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The reason for the computer freezing during operation. Resource-intensive programs or insufficient computer power

The computer freezes tightly, windows 7 stops responding to any commands, it's even impossible to open the task manager? Such problems appear quite rarely. I must say that a computer is a fairly complex system, and its performance depends on a huge number of factors. The article will discuss the main ones. After reading, you will learn how to deal with most of the problems that lead to "friezes" on your own.


The first answer to the question of why the computer freezes tightly is the simplest and most common. It is possible that uninvited guests who are well disguised have settled in your computer. Usually, viruses not only threaten the security of the system, but also noticeably load computer resources. Sometimes such a load leads to a computer freeze.

Everyone knows how to deal with such a scourge. It is enough just to install any anti-virus program, update its databases to the latest ones and perform a full scan of the computer. It did not help - call the task manager and check the processes for suspicious ones. Also, it will not be superfluous to look into autoload by entering the name of the utility “msconfig” into the “Run” window.

However, if the computer freezes tightly after turning on, installing new software, and even more so checking the PC, will not work. In this case, use any antivirus distribution kit that can create a bootable USB flash drive or CD.


Releasing each new model of the device, manufacturers are trying to make it "more fancy" than the previous one. And this requires more power. The latter, in turn. increases heat dissipation. For some time, the standard cooling system copes with its work, but after a while its efficiency decreases - as a result, the computer freezes tightly. What to do if such a disaster occurs?

Dust, which cannot be removed, clogs the radiators and interferes with air circulation. Settling on the cooler, dust masses slow down the rotation speed of the propeller. Previously, such problems led to the failure of the device. Today, fortunately, computers have become smarter, the processor or video card will not heat up endlessly. Modern devices have the ability to communicate with the motherboard, making it responsible for temperature control. As soon as the values ​​​​reach a critical level, the controller first tries to unwind the cooler screw, but if this does not help, the system slows down the device, reducing the voltage. Soon the computer freezes tightly.

To prevent such troubles from happening, remember a few simple rules:

Very often, due to this problem, the computer freezes tightly in games or other graphic applications. To check how hot the computer components are, you can download some program. Luckily, there are plenty of these on the Internet.

RAM problems

RAM is the most important element of a computer, which has a very large impact on its performance. The normal operation of the RAM depends on the compatibility with the motherboard, with the BIOS, with other installed brackets. A minor failure, the smallest factory defect - and the computer freezes tightly when turned on, not wanting to work even with low performance.

If you are going to upgrade or change "RAM", fully study its characteristics, go to the website of its manufacturer and motherboard manufacturer in advance, study what speeds are supported, what tests have been carried out and whether it is recommended to use devices together.

If the computer freezes tightly before changing the configuration, you can check if the RAM is failing using windows 7 tools. Just click on the "Start" button and type "memory checker" in the search box. During the execution of the procedure, the program will display all the errors if they were found. There is only one recommendation: if there are errors, change the memory.

HDD instability

A hard drive is a device that stores absolutely all data (both user and system). Accordingly, windows accesses it all the time, reading and writing do not stop for a minute. And this means that the performance of the system directly depends on the speed of this component. Over time, “broken” clusters and unreadable sections may appear on it, which will lead to system failures. Often, because of this problem, the computer freezes tightly on the Internet, because while surfing, the browser constantly writes and deletes many small files.

Recovery of a broken HDD

If the HDD is worn out, you need to check it with special software tools that will find all bad sectors and mark them as non-working. The OS will stop using "bads" and stop freezing. To check, start the command line by entering the name of the program - "cmd" in the "run" window. In it, run the command "chkdsk [drive letter]: / f / r" for each partition.

Experienced users can determine the status of the HDD by the sound of its operation. If it starts to click or whistle, most likely the equipment is faulty and needs to be replaced. Be vigilant, often, if the hard drive starts to “crumble”, it will soon fail, and it is very difficult to recover data from such a device. Also, if the computer freezes tightly after turning on, the hard drive is likely to wear out.

Incorrect BIOS setting

If the computer freezes tightly after turning on, very often the reason for this system behavior is incorrect BIOS settings. Someone may think that an ordinary user should not even try to fix something, he should contact a professional. But still, the computer freezes tightly - what to do if there is no way to call a specialist?

If you approach the BIOS configuration with care, even a beginner can handle this procedure. Examine the complete information about your computer, and especially about the motherboard. Usually such data is easily found on the official website of the manufacturer. Find out which parameters are most important, what they are responsible for. When using the BIOS setup utility, never change multiple settings at once. Change a few first, reboot, test your computer. Only then continue editing. A separate mention is the item that is in every BIOS - "Load Fail-Safe Defaults". It brings all the parameters to the optimal - according to the developer.

Sometimes on the motherboard manufacturer's website you can download and install a new BIOS version. Never refuse such a procedure. Updates often fix critical bugs and improve stability. It is likely that after installing the new version, the freezes will disappear. The main thing is to study the instructions in advance.

windows services

The operating system is running a large number of services all the time, enabled by default or added during operation. The system can work fine without most of them. If some service does not respond or takes too much CPU time, the computer freezes tightly.

To see which of them are in the system and which are running, open the administration window ("Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools") and double-click on the "Services" shortcut. To get comprehensive information about a particular service, double-click on its name.

First of all, pay attention to those that start automatically. The download method is indicated in the "Startup type" column. There is only one editing rule - if you do not understand the description, do not disable the component, but learn more about its operation from the Internet. Try to check the stability of the system after each individual manipulation.

Processes and programs

Each program starts its own process (sometimes not even one), if it enters an endless loop or malfunctions, while the computer does not always freeze tightly, windows 7 still tries to shut off oxygen to non-responsive components on its own. Revealing a hung element is very simple - it usually takes up the lion's share of RAM and almost all of the processor time.

Solving the problem using the task manager

You can view the list of running processes in the task manager window. Press the combination "CTRL + ALT + DEL" on the keyboard. If you are sure that some program does not carry a payload, but at the same time takes 90-100% of the processor time, feel free to terminate it (by pressing "DEL" on the keyboard or by calling the context menu). You can also go to the location where the program is stored from here. This will be useful if you do not understand exactly what you are interrupting.

Checking processes is not always the best solution, but this procedure can often help if the computer periodically freezes tightly. Remember that some programs can load the processor to one hundred percent in the most active phases of their work. However, the hung utility will not stop using maximum resources, and the one that performs its functions without failure will switch to passive mode again after some time. Also, don't try to end the process called System Idle. It is used to poll other programs and system resources, and the variable in it does not display the processor load, but just the remaining free power.

Computer (computer) freezes - constantly, periodically, what to do if tightly, often

When a computer freezes, it is sometimes quite difficult to find the cause. It may take quite a long time to resolve this kind of trouble.

After the first such incident, you need to be alert and constantly monitor. Perhaps it will be possible to establish some connection between some events and the “glitch”. Especially if the PC does not respond to anything.

