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The use of anti-virus protection. Protection of information from unauthorized access


Information protection, anti-virus protection.

(1 hour: lecture)

Antivirus tools protection.

The number of people using a computer and cell phone with access to the Internet is constantly growing. This means that the possibility of exchanging data between them by e-mail and through World Wide Web. This leads to an increase in the threat of computer infection with viruses, as well as damage or theft of information by strangers. malware, because the main sources of malware distribution are e-mail and the Internet. True, infection can also occur through a floppy disk or CD.

Computer virus - it is a purposefully created program that automatically attributes itself to others software products changing or destroying them. Computer viruses can infect computer programs, lead to data loss and even damage your computer.

Computer viruses can spread and penetrate into the operating and file system of a PC only through external magnetic media (hard and floppy disks, CDs) and through means of intercomputer communication.

Malware can be divided into three classes:worms, viruses and Trojans .

Worms - is a class of malware that uses to spread network resources. Use networks, e-mail and other information channels to infect computers.

Viruses - these are programs that infect other programs - they add their own code to them in order to gain control when infected files are launched.

Trojans - programs that perform actions that are not authorized by the user on affected computers, i.e. depending on any conditions, they destroy information on disks, lead the system to freeze, steal confidential information etc.

depending from habitatviruses can be divided intonetwork, file, boot and file-boot.

Network Viruses are spread across different computer networks.

File viruses are introduced mainly into executable modules, i.e. to files with COM and EXE extensions.

Boot viruses infect the disk's boot sector or the sector containing the boot program system disk.

File-bootviruses infect files and boot sectors disks.

According to the mode of infectionviruses are separatedfor resident and non-resident.

Residential When a virus infects a computer, it leaves random access memory its resident part, which then intercepts the call operating system to infection objects (files, disk boot sectors, etc.) and infiltrates them.

Non-resident viruses do not infect computer memory and are active for a limited time.

By degree of impact emit non-hazardous viruses that do not interfere with computer operation, dangerous, which can lead to various malfunctions of the computer, and very dangerous the impact of which can lead to the loss of programs, the destruction of data, the erasure of information in system areas disk.

To detect, remove and protect against computer viruses developed several types special programs, which allow you to detect and destroy viruses. Such programs are called antivirus .

There are the following types of antivirus programs:

Programs-detectorsperform a search for a signature characteristic of a particular virus in the RAM and files and, if detected, issue the appropriate message. The disadvantage of such anti-virus programs is that what they can only find viruses that are known to the developers of such programs.

Doctor Programs or flags not only find virus-infected files, but also return files to the initial state. At the beginning of their work, the flags look for viruses in the RAM, destroying them, and only then proceed to the "treatment" of files.

Auditor programsremember the initial state of programs, directories and system areas of the disk when the computer is not infected with a virus, and then periodically or at the request of the user compare Current state with the original. Change detection is displayed on the monitor screen.

Filter programs or watchman, are small resident programs designed to detect suspicious actions during computer operation that are characteristic of viruses:

attempt to correct files with COM and EXE extensions;

changing file attributes;

direct recording to disk absolute address;

When a virus attack is attempted, the watchman sends a message and offers to prohibit or allow the corresponding actions.

Programs: Vaccines or immunizers are resident programs that prevent file infection.

Signs of a computer virus infection.There are a number of signs that indicate a computer infection:

displaying unintended messages or images on the screen;

submission of unforeseen sound signals;

unexpected opening and closing of the CD-ROM tray;

arbitrary, without your participation, the launch of any programs on the computer;

displaying a warning on the screen about an attempt by any of the programs on your computer to access the Internet, although you did not initiate such behavior in any way (if you have the appropriate anti-virus program installed on your computer).

However, such symptoms are not always caused by the presence of viruses. Sometimes they can be the result of other causes. For example, in the case of mail, infected messages may be sent with your return address, but not from your computer.

