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Dark screen when booting systems. Black screen - Windows won't load

Sometimes, Microsoft OS users face a problem when after booting Windows only black screen and cursor mice. The symptom is quite well-known - the system process "explorer.exe" cannot start. There may be several reasons: a virus or vice versa - antivirus (Avast), problems with the hard drive, etc. Quite often fix black screen on startup can be done in a minute without any third-party utilities.

As already mentioned in the title - the reason for this behavior is process startup error, which is responsible, among other things, for displaying the desktop, its elements and the panel with the "Start" button. In this recovery guide, we'll look at two popular reasons why when Windows boots up, a black screen and a cursor are visible instead of the desktop. One of the reasons in some cases is the popular Avast antivirus, which, for reasons known only to him, blocks “ explorer.exe". In the second case, you will have to slightly edit the system registry. In both situations Windows is working again very easy.

Avast is the culprit behind the black screen on Windows startup.

So after Windows booted, but on the screen there is only a black "Malevich square" on which the "abstract cockroach" - the mouse cursor is running, do the following:

  • 1. Press the world famous combination of buttons " Ctrl + Alt + Del"And select" Start Task Manager "from the list.
  • 2. After the Task Manager window appears, find in the list of processes " avast"(The" Processes "tab) and from the context menu (right-click on the process) select" Open file location ".
  • 3. You will see a window with a folder where the Avast antivirus is installed. Find the file "AvastUI" in it and run it (double click or "Enter"). The main antivirus window should open.
  • 4. Go to the top tab " Safety", In the list on the left, select" Antivirus", And among the menu items that appear, click on" Behavior screen».
  • 5. Open display settings and add to reliable processes « c: \ windows \ explorer.exe"(Use the" Browse "button). We confirm our actions with the "OK" button.
  • 6. Restart your computer: again click " Ctrl + Alt + Del»And find the corresponding icon on the screen that appears.

If the Avast antivirus was the culprit, then after performing the steps from the instructions for solving the problem black screen and mouse cursor on Windows startup- The next boot of the operating system should be successful. It is possible that the problem has already been solved by Avast's developers, but the process of adding the program to the "trusted" ones can still come in handy. Moreover, it is not known how the antivirus will react to the upcoming release Windows 10.

If you use another antivirus, then try to find in its settings a similar item to create a list of "trusted", "reliable", "ignored", etc. applications that should not be scanned by this antivirus. If the antivirus is to blame, then black screen with cursor at boot Shouldn't bother you anymore. The defender, who responds so inadequately to popular programs, is likely to receive a corresponding update in the next few days (or maybe hours). It is quite possible that it will be received automatically if there is an Internet connection and a configured function for updating the antivirus via the Internet. Otherwise, it is recommended to download the updated version from the official website.

Not always mistakes and similar situations on Windows startup caused by antivirus. There may be hardware problems. The review was recently published. But further we will consider the solution when, in the current situation ( only the mouse cursor is on the screen) Incorrect Windows registry settings are to blame.

What if only a black screen and mouse are visible when Windows starts? We correct the system registry.

The first step is exactly the same as in the case of antivirus: you need to open , use it to run registry editor and check / fix a couple of Windows registry values.

  • 1. In a state black screen press the world-famous combination of buttons "Ctrl + Alt + Del" and select "Start Task Manager" from the list.
  • 2. After the Task Manager window appears in the top menu "File" select "New task (Run) ...". The "Create a new task" window will appear. In the "Open" field, enter the command "" (without quotes). The Registry Editor window will open.
  • 3. In left side windows go to the section (something like "folders" in explorer) with the name " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Expand it and go to the subsection " SOFTWARE". In the same way, get to the section " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon».
  • 4. In the right part of the window you will see a list of parameters. Find the parameter named " Shell". Its meaning there should be a line "explorer.exe"... If this is not the case, then after double-clicking on it, set the specified value. In the event that the "Shell" parameter is absent at all, then create it by selecting "New" - "String parameter" from the context menu of the "Logon" section. Specify the name of the new parameter ("Shell") and then double-click to set the value ("explorer.exe").
  • 5. As in point 3, go to the section " HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon". Here is the right side should not contain the "Shell" parameter. If there is one, then it follows remove it via the context menu or by pressing the "Delete" button on the keyboard.

The above two methods will help you restore Windows if at startup black screen and mouse cursor... Changing the "Shell" parameter often indicates that a computer has been infected by a virus. It is quite possible that it has already been neutralized by the installed antivirus, but traces of its activity could have remained in the system (change to "Shell").

