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Order on approval of the Procedure for the formation and maintenance of automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers - Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

In accordance with clause 5.2.52 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 321 "On approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 28, Art. 2898; 2005, N 2, Art.162; 2006, N 19, Art.2080) I order:

1. To approve the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers, Issue 3, Section "Construction, Installation and Repair and Construction Works" developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance" in accordance with the appendix.

2.With the entry into force of this Order on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers, Issue 3, approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor, USSR State Construction Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Secretariat dated July 17, 1985 N 226/125 / 15- is not applied. 88, with additions and amendments approved by the Resolutions of the USSR State Committee for Labor, USSR State Construction Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Secretariat dated March 13, 1987 N 164/55 / ​​6-153, dated May 14, 1987 N 314/92 / 16-3, dated December 28 1987 N 773/315 / 33-30, dated January 9, 1989 N 2/13 / 1-32, dated May 16, 1990 N 201/46 / 7-79, USSR State Committee for Labor and USSR State Construction Committee dated April 23 1991 N 91/17, Ministry of Labor of Russia of July 20, 1995 N 41, of April 24, 1996 N 22, of November 11, 1996 N 8, of September 29, 1997 N 50, of June 8, 1998 city ​​N 22.

3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance" to ensure the publication of the Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers, issue 3, approved by this Order, in accordance with the applications of organizations.

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Workers and Professions of Workers (ETKS), issue 3, section "Construction, installation and repair and construction works" is intended for the tariffication of works and the assignment of qualification categories to workers in organizations, regardless of their forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms, where there are production facilities and types of work indicated in this section, except for specially stipulated cases. The development of this issue of ETKS is caused by a change in production technology, an increase in the role of scientific and technological progress in production activities, an increase in requirements for the level of qualifications, general education and special training of workers, quality, competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as changes in the content of labor.

The categories of work are established according to their complexity without taking into account working conditions (with the exception of extreme cases that affect the level of complexity of work and increase the requirements for the qualifications of the performer).

the "Must Know" section contains the basic requirements for a worker in terms of special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulations, instructions and other guidance documents, methods and means that the worker must apply.

The tariff and qualification characteristics provide a list of jobs that are most typical for this category of the worker's profession. This list does not exhaust all the work that a worker can and should perform. The employer may develop and approve, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body or other representative body of workers, an additional list of works that correspond in complexity to those contained in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers of the corresponding categories.

In addition to the work provided for in the section "Description of work", the worker must perform work on acceptance and delivery of the shift, cleaning the workplace, devices, tools, as well as keeping them in proper condition, cleaning equipment, maintaining the established technical documentation.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the section "Should know", the worker must know: rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety; rules for using personal protective equipment; requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of work in the workplace; assortment and marking of materials used, consumption rates of fuels and lubricants; rules for the movement and storage of goods; types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it; industrial signaling.

A worker of higher qualifications, in addition to the work listed in his tariff and qualification characteristics, must be able to perform work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of lower qualifications, as well as manage workers of lower grades of the same profession. In this regard, the works given in the tariff and qualification characteristics of lower grades, in the characteristics of higher grades, as a rule, are not given.

1) the limits of numerical indicators of mass, carrying capacity, volume, capacity, power, etc. indicated in the section, in which "to" is indicated, should be understood "inclusive", unless otherwise specified;

2) the worker must know the requirements for the quality of work on related construction processes (for example, a plasterer - for brickwork, a painter - for plastering work, etc.); be able to sharpen, refuel, adjust, adjust the tools used and use the necessary fixtures and fittings, read sketches and drawings directly used in the work process;

3) machinists engaged in the management and maintenance of construction machines and mechanisms, installers of technological equipment and related structures, installers of sanitary systems and equipment, installers of technological pipelines, installers of ventilation, air conditioning, pneumatic transport and aspiration systems must know plumbing and be charged by profession "Construction locksmith" one category lower than the main profession.

The drivers of self-propelled vehicles (tractors, bulldozers, excavators, rollers, cranes, etc.), who move these vehicles through the territory of settlements or outside them, must be aware of the traffic rules.

Operators of bulldozers, excavators, scrapers engaged in mining and capital mining operations, as well as all other similar works not specified in the specification, are charged according to ETKS, issue 4, section "General professions of mining and capital mining", approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated August 12, 2003 N 61;

4) for the professions of workers engaged in work related to the movement of vehicles, urban electric transport, railway and water transport (river workers, drivers of floating dredgers, cranes, railway construction machines, etc.), it is mandatory to know the relevant rules of technical operation and instructions by signaling;

If the normal operation and passport performance of the machine cannot be ensured provided that it is operated and looked after by one worker, then an assistant driver is assigned to this machine. An assistant driver, as a rule, is appointed a driver who has the right to operate the same machines of lower power, carrying capacity, productivity, etc., or a construction locksmith performing work on the repair of construction machines. An assistant driver who has the right to operate similar machines of lower power or productivity is charged one level lower than the driver. An assistant driver who does not have the right to drive such machines is charged two categories lower than the driver;

6) if the worker owns several professions, then the qualification category is assigned to him separately for each of these professions, with a mandatory mark in the order and in the work book "combined profession".

The procedure for applying tariff and qualification characteristics, making changes and additions to them, assigning and increasing ranks to workers is given in the "General Provisions for the Application of Issues of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers".

This issue 3 of the ETKS, section "Construction, installation and repair and construction works", was developed to replace the previously valid issue 3, approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor, USSR State Construction Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Secretariat dated July 17, 1985 N 226/125 / 15-88, p. the additions and changes made.

Description of the work. Cleaning reinforcing steel from rust and sorting it by grades and diameters. Stacking of reinforcing steel in racks and stacks. Carrying reinforcement and reinforcement structures manually. Unwinding and pulling of reinforcing steel by hand winches. Straightening of reinforcing steel. Cutting of reinforcing steel on hand-held machines. Bending of reinforcing steel on a hand-held machine, knitting of simple flat frames. Slinging and storage of reinforcement structures.

Should know: types of reinforcing steel; rules and methods for unwinding and cutting steel; rules for transportation and storage of finished frames; the principle of operation of hand winches and hand-held machines for straightening and cutting reinforcement; signaling rules for the installation of reinforcement structures.

Description of the work. Unwinding and pulling of reinforcing steel by electric winches. Cutting of reinforcing steel on driven and semi-automatic machines. Bending of reinforcing steel on a mechanical machine with up to four bends on one bar. Marking the location of rods and frames in the formwork of simple structures. Assembly and installation of simple meshes and flat simple frames weighing up to 100 kg. Installation and fastening of the simplest embedded parts. Installation of reinforcement from individual bars in foundations and slabs. Fastening reinforcement by hand knitting.

Should know: main types of fittings; the device of driven and semi-automatic machines for the preparation of fittings; rules for the procurement of reinforcement and drawing up sketches for simple reinforcement structures; rules for reading drawings; methods of assembly, installation and fastening of simple reinforcement and reinforcement structures; permissible deviations in the manufacture and installation of reinforcement and reinforced structures.

Active Edition from 01.07.2013

Name documentORDER of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 19.07.2012 N 243 (as amended on 01.07.2013 with amendments that came into force on 13.08.2013) "ON APPROVAL OF THE ORDER OF FORMATION AND MAINTENANCE OF AUTOMATED CENTRALIZED DATABASES OF PERSONAL DATABASES ON PASSENGERS
Type of documentorder, order
Host bodyMinistry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Document Number243
Date of adoption01.07.2013
Date of revision01.07.2013
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice25456
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice13.09.2012
  • The document has not been published in this form
  • (as amended on 19.07.2012 - "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 221, 26.09.2012)
NavigatorNotes (edit)

ORDER of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 19.07.2012 N 243 (as amended on 01.07.2013 with amendments that came into force on 13.08.2013) "ON APPROVAL OF THE ORDER OF FORMATION AND MAINTENANCE OF AUTOMATED CENTRALIZED DATABASES OF PERSONAL DATABASES ON PASSENGERS

3. The Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Transport, from the moment of commissioning of automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers and the system of automated control of the procedure for transferring personal data about passengers, shall ensure, in the prescribed manner, control over the observance of the procedure for transferring information to automated centralized databases of personal data about passengers.

The minister
M.Yu. Sokolov

I. General Provisions

1. This Procedure was developed in pursuance of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Safety"<1>, taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On information, information technology and information protection"<2>and on the basis of the Comprehensive Program for Ensuring the Safety of the Population in Transport, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2010 N 1285-r<3>, and defines the basis for the formation and maintenance of automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers (hereinafter - ACDPDP), as well as the provision of the data contained therein.

<1>Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 7, Art. 837; 2008, No. 30 (part II), Art. 3616; 2009, N 29, Art. 3634; 2010, N 27, Art. 3415; 2011, N 7, Art. 901; 2011, No. 30 (part I), Art. 4569, 4590.

<2>Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31 (Part I), Art. 3448; 2010, N 31, Art. 4196; 2011, N 15, Art. 2038; 2011, No. 30 (part I), Art. 4600.

<3>Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 32, Art. 4359; 2011, N 3, Art. 555; 2011, N 33, Art. 4943; 2011, N 47, Art. 6670.

