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Applications for processing textual information. To process textual information on a computer, text editors are used

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In the discipline "Informatics"

On the topic "Modern technologies and processing tools

text information "

Moscow - 2009

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Text editors
  • 2.1 Window composition
  • 3.1 Create document
  • 3.3 Save and print
  • Conclusion
  • Applications


Despite the wide possibilities of using computers to process a wide variety of information, programs designed to work with text are still the most popular. When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used: input operations, editing operations, and document execution.

Programs designed to process textual information are called text editors. A text editor (processor) provides a very wide range of possibilities for manipulating text documents. The main functions of text editors and processors are: input and editing of text characters; the ability to use different character fonts; copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another; automatic page numbering; creating tables and building diagrams; spelling check of words and selection of synonyms; construction of tables of contents and subject indexes; printout of the finished text on a printer, etc.

Today, almost all powerful text editors are part of the integrated software packages designed for the needs of the modern office. For example, Microsoft Word is part of the most popular office suite Microsoft Office. The Microsoft Word program is designed to perform work on the creation of documents that include various elements that have a hierarchical organization with the provision of work at the level of individual components, the document as a whole, combining information from several files in the form of a main document.

1. Text editors

1.1 Concept and general purpose

To process textual information on a computer, general-purpose applications are used - text editors.

Text editors are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. A modern document may contain, in addition to text, other objects (tables, diagrams, pictures, etc.).

Simple text editors (such as Notepad) allow you to edit text and do basic font formatting.

More advanced text editors, which have a whole range of document creation capabilities (for example, search and replace characters, spell checkers, insert tables, etc.), are sometimes called word processors. An example of such a program is Word from the Microsoft Office suite.

Powerful word processing programs - desktop publishing systems - are designed to prepare documents for publication. An example of such a system is Adobe PageMaker.

Editing text is the whole range of operations for internal and external work on the text. Each text can be "cut", i.e. cut pieces out of it, "glue" them, insert parts from other texts into the working material, change their places, etc. You can change the position of text on the page, the format of lines and paragraphs, insert illustrations (pictures, graphs, diagrams, etc.) into the text. ).

1.2 Types of text editors

Modern word processors provide the user with ample opportunities for preparing documents.

The most famous text editors can be roughly divided into 3 groups:

1. general-purpose processors ("Lexicon", Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, etc.)

2.editors of scientific papers (ChiWriter, TeX, etc.)

3.Editors of source codes of programs (Multi-Edit, built-in editors of programming systems BASIC, Pascal, etc.)

Let's take a closer look at several general processors. WordPad is not particularly powerful. You will not find any excesses inherent in, for example, Microsoft Word. It also does not have any special formatting capabilities: it does not support such a simple function as aligning text on both edges, but it copes quite successfully with writing a letter, an abstract and other tasks. This editor has several control elements: a text menu, a button operation bar, a formatting bar and a control bar (Appendix 1).

With WordPad you can: work with fonts; save texts, both in your own format and in other formats; insert pictures of formats into the text.

Notepad - a word processor allows you to create simple files without formatting (Appendix 2).

Most often, notepad is used to check, and in some cases write, HTML code for web pages. This is due to the fact that notepad writes only pure character code without formatting to its file, which is very convenient for programmers.

And sometimes it's viewing. dll ,. inf ,. cfg and. bat files, which are small in size but important in content.

Microsoft Word is the foundation of any office and the most needed and popular program in the whole Microsoft Office. With the help of Word, you can not only type text, but also arrange it to your liking: include tables and graphs, pictures, and even sounds and video images.

2. Text editor Microsoft Word

2.1 Window composition

Word (often MS Word, WinWord or simply Word) is a text editor released by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Office package. The first version was written by Richard Brodie in 1983.

Word is one of the most advanced programs in the class of word processors, which provides hundreds of operations on text and graphic information. You can place text, pictures, tables, charts and graphs in a Word document, and automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors in the text.

After starting Word, a new document named Document 1 opens, which is located in the central part of the Main window and is the work area. Here you can type and correct the desired text.

The Microsoft Word window consists of the following elements:

title bar, menu bar, toolbars, measuring rulers, scroll bars, text box, status bar (Appendix 3).

The title bar displays the name of the active document.

The menu bar contains the following items: File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Service, Table, Window, Help.

The File menu contains commands that you can use to create, open, or save documents. Using the Edit menu, you can edit the document. The View menu allows you to select the form of presentation of the document on the screen and control the indications of the elements of the main window of Word. The Insert menu allows you to insert various objects into the text: footnotes, notes, forced page breaks, pictures, graphics, etc. You can use the Format menu to format the text. The Tools menu contains commands for checking spelling and correcting typos in a document. The Table menu contains all the commands you need to work with tables. Using the Window menu, you can switch from working on one document to working with another and change the arrangement of document windows in the main Word window. The Help menu provides everything you need to get help with Word.

The horizontal control ruler is used to set tab stops and indents in selected paragraphs, as well as to adjust the width of columns in newspaper-type documents. By moving the mouse, the lower triangles on the ruler, you can set the right and left paragraph indentation. Likewise, using the upper triangle, you can set the "red line".

To the right and bottom of the document, there are vertical and horizontal text scroll bars. They are used in cases where all the text does not fit on the screen and requires scrolling up - down or left - right.