Most Windows XP, 7, 8 8.1 users are familiar with the blue screen of death (scary white text on a blue background).

He has a "deadly competitor" - a black screen. Where is he from, what to do and how to fix it?

Often this is the result of self-reinstallation of video cards: radeon or nvidia.

They definitely need not only "native drivers", but each video card must be compatible with the installed motherboard.

What to do if a black screen appears after updates

After installing the updates, on November 10, 2009, users began to report the appearance of a black screen.

Microsoft made changes to access control. Due to this, some of the installed applications did not work as expected.

Therefore, if you are planning to uninstall Windows 7, fearing that this is the source of the problem, do not do so, but.

The blue screen of death and black are completely different problems. The first is a hardware or driver failure.

This means that something is wrong inside the computer. A black screen has relatively simple solutions and does not necessarily mean that something is physically wrong with your hardware.

Solving the problem with a black screen - method one

It is often necessary to eliminate the cause of the hated black screen in safe mode, but it is possible that a black screen and a mouse cursor will appear in it.

In this situation, you will not be able to launch the "Task Manager" to eliminate the problematic reasons. External devices can lead to this situation.

- For example, an sd card (flash drive) or external drive is connected to your PC (laptop: asus, samsung, hp or lenovo) - disconnect them and reboot.

- It will not be superfluous to log out of the local network - disconnect the Ethernet cable, turn off your Windows 7 (XP, Windows 8) PC and turn it on again.

- If there is a disc in the drive, remove it before turning it on.

If the above recommendations did not solve anything, try recovery.

- Immediately after turning on the computer, press the "F8" button (at the very top).

- Click on the line "Computer troubleshooting" or something like that.

In the window that appears, select your account (if you need to enter a password, do not forget to select the required keyboard layout) and enter the password.

Now click on the inscription "Startup Recovery". A system scan and elimination of errors will begin, but it does not always solve the problem.

If it didn't help you, do the same, only now choose another inscription - "System Restore".

Using this option, you will have to specify which point the system should select.

It is very good if you remember when the black screen first appeared - then indicate the point when the computer was in good condition.

Dealing with a black screen - method two

This option if you can. Find the line in the registry:

CurrentVersion / Winlogon

To do this, run the "regedit.exe" utility. It is located in the windows folder. Here is the path to it: C: \ Windows \ regedit.exe

On the right side, double-click on the word: Shell, and in the window that appears, delete everything (if anything) except: explorer.exe and restart your computer.

How to remove a black screen - method three

We continue to work with the registry. It is not at all excluded that viruses have worked on it.

They can change the parameter: Userinit. To fix it, open the registry as described in the previous section and find the line:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Software / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / Winlogon / Userinit

Now double click on the word: Userinit - there you should see c: \ windows \ system32 \ userinit.exe.

Delete everything else (copy what is here and paste there) and click "OK"

What to do if instead of the desktop a black screen

A black screen appears instead of the desktop, usually after installing updates.

Why? Activation has flown. Your Windows was activated "illegally", or rather pretended to be.

What to do. Activate again. This can be done via the phone or the Internet.

Black screen and computer beeps

Here you need to listen carefully to the "squeaks". Each squeak means something, it can be deciphered and the reason removed.

The network has a lot of free information about decryption - the main thing is to remember exactly.

The squeak can be short or long, one or several at once, and so on.

That's all I think. Although no, there is still one option. Your best friend - comments can help you with this. Good luck.

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The appearance of the so-called "black screen" during the loading of the operating system causes the user, at least, bewildered. What could be the cause of the malfunction when, when you turn on the computer, a black screen, although there seems to be a start, but the image does not appear (the monitor does not show anything) and sometimes there is not even a signal, a cursor and what needs to be done to quickly correct the situation and continue working with the PC ?

In order to solve the problem of the "black screen" on your computer when it turns on and the image does not appear, first of all it is worthwhile to figure out what is the cause of the malfunction. The reasons can be of different kinds: software or technical.

Technical problems, when there is no signal and the cursor is not visible, standard inscriptions do not appear when loading, primarily the following:

  • malfunction of the monitor;
  • the monitor is powered off - therefore it does not turn on, nothing appears - including the cursor;
  • the cable connecting the monitor and the system unit comes off - again, not;
  • the cable is connected to the wrong socket;
  • malfunction of the video card;
  • loop failure (but this is true for laptops);
  • The PC is switched to the mode of operation with an external monitor (but, again, in this case, the absence of a signal is relevant for laptops).