The reasons why the PC periodically hangs tightly are a very large number. Often this is the whole difficulty of finding the cause of this event. Since there are many options why a home PC has stopped working properly.

The most common malfunctions associated with the appearance of this kind of trouble include:

  • the presence of viruses in windows;
  • processor overheating;
  • instability of the hard drive;
  • incorrect BIOS settings;
  • incompatibility of the controller and the type of hard drive;
  • running or disabled windows services;
  • there are uncontrolled processes;
  • strong HDD fragmentation;
  • memory problems;
  • insufficient free space on the HDD where the OS is installed;
  • software failure;
  • scanning the OS with a special antivirus;
  • the presence of malware in startup.

The problem of the 21st century - viruses

Despite constantly updated anti-virus databases, as well as powerful firewalls, various kinds of malicious programs very often penetrate a PC equipped with a windows operating system.

Since hackers and just hooligans are designing new Trojans and viruses every day. The presence of such applications in the operating system quite often leads to the appearance of freezes, “glitches”.

It often happens that the processor warms up to an abnormally high temperature. In this case, the PC usually reboots on its own - this is a kind of protection against overheating, it is configured in the BIOS. But it often happens that for some reason it is disabled and does not work. It is in this case that the PC hangs.

Photo: CPU temperature control

BIOS settings

BIOS is a simple configuration tool, but you need to work with it very carefully. Entering incorrect parameters can lead to unpleasant consequences: equipment breakdown, “glitches” and a variety of other troubles.

That is why, if you need to make any changes to it, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist. There is a high chance of PC failure.

Incompatibility of the controller with the type of hard drive

Many users build their own computer on their own. And this is not always good. Since it is necessary to have certain knowledge about some components. Some of them may be simply incompatible with each other, and therefore there is a high probability of various kinds of problems. Because of this, the car can simply "hang".

windows services

Operating system services greatly affect the process of PC operation. You should always carefully monitor which of them are currently active. Disabling any vital ones entails the collapse of the OS. You should not take any rash actions with services that are started by default. This will lead to negative consequences.

The presence of uncontrolled processes

Often, various programs installed in the operating system launch various processes. Moreover, they begin to conduct some kind of independent activity and its products sometimes affect the work extremely negatively. This often happens when installing Kaspersky antivirus or other similar applications. You need to keep a close eye on them.

Disk fragmentation

Hard drives that store large files that are subsequently deleted or copied, moved, are usually highly fragmented. This leads to a significant drop in the performance of the machine, as well as its constant freezing. To deal with this phenomenon is quite simple, it is only necessary to periodically diagnose the HDD.

Problems with the OP

Random access memory (RAM) is one of the most important components of a personal computer. If there are any malfunctions associated with it, there is a high probability of "hanging". This may be due to the incompatibility of the motherboard and the OP itself, this often happens. It also happens that the bar is simply not tightly inserted into the slot.

Small Disk C

A lot of information is sometimes stored on a harddisk: users sometimes fill their HDD to capacity. But it should be remembered that the normal operation of the PC is possible only if there is about 10% of free space. Since otherwise the data processing process may slow down or stop altogether, and the machine will freeze.

Software failure

The market for various programs is currently oversaturated with a variety of applications. They often contain various errors that lead to software failures. This is one of the most common causes of all kinds of PC “hangs”.

Antivirus system scan

Very often, viruses are the cause of glitches on a PC. But no less rarely malfunctions occur just because of antiviruses. Many of these utilities are a fairly complex software package. This is what can cause the operating system to malfunction. Scanning often leads to a freeze.

Programs in Autorun

The windows operating system has a special partition that contains applications and utilities that run automatically. Sometimes the programs located there cause errors in the PC. You should carefully monitor the items present there.

Video: 4 ways to fix freezing

A few recommendations on what to do so that the computer does not freeze

Often the question is - what needs to be done to maintain your PC in good condition? It is only necessary to follow some of the recommendations outlined below.

Restart your computer

Very often, the problem can be fixed quite simply - you just need to restart your machine. Moreover, this operation helps in most cases, if there are no serious problems with the hardware.

You can use this method if:

  • an antivirus scan was performed;
  • any elements have been removed from autorun;
  • services are disabled.

Disable unnecessary programs

Often, you can deal with the problem by simply disabling some unnecessary applications. You can do this through the "Windows Task Manager".

This requires:

After that, it is desirable to perform a restart.

Check for viruses

Very often, for some reason, many users do not use antiviruses. The presence of these applications in most cases resolves problems with Restart.

The most functional and powerful today are the following software systems:

At the same time, the use of many antiviruses is free. They require a minimum amount of resources to operate and install. Removing various kinds of malicious codes, viruses, and Trojans not only eliminates “glitches”, but also speeds up its work.

Clean off the dust

Often the machine begins to freeze if the heating temperature of its individual components reaches critical values. Especially this phenomenon often occurs with the central processor.

In most cases, resolving this kind of situation is quite simple - you just need to clean the insides of dust. It happens that overheating occurs due to dried thermal paste - just replace it.

Faulty device

All sorts of problems also occur due to hardware failure. Most often this concerns the following main components:

  • hard disk;
  • random access memory;
  • motherboard.

Power supplies, video cards and other components fail a little less often.

Defragment your disk

Highly fragmented areas negatively affect the performance of the PC. That is why it is necessary to periodically perform the defragmentation process.

To do this, you can use both third-party utilities and a standard program - it is launched as follows:

Obsolete components

It is very important to upgrade your car in a timely manner. Since every day operating systems are becoming more demanding.

If you have problems, pay special attention to the following parameters of your PC:

  • RAM size;
  • CPU frequency;
  • the speed of the hard drive;
  • video card performance.

It is advisable to update the machine at least once a year. It is necessary to eliminate its weak points - this is the key to stable functioning.

Program and driver incompatibility

Often, all sorts of "brakes" arise due to the banal incompatibility of various utilities and drivers. Dealing with this kind of trouble is quite problematic.

The only way out can be to constantly monitor the newly installed elements of the system and remove unwanted ones.

Clean up the system

Another way to deal with system freezes can be cleaning with the help of specialized utilities.

The most popular today are the following:

Reinstall OS

Sometimes even a complete cleaning, disk defragmentation, as well as other similar “healing” operations do not save you from the occurrence of “glitches”. Checking the hardware also does not give any results. In this case, only a new installation of the operating system becomes the best way out. It might be worth changing the version as well.

In order not to deal with the consequences of various kinds of problems, you should simply follow certain procedures to prevent them.

A user who monitors the state of his computer must:

The implementation of all the above tips makes it possible to get rid of so many problems associated with the PC. This will greatly simplify the life and work of a simple user. What to do - the computer freezes further? In such a situation, it is best to contact a specialist.

You do not have sound on your computer, then you are here.

Turning on bluetooth on a laptop is easy. Inclusion methods below.

