do not hear the answer,

We probably don't have a phone.

Dance school call

You call the dance school

You probably want

To study in our school.

We will answer. Do not hurry

To the rhythm of a waltz to the phone

We are in a hurry to run.

Well, if we don't answer -

Call us later.

Call the office supply store

Hello, we will answer now.

Wait two minutes.

Everyone needs stationery

And everyone urgently for some reason.

If there is no answer for a long time -

So we do business.

You will show perseverance

And they will answer you then.

Call the veterinarian

Hello, wait for an answer.

The good doctor will answer you.

Sick little animal

And he will examine and heal.

Be patient if long

Nobody answers you,

It means that our doctor is very busy,

And he saves someone.

Call to the office

Hello! Our company

I am glad to welcome you.

We will answer all of our questions

And we'll pick up the phone this very hour.

But, if this happens:

We are silent and do not answer

Then we will respond a little later.

We promise you.


Hello, you've come straight to dentistry. Our doctor is now busy with psychological assistance to the child before removing the first tooth and will answer your call in a few seconds. It remains to wait quite a bit and a good dentist will take care of you.


Greetings. You called the laundry. While our administrator goes to the phone, prepare your catchphrase: "Is this a laundry?" and wait for sparkling humor. If the administrator answered not in rhyme, please try to call again.

Fitness club

Good afternoon, while you are calling the fitness club, our head coach is pressing 150 kilograms. The whole team has gathered and supported him. Come to us to become stronger and reap at least a hundred square meters. Now the managers will pump out the coach and answer the call.

Car service

You have called the car service. Sorry, but my hands are covered in engine oil. I want to take my phone, but I'm afraid of getting it dirty. I asked Petrovich to help, but he got stuck under the car. Don't worry, I'll wipe my hands with something and I'll answer you right away.

Sheepskin coat shop

Attention! Sale of sheepskin coats! While you wait for us to answer the call, our prices go down! We would have answered the phone faster, but there is already a queue at the checkout, from which we have no time to fight back. Wait a little more or immediately run to us and bring the money until the sheepskin coats run out.

Children's goods store

A children's goods store is in touch and we would be happy to pick up the phone, but the children are freaking out in the store because their parents do not want to buy all the toys they want for them. We will calm the children down and answer your call immediately. Hey, kid, where did you drag the terminator?

Hardware store

Hello! You call our hardware store! Here you can pick up best tool, Construction Materials. What's more, we have delivery! It is those "two strong boys" whom the Trudovik constantly took from their lessons, who now work with us!

Pizzeria answering machine

Good day! You called the pizzeria, at the moment all the telephone waiters are taking orders. If within 30 seconds the telephone waiter does not get in touch with you, we are guaranteed to give you the most expensive pizza with home delivery!

Children's toys store

Hello! You are calling the toy store! If you have already reached the age that you can already speak, please stay on the line to connect with our manager, who has recently learned this difficult process.

Men's underwear store

Hello! If this is the first time you call our line, it means that you need men's underwear, which means that it is you who are buying, not your mother, which means that, finally, it is you who have become a man! Don't be alarmed, it doesn't hurt.

Plumbing Organization

Hello! You are calling a private plumbing organization! Yes, I pronounced this proposal, I do not drink, plumbers too. If you are not used to this and you have questions about whether we can cope with the work or not, we will answer right away - the truncated wakes up haraf, Andreich will ask.

Call to the non-ferrous metal collection point

Hello! You call us.

We will buy any metal.

But not the colors of the black night

And, like a rainbow, colored.

We are busy here,

Hot days pass here.

After all, metal, by the way,

Very important for the country!

It happens, it will spin,

That we don't even hear the bell,

That unloading, then loading,

That’s a lesson in business.

Do not be sad, they will answer you.

Call us again.

Your call is, of course, important.

We will wait very, very much.

Call to phone repair service

Hello! What are you calling?

Is the telephone sick?

Is that why you are sad?

And left out of work?

You have come to the right place.

Here we help people.

We will bring the phone back to life

We'll wake up your friend.

If you are not answered,

So somewhere on business

They all scattered by accident.

Call us later.

Anti-cafe call

Hello! We'll put it bluntly -

This is not a bar or pub.

