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  • When the charger is connected to the tablet, the screen flashes. Indicators with a good battery! The device is charging, but shows an incorrect charging value

When the charger is connected to the tablet, the screen flashes. Indicators with a good battery! The device is charging, but shows an incorrect charging value


A black tablet screen that does not respond to the power button and charger can plunge you into despair. Modern devices very sensitive to various influences... Today our site will help in solving this problem.

Step by step repair

There can be many reasons for a malfunction. You can identify the right one using a step-by-step survey. Perhaps one of the points will help you, otherwise you will have to contact service center... But more on that below.

Step 1: Damage to the charger

First of all, you need to carefully examine the charger for damage. Many tablets are very moody about it. It is not only breakdown and incorrect selection that can affect the technique. You need to be especially careful when buying it from third-party manufacturers.

Think back if you changed your charger anytime soon. It may have been dropped or wet. Examine the cord and plug for external damage. Check the connection between the power supply and the outlet. Try to take someone else's charger, ideally the same manufacturer as your tablet. Or connect yours to another phone.

Step 2: Charge long enough

It also happens that it is enough just to hold the tablet connected to the network for a longer time. The process will take from two hours. As a last resort, leave it overnight. The need for this arises if you do not use the device for a long time.

Then try starting the tablet again. If that doesn't work, if possible, remove the battery and put it back in later, trying to turn it on. If that doesn't help, try to force it on.

Step 3: Alternative way

If happens full discharge, the controller interferes with the tablet devices from further current consumption, so as not to damage the battery. But at the same time, she not only does not lose energy, but also cannot replenish it.

Usually, the tablet turns off when the charge level is below 10-15%, but if you interfere or lower the threshold, a complete discharge occurs and the gadget no longer responds to the charger.

At the same time, there is alternative way... Press the start button for 20 seconds. If this does not help, hold it down and increase the volume at the same time. You may have to hold for up to a minute. Didn't work - power and volume down button.

Step 4: reset button

It is not always present on new models. Then its function is performed by previous way... Many users are not even aware of its existence. The reason is that it is specially placed in hard-to-reach places so as not to accidentally touch it.

You can find it almost anywhere on the tablet - on the side or back. Usually next to the microphone jack or the power button. Main feature are modest in size. You can only press with a needle or the tip of a pencil.

Answers Reset for instant forced reboot apparatus. It can be a real salvation if the system suddenly freezes. With option Hard reset- return to factory settings (deletion of all user data), it is not connected in any way. Of course, there is no need to overuse this function.

Step 5: Charge the Battery Separately

If your tablet has been lying at the outlet for a day, but this did not help, there is a more complete method. You can only use it if you are confident in your abilities. You will need a power supply capable of supporting constant pressure up to 12 volts. It is best set to five volts. You also need a resistor - a device that controls voltage, with a power of 0.5 watts. A voltmeter is optional, but highly desirable.

  1. Peel the ends of the wires 5 millimeters.
  2. The positive wire is usually red and the negative wire is blue. But they can also be checked with a voltmeter. The minus of the battery must be connected to the minus of the source, and the plus to the plus.
  3. We connect the charger to the voltage source.
  4. You need to disconnect when the voltage reaches 3.3V.
  5. Now you can connect to the outlet through the connector. Keep the battery cool.

There is another, much easier way, but it does not work on all devices. You need to get the battery out of the tablet and plug the device into an outlet. Without disconnecting, insert the battery back. Leave it on again for a day or at least half. Such a sharp inflow of energy will give the necessary "push" to the battery.

Step 6: Dedicated service

If all of the above methods do not have an effect, the only way out is to send the device for repair. The price can be completely different and vary based on the nature of the damage. Contaminated contacts are the easiest to repair. In order to check this, you need to plug in the plug and wiggle it. The charging process may be in progress.

If you recently flashed the phone yourself, it can also cause breakdown. The firmware of the device is a very delicate thing and it is better to change it with the help of professionals. If the reason is in it, flashing the tablet can help.

Viruses are becoming a serious problem. They can control applications without your knowledge - turn on Wi-Fi, microphone or camera. Incorrect charge tracking or inability to fully recharge may occur. Only a professional will save you here.

Today we have provided many ways to fix your tablet, and yet the most reliable one is contacting a service center. At the same time, you can be sure that you will not aggravate the situation and everything will pass safely for you. And that's all for today.

The demand for tablet computers is huge. They are easy to use and compact. People "armed" with tablets can be found now almost everywhere, and many have long found the answer for themselves why a tablet is needed. On the street, in cafes and offices, they do not let go of their loved ones computer devices... Due to the increase in the number of users, more and more people turn to service centers with the question: "What to do if the tablet does not turn on and does not respond to charging?" It turns out that you can initially try to turn it on yourself.