At the bottom of the main window of Word there is a status bar, which displays information about the position of the text cursor in the document and about the current mode of operation.

Word is a multi-window processor. This means that you can open several documents at the same time, some of them can be ready-made files, and some of them are blanks (without a name, but with the designations Document1, Document2, etc.)

2.2 Features of Microsoft Word

The features of Word include:

1.creation of tables;

2. development of forms and macros;

3. copying objects;

4. work with large documents, etc.

The main functions of Word for working with a text document:

· Typing

Correction of typed text

Cutting out pieces of text, memorizing them

Finding the necessary words or sentences in the text

Replacing words one with another partially or completely

· Text formatting

Automatic pagination

Select part of the text F, TO, H font.

Tabulation of lines

The ability to see the text on the screen in finished form

· Wide range of fonts.

· Ability to insert formulas, tables, figures into the text.

· Automatic search and correction of grammatical errors, etc.

Not only spelling is checked, but also declension, conjugation, and punctuation. The specified word is compared with its spelling in the dictionary and in case of any inconsistencies it is displayed on the screen for editing. In this case, the user is offered a choice: to make a correction; ignore the error; add the given word to the auxiliary dictionary.

3. Working with information in Microsoft Word

3.1 Create document

The easiest way to create a new document is to use templates. Templates are standard templates for documents of a certain type that are used to facilitate the preparation of documents. Templates allow you to create and store universal forms of documents of various types: letters, memos, powers of attorney, payment orders. Starting to compose a certain document, first the template of this type of documents is called, and only then it is filled in. At the same time, drawing up a document comes down to filling out certain fields with text. Once made on the basis of standards, a template can be reused in the future to create documents of a certain type.

In order to edit an existing document, you must first open it. Once the document is open, it can be edited, printed, or simply read.

The most commonly used operations in a word processor are copying, moving, and deleting pieces of text. The technology for performing these operations includes several stages: selection of a part of the text; transferring the selected fragment to the intermediate storage buffer; moving the cursor to the desired place in the document; copy the selection from the clipboard to the location in the document indicated by the cursor.

Also in Word it is possible to delete a character, word, line, piece of text by first selecting the corresponding element of the text, and then using either keys , or a delete operation. The space occupied by the deleted text element is automatically filled with the text after it.

For the convenience of work, there is still a rollback operation. To implement this operation, the word processor records a sequence of actions to change the text in the form of sequential steps. With a special rollback command, the user can return the document to the state that was several steps ago. The depth of possible rollback depends on the power of the computer used and other reasons.

3.2 Editing and formatting

Editing is a transformation that adds, deletes, moves or corrects the content of a document. Editing of a document is usually done by adding, removing, or moving characters or pieces of text. AND Formatting is a transformation that changes the presentation of a document. Any document consists of pages, therefore, at the beginning of work on a document, it is necessary to set the values ​​of the page parameters: format, orientation, margins, etc. The A4 page format (21x29.7 cm) is standard. There are two possible page orientations - portrait and landscape. For ordinary texts, portrait orientation is more often used, and landscape orientation for tables with a large number of columns (Appendix 4).

3.3 Save and print

The save operation writes the edited document in RAM to disk for permanent storage. The type of the saved document is usually assigned automatically by the word processor. In a word processor, Word assigns the document a type. DOC (Appendix 5).

An important factor in protecting the generated documents is the autosave function, which can be performed as a normal save operation or as a special operation to save the current state of the word processor in a special file. In the latter case, upon an abnormal termination, this state can be restored, including the contents of all windows, the position of cursors in windows, etc.

Document printout - creates a hard (paper) copy of a document. To print a finished text document, go to the File menu and press the Print command. After setting the required parameters, confirm and click OK (Appendix 6).


Recently, computer technology has been advancing very intensively, and this contributes to the rapid development of software. Every six months, products are released with many innovations. Likewise, text editors do not stand still. Each time, more and more functions are included in these programs. But their development is set in such a way that with each new version the program retains the previous set of features and the user can use both old and new functions, the latter were introduced only to facilitate work with the program.

Today, Word is one of the most advanced programs in the class of word processors, which provides for hundreds of operations on text and graphic information. Using Word, you can quickly and with high quality prepare any document - from a simple note to the layout of a complex publication.

List of used literature

1 ... Ostreykovsky V.A., Informatics, M .: Higher school, 2001-319s.

2 ... Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, Microsoft Word // Russia 09/27/2008 - http: // ru.

3 ... Simonovich S.V., Computer Science: Basic Course, 1st ed., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003-640s.

4 . Stepanov A.N., Informatics: Textbook for universities, 5th ed., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007-768s.

5 . Makarova N.V., Informatics and ICT: Textbook, initial level., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008-160s.


Appendix 1. WordPad

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3. Elements of the Word window

Appendix 4. Page parameters

Appendix 5. Saving the document

Appendix 6. Printing the finished document

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Despite the wide possibilities of using computers to process a wide variety of information, programs designed to work with text are still the most popular. When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used:

Input operations allow you to transfer the original text from its external form into electronic form, that is, into a file stored on a computer. Input can be carried out not only by typing using the keyboard, but also by scanning a paper original and then translating the document from a graphic format into a textual one (recognition).