2. ACDPDP are part of the unified state information system for ensuring transport security (hereinafter - EGIS OTB), created in pursuance of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Security".

The information contained in the ACDPDP is a state information resource<1>.

44. An air carrier performing regular international flights transmits to ACDPDP preliminary information about passengers and crew members (hereinafter referred to as API data), as well as information about passengers generated in the process of booking, processing, selling air transportation and registering passengers at the airport, boarding passengers on board the aircraft and departure of the aircraft (hereinafter - PNR-data).

45. An air carrier performing regular domestic flights transfers to ACDPDP information about passengers generated in the process of booking, issuing, selling air transportation and registering passengers at the airport, boarding passengers on board an aircraft and departing an aircraft (hereinafter - PNR-data).

46. ​​The transfer by air carriers to the ACDPDP of the API data received from the passenger in the process of booking an air carriage using the ARS, as well as the PNR data generated in the CRS before the check-in of passengers for the carrier's flight at the airport, is carried out 36 hours before the start of the check-in of passengers at the airport of departure ...

47. The transfer of API data by air carriers and transport infrastructure entities, received during the check-in process of passengers at the airport, from the ARPA to the ARCPDU is carried out interactively (if such a mode is available in the ARCS) or 15 minutes before the aircraft takes off. The transfer of API data on crew members is carried out by air carriers to ACDPDP 15 minutes before the departure of the aircraft.

48. The transmission by air carriers of the PNR data obtained during the boarding of passengers on board the aircraft, as well as after the departure of the aircraft, from the ETS to the ACCPDP is carried out immediately after these events are recorded in the ETS of the carrier.

49. An air carrier performing non-scheduled flights to / from the Russian Federation, through the territory, and for carriers - residents of the Russian Federation also within the territory of the Russian Federation under an aircraft charter agreement (air charter), transfers information about passengers and crew members of the aircraft to ACCPDP in the form of API data in accordance with the structure of the passenger list<1>15 minutes before the aircraft takes off from the airport of departure.

<1>For reference: English: PAXLST - UN / EDIFACT Passenger List Message Specification.

50. Data as part of the main data block is transmitted in the form of API or PNR data in accordance with the provisions specified in paragraphs 44 - 49 of this Procedure.

51. Air carriers and transport infrastructure entities transfer the following API data elements to the ACDPDP:

surname (passenger, crew member);

Date of Birth;

date and time of departure of the aircraft;

flight number;

date and time of arrival of the aircraft.

52. Air carriers shall transmit the following elements of PNR data to the ACDPDP:

a) personal data about the passenger:

the surname of the passenger;

patronymic (if available, or middle name);

Date of Birth;

Place of birth (if any);

Type of identity document for which the transportation document (ticket) was issued;

number of the identity document by which the transportation document (ticket) was drawn up;

point of departure (by international coding);

destination (by international coding);

type of route (direct, transit, transfer);

date and time of departure of the flight;

b) data on the registered operation:

the name or code of the carrier actually performing the air carriage;

flight number;

Pointer code of PNR data;

unique number of the transportation document;

The number of passengers in the PNR data record, surnames, names and patronymics of these passengers;

information about the requested (actual) seats on the aircraft (if any);

booking status code (by route sections);

intermediate landing points for flights with intermediate landing (according to international coding);

information on dates (date of creation of PNR-data, date of booking, date of the last change in PNR-data, date of issuance of a transportation document, date of late booking for a flight);

Time of registration of the transportation document;

Data and code of the agency / carrier that issued the transportation document;

information about luggage and hand luggage (number of pieces, weight, numbers of luggage tags; weight of hand luggage);

check-in information (check-in control number, check-in agent ID, check-in counter number, check-in time, boarding number);

information about the date and time of flight arrival;

information about the passenger's failure to appear for departure.

When developing the rules for information interaction of a specific air carrier or a transport infrastructure entity with the operator of the Unified State Information System of OTB, provided for by this Procedure. Certain elements of additional data from the PNR data can be excluded in the absence of the required information in their information and communication infrastructure or included after the expansion of the capabilities of the corresponding information and communication infrastructure.

53. Data transmission is made in UN / EDIFACT format. When transferring data from information and communication systems of air carriers, when encoding message fields, appropriate international or industry reference books and classifiers must be used.

54. The personal data of passengers and crew members during international transportation must correspond to the data contained in the field of machine reading<1>the document on the basis of which the carriage is issued.

<1>For reference: English. Machine Readable Zone.

55. The structure and specifications of machine readable data are determined by the requirements and recommendations of Part 1 of ICAO Doc 9303<1>.

56. If the information and telecommunication system of the air carrier does not support Cyrillic characters, the transfer of the corresponding data to the ACDPDP is carried out without conversion into Cyrillic characters.

Technologies for transferring information about passenger transportation by road

57. The main data block should include the following information (fields):

a) personal data about the passenger:

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

middle name - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;




<1>The codes of the types of routes to be followed are indicated in Table 2 of the Appendix to this Procedure.

travel date (date and time of departure of the passenger) - DATE, TIME;

b) data on the registered operation:

the operation being logged is NUMBER (2)<1>;

<1>The codes for the types of operations with travel documents are indicated in table 3 of the annex to this Procedure.

carrier<1>- NUMBER (5);


transport infrastructure entity (bus station)<1>- NUMBER (5);

<1>The identifier assigned by the EGIS OTB operator is indicated.

flight number - VARCHAR2 (8);

seat number - VARCHAR2 (4);

POS number or surname of the cashier who sold the ticket - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of passenger arrival at the destination (according to schedule) - DATE, TIME;

state registration plate of the bus - VARCHAR2 (12);

Vehicle (bus) brand - VARCHAR2 (12).

Technologies for transferring information about passenger transportation by rail

58. The main data block should include the following information (fields):

a) personal data about the passenger:

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

middle name - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

place of birth - VARCHAR2 (100);

type of identity document - NUMBER (2)<1>;

<1>Codes of identity documents are indicated in table 1 of the annex to this Procedure.

Identity document number - VARCHAR2 (20);

departure point - VARCHAR2 (20);

destination - VARCHAR2 (20);

Route type (direct / transit) - NUMBER (1)<1>;

<1>The codes of the types of routes to be followed are indicated in Table 3 of the Appendix to this Procedure.

b) data on the registered operation:

operation - NUMBER (2)<1>;

carrier<1>- NUMBER (5);

<1>The identifier assigned by the EGIS OTB operator is indicated.

train number - VARCHAR2 (8);

Train thread - VARCHAR2 (8);

car number - VARCHAR2 (8);

passenger seat number - VARCHAR2 (4);

The ID of the data center that sold the place is VARCHAR2 (8);

the identifier of the computing center that issued the location - VARCHAR2 (8);

date and time of the cash transaction - DATE, TIME;

POS code - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of passenger arrival - DATE, TIME;

Technologies for transferring information about passenger traffic by sea and inland water transport

59. The main data block should include the following information (fields):

A) personal data about the passenger:

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

Patronymic - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

place of birth - VARCHAR2 (100);

type of identity document - NUMBER (2)<1>;

<1>Codes of identity documents are indicated in table 1 of the annex to this Procedure.

number of the identity document - VARCHAR2 (20);

departure point - VARCHAR2 (20);

destination - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of departure of the passenger - DATE, TIME;

b) data on the registered operation:

operation - NUMBER (2)<1>;

<1>The codes of the types of operations with travel documents are indicated in table 2 of the annex to this Procedure.

carrier<1>- NUMBER (5);

<1>Installed by the operator EGIS OTB.

number (code) of the deck of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (1);

passenger cabin number VARCHAR2 (6);

passenger seat number - VARCHAR2 (2);

ship class by area of ​​navigation<1>- NUMBER (1);

<1>The ship class codes (by area of ​​navigation) are indicated in Table 4 of the Appendix to this Procedure.

registration number of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (8);

name of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (20);

Date and time of the cash transaction - DATE, TIME;

POS number or surname of the cashier who sold the ticket - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of arrival of the passenger at the port of destination (according to schedule) - DATE, TIME;

type of benefit - VARCHAR2 (8);

the number of the privileged document is VARCHAR2 (12);

number of seats in one booking operation - VARCHAR2 (2).

IV. Ensuring the protection of information during the formation and maintenance of ACDPDP

60. Ensuring the protection of information within the framework of the ACDPDP and in the course of information interaction is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

61. The operator of EGIS OTB, suppliers and consumers of information in the course of collecting, storing, processing and transferring personal data about passengers are guided by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data"<1>, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", Regulations on ensuring the security of personal data when processing them in personal data information systems, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2007 . N 781<2>, this Procedure.

<1>Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3451; 2009, N 48, Art. 5716; No. 52, Art. 6439; 2010, N 27, Art. 3407; 31, Art. 4173, 4196; 49, Art. 6409; No. 52, Art. 6974; 2011, N 23, Art. 3263; 2011, N 31, Art. 4701.

<2>Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 48 (Part II), Art. 6001.

The security of personal data during their processing in ACDPDP and in the course of information interaction within the zone of responsibility of its participants is ensured by means of the personal data protection system, which includes organizational measures and information protection means (including cryptographic ones), as well as the information technologies used.

