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  • An example of an algorithm with repetition. An iterative (cyclic) algorithm is an algorithm that contains

An example of an algorithm with repetition. An iterative (cyclic) algorithm is an algorithm that contains

A.A. Aleinikov (GUO"Secondary school No. 2 of the village of Krugloye" )



LEARNING PURPOSE: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to know the types of algorithms (linear, branched, repetitive); be able to apply the acquired knowledge in solving educational problems (distinguish between linear ), successfully complete the task in the form of a test.

TASKS OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: based on the actualization of known material and the fulfillment of educational tasks, to promote the development of students logical and algorithmic thinking ; to promote the development of students' skills to organize their own activities, communication skills, interaction skills; create conditions for self-realization of the individual in educational activities, the formation of educational subjectivity of students.

TYPE OF LESSON: a lesson in mastering new knowledge.

TECHNOLOGY: elements of active evaluation.

EQUIPMENT: Informatics textbook, multimedia presentation, handouts, evaluation sheets, strips for using the “non-raised hand” technique, the Traffic Light manual.



Hello guys! Have a seat. I'm glad to see you all today. Please check yourself, everyone should have a textbook, notebook, diary on the table , assessment sheets, materials for work in the lesson that I have prepared for you. A smile on your face and a good mood in your soul. Guys, let's give a smile to our guests, and share a good mood with my colleagues.

Now let's start our lesson. I hope it will be interesting and successful. And in order to determine the path to success, I suggest that each of you choose for yourself a motto for the lesson (handout):

    Work hard, there is no other way to success!

    Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself!

    To succeed, students need to catch up with those ahead, not wait for those behind. (Aristotle).

    Whoever asks nothing will learn nothing. (Thomas Fuller).

    You can when you believe you can.

    The one who wants is looking for a thousand possibilities, the one who does not want is looking for a thousand reasons. (Analysis of the chosen motto). (Reception of the "non-raised hand").

Guys, let's remember the concepts that we met with you in the last lesson during our journey through the country "Algorithms" (reception of the "non-raised hand").

    What do you think is an algorithm? (A clear and finite sequence of exact actions (commands), the formal execution of which allows us to obtain a solution to the problem).

    What is a synonym for this term? (Rules).

    Give examples of algorithms (2-3 examples).

    What is the process of creating an algorithm called? (Algorithmization).

    Who creates the algorithms? (A person or a group of people).

    And who can execute the algorithm? (Algorithm executor, i.e. a person (a group of people) or a technical device (robot, computer) that understands the commands of the algorithm and knows how to execute them correctly).

    What is an executor command system? (A set of commands that the command executor understands and can execute).

    Why can the algorithm execution process be automated? (The performer executes the commands formally, without discussing their meaning).

    Is the performer always able to execute commands that he understands? (No, only being in a certain environment, which forms the habitat of the performer).

Checking homework.

Guys, show with help “Traffic light”, how well did you do your homework (ex. 2, § 18, ex. 2, § 19, taking into account the criteria NaShtoBuZu (Appendix 1)).

the formation of cognitive competencies (the systematization of knowledge, the formation of practical experience of cognitive and intellectual activity among students in the process of frontal work on checking homework); to communicative x competencies (formation of students' ability to express thoughts, listen, dialogue ); regulatory competencies ( skill on your own manage their own activities (choose a motto for the lesson)).


Why do we need algorithms? (Reception of the "non-raised hand"). ( To solve a wide variety of tasks). If the algorithm helps us solve a wide variety of problems, then probably the algorithms are different.

Guys, what do you think the topic of our today's lesson will be? (“Types of algorithms”). Well done, right!

So, the topic of the lesson is “ Types of algorithms”. (Slide 1, "Types of Algorithms). Open your notebooks and write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Joint goal setting. The teacher together with the students formulate goals in the language of the students:

I will know the kinds algorithms;

I will be able distinguish algorithms, recognize the situations in which they apply , give examples of different types of algorithms.(Slide 2, “Goals in student language”)

Key question: “Our whole life is an algorithm. What kind?"