Editing (editing) operations allow you to change an existing electronic document by adding or deleting its fragments, rearranging parts of the document, merging several files, splitting a single document into several smaller ones, etc.

Typing and editing when working on text is often done in parallel. When entering and editing, the content of a text document is formed.

Document formatting is specified by formatting operations. Formatting commands allow you to determine exactly how text will look on the monitor screen or on paper after being printed to a printer.

Programs designed to process textual information are called text editors.

The whole variety of modern text editors can be conditionally divided into three main groups:

1. The first includes the simplest text editors with a minimum of capabilities and capable of working with documents in the plain text format.txt, which, as you know, with all its simplicity and universal support, does not allow more or less decent formatting of text. This group of editors can be classified as editors included in the delivery of Windows operating systems. WordPad and very little functional NotePad, and many similar products from other manufacturers (Atlantis, EditPad, Aditor Pro, Gedit, etc.).

2. The intermediate class of text editors includes quite wide possibilities in terms of document execution. They work with all standard text files (TXT, RTF, DOC). These programs include Microsoft Works, Lexicon.

3. The third group includes powerful word processors such as Microsoft Word or StarOffice Writer... They perform almost all operations with text. Most users use these editors in their daily work.

The main functions of text editors and processors are:

Entering and editing text characters;

Possibility to use different fonts of symbols;

Copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;

Contextual search and replacement of parts of text;

Setting arbitrary parameters for paragraphs and fonts;

Automatic word wrapping to a new line;

Automatic page numbering;

Handling and numbering of footnotes;

Creation of tables and construction of diagrams;

Spelling check of words and selection of synonyms;

Construction of tables of contents and subject indexes;

Printing prepared text on a printer, etc.

Also, almost all word processors have the following features:

Support for various document formats;

Multiple windows, i.e. the ability to work with several documents at the same time;

Insert and edit formulas;

Automatic saving of the edited document;

Working with multi-column text;

Ability to work with various formatting styles;

Creation of document templates;

Analysis of statistical information.

Today, almost all powerful text editors are part of the integrated software packages designed for the needs of the modern office. For example, Microsoft Word is part of the most popular office suite Microsoft Office.

Similar MS Office programs - Writer, StarOffice Writer, Corel WordPerfect, Apple Pages.

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A text editor is a simple word processing program. The text editor is handy for creating small messages and texts. Text consists of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and special characters that you can enter using your computer keyboard. Photos, drawings, pictures, diagrams and tables cannot be processed by the text editor.

MS-DOS Editor is the simplest text editor included in all versions of MS-DOS starting from 5.0. The keyboard is used as an input and control device. MS-DOS Editor is a DOS application and only processes "canonical" format text files. However, the program's interface and editing techniques (including working with the clipboard) are mostly in accordance with the Windows standard. Therefore, you can consider this editor as a toy Windows application, after working with which, it is easy to move on to the powerful MS Word processor. You can specify the name of an existing or newly created text file as a command line argument. To finish working with the editor, you must select the command (File-Exit).

The Word Pad editor that comes with Windows isn't particularly powerful. You will not find any excesses inherent in, for example, Microsoft Word. It also does not have any special formatting capabilities: Word Pad does not even support such a simple function as aligning text to both edges.

But with most of the daily tasks - writing a letter, a student's essay, making a greeting card - Word Pad copes quite successfully.

With the help of Word Pad you can: work with fonts, use a variety of styles and colors of fonts; save texts, both in your own format and in other popular formats (including Microsoft Word); insert pictures of various formats into the text.

The Word Pad has several controls: the Text Menu at the top of the window, then the action button bar, even lower is the formatting bar, and below, just above the typing window, is the Control Ruler.

Notepad - a word processor allows you to create simple files without formatting, in addition, viewing and most of the changes in the system setup files can be done using notepads. Like all programs, Notepad has its drawbacks.

Most often, notepad is used to check, and in some cases write, HTML code for web pages. This is due to the fact that notepad writes only pure character code without formatting to its file, which is very convenient for programmers. And sometimes it is viewing ..dll, .inf, .cfg and .bat files, which are small in size, but important in content.

Microsoft Word is the foundation of any office and, perhaps, the most needed and popular program in the whole Microsoft Office. This program is installed on almost every PC and has become the de facto standard in word processing. Using Word as an example, it is very convenient to study the interface of all other Microsoft Office programs.

The scope of Word is very wide. With the help of Word, you can not only type text, but also arrange it to your liking: include tables and graphs, pictures, and even sounds and video images. Word will help you compose a simple letter and a complex volumetric document, a bright greeting card or ad unit. We can say that Word is applicable almost everywhere where you need to work with text. In addition, in the latest versions of Word, very advanced tools for working with hypertext documents and documents intended for publication on the Internet have been added.

A word processor is a more powerful word processing program. In a word processor, you can write letters, stories, poems, reports, books, etc.

Any text created using a text editor, as well as non-textual materials (graphics, sound fragments) included in it, are called a document. The document can be an article, report, invitation, etc. When working on a network, parts of the same document can be stored on different computers located far from each other.

Hypertext is a way of organizing a document so that you can quickly find the information you need. It is often used in the construction of online help systems and computer versions of large reference books and encyclopedias. The main objects of a text document are: symbol, word, line, paragraph, page, fragment.