The choice and implementation of methods and methods for protecting information in the information system are carried out on the basis of threats to the security of personal data (threat model) determined by the operator of the Unified State Information System of Industrial Safety and the participants in information interaction and depending on the class of the information system, determined in accordance with the Procedure for classifying information systems of personal data, approved by order of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2008 N 55/86/20<1>.

62. The provision of data from ACDPDP to users is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on ensuring the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2007 N 781.

03 Foreign citizen's passport 04 Birth certificate 05 Serviceman's identity card 06 Proof of identity of a stateless person 07 Temporary identity card issued by the internal affairs bodies 08 Military card of a conscript 09 Residence permit of a foreign citizen or stateless person 10 Certificate of release from places of deprivation of liberty 3 Mixed swimming (river - sea)

On the website "Zakonbase" there is an ORDER of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 07.19.2012 N 243 (as amended on 01.07.2013 with amendments that came into force on 13.08.2013) "ON APPROVAL OF THE ORDER OF FORMATION AND MAINTENANCE OF AUTOMATED CENTRALIZED DATABASES OF PERSONAL PERSONAL DATA PROVISIONS OF THE DATA CONTAINED IN THEIR "in the most recent edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use the convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the website "Zakonbase" you will find the ORDER of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 07.19.2012 N 243 (as amended on 01.07.2013 with changes that came into force on 13.08.2013) "ON APPROVAL OF THE ORDER OF FORMATION AND MAINTENANCE OF AUTOMATED CENTRALIZED DATABASES OF PERSONAL PERSONAL ALSO PROVIDING THE DATA CONTAINED IN THEM "in a fresh and complete version, in which all changes and amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and accuracy of the information.

At the same time, download the ORDER of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 07/19/2012 N 243 (as amended on 07/01/2013 with amendments that came into force on 08/13/2013) "ON APPROVAL OF THE ORDER OF FORMATION AND MAINTENANCE OF AUTOMATED CENTRALIZED DATABASES OF PERSONAL DATABASES ON PASSENGERS THEM DATA "is completely free, both completely and in separate chapters.

Registration N 25456

Pursuant to Article 11 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Safety" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 7, Art. 837; 2008, N 30 (Part 2), Art. 3616; 2009, N 29, Art. 3634; 2010, N 27, Art. 3415; 2011, N 7, Art. 901; 2011, N 30 (part 1), Art. 4569, 4590) and in accordance with subparagraph 5.2. 53.16 of clause 5 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 N 395 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 32, Art. 3342; 2006, N 15, Art. 1612, N 24, Art.2601, N 52 (part 3), Art.5587; 2008, N 8, Art.740, N 11 (part 1), Art.1029, N 17, Art.1883, N 18, Art.2060 , N 22, Art. 2576, N 42, Art. 4825, N 46, Art. 5337; 2009, N 3, Art. 378, N 4, Art. 506, N 6, Art. 738, N 13, Art. 1558, no. 18 (part 2), art. 2249, no. 32, art. 4046, no. 33, art. 4088, no. 36, art. 4361, no. 51, art. 6332; 2010, no. 6, art. 650 , Art. 652, N 11, Art. 1222; N 12, Art. 1348, N 13, Art. 1502, N 15, Art. 1805, N 25, Art. 3172, No. 26, art. 3350, No. 31, art. 4251; 2011, N 14, Art. 1935, No. 26, art. 3801, art. 3804, N 32, Art. 4832, No. 38, art. 5389, No. 46, art. 6526, No. 47, art. 6660, No. 48, art. 6922; 2012, No. 6, Art. 686, No. 14, 1630, No. 19, Art. 2439), I order:

1. To approve the attached Procedure for the formation and maintenance of automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers, as well as the provision of the data contained therein.

3. The Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Transport, from the moment of commissioning of automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers and the system of automated control of the procedure for transferring personal data about passengers, shall ensure, in the prescribed manner, control over the observance of the procedure for transferring information to automated centralized databases of personal data about passengers.

Minister M. Sokolov

The procedure for the formation and maintenance of automated centralized databases of personal data about passengers, as well as the provision of the data contained therein

I. General Provisions

1. This Procedure was developed in pursuance of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Safety" 1, taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Protection information "2 and on the basis of the Comprehensive Program for Ensuring the Safety of the Population in Transport, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2010 N 1285-r 3, and determines the basis for the formation and maintenance of automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers (hereinafter - ACDPDP), as well as the provision of the data contained therein.

2. ACDPDP are part of the unified state information system for ensuring transport security (hereinafter - EGIS OTB), created in pursuance of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Security".

The information contained in the ACDPDP is a state information resource 4.

In order to take measures to ensure national sovereignty over information flows in transport and meet the requirements of transport security, the maintenance of the relevant information banks (databases), including their initial formation, by Russian legal entities is ensured with the placement of the equipment necessary for their maintenance on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3. The principles on the basis of which the ACDPDP are formed and operate are:

1) observance of the constitutional rights of citizens in the automated processing of information containing personal data;

2) ensuring the technological capabilities of information interaction of existing and newly created information systems of information interaction participants;

3) ensuring the technological independence of the ACDPDP structure and its functioning from the ongoing administrative, organizational and other changes in the activities of information interaction participants;

4) ensuring the confidentiality of information;

5) ensuring the integrity and reliability of the transmitted information.

4. The formation and maintenance of the ACDPDP, as well as the provision of the data contained in them, is ensured by the use of information and telecommunication networks, information technologies and technical means of EGIS OTB.

5. ACDPDP are formed centrally as a set of personal data bases for passenger traffic by all modes of transport.

ACDPDP in accordance with the requirements of Part 2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Security" are formed when carrying out the following types of transportation:

1) domestic and international air transportation;

2) long-distance rail transportation;

3) international transportation by sea, inland waterways and road transport;

4) transportation by rail, sea, inland waterways and road transport on separate routes determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body in charge of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of internal affairs.

6. ACDPDP are formed on the basis of information provided by:

1) by subjects of transport infrastructure and carriers;

2) federal executive bodies;

3) foreign states and organizations within the framework of international cooperation on transport security issues.

7. Transport infrastructure entities and carriers ensure the transfer of information about passenger traffic when performing registered transactions in the course of processing travel documents (tickets).

The types of registered transactions include: booking a travel document (ticket), purchasing it, returning it, boarding a passenger on a vehicle, arriving a passenger at a destination, changing or stopping a carriage.

8. The personal data about passengers transferred to the ACDPDP in accordance with Part 5 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Security" includes:

1) surname, name, patronymic;

2) date and place of birth;

3) the type and number of the identity document by which the travel document (ticket) is purchased;

4) point of departure, point of destination, type of route (direct, transit);

5) date of travel.

9. The personal data about passengers transferred to the ACDPDP are accompanied by information characterizing the operation registered in the information system of the carrier or the transport infrastructure entity, when registering the corresponding passenger transportation (hereinafter referred to as the data on the registered operation):

1) the type of the transaction being registered;

2) the name of the carrier;

3) the date and time of registration of the operation in the automated information system of the carrier.

10. The procedure for transferring information about passenger traffic during the formation of the ACDPDP, including personal data about passengers and data about the registered operation (hereinafter referred to as information on passenger traffic), is specified in Chapter III of this Procedure in relation to passenger traffic by air, road, rail, sea and domestic by water transport.

II. Organization of information interaction

11. Participants in information interaction in the formation and maintenance of ACDPDP are suppliers and consumers of information on passenger traffic, as well as the operator of EGIS OTB (hereinafter - the operator of EGIS OTB).

12. Carriers and transport infrastructure entities (hereinafter referred to as information providers), in accordance with the established scope of reference when issuing travel documents (tickets), ensure the transfer of information about passenger traffic to the EGIS OTB operator.

Transport infrastructure entities or carriers of foreign states that are the owners of vehicles that carry out international transportation of passengers to the Russian Federation, from the Russian Federation and (or) through the territory of the Russian Federation, or use them on other legal grounds, provide the data contained in travel documents (tickets), in ACBPDP.

13. Federal executive bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to carry out functions in the field of transport security, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia (hereinafter referred to as consumers), use the information contained in the ACDPDP.

14. The operator carries out the formation and maintenance of the ACDPDP, including the collection, processing and provision of the data contained therein.

The operator, in accordance with the functions assigned to him for the formation and maintenance of the ACDPDP, within his competence, carries out:

1) organizational, technical, methodological and other support for the formation and maintenance of ACDPDP;

2) ensuring the operation of software and hardware systems, communication facilities and other property necessary for the formation and maintenance of the ACDPDP;

3) ensuring information security of the ACDPDP;

4) ensuring access of information interaction participants to the ACDPDP;

5) provision of the results of the transfer of personal data about passengers to the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport;

6) development of draft amendments to the conditions for providing information on passenger traffic in ACDPDP and submitting them for approval in accordance with the established procedure.

15. The provision of data to ACDPDP by information providers is carried out in electronic form in an automatic mode on a schedule in a time scale close to real, by selecting the required data from the information system of a transport infrastructure entity or a carrier and uploading them to an exchange file of an agreed format.