Where you called

The party will not work.

The clubs gather here

Groups, trainings, circles.

They respect immensely here

All incoming calls.

Tea and coffee are served here:

And "expresso" and "latte".

We will answer now.

Our name is Antikafe!

Call to Private Security Company

Oh, your call sounds like music to us!

After all, all the guys from the private security company are romantic.

And, if you don't really burn,

Then wait. Someone will answer you.

You can't find guards softer than us.

In the eyes - a dream, in the hands - a flower carelessly.

And if we take out the brains of the villain,

It's just very, very, very gentle.

Now we will take a pipe in response,

Be gentle in conversation, don't be rude.

We will answer now. Well, let's go!

And, if not, then call later.

Marriage Agency

Hello! You called the marriage agency! Now you have only one way - to tender and light love! Stay on the line, and we will reveal to you all the secrets of finding boundless happiness!

Taxi service

Hello! You have called the taxi service! Stay on line and we will find out all the details of your location! If for some reason we do not answer, then we are already rushing to you!

Flower delivery service

Good day! Flower delivery service welcomes you! Here you order not only flowers, but also a good mood and pleasant emotions of people dear to you! Stay tuned so that our florists have the opportunity to assemble an original fragrant bouquet.

Pizza delivery service

Hello! You have called the pizza delivery service! While we are here talking with you, many lovers of our cuisine are enjoying every slice of this unique pizza. We invite you to follow the example!

Installation of metal-plastic windows

Good day! You have called the company for the installation of reinforced-plastic windows! We offer not only high-quality windows, but also round-the-clock Fresh air in your apartment! Breathe in deeper ... Feel

Organization of children's parties

Good day! You are welcomed by the company organizing children's parties! With us you can be calm about the good mood and smiles of your children! And each of the parents is supposed to ... Attention ... A little free time ...

Organization of a wedding celebration

Good day! A wedding organization company welcomes you! We will select for you not only the best presenter, musical accompaniment, design and capture of your day ... We can find everything! From shoes to groom ...


Hello, our dear and very dear, let's hope together, a client! And we are your desired, beloved, but within the permissible bank! Discounts, promotions, sales are not for us! This is for you! Shall we rustle?

Employment agency

Hello! You have called the employment office. The option is paid, 50 rubles per minute for a conversation with us! If you have already called us and you have money, then maybe to hell with a job !? If you really need it, wait for the connection with the operator. Listen again and spend 50 rubles ...

Call a company that makes stairs for private houses

Hello! We hear you

And we are in a hurry to answer.

If there are no stairs in the house,

It is difficult to live in this world.

Do you go out the window?

And go down the ladder?

And to your upper floor

Are guests climbing a tightrope?

So you need a ladder!

We will answer, we will help.

Let's go to the phone

As soon as we can.

Call a window manufacturer

Hello! We will answer now.

Here the company is like this:

We make windows for the house,

And then we insert them.

We will answer you soon.

The windows are made of PVC.

We are in a hurry, we understand:

There is no life without a window!

Sushi company

Good afternoon, sushi company welcomes you. You missed our new products and discounts. Then it will definitely please you. Only today, on the international day of rock and roll, a special "rock" roll with a 5% discount when ordering from 500 rubles.

cleaning company

Good afternoon. Since you have decided to call us, then, most likely, someone has not held a mop with a broom in their hand for a long time, or your birthday was very stormy and fun. So we are ready to bring your home to a decent condition.

Pizza delivery

Hello, this is a pizza delivery, our company is fighting for a healthy lifestyle, so please come and pick up your food yourself, don't worry, this is just a joke, our operator will answer you in a few seconds.

Gaming computer club

Hello, this is a computer gaming club, we believe that computer games are harmful and develop cruelty, do something useful, goodbye, are you still here? Then our operator will answer you very soon.

Plus size clothing store for women

You are welcomed to the large-scale women's clothing store! We give our lovely clients free advice to raise self-esteem: choose clothes several sizes larger. So, all friends and acquaintances will think that you have lost weight.

Armenian cuisine restaurant

Restaurant welcomes you Armenian cuisine! Remember, if you have a stomach ache shortly after visiting our restaurant, it means that he is still hungry! For us, the client's health is the main thing. So we will be happy to serve you a new portion of our signature meat!