(Discussion). (Reception of the "non-raised hand").

Planned metasubject result: formation of regulatory competencies (students independently determine the goals of learning, are able to set and formulate tasks for themselves in cognitive activity able to organize and manage develop the motives and interests of their cognitive activity).


Today in the lesson, each of you will test yourself in the role of both the creator and the executor of certain algorithms. We will be able to identify the types of algorithms and give them names. So guys, pay attention to the screen.(Slide 3, Algorithm "Morning Petya"). (Algorithm analysis). (Reception of the "non-raised hand").

How to execute the algorithm? What is the name of such algorithms? To execute the algorithm, you need to execute all the commands sequentially, one after the other, in the order they are written. All actions seem to line up in one line. Hence the name - linear. Algorithms in which instructions are executed one after another, in the order they are written, are called linear. (Students write the definition in a notebook). (Slide 4 "Linear algorithms"). Feedback using the "Traffic Light" manual.

Task 1. "Make a snowman." (Put the command numbers in the correct order,(Annex 2)) . (Slide 5, task "Make a snowman"). Task analysis.

Guys, what will happen if the commands are executed in random order or if individual commands are skipped? (We will not get a solution to the problem). And who can be the executor of this algorithm? Is it always possible to execute this algorithm? (In the appropriate situation - the habitat of the performer). (Reception of the "non-raised hand").

The following type of algorithms is well described by the line: “If you go straight, both you and your horse will die, if you go to the left, you yourself will not be alive, and to the right, you will be alive, but your horse will die ...”. (Slides 6,7, fragmentfairy tales "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"). Together with the teacher, students analyze the situation, the actions of the hero of the fairy tale.

Can the actions of the hero of a fairy tale be called a linear algorithm?(Reception of the "non-raised hand"). No.Why? (The hero of the fairy tale has a choice).

And now let's play. I will name the sentence, and you will try to guess the proverb corresponding to it (Appendix 3).

    If you do two things, then nothing will work out (You chase two hares - you won’t catch a single one). (Slide 8).

    If you do things slowly, then you will finish it faster (Slower ride - you will continue). (Slide 9).

    If you don’t work, you won’t cook fish soup (Without labor, you won’t take a fish out of the pond). (Slide 10).

How are the sentences I've read similar? (Slide 11). (In them choice is expected the condition is checked and then the action is executed). (Magic words: If-then-else).

What do we call algorithms containing a condition? ( conditional, branching, branching algorithm). (Slide 12, "Algorithms with branching"). (Students write the definition in a notebook). Branching algorithms are algorithms in whichthere is a choice of actions depending on the condition. Feedback using the "Traffic Light" manual.

And now in front of you is a fragment of the famous fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". (Slide 13, fragment of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila"). Make an algorithm for the actions of a cat scientist. (Students compose an algorithm and write it in a notebook).

IV . PHYSICAL MINUTE. (Video). (Slide 14).


Guys, are all algorithms linear or branching?

Look at the next slide in the presentation. On the screen is a fragment of the fairy tale “About the fisherman and the fish”. (Slide 15, fragment of the fairy tale "About the fisherman and the fish"). (Analysis of the educational situation in a fragment of the fairy tale "About the fisherman and the fish"). (Reception of the "non-raised hand").

What do we notice in the actions of the old man? (M multiple repetition of an action).

Consider the following problem. (Slide 15, fragment of the fairy tale "About the fisherman and the fish"). (Magic word: Till).

What do we call algorithms with repeated repetition of some action? (Algorithms with repetition). (Slide 16 "Algorithms with repetition"). (Students write the definition in a notebook ). Algorithms with repetition (cyclic algorithms) are algorithms that provide for repeated repetition of the same action. Feedback using the "Traffic Light" manual.

So, how many kinds of algorithms do you now know? List them. (Linear algorithms, branching algorithms, repetition algorithms ). (Slide 17, "Types of algorithms"). (Reception of the "non-raised hand").