There are also indirect signs of infection on your computer:

frequent freezes and crashes in the computer;

slow work computer when starting programs;

inability to boot the operating system;

disappearance of files and directories or distortion of their contents;

frequent referral to hard drive when the lamp flashes rapidly system unit;

Microsoft Internet Explorer freezes or behaves unexpectedly, such as the program window cannot be closed.

In 90% of cases, the presence of indirect symptoms is caused by a hardware or software failure. Despite this, when they appear, we recommend that you full check computer for viruses.

If you notice that your computer is behaving suspiciously, follow these guidelines.

Do not panic!

Disconnect your computer from the Internet.

Disconnect your computer from local network if it was connected to it.

If the symptom of infection is that you cannot boot from hard drive computer, i.e. the computer gives an error when you turn it on, try booting in failsafe mode or from disk emergency boot Windows.

Before taking any action, save the results of your work by writing them to external media (floppy disk, CD, flash card).

Install an antivirus program if you haven't already.

Get Latest updates antivirus databases.

Install necessary settings antivirus program and run a full scan.


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Information protection, anti-virus protection

A computer virus is a purposefully created program that automatically attributes itself to other software products, changes or destroys them. Computer viruses can infect computer programs, cause data loss, and even disable your computer. Computer viruses can spread and penetrate into the operating and file system of a PC only through external magnetic media (hard and floppy disks, CDs) and through means of intercomputer communication.

Depending on the habitat, viruses can be divided into network, file, boot, and file-boot. Network viruses distributed over various computer networks. File viruses are implemented mainly in executable modules, i.e. to files with COM and EXE extensions. Boot viruses infect the boot sector of a disk or the sector containing the boot program of the system disk. File-boot viruses infect files and boot sectors of disks. Malware classes

According to the method of infection, viruses are divided into resident and non-resident. When a resident virus infects a computer, it leaves its resident part in RAM, which then intercepts the operating system's access to infected objects (files, disk boot sectors, etc.) and infiltrates them. Non-resident viruses do not infect computer memory and are active for a limited time. Malware classes

According to the degree of impact, they distinguish: non-dangerous viruses that do not interfere with the operation of the computer, dangerous ones that can lead to various malfunctions in the computer, very dangerous ones, the impact of which can lead to the loss of programs, data destruction, and erasure of information in the system areas of the disk. Malware classes

To detect, remove and protect against computer viruses, several types of special programs have been developed that allow you to detect and destroy viruses. Such programs are called antivirus programs.

1. Detector programs search for a signature characteristic of a particular virus in RAM and files and, if detected, issue appropriate messages. The disadvantage of such anti-virus programs is that they can only find viruses that are known to the developers of such programs. 2. Doctor programs or phages not only find files infected with viruses, but also return the files to their original state. At the beginning of their work, the flags look for viruses in the RAM, destroying them, and only then proceed to the "treatment" of files. Types of antivirus programs

3. Auditor programs remember the initial state of programs, directories and system areas of the disk when the computer is not infected with a virus, and then periodically or at the request of the user compare the current state with the original one. Change detection is displayed on the monitor screen. 4. Programs - vaccines or immunizers - are resident programs that prevent infection of files. Types of antivirus programs

5. Filter programs or watchdogs are small resident programs designed to detect suspicious actions during computer operation that are typical for viruses: an attempt to correct files with COM and EXE extensions; changing file attributes; direct write to disk at an absolute address; writing to disk boot sectors; downloading the resident program. When a virus attack is attempted, the watchman sends a message and offers to prohibit or allow the corresponding actions. Types of antivirus programs

There are a number of signs that indicate a computer infection: display of unsolicited messages or images; giving unforeseen sound signals; unexpected opening and closing of the CD tray - ROM devices; arbitrary, without your participation, the launch of any programs on the computer; displaying a warning on the screen about an attempt by any of the programs on your computer to access the Internet, although you did not initiate such behavior in any way (if you have the appropriate anti-virus program installed on your computer). Signs of a virus infection

Signs of a virus infection There are also indirect signs of infection on your computer: frequent freezes and crashes in the computer; slow computer operation when starting programs; inability to boot the operating system; disappearance of files and directories or distortion of their contents; frequent access to the hard drive, when the light on the system unit flashes frequently; Microsoft Internet Explorer freezes or behaves unexpectedly, such as the program window cannot be closed.

