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  • The xperia home application has stopped what to do. How to Fix "Google App Has Stopped" Error on Android

The xperia home application has stopped what to do. How to Fix "Google App Has Stopped" Error on Android

Even if Android is amazing, it's not 100% stable. From time to time you may run into some problems, small and big.

One of these problems is a notification that pops up on the screen saying. This problem usually occurs while the application is running or in use, resulting in data loss. Here are a few ways you can use to fix this issue.

1. Soft reset

Sometimes an application crash is a one-time occurrence, and performing a soft reset will help resolve the issue. Soft Reset means turn off the device, hold it off for a few seconds, and then turn it on.

Being electronic devices, smartphones are prone to problems. Sometimes a simple Soft Reset can solve the problem. It is recommended (but not required) to restart your smartphone at least once a day.

2. Forced stop

Force stop means forcibly closing an application if it does not close or behaves differently than usual. Force stopping an application removes any process associated with it. Here's how to force the app to close:

  1. Go to "Settings" of your phone
  2. Go to “Applications”
  3. Find the app that's behaving strangely or shutting down on its own
  4. open it
  5. Click “Force stop”

Now your application should work fine.

3. Deleting App Cache or App Data

Sometimes clearing the app's cache can solve the problem. To delete the application cache, open the application in the application manager and click on "Clear cache".

If the problem persists, try deleting the application data. Deleting app data will also clear the app cache. Deleting app data may delete all data stored in the app, so make sure you have a backup of your data. To delete app data, open the app in the app manager and click on "Clear data".

4. Remove and reinstall the application

Sometimes deleting the app and reinstalling it from the Play Store can also solve the problem given that the app is not a system one.

5. Clearing the system cache

If this problem occurs in multiple applications, i.e. several applications stop on their own, you may need to clear the system cache. Here's how to do it:

  1. Turn off your phone
  2. In this step, you need to enter recovery mode, the way to enter may be different depending on the device model, for example, Samsung allows you to do this with the following key combination: simultaneously press Volume up + Power + Home button
  3. If you did everything right, you should get into the recovery mode menu
  4. Use the volume key to switch between menu sections. Find Wipe Cache Partition
  5. Press the power button to confirm the action
  6. Once the cache is cleared, select System Reboot, press the power button again

6 Factory Reset

If the above methods do not resolve the issue, you may need to perform a factory reset.

Make sure all your data is backed up before performing a factory reset as you will lose all data after a factory reset.

To perform a factory reset, go to your phone's settings, then to “Backup and Reset”, which is located in the subposition “Personal” or “Accounts” (for each in a different way), then click on the button “Data reset”. This should surely fix the bug “Sorry, the app has been stopped”.

Greetings to all readers!

On a Samsung Galaxy Ace smartphone, I encountered the following problem: when the device's screen is unlocked, the home screen application crashes with the error " The Home Screen application (process stopped unexpectedly. Try again.":

The error is reproduced whenever you try to interact with the phone, even if you have time to leave the main screen before it falls into the menu, settings or somewhere else, crash notifications still won’t give you even a second to do something in principle . As a result, it will not work and get into the settings menu to try to correct the current state of affairs there.

Rebooting the device by pressing the screen lock button does not always work, even if you hard turn off the smartphone by removing the battery from it, the next time you turn it on, the operating system will inevitably load along with the main screen application, which will “break” again due to the same error and you will again be in the same position without having actual access to the graphical shell of the device.


Perhaps only the developers of the Android operating system or the creators of the smartphone responsible for its crooked software part can unequivocally answer the question of why and why this happened.

Some say that the problem occurred due to the failure of the memory card or its incorrect operation, but the smartphone that fell into my hands did not have any memory card installed at all, but the error appeared out of the blue, provided that from the words the amateur owner did not perform any manipulations with the gadget that could cause this failure. The smartphone did not fall or get damaged, no one tried to somehow interfere with its software part, change the operating system files or get root rights. Therefore, the accusations against the owner are clearly not appropriate: he does not even know how to install applications from Google Play and uses his smartphone as a simple dialer.

What do we have in my case? Budget mid-range smartphone Samsung GT-S5830 Galaxy Ace in the price range up to 10 thousand rubles. with the Android 2.3.6 Gingerbread operating system and a bug that suddenly appeared, the nature of which is not fully known.

The problem is typical for devices of the Samsung Galaxy family, Samsung Galaxy Mini, Samsung Galaxy Tab and other Samsung gadgets, especially those using outdated versions of the Android 2.X.X operating system. Theoretically, owners of devices from other manufacturers and newer versions of the Android operating system may encounter this error.