Planned metasubject result: the formation of cognitive competencies (the formation of knowledge, skills and practical experience of cognitive and intellectual activity among students in the process of studying educational material on the topic "Types of algorithms", students will know the types of algorithms, the definition of linear algorithms, algorithms with branching and repetition, be able to give examples of algorithms of all species); to communicative competencies (learning cooperation with the teacher and classmates, the formation of students' ability to express thoughts, listen, dialogue ); regulatory competencies (formation of skills to analyze, correct and evaluate their own activities).


Practical work . Test execution.(Appendix 4) .

Additional tasks for the lesson(Annex 5) . (Work in pairs, feedback using the "Traffic Light" manual).

Planned metasubject result: the formation of cognitive competencies (the formation of knowledge, skills and practical experience of cognitive and intellectual activity among students in the process of studying educational material, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in solving educational problems (distinguish between linear algorithms, branching algorithms, repetition algorithms; recognize the situations in which they apply , successfully complete the task of the proposed test), to communicative х competencies (development of interaction skills, cooperation with classmates when working in pairs, the formation of students' ability to express thoughts, listen, dialogue ), regulatory competencies (the formation of skills to organize, analyze, correct and evaluate their own activities, increase the level of self-realization of the personality of students in educational activities, the formation of their educational subjectivity).


The guys write down their homework: §20, example 3 , give examples of linear algorithms, branching algorithms and algorithms with repetition from everyday life. NashtoBuzu for homework ( Appendix 6). (Slide 18, homework). Feedback using the "Traffic Light" manual.


Self-evaluation and mutual evaluation. (Slide 19, self-assessment and peer-assessment).

    What new did you learn at the lesson today?

    How do you evaluate your work at the lesson, the work of your classmates?

    What difficulties arose during the lesson?

Analysis of the purpose of the lesson, the key question. (Slide 19, “Our whole life is an algorithm ...”). Students complete assessment sheets. Feedback using the "Traffic Light" manual.

Guys, today we do not leave this wonderful country "Algorithmization". We have exciting journeys ahead of us, we will get acquainted with new concepts, with new interesting tasks.

In conclusion, I want to say that our whole life is an algorithm, but the algorithm is not only linear, not only with branching or repetition. This is a complex algorithm. And I wish that each of your actions be deliberate and lead to the correct, worthy result. Thanks everyone for the lesson. You've done a good job, well done!

Planned metasubject result: the formation of communicative competencies (the formation of students' skills to express thoughts, listen, conduct a dialogue, constructively criticize others and accept criticism themselves, gain experience in business relations), regulatory competencies (the formation of skills to analyze, correct and evaluate their own activities and the activities of classmates).


    Curriculum for institutions of general secondary education with the Russian language of instruction. Informatics. VI-XI classes. - Minsk: National Institute of Education, 2012.

    Informatics: a textbook for the 6th grade of institutions of general secondary education with Belarusian and Russian languages ​​of instruction / A.E. Puptsev [et al.]. - Minsk: Narodnaya Asveta, 2008 .

    Zaprudsky, N.I. Control and evaluation activities of teachers and students / N.I. Zaprudsky.-Minsk: Sir-Vit, 2012.-160 p.

    Khutorskoy, A.V. Meta-subject content and results of education: how to implement federal state educational standards (FSES) [Electronic resource] // Eidos Internet magazine. - 2012. - No1. - Access mode: - Date of access: 03.10.2016 .

Appendix 1

NashtoBuzu for homework:


    What is an algorithm?

    What is a synonym for this term?

    What is the process of creating an algorithm called?

    Who creates algorithms? Who can execute the algorithm?

    What is a performer?

    What is an executor command system?

    Why can the algorithm execution process be automated?

    Is the performer always able to execute commands that he understands?

    Why do we need algorithms?

    Be able to:

    Give examples of algorithms from everyday life and educational activities (2-3 examples);

    Give examples of executors of algorithms (3-4 examples).