Speech therapy clinic

Speech therapy clinic welcomes you! Experienced specialists work with our clients - Olanreuodzhu Ventsgrzhanovsky and Terebentiy Derentyevenchenko. You can distinguish the building of our clinic by the Eyjafjallajökull volcano and the Holnengpuhyryohan river depicted on its walls.


Hello ... hello ... hello ... yes ... well, tell me! Kolya, I probably didn't have time to press the green button ... hello! So, if you have listened to the end, you should know that you have a good endurance, and you do not need our psychological help for emotional outbursts!

Internet service provider

Hello! You are calling your Internet service provider. Let's say right away that you will have to wait another forty minutes in the queue to contact the operator. Think and discard, maybe you don't need help at all, and the breakdown will have already been eliminated by that time. Thanks for understanding!

Night club

Hello! You call the nightclub during the day! Wait for another nine hours and forty-seven minutes to contact the administrator. Or you can call us back at eight in the evening! Thanks!

Air conditioner installation company

Hello! You are calling a company that installs air conditioners in multi-storey buildings! If our employee has already come to you, but has not finished his work, you should know that he will come to you and finish the work when the plaster is removed. For other questions, wait for the connection with the operator!

Portable fan shop

Hello! Are you very hot? Are you constantly looking for shade? Do you go to stores on purpose to cool off? Yes? Then we place an order for the purchase of a portable fan! Only today, a slightly cool Coca-Cola comes as a gift to the fan! But even in this heat it will be key moment... Wait for the operator's answer!

Food delivery (food)

Hello, you called the food delivery company! Thank you for choosing our company, we will not leave you without food! And, if you please place an order, you will receive a discount from us as a gift! Our motto is: "May the hand of the chewer not be empty!


Welcome to the pharmacy line! Preserving your health is our job, therefore, in order not to spoil your nerves, we recommend that you relax and wait for a response from our caring specialist!

Fitness club

Hello, you have called the fitness club! Taking care of your physical shape, we suggest starting the training of the muscles of the lower part of the face right now. We smile wider, wider!

24/7 pizza delivery

Greetings. We have been waiting for your call for a long time! We have the most delicious pizza and berry juice for you. Please wait a few seconds - and you will learn how to get a tasteful pleasure.

Hello. Pizza delivery welcomes you. We will deliver the order in 30 minutes to anywhere in the city. Wait for the operator's answer, and you will find out what other bonuses we have prepared for you.

Good afternoon. If you love feasting on pizza while it's still hot, you've called the right address. Our operator will be available soon and will help you place your order. Until then, guess the melody with three notes. If the answer is correct - a 3% discount on the entire menu.

Good afternoon. You have reached the 24/7 pizza delivery service. You have exactly ten seconds to make your choice, otherwise we will help you. And believe me, you will like it. Time has gone: 10, 9, 8 ...

Good day! You have reached the 24/7 online pizza delivery service. Our pizza shop doesn't sleep, it just blinks slowly. Stay on line, our operators will answer you soon.

Construction company

Yo man! This is a construction company and its director, Vladimir Vladimirovich, is the coolest boss in this area!

Uh-uh ... Shcha! I'll take a look! The secretary Lenochka went out to drink some tea, wait a bit! ... In the morning on my feet back and forth, back and forth! For print, for photocopy, for signature, coffee for the chef, tea for the chef.

So, half a cup is left ... Damn, Ira the accountant came up to her! This is for a long time! I’ll call you now, have some tea! Already coming! There she is, around the corner! In a hurry! Has come running!

Organization of holidays

Greetings. Now our toastmaster is holding a contest with an egg. If after 15 seconds no one answers you, you will have a unique chance to cancel the contest with the egg!

Hello. Masters of tulle, sequins and serpentine are glad to your call. Please wait a few seconds for our operator to unravel from the garland, and your holiday will be bright and unique.

Good afternoon. Let's play and sing for you. Musical accompaniment at the holidays - our DJ loves Mikhailov and Natalie. Stay in touch and find out how we will decorate your holiday.

Hello. Rent of balloons and photo zones, we were waiting for your call. Large selection, delivery and decor from us. We work for sandwiches. Wait a little, our operator will answer you soon.