The key to the normal operation of a home computer is its timely maintenance, periodic cleaning: both hardware (from dust) and software (from viruses and errors). Subject to the rules, as well as operating conditions, the machine will last a very long period of time without creating any problems. This will greatly facilitate the life of the average user.

Why the computer freezes: causes and solutions

A modern personal computer is a technique that is often characterized by both hardware failures and software failures.

When a PC slows down to respond to user actions, or even stops showing signs of life, this is the reason that it is experiencing problems. This mainly happens when installing new programs, watching videos or working with files downloaded from unreliable sources, as well as when turning on and off the computer or incorrectly waking up from sleep mode.

If you contact service centers too often, it will damage the family budget. To save money on more pressing needs, you should independently figure out why the machine freezes, does not respond to user actions, and also learn how to solve this problem using standard methods.

Reboot - last resort

The reset buttons should only be used in extreme cases. During a sudden shutdown, critical errors appear that can lead to irreparable file failures when loading the windows operating system installed on most home PCs. Therefore, this is not recommended.

To see if the program responds to user actions, you need to start the windows task manager using the CTRL, ALT and DEL key combination. When viewed, the dialog box will show all running processes and their status. If the program is “Not responding”, you should use the “End task” button. In the case when it is impossible to do this and none of the measures gives the desired result, you should reboot using the buttons to turn off the PC in the "Start" - "Shut down" menu. You can also assign the inclusion of sleep mode. Only if the PC does not respond to this action, you should use the "Reset" key.

Let's see why a desktop computer freezes and slows down during operation, when turning on or off, connecting new devices (flash drives, mice, keyboards powered by usb) and how to quickly fix the problem.

Demanding programs

In most cases, the reasons lie in the software itself. Before installing new programs, as well as when connecting new USB devices (flash drives, mice, etc.), it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the technical requirements of the product: very often users install them on outdated hardware. Due to poor performance, windows will look for ways to redistribute computing power by slowing down certain services. The solution to this problem can be an “upgrade” of iron - done every few years.


The second reason why the computer does not respond to any manipulations, slows down and freezes even when starting and watching a video, is malicious software, popularly known as "viruses". They can get into the system from various sources: they can be "picked up" on the Internet, when connecting a flash drive or loading a disk, after installing programs from unreliable sources, etc.

The right solution and prevention of this problem is an antivirus - a program that scans windows for the presence of such software. In most cases, with a thorough check and elimination of the virus, the system will be cured, however, if it has managed to spread through the root folder, you should think about reinstalling it. A high-quality antivirus can protect the OS from malware penetration; when checking, it will monitor every usb device connected to it, as well as every page on the Internet for viruses. It is worth noting that the antivirus itself offers to do this when connecting a new device. In addition, you can protect your PC in a simple way: do not connect flash drives and other usb devices, and also do not launch a disk that came to you from a dubious source and do not visit suspicious sites while traveling on the Internet.

Extra files

Also, in most cases, the computer slows down due to OS debris. The answer to the question "why?" very simple. During operation, windows leaves a huge amount of unnecessary files that occupy the hard drive memory, which in itself affects the stable operation of the system. For example, when watching movies, videos and pictures on the Internet, they are loaded into the browser cache, taking up space in the hard disk memory. A computer freeze can occur when the disk is completely full. The solution to this problem can be the installation of programs and utilities that allow you to clean the memory from unnecessary "garbage" without user intervention.

Slows down the operating system and software running in the background. Even if the user does not use this program, it still uses RAM to keep it running. To solve this problem, you need to do the following: enter the system settings menu, go to the "Startup" tab and uncheck unnecessary programs that turn on at startup.

Hanging up while watching videos on the Internet or from a hard drive is a major problem with most outdated computers. To solve this problem, you should upgrade your hardware or reinstall codecs.

Also, the computer freezes due to an incorrect device driver. In this case, the PC does not respond to manipulations and slows down already at startup. In addition, a similar error very often causes a blue screen of death, even when turning on or off the computer. Before you start looking for a solution to this problem, it is worth understanding what this failure is and why it causes the system to freeze.

Blue screen

The blue screen of death is a message about a critical error in windows.

The blue screen is related to more than just device drivers. With any hardware, software or system crash, a blue screen appears before the user's eyes, on which an error code will be written. In windows 8, on startup, the blue screen does not report an error, but displays an image with a sad emoticon and a request to reboot. Depending on the cause, the problem in connection with which the blue screen occurs can be solved in different ways. If the failure was due to device drivers, the PC should be started from safe mode and use the restore from the last stable point of the system created when you exit the system. The blue screen in case of hardware breakdowns and overheating of the processor, RAM, unstable hard disk operation will disappear only after replacing one of these parts, and the system error leading to the blue screen will be eliminated after reinstalling windows.

Sleep mode

Quite often, users complain that the computer freezes when loading the system when resuming from sleep mode. Basically, a similar problem appears among users of laptops and laptops. The freezing of these devices is explained by the fact that a huge number of different usb devices (flash drives, external hard drives, usb mice, webcams, etc.) are connected to them, which must be CORRECTLY disabled if you want to use the features of sleep mode . If the devices were disconnected incorrectly, after "waking up" the system will try to find them, which will lead to a critical error, and therefore to a hang. It is worth making sure that the device was installed correctly when connected. Another reason why the PC freezes is going to sleep while watching a video. To fix this problem, turn off the video or remove the video disc from the drive before enabling hibernation.


Another reason that the computer freezes and slows down is updates. Most of the background processes during the update (antivirus, windows update, etc.) use RAM, which affects the performance of the computer as a whole. The pirated copy of windows installed on the PC of most users cannot connect to the update server, causing a system conflict. What to do to avoid this? You should disable windows update.

Reinstalling windows (which can be done from a flash drive or any other USB source) is one of the most effective solutions for fixing computer freezes and slowdowns. Most companies (including Microsoft) often focus on modern PCs when releasing a new product, forgetting to optimize their own creations for older generation machines, which is why problems arise when connecting new devices or installing programs and their updates.

If your computer freezes and slows down even when watching a video and you want to fix this problem once and for all, you should pay a little more attention to it: regular cleaning of the system, replacing components, updating some programs and developing a cleaning mode schedule will help protect it from such problems and make it safer!

What to do if the computer freezes tightly and nothing can be done? Turns on only after reboot

Hello friends!

Yesterday a friend asked me to look at the computer, he said that, they say, the problem is that it hangs, at first it works, and then it suddenly starts to slow down. Reboot - it works again for a while, and then the process repeats again. In general, the topic is extensive, the reasons are different. But each of us wants to make the computer work fast and clear.