16. Data for inclusion in the ACDPDP are provided by the federal executive authorities in electronic form at the request of the operator by providing an exchange file of the agreed format.

17. The provision of data from the ACDPDP to consumers is carried out in electronic form upon request in the mode of direct access to the ACDPDP, as well as according to the schedule in accordance with the provisions specified in Chapter III of this Procedure, using an exchange file of the agreed format.

In the mode of direct access to the ACBPDP, the following are provided:

data from ACDPDP corresponding to the search query;

aggregated data in the form of reports in agreed formats.

The formats of search queries, requests for obtaining generalized information and the formats for providing information to consumers are determined by the agreements specified in clause 18 of this Procedure.

Consumers are provided with coding tables, classifiers and technical reference books containing information about subjects, transport infrastructure facilities, vehicles, carriers and passenger transportation schedules used to process personal data about passengers and are an integral technological part of the ACDPDP, which are kept up to date.

18. Informational interaction between information providers and the operator of EGIS OTB, as well as the operator of EGIS OTB and consumers is carried out on the basis of agreements.

19. Control over the observance of the procedure for transferring information on passenger traffic to ACDPDP is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport 5.

III. The procedure for transferring information about passenger traffic during the formation of the ACDPDP

General provisions of the procedure for transferring information on passenger traffic by all modes of transport

20. Information about passenger traffic is provided in the form of main and service data blocks.

21. The composition of the main data block is determined by the characteristics of passenger transportation by a particular mode of transport.

22. The following information (fields) should be included in the service block of the transmitted information:

date and time of registration of the event in the automated system of the carrier - TIMESTAMP;

version number 6 is NUMBER (5).

23. Information about the schedule or changes in the schedule should be transmitted in the form of an exchange file of the agreed format. The information is transmitted until the time the schedule is entered (changes in the schedule) in effect with the indication of the period of validity of the schedule.

24. Data must be exported from the source system to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file in accordance with RFC 4180. Semicolons must be used as the separating character.

25. Prior to the start of transmission to the ADCPDP, each individual CSV file must be compressed according to the algorithm determined by agreement with the operator of the Unified State Statistics Service.

26. The naming of the transferred files must follow the following pattern:


(, where:

ID - unique identifier of the carrier (transport infrastructure entity, other organization) 7;

YYYY - year (for example, 2010);

MM - month (from 01 to 12);

DD - day (from 01 to 31);

НН - hours (from 00 to 23);

mm - minutes (from 00 to 59);

ss - seconds (from 00 to 59);

mss - milliseconds (00 to 999).

27. For data transfer to the ACDPDP, the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) application protocol must be used in accordance with RFC 2228. The operation must be carried out in the "FTP passive mode".

28. Data transmission is carried out through the interaction subsystem (gateway) of the ACDPDP, to which the carrier or the entity of the transport infrastructure provides a connection. The YGIS OTB operator provides the carrier (transport infrastructure entity) with the parameters for connecting to the ACDPDP gateway.

29. The carrier (transport infrastructure entity) must ensure data transfer to the ACDPDP with a delay of no more than 30 minutes after entering the data into the information system of the carrier (transport infrastructure entity), unless otherwise specified in the procedure for transferring information about passenger traffic by a specific mode of transport.

30. Data transfer mode - round-the-clock.

31. For data transmission, public or special protected IP networks are used. For data transmission, the main and backup transmission channels are created.

32. The capacity of the data transmission channel from the source system to the external interface of the gateway of the ADCPDP should ensure data transmission within no more than 10 minutes.

33. The channel of data transmission from the source system to the external interface of the gateway of the ADCPDP must be terminated (using the Point-to-Point technology) in the control room 8 of the operator of the ADCPDP.

34. A spare communication channel must be provided up to the backup technological site of ACBPDP 9. The requirements for the backup communication channel are the same as those for the main channel.

35. The ability to switch to the backup channel must be provided within 15 minutes after the failure of the main communication channel is detected.

36. The information specified in this chapter can be provided and explained by the operator of EGIS OTB.

37. The coding tables of individual fields of the ACDPDP, specified in the appendix to this Procedure, may, if necessary, be corrected by the operator of EGIS OTB.

38. Technological issues of organizing the provision of information to ACDPDP can be specified by the operator of EGIS OTB.

39. The language of the transmitted data is Russian. In the case of entering information in the source system in Latin letters, the transfer of such information to the ACDPDP is carried out without conversion into Cyrillic characters.

40. When forming the information transmitted to the ACDPDP, UTF-8 encoding should be used in accordance with RFC 3629 and ISO / IEC 10646 Annex D.

Technologies for transferring information about passenger traffic by air

41. For transmission of information on passenger traffic to ACDPDP, the existing information and telecommunication infrastructure of air carriers and transport infrastructure entities - suppliers of information on passenger traffic by air is used.

42. The information and telecommunications infrastructure of an air carrier (transport infrastructure entity) means the following automated information systems used by an air carrier (transport infrastructure entity) when booking, issuing and selling air transportation, check-in, boarding passengers on board an aircraft and its departure:

an automated (inventory) carrier's booking system (hereinafter referred to as the CRS);

an automated electronic ticketing system for a carrier (hereinafter referred to as SEB);

automated distribution systems for booking air transportation (hereinafter - ARS), the subscriber of which is the air carrier;

an automated passenger and baggage check-in system at airports (a carrier or an airport operator, interacting with the CRS and ESS) (hereinafter referred to as the ARP).

43. The procedure for transferring information about passenger traffic to ACDPDP includes a selection from the information and telecommunication infrastructure of air carriers and transport infrastructure entities (airport operators) of personal data of a passenger and data on a registered transaction and their subsequent transfer by electronic means to ACDPDP in accordance with this Order. Data transfer is carried out at the initiative of air carriers and transport infrastructure entities in accordance with the requirements of section 7 of Cir 309-AT / 131 10 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (hereinafter - ICAO).

44. An air carrier performing regular international flights transmits to ACDPDP preliminary information about passengers and crew members (hereinafter referred to as API data), as well as information about passengers generated in the process of booking, processing, selling air transportation and registering passengers at the airport, boarding passengers on board the aircraft and departure of the aircraft (hereinafter - PNR-data).

45. An air carrier performing regular domestic flights transfers to ACDPDP information about passengers generated in the process of booking, issuing, selling air transportation and registering passengers at the airport, boarding passengers on board an aircraft and departing an aircraft (hereinafter - PNR-data).

46. ​​The transfer by air carriers to the ACDPDP of the API data received from the passenger in the process of booking an air carriage using the ARS, as well as the PNR data generated in the CRS before the check-in of passengers for the carrier's flight at the airport, is carried out 36 hours before the start of the check-in of passengers at the airport of departure ...

47. The transfer of API data by air carriers and transport infrastructure entities, received during the check-in process of passengers at the airport, from the ARPA to the ARCPDU is carried out interactively (if such a mode is available in the ARCS) or 15 minutes before the aircraft takes off. The transfer of API data on crew members is carried out by air carriers to ACDPDP 15 minutes before the departure of the aircraft.

48. The transmission by air carriers of the PNR data obtained during the boarding of passengers on board the aircraft, as well as after the departure of the aircraft, from the ETS to the ACCPDP is carried out immediately after these events are recorded in the ETS of the carrier.

49. An air carrier performing non-scheduled flights to / from the Russian Federation, through the territory, and for carriers - residents of the Russian Federation also within the territory of the Russian Federation under an aircraft charter agreement (air charter), transfers information about passengers and crew members of the aircraft to ACCPDP in the form of API data in accordance with the structure of passenger list 11 15 minutes before the aircraft takes off from the airport of departure.

50. Data as part of the main data block is transmitted in the form of API or PNR data in accordance with the provisions specified in paragraphs 44-49 of this Procedure.

51. Air carriers and transport infrastructure entities transfer the following API data elements to the ACDPDP:

surname (passenger, crew member);

Date of Birth;

date and time of departure of the aircraft;

flight number;

date and time of arrival of the aircraft.

52. Air carriers shall transmit the following elements of PNR data to the ACDPDP:

a) personal data about the passenger:

the surname of the passenger;

patronymic (if available, or middle name);

Date of Birth;

place of birth (if any);

the type of identity document by which the transportation document (ticket) was drawn up;

number of the identity document by which the transportation document (ticket) was drawn up;

point of departure (by international coding);

destination (by international coding);

type of route (direct, transit, transfer);

date and time of departure of the flight;

b) data on the registered operation:

the name or code of the carrier actually performing the air carriage;

flight number;

Pointer code of PNR data;

unique number of the transportation document;

the number of passengers in the PNR data record, surnames, names and patronymics of these passengers;

information about the requested (actual) seats on the aircraft (if any);

booking status code (by route sections);

intermediate landing points for flights with intermediate landing (according to international coding);

information on dates (date of creation of PNR-data, date of booking, date of the last change in PNR-data, date of issuance of a transportation document, date of late booking for a flight);

time of registration of the transportation document;

data and code of the agency / carrier that issued the transportation document;

information about luggage and hand luggage (number of pieces, weight, numbers of luggage tags; weight of hand luggage);

check-in information (check-in control number, check-in agent ID, check-in counter number, check-in time, boarding number);

information about the date and time of flight arrival;

information about the passenger's failure to appear for departure.