Beauty saloon

Good afternoon. You have reached the beauty studio. Our masters are ready to make you a goddess. If within 10 seconds no one will answer you, we will provide a 10% discount on one service.

Greetings, beauty. We cut, paint, saw, curl. Cosmetic services at a 5% discount until 12-00 pm. Stay on line, our operators will answer you.

Good afternoon. Beauty salon - we give youth. If you want to sign up for a chocolate wrap, wait a few seconds, our operators will book you for a session. You can eat chocolate with us.

Greetings. If you are tired and want to relax, we are waiting for you for a comprehensive massage. Professionals work. Sleeping is allowed. Wait for the administrator's answer, and you will find out what bonus we have prepared for you.

Recruiting agency

Good afternoon. We will select a nanny, maid, gardener, cook and other staff for you as soon as possible. In a few seconds, we are ready to listen to your problem.

Greetings. If you are tired of work and household chores, you called the address. We will find home staff for you according to all criteria. While we are working, you are resting. After a short pause, our administrator will contact you.

Good afternoon. There are urgent matters, but there is no one to leave the child with? Babysitting service 24 hours a day. We work on a permanent and ad hoc basis. Wait for the operator's answer, and find out what other services we provide.

Good afternoon. Recruiting staff on an ongoing basis. We will help you organize outdoor events and receptions. Professional base of employees. In 15 seconds our operator will answer all your questions.

cleaning company

Hello. We are a team of professionals. We will clean the furniture and get it clean in just 2 hours. Wait for the operator's response within 20 seconds and get a professional carpet cleaner as a gift.

Greetings. We know why you called. Can't clean stains on your sofa and carpet? We are ready to help you. While you are listening to the melody, we are already selecting for you best solutions Problems.

Greetings. We clean quickly, clean efficiently. We provide a white glove for testing. The auditor recommends. Stay on the line and our operator will answer you.

Tour operator company

Hello. You called the company "...". Our team of specialists will help you make your holiday unforgettable. Please wait for a response from your guide.

Hello. You called the company "...". We are always ready to answer your questions. We are sorry for the inconvenience. While you are waiting for a response from a specialist, we invite you to enjoy wonderful music:

If you want to enjoy the sound of a ukulele, press 1.

If you like jazz, press 2.

If you want to hear the groovy mariachi, press 3.

If you want to hear African motives, press 4.

Hello. You have called the company "...", your guide to the world of travel and tourism. We work on weekdays from 9:00 to 19:00. Leave a voice message to our answering machine, and we will definitely contact you (several chords on the ukulele sound, and the client can record a message on the answering machine).

Hello. You have called the company "...", your guide to the world of travel and tourism. We work on weekdays from 9:00 to 19:00. Leave a voice message to our smart parrot Gosha, and we will definitely contact you as soon as possible (a greeting from the parrot “Hello, my name is Gosha, and I will give your message to my colleagues,” and the client can record a message on the answering machine).

Hello. You called the company "...". If you want to talk to a specific employee and you have his number, switch the phone to tone mode and dial his number. Thank you for your trust.

Pet shop

Hello, this is a pet shop. We are responsible for those who have been tamed and for those who have not yet been sold, so at the moment the store employee may be busy looking after the pets. He will surely hear your call and answer the call, stay on the line.

Hello Friend! The pet store is happy to hear from you! Parrot Kiryusha is a day off today, so a specially trained employee will answer your call. Please wait a couple of minutes, he is a little slow, but very responsible.


You have called the Planetarium. It takes about eight minutes a ray of light to reach the Earth from the Sun, but we will not keep you waiting so long and will answer much faster! Stay connected to a line that was invented back in the 19th century and we still rejoice when we receive phone calls from inquisitive customers.

Voice greeting at the pizzeria

Hello, we are glad to hear you on the hottest line of the hottest pizzeria in our city. Stay with us, and we promise that your pizza will be the most original and delicious! Don't miss your chance: every tenth customer has a double portion of cheese for free!

Smartphone store, answering machine

Good afternoon, while the beeps are ringing, we suggest you drink some water, because we have very hot smartphones. And you know, you are lucky, because soon you will be happy, we have the best discounts. There are 3, 2, 1 left before the tide of happiness ...