    Availability and correct implementationexercise 2 (§18, p. 95), exercise 2 (§19, p. 99).

Appendix 2

TASK 1. "Make a snowman." Arrange the command numbers in the correct order.

Stick a carrot between the coals.

Blind a third ball, smaller than the second, and put it on top of the second ball.

Make a big ball out of snow and put it on the ground.

Blind a second ball, smaller than the first, and put it on top of the first ball.

Put the bucket on the third ball.

Make eyes out of coals on the third ball.

Annex 3

TASK 2. Choose the appropriate proverb for the sentence.

    If you do two things, then nothing will work.

    If you do things slowly, you will finish it faster.

    If you don't work, you won't cook fish soup.


    Without good work there is no fruit.

    You can't take a fish out of a pond without effort.

    The work of the master is afraid.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

    On merit and honor.

Appendix 4

TEST "Algorithms: Linear, Branching Algorithms, Repetitive Algorithms".

Go there, I don't know where. Answer ______

Task 2.

Search for the right book

Sign in bookstore

Pay the cost of the book

Exit the bookstore

Get the right book

Type of algorithm

Task 3.

Put the commands of the algorithm in the correct order. Specify the type of algorithm.

If there are no cars, walk to the middle of the road

Look right

If there are no cars, go to the end of the road

look left

Type of algorithm

Task 4.

Task 4.

Write down the algorithm for deleting a character in the text, describe two methods at the same time. Specify the type of your algorithm.

    Think of a single digit.

    Add 5 to it.

    If the number is less than 25, then go back to step 2.

    Write down the number.

Rate yourself! ______________

Annex 5

Additional tasks for the lesson

    The bathroom control panel has two buttons: add 5 liters and drain 3 liters. Write an algorithm that allows you to pour 4 liters of water into the bathtub in as few commands as possible. Specify the type of algorithm.

    Carlson has a bucket of jam, it holds 7 liters. He also has 2 empty buckets: 4 - liter and 3 - liter. Write an algorithm that will help Carlson pour 1 liter of jam for tea into a smaller (3-liter) bucket, leaving 6 liters in a large (7-liter) bucket. Specify the type of algorithm.

    A six-bucket keg is filled to the brim with kvass. Make an algorithm that will help divide kvass equally between two buyers. Two empty kegs can be used, one containing 5 buckets and the other containing 1 bucket. Specify the type of algorithm.

Appendix 6

NashtoBuZu to homework (§20, example 3, p. 108)



    What algorithms are called branching algorithms?

    What algorithms are called repetition algorithms?

    Be able to:

    Give examples of algorithms from everyday life and educational activities (2-3 examples of each type).

1. What is an algorithm? name
algorithms you know.
2. What natural phenomena, events in your
lives repeat themselves?
3. Remember
actions that
must repeat
© Vivechaemo informatics

Cyclic processes:

In nature, processes can be observed
are repeated.
For example, every day the sun rises over
horizon and goes beyond the horizon.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Cyclic processes:

Every month can be seen in the sky
the same change in the phases of the moon.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Cyclic processes:

Every year the sun passes through the same
the same constellation - the constellation of the Zodiac.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Cyclic processes:

are repeated
called cyclic.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Cyclic processes:

Each of you participates in cyclical
processes. So, at school for one
semesters weekly on the same days
take the same classes according to
schedule. Every working day at school
lessons and breaks continue throughout
the same time intervals.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Cyclic processes:

Every time you need to boil
water in the kettle, you do the same
sequencing. Most often you
go or go from home to the sports section
or a music school with the same
© Vivechaemo informatics

Cyclic processes:

On the
for example, the numbers 2 to the fifth power are needed
find the product of numbers 2 and 2, and then another 3
times multiply the previous product by
number 2. At the lessons of the Ukrainian language,
sorting out
building, you also perform each time
the same sequence of actions.
© Vivechaemo informatics