Antivirus protection tools

The main means of protecting information is backup the most valuable data. In case of loss of information for any reason hard drives reformatted and prepared for new operation.

When backing up data, you should also keep in mind that you need to save separately all registration and password data for access to network services Internet. They should not be stored on a computer. The usual place of storage is the office diary in the safe of the head of the unit.

You should also keep in mind that backups should be kept separate from the computer. A relatively new and quite reliable method of storing valuable, but not confidential data is storing it in Web folders on remote servers on the Internet. Backup copies of confidential data are stored on external media, which are stored in safes, preferably in separate rooms.

Auxiliary means protection are anti-virus programs and hardware protection.

There are enough software tools antivirus protection. They provide the following possibilities:

Creating an image of a hard disk on external media

Regularly scan your hard drives for computer viruses.

Control over resizing and other file attributes.

Hard disk access control.

Software viruses these are blocks program code, purposefully embedded inside other application programs. Computer viruses are also related to the so-called Trojan horses (Trojans, Trojans). When a program carrying a virus is launched, the virus code implanted in it is launched. The operation of this code causes changes hidden from the user in file system hard drives and/or in the contents of other programs. So, for example, a virus code can reproduce itself in the body of other programs - this process is called reproduction. After a certain time, having created a sufficient number of copies, a software virus can proceed to destructive actions - disrupting the operation of programs and the operating system, deleting information stored on the hard drive. This process is called a virus attack. Most destructive viruses may initiate formatting of the hard drive.

Software viruses enter your computer when you run unchecked programs received on external media (floppy disk, CD, etc.) or received from the Internet. It should be noted that during normal copying of infected files, infection of the computer cannot occur. In this regard, all data received from the Internet must be mandatory check on security, and if unsolicited data is received from an unknown source, it should be destroyed without consideration. A common technique for distributing Trojans is to attach to email with a "recommendation" to extract and run a supposedly useful program.

Boot viruses from software differ in the method of distribution. They hit not program files, but certain system areas of magnetic media (floppy and hard disks). In addition, when the computer is turned on, they can be temporarily located in RAM. Typically, infection occurs when you try to boot your computer from magnetic media, whose system area contains a boot virus.

Macroviruses. This special variety viruses infect documents made in some application programs, which have the means for executing macros. In particular, these documents include documents word processor Microsoft Word. Infection occurs when a document file is opened in the program window, unless the ability to execute macros is disabled in the program. As with other types of viruses, the result of an attack can be either relatively harmless or destructive.

The main tasks of antiviruses

· Scan files and programs in real time.

On-demand computer scan

Internet traffic scanning

Scanning Email

Protection against attacks by hostile web sites

· Recovery of damaged files (treatment).

Antivirus protection tools

Anti-virus protection tools are designed to scan your computer's files and memory for known and new malware, disinfect infected objects, and remove threats.

The first computer viruses and antivirus utilities appeared in the 70s of the last century. At that time, viruses were "experimental" - they did not have malicious functionality and were created as part of research on self-replicating programs. But soon their destructive action also manifested itself, which at that time consisted only in the fact that they actively copied themselves and occupied a valuable disk space and other resources. Anti-virus programs then were aimed at neutralizing one or two specific viruses, and not anti-virus protection in general.

In the 1980s, the first mass viral epidemics. Virus writers began to distribute malware capable of destroying valuable documents, programs and system files. Anti-virus protection tools began to develop rapidly, although at that time they were still mainly primitive scanners and immunizers, and the prevalence of anti-virus software was very low.

Types of anti-virus protection

In the more than twenty years that have passed since then, antivirus products have gone great way development. Modern antiviruses are complex software packages, as a rule, containing several interrelated and complementary modules aimed at combating the entire spectrum computer threats. IN modern antiviruses The following types of anti-virus protection can be used:

Comparison with a virus sample - a virus code signature, a malware behavior pattern, or a digital fingerprint in the "black" list of known threats. This type of anti-virus protection consists in the study suspicious program for signs of malware. For example, when implementing this type of protection, the antivirus looks for signatures - code sequences that are unique for a particular virus.