Tour operator's voice greeting

Greetings from the ground service of unearthly service! If you are tired of worldly worries, we are happy to organize a fantastic trip on the scale of the planet Earth. For a planetary offer, stay tuned.

And working with e-mail. We've already discussed the complexities of fighting spam, the future of email, email security issues, and email techniques used by CEOs of large IT companies.

Today it will be about another important topic - creating auto replies from tech company support services. StatusPage project employee Blake Thorne posted on the blog a story about an interesting experiment - the project team sent 100 tickets to support services of different companies to find out what auto-responses they use. The goal of the experiment is to see the weaknesses in such communication with customers. We present to your attention the main thoughts of this material.

Unfortunately, very often the answers from the support team leave a lot to be desired. If the company is not making sufficient efforts to create effective system customer support by e-mail, its development slows down significantly.

Thorne said that it got the StatusPage team thinking about how email communication with their customers is done. Employees have noticed that many large companies send out automatic replies when they receive any requests. In this way, they inform customers that their message has been received by the support team who will contact them later.

At, the support staff tried to respond to customers personally and in a timely manner to avoid the need for an autoresponder. But when the number of the company's clients exceeded 2,000, the team thought about the need to install such a tool.

You can find materials on the Internet about installing autoresponders - Helpscout, for example, added this useful feature to its product. It was decided to conduct an experiment to find out how other companies are answering their customers' questions. To do this, the StatusPage team sent out 100 tickets to the support services of different companies. And that's what happened in the end.


You don't need to be a scientist to realize that such an experiment requires a certain level of control. You can't just send out 100 support tickets without thinking about the technology side of the process.
Selection of companies
First of all, it was necessary to decide which companies the applications would be sent to. This is probably the most significant part of the experiment. At first glance, it seems that a hundred companies is a lot, but it is not so easy to select this number from thousands of potential participants.

There were many SaaS companies to be included, as well as a number of tech startups. Thorne writes that he wanted small and medium-sized organizations as well as large organizations to participate in the experiment. For the purity of the experiment, it was worth considering also non-tech companies and some outdated, but still popular brands. Many of them have worked to improve their support services for decades. He also listed a number of hardware companies and several airlines.

All these companies are listed by the specialist in spreadsheet to keep track of which tickets were submitted and from which responses have already been received.

Drawing up an application
There was one catch in this project. The thing is, Thorne didn't want to waste the time of the already overwhelmed support staff and embarrass them. Moreover, he did not want to send far-fetched requests or just empty requests.
Therefore, it was necessary to write a request that would be suitable for all these companies and give a clear idea of ​​his project. At the same time, support specialists could easily refuse to participate in the experiment if they did not have time for this.

Here's what happened:

Topic: This is a test


I'll jump right to the point and warn you that this message is not a valid support request. For this I apologize. My name is Blake and I work for

I have noticed that many companies install convenient autoresponders in their support mailboxes to acknowledge receipt of customer requests. I would like to write about this on my blog. Therefore, I decided to send several requests to different support services in order to compare the automatic responses received from them.

If your company does not have an answering machine installed, do not worry, I will not reproach you for this.

If I get an automatic response from your support team, I would like to use that as an example in my article. I will definitely refer to your company.

If you would like to contact me directly to tell me more about your answering machine, I would be very grateful to you. Send the answers to the address [email protected](I sent this email from an account created specifically for this project).

Thanks and good luck with your work!
Blake Thorne,

Submitting support tickets
Thorne writes that he had to work hard to send out all of these requests, but he was able to learn a lot about the support process from the client's point of view.

It came as a surprise to the researcher that it is quite difficult to apply to the support service of many companies. In most cases, you can find an email form or support email in a couple of clicks. But on the websites of some companies it was not possible to find either one or the other. Then Thorne randomly sent emails to addresses [email protected] and [email protected] hoping that someone will read them.

In most cases, it turns out that the larger the company, the more difficult it is to find a way to contact its support team. Maybe just as the company grows, customer support fades into the background. But is there really no way to make it more accessible?