Word is an arbitrary sequence of characters (letters, numbers), limited on both sides by service characters (space, comma, brackets).

A paragraph is an arbitrary sequence of characters, ending with a special end-of-paragraph character. Empty paragraphs are allowed.

A fragment is a number of adjacent symbols that can be considered as a whole. A fragment can be a single word, line, paragraph, page, or even all of the text you enter.

Typing (entering) text, as a rule, is carried out using the keyboard. The role of paper is played by the computer screen. The place for entering the next character of the text is indicated on the screen using a blinking rectangle - the cursor.

When typing on a computer, a person does not follow the end of a line: as soon as it is reached, the cursor automatically jumps to the beginning of the next line. In order to go to the entry of a new paragraph, press the key ... Using the arrows up, down, left, right, the cursor can be moved throughout the screen, move it to any character. In addition, there is a scrolling mode that allows you to quickly display parts of the text that are outside the document. When you move the cursor across the screen, the document remains stationary, and when scrolling, the cursor remains stationary.

Editing is the next step in preparing a document on a computer. When editing a text, we review it to make sure everything is correct, correct any errors found and make the necessary corrections.

Program text editors are designed to edit programs in a particular programming language. They are often built into a programming system in some programming language.

Text editors, and are designed for program texts, and perform the following functions:

interactive text viewing;

editing program lines;

copying and transferring blocks of text from one place to another;

copying one program or part of it to a specified location in another program;

contextual search and replacement of text substrings;

automatic search for a string containing an error;

printout of the program or its necessary part;

Document editors are programs for processing documents, focused on working with texts that have a document structure, i.e., consisting of sections, pages, paragraphs, sentences, words. Consequently, editors for document processing provide functions focused on the structure of the document, namely:

the ability to use different character fonts;

setting arbitrary line spacing;

automatic word wrapping to the next line;

automatic page numbering;

processing and numbering of lines;

printing page headers and footers (headers and footers);

alignment of the edges of the paragraph;

typing in multiple columns;

creating tables and building diagrams;

spell checking and selection of characters;

There are a large number of text editors, from simple to complex. Among the most common editors in the world, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, WordStar stand out. LEXICON was distributed among simple text editors in Russia at a certain period of time.

Saving documents

In the process of saving documents, it is necessary, first of all, in the hierarchical file system of the computer to select the disk and the folder in which the document file is to be saved.

Text editors allow you to save documents in external memory and read them from external memory to RAM.

In addition, you must select a file format that determines how text is stored in the file.

Universal formats:

TXT format ( text only, extension in txt file name) is the most versatile text format.

Files saved in this format can be read by applications running on various operating systems. The advantage of this format is the small information volume of the files, but the disadvantage is that the results of text formatting are not saved.

RTF format ( extended text format, extension in file name rtf) is also a universal text file format in which formatting results are saved. The disadvantage of this format is the large information volume of the files.

DOC format ( Word document, extension in the doc file name) is the original Microsoft Word text editor format. Formatting results are fully preserved in this format. This format is actually universal, as it is understood by almost all text editors.

The Web page format (extension in the file name htm or html) is used to store Web pages in computer networks, since files in this format have a small information volume, and at the same time the formatting results are saved.

Modern text editors are "able" to automatically paginate and number pages. They "monitor" the size of the margins and adjust the spacing between lines, offer a choice of font options.

Document formatting

Formatting is used to make the content of the document more understandable and expressive. Symbols 4 are the main objects that make up a text document, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to correctly set the basic parameters that determine their appearance: font, size, style, color.

A font is a complete set of letters of the alphabet with a common style. The picture style is called a typeface.

Each font has its own name, for example Times New Roman, Arial, etc.

Font style is an additional means of emphasizing a font on a print, for example, underline, italic, bold.

Bitmap and vector fonts are distinguished by the way they are presented in a computer. In addition to the usual style of characters, bold can be used , italic and bold italic styles.

Font size - the unit of measurement for the font size is a point (1pt = 0, 367) mm. Font sizes can be changed over a wide range (usually from 1 to 1638 points), with most editors using the default 10 pt font.

The color of the symbols. If you plan to print a document in many colors, you can set different colors for different groups of characters, selected from the palette offered by the text editor.

Formatting a paragraph

The paragraph highlights its part in the text, which represents a complete fragment of the document, the end of which serves as a natural pause for the transition to a new thought. In computer text documents, a paragraph ends with an end-of-paragraph character. The end of a paragraph is entered by pressing the Enter key.

A paragraph can consist of any set of symbols, pictures, and objects from other applications. Formatting paragraphs allows you to prepare a properly and beautifully designed document.

Alignment of paragraphs. Alignment reflects the position of the text relative to the page margins. There are four most commonly used paragraph alignment methods: Left, Center, Left, and Width.

First line indent (red line). Most often, a paragraph begins with a first line indent. The indentation can be of various types: positive, negative and zero.

Positive indentation - the first line of a paragraph begins to the right of all other lines of the paragraph, used in normal text.

Negative indentation - the first line comes out to the left of the rest of the lines, used in dictionaries and definitions.

Zero - Applies to centered paragraphs and regular text.

Indents and spacing.