Today's article will be devoted to the most common reasons for this computer behavior. And a universal solution will be proposed, which helps to eliminate other problems along the way.

small digression

It's no secret that the vast majority of our readers use the windows operating system. It just so happened that we have been accustomed to it since the mid-90s. Users of Linux, Unix, Mac OS criticize Microsoft for being “underdeveloped”, cumbersome, “insufficient”, “inconvenient”, etc. Some of the criticism is true, of course. But it does not affect the final result - as people continued to use windows, they will continue to. And if so, then if a problem occurs, you need to know how it can be solved without reinstalling windows and the help of a specialist.

Where can the problem of freezing the computer occur?

  • windows xp,
  • windows vista,
  • windows 7
  • windows 10 (still less common than the others and slightly different symptoms)

So, you worked, worked, and suddenly ...

The main symptoms of freezing and unstable operation of a computer or laptop

  1. The computer boots up quickly, but "freezes" completely after a while;
  2. The computer boots slowly and “slows down” during operation more and more;
  3. "Hangs" for a long time on loading (immediately after switching on);
  4. "Hangs" for a long time when turned off;

Is it likely that you have a special case and need help? Write a detailed comment below what is wrong with you, and we will tell you what to do!

In some cases, there are errors when running programs related to memory; a short reboot helps.

There are two ways: the first way is to look for problems with the hardware and the second way is to look for problems of the “software” type.

Note! There are many problems associated with a computer or laptop. And this article gives basic recommendations for software only. This is when the computer worked well, but suddenly freezes or brakes started. And with a higher probability there is no problem in the system unit, namely, the functionality of the software is broken or viruses have appeared.

But there are often more complex problems. Namely:

I immediately draw the attention of our readers that in this article I will only consider solving problems related to the operation of programs. After all, as mentioned above, it happens that the “iron” is also to blame. But more often than not, it's the other way around. If the hardware fails, you will not be able to complete even those items that are listed in this article. But we must try to do this - in this way you will carry out diagnostics yourself, and you will already know with certainty who is to blame for the hardware or programs that prevent it from working normally.

In most cases, it is enough and just to clear the computer of garbage to speed up its work. That is, it is not necessary to panic, but just watch this recommended video:

Top Causes of Software Crashes Causing Hangs

The most frequent of them:

“The first reason is you, and the second is all your dreams .... The third is all your words, I hardly believed them ...”)))

  1. windows is installed by someone on a computer that does not meet the system requirements. A common problem. windowsUltimate (or Maximum) is installed, for example, on an old laptop designed for windowsVista. At the same time, a person wants everything to work quickly and beautifully;
  2. Installing so-called "assemblies" of windows can also cause such problems over time;
  3. Virus infection of the operating system. Meets regularly;
  4. Issues related to updating the status of operating system services. The most common (in my practice) problem.

Let's take a closer look at each reason, then it will become clear what to do ...

Reason 1. Outdated computer or laptop. If the device is old - buy a new one

The solution to the first problem is obvious. If you have an old laptop (2007-2008), and some kind young man installed windows 7 or (10) Ultimate edition (Maximum) on it, then nothing will help you. You can solve this problem by installing an operating system on the laptop that it will pull. At the same time, its bit depth must be observed the same. This measure helps, but understandably, for the time being. After all, you want windows and faster, and prettier. And the device is newer))).

Reason 2. Problem with windows assembly. Fixing service settings

Installing builds. For our readers who are unfamiliar with the peculiarities of installing windows, I will tell you that in addition to the official releases of windows from Microsoft, there are many unofficial ones. And their sea. They are made by young people, “for themselves”. Those. there can be added to your liking additional programs, desktop themes; some important services can be disabled (“they are not needed”). And finding such a “build” on the Internet is much easier than the official release.

Such an assembly does not represent anything illegal. If you got it - it's okay, in most cases you can solve this problem without reinstalling windows. See the solution to the problem in paragraph 4;

Reason 3. Infection with viruses. We cure computer from viruses

Virus infection. Often, when loading, a virus (s) writes many processes into the RAM, it overflows, gradually or not; computer freezes. Here, too, everything is clear, if there is no antivirus - we are looking for, installing, checking for viruses - we reboot. It is better to check with special utilities that are loaded from a disk or flash drive. I recommend the powerful Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10. All information on it is on the Kaspersky website. If it helps, the problem is solved, if it doesn’t help, see the next paragraph.

Reason 4: Updates not working properly. Enable / fix the work of services related to updating the computer

Issues related to updates and operating system services.

How many of our readers know what windows update is, what it is for, and is it enabled on your device? They know a lot, but they don’t include it on purpose (“Why, everything works like that!”). I will briefly explain why the update should be included in our difficult time.))) Since 2000, Microsoft has included the update service in its operating systems. This was done to improve security and performance. Time has shown that this was the right decision. The Internet has become over time filled with active content, for the normal operation of which additional programs are needed. Simply put, the updates included, among other things, programs such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Net Frame Work, Silver Light, and many others. The work of these programs directly affects the performance, they are expected to be updated regularly. Updates also included updates to computer motherboard drivers and virus definitions.

And many have update services disabled during installation, and the user does not even know about it. And we go to the Internet. We install programs. We use websites. As a result, some system files are gradually replaced by others, they do not work correctly and begin to "clog" the computer's RAM:

There are two ways to fix the hang - fast and not very.

Consider the setting on the example of windows 7:

Fast way

The quick way is the most "fast" 🙂 it solves the problem in 70% of cases. True, it is very rare - but it may not suit everyone. And yet, this method often eliminates the so-called “windows update error”.

We go to the Internet, in the search box we type: "Download IE for windows 7". Here is a picture:

Click "download":

Please note - SP1 (service pack) is required for installation. That's why I pointed out that it's not for everyone. Who has not installed - see below. After downloading the Internet Explorer 11 installation file, you need to run it, the installation will proceed automatically. The computer needs to be restarted.

Not a very fast way

Start - control panel

system and safety

Open Windows Update:

We mark as in the picture:

Then click "Check for Updates"

The system will check for critical updates, notify you, and prompt you to install.

You must agree to the terms of the license agreement, install all critical "required" updates, and driver updates for the motherboard. The process is not very fast, it can take a couple of days. Accompanied by repeated reboots of the computer. As we rebooted, we start the search for updates again. After the critical updates are installed, after the next check for updates, the update service will display the following window:

So we met today with ways to solve the problem of freezing the computer. But ... If all of the above methods did not help fix the problem, then unfortunately, the equipment is probably faulty, and you need to start checking the hardware. This topic is extensive and should be covered in another article coming soon. Also, if you are faced with the fact that windows reports an update error, then this topic will also be discussed in detail in another article.

Good luck with your problem solving.

That's all for today.

This is the best thanks. Thank you!

The computer freezes. How to cancel a task

It happens that the computer freezes and does not respond to anything: to keystrokes, clicks and mouse movements. The pointer at this moment may not be visible at all, remain motionless or take the form of an hourglass. In such cases, they say that the computer is frozen. Sometimes it's not windows that freezes, but only a certain program.

