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Application for listening to the fetal heartbeat. A short guide to heart health apps

The first time to clearly hear the heartbeat of a child in the womb is an exciting and amazing moment for every woman, and even for a man.

This is not only a satisfaction of the mother's need for communication, but also a need that is able to make the doctor understand many things about the state of human health.

Every expectant mother seeks to resolve the issue of how to listen to the fetal heartbeat at home, since for her this is a direct opportunity to make sure that the child is growing correctly.

For the expectant mother, several different methods and ways are open with which you can hear how a person's heart beats.

There are standard methods that can be carried out in all modern clinics, and there are methods that can be done at home.

Women who are expecting a baby should definitely communicate with the doctor. This is a special relationship between the patient and the doctor, which is very important.

Pregnancy is a huge responsibility and a very important period of life, which must be entrusted not only to a professional, but also to a qualified attending physician.

It's important to talk to your doctor about your baby's development and find out what methods exist to listen to your baby's heartbeat.

If the doctor was chosen as carefully as possible, he will not only competently manage the pregnancy, but will also patiently answer the numerous questions of the expectant mother. A good doctor will definitely tell you when you can hear the first heartbeat of the child and invite you to an appointment.

The first audition must be done in the doctor's office. The specialist will explain what the norm of the heartbeat is for a particular period, as well as how to listen to the heart on your own at home.

Most doctors prescribe listening to the heart during the period of 9-10 weeks and before childbirth. It is at this point that you can prepare numerous questions that you plan to ask the specialist.

It is very important to know how listening is carried out, for what purpose this event is carried out, and also what are the norms for the heartbeat of the fetus in the womb.

Do not forget that listening to the heart is quite an emotional and exciting visit.. It is for this reason that you should take your future dad or other relative with you to the appointment.

The first heart sounds at a doctor's office can be heard when a nurse or doctor uses an instrument such as a fetal doppler.

This is a device that uses sound waves to amplify the beating of the heart.

In the process of such an examination, you need to lie on the examination table, after which the doctor holds a small sensor across the abdomen.

This is a unique procedure and a very sensitive device, with which you can listen to the heart with the complete absence of any painful sensations for a minimum period of 9-12 weeks.

To hear the heartbeat at an earlier date, you can use a procedure such as ultrasound. This is an ideal opportunity to hear the heart at 7-8 weeks, that is, around the time the fetus has a heartbeat in the fetus.

The procedure at this time is prescribed infrequently, usually only with certain alleged risks for the woman and for the fetus. In normal situations, the procedure is carried out no earlier than 10-12 weeks.

A variety of devices to listen to the heart can be used in the doctor's office. In addition to the above, you can note such a device as a stethoscope.

Unlike other devices, this device has a reduced power rating. The device is used not earlier than in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Many doctors and obstetricians, if necessary, to decide how to hear the baby's heart, can use a device such as a fetoscope.

If ultrasound and other serious methods cannot be used at home, then other devices can be purchased and listened to at home.

Before using this or that home method, it is necessary to consult with your doctor regarding how to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Home listening options

There are quite a few methods and ways that allow you to listen to the baby's heart at home, under normal conditions. Here are the most popular and effective ones.

If you want to listen to the baby's heart at home, many women wonder if it is possible to hear the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope.

You can answer it positively. This is one of the easiest ways to listen to a fetal heartbeat at home.

Around the 18th week of pregnancy, the heartbeat becomes strong enough and pronounced enough to be heard through a stethoscope.

The device is very simple to use, just put it on your stomach and listen. To find the place where the heart will be heard most clearly, you may have to move the device around your stomach for a while. A little patience and you can enjoy the sounds of the baby's heart.

To achieve a positive result, you should purchase a quality stethoscope from a trusted seller. In modern pharmacies, you can purchase devices from different manufacturers, so in the process of purchasing it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Many mothers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to hear the fetal heartbeat with a phonendoscope.. This is an even easier to use device that is familiar to every person.

One part of the device is inserted into the ears, the other is applied to the stomach. With the correct location of the right place, you can hear a clear heartbeat.

Modern innovative technologies provide an opportunity for future parents to hear the baby's heartbeat without any effort.

There are several different modern applications that can be purchased at low cost and downloaded to a smartphone for listening to the heartbeat on your own.

There are also more advanced applications with which you can not only listen to the heartbeat, but record it to listen to your loved ones or just leave it as a keepsake.

To listen to the baby's heartbeat at home, you can purchase an inexpensive heart monitor. This is a relatively small device that can be used at home.