The entire paragraph can be indented left and on right, which are measured from the borders of the page margins. The line spacing can be changed by setting different line spacing values.

Numbered and bulleted lists

Lists are a convenient option for formatting paragraphs according to a single template and are used to place various lists in a document.

Automatic creation of bulleted and numbered lists can be performed using the List ... command on the Format menu, by selecting the required tab (Bulleted, Numbered, Multilevel) in the List dialog box that opens, as well as the required type of bullet or type of list numbering. The same can be done directly with the corresponding buttons (Numbered list, Bulleted list).

Numbered lists - list items are sequentially designated using numbers (Arabic or Roman) and letters of the Latin or Russian alphabets.

Bulleted lists - list items are indicated using bullets (special characters).

Multilevel lists - can be used to display hierarchical lists. In multilevel lists, lower-level lists (nested lists) are inserted into higher-level list items

Formatting styles

For each paragraph, you can set your own formatting options for the paragraph, characters, lists. With this approach, changing the formatting parameters for each paragraph must be done separately and manually.

However, when creating multi-page documents, it is more convenient to use formatting styles. Each formatting style is assigned a name and all necessary formatting options for the font, paragraph, or list are set. If you set the options for a formatting style, and then apply it to a selection in the document, then all paragraphs of the selection will automatically receive the formatting options specified by that style. If you need to change the paragraph formatting options, all you need to do is change the style's formatting options.

In the process of creating a document, headers are created in it. Different formatting styles are used for headings to differ in appearance from each other, as well as from the body text.

After creating a large document, it is advisable to insert a table of contents into the document, which will allow you to better navigate the content of the document. A table of contents is a list of headings contained in a document, with an indication of the pages.

Tables are used when creating text documents containing a large number of the same type of names, numerical data or images with a text signature.

Rows, columns, cells.

Tables are made up of rows and columns, at the intersection of which cells are formed. Table cells can contain data of various types.

The easiest way is to draw a table.

1- Enter the menu table and select item Draw table... After that, the cursor takes the form of a pencil, with which the table is drawn in the text.

You can create a table in Word text in another way: go to the menu table and select item Create table, specify the exact number of the required number of columns and rows, and then click OK.

2- The borders of the table expand automatically as the cells are filled with text. But the size of any element of the table can always be changed manually by hooking it with the mouse and stretching its borders.

3- Using the item, Sorting menu table, you can arrange the rows of the table in the desired order.

4- Calling the Context menu of the table, allows you to delete and add columns and rows. Using item AutoFormat menu table you can give your table a more sophisticated look by using the Word Table Forms Library.

Of course, Word cannot be called an editor ideally suited for working with tables. To work with tables with advanced features, another Microsoft Office component is recommended - the Excel spreadsheet editor. Moreover, Word and Excel can work closely together. You can insert Word text into an Excel table, and vice versa, a table made in Excel can be easily inserted into Word text.

Inserting an Excel document into the text is carried out through the button Insert Excel Table on the Operations Panel of Microsoft Word.

Word processing technologies are among the most common information processing technologies. Text- any sequence of symbols, which include letters, space, punctuation marks, numbers, arithmetic signs, etc. The text can be created with a pencil, a pen, a fountain pen, on a typewriter, and finally on a computer.

The computer hardware for entering a text document includes a keyboard, a light pencil with a special tablet, and a scanner.

Software tools for working with texts include:

· Electronic notebooks;

· Text editors;

· Word processors;

· Editorial and publishing systems;

· Translation software;

· Linguistic proofreaders;

· Systems that carry out intelligent search and intelligent processing of texts located in networks.

Text editor- a software tool designed to create (enter, type), edit and design texts. Examples: Lexicon, Word and Deed, Edit, Ched, Note Pad, Write.

Word processor differs from a text editor in wider functionality:

· User-configurable menu;

· Use of the context menu;

· Accompanying the text with tables and carrying out the simplest calculations in them;

· Insert graphic objects (pictures, diagrams, titles, etc.) or create pictures using built-in tools;

· Insertion of formulas, graphs, diagrams;

· Decorating the text with lists, drop caps;

· Use of the text auto-correction tool and its auto-referencing;

· Creation and use of macros;

· Background checking of spelling, syntax, etc.

Examples: Word (Microsoft Office), Word Pro (Lotus Smart Suite), Word perfect (Perfect Office), Accent, Word Pad.

Editorial and publishing systems must provide all the functions of a word processor, as well as:

· Perceive texts created in various text editors;

· Perceive scanned or drawn in graphic editors illustrations created on PCs of different platforms, and correct their colors;

· Have a large set of fonts and the ability to graphically transform them;

· To be able to differently "wrap around" the picture with text;

· Provide automatic optimal placement of text on the page, automatic page numbering;

· Provide adaptation to various printing devices, etc.

Translator software or computer dictionaries contain translations into different languages ​​of hundreds of thousands of words and phrases. Their capabilities provided to the user are as follows:

· Choice of language and direction of translation;

· Providing not only common, but also specialized words;

· Providing quick search of dictionary entries;

· Provision of multimedia services - listening to words performed by speakers.

Considering the technology of creating text, you need to know the definition of such concepts as font, grapheme, serif, size, as well as pagination, justification, kerning, leading.

Grapheme- a unit of a written sign, acting in different versions depending on the style of writing, place in a sentence, etc.