In algorithms for solving many problems, it is necessary
execute one or more commands
For this, such
algorithms should
contain commands,
what kind
be fulfilled
exactly how many times.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition (cycle) in algorithms

Let's consider such a task.
Task. There is an empty barrel and a bucket in the yard
with a capacity of 50 liters and 10 liters, respectively, and a well.
You need to fill the barrel with water.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition (cycle) in algorithms

Obviously, to solve this problem,
run the following algorithm:
1. Take a bucket.
2. Repeat b times
1. Go to the well.
2. Draw a full bucket of water.
3. Come with a full bucket of water to the barrel.
4. Throw water out of the bucket into the barrel.
3. Put a bucket.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition (cycle) in algorithms

Cycle title
What team is called
loop command with counter.
body cycle
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition (cycle) in algorithms

A fragment of the algorithm in which one
be carried out
called a cycle. The algorithm that
contains a cycle, called an algorithm
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition in Scratch

make up
cycle algorithms. For this, the system
there is
commands. In particular, for the organization
use the command located in
group Management. Her choice leads to
commands contained within this
It is clear that the quantity
cycles can be changed.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition in Scratch

For example, by executing the above algorithm,
will draw
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition in Scratch

contains commands for drawing a square and
rotation of the performer by an angle of 600 repeat
this is the loop body 6 times. Therefore, the resulting
ornament consists of six squares, each
relative to the previous one at an angle of 600.
Please note that in the loop body
ornament drawing algorithm two commands
are repeated
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition in Scratch

Therefore, the whole algorithm can be written shorter,
vikoristovuyuchi in tіlі, cycle one more command
called zovnishnim, and
cycle Repeat 4 -
on the foot
the next cycle will be
get out more than once
come to an end
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition in Scratch

If you change the number of repetitions of the body
cycle, for example by 20, then the angle in the command
outer loop needs to be changed to 180. In this
case, the Red cat will draw a different ornament.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition in Scratch

use to cycle changed colors
drawing. In Scratch to each color of the pencil
corresponds to a certain number, the code of this
colors. In the algorithm, before the loop command
posted command,
specifying the initial color of the pencil. During
executing the command of the body of the above loop
the code
increases by 30.
© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition in Scratch

© Vivechaemo informatics

Repetition in Scratch

Here is another example of an algorithm with a loop,
after completing which, the Red cat will draw a circle.
© Vivechaemo informatics


§ 3.1, Art. 65-72
© Vivechaemo informatics

Physical education minute

© Vivechaemo informatics

We work at the computer

Art. 70-71
© Vivechaemo informatics

Types of algorithms.

Linear algorithms.

An algorithm in which commands are executed in the order they are written, that is, sequentially one after another, is called linear.

For example, the following tree planting algorithm is linear (Fig. 58, p. 111):
1) dig a hole in the ground;
2) lower the seedling into the hole;
3) fill the hole with the seedling with earth;
4) water the seedling with water.

With the help of a block diagram, this algorithm can be depicted as follows (Fig. 59, p. 112).

Branching Algorithms

In life, you often have to make a decision depending on the current situation. If it rains, we take an umbrella and put on a raincoat; If it's hot, wear light clothing. There are also more complex selection conditions. In some cases, the fate of a person depends on the chosen decision.

The decision logic can be described as follows:
IF<условие>THEN<действия 1>OTHERWISE<действия 2>

IF you want to be healthy, then temper yourself, ELSE lie all day on the couch.

In some cases<действия 2>may be missing:

IF<условие>THEN<действия 1>

IF he called himself a loader, THEN climb into the back.

The form of organization of actions in which, depending on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of a certain condition, either one or another sequence of actions is performed is called branching.

Let's depict in the form of a flowchart the sequence of actions of the 6th grade student Vasya Mukhin, which he imagines as follows: “If Pavlik is at home, we will solve problems in mathematics. Otherwise, you should call Marina and prepare a report on biology together. If Marina is not at home, then you need to sit down to compose ”(Fig. 60, p. 113).