If this happens, do nothing but wait 10-15 minutes. The operating system tries to solve the problem on its own. You interfere with your actions (random manipulations with the keyboard and mouse), giving unnecessary commands to an already overloaded machine (this method of eliminating a hang on the computer of the program or the entire windows is also suitable for operating systems windows 7, 8.1, 10).

If the wait is unsuccessful, call the Task Manager. To do this, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Ctrl+Alt+Del and select Task Manager in the window that opens.

Task Manager is a useful system program with which you can manage applications and view information about them. It allows, for example, to examine the list of programs that are currently running (not all running applications are visible on the panel, some operate in the background), stop a frozen program, see how much computer resources a particular application consumes, etc.

When you first start the Task Manager window will display a minimum of information. To make it look expanded, click the Details button located in the lower left corner of the window.

On the Processes tab of the Task Manager window, a list of all running applications and processes is displayed, for each the amount of consumed resources (processor, RAM, hard drive, Network) is indicated. To find the cause of the computer freezing, look at which application uses the most resources (pay special attention to the processor and RAM indicators). To make things easier, sort the apps by one of the options. For example, to display the process that requires the most RAM first in the list, click the Memory column heading.

Find the process that caused the computer to freeze, and in its context menu, select the End task command. If you find a process that is overusing PC resources and want to know what program it belongs to, in the context menu, select the Open file location command.

The task is simplified if you know in advance which program is not responding, just find it and stop the task.

If the computer freezes and the described actions did not bring results, press Ctrl + Alt + Del and in the window that opens, execute the Logout command, and then log in again. As a last resort, force restart your PC by pressing the RESET button or holding down the power button on the device case for a few seconds.

The computer freezes tightly, applications open for a long time, during games the computer slows down terribly? Many people face this, and this is understandable, a computer is a rather complex system in which a huge number of nuances affect performance. So why can a computer freeze? We will look at the main reasons that most affect computer performance.

It is known that a computer master at home in Moscow will arrive at any point and very quickly. But we advise you not to rush. After reading this article, you will understand why the PC freezes most often. By remembering these main reasons, you will not have a question: “the computer freezes what to do?”, And you will be able to correct the situation yourself in most cases.

Trojans and viruses are one of the reasons why the computer freezes.

Spyware, popularly referred to as viruses, poses a great threat to the security of the system, but in addition, they significantly reduce system performance, and in especially severe cases, the computer freezes in general.

There are several ways to deal with this type of threat. The first and easiest step is to install various anti-virus and anti-spyware programs on your computer with the latest and most up-to-date databases. This will help prevent the computer from getting infected and avoid situations where the computer starts to freeze.

If it was not possible to protect yourself, then you should try to open the "Task Manager" and look at suspicious processes. These include, first of all, those that take up a fairly large amount of CPU time and are constantly running when no applications are running. Then you should clean the autorun from unnecessary and unknown programs.

And finally, if you find a process or file that are definitely viruses, you should clean the registry from all mentions of these files in it.

Computer freezes due to CPU overheating. What to do?

Every year, global processor manufacturers produce more and more powerful models. But as power increases, power consumption also increases, which in turn leads to an increase in heat generation. For the time being, the coolers do their job and cool our processor while we chop from the shoulder in the next game. However, this does not last long.

Dust, which is enough everywhere, gradually settles on the cooler over time and reduces its usefulness, the processor starts to heat up. Fortunately, the processor will not heat up indefinitely, it will most likely not even burn out from overheating, but the computer may freeze.

Here's the thing: Modern motherboards have CPU temperature control. At the moment when the temperature exceeds the allowable bar, the system starts to slow down the processor in order to prevent its overheating. If the temperature continues to rise, then the system completely stops loading it and at this moment the PC freezes tightly.

To avoid such troubles, you must:
  • periodically vacuum the inside of the computer from dust;
  • check if the coolers are working;
  • periodically change the thermal paste between the processor and the heatsink.

There are many different utilities for monitoring the temperature of the processor.

The computer may freeze due to problems with RAM

The operation of RAM can have a very large impact on the performance of a computer. The performance of RAM is affected by such indicators as: compatibility of RAM manufacturers in the presence of several strips, speed of RAM, etc. Minor defects or overheating of the memory module are enough to cause the computer to freeze.

Previously, everything was much simpler, I found out what speed and volume the motherboard can support, and I bought such memory. Now there are a huge number of manufacturers, memory speeds and other characteristics, and the choice has become more difficult.

Before replacing or upgrading RAM, you need to study the characteristics of your motherboard. Find out what types it can work with and at what speeds. It should also be taken into account that not every operating system can support large amounts of RAM. For example, 32-bit operating systems can only work with 3 gigabytes of RAM.

Computer freezing due to HDD instability

The hard drive stores all the files on our computer. The process of reading and writing is almost constant, which means that the speed of the hard drive will affect the overall performance of the system. HDD, like any other PC component, wears out. Unreadable sections of the disk appear, sections with poorly readable clusters, and as a result, low speed - the computer freezes.

In this case, reinstalling windows will not help to eliminate freezes. In fact, you need to check the hard drive for bad sectors with a special utility. In this case, damaged fragments will be marked as non-working and will not slow down the system.

Externally, you can identify problems with a hard drive by sound. Experienced users notice this. If the state is very neglected, then the hard drive may fail. Therefore, critical files should be stored on at least several hard drives at the same time.

Why does my computer freeze due to incorrect BIOS settings?

One of the implicit causes of system instability is the BIOS. It contains the most important computer settings. Among users, it is believed that the BIOS for professionals and the average person should not go there. This is partly true, but often, especially after changing some components, BIOS presets are not optimal. Therefore, often the computer freezes.

You should be very careful when setting up the BIOS. To begin with, you should study the information about your motherboard on the Internet, find out what settings and what they are responsible for, which parameters may be more optimal. When you nevertheless start setting up the BIOS, you should not change everything at once. It is more correct to change only some parameters and see how this affects system performance and whether the computer will freeze less.

In some cases, it is worth considering the possibility of changing the BIOS firmware, but this option requires some PC skills. However, this process must be carried out carefully. Turning off the power of the computer during the firmware can damage the motherboard and you will have to go to a service center.

Errors in various Windows services

In Windows, a large number of different services are enabled by default. For the normal operation of the system, only a part of these services is enough, but they all take up processor time - the computer freezes. You need to find out exactly which services in your system do not carry the proper payload. After that, having correctly configured the computer, disable them.

In order to find out which services are currently running, you need to open the computer administration panel, open the list of services. A more detailed description of the services can be found in the list that opens. In this list, you can read the service name, status, startup type. If you select a service, you can read more about it in the window that appears.

First of all, you should pay attention to those services that have the autostart type set to “automatic”. Many of these services are needed for specific purposes, such as remote registry editing. For normal users, this service is of no use.