Behavioral monitoring is a kind of anti-virus protection based on checking objects during reading, writing and other operations. For monitoring, the anti-virus program resides in RAM and acts as a system event handler. When starting any operation that can lead to infection, antivirus monitor starts checking the object being processed (document, program, etc.).

Change detection is a type of anti-virus protection based on integrity control software components computer. When infected, viruses modify files system registry or disk boot sectors. The anti-virus program determines whether an object has been modified by counting the cyclic check codes (CRC sums) and other methods.

Heuristic analysis. This type anti-virus protection is based on the fact that the actions performed by viruses and their sequence differ from the behavior of most programs. Therefore, the analysis of sequences of commands and system calls of suspicious software helps to correct solution about its harmfulness.

Treatment is a type of anti-virus protection that consists in removing malicious objects and restoring normal parameters computer system.

Reputation service - newest look anti-virus protection, which has become widespread in last years and based on checking the reputation of programs, web resources and mail systems. Such verification is carried out using "cloud" reputation servers maintained by leading anti-virus software developers, and is based on constantly updated lists of "legitimate", malicious and suspicious resources. The advantage of reputation services is very high speed response to new threats.

There are also obsolete, now rarely used types of anti-virus protection, for example, immunization, which consists in placing a program in the computer memory that informs viruses that avoid reinfection, that the system is already infected.

The following modules implement anti-virus protection:

Antivirus scanner

Antivirus monitor using multiple protection technologies

Behavior Blocker

Antivirus auditor or CRC control system

Antiviral phage or doctor.

IN antivirus products new generation eScan implemented the entire complex modern technologies protection.

Antivirus protection tools

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Article subject: Antivirus protection tools
Rubric (thematic category) Informatics

Methods of protection against computer viruses

There are three lines of defense against computer viruses:

‣‣‣ preventing the entry of viruses;

‣‣‣ Prevention of a virus attack if a virus does enter a computer;

‣‣‣ Prevention of devastating consequences if an attack does occur. There are three methods for implementing protection:

‣‣‣ software methods protection;

‣‣‣ hardware protection methods;

‣‣‣ organizational methods of protection.

In the issue of protecting valuable data, a household approach is often used: ʼʼit is better to prevent a disease than to cureʼʼ. Unfortunately, it is he who causes the most devastating consequences. Having created bulwarks against the penetration of viruses into a computer, one cannot rely on their strength and remain unprepared for action after a devastating attack. In addition, a virus attack is far from the only and not even the most common reason for the loss of important data. There are software failures that can disable the operating system, as well as hardware failures that can HDD inoperable. There is always the possibility of losing your computer, along with valuable data, due to theft, fire, or other natural disaster.

For this reason, you should create a security system first of all ʼʼfrom the endʼʼ - from the prevention of the destructive consequences of any impact, whether it be a virus attack, theft in a room or a physical failure of a hard drive. Reliable and safe work with data is achieved only when any unexpected event, incl. and complete physical destruction computer will not lead to catastrophic consequences.

The main means of protecting information is backing up the most valuable data. When backing up data, you should also keep in mind that you need to save separately all registration and password data for accessing Internet network services. They should not be stored on a computer.

When creating an action plan for backing up information, it is extremely important to consider that backup copies should be stored separately from the computer. That is, for example, backing up information on a separate hard drive of the same computer only creates the illusion of security. A relatively new and fairly reliable technique for storing valuable, but not confidential data is to store it in Web folders on remote servers in the Internet. There are services that provide free space (up to several MB) for storing user data.

Backup copies of confidential data are stored on external media, which are stored in safes, preferably in separate rooms. When developing an organizational backup plan, consider the critical importance of creating at least two backups stored in different locations. The copies are rotated. For example, during the week, data is copied daily to the media of the backup set A, and after a week they are replaced with set B, etc.