Other observations
  • For those of you who still haven't figured it out, support email addresses tend to start with [email protected] or [email protected] Medium uses an address [email protected] which is pretty cool by the way.
  • One company, we will not name which one, indicated only the address of regular, not e-mail, mail. It's a shame.
  • On the website of another company, it was not possible to submit an application without specifying your work email address in the format [email protected] Seriously?


As expected, Thorne began to receive answers. Below is an accurate analysis in numbers. For 100 applications sent, he received:
63 automatic replies
Wow. And autoresponders are more popular than meets the eye.

11 conditional automatic responses
Companies that reported using an answering machine only at certain times, such as evenings or weekends.

4 responses from real people
These answers amused the researcher. Here's one of them: "Does the customer service guy who responds very quickly count?" Commendable.

13 bounce notifications
It's a pity. I would like the clients of these companies not to encounter a similar problem.

9 companies did not react in any way
It's hard to say for sure what the reason is. Perhaps the application was submitted incorrectly. Or maybe they read a strange message and just ignored it. Maybe all the employees of this company have been kidnapped. Who knows...

Argument against using automated messages by helpdesk (or an argument in favor of conditional automated messages)

The StatusPage team decided to find out which types of companies install autoresponders and which don't. The result was surprising. Digging deeper into this issue, the researchers found a pattern: the larger the company, the Great chance that replies are sent out automatically. But there are exceptions to every rule. This applies to both tiny startups that use autoresponders and well-known companies whose support services send out responses on their own.

Airbnb, for example, received such a message.

Thank you for contacting us.

My name is Adrian and I am an airbnb expert and Superhost in Vancouver, Canada. I can advise you on this matter.

Unfortunately, we don't have an answering machine - only people work here!

If you have any additional questions on this topic, I would be happy to answer them.

All the best,

Signs of a good automated support response

There are many things you can get from a good automatic response. useful information... After reading enough support emails, you will begin to notice some common symptoms. Here's what all correctly written automatic responses have in common - they are:
1. Confirm that the application has been received
You would be surprised to learn how confusing were some of the confirmation of receipt of the application. A message such as "your application has been sent" does not say much. Does it mean that someone will consider the problem? Are applications delivered on time? Do I need to keep the number of this application and take additional measures? Thorne advises not to keep your clients guessing. You need to let them know that the application has been received.

Specific example : Stripe payment service.

In the notification of confirmation of receipt of the application, you do not need to give extra information... Get to the point right away. A great example is a notification from Stripe. As you can see, everything is simple, clear and to the point.

Thank you for contacting us.
This short message sent only to confirm that we have received your request and will reply to you as soon as possible.
Your Stripe
2. Tells from whom and when the client can expect a response
Be sure to let the client know when they can expect a response. Submitting an application can be pretty nerve-racking. People want to know when they get an answer to their question, whether they should try other ways to solve the problem. Please be sure to include special circumstances such as holidays in your message.

Specific example: Zenefits and Postmates.

Some companies are prudent to include in their automatic responses information about the processing time for customer applications. Postmates and Zenefits are excellent examples.

Hello, you have contacted Postmates support.

Solving your problems and finding answers to your questions are our main tasks. To solve urgent problems, support specialists will contact you within 20-30 minutes, in other cases - within 24 hours.

All the best

We have received your request and are reporting that we are keeping the situation under control. A Zenefits Support Specialist will review your request and contact you today to suggest possible solutions to the problem (note weekend opening hours).
3. Suggest to use alternative support channels to solve urgent problems
I would like to combine all support requests into one large category: applications (tickets). After all, an application is an application, isn't it? Unfortunately, this is not so. Some applications require immediate consideration, while others may wait a couple of days. You may find yourself in a quandary if you consider all applications in the order in which they are received — some issues need to be addressed out of turn.

For this purpose, you can open additional channels support. Let's say you add a live chat or a hotline number to your site so that people can turn to for help in case of emergency. For example, if a company that does business online has a server crash in the middle of a working day. If the problem is not urgent, the client will not call, but simply leave a message.

Specific example: JustFab company.

Thorne thinks it is essential to include in the automatic response alternative channels support. If the support team has a live chat, hot line or any other way of receiving applications, it is worthwhile to communicate them to customers very clearly, as JustFab does.