You can stop the service or disable its autostart from the service's properties window. You can also change other parameters of the service there. You can experiment with disabling services, services disable some properties of the system, but cannot lead to its inoperability. You can turn the service back on at any time.

PC freezes due to unresponsive processes

Processes that fall into some internal loop of their own practically do not respond to the control of the system. They take almost all the CPU time and the computer freezes tightly, so they can be detected quite easily. This often happens if the program was launched from a different location from where it was installed or the software is outdated for this system.

There is one exception, this is the system idle process. It usually takes 95-98% of CPU time. However, keep in mind that if there is any application running on your system that requires a lot of CPU time, it will also take up almost all of the CPU cycles. If the process is running correctly, then sooner or later it will complete its task and free up the CPU. Hung applications do not release the processor until their process is manually terminated.

You can see which processes are currently running in the system in the Task Manager. If necessary, through the context menu, you can complete most of them. If you have completed the system process, without which the system cannot be executed for longer, the computer will simply restart.

File fragmentation is another reason why your computer often freezes.

Files are written to disk in blocks one after another. Then, after deletion, gaps are freed, in which new files are written. If the file does not fit in one block, then it is split into parts and written to the next gap. This goes on all the time and sooner or later the files no longer fit into the whole block and are written only in fragments. And as a result, the computer freezes.

Often, by swapping fragments, you can collect files into one block as a mosaic - this process is called fragmentation. The speed of reading and writing information to disk depends on the number of fragments into which these files are divided. It often happens that a very small file, which is constantly used by the system, is divided into several thousand parts.

To prevent such a “disease” of your computer, you should defragment your disks about once every few months. Particular attention should be paid to the one on which the system is installed. The defragmentation utility is opened from the disk properties window. It requires about 25% of the free space on the disk being defragmented.

If you still have any questions, then you can contact us for help - a computer service site. The masters of our service will quickly and accurately determine the reason why the computer freezes and eliminate all malfunctions.

Andrey Kurganov.
Project manager

Have you ever had situations when the computer stopped responding to any of your actions or reacted extremely slowly?
I am sure that they have been, just like everyone who sometimes spends their time at the computer.
Such unpleasant situations with "freezes" are often solved using the RESET button on the system unit.
However, such a rough action, I would recommend doing only as a last resort. Why?
The fact is that while the computer is running, it remembers all its actions,
and improper shutdown does not give it the opportunity to save the necessary data.
Further, when the computer tries to boot, the operating system (Windows) detects that the computer was not shut down correctly and, at best, will boot without problems or perform self-diagnostics.
But you may not be lucky! The system may fail and not start at all.
And if you often use the RESET button to get out of a freeze, then sooner or later this will happen to you.
Better not check, but take my word for it!

What to do in such a situation?
A more relaxed and correct way to get out of a freeze is to use the “Task Manager” (Task Manager).
In order to enable the "Task Manager" press on the keyboard - the CTRL key, without releasing it - the ALT key, and without releasing the previous two - the DEL (Delete) key.
Thus, you must simultaneously hold the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del.
Don't forget to let go.

In Windows XP or Windows Vista, you can access the "Task Manager" by right-clicking on the taskbar (the bar at the bottom of the screen), and select "Task Manager" from the list.
However, it is better to remember the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, because. often when the computer freezes, the mouse does not move at all.

At the top of the Task Manager window, you will see five tabs:
Applications, Processes, Performance, Networking and Users.

On the "Applications" tab, you can terminate any currently running (and especially hung) application (program). To do this, click on the name of the required program in the list of tasks and press the "End Task" button at the bottom of the window.
Further, if the application was frozen, a window will appear to confirm the shutdown. Click the “End Now” button to end the task.

Thus, you can disable all tasks that you do not need at the moment.
After that, especially if you had a serious freeze, I would advise you to restart your computer (Start-Shutdown-Restart).

This is the most important thing you will need to learn in this lesson.
By disabling frozen programs in this way, in most cases you will save yourself from many problems.
Therefore, I strongly advise you to remember all of the above.

It happens that the computer freezes so much that even the "Task Manager" is very slow, and even more so everything else.
In this case, you can reboot directly from the "Task Manager".
At the top of the "Task Manager" window there is a menu, one of the items of which is "Shut down" (Shut down).
By clicking on it, select the "Reboot" item and wait until the system restarts correctly.

And a few more lines about the benefits of "Task Manager" ...
Sometimes when you try to run a program, a message appears stating that such a program is already running, but you do not observe it. This happens when it is not the window with the program that freezes, but the process.
To get rid of such a process in the "Task Manager" you need to go to the "Processes" tab.
There, in a long list of processes currently occurring on the computer, you need to find a process whose name is similar to the name of your program, select it and click on the "End Process" button.
It is even possible that you have to terminate several processes with the same name.

You can remove any running process from the list,
but it is advisable to do this if you understand what you are deleting, because. some of the running processes are necessary for the normal operation of the system and disabling them may cause the computer to restart.
If something after your shutdowns began to work "wrong" - there is nothing wrong with that. Restart your computer and everything should be fine.

On the "Processes" tab, to the right of the names of running processes, there is a column called "CPU" (CPU). This column shows what percentage of the total CPU usage each process is taking up.
separately. If you see that a process takes up a significant part of the resource (for example, more than 30%), then most often it is the cause of the computer slowing down or freezing.

The reason for the slowdown can also be seen in the "Mem Usage" column, by the amount of memory that each process takes over.

I would advise you to launch the "Task Manager" immediately after turning on the computer and see what processes are running in the "normal" state of the computer,
how much they occupy memory and processor resources.
Then it will be easier for you to navigate in the moments of hovering.

Some not very important processes that are running on your computer, even if you disable them, will start again upon reboot.
They can slow down the computer and therefore it is advisable to disable them.
We will talk about this in the next lesson, but now let's summarize today's lesson:

1. Enable "Task Manager" - Ctrl + Alt + Del.
2. Disable a frozen application - "Applications" tab, "End task" button.
3. Reboot the computer - select the item "Shut down" (Shut down) at the top of the window and click
4. Disable the process - the "Processes" tab, the "End Process" button.

And finally (just in case)...
Most likely, you are aware of what I will talk about next, but if you are just starting to master the computer, then you may not know that you need to turn it off correctly.
You cannot unplug or turn off the computer with the power button!
This is the first (stupid) reason for it to crash!

You will laugh, but you need to turn it off with the Start button. And only so!!!

Click Start - Shutdown - Shutdown
and the computer shuts down correctly, saving all the necessary data.

Do not hurry! Try it and you will understand!

One of the common problems that a user may experience is that the computer freezes when working, playing games, loading, or installing Windows. However, it is not always easy to determine the reason for such behavior.

This article details why a computer or laptop freezes (the most common options) in relation to Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 and what to do if you experience such a problem. Also on the site there is a separate article on one of the aspects of the problem: (suitable for Windows 10, 8 on relatively old PCs and laptops).