Auxiliary means of information protection are anti-virus programs and hardware protection tools. So, for example, a simple disconnection of the jumper on motherboard will not allow erasing a reprogrammable ROM chip (flash - BIOS), regardless of who tries to do it: a computer virus, an intruder or a sloppy user.

There are a lot of anti-virus protection software. Οʜᴎ provide the following options.

1. Creation image of hard disk on external media (for example, on floppy disks). In the event of a data failure in the system areas of the hard disk, the saved ʼʼdisk imageʼʼ can allow you to restore, if not all data, then, by at least, most of them. The same tool can protect against data loss due to hardware failures and inaccurate hard formatting disk.

2. Regular scanning hard disks in search of computer viruses. Scanning is usually performed automatically every time you turn on your computer and when you place external drive in the reader. When scanning, keep in mind that an anti-virus program looks for a virus by comparing the code of programs with the codes of known viruses stored in the database. If the database is outdated and the virus is new, the scanning program will not detect it. It is worth saying that for reliable operation you should update your antivirus program regularly. The desired update frequency is once every two weeks; allowable - once every three months. For example, we point out that the devastating consequences of the W95.CIH.1075 (ʼʼChernobylʼʼ) virus attack, which caused the destruction of information on hundreds of thousands of computers on April 26, 1999, were associated not with the lack of means of protection against it, but with a long delay (more than a year) in updating these funds.

3. Control over resizing and other file attributes. Since some computer viruses change the parameters of infected files during the reproduction stage, the controlling program can detect their activity and warn the user.

4. Control over accesses to the hard disk. Since the most dangerous operations, associated with the operation of computer viruses, one way or another, are directed to modifying the data recorded on the hard drive, antivirus programs can control access to it and warn the user about suspicious activity.

Means of anti-virus protection - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Antivirus protection tools" 2017, 2018.

Modern technologies have penetrated into all spheres of life of an average person - from working days to evenings in a home. And some of the most common devices that people use are PCs, tablets and various mobile devices. electronic devices capable of accessing the network. Against the backdrop of such progress, the protection of information has once become relevant. Anti-virus protection is one of the facets of this set of measures. The Internet is infested with malicious programs that can damage or destroy important files when they enter any system.

Antivirus information protection tools

Given all the potential and actual danger of various viruses, without reliable protective equipment modern user not enough.

It is practically impossible to independently control all the processes that can activate the malicious program. Therefore, security must be approached systematically.

A brief instruction on the use of anti-virus information protection tools is as follows:

Emphasize on text editor and make sure that there is protection against macro execution;

Any digital media(flash drives, disks) need to be checked before starting anything with their help;

Install a reliable anti-virus program on a PC, moreover, paid and in a complete set;

It is also relevant to periodically back up any important information.

What is worth understanding at the very beginning is the futility of trying to save money on free software. If the use of anti-virus information protection is really important due to the storage of valuable data on a PC, then it is hardly worth using any truncated options.

What you need to know about viruses

This topic is worth considering in order to realize the fact that operating systems are constantly exposed to strong threats. ordinary users And

So, anti-virus information protection tools are focused on countering malware, which can be divided according to the following criteria:

destructive possibilities;


Features of the algorithm underlying the virus;

The method by which the environment is contaminated.

In other words, viruses can be loaded into different elements systems and provide various negative impact. For example, they are able to intrude into boot sectors from a disk or other media, as well as into executable files. In addition, there are quite a few threats that are distributed in the vastness of the network, and can enter the system when loading a specific site or downloading a program.

As for the degree of destructiveness, viruses can be both harmless and extremely dangerous. But in the case of the features of the algorithm, everything is a little more complicated: you can list for a long time various options from stealth programs to macro viruses.

Obviously, the existing threats to system support very many, and their number is constantly growing. Therefore, protecting information with the help of anti-virus programs is becoming an integral part of the everyday life of both ordinary users and large companies.