Thanks for your letter! One of our stylists will get back to you shortly. For urgent issues, call us […] 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or chat at

Your Justfab team

The automatic response from Flipagram support can provide a lot of useful information without ever leaving Email.
One line Thorne particularly liked: “Your application is being reviewed by regular Los Angeles residents who love to use Flipagram. We are glad to talk to you. "

The text of this letter is too large to fit into one image. Follow the link to read it in full (in English).

Bonus: add humor
The automated support message should be friendly and considerate (and appropriate to your business), but it can also be fun. Even an automatic response from a robot can be stylish and original.

A great example is Tilt's post.

Thank you for your request!

We can't wait to help you, and we'll get back to you in less time than Kanye West reaches the stage for a Grammy award.

We usually work from 9 am to 4 pm TSV from Monday to Friday, but you can read answers to frequently asked questions in the Support Center section.

Good luck,
Tilter Happiness Team
Thanks to mobile application Tilt, you will spend less time making financial transactions than reading this sentence.

And in the letter from the support service of the Imgur company you will see a link to a photo of a cute puppy.
Thank you for contacting Imgur, your application number […] has been received. Imgur support service works from 10.00-19.00 TSV from Monday to Friday. We will answer your question as soon as possible.

If you would like to leave additional comments or respond to this email, please follow the link below http: // .....

It is important to understand that not every company can afford that kind of immediacy. If you intend to make your answer more fun and witty, make sure it does not conflict with company policy. The automatic response from Tilt is fully in line with its image, which is based on fun and youth.

If such an email were received, for example, from Berkshire Hathaway, the user would most likely find it inappropriate.


No one knows better than you whether your company's support team should use an answering machine, Thorne is convinced. There are many different options automatic messages.

And if you decide that an answering machine is just what you need, the researcher advises to remember one thing: it takes time to form the correct automatic answer. Some company founders and support professionals are just lazy when writing automated replies, and it's not hard to guess why. After all, this is just a short confirmation of receipt of the application, so why waste time and effort writing it?

But if you think better, it becomes clear that one day these automatic messages can lead to a large number of new clients. Thousands of people who use the product can receive these messages on their inboxes. This is the first point of contact with customers who have encountered problems, and this is the company's chance to keep them or lose them forever. Don't be frivolous, don't take the time to come up with a good answer.

Additional reading
If you want to dig deeper, Thorne also recommends checking out other helpful resources on this topic:
  • How To Apply Business Rules To Submit automatic message at
  • MarketingSherpa: 5 How To Improve Your Support Responses simple solutions common problems

Example script for IVR

Main menu

"Hello, thank you for calling company X. If you know the extension number of the specialist you need, please dial it in tone mode."
To connect to the operator, press 0 ".
with the sales department press 1 ".
with technical support press 2. "
for getting additional information press 4 ".
to leave us a message press 5 ".
press 6 "to repeat the menu.
This is how you can record a voice greeting.

All specialists are busy

"Sorry, all technicians are busy. Please leave your name, phone number and message and we will call you back as soon as possible. Thank you."

Company info - if user presses 4

"Our company works from Monday to Friday 9:00 and 18:00. For more information, please visit our website If you want to leave a message, please press the asterisk key in tone mode. Thank you."

The continuation of this section is a separate article "".

What for?

  • Voice greeting- it's like a sign at a store. Many people think that the better
    the sign, the more solid the store. Greetings as well.
  • The greeting always greets the caller with an equally pleasant voice.
  • Employees do not waste their time pronouncing the name of the company.
  • The subscriber immediately understands that he has called the organization he needs.
  • The greeting cuts off those who made the wrong number.


The user can record audio files himself using standard tools Windows or third-party programs in WAV format with parameters: 8 kHz (8000Hz), 16 bit, Mono. In some programs, these parameters also have characteristics: PCM, 128kbit / s stream.
In Windows Sound Recorder use 'Save As' to save in this format.
There are also many online converters that can easily and quickly convert an audio file in a different format to the format we need.
For example,

Examples of a voice greeting

When planning the logic of your auto attendant, keep in mind that callers usually do not like to listen to voice greetings for a long time. A good auto attendant is fast and convenient first and foremost.