The list of software malfunctions that can lead to a "black screen" after startup and a situation when there is no signal is a little narrower:

  • incorrect operation of the operating system loader or drivers;
  • inappropriate refresh rate on your PC's video card;
  • inappropriate screen resolution;
  • a viral malware that prevents the computer from doing work and nothing appears precisely because of it.

In order to solve the technical problem, it would be wise to use the following course of action:

  1. Make sure the computer is turned on (you hear the sound of a working cooler, the lights are working, but the image, the cursor does not appear).
  2. Check if the button on the monitor is turned on and if the power cables and connections to the system unit are connected to it.
  3. Carefully check the places where the cable connects to the jack, if necessary, reconnect the cables.
  4. If your computer has both an external and a built-in video card, then check which of them the monitor is connected to (but, perhaps, you need to switch the cable to a different connector).
  5. When working with a laptop, if then there is no signal and cursor, try switching the external monitor control button (as a rule, this can be done by pressing the Fn and F7 or F8 keys).

If you are sure that the problem of the "black screen" was caused precisely by technical problems, but the steps described above did not help you and there is still no signal and cursor - contact a service center or a repair company, since you are unlikely to be able to fix the problem yourself.

When faced with a "black screen" due to a software failure or malware, we recommend that you follow the instructions:

  1. Try to boot the OS in safe mode, if you succeed, then continue with the steps below, but if not, then the only way out is to boot the OS from external media.
  2. After booting the operating system in safe mode, check the screen resolution and refresh rate settings and change them to the correct ones if necessary.
  3. Then update the drivers for the video card, even if the mode is safe, but this can be done through the "device manager".
  4. After that, launch your antivirus program and thoroughly scan your computer for malware infection. All files that pose a threat, ruthlessly destroy.
  5. Well, then restart your computer.

It happens that with the complete technical serviceability of the PC, the steps described above do not help. In this case, it is recommended to contact the programming specialists in the service center or a special company. It is only possible to detect some malicious programs manually, then antivirus programs are useless.

Unusual reasons

In addition to technical and software reasons, the appearance of a "black screen" and a situation when there is no signal after turning on the PC can also be caused by a banal inattention of the user, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity. Before looking for complex causes of the problem, check your attentiveness:

  • Could you accidentally (or on purpose) lower the brightness of the monitor to a minimum? True, then you cannot say that there is no signal, but there will be no image;
  • does it "short-circuit" metal parts of the computer? Sometimes it happens that static electricity hits the PC case, then it can suddenly turn off for you, including during boot. Often a significant accumulation of dust inside the system unit or the touch of conductive elements to the case leads to a similar problem.
  • listen to the sound of the cooler, isn't it time to do something there - are there any unusual sounds? Is the fan running? Sometimes a malfunction of the cooling system also leads to an abrupt shutdown of the computer. To avoid such a nuisance, keep the computer clean, do not lean it against walls and cabinets with a cooler, and do not place it near batteries.

You can solve the problem of a "black screen" in such cases after correcting a specific error, that is, adding brightness, checking the computer case for static voltage, or replacing a faulty cooler.

In any case, the appearance of a "black screen" should not lead you to panic, otherwise, in a fit of bewilderment or fear, the situation can be aggravated. In no case should you knock on either the monitor or the system unit - this will not solve your problem, but it can permanently disable the PC. It is also not recommended to independently disassemble the system unit and switch the wires in it if you are not familiar with the principle of the PC and do not have experience in repairing it.


To prevent the occurrence of a "black screen", problems with the cursor and the monitor, you must use a reliable antivirus program and update the virus databases in time, avoid dubious files and links, as well as monitor the technical health of your computer and always be attentive to your own actions and what is happening after them.

Master's help

If you did not manage to eliminate the "black screen" and display the cursor and the image on the screen, and you turned to specialists for help, then remember that it is necessary not only to describe the problem, but also the last actions that could directly or indirectly affect the operation of the computer. Your description of the last manipulations will help the specialist identify the cause of the problem and fix it faster. Be sure to inform the technician about unusual sounds or smells coming from the computer.

If you see a black screen with a blinking cursor or some message when you start Windows 7, don't worry too much. This is a sign that a virus has entered the computer and has made itself felt. Unpleasant - yes, but better than the blue screen of death at system boot. Here are some tips on how to remove the black screen when Windows starts.