Startup programs, malware and more

I'll start with the most common case in my experience - the computer freezes when loading Windows (during login) or immediately after it, but after a while everything starts working normally (if it doesn't, then the options below are probably not about you, the ones described below may come up).

Fortunately, this freezing option is also the simplest (because it does not affect the hardware nuances of the system).

So, if the computer freezes while loading Windows, then there is a possibility of one of the following reasons.

What to do in each of these options? In the first case, I recommend first of all to remove everything that, in your opinion, is not needed in Windows startup. I wrote about this in detail in several articles, but for most, the instruction is suitable (moreover, what is described in it is also relevant for previous versions of the OS).

The last point (device initialization) is quite rare and usually happens with older devices. However, if you suspect that a device is causing the hang, try shutting down your computer, unplugging all optional external devices (except your keyboard and mouse), turning it back on, and see if the problem persists.

I also recommend looking at the list of processes in the Windows Task Manager, especially if it is possible to start the task manager even before the freeze appears - there you can (maybe) be able to see which program is causing it by paying attention to the process that causes 100% CPU usage when hovering.

By clicking on the heading of the CPU (meaning CPU) column, you can sort running programs by CPU usage, which is useful for tracking down problematic software that may be causing system lag.

Two antiviruses

Most users know (because it's often said) that you can't install more than one antivirus on Windows (the pre-installed Windows Defender doesn't count). However, there are still cases when two (or even more) anti-virus products appear on the same system at once. If this is the case for you, then it is very possible that this is why your computer freezes.

Lack of space on the system disk partition

The next common situation when the computer starts to freeze is the lack of space on the C drive (or a small amount of it). If your system disk has 1-2 GB of free space, then very often this can lead to just such a computer operation, with freezes at various times.

Computer or laptop freezes after a while after turning on (and no longer responds)

If your computer always freezes for no reason after some time after being turned on and you need to turn it off or restart it to continue working (after which the problem repeats again after a short time), then the following options are possible causes of the problem.

First of all, it is overheating of computer components. Whether this is the reason can be checked using special programs for determining the temperature of the processor and video card, see for example:. One of the signs that this is precisely the problem is that the computer freezes during the game (moreover, in different games, and not in any one) or the execution of "heavy" programs.

If necessary, you should make sure that the ventilation holes of the computer are not blocked by anything, clean it from dust, and possibly replace the thermal paste.

The second option for a possible cause is problematic programs at startup (for example, incompatible with the current OS) or device drivers that cause freezes, which also happens. In this scenario, Windows Safe Mode and the subsequent removal of unnecessary (or recently appeared) programs from startup, checking device drivers, preferably installing chipset, network and video card drivers from the manufacturer's official websites, and not from the driver pack, can help.

One of the common cases related to the option just described is that the computer freezes when connected to the Internet. If this is exactly what happens to you, then I recommend starting by updating the network card or Wi-Fi adapter drivers (by updating I mean installing the official driver from the manufacturer, and not updating through the Windows Device Manager, where you will almost always see that the driver does not need update), and continue searching for malware on the computer, which can also cause a freeze at the very moment when access to the Internet appears.

Computer freezing due to hard drive problems

And the last common cause of the problem is the hard drive of a computer or laptop.

Typically, the symptoms are as follows:

  • During operation, the computer may freeze tightly, and the mouse pointer usually continues to move, just nothing (programs, folders) opens. Sometimes after a certain period of time passes.
  • When the hard drive freezes, it starts to make strange sounds (in this case, see).
  • After some idle time (or work in one non-demanding program, like Word) and when you start another program, the computer freezes for a while, but after a few seconds it “dies” and everything works fine.

I’ll start with the last of the listed items - as a rule, this happens on laptops and does not indicate any problems with the computer or disk: it’s just that in your power options you have set “turn off disks” after a certain idle time to save energy (and idle time can be considered and operating time without accessing the HDD). Then, when the disk is needed (launching a program, opening something), it takes time for it to "spin up", for the user it may look like a freeze. This option is configured in the power plan settings if you want to change the behavior and disable sleep for the HDD.

But the first of the listed options is usually more difficult to diagnose and can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • Damage to data on the hard drive or its physical failure - it's worth it or more powerful utilities such as Victoria, as well as see S.M.A.R.T information. disk.
  • Hard drive power problems - freezes are possible due to a lack of HDD power due to a faulty computer power supply, a large number of consumers (you can try turning off some of the optional devices to check).
  • Bad hard disk connection - check the connection of all cables (data and power) both from the motherboard side and from the HDD side, reconnect them.

Additional Information

If there were no problems with the computer before, and now it has begun to freeze, try to restore the sequence of your actions: perhaps you installed some new devices, programs, performed some actions to “clean up” the computer, or something else . It may be useful to roll back to a previously created Windows restore point, if any have survived.

If the problem is not solved - try to describe in detail in the comments how exactly the freeze occurs, what preceded it, on which device it happens and maybe I can help you.

Every more or less experienced computer user at least once in their life has encountered a so-called freeze, when programs either start to work very slowly or stop functioning altogether. At the same time, the computer itself continues to work, and the image from the display does not disappear anywhere. Why this happens is a very difficult question. The causes of such a malfunction can be very different, as well as ways to fix it. In general, such reasons can be divided into two large groups: hardware and software. In some cases, an ordinary user will be able to get rid of the freeze on his own, while in others he will have to turn to qualified specialists for help. Let's try to figure out how best to act in this situation.

The virus is fully loading the processor

If your office or home computer suddenly began to freeze or work slowly, then you first need to ask yourself one very simple question: “Is everything in order with its hardware?” Let's say the computer is new, just from the store and you have no doubts about its serviceability. In this situation, the list of reasons why it can freeze is significantly reduced. It would not be superfluous to also make sure that the Windows operating system is legal - it's no secret that pirated versions purchased and installed on your own can also bring a number of unpleasant surprises. No wonder experts often call them "curves".

Recall that during normal work with office applications, the computer processor is loaded at most by 1-5%. If the download level is constantly kept at around 98-99%, this clearly indicates the effect of the virus. Checking the current CPU usage is very simple - just press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Windows Task Manager. In the tab Performance you can see the window showing the value of this important parameter at the moment (Fig. 1).

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Control of running applications

There is another important window in the Windows Task Manager - Memory (swap file- for other versions of Windows) (see Fig. 1), showing how many megabytes of RAM you are currently using. In principle, if there is not enough “RAM” on your PC, and you are trying to use many programs at the same time, then this can also cause freezes, but this option is not so common. As a rule, each user already knows what and how much it costs to run on a PC with its parameters, so he is unlikely to cause an “emergency” situation himself. Another thing is if a program starts to run and work without your knowledge, “eating up” precious RAM, this may well cause problems. In the same Windows Task Manager there are tabs Processes and Applications, where you can try to catch such a "newbie". You should always keep an eye on the processes and programs that are running on your system, and if the PC has become very slow, the first thing to do is to check in the Task Manager if there are any new programs that you did not start (Fig. 2).