As an experienced user of Android-based gadgets with a long history, I can say that on newer versions of the Android operating system (4.X.X and older), such ridiculous "surprises" happen much less often and devices work stably.

How to fix the error "The Home Screen application (process stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."?

Before starting the recovery procedure, remove the SD card from the device and try turning it on again, if the problem persists, follow the instructions below.

Unfortunately, we are talking about a system software failure that prevents the normal use of the smartphone, which can be called critical. In this regard, pass your gadget into the hands of a specialist or an experienced layman.

The recovery process is not clear to everyone and, if careless actions can lead to the complete inoperability of the software part of the device! You do everything at your own peril and risk.

To revive your smartphone, follow these instructions:

  • Turn off your device (if you can't shut it down by holding down the screen lock button, you should perform a hard shutdown by removing and inserting the battery)
  • Simultaneously hold down the screen lock key and the "Home" (large middle) button until the Android operating system recovery menu appears, it looks something like this:
  • Select " wipe data/factory reset"

    Attention! With this action, you will perform a factory reset with the removal of all user data from the phone's memory! After the reboot, all your previous settings will be lost, contacts will disappear (if you saved them in the phone's memory, and not on the SIM card).

  • Next, in the menu that opens, confirm the selected action by selecting "Yes" (use the same buttons to move and select):
To move up and down the menu, use the long volume key, to select the desired item - the "Home" key (large middle)
  • Confirm the reboot of the device by selecting "reboot system now" and wait for the operation to complete
  • After loading, the device will return to working order and the main menu will work normally again.
However, no one gives any guarantees that the failure will not occur again after a certain period of time.

The moral of this story is

To prevent this error from reoccurring and another loss of data located in the phone’s memory, pay attention to these recommendations:

  • Always update your gadget's operating system to the latest version, as a rule, software updates are enabled by default and you will see a notification if they are available. On some budget devices pre-installed with the old version of Android 2.X.X, a software update to version 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) is available, I strongly advise you to perform this update if possible
  • Keep all your contacts not only in the phone memory, but also on the SIM card, this will avoid deleting them if the device memory is cleared and find the owner of the SIM card if it is lost
  • Be sure to back up (backup) all your valuable data (settings, accounts, personal information) stored in the device’s memory to a microSD memory card and other media
Thank you for your attention!

x-sis, when copying an article, an active link to the forum is required.

We kindly request to all forum participants: treat each other with understanding and respect, and also observe Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer... because it teaches you how to think. (C) Steve Jobs

Any point on the map can be the center of the world. He is neither bad nor good. He just is. There is no virtue or dishonor here. There is only you alone with your conscience. And so on until the race is over, until the end comes, until we turn into the ghosts that we thought we were. (c) film "Legend"

If you see a message on your Android device that Google Play Services has stopped, you may need to clear the cache, re-add your Google account, or reinstall Google Play services to fix the problem. One of the listed methods will definitely help to fix the error if done correctly.

Clearing the cache

The method that will be the first to be advised on any forum is to clear the cache of Google Play. You can do this through the Android settings:

  1. Open the settings, go to the "Apps" section (may be called "Application Manager" on some Samsung phones).
  2. Click the "All" tab to see a list of all programs, including those built into the OS.
  3. Find the Google Play app and click on it to open advanced settings.
  4. Click Clear Cache to delete temporary files.

To apply the configuration, be sure to restart the device (you can just turn it off and on). If this did not help get rid of Google Play stopping, clear the cache of another application - Google Services Framework. The correct functioning of Google Play Services depends on its work, since the Framework is responsible for exchanging data with Google servers and synchronizing information. The order of the operation will be the same:

  1. Open the "Apps" section in Settings ("Application Manager" on Samsung).
  2. On the All tab, find Google Services Framework.
  3. Open advanced settings and clear the cache.

Reboot your device again and check if the Android built-in app crash is resolved.

Adding an account

So, you cleared the cache, but the problem persists. I get a "Google Play Services app has stopped" error, what should I do next? Try deleting and adding your Google account again. The user profile performs a huge number of functions, so reinstalling it can have a positive effect on the work of built-in Android applications.

  1. Open the "Accounts" section in the settings (on some firmware you just need to find the "Accounts" field).
  2. Find your Google account.
  3. Click on it to open the sync settings. Expand the additional menu and select "Delete account".