Font- graphemes of letters used for writing made in the same style.

Serif- curl (flourish, serif), forming the end of the line, which depicts a letter or sign (literal).

Skittle- the size of the font, determined by the letter.

Alignment- alignment of the length of printed lines at a given size by increasing the space between words.

Pagination(from English page - page) - pagination.

Kerning- reducing the distance between letters for a more convenient and comfortable perception of the text by the eye.

Leading- adjustment of the gap between the lines.

The file format determines how text is stored in a file. The simplest text file format contains only characters (numeric character codes), while other formats contain additional numeric control codes that format the text.

There are universal text file formats that can be read by most text editors, and native formats that are used by individual text editors. To convert a text file from one format to another, special programs are used - converter programs.

Let's take a look at some of the most common text file formats.

Text Only (TXT). The most versatile format. Saves text without formatting, inserting only paragraph control characters into the text. This format is used to store documents that must be read in applications running on various operating systems.

Rich Text Format (RTF) text. A universal format that retains all formatting. Converts control codes into commands that can be read and interpreted by many applications, as a result, the information volume of the file increases significantly.

Word Document (DOC). The original format of the currently used version of Word. Preserves formatting completely. Uses 16-bit character encoding, which requires the use of Unicode fonts.

Word document 2.0, Word 6.0 / 95 (DOC). Original formats of previous versions of Word editor. When converting from Word 97/2000/2003 format, formatting is not completely preserved.

Works 4.0 for Windows (WPS). The original format of the integrated system Works 4.0. When converting from Word format, formatting is not completely preserved.

HTML document (HTM, HTML). Storage format for Web pages. Contains control codes (tags) of the hypertext markup language.

The choice of the required format of the text document or its transformation is performed during the process of saving the file.




Discipline: Informatics and Computer Technologies

on the topic: Technologies for processing text information.


Tynkacheva L.S.

FEU, BUiA, 12, 1 course


Kushakova N.P.

Tyumen 2010

Introduction ................................................. .................................................. ...................................... 3

1. Possibilities of word processors ............................................. ....................................... 5

2. Text editors .............................................. .................................................. ................ 7

Text editor Lexicon ............................................... .................................................. .... 7

Word Pad Text Editor .............................................. .................................................. ..... eight

WordPerfect Text Editor ............................................... .................................................. 9

Text editor Microsoft Word 6.0 ............................................. ...................................... 10

Notepad ++ text editor ............................................... .................................................. eleven

Text editor Microsoft Word 2003 ............................................. ................................... 12

3. User interface of Microsoft Word 2010 ........................................... ................. thirteen

4. General view of the Word window and basic methods of work ........................................ ................... 15

Conclusion................................................. .................................................. ............................... 17

Bibliographic list ................................................ .................................................. ..... eighteen


Each computer user is faced with the need to prepare, edit, one or another textual information. One of the first programs created for the computer were word processing systems, or, as they came to be called, text editors.

Computers are widely used to prepare text documents. For this, special programs are used - text editors.

Computers equipped with text editors were supposed to replace typewriters. Accordingly, the first such programs had the functions of entering characters, the simplest text editing (erasing, transferring, copying and pasting) and printing the resulting document. The difference from the typewriter was the ability to save the finished text and then reuse it. However, the realization of the functions of the typewriter could not satisfy the computer users. The development of text editors went very fast. In addition, the development of printing (publishing) computer programs began in parallel. The ideas and findings of the developers of various systems mutually supplemented and "fed" each other, as a result of which there appeared not only powerful printing programs, but also "everyday" text editors, which in their capabilities are only slightly inferior to professional ones. The capabilities of these programs are different - from programs for the preparation of small documents of a simple structure, to programs for typing, design and full preparation for a typographic publishing house for publishing books and magazines (publishing systems). The advantages of a computer equipped with a special word processor (editor) over a typewriter were obvious and consisted in the fact that they provided a significant increase in the convenience, productivity of work and, most importantly, an increase in the quality of the resulting documents.

The division in time of the stages of document preparation, such as input, editing, design, preparation for printing and the actual printing itself, made the process of creating a document simpler and more technological.

There are different types of text editors:

Editors for preparing test-only documents (for example, Notepad). The size of the document created in such an editor in bytes is equal to the number of characters (letters) in the document. Such text editors can be used to edit program texts and to prepare HTML documents.

Editors with which you can edit and format (format) text (for example, WordPad). Documents prepared in such editors contain not only text symbols, but also information about their format, that is, the form of presentation (size, italicizing and underlining, etc.)

Editors that allow you to prepare complex documents, that is, those that contain not only text, but also other objects - pictures, diagrams, sound, etc. Such editors are often referred to as word processors.

This abstract lists the most common or standard editors in a number of institutions and organizations. In this work, six text editors are considered in sufficient detail: Lexicon, WordPad, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Notepad ++, Microsoft Word 2003 as well as the user interface of Microsoft Word 2010. The purpose of the work is to study the set of functions, capabilities of selected text editors, to observe the development of program technology providing preparation and processing of text information.