The heart monitor is a relatively new, compact and functional device that is the best alternative to visiting a doctor. If the expectant mother is prone to worries about the unborn baby, the use of the device will help to calm down.

You need to know that monitors of this kind are not as powerful as the devices used in modern clinics. They are not able to catch the baby's heartbeat before the five-month gestation period.

Before purchasing a home heart measurement device, be sure to consult a doctor. It is also important after the acquisition to follow the instructions for use as clearly as possible.

You can listen to the child's heart without the use of special preparations, just choose a quiet time and put your ear to your stomach with someone close to you.

This is one of the simplest, most affordable and at the same time effective ways to solve the question of whether it is possible to feel the fetal heartbeat through the stomach by simply putting your ear to it. There are no difficulties here, with the exception of the excess weight of the expectant mother.

To listen, you need to choose a place that directly depends on the position of the fetus. If the child lies upside down, the beat can be heard a little below the navel, with a breech presentation, the heart can be heard in the area just above the navel.

With multiple pregnancies, the heartbeat can be heard anywhere.

Before listening to the heart at home, it is worth learning about the main factors that can affect the sound.

Even if modern devices are used correctly in the listening process, there are quite a few different factors that can interfere with hearing the fetal heartbeat.

First of all, this is the position of the fetus and the weight of the expectant mother. All this affects the position of the fetus, as well as whether or not it will be possible to clearly hear the heartbeat.

During pregnancy, do not be afraid to be suspicious. At the slightest suspicion of a problem, for example, if the heartbeat is poorly heard, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The weekly fetal heart rate is more accurately determined, but the average fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats. Some fluctuations of 10-15 beats in one direction or another per minute are acceptable.

It all depends on the position and activity of the fetus in a given period. Particular attention is paid to heart rate during labor. An increase in the number of contractions during uterine contractions will be normal.

If at this moment there is a decrease in heart rate, this may be evidence of possible hypoxia, fetal or placental insufficiency, and can also be observed in full compliance with the norms, if the child simply has a pelvic position.

Studies of cardiac activity by various methods are carried out, both throughout the entire period of pregnancy and in the process of labor.

This is an ideal opportunity to assess the general condition of the baby, as well as to start treatment as soon as possible if a possible pathology is detected.

Tracking the number of heartbeats is required not only because of aesthetic pleasure, but also for this process there is a certain need.

Among the situations in which you need to constantly monitor the baby's heartbeat, the following can be noted:

An examination of such a plan is a necessity for all mothers who have pathologies that can become the basis for a lack of oxygen and useful trace elements.

To raise a healthy baby, you need to constantly monitor the health of his heart. There are many different things that can be done to help a child's heart grow healthy and full of strength.

First of all, you need to completely and unconditionally give up bad habits - from alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

You need to take folic acid, which will help the child develop normally. You should watch your diet, eat only healthy food and avoid caffeine.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with all the risk factors. Although it is impatient to hear a healthy fetal heartbeat, it is worth initially familiarizing yourself with the likely risks associated with the use of a heart monitor designed to monitor the baby's basic heart activity.

The main disadvantage is that the sound of a healthy heartbeat can lead to an unreasonable feeling of complete safety in pregnant women.

For example, if a mother is not feeling well, but still hears the baby's heartbeat, she may postpone her visit to the doctor.

It is necessary to listen to your body and contact your doctor at the very first symptoms of general malaise. You cannot rely entirely on heart monitors used at home.

Moreover, the presence of such a monitor in the room can seriously increase the overall female stress level.

It's important to get close to your child.. With the permission of the doctor, you can begin to regularly listen to the fetal heartbeat. This is a special emotional feeling that will allow you to get closer to the child.

To feel intimacy, you should relax, try taking a warm bath for this and talk a little with your tummy. In the later weeks of pregnancy, the baby will begin to respond in a special way to the mother's voice and begin to feel her mood.


If the expectant mother wants to listen to her baby's heartbeat from time to time, if she needs it, this can be done in many ways.

In order to have an elementary idea of ​​​​the condition of the child and the course of pregnancy, it is worth using these methods.

At the same time, a home examination should in no case replace a full-fledged medical examination, which is prescribed by a doctor at certain time periods.

Before you make listening to the heartbeat a system, it is worth trying several methods and choosing the most suitable one. Dad should also be included in listening to the heartbeat, this will make the moment special for the whole family.