When developing the regulations for the information interaction of a particular air carrier or transport infrastructure entity with the EGIS OTB operator, provided for by this Procedure, certain additional data elements from the PNR data may be excluded in the absence of the required information in their information and communication infrastructure or included after expanding the capabilities of the relevant information and communication infrastructure. communication infrastructure.

53. Data transmission is made in UN / EDIFACT format. When transferring data from information and communication systems of air carriers, when encoding message fields, appropriate international or industry reference books and classifiers must be used.

54. The personal data of passengers and crew members during international transportation must correspond to the data contained in the machine readable area 12 of the document on the basis of which the transportation is issued.

55. The structure and specifications of machine readable data are determined by the requirements and recommendations of Part 1 of ICAO Doc 9303 13.

56. If the information and telecommunication system of the air carrier does not support Cyrillic characters, the transfer of the corresponding data to the ACDPDP is carried out without conversion into Cyrillic characters.

Technologies for transferring information about passenger transportation by road

57. The main data block should include the following information (fields):

a) personal data about the passenger:

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

middle name - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

type of identity document - NUMBER (2) 14;

type of route (direct / transit) - NUMBER (1) 15;

travel date (date and time of departure of the passenger) - DATE, TIME;

b) data on the registered operation:

the operation being registered - NUMBER (2) 16;

carrier 17 - NUMBER (5);

transport infrastructure entity (bus station 18 - NUMBER (5);

flight number - VARCHAR2 (8);

seat number - VARCHAR2 (4);

date and time of passenger arrival at the destination (according to schedule) - DATE, TIME;

state registration plate of the bus - VARCHAR2 (12);

vehicle (bus) brand - VARCHAR2 (12).

Technologies for transferring information about passenger transportation by rail

58. The main data block should include the following information (fields):

a) personal data about the passenger:

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

middle name - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

place of birth - VARCHAR2 (100);

type of identity document - NUMBER (2) 19;

number of the identity document - VARCHAR2 (20);

departure point - VARCHAR2 (20);

destination - VARCHAR2 (20);

type of route (direct / transit) - NUMBER (1) 20;

b) data on the registered operation:

operation - NUMBER (2) 21;

carrier 22 - NUMBER (5);

train number - VARCHAR2 (8);

train line - VARCHAR2 (8);

car number - VARCHAR2 (8);

passenger seat number - VARCHAR2 (4);

the identifier of the computing center that sold the place - VARCHAR2 (8);

the identifier of the computing center that issued the location - VARCHAR2 (8);

date and time of the cash transaction - DATE, TIME;

POS code - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of passenger arrival - DATE, TIME;

Passenger traffic data transmission technologies

by sea and inland waterways

59. The main data block should include the following information (fields):

a) personal data about the passenger: surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

middle name - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

place of birth - VARCHAR2 (100);

type of identity document - NUMBER (2) 23;

number of the identity document - VARCHAR2 (20);

departure point - VARCHAR2 (20);

destination - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of departure of the passenger - DATE, TIME;

b) data on the registered operation:

operation - NUMBER (2) 24;

carrier 25 - NUMBER (5);

number (code) of the deck of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (1);

passenger cabin number VARCHAR2 (6);

passenger seat number - VARCHAR2 (2);

class of the vessel in the area of ​​navigation 26 - NUMBER (1);

registration number of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (8);

name of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of the cash transaction - DATE, TIME;

POS number or surname of the cashier who sold the ticket - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of arrival of the passenger at the port of destination (according to schedule) - DATE, TIME;

type of benefit - VARCHAR2 (8);

the number of the privileged document is VARCHAR2 (12);

number of seats in one booking operation - VARCHAR2 (2).

IV. Ensuring the protection of information during the formation and maintenance of ACDPDP

60. Ensuring the protection of information within the framework of the ACDPDP and in the course of information interaction is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

61. The operator of EGIS OTB, suppliers and consumers of information in the course of collecting, storing, processing and transferring personal data about passengers are guided by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" 27, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 . N 149-FZ "On information, information technology and information protection", the Regulation on ensuring the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2007 N781 28, this Procedure.

The security of personal data during their processing in ACDPDP and in the course of information interaction within the zone of responsibility of its participants is ensured by means of the personal data protection system, which includes organizational measures and information protection means (including cryptographic ones), as well as the information technologies used.

The choice and implementation of methods and methods for protecting information in the information system are carried out on the basis of threats to the security of personal data (threat model) determined by the operator of the Unified State Information System of Industrial Safety and the participants in information interaction and depending on the class of the information system, determined in accordance with the Procedure for classifying information systems of personal data, approved by order of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2008 N 55/86/20 29.

62. The provision of data from ACDPDP to users is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on ensuring the security of personal data when processing them in personal data information systems, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2007 N781.

63. The processing of passenger data in ACDPDP is carried out in accordance with Part 2 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

1 Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 7, Art. 837; 2008, N 30 (part 2), Art. 3616; 2009, N29, art. 3634; 2010, N 27, Art. 3415; 2011, N 7, Art. 901; 2011, N 30 (part 1), Art. 4569.4590.

2 Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31 (Part I), Art. 3448; 2010, N 31, Art. 4196; 2011, N 15, Art. 2038; 2011, N 30 (part 1), Art. 4600.

3 Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 32, Art. 4359; 2011, N 3, Art. 555; 2011, N 33, Art. 4943; 2011, N 47, Art. 6670.

4 Part 9 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection".

5 Clause 8 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Safety"; subparagraph of the Regulation on the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 398.

6 Installed by the operator EGIS OTB.

7 Appointed by the operator of EGIS OTB.

8 The address of the control room is provided by the operator of EGIS OTB upon request.

9 The site address is provided by the operator of EGIS OTB upon request.


11 For reference: English: PAXLST - UN / EDIFACT Passenger List Message Specification.

12 For reference: English. Machine Readable Zone.


14 Codes of identity documents are indicated in table 1 of the annex to this Procedure.

15 Codes of types of routes are indicated in table 2 of the appendix to this Procedure.

16 Codes for the types of operations with travel documents are indicated in table 3 of the annex to this Procedure.

17 Indicates the identifier assigned by the operator of EGIS OTB.

18 Indicates the identifier assigned by the operator of EGIS OTB.

19 Codes of identity documents are indicated in table 1 of the annex to this Procedure.

20 Codes of types of routes are indicated in table 3 of the appendix to this Procedure.

21 Codes of types of operations with travel documents are indicated in table 2 of the annex to this Procedure.

22 Indicates the identifier assigned by the operator of EGIS OTB.

23 Codes of identity documents are indicated in table 1 of the annex to this Procedure.

24 Codes of types of operations with travel documents are indicated in table 2 of the annex to this Procedure.

25 Installed by the operator EGIS OTB.

26 Codes of classes of ships (by area of ​​navigation) are indicated in table 4 of the appendix to this Procedure.

27 Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3451; 2009, N 48, Art. 5716; No. 52, Art. 6439; 2010, N 27, Art. 3407; 31, Art. 4173, 4196; 49, Art. 6409; No. 52, Art. 6974; 2011, N 23, Art. 3263; 2011, N 31, Art. 4701.

28 Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 48 (Part 2), Art. 6001.

In order to take measures to ensure national sovereignty over information flows in transport and meet the requirements of transport security, the maintenance of the relevant information banks (databases), including their initial formation, by Russian legal entities is ensured with the placement of the equipment necessary for their maintenance on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3. The principles on the basis of which the ACDPDP are formed and operate are:

1) observance of the constitutional rights of citizens in the automated processing of information containing personal data;

2) ensuring the technological capabilities of information interaction of existing and newly created information systems of information interaction participants;

3) ensuring the technological independence of the ACDPDP structure and its functioning from the ongoing administrative, organizational and other changes in the activities of information interaction participants;

4) ensuring the confidentiality of information;

5) ensuring the integrity and reliability of the transmitted information.

4. The formation and maintenance of the ACDPDP, as well as the provision of the data contained in them, is ensured by the use of information and telecommunication networks, information technologies and technical means of EGIS OTB.

5. ACDPDP are formed centrally as a set of personal data bases on the transportation of passengers by all modes of transport.

ACDPDP in accordance with the requirements of Part 2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Security" are formed when carrying out the following types of transportation:

1) domestic and international air transportation;

2) long-distance rail transportation;

3) transportation by sea, inland waterways in international traffic and in traffic between ports located on the territories of different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of transportation between the federal city of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as between the federal city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;

4) transportation by road, including by order, in international traffic and in intercity traffic between settlements located in the territories of different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of transportation between the federal city of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as between the federal city of St. -Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

6. ACDPDP are formed on the basis of information provided by:

1) by subjects of transport infrastructure and carriers;

2) federal executive bodies;

3) foreign states and organizations within the framework of international cooperation on transport security issues.

7. Carriers and subjects of transport infrastructure ensure the transfer of information on the transportation of passengers, including personal data about passengers and personnel (crew) of vehicles, received:

1) when performing registered transactions in the course of processing travel documents (tickets);

2) when compiling lists of passengers when carrying out the carriage of passengers by registered (carriage by order) flights;

3) in the formation of personnel (crews) of vehicles (hereinafter - information on passenger traffic).