1. Possibilities of word processors.

Program text editors are designed to edit programs in a particular programming language. Text editors, and are designed for program texts, and perform the following functions:

Dialogue viewing of text;

Editing program lines;

Copying and transferring blocks of text from one place to another;

Copying one program or part of it to a specified location in another program;

Contextual search and replacement of text substrings;

Automatic search for a string containing an error;

Listing of the program or its necessary part of it;

Document editors- programs for processing documents, focused on working with texts that have a document structure, i.e., consisting of sections, pages, paragraphs, sentences, words, etc. Hence, editors for processing documents provide features such as:

Possibility to use different fonts of symbols;

Setting arbitrary line spacing;

Automatic word wrap to the next line;

Automatic page numbering;

Processing and numbering of lines;

Print page headers and footers (headers and footers);

Aligning the edges of the paragraph;

Multi-column typing;

Creation of tables and construction of diagrams;

Spelling checker and character selection;

Text editors can be used to create and correct small documents. However, if you need serious work with documents, it is better to use editors focused on working with documents.

Modern word processors provide the user with ample opportunities for preparing documents. These are editing functions that allow any change, insert, replace, copy and move fragments within the same document and between different documents, contextual search, formatting functions for characters, paragraphs, pages, document sections, layout, grammar and spelling check, use along with simple text elements of lists, tables, figures, graphs and diagrams.

A significant reduction in the preparation time of documents is provided by such means of automation of typing as autotext and autocorrect, the use of forms, templates and wizards of standard documents.

The presence of external computer memory provides convenient long-term storage of previously prepared documents, quick access to them at any time.

Scanners and voice devices greatly simplify the data entry procedure. Existing systems for recognizing texts received from a scanner include the function of exporting a document to text editors.

A wide range of printing devices, combined with the functions of document preparation for printing, preview, provides high quality black and white and color copies on paper and transparencies.

Thus, modern programs provide many functions that allow you to prepare the text part of the document at the typographic level. In addition, modern programs allow you to include graphic objects in the text: drawings, diagrams, photographs.

Thanks to these capabilities, a text document file can contain, in addition to alphanumeric characters, extensive binary information about text formatting, as well as graphics.

2. Text editors.

Lexicon text editor.

The Lexicon text editor is designed for processing simple documents with text in Russian and English. LEXICON has the following text editing functions:

Viewing and correcting text;

Automatic text formatting;

Automatic pagination of text;

Transfer of text fragments from one place to another;

Creating a table of contents for document sections;

Simultaneous editing of several documents;

The features of Lexicon that distinguish it from other text editors are:

Multiple windows (TP Lexicon has 10 windows, each of which can contain independent text, which allows for complex processing of a complex documentation system or a set of program modules).

Macro Sequences (Macro Keys) - Macro programming allows you to define frequently used text constructs or sequences of commands with a single keystroke.

Calculator (built-in on-screen calculator allows you to make calculations with numbers on different bases, calculate arithmetic expressions, use elementary functions).

Word Pad text editor.

The Word Pad editor is a text editor that allows you to create and edit rather long texts.

The Word Pad editor included with Windows is not powerful enough, but with most everyday tasks - writing a letter, a student's essay, making a greeting card - Word Pad copes quite well.

With Word Pad, you can:

Work with fonts, use a variety of font styles and colors;

Save texts both in your own format and in other popular formats (including Microsoft Word);

Insert pictures of various formats into the text.

Text editor Word Perfect.

The Word Perfect text editor is one of the most popular text editors in the computer world. Word Perfect has a rather unusual set of properties. Using the same universal principles underlying it, it is possible, on the one hand, to process simple documents quite simply, and on the other, to prepare texts with a complex structure, illustrations, tables, etc.

Here are some of the main features of the Word Perfect editor:

Contains all traditional text editing steps

Always maintains text format

Has a wide range of built-in characters

It is possible to automatically build content, lists of figures and literature, various indexes, add headers and footers, etc.

It is worth mathematical formulas, inserts pictures, graphs, tables, etc. into the text.

Text editor Microsoft Word 6.0.

Microsoft Word 6.0 is a powerful word processor designed to perform all text processing processes: from typing and layout, to spellchecking, inserting graphics in the * .pcx or * .bmp standard, printing out text. He works with many fonts, both Russian and any of the twenty-one languages ​​of the world. One of the many useful properties of Word includes automatic correction of text along the borders, automatic word wrap, as well as checking the spelling of words, saving text at a certain settable period of time, the presence of text masters and templates that allow you to create a business letter, fax, autobiography in a matter of minutes, schedule, calendar and more. Word provides a search for a given word or a piece of text, replacing it with a specified fragment, deleting, copying to the internal clipboard or replacing by font, typeface or font size, as well as by superscript or subscript characters. The presence of a bookmark in the text allows you to quickly jump to a given place in the text. You can also automatically include in the text the date, time of creation, return address and the name of the person who wrote the text. Using macros, Word allows you to include in the text of a database or graphic objects, music modules in * .wav format. To restrict access to the document, you can set a password for the text, which Word will ask when loading the text to perform any actions with it. Word allows you to open many windows for simultaneous work with several texts, as well as split one active window horizontally into two and align them.

The word processor can be controlled using commands from the main menu, commands from the context menu, and the toolbar.

Each item of the main menu contains its own submenu, for performing various actions in a text editor.

Notepad ++ text editor.