How to understand that the computer is infected

There are certain signs that are clear evidence of the fact that a virus has been introduced to the PC:

The amount of RAM without objective reasons suddenly and perceptibly decreases;

The work of programs that used to function quickly is slowing down;

File sizes are increasing;

Appear unusual files, which were not previously seen in the system;

Both audio and video effects, as well as other deviations, may occur.

In a word, noticeable failures are observed in the operation of the operating system during infection. If such signs were recorded, then it is worth checking how effective the current information protection is. are constantly improving, which means that it is worth putting aside the commitment to a particular product and periodically look for the most efficient systems PC protection.

Free antiviruses

This type of counteraction to various threats is quite popular in Runet. Not every user is so careful about his computer to pay for quality software annually. It is for this reason that within the framework of the topic "Instructions for anti-virus information protection" it is worth considering the prospect of using such software.

The bottom line is that the paid antiviruses initially limited in their capabilities. They may have quite good potential, but in most cases you will have to pay for the disclosure of all facets of the product.

The main risk here is the lack of fixation and subsequent blocking of a virus attack while using the Internet, which is very important. In other words, most of these antiviruses are able to detect a threat already when it knocks on the “door” of the operating system, but even then not always. IN quality program protection there is always a rich database of possible viruses, which is constantly updated. As for the free versions, they also contain similar data, but the reliability of detecting threats, including the newest ones, always remains in question.

Some free versions only fix viruses and do not guarantee their complete removal.

Thus, it is worthwhile to understand that free version- this is either a "stripped down" version of the antivirus, or new program, which is just beginning to be promoted on the network. And this means that soon it will become paid, like others.

But there is one possibility that deserves attention and does not require costs. It's about about a free attending, located on the official website of the company and capable of high-quality scanning of the entire system for threats. This antivirus protection computer information especially relevant when there are already problems. A striking example of such a utility is the Doctor Web product. Its installation allows one time check PC and repair the damage caused by destroying malware. But to take advantage this antivirus on a permanent basis, you have to pay.

Types of antivirus programs

All paid antiviruses can be divided into several key groups, each of which is focused on a certain dominant function.

This list looks like this:

Doctor programs;





Each of them may be needed in such a difficult and responsible matter as the organization of information security. Anti-virus protection, for example, from the "Doctor" category, is able not only to detect a threat, but also to cure the system, which is an extremely relevant feature. In this case, the body of the virus is removed from the affected file, and the latter is returned to its original state.

Initially, such programs, called phages, search for viruses, and if they find any, then, first of all, they destroy them and only then activate the recovery processes.

If a computer, for various reasons, is constantly exposed to a significant number of threats, then it makes sense to use polyphages, which are designed specifically for such loads.

As for the detectors, they are necessary for quick search viruses in various media and RAM in particular. Such antivirus systems and information security cannot be considered separately from each other.

Attention should also be paid to filter programs. They are designed to detect suspicious processes in the system. It is thanks to the work of such antiviruses that users periodically see warnings on the monitor that specific program trying to perform an incorrect or suspicious action.

Auditor programs are another tool that requires the use of information protection. Anti-virus protection of this type is engaged in detecting stealth viruses and fixing potentially dangerous changes in the system.

Vaccine programs are needed to prevent infection, which is the optimal protection strategy. Their use is especially relevant if reliable filters are not installed on the PC, which means there is a risk that all corrupted files will not be fully restored.

Well-known companies create products that combine all of the above properties.

Steps to help save the system

So, it is obvious that information protection is ensured by the use of anti-virus tools. But for the effective organization of this process, it is worth imagining at least general algorithm actions.

Security software is focused on 3 key tasks:

Prevention of infection;

Diagnostics of the state of the operating system and files;


Prevention should be understood as blocking various ways for viruses to access a PC, as well as preventing infection with malware that is already in the system. As for diagnostics, here we are talking about antiviruses that can detect a threat in a computer, as well as identify its specific type.

Treatment is also the tool without which there can be no full-fledged modern information protection. Anti-virus protection of this type first of all removes the detected threats, and then restores the damage caused.