The types of registered transactions include: booking a travel document (ticket), selling it, returning it, registering a passenger, boarding a passenger on a vehicle, changing or terminating transportation.

The composition of the recorded transactions is determined by the technologies for transferring information by various modes of transport, specified in Chapter III of this Procedure.

8. The personal data about passengers transferred to the ACDPDP in accordance with Part 5 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2007 N 16-FZ "On Transport Security" includes:

1) surname, name, patronymic;

3) the type and number of the identity document by which the travel document (ticket) is purchased;

4) point of departure, point of destination, type of route (direct, transit);

8.1. When booking travel documents (tickets) to ACDPDP, the data provided for in paragraph 8 of this Procedure are subject to transfer.

8.2. When forming the lists of passengers when carrying out the carriage of passengers by order, the data provided for in paragraph 8 of this Procedure shall be transferred to the ACDPDP.

8.3. For the personnel of vehicles (crew), in addition to the information provided for in paragraph 8 of this Procedure, information on the position held in the vehicle crew is subject to mandatory transfer to the ACDPDP.

Information about the position can be presented in the form of the name of the position or the name of the category of personnel.

9. The personal data about passengers transmitted to the ACDPDP are accompanied by information characterizing the operation registered in the information system of the carrier or the transport infrastructure entity when registering the corresponding passenger transportation (hereinafter referred to as the data on the registered operation).

Data on the registered operation of passenger transportation are determined for each type of transport.

10. The procedure for transferring information about passenger traffic during the formation of the ACDPDP is specified in Chapter III of this Procedure in relation to passenger traffic by air, road, rail, sea and inland waterways.

II. Organization of information interaction

11. Participants in information interaction in the formation and maintenance of ACDPDP are suppliers and consumers of information on passenger traffic, as well as the operator of EGIS OTB.

12. Carriers and transport infrastructure entities (hereinafter referred to as information providers), in accordance with the established scope of reference when issuing travel documents (tickets), ensure the transfer of information about passenger traffic to the EGIS OTB operator.

An entity of transport infrastructure or a carrier of a foreign state that owns a vehicle that carries out international transportation of passengers to the Russian Federation, from the Russian Federation and (or) through the territory of the Russian Federation, or uses it on other legal grounds, ensure the transfer of information about passenger traffic to the ACDPDP in accordance with this Procedure, unless otherwise established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

13. Federal executive bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to carry out functions in the field of transport security, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia (hereinafter referred to as consumers), use the information contained in the ACDPDP.

14. The operator of EGIS OTB carries out the formation and maintenance of the ACDPDP, including the collection, processing and provision of the data contained therein.

The operator of EGIS OTB, in accordance with the functions assigned to it for the formation and maintenance of the ACDPDP, within its competence, carries out:

1) organizational, technical, methodological and other support for the formation and maintenance of ACDPDP;

2) ensuring the operation of software and hardware systems, communication facilities and other property necessary for the formation and maintenance of the ACDPDP, information content and further improvement of the ACDPDP;

3) ensuring information security of the ACDPDP;

4) ensuring access of information interaction participants to the ACDPDP;

5) provision of the results of the transfer of personal data about passengers to the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport;

6) development of projects of changes in technologies for transferring information about passenger traffic to ACDPDP and submitting them for approval in accordance with the established procedure;

15. The provision of data to ACDPDP by information providers is carried out in electronic form in an automatic mode according to a schedule by selecting the required data from the information system of a transport infrastructure entity or a carrier and uploading them to an exchange file (message) of an agreed format in accordance with the provisions specified in Chapter III of this Order, or interactively by entering information about passenger traffic on the Internet portal of the ACDPDP.

The technology for transmitting information to the ACBPDP in the interactive mode is determined by the operator of the Unified State Information System of OTB. The YGIS OTB operator provides the carrier (transport infrastructure entity) with the parameters for connecting to the Internet portal of the ACDPDP.

16. Data for inclusion in the ACDPDP are provided by the federal executive authorities in electronic form at the request of the operator of EGIS OTB by providing an exchange file of the agreed format.

17. The provision of data from the ACDPDP to consumers is carried out in electronic form upon request in the mode of direct access to the ACDPDP, as well as according to the schedule in accordance with the provisions specified in Chapter III of this Procedure, using an exchange file of the agreed format.

In the mode of direct access to the ACBPDP, the following are provided:

data from ACDPDP corresponding to the search query;

aggregated data in the form of reports in agreed formats.

The formats of search queries, requests for obtaining generalized information and the formats for providing information to consumers are determined by the agreements specified in clause 18 of this Procedure.

Consumers are provided with coding tables, classifiers and technical reference books containing information about subjects, transport infrastructure facilities, vehicles, carriers and passenger transportation schedules used to process personal data about passengers and are an integral technological part of the ACDPDP, which are kept up to date.

18. Informational interaction between information providers and the operator of EGIS OTB, as well as the operator of EGIS OTB and consumers is carried out on the basis of agreements.

19. Verification of compliance with the procedure for transferring information to the ACDPDP is carried out by the authorized federal executive body in the exercise of state control (supervision) in the field of transport security.

III. The procedure for transferring information about passenger traffic during the formation of the ACDPDP in automatic mode

General provisions of the procedure for transferring information on passenger traffic by all modes of transport

20. Information on passenger traffic provided in automatic mode may be transmitted:

as files in CSV format (text format for presenting tabular data comma-separated values ​​in accordance with the RFC 4180 specification); a semicolon must be used as a separating character;

in the form of PAXLST messages of the UN / EDIFACT standard (text format for presenting the passenger list), if this is provided for by the technology for transferring information about passenger traffic for a particular mode of transport.

In CSV exchange files, the time of departure, arrival and recorded transactions must be indicated in accordance with universal time.

21. Information about passenger traffic in the form of files in CSV format (CSV files) is provided in the form of main and service data blocks.

22. The composition of the main data block of CSV files is determined by the peculiarities of passenger transportation by a particular mode of transport.

23. The structure of the service data block of CSV files should include the following information (fields):

date and time of registration of the event in the automated system of the carrier or the subject of transport infrastructure - TIMESTAMP;

the version number is NUMBER (5).

24. Data must be exported from the source system to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file in accordance with RFC 4180. Semicolons must be used as the separating character.

25. Prior to the start of transmission to the ADCPDP, each individual CSV file must be compressed according to the algorithm determined by the operator of EGIS OTB.

26. The naming of the transferred CSV files must follow the following pattern:


(, where:

ID - unique identifier of the carrier (transport infrastructure entity, other organization);

YYYY - year (for example, 2010);

MM - month (from 01 to 12);

DD day (01 to 31);

НН - hours (from 00 to 23);

mm - minutes (from 00 to 59);

ss - seconds (from 00 to 59);

mss - milliseconds (00 to 999).

The names of all transferred files must be unique for the individual content provider.

27. For transferring CSV files, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) can be used in accordance with RFC 2228. Operation should be performed in "FTP passive mode".

28. The Type B application protocol in accordance with RFC 2351 can be used to transfer PAXLST messages.

29. Data transmission is carried out through the interaction subsystem (gateway) of the ACDPDP, to which the carrier or the entity of the transport infrastructure provides a connection. The YGIS OTB operator provides the carrier (transport infrastructure entity) with the parameters for connecting to the ACDPDP gateway.

30. The carrier (transport infrastructure entity) must ensure the transfer of passenger data to the ACDPDP with a delay of no more than 30 minutes after entering the data into the information system of the carrier (transport infrastructure entity), unless otherwise specified by the technology for transferring information about passenger traffic by a specific mode of transport.

31. Information about the personnel (crew) of vehicles is transferred to the ACDPDP upon completion of the formation of vehicle crews, but no later than 24 hours before the departure of the vehicle.

In the event of a change (addition) to the composition of the vehicle crew, information about the changes is transmitted to the ACDPDP immediately, but not later than the moment the vehicle is dispatched.

32. Data transmission mode - round-the-clock.

33. For data transmission, public or special protected IP networks are used. For data transmission, the carrier (transport infrastructure entity) creates the main and backup transmission channels.

34. The throughput of the data transmission channel from the source system to the external interface of the gateway of the ACDPDP should ensure the transmission of data within no more than 10 minutes.

35. The data transmission channel from the source system to the external interface of the gateway of the ADCPDP should be determined in the control room * (5) of the operator of the ADCPDP.

36. The ability to switch to the backup channel must be provided within 15 minutes after the failure of the main communication channel is revealed.

37. The information specified in this chapter can be provided and explained by the operator of EGIS OTB.

38. The coding tables of individual fields of the ACDPDP specified in the Procedure may, if necessary, be corrected by the operator of the Unified State Statistics Service.

39. Technological issues of organizing the provision of information to ACDPDP can be specified by the operator of EGIS OTB.

40. The transfer of information to the automated centralized databases of personal data on passengers and personnel (crew) of vehicles is carried out in Russian using the Cyrillic alphabet and (or) using the Latin alphabet in the language in which the identity document is drawn up and presented when processing, booking a travel document (ticket), formation of a list of passengers, formation of personnel (crew) of the vehicle.