Please note that deleting an account will result in the loss of data associated with it. Therefore, it is recommended to make a backup copy of them.

After deleting the profile, go to the settings again and click "Add account". Select Google, enter your email and password to activate your existing account. After re-authorization, check if you managed to get rid of the error with stopping Google services.

Reinstalling the application

How to fix an error if clearing the firmware cache and re-adding your Google account did not help? There is another proven way, which is to reinstall the application. The method works equally well on all devices, whether it's a flagship from Samsung or a Chinese budget smartphone.

Reinstallation implies that you first remove the built-in programs. However, this will not work: you can only erase and reinstall updates to Google Services. This will allow you to get the latest version of the application without errors. To be able to erase updates, you must disable the "Device Administrator" feature.

  1. Open the "Security" section in the settings.
  2. Scroll down to Device Administrators. Click on it to open advanced settings.
  3. Uncheck the "Remote control" box. A window will appear explaining which operations will become unavailable as a result of deactivating the function. Click Disable.

Once Administrator is deactivated, you will be able to manually uninstall and install updates to Google Services. After completing the task, you can re-enable the "Administrator", as this is a fairly useful Android feature.

To remove app updates:

  1. Open "Apps" in settings. Click the "All" tab.
  2. Select Google Services.
  3. The "Uninstall updates" button will be active. Click on it and wait for the operation to complete.

If you use any of the mobile creations of the Samsung Galaxy family, then you are probably familiar with all that gamut of bright and lively emotions that occurs when a message suddenly appears on the device screen stating that something has been stopped in the Galaxy. Here, as they say, they arrived.

In general, they like to stop Samsung Galaxy, and everything in a row: either an application is stopped, then the process is stopped, then the system interface is stopped.

But we won’t talk about sad things, but rather we’ll talk about what to do in the event of such sudden stops. So

"Application has stopped" - what does it mean?

Of course, when a user sees such a notification on the screen of his Samsung Galaxy, he at least guesses that one of the active programs has failed.

And that means that it would be necessary to restart it, because it is in such a simple way that such problems, as a rule, are solved.

But what to do if the system writes that not just the application is stopped, but " Samsung Galaxy app has stopped", and besides, after a normal restart, the ill-fated tablet appears again, and again, and again ...

"Samsung Galaxy app has stopped" message

In fact, "Samsung Galaxy app has stopped" in this case is only given as an example, because, as we said, Galaxy stops everything. Plus, judging by the number of comments on the forums, it is with this message that different Galaxy have recently begun to “please” their owners more often. However, in most cases, you can deal with this and other similar “stops” using the method below.

First of all, we note that the message “Samsung Galaxy application has stopped” (or just some application has stopped) not only indicates the occurrence of a software error, but also, most often, involves a complete reset of the smartphone (or tablet). It is clear that after such a radical impact, the problem will disappear, but the same settings will inevitably disappear with it, as well as a lot of important data that were not backed up. In other words, solving one problem, we get a bunch of others.

But you can go the other way, and instead of completely resetting the settings, you can try to remove and reinstall only the problematic application and / or clear the cache. Often this helps to eliminate these kinds of problems.

Now, briefly about how to clear the cache of a problematic application in the Android OS:

STEP 1. Open the settings menu and find " Application Manager" (if you do not have a Galaxy, but another Android smartphone, then in " Settings» open « Applications«);

STEP 2. Tap the tab " ALL» at the top of the screen and find the problematic application in the list (in our case, “Samsung Galaxy”);

STEP 4. We reboot the smartphone and remember the procedure in case the Galaxy stops something again.

When any application stops on the phone (not just the Internet), this may mean either a system error or a banal lack of memory. The Android operating system that is in the phone also automatically terminates the application if it conflicts with another running program. Sometimes an installed software update can be the cause of an error. What to do, if internet application stopped and how to fix the error?
You can run the application again. If there was a slight glitch, then restarting should fix the problem. If the situation persists, you can restart the phone (rebooting will clear the RAM and most likely fix the problem). Alternatively, you can go to the Android settings, open the "Applications" tab, turn off unnecessary programs, and clear the cache memory of the "Internet" application. The application can be completely disabled, and then run again (reboot the phone again).
If restarting your smartphone and cleaning applications does not help, you can use a full reset of Android memory data. Do not forget that after this, contacts, bookmarks, applications and other data from the system memory will be deleted. It is advisable to make a backup, save data on a flash drive or cloud. Resetting data and copying is carried out through the "Settings".

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