And so, with the help of a flowchart, you can very clearly present the reasoning when solving the following problem (Fig. 61, p. 114).

Of the three coins of the same denomination, one is counterfeit (lighter). How to find it with the help of one weighing on a pan balance without weights?

Algorithms with repetitions

In practice, there are often tasks in which one or more actions may need to be repeated several times until some predetermined condition is met.

The form of organization of actions in which the execution of the same sequence of actions is repeated until some predetermined condition is met is called cycle(by repetition). An algorithm containing loops is called cyclic algorithm or algorithm with repetitions.

The situation in which the execution of the loop never ends is called looping. Algorithms should be developed to avoid such situations.

Consider an example from life. This is how a block diagram of the actions of a schoolboy who should do his homework in mathematics before an evening walk may look like (Fig. 62, p. 115).

This is a cyclic algorithm. When executed, the "Solve the problem" action will be performed as many times as the number of tasks contains the student's homework.


Lesson topic - Algorithmic construction "Repetition"

Planned educational outcomes




obtaining ideas about the algorithmic construction "repetition (cycle)"; types of cycles, skills to execute an algorithm containing a cycle with a given operating condition; the ability to compose simple (short) algorithms with repetition for a formal executor with a given command system;

the ability to identify algorithms with repetition in various processes;

development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activities in modern society

Lesson vocabulary: algorithm, repetition, cyclic algorithm, cycle body.

Lesson resources: PC connected to the Internet, multimedia projector, screen, interactive whiteboard, presentation, Kumir programming environment.


Teacher activity

Student activities


Stage 1. Org. moment

Hello guys! At each lesson, we are advancing in the discovery of new knowledge in computer science. We start working in good spirits. I wish you success.

The children are seated. Check for accessories.

Interaction with the teacher

Ability to prepare for work

Stage 2.

Knowledge update:

- Checking homework(at the blackboard),

- oral repetition

(while work is in progress at the blackboard, then checking what is written on the blackboard with the answer template)

Teacher activity

§ 2.4.2 RT. No. 135(b), 138(b), 140

Answer the questions:

    What algorithmic construction is called branching?

    In what forms can branching be written?

    What commands are used to write the full form of a branch?

    What commands are used to write the short form of a branch?

    What conditions for organizing branching are called simple? Composite?

Test execution

Student activities

Deciding at the blackboard

Answer questions:

A design in which the choice of actions depends on a specific condition;

In full and in short form:

If, then, else, all

If, then, everything.

Conditions consisting of one logical operation are called simple, and those consisting of several logical operations are called compound.

Know: Algorithmic Constructions " following" and "branching".

Be able to write a branching algorithm

Search and selection of necessary information.

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the task .

Distinguish between the correct task and the incorrect one.

Stage 3.

Motivation (creating a problematic situation)

goal setting

and planning

- In a line without spaces, find and delete concepts that are not related to computer science.

By removing unnecessary concepts, you have received the key concepts of our lesson.

Formulate the topic of the lesson based on them:

So what will be the topic of the lesson?

Lesson topic:

Lesson Objectives:




Remove: chromosome, suffix, chalk, globe, number line, theorem, weight, declination, scale, displacement

Repetition, cyclic algorithm, predetermined operating condition.

Algorithmic construction "repetition".

What is "repetition" and why is it called a cycle?

With types of cycles;

Execute and compose cyclic algorithms with a given condition for continuing work.

Be able to format characters (font, size, style, color) and paragraphs (alignment, first line indent, line spacing, etc.).

Communicative UUD:

Personal UUD:

- formation of logical thinking

Regulatory UUD:

The ability to set a learning task, name a goal, formulate a topic in accordance with the norms of the Russian language

Stage 4. "Discovery" of new knowledge

(learning a new topic)

Let's find out what is "repetition" and why is it called a cycle?

Make notes in your notebooks.

Get to know the types of cycles (work in pairs)

Self-test with teacher's comments:

What differences did you see in the recording of 3-round algorithms?