For some reason, few people know that iPhone owners can easily measure their heart rate without using third-party devices. This is especially true for athletes and the elderly, but if you don’t want health problems in old age, it’s better. We think our today's selection will help you with this.

Instant Heart Rate

A handy heart rate app that works great with another product from the same developer, Fitness Buddy. It is possible to track your measurements, choose the time of measurements, even lifestyle. The program has a powerful analytical tool for clearly tracking all the necessary trends.

Name: Instant Heart Rate
Publisher/Developer: Azumio Inc.
Price: 119 rub.
In-App Purchases: Yes
Compatibility: For iPhone
Link: Install

Runtastic Heart Rate Pro

No less cool application, and even with the support of the Russian language. Runtastic guarantees the accuracy of changes while following all the rules, so you can rely on it. You can track metrics, such as pre-workout or post-workout, and report what you were doing before taking the measurement.

Name: Runtastic Heart Rate Pro
Publisher/Developer: runtastic
Price: 129 rub.
In-App Purchases: Not
Compatibility: For iPhone
Link: Install


A free alternative to previous apps, but with in-app purchases. You will hardly go beyond simple measurements - all additional functions will have to be purchased separately. However, if you don’t need more, Cardiio can be completely dispensed with.

Name: Cardiio
Publisher/Developer: Cardiio Inc.
Price: Is free
In-App Purchases: Yes
Compatibility: Universal Application
Link: Install

💌 The Heart Beat Rate app uses your smartphone camera as a heart rate monitor. enjoy

baby heartbeat monitor app. You can put your phone's camera on the pregnant mother's belly to see the baby's pulse.

Baby Heartbeat Listener allows pregnant women and dads to listen, record and share their unborn baby's heartbeat through their belly.
This baby heartbeat monitor app has fun and non-medical uses. heartbeat This requires headphones and works like filtering the stethoscope and amplifying the sound from the microphone before relaying the headphones.
This baby heart rate monitor app does not work with a headset.

The quality of listening depends on the baby's heart rate monitor.
-The estimated date of birth. The baby's heartbeat begins to be heard around 30 weeks of pregnancy.
-The position of your child. Place the microphone at the back of the child. In some positions, it's impossible to hear his heart. He just needs to wait until your baby's position has changed to be able to hear his heart again in the baby heartbeat monitor app.
-Quality microphone equipment of your smartphone (or tablet). Following models and brands, sound quality can vary from a clear and audible beat to no beat sound at all.
-Your quality headphones. Some devices are bad at restoring low sounds like your baby's heartbeat and can make listening impossible.

In order to maximize the chances of hearing your baby's heart, it is essential to use the baby's heart rate monitor app in a perfectly quiet room.

For better sound quality, the baby app heart rate monitor also provides the user with the option to adjust the sound filter through the options. This will allow you to customize the settings for your specific device specifications.

WARNING: This baby heart rate monitor app does not replace an actual medical device and should not be used for medical purposes. This baby heart rate monitor app does not provide any guidance or information about your baby's health.

Function: for baby heart rate monitor.
-Listen to your unborn child's heart and write it down
-Play and replay your recordings as much as you want
-Share your best recordings as videos (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

enjoys in baby heartbeat monitor pro app thanks to

Why measure heart rate at all? In fact, knowing the parameters of your heartbeat can provide useful information about your health. Changes in your resting heart rate can signal medical problems, and your heart beats per minute during exercise can tell you what level of fitness you should be doing. For most people, this rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

People who exercise can measure their heart rate to monitor their activities and understand how hard this work is for the heart. A good indicator in this option is 50-85% of the maximum level of heart rate. And the maximum level is roughly defined as 220 minus your age.

The measurement process used by a smartphone has a complex scientific name - photoplethysmography. This method is based on recording the optical density of the examined tissue, i.e. on continuous registration of changes in volume, reflecting the dynamics of blood filling of vessels. Simply put, every time your heart pushes more blood through your body, the capillaries under your skin expand. When a smartphone's flash illuminates the skin, the camera records the micro-changes in color that occur with every heartbeat. Since you need to hold your smartphone in front of the measurement site, this process is not suitable for continuous monitoring of cardiac activity, as is done in hospitals, but only for short-term measurement, for about 10 seconds.

There are many applications that use this method, but we recommend using only a few of them. And do not treat this as a medical recommendation, we are the same potential patients as you are. Our recommendations are based only on common sense and similar recommendations published in specialized media.

Some apps use "semi-automatic" heart rate measurement, requiring the user to tap the screen with their finger in time with their heartbeat. Others are a simple timer that recommends how long you need to take your pulse. There is no point in using such applications, so we will not even dwell on such products. Let's consider something more sensible.