The transfer of information from the machine-readable zone of the identity document by which the travel document (ticket) is purchased is made in Latin characters, without conversion into Cyrillic characters.

41. When forming the information transmitted to the ACDPDP, UTF-8 encoding should be used according to RFC 3629 and ISO / IEC 10646 Annex D without specifying the byte order mark.

Technologies for transferring information about passenger traffic by air

42. The existing information and telecommunication infrastructure of air carriers and transport infrastructure entities - suppliers of information on passenger traffic by air is used to transfer information about passenger traffic to ACDPDP.

43. The procedure for transferring information about passenger traffic to ACDPDP includes a selection from the information and telecommunication infrastructure of air carriers and transport infrastructure entities (airport operators) of personal data of a passenger and data on a registered transaction and their subsequent transfer by electronic means to ACDPDP in accordance with this Order. Data transfer is carried out at the initiative of air carriers and transport infrastructure entities in accordance with the requirements of Section 2.7.1, b of Doc 9944 * (6) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (hereinafter - ICAO).

44. An air carrier performing regular international passenger transportation, as well as non-scheduled passenger transportation to the Russian Federation, from the Russian Federation, through the territory of the Russian Federation, and for carriers-residents of the Russian Federation also within the territory of the Russian Federation under an aircraft charter agreement (air charter) , transfers to ACDPDP the data on passengers, generated during the registration of passengers, no later than 15 minutes before the departure of the aircraft.

A transport infrastructure entity that carries out registration of passengers of an air carrier performing regular as well as irregular transportation of passengers from the Russian Federation transmits to the ACDPDP the passenger data generated during the registration of passengers no later than 15 minutes before the departure of the aircraft.

45. An air carrier performing regular domestic transportation of passengers transmits to ACDPDP the data on passengers received when booking (selling) travel documents (tickets) or generated during the registration of passengers no later than six hours and no later than 15 minutes before departure aircraft.

The transport infrastructure entity that carries out the registration of passengers of an air carrier performing regular internal passenger transportation transfers to the ACDPDP the passenger data generated during the passenger registration process no later than six hours and no later than 15 minutes before the departure of the aircraft.

46. ​​The transfer by air carriers to ACDPDP of passenger data received during the booking (sale) of travel documents (tickets) earlier than a day before the departure of the aircraft is carried out no later than 24 hours before the departure of the aircraft.

47. The air carrier transmits to the ACDPDP data on the crew members of the aircraft in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 31 of this Procedure.

48. An air carrier performing non-stop transit traffic through the territory of the Russian Federation transmits information to the ACDPDP about passengers and crew members of the aircraft in accordance with this Procedure.

49. Information about passengers and aircraft crew members automatically transferred to ACDPDP is transferred in the form of CSV files or PAXLST messages.

50. When transferring information about passengers and crew members in the form of a CSV file, the following information should be included in the main data block:

a) personal data about the passenger (aircraft crew member):

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

citizenship - VARCHAR2 (30);

*(8) ;

type of route (direct, transit) - NUMBER (1) * (9);

travel date (date and time of aircraft departure) - DATE, TIME;

*(10) ;

*(11) ;

date and time of the registered operation - DATE, TIME;

the code of the carrier actually performing air transportation - NUMBER (5) * (12);

flight number - VARCHAR2 (8);

booking number (PNR index) - VARCHAR2 (12);

date and time of arrival at the destination (according to schedule) - DATE, TIME.

51. Data transmission is made in UN / EDIFACT format. When transferring data from information and communication systems of air carriers, when encoding message fields, appropriate international or industry reference books and classifiers must be used.

52. When transmitting information about passengers and crew members in the form of PAXLST messages, the composition of the transmitted data must correspond to the composition of the data specified in paragraph 50 of this Procedure, and the format of their presentation must comply with the requirements of the ICAO document "Guidelines on Advance Passenger Information (API). WCO / IATA / ICAO, 2010 "* (13).

53. The personal data of passengers and crew members during international transportation must correspond to the data contained in the machine-readable document on the basis of which the transportation is issued.

54. The structure and specifications of machine readable data are determined by the requirements and recommendations of Part 1 of ICAO Doc 9303 * (14).

55. If the information and telecommunication system of the air carrier does not support Cyrillic characters, the transfer of the corresponding data to the ACDPDP is carried out without conversion into Cyrillic characters.

Technologies for transferring information about passenger transportation by road

56. The main data block of the CSV file includes the following information:

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

patronymic (or middle name, if available) - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

citizenship - VARCHAR2 (30);

type of identity document - NUMBER (2) * (16);

number of the identity document - VARCHAR2 (20);

departure point - VARCHAR2 (20);

destination - VARCHAR2 (20);

*(17) ;

travel date (date and time of departure) - DATE, TIME;

type of personal data (data about a passenger or a member of the vehicle's crew) - NUMBER (1) * (18);

b) data on the registered operation:

the operation being registered - NUMBER (2) * (19);

transport infrastructure entity (bus station) * (21) - NUMBER (5);

flight number - VARCHAR2 (8);

seat number - VARCHAR2 (4);

date and time of arrival at the destination (according to schedule) - DATE, TIME;

state registration plate of a vehicle (bus) - VARCHAR2 (12);

vehicle (bus) brand - VARCHAR2 (12).

57. The transfer of personal data of passengers is carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 30

58. The transfer of information about the state registration plate and the brand of the vehicle (bus) is mandatory only when transferring personal data of the personnel (crew) of the vehicle.

Technologies for transferring information about passenger transportation by rail

59. The main data block of the CSV file should include the following information:

a) personal data about the passenger (vehicle personnel):

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

patronymic (or middle name, if available) - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

citizenship - VARCHAR2 (30);

type of identity document - NUMBER (2) * (23);

number of the identity document - VARCHAR2 (20);

departure point - VARCHAR2 (20);

destination - VARCHAR2 (20);

type of route (direct / transit) - NUMBER (1) * (24);

type of personal data (data about a passenger or a crew member of a vehicle) - NUMBER (1) * (25);

b) data on the registered operation:

train number - VARCHAR2 (8);

train line - VARCHAR2 (8);

car number - VARCHAR2 (8);

passenger seat number - VARCHAR2 (4);

the identifier of the computing center that sold the place - VARCHAR2 (8);

the identifier of the computing center that issued the location - VARCHAR2 (8);

date and time of the cash transaction - DATE, TIME;

POS code - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of arrival - DATE, TIME;

60. The transfer of personal data of passengers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 30 of this Procedure, but no later than the time of departure of the vehicle.

61. The transfer of data to the ACDPDP should be made with a delay of no more than 60 minutes after entering the data into the information system of the carrier (transport infrastructure entity).

Technologies for transferring information about passenger traffic by sea and inland water transport

62. Carriers and transport infrastructure entities in maritime transport, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 9/2, Chapter XI-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, provide the operator of the EGIS OTB with information about passengers and crew members * (28).

The main data block of the CSV file should include the following information:

a) personal data about the passenger, crew member of the vehicle:

surname - VARCHAR2 (40);

name - VARCHAR2 (30);

patronymic (or middle name, if available) - VARCHAR2 (30);

date of birth - DATE;

citizenship - VARCHAR2 (30);

type of identity document - NUMBER (2) * (30);

number of the identity document - VARCHAR2 (20);

departure point - VARCHAR2 (20);

destination - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of departure - DATE, TIME;

type of personal data (data about a passenger or a crew member of a vehicle) - NUMBER (1) * (31);

b) data on the registered operation:

class of the vessel in the area of ​​navigation * (34) - NUMBER (1);

registration number of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (8);

name of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (20);

nationality of the vessel - VARCHAR2 (2);

flight number - VARCHAR2 (8);

date and time of the cash transaction - DATE, TIME;

POS number or surname of the cashier who sold the ticket - VARCHAR2 (20);

date and time of arrival at the port of destination (according to schedule) - DATE, TIME;

number of seats for one registered operation - VARCHAR2 (2).

63. The transfer of personal data of passengers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 29 of this Procedure, but no later than the time of departure of the vehicle.

64. The transfer of personal data of the personnel (crew) of the vehicle must be carried out upon completion of the formation of the vehicle crew, but no later than the time of departure of the vehicle.

65. For the carriage of passengers on flights in international traffic, the transfer of personal data about passengers and crew members must be carried out: for flights arriving in the Russian Federation - no later than 24 hours before arrival at the port of destination; for flights departing from the Russian Federation - no later than 24 hours before departure from the port of departure.

If the transfer of a vehicle from the port of departure to the port of destination is less than 24 hours, the transfer of personal data about passengers must be carried out no later than the moment of departure of the vehicle.

66. For the carriage of passengers on flights within the Russian Federation, the transfer of personal data about passengers and crew members must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 30 of this Procedure, but no later than the time of departure of the vehicle.

In the event of a change (addition) to the composition of the passengers of the vehicle, information about the changes (additions) is transmitted to the ACDPDP once, upon completion of the formation of the composition of passengers, not later than the moment of departure of the vehicle.