Short Voice Greeting Options
  1. Greetings.
  2. Informing about the organization where the subscriber got through.
  3. Informing about where the call will be transferred further. Moreover, unlike the voice menu, the caller does not need to press anything.

“You are welcomed by the“ Boats and Boats ”shop. A consultant will answer you now "

“Thank you for the call to the GostStandard company. The operator will answer you now "

"The company" Seals and Forms "welcomes you. Now your call will be transferred to the manager "

"Hello! You have called the Eurodent dental clinic. The administrator will answer you now "

"Hello! This is the Stroykomplekt company. Wait for the answer of a specialist and he will advise you on all issues "

“Welcome to the World of Doors company. Thank you for your call. Please stay on line.

"Hello! You called the Charles Bridge cafe. We are looking forward to your call! You will be connected to the administrator "

“How wonderful that you called the Bouquet of Flowers company. Please wait for a response from our employee "

"Good day! Thank you for the call to the law firm "Law and Law". Your call is very important to us, please stay on the line "

"Hello! Teplyi Dom technologists will be happy to answer your questions. Please stay on the line "

"Hello. You have phoned the reception of the director of the "Spetstrans" organization. The secretary will answer you now "

Greetings informing about the activities of the company

"Hello. You called on single number Alfasoft company. We offer programs for catering establishments. Please stay on the line "

“You are welcomed by the Kirpichny Dvor company. Our company supplies red, silicate, facing, refractory and clinker bricks. Now the manager of the order department will answer you "

Greeting informing about the recording of the conversation

“Welcome to the Chaika Hotel. We draw your attention, in order to control the quality of service, all conversations are recorded "

"Hello. You called the network building stores"Alliance". We inform you that in order to control the quality of service, all conversations can be recorded. "

“Hello, you have called the Equator Homeowners Association. We inform you that in order to control the quality of service, all conversations are recorded. The dispatcher will answer you now "

Greetings depending on

"Good morning! You called Constanta. Please stay on line "(sounds from 8:00 to 10:29)

"Good day! You called Constanta. Please stay on line "(sounds from 10:30 to 16:59)

"Good evening! You called Constanta. Please stay on line "(sounds from 17:00 to 18:59)

Out-of-office greetings

"Hello! You called Constanta. We work on weekdays from eight to nineteen hours. Saturday from eight to seventeen o'clock. We will be glad to hear from you during working hours "

"Hello! You have called the Teploizolyatsiya company. We work from nine to eighteen hours from Monday to Saturday. Please call us back during business hours or leave a message after the beep "

"Hello! You called the Ocean company. Unfortunately, at the moment we can not answer you, as you called outside of working hours. You can contact us from Monday to Friday from nine to eighteen o'clock "

“Welcome to the HOA Equator. You called at lunchtime from 12:00 to 13:00. If you have an emergency, then wait for the dispatcher's answer, for other questions we will be glad to hear from you during working hours after 13:00. We inform you that in order to control the quality of service, all conversations are recorded. The dispatcher will answer you now "

“Hello, you have called the HOA Equator. The office is open from 9 am to 6 pm. If you have an emergency, then wait for the dispatcher's answer; on other questions we will be glad to hear from you during working hours. We inform you that in order to control the quality of service, all conversations are recorded. The dispatcher will answer you now "

For reference. Voice information if no one picks up the phone.

It is sad if a client calls and hears beeps for 20-40 seconds, but no one picks up the phone. However, for one reason or another, this can happen.

Therefore, after this duration of an incoming call, it would be nice to configure the service with sending information about the call to the responsible employees by e-mail, and play the voice notification to the client. Examples:

“Unfortunately, the phones of all specialists are busy. Please call us back later "

“Unfortunately, the phones of all specialists are busy. Please leave your message after the beep. We will contact you shortly!"

“Unfortunately, the phones of all employees are busy. We have a caller ID, so if you don’t get through, we will definitely call you back as soon as possible. Or stay on line "
Then the phone continues to ring for another 20-30 seconds, and the subscriber hears beeps. Further, if again no one picks up the phone, a new message sounds. “The phones of all employees are still busy. We have a caller ID, so we will definitely call you back as soon as possible. Thank you". Disconnecting the call.

“Your call is number two in line. The approximate response time of the operator is two minutes. "

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