Here is the first algorithm. Name its major difference.

How would you call a loop with such a condition?

Look at the second algorithm, what name did you come up with based on the analysis?

Look at the third algorithm, what name did you come up with based on the analysis?

Watching video.

Write down the main:

-repetition is an algorithmic construction of actions performed repeatedly. An algorithm with repetitions is called cyclic. Repeated actions are the body of the loop. Cycle record template nts cycle body kts.

They work in pairs, highlight significant differences in the records of various cyclic algorithms.

We see that these algorithms have different termination conditions and a slightly different recording order.

It will be executed until the condition is met.

A cycle with a given condition for continuing work;

Loop with a given number of repetitions;

A loop with a specified termination condition.

Get an idea about the cyclic algorithm and its types.

Communicative UUD:

Development of communication skills with peers and adults in the process of activity.

Cognitive UUD:

- development of cognitive activity

Personal UUD:

- development of attention

- formation of skills for creating a structured abstract

Stage 5 Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system (reinforcement)

Independent work + mutual verification;

- Computer workshop

Learn to execute an algorithm with a given continuation condition

Learn to create algorithms with a given condition for continuing work for the executor Draftsman

Perform independently RT. No. 151 (a), conduct a mutual check

They work in the Kumir RT system. No. 150(a, c)

To consolidate the concept of a cycle with a given continuation of work

Know how to write an algorithm

Cognitive UUD:

- formation of a knowledge component on the topic of the lesson

Communicative UUD:

Development of communication skills with peers and adults in the process of activity.

Regulatory UUD:

- the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice, the development of the ability to critically assess one's own activities.

Stage 6 Reflection and assessment

Can you name the topic of the lesson?

Was it easy for you or were there difficulties?

What did you do best and without mistakes?

Which task was the most interesting and why?

How would you rate your work?

Answer questions, calculate points, give grades

Stage 7. Homework

§ 2.4.3 S. 81-84 RT. No. 148, 151(c)

Creative task:

Give examples of the cyclic algorithm from:

    Everyday life

    From a literary work

"Algorithm presentation forms" - Content-methodical line "Algorithmization and programming". Programming. Forms of representation of algorithms. Is there an order in the algorithm? Send the wolf. 4.1.2. Block diagrams of algorithms. Development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities by means of ICT.

"Algorithm lessons" - The commands of such an algorithm are executed sequentially from top to bottom. Graphically (flowchart). Branching. Algorithm implementers. Practical task. Open the graphics editor. Cyclical. Algorithms are very complex and large in volume. Blocks. The algorithm is compiled taking into account the performer.

"Algorithm Scheme" - Before going to bed, I wash my face and brush my teeth. Until the time is less than 22.00 I will watch TV. Start. If it's very cold tomorrow, I won't go to school. Branching algorithm (incomplete form). Misha got sick and didn't come to school today. Branching algorithm (full form). Example: Otherwise, you will have to go to class.

"Cyclic Process" - Sale! What operators are used to organize a loop with an unknown number of repetitions? When is the counting cycle used to solve problems? What is another name for a loop with a postcondition? Under what condition does the loop exit with a postcondition? How many times is the postcondition loop executed? What do we call cycles?

"Fundamentals of algorithmization" - Definition Methods of description Types of algorithms. Here you can read the basics about algorithms. End. Verbal form of notation - the algorithm is written in words and is intended for a person. Program Sum Description a,b,c:Integer EndDescription a:=5 c:=9 c:=a+b Output ('sum=', c) End_Program. Linear algorithm.

"The concept of the algorithm" - The algorithm is always designed to be executed by a non-thinking performer - the formal execution of the algorithm. Formalization of the concept of an algorithm. Algorithm (lat. algorithmi - al Khorezmi - cf. Asian mathematician of the 9th century,). It was not possible to build algorithms, the concept of an algorithmically unsolvable problem arose. The definition of an algorithm is an intuitive concept, not a strictly mathematical one.

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