Instant Heart Rate

The Instant Heart Rate application (developed by Azumio), in our opinion, is one of the most successful and convenient to use. This free program exists in iOS and Android versions and is quite accurate in measurements. We compared it with manual heart rate measurement and the results differed by no more than 1-2 beats per minute.

The application allows you to measure and record heart rate indicators, accompany each measurement with a description of when and how the measurements were taken (for example, "after waking up", "after a run", etc.). The application is very easy to use, it has a simple and good interface, and comes with clear instructions. In addition, you can set a set of reminders in it for timely heart rate measurement. The app also includes a target heart rate zone calculator.

By the way, since the application is free, it naturally contains ads, but they are not very intrusive, which cannot be said about many other programs. The downside of the free version is that you can only save the last five measurements. But you can keep older recordings from being lost by downloading the same company's free fitness app, Argus, and syncing your data with it. Well, or just export your data to a .csv file.

There is also a paid version of the application Instant Heart Rate Pro ($1.99), which not only allows you to store historical data, but also present them in graphical form. And, of course, no ads.

Runtastic Heart Rate Pro

The Runtastic Heart Rate Pro app is very close in quality to the Azumio product and exists in versions for both major systems - iOS and Android. The program works on the same principle as Instant Heart Rate, and with the same accuracy parameters. Runtastic allows you to save the last 10 measurements and view them in text or graphical format, but accompanies them with less related information. At the same time, you can mark that the measurement was taken before or after exercise, during rest, after sleep. When viewing, you can filter information based on these labels.

The application has a reminder function and the ability to share measurement results via Facebook, Twitter or email. If you have a Runtastic account, the app will automatically sync your heart rate readings with your online user profile. If you also use other Runtastic applications, then all data is eventually collected in a single place.

Of course, the ability to share your heart rate through social networks will seem like a little-used feature to most. In addition, it is somewhat annoying that periodically pops up ads offering to buy other applications of the company, etc. It is these factors that did not allow us to put this application on a par with Instant Heart Rate.

The app price is $1.99. There is also a free version of the app for those who prefer to try the product before they buy.

MotionX 24/7

Due to its simplicity, heart rate monitoring functionality is sometimes integrated into multifunctional applications. Such programs, most often physical activity trackers, have their own advantages and disadvantages. We would like to point out one of them - MotionX 24/7, which exists only in iOS version and costs $0.99. This app is used as a pedometer, sleep tracker and heart rate monitor at the same time.

Despite the fact that its price is low, the application has very good functionality for all three areas of use. The heart rate monitoring feature is easy to use and offers very visual statistics, allowing you to view weekly or monthly averages, lowest and highest measurements. The application records the time and date of each measurement, but does not allow for accompanying labels to explain the measurement conditions. As a result, this application is likely to be the best choice for people interested in monitoring certain specific heartbeat parameters, such as heart rate at rest or during exercise.

heart rate

The uncomplicatedly named Heart Rate app only exists in the iOS version ($0.99) and has its own twist. It also allows you to measure your heart rate by placing your finger on the camera, but it can also make a similar measurement by pointing your smartphone's camera at your face. Just hold the smartphone in front of your face, centering its location, focusing on the image on the screen. The icon shown on the screen will turn green when you position your smartphone correctly. One, two, three... and you're done!

Tests show that measurements with the front camera are almost as accurate as measurements with your finger and the rear camera. All that is needed is to be in a well-lit area, and not to twitch or talk while measuring. Not a bad feature, especially if you don't really like putting your sweaty finger on your smartphone's camera and wiping it afterwards.

The program allows you to view data for a certain period of time, including in graphical form.

You are pregnant? Listen to the baby's heartbeat right now - just a smartphone is enough!
Version: 1.4.1 | Size: 35 Mb
Price: RUB 59.00

Are you pregnant and would like to hear your baby's heartbeat without leaving home? Experience this exciting moment with the #1 baby heart monitor. The app works with Galaxy S3, S4, S5, S6 and Galaxy Note 1, 3 and 4. (This app does not support Galaxy Mini or other smartphones or tablets). although some users are able to pick up a fetal heartbeat as early as 20 weeks (bear in mind that the chances are much lower with this). NO ADDITIONAL DEVICES NEEDED! Using only your smartphone, you can listen to your baby's heartbeat whenever you want! There is no need for specialized equipment anymore, and it's completely safe! "Tiny Heart"

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