Virus and black screen in Windows.

Most often, the problem is that the virus corrupts the startup parameters of the explorer.exe system process, that is, it launches it with certain parameters, or changes the Windows registry in such a way that it starts not the system process, but a third-party explorer.exe.

To verify that the problem is caused by a malfunction of the explorer.exe shell, call the task manager (Alt + Ctrl + Delete). In the top menu, click "File", "New task (Run)". We enter "explorer" or "explorer.exe" and press "Ok" or the "Enter" key.

If the result is a familiar desktop, then everything is clear - the virus is the source of the problem. So we found out that the black screen in Windows is caused by a problem in the operation of Explorer.

How to remove the black screen when starting Windows?

If a virus has made its way into the system, then you should remove the program that caused it to appear, check the operating system with an antivirus. If everything is clean, it is advisable to change the antivirus program if it has not noticed the uninvited guest.

To eliminate the consequences of the virus, you should correct the Windows registry settings. To open the registry, go to "Start", the "Run" command (or "Task Manager", "New task (Run)"), write the command "regedit" or "regedt32" and press "OK" or "Enter". The Registry Editor will open.

Go to the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Image File Execution Options

We are looking for subfolders named Explorer or Explorer.exe. If such folders exist in this branch, then you should delete them, since the virus has registered its own paths in these folders to launch the malicious Explorer with the parameters necessary for the virus.

I do not have such a problem at the moment, so there is nothing to delete.

The second stage of treatment if a black screen occurs when Windows starts.

We are interested in the Shell and UserInit parameters. The Shell parameter should be set to "explorer.exe" and that's it! No additional symbols or paths required. The UserInit parameter must be "C: \ Windows \ system32 \ userinit.exe,"

If these parameters have different values, then correct them to those that should be. If after restarting the computer or after a while the problem persists, then you should take care of more reliable computer protection - install the best antivirus and / or firewall (firewall).

How do you like it? -

Suddenly, after the next launch of Windows 7, instead of the login screen or desktop, a black background with a cursor on it may appear. Before proceeding with the solution of the problem, let's delve into its essence, because even a few template instructions for various cases will not always help.

Most often, a black screen and a cursor on it become a consequence of the functioning of a virus or malicious software. Such a program interferes with the system settings, making it so that instead of the explorer.exe process it starts itself or completely replaces the aforementioned file (many remember the Win32 family of viruses that hid files and directories, replaced them with their own "bodies" and even copied their icons for disguise). After all, he is responsible for the Windows graphical interface: everything that the user sees on the desktop, etc.

It is impossible not to recall the Avast antivirus, which tends to block system processes, including explorer.exe due to the manifestation of excessive activity when starting the PC.

The likelihood of a sudden appearance of collisions between video card drivers and the operating system is low, although in the case of a recent update, it increases significantly. And the drivers loaded from nowhere or the use of driverpacks only warms up the situation.

More deplorable will be the appearance of bad sectors on the hard disk, and even when they contain fragments of system files, the same explorer.exe. Partially damaged strips of RAM will not be bypassed either, but last but not least.

First of all, let's try to start the computer in one of the additional boot options - with the last successful configuration. It is a collection of system state settings stored in the registry for the drivers, applications, and services that Windows 7 last successfully booted with. If, before restarting or shutting down the PC, something was installed, the registry or the list of automatically launched applications was edited, the method will clearly help. To implement it, we do the following.

  1. We reboot.

This is done using the Reset key or through the task manager.

  • In the second case (it is recommended to use it), we call the dispatcher using Ctrl + Alt + Del.
  • Move the mouse cursor to the main menu item "File" and call the command "New task".

  • We execute the "shutdown / r" commands to reboot the system.

  1. After the information about the BIOS appears, click F8 until the menu for additional boot options appears.
  2. Using the cursor block of keys, select "Last successful configuration" and press Enter.

Did not help? This means that the source of the trouble is different. Let's go further.


If the "seven" is protected by a comprehensive antivirus solution from Avast, the application can be the culprit for the fact that the explorer does not load. Removing the antivirus is not an option, but adding the file with which the problem occurs to the exceptions is necessary.

Not relevant for all versions of Avast, but it's worth a try, since such behavior is noticed behind it.

  1. Open the Task Manager.
  2. We start the process "AvastUI.exe", as in the previous case, by finding the executable file in the folder with the installed antivirus (in Program Files).
  3. In the application menu, click "Security".
  4. Then we go to the "Anti-Virus" subsection, where we click on the "Behavior Screen" tab.