Notepad ++ is a text file editor with syntax support for a large number of programming languages. The program has a wide range of options and is distinguished by the minimum consumption of processor resources.

Among the advanced options of Notepad ++ are the option to highlight text and the ability to collapse blocks, according to the syntax of the programming language. The user can independently define the syntax of the programming language. It is possible to customize the backlight mode. Color highlighting of directives and operators of the programming language is available.

Notepad ++ provides the ability to view and edit multiple documents at the same time. Also, you can view and edit the same document in different places in two display windows. Changes to a document in one viewport will automatically be moved to the second viewport (i.e. you are editing one document that has a clone in the second viewport).

Other Notepad ++ features:

· Auto-completion of the typed word.

· Ability to create your own list of API functions (or download it from the download page).

· Support for regular expressions Search / Replace.

· Full support for dragging and dropping text fragments.

· Dynamically change viewports.

· Automatic detection of the file state (notification of changes or deletion of a file by another program - with the ability to reload the file or delete it from the program).

· Increase and decrease (scaling).

· Support for a large number of languages.

· Listing programs can be printed in color - as you see on the screen in the editing window.

· Notes about the document.

· Highlighting brackets when editing text.

· Macro recording and execution.

Text editor Microsoft Word 2003.

Microsoft Word text editor is one of the best professional word processing programs today. It also provides a convenient publishing system for typesetting and layout of books and periodicals.

Microsoft Office- a package designed to perform various operations with documents. Unlike other programs of similar functionality, the applications included in Microsoft Office are integrated into a single system, which ensures their efficient work with documents that include elements of different types (for example, a Word document may contain an Excel table and part of an Access database).

Modern text editors can perform the following functions:

Memorize and insert characters or text fragments;

Use a large number of different fonts

Automatically wrap words that do not fit in a line across syllables;

Check and correct spelling and syntax errors;

Replace repeating words with synonyms;

Insert illustrations, including photographs;

Automatically replace a character, word or fragment in the entire text;

Insert tables and charts;

Automatically number pages;

Automatically generate footnotes, index and table of contents;

Format text as newspaper columns;

Set the size of the printed page, margins and indents, etc.

Various editors provide other features, in particular, a built-in programming language that allows you to automate many operations. Any text editor allows you to save information in the form of documents and print it on paper, but Word can do much more.

Word is a multifunctional program for editing text and graphics, creating web pages and processing documents, into which, moreover, it is easy to insert even audio and video fragments. With Word, you can create almost any document, publish it electronically, or print it as hard copy.

3. Working with Microsoft Word 2010.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the menu commands:

1. File menu

2. Menu "Home"

3. Insert menu

4. Page Layout Menu

4. General view of the Word window and basic methods of working with documents.

The first line of the main window, which is the title bar, contains the name of the package - Microsoft Word.

The menu bar starting with the word "File" contains the names of the main menu modes, each of which, in turn, expands into a list of commands. By default, when creating a new document, the toolbar is always displayed on the screen, but if desired, the toolbar can be hidden from the screen. One or another panel can be displayed on the screen depending on the need.

Below the toolbar is the document window. The document title line displays the name of the document, more precisely, the name of the file in which it is located. By default, new documents are named. During further work, the names of the documents can be changed.

The next line is called a ruler. This line allows you to see and change the position of indents and tab stops for the current paragraph of text. Below the formatting bar is the work area, where you enter text, formulas, illustrations, and other document objects.

The penultimate line of the screen contains a horizontal scroll bar. It allows you to view the right side of a wide document that does not fit in the window. Move the window horizontally along the document page using the arrow buttons and the slider. To the right of this ruler, in the same line of the screen, there are buttons for turning the pages of a large document in both directions and setting the first or last page.

On the right side of the screen there is a vertical scroll bar for viewing long documents.

The last line of the screen - the status line displays auxiliary information about the active document (the number of the current page and their total number).

To start, you need to click on the icon of this application. Immediately after launch, a window with a blank document will open on the screen. When creating a new document in Word, we see an empty input box.

To enter text, just move the cursor to the desired place in the document and type the text.

In Word, you can work with multiple documents at the same time. Each document you create or open is displayed on the screen in its own window.

One of the advantages of working with multiple documents at the same time is the ease of copying or moving text from one to another, which makes it easier to create two different versions of the same base document or borrow from an existing document when building a new one.


Document editors are the most widely used type of application software.

Text editors have many modes, commands and features that are not included in this work. It is impossible to describe in one work all the features of the behavior of programs that sometimes require great skill and experience from the user. Many subtle layout issues, such as vertical alignment, or the peculiarities of a set of formulas, tables and complex indexes, in themselves deserve a separate consideration.

Thus, we observed a kind of "evolution" of programs that allow the user to work with text files: from a simple text editor offering the minimum required set of functions for creating and processing text files, with which you can perform only basic operations with text, to a modern word processor Microsoft Word, which contains a huge set of all kinds of functions and capabilities that allow you to create documents of very high quality. Accordingly, the difference between documents created in these editors will be huge. The concept of "text editor" no longer satisfies the capabilities of such programs as Microsoft Word - in this case, a new term is introduced - a word processor.

Constant development and improvement of word processors brings them as close as possible to publishing programs. This is exactly what was observed on the example of the modern word processor Microsoft Word, which occupies almost the main place in an automated office.


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