IV. Ensuring the protection of information during the formation and maintenance of ACDPDP

60. Ensuring the protection of information within the framework of the ACDPDP and in the course of information interaction is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

61. The operator of EGIS OTB, suppliers and consumers of information in the course of collecting, storing, processing and transferring personal data about passengers are guided by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" * (35), Federal Law of 27 July 2006 N 149-FZ "On information, information technology and information protection", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 N 1119 "On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems * ( 36), this Procedure.

The security of personal data during their processing in ACDPDP and in the course of information interaction within the zone of responsibility of its participants is ensured by means of the personal data protection system, which includes organizational measures and information protection means (including cryptographic ones), as well as the information technologies used.

The choice and implementation of methods and methods for protecting information in the information system are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the decree

62. The provision of data from ACDPDP to users is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 N 1119.

63. The processing of passenger data in ACDPDP is carried out in accordance with Part 2 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".


* (1) Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 7, Art. 837; 2008, N 30 (part 2), Art. 3616; 2009 N 29 art. 3634; 2010, N 27, Art. 3415; 2011, N 7, Art. 901; 2011, N 30 (part 1), Art. 4569, 4590.

* (2) Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31 (Part I), Art. 3448; 2010, N 31, Art. 4196; 2011, N 15, Art. 2038; 2011, N 30 (part 1), Art. 4600.

* (3) Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 32, Art. 4359; 2011, N 3, Art. 555; 2011, N 33, Art. 4943; 2011, N 47, Art. 6670.

Certificate of return from the CIS countries

Certificate of lost passport

Table 3

Codes of types of operations with travel documents when transferred to ACDPDP

the name of the operation



Cancellation of order

Online booking

On-line registration

Advance booking

Cancellation of advance booking


Cancellation of departure


Data correction

Table 4

Ship class codes (by area of ​​navigation) when transferred to ACDPDP

Ship class

Marine (long-distance, unlimited, coastal)


Inland navigation (river, lake)

Mixed swimming (river - sea)

Table 6

Gender designation

Gender designation

On approval of the Model Regulations on the Territorial Body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use in the Federal District

In accordance with clause 9.9 of Section IX of the Model Regulations for the Internal Organization of Federal Executive Bodies, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2005 N 452 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 31, Art. 3233), the Regulation on the Federal Service for supervision in the field of natural resources, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 400 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 32, Art. 3347), by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 15, 2006 N 689 "On state land control "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 47, Art. 4919), I order:

1. To approve the Model Regulations on the Territorial Body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use in the Federal District in accordance with.

2. To declare invalid the order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use dated August 9, 2007 N 203 "On Approval of the Model Regulations on the Territorial Body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use in the Federal District" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 3, 2007, registration No. 10093).

Minister Yu.P. Trutnev

Registration N 12495


Model Regulations on the Territorial Body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use in the Federal District

I. General Provisions

1. Territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Management for _______________________________________________________________________________

is a territorial body of the interregional level that carries out certain functions of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use (hereinafter - Rosprirodnadzor) in the territory of ___________________________________________________

(federal district)

2. The territorial body in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for supervision in the field of nature management, as well as this Regulation.

3. A territorial body shall carry out its activities in cooperation with territorial bodies of other federal executive bodies, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, public associations, and other organizations.

II. Credentials

4. The territorial body exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

4.1. exercises control and supervision:

4.1.1. in the field of protection, use and reproduction of wildlife objects located in specially protected natural areas of federal significance, as well as their habitat;

4.1.2. in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of federal significance;

4.1.3. for geological study, rational use and protection of subsoil;

4.1.4. over the use and protection of water bodies (federal state control and supervision over the use and protection of water bodies);

4.1.5. compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international norms and standards in the field of the marine environment and natural resources of internal sea waters, the territorial sea, in the exclusive economic zone and on the continental shelf;

4.1.6. for the rational use of mineral and living resources on the continental shelf;

4.1.7. state land control within the limits of its powers;

4.1.8. compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, including in the field of atmospheric air protection and waste management (with the exception of radioactive waste);

4.1.9. for the use, protection, protection, reproduction of forests (state forest control and supervision) on the lands of specially protected natural areas of federal significance;

4.1.10. over the execution by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation delegated to them for the exercise of the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of water relations with the right to issue orders to eliminate the violations identified, as well as to bring to responsibility the officials performing the duties of exercising the delegated powers;

4.1.11. for the completeness and quality of the implementation by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the delegated powers in the field of protection of objects of the animal world entered in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, as well as in the field of protection and use of other objects of the animal world, not classified as objects of hunting and aquatic biological resources, with the right to send instructions on the elimination of detected violations, as well as on bringing to responsibility the officials performing the duties of exercising the delegated powers;

4.2. carries out the protection of aquatic biological resources included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation;

4.3. participates in the maintenance of the Red Book of the Russian Federation;

4.4. is the recipient of budgetary funds provided in the federal budget to finance the activities of territorial bodies.

4.5. ensures, within the limits of its competence, the protection of information constituting a state secret;

4.6. organizes the reception of citizens, ensures the timely and complete consideration of citizens' appeals, makes decisions on them and sends responses to the applicants within the time period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.7. provides mobilization training of the territorial body, as well as control and coordination of the activities of organizations under the jurisdiction of Rosprirodnadzor for their mobilization training;

4.8. organizes professional training of employees of the territorial body, their retraining, advanced training and training;

4.9. carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents formed in the course of the activities of the territorial body;

4.10. interacts in accordance with the established procedure with public authorities of foreign states and international organizations in the established field of activity;

4.11. conducts tenders in the prescribed manner and concludes state contracts for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of a territorial body, as well as for carrying out research work for state needs in the established field of activity;

4.12. performs other functions in the established field of activity, if such functions are provided for by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. The territorial body, in order to exercise its powers in the established area of ​​activity, has the right:

5.1. organize the necessary research, tests, examinations, analyzes and assessments;

5.2. to request and receive information necessary for making decisions on issues within the competence of the territorial body;

5.3. give explanations to legal entities and individuals on issues related to the scope of activities of the territorial body;

5.4. involve, in the prescribed manner, for the study of issues related to the established field of activity, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists;

5.5. apply the measures of a restrictive, preventive and preventive nature provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, aimed at preventing and (or) eliminating the consequences caused by the violation by legal entities and citizens of the mandatory requirements in the established field of activity, in order to suppress the facts of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.6. to suspend the use of forests within the limits of their authority in accordance with federal laws;

5.7. create advisory and expert bodies (councils, commissions, groups, collegia) in the established field of activity;

5.8. to send to Rosprirodnadzor proposals to restrict, suspend or prohibit the use of wildlife objects in certain territories and water areas within the limits of authority in accordance with federal laws;

5.9. To exercise their powers, officials of the territorial body have the right to send materials to the courts, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service and other state bodies on violations revealed as a result of inspections, to file claims for compensation in the manner prescribed by law damage (harm) caused to the environment in the established field of activity.

III. Organization of activities

6. The territorial body is headed by a head appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Head of Rosprirodnadzor in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The head of the territorial body organizes its activities and bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the powers assigned to him.

8. Head of the territorial body:

8.1. distributes duties between his deputies;

8.2. organizes the accounting for the execution of estimates of income and expenses for budgetary and extrabudgetary funds in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation;

8.3. issues organizational and administrative acts;

8.4. appoints and dismisses employees of the territorial body, with the exception of deputy heads;

8.5. makes decisions on the payment of bonuses, increments to the official salary, material assistance, rewarding, incentives and disciplinary sanctions for employees of the territorial body;

8.6. appoints and dismisses the chief accountant in agreement with the Head of Rosprirodnadzor;

8.7. Approves, in agreement with Rosprirodnadzor, within the limits established by Rosprirodnadzor for the number of employees and the wage fund, the staffing table;

8.8. decides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state civil service, issues related to the passage of employees of the territorial body of the civil service;

8.9. without a power of attorney, represents the interests of a territorial body in courts, public authorities and other organizations, disposes of funds and property of a territorial body in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney;

8.10. bears personal responsibility for ensuring the secrecy regime, as well as for the safety of information constituting a state secret, including in the event of a change in functions, form of ownership, liquidation of an organization or termination of secret work;

8.11. carries out operational management of the property of the territorial body in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

8.12. exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. The plan of control and supervision activities of the territorial body is approved by Rosprirodnadzor.

10. The territorial body, in relation to the property assigned to it on the basis of operational management, exercises the rights to own and use it in accordance with the goals of its activities, the purpose of the property and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, orders of Rosprirodnadzor.

11. The territorial body does not have the right to alienate or otherwise dispose of property acquired at the expense of funds allocated to it according to the estimate by Rosprirodnadzor or transferred to it on the basis of operational management, without the consent of Rosprirodnadzor and the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.

12. The territorial body is the recipient of budgetary funds provided for in the federal budget to finance the activities of territorial bodies.

13. The territorial body is a legal entity, has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its full name, personal accounts with the Federal Treasury, opened in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, separate property assigned to it in operational management, acts as a plaintiff, defendant and third party in court, arbitration and arbitration courts.

14. The formation of a territorial body, as well as its reorganization or abolition is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the Scheme for the location of territorial bodies, approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.

15. Location of the territorial body: _______________________

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