  1. We click "Browse" or enter the path to the reliable process manually - as shown in the screenshot.

  1. Click "OK" and restart.

Is there a blinking cursor on a black background again? Let's move on.

Launching Explorer manually

You can open the program responsible for the graphical interface on the problem computer in several simple ways.

  1. In case of stopping at this option, we again reboot, and after completing the iron self-test procedure, press F8.
  2. In the window, select "Safe Mode with Command Line Support".

  1. In the CMD text line, write "explorer.exe" and press Enter.

If the process does not start, then the corresponding file is damaged, missing or there is no access to it.

System rollback will help here, which we will touch on later, restoring the "seven" from an installation flash drive, fighting viruses and their consequences, or editing registry entries. In the latter case, you will have to get a bootable disk with an anti-virus program, start from it by selecting the CD / USB with the distribution of the anti-virus program in the BIOS. Depending on it, the method of starting a scan may differ, but the meaning is obvious: we find and remove all viruses, at least on the system volume.

If viruses annoy

Even a laptop that is not infected with viruses today can crash, displaying a black screen without or with a cursor. By the way, in the first case, the video driver may become the source of the problem. And all because the virus did its own thing, replacing the path to explorer.exe with its own. It is noteworthy that the following method works even without loading in safe mode, and you can also call the registry editor through the task manager.

  1. Open the "Run" window through the task manager.

  1. We write "regedit" and press Enter.

  1. Expand the HKLM branch.
  2. Go to the Software section.

  1. We follow the path shown in the screenshot.

  1. Open the Shell key editing window.

  1. In the "Value" field, set "explorer.exe" and apply the settings.

  1. We reboot.

If this does not help, you will have to return to one of the previously saved states of the computer's operating system.


Here, we will do time travel, provided that the system restore function is activated.

  1. Open the command execution dialog through the task manager.
  2. We register rstrui.exe and execute the command.

  1. We indicate the recovery parameters (it makes sense to select the last created rollback point before the black screen appears, or to stop at the recommended one).

  1. We click "Finish".

  1. We get acquainted with the warning and click "Yes", but there is no other choice.

When the process is complete, a notification will appear.

The next time you turn on your PC, the desktop should appear.

When the graphics driver is naughty

Drivers are rarely rolled back when the system is rolled back. It is good if the installation of the graphics driver was carried out quite recently, and if it was installed a couple of weeks ago, many files and applications may suffer during the resuscitation of the "seven". To get rid of such software, rolling back the driver will help, and even then, if the problem does not arise when starting in safe mode.

  1. We start in safe mode.
  2. We call the context menu of my computer and click "Properties".
  3. Click "Device Manager" in the vertical menu on the left.

  1. Open the "Properties" of the used video adapter (there can be several of them in the system: integrated, discrete, built into the central processor).

  1. In the "Driver" tab, click "Roll Back".

You can also try to remove or update the video adapter driver by downloading it from the official website.

Before that, you should test the RAM strips through a utility like Victoria 4.47, check the HDD for faulty memory cells (chkdsk C: / f) and the integrity of important system resources (the "sfc / scannow" command). They are executed through the command line.

Black screen after standby

After exiting standby mode, a black background may appear instead of the desktop or user selection interface. In such cases, there will be several outputs, depending on the situation:

  • rollback or installation of an older version of the graphics driver if the problems started after updating the video card driver, especially when using driverpacks or installers downloaded from third-party resources;
  • alternate switching between the four main values ​​of the ACPI Suspend Mode parameter (responsible for software power management of computer components) located in the BIOS section called Power;
  • reinstalling Windows 7 using the original image, and not the next author's assembly - it is likely that it caused the problem (the removal and disabling of some of the system's functions could have affected to save disk space and facilitate assembly);
  • updating the drivers for USB controllers, mouse and keyboard, downloaded from the official resource for their support;
  • disabling the transition of the PC to standby mode;
  • preventing one of the input devices from waking the PC from standby mode.

Let's consider the last option in more detail. You can restore your PC to work using a mouse or keyboard. It is possible that one of the devices is blocking the return of the computer to a normally functioning state, and it is not difficult to determine this, if only by the increased activity of the fan blades. In this case, deactivating the hibernation option for the mouse or keyboard will help.

Do not disable it for both devices at the same time, because then you will not be able to get out of sleep mode!

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