However, in the case of a virus infection, this search option may not work (viruses are very well masked in the system), so it is best to use special software - for example, the Dr.Web LiveCD program (based on the Dr.Web anti-virus scanner). To do this, you first need to download a 188 MB distribution kit from the site, create a special boot disk with it, and then scan your PC's hard drive with an antivirus. It is very important to use such a standalone antivirus, since the normal start and operation of Windows in the presence of a virus in the system is usually no longer possible. Running the antivirus from removable media is the only option to neutralize the code that interferes with the normal operation of the system. After finding and removing the virus in this way, the freezes usually stop.

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Insidious overheating

The second common cause of freezes is already hardware - for example, a damaged power supply or computer cooling system. If the antivirus package did not detect any hidden pests, then you should pay attention to this possible cause. It is noteworthy that the failure of the power supply may also be hidden. The computer will turn on as usual, work for a while, but then all processes will suddenly stop. It will be very difficult for an amateur to deal with the power supply on his own - you will have to give the PC to the workshop. However, there is one indirect sign indicating the fault of this particular node: open the cover of the system unit and inspect the power supply externally. If there are any smudges and other external defects, the problem is definitely in it.

Not everything is simple with the cooling system either. As a rule, several coolers (fans) are installed inside the system unit, which provide cooling for various components - the processor, power supply, video card, etc. In powerful machines, their total number can reach 12! Over time, the moving parts of such fans can become unusable, and cooling becomes inefficient. The dust that collects inside the PC case also contributes to this. As a result, a system unit clogged with dust with poorly functioning fans causes overheating of various parts (in particular, the same processor), which leads to constant freezes. The first steps towards solving this problem are an external examination of the system unit with the cover removed and its thorough cleaning from dust and dirt accumulated inside.

Pay attention to the sounds and vibrations that coolers produce during operation. If they are noticeably different from the normal mode, then this is a clear sign of a malfunction of the fans and the need to replace them. There are many universal paid and free programs like Everest, Motherboard Monitor and others that allow you to check the current temperature of the processor and other details. However, it is hardly worth recommending them, since the reason in any case will lie in a malfunction of the cooling system. It is with her that we must deal first of all, everything else is indirect signs.

By the way, the power supply of insufficient power can also lead to overheating of the system. Most often, this power mismatch occurs when various new components (video card, etc.) are installed on the PC, and the power supply remains the same, not designed for such a power-hungry upgrade. In any case, overheating should be dealt with, since it not only causes various freezes, but also significantly reduces the service life of components and components.

Checking the hard drive

There are two more fairly common hardware problems that can cause your computer and applications to malfunction. The first of them concerns the RAM strips (module defects, its overheating, etc.). The memory of little-known manufacturers, and besides, with a solid service life, may well present various unpleasant surprises, including a blue screen of death, a decrease in PC speed and periodic freezes. There are many different programs for testing RAM - MemTest (, DocMemory (, Memtest86 ( and others. Some of them allow you to check the quality of RAM modules without running at all Windows, which is more preferable. In any case, it is desirable for everyone to have such utilities in their collection.

The second common hardware problem that can cause a PC to freeze is hard drive problems. Typically, its life is about 5 years and depends on the operating conditions and the solidity of the manufacturer. As the hard drive is used, many different problems can occur - mechanical, electronic, logical or software and hardware. As a result, the disk access speed drops, the number of bad sectors increases, etc. In the early stages, this is hardly noticeable, but as negative changes increase, the hard drive shows more and more poor performance, which is expressed, among other things, in frequent system freezes, reduced file opening speed, etc.

You can control the status of the hard drive using various utilities, such as the free HDD Health program (, which monitors the hard drive and issues an appropriate warning in case of problems.

Rescue defragmentation

Among other typical problems that cause a significant slowdown of the computer and its freezing, there are a few more. Firstly, this is a different file "garbage" that accumulates in the system as it is used. This also includes extra entries in the Windows registry and temporary files of various programs. Naturally, all this dead weight does not contribute to the fast operation of the computer. To get rid of it, various special programs are used, among which we can recommend the free Russian-language application CCleaner ( With it, you can clean up the hard disk from virtual garbage, including deleting unnecessary entries from the system registry (Fig. 3).

Another reason for the slowdown of the PC may be due to the process of data fragmentation that constantly occurs on the hard drive. Various files are constantly added to the hard drive, deleted, changed, as a result of which their parts are randomly distributed between sectors from different areas of the disk. The heads of the hard drive must constantly move back and forth in search of scattered fragments of the file, which significantly slows down the system. You can solve this problem both with the help of the built-in Windows tools and with the help of other special applications. To use the standard defragmenter from Microsoft, which is opened using the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Defragmenter. There is an important button here - Analyze disk. It allows you to first test the hard drive for the need to perform such an operation, since this process is quite lengthy and can take several hours. Here you can also configure scheduled defragmentation. In this case, you don't have to worry about the appearance of such a problem on your disks - it will be solved relatively quickly and automatically (Fig. 4).

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Our advice. In order for defragmentation to be effective and go as quickly as possible, you should have at least 20-25% free space on the disk. The situation of a hard drive full of files should be avoided.

Avoid "crooked" drivers

Separately, you should consider the situation when the freeze occurred due to incorrect installation of drivers or other software that affects the operation of the operating system. Theoretically, Windows provides a rollback system to the state of the system prior to the installation of such software. To create a restore point, use the Start button to open the Control Panel, select System - System Protection (System Restore - for other versions of Windows) and use the corresponding button (Fig. 5). In theory, if you installed something incorrectly and the computer began to work poorly, you can always return to this "point" by reviving the last working state.

Unfortunately, in practice, this is not always possible, since Windows itself, after installing “crooked” drivers, often starts to work very badly. In this case, the best way out is to restore the system from a previously saved archive using an emergency boot disk created, for example, by a program such as Acronis True Image Home ( (Fig. 6). Otherwise, you will have to reinstall Windows from scratch and all the programs necessary for work, too.

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Rice. 6

Instead of a conclusion

Summing up, we can say that perhaps the easiest situation with a freeze that a user can find himself in is installing a problematic program. An important nuance: Windows continues to work normally. In this case, a simple removal of the “crooked” software can be an effective solution. All other situations require a fairly significant investment of time, serious knowledge of Windows, software for diagnostics and testing, BIOS settings (a number of problems may arise due to this) and other points. In the event of a malfunction or incompatibility of computer components, this issue can hardly be resolved by the user himself and will require the intervention of a qualified specialist.

Be that as it may, the list of the main typical reasons why your computer may freeze, outlined in this article, should always be clearly understood. Then, if such troubles arise, you will immediately understand in which direction to search for a solution to the problem. This will allow you to solve it as quickly as possible, with the least financial loss.

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