Several reasons why the tablet does not turn on

In order to understand what problem you may encounter if your tablet does not turn on, check out the reasons why this may happen:

  1. Discharge battery... A partial or complete discharge of the battery may cause the tablet to stop charging. The battery will fail and can only be replaced at a service center. To avoid this, it is advisable to charge it again when charging about 20%. It is recommended to do this systematically, even if you do not use the tablet at all for some time.
  2. Charger defective. If your tablet charges well from a computer, but not from a charger, that is, the tablet does not see charging, buy a new one in a specialized store and try to recharge it there, as the reason may not be in it. When deciding to ask someone you know for a charger, be careful, as the voltage of the charges must be identical.
  3. Accumulated dirt in the connector can also be the reason why you cannot charge the tablet. Clean the connectors and try again.
  4. The plug is out of order. Its breakage can be detected by moving it in the connector. In the event that the charge still goes in a certain position, take the tablet to a service center to replace the plug.

You can identify any of the above reasons why the tablet does not turn on, you can yourself. But if it still does not work, contact the service center. Experts will disassemble it and determine which part requires repair or complete replacement.

Steps to help turn on your tablet

In the event that the charger, tablet, battery, plug are working properly, try this:

  • put the tablet on charge;
  • enter the menu by pressing the power and volume up / down buttons;
  • using the volume up / down key, select "Power Off Device";
  • press the power key to confirm your choice;
  • after waiting for it to turn off, disconnect and then reconnect the charger.

If you have completed all the steps correctly, the battery icon will appear and the tablet will begin to charge.

The tablet works, but there is no picture

It may be that the tablet is working properly, but there is no image, as if it were turned off. To check if this is the case, put it on charge for a couple of hours. Then press the Reset button. Wait about half an hour for the body to cool down. Press the power button and hold it for a few seconds. Wait a couple of minutes. If back cover a little warmed up, it means that it works, there is simply no image. Take it to the service center so that employees can check why this is happening.

If the tablet still won't turn on, do not try to disassemble it yourself. Contact the professionals, they will certainly help you.

A tablet is a very convenient thing, because it is not for nothing that these gadgets are so popular today. The main advantage is the portability of the tablet, which, unlike stationary computer, can be taken with you wherever you go. But this medal has and back side: the tablet, even if it is in, can be accidentally dropped or hit, which does not affect its performance in the best way.

Often, tablet owners have various questions regarding the operation of this type of gadgets. So, for example, many complain that it fell and does not turn on, blinks or simply refuses to work.

But before looking for the causes of this problem and its solution, we note one important fact... Some not really experienced users they often puzzle over why their tablet turned off and does not turn on, while it was simply discharged. If the battery still has a minimum charge, it may look like this: the tablet turns on and off immediately, and what to do in this case is obvious. Plug in the charger, give the battery time to recharge, and then try turning on the tablet. If this succeeds and the problem was only in the discharged battery, you can no longer read the further text.

Why does the tablet not turn on and what should I do in this case?

First of all, you need to find the cause of this problem. It can be found in both hardware and software. In the first case, this is usually damage to the cables, board or battery, and in the second, failures in the operating system... To understand whether you can cope with the breakdown on your own, you should first answer the question of what is to blame - hardware or software. To do this, first of all, you need to remember whether you dropped or hit your Tablet PC... Perhaps you gave it to someone for use, and this person could accidentally damage your gadget (especially for children). If fresh scratches, chips or cracks are visible on the tablet, the screen is damaged, the answer is unambiguous - it is better to refer the device to a master to replace the damaged parts. It is not worth disassembling the tablet yourself, since in most cases these actions by non-specialists lead to even greater damage. And we will consider what to do if the tablet, charged and serviceable at first glance, does not turn on.

In a situation where the tablet blinks and does not turn on, or it still boots, but not completely ("glitches" or "lags"), if it makes sense to try to enter the menu using safe mode and try to restore your tablet's operating system. To call the recovery menu (it is called hard reset) on the different models need to try various combinations four keys: volume up and down, power on and return. They must be pressed simultaneously and held for at least 10 seconds, while the tablet must be connected to charger and sim card and memory card is better pre-extract. When the menu appears, in it you need to sequentially select the Settings items, Format System and Reset Android... After that, the system will return to the original factory settings, and all your data will be deleted.

If the restoration of the operating system did not help and after the update the tablet still does not turn on, there remains one more option - flashing. You can do it yourself or contact the workshop. Together with old firmware specialists will remove low-quality software that conflicts with your version of the operating system, and return you a fully working tablet.

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