Speaking about the security complex, which is used by virtually all companies and private users, it is worth understanding the total application of all the programs mentioned above.

Also raising the issue of protection, you need to pay attention to the fact that significantly reduce the number virus attacks will help the use licensed programs. Pirated versions It's always playing with fire.


In fact, if you translate this word, you get a "wall of fire." With this name, the developers tried to convey key function This tool is a protection that prevents potential threats from connecting to your computer.

And although such software has already been mentioned above, this set of utilities should be given more attention. Due to their action, only those data packets and files that are in accordance with the requirements of the system are skipped.

This utility is an actual tool, without which it is impossible to complete protection information. Malicious and constantly evolving, and the latter should work ahead of the curve, that is, prevent infection from the very beginning. Otherwise, you can pay, if not with all the data, but with part of it, which is also a tangible damage.

It is the firewall that helps to get desired effect in protecting your computer while working on the network. Such firewall just needed for safe work in the Internet. Therefore, it is necessary to select an antivirus program in such a way that it has similar function, and implemented at a decent level.

Basic firewall functions

Considering topics such as information security and antivirus programs, it is worth paying attention to the fact how a firewall works.

So, the most valuable are the following features of such software:

Notifying the user about a fact or an attempt to commit it;

PC access filtering;

Identification of suspicious reactions and processes in the system;

Blocking the ability to change network access settings;

Access control to all networks and nodes;

Protects subnets from spyware access and attempts to steal information.

If we evaluate firewalls by the degree of protection they can provide, then we can distinguish two key species: personal and corporate.

In the first case, we are talking about a network wall, which is relevant for an ordinary user who uses a computer for personal purposes. As for the second type, it is focused on effective protection internal networks various companies. This means it is installed on the gateway between the Internet and the local network.

Accordingly, the settings of such firewalls may differ from standard versions. But in any case, taking care of the presence of a high-quality fiery wall is simply necessary.

How to install protection

In order for the antivirus program to protect all the necessary data, you need to follow a few simple steps.

First of all, you should choose the most reliable product (forums and ratings will help here). After you need to buy it paid version. The following is the installation process, which is no different from the installation regular program. When it is completed, the computer will have to restart and select the current program settings.

Upon completion of this stage, you need to run a PC scan for threats and damage. If viruses are found, the protection will offer to destroy them. It is important to understand that before installing a new antivirus program, it is better to remove the old one, if any.

With the help of this simple algorithm of actions, information protection will be ensured. Anti-virus protection, as a rule, is paid once a year, and the required amount is available to virtually any layman.

The most common antiviruses

So, choosing the appropriate software to maintain the working condition of your computer, you should pay attention to brands that have managed to establish themselves exclusively on the positive side.

Let's start with the well-known Dr.Web. It effectively identifies, blocks and removes Trojans, network worms, email worms, stealth viruses, threats that affect office applications, password thieves, various malicious scripts and many other types of threats.

A distinctive feature of Dr.Web is its ability to effectively cure an infected computer. If the car is already in a deplorable state, then you need to stop your choice on this particular antivirus program. Moreover, this product contains one of the most complete and at the same time compact virus databases.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus. This is a Russian product that has become very famous in the post-Soviet space. IN this case It is worth paying attention to the behavioral module. This is a blocker that effectively controls the execution of macros and is able to stop any actions that fall into the category of suspicious ones.

It is the use this module provides reliable protection from macro viruses.

Kaspersky also has an excellent auditor, the main function of which is to track any changes in the system and fix unauthorized processes.

You need to pay attention to such protection tools as a background virus interceptor, a heuristic analyzer, and anti-virus filtering. In other words, the set of protection tools in the product under the brand name "Kaspersky" deserves respect.

Eset NOD32 is also popular protective programs. It is perfect for ordinary users, because it gives the desired effect and slightly loads the system. Its use guarantees the proactive detection and neutralization of any threats.


It's obvious that effective protection information is provided by the use of anti-virus tools. Therefore, the acquisition of really high-quality software should be taken seriously.

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