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In the transition from an industrial to an information society, a replacement takes place. On the role and significance of information revolutions

REMEMBER! Life-threatening voltages are supplied to every workplace.

During work, you should be extremely careful.

To avoid accident, defeat electric shock, equipment breakdown, it is recommended to follow the following rules:
Enter the computer class calmly, without hurrying, without pushing, without touching furniture and equipment, and only with the teacher's permission.
Do not turn computers on or off without your instructor's permission.
Do not touch the power wires and connectors of the connecting cables.
Do not touch the screen or the back of the monitor.
Do not place foreign objects in the workplace.
Do not get up from your seats when visitors enter the office.
Do not try to troubleshoot the equipment yourself; in case of problems or malfunctions in the computer, stop working immediately and inform the teacher about it.
Operate the keyboard with clean, dry hands; Press the keys lightly, avoiding harsh impacts or holding the keys down.

REMEMBER! If you do not take precautions, working on your computer can be hazardous to your health.

In order not to harm your health, you must follow a number of simple recommendations:
Improper sitting at the computer can cause pain in the shoulders and lower back. Therefore, sit freely, without tension, without stooping, without bending over or leaning against the back of the chair. Put your feet straight on the floor, one next to the other, but stretch them out and do not bend them.
If the chair is height adjustable, then it should be adjusted so that the angle between the shoulder and forearm is slightly more than straight. The body should be at a distance of 15-16 cm from the table. The line of sight should be directed to the center of the screen. If you have glasses for permanent wear, work with glasses.
When working, the shoulders should be relaxed, the elbows should slightly touch the body. The forearms should be at the same height as the keyboard.
With strenuous work for a long time, the eyes overwork, so every 5 minutes, take your eyes off the screen and look at something in the distance.

Correct fit

The most important thing

1. When working at a computer, it is necessary to remember: life-threatening voltage is supplied to each workplace. Therefore, during work, you must be extremely careful and comply with all safety requirements.

2. So that working at the computer does not turn out to be harmful to health, it is necessary to take precautions and monitor the right organization your workplace.

Safety poster

From industrial society to information society

After studying this topic, you will learn:

How information revolutions affect the development of civilization;
- what are specific traits industrial society;
- what is the information society;
- what is the essence of informatization of society.

On the role and significance of information revolutions

At the dawn of civilization, a person had enough elementary knowledge and primitive skills. As society develops, participation in information processes demanded not only individual, but also collective knowledge and experience, contributing to the correct processing of information and making the necessary decisions. For this, the person needed various devices... The stages of the emergence of means and methods of information processing that have caused dramatic changes in society are defined as information revolutions. At the same time, society moves to a higher level of development and acquires a new quality. Information revolutions determine the turning points in world history, after which new stages in the development of civilization begin, fundamentally new technologies appear and develop.

The first information revolution is associated with the invention of writing, which led to a giant qualitative leap in the development of civilization. It became possible to accumulate knowledge in writing for transferring it to future generations. From the standpoint of informatics, this can be assessed as the emergence of a qualitatively new (in comparison with the oral form) means and methods of accumulating information.

The second information revolution (mid-16th century) began in the Renaissance and is associated with the invention of printing, which changed human society, culture and organization of activities in the most radical way. Typography is one of the first information technologies. A person did not just receive new means of accumulation, systematization and replication of information. Mass distribution printed materials made cultural values ​​generally available, opened up the possibility of independent and purposeful development of the individual. From the point of view of computer science, the significance of this revolution is that it brought forward a more perfect way of storing information.

The third information revolution (the end of the 19th century) is associated with the invention of electricity, thanks to which the telegraph, telephone and radio appeared, allowing the prompt transmission of information in any volume. It became possible to provide a more efficient exchange of information between people. This stage is important for informatics primarily because it marked the emergence of information communication tools.

The fourth information revolution (70s of the XX century) is associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the emergence personal computers... This stimulated the transition from mechanical and electrical means of converting information to electronic, which led to the miniaturization of units, devices, devices, machines and the emergence of program-controlled devices and processes. Computers, computer networks, data transmission systems (information and communication systems), etc., began to be created on microprocessors and integrated circuits. Thanks to this revolution, for the first time in the history of its development, mankind received a means to strengthen its own intellectual activity. This tool is the computer.

The impetus for the fourth information revolution was the invention of electronic computers in the mid-40s of the 20th century. Further work to improve the principles of their work and element base, that is, constituent parts, led to the emergence of microprocessor technology, and then personal computers. For a clearer idea of ​​the relationship between these processes, we will consider and compare the achievements in the field of computer technology, as a result of which there was a change in generations of computers (Table 1.1).

As can be seen from the table, the emergence of a new type of computer was determined by the invention of a new element base. From the standpoint of informatics, the fourth information revolution can be associated with the emergence of the fourth generation computer - a personal computer that allows solving the problem of storing and transmitting information at a qualitatively new level.

The information revolution that took place in the 70s led to the fact that by the beginning of the 21st century human civilization was in a state of transition from the industrial phase of its development to the informational one.

Let us consider what are the main features of these periods and how the transition from one phase to another was carried out.

Table 1.1. Generations of computers

Characteristics of an industrial society

Industrial society is focused primarily on the development of industry, improvement of the means of production, strengthening the system of accumulation and control of capital. It replaced the agrarian society, where relations in agriculture related to the system of land use and land tenure were decisive.

The transition to an industrial society took place quite intensively, almost simultaneously in many countries of the world, and was associated with the second industrial revolution, the results of which were especially pronounced in the middle of the 20th century. Vital role in the preparation of this revolution were played by the successes of natural science at the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century. As a rule, its beginning is associated with the discovery of the electron, radium, the transformation of chemical elements, the creation of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. The invention of electricity and radio had a huge practical impact on the development of industry. The second industrial Revolution, often called scientific and technical, marked a complete restructuring of the technical base and production technology. Soon this process spread to other spheres: agriculture, transport, communications, medicine, education, the sphere of everyday life.

To get an exhaustive picture of an industrial society, it is necessary to answer the question of what industry is, what it gives to humanity, what it consumes.

As a rule, the industry is subdivided into two branches - extractive and manufacturing, whose task is to provide mankind with the necessary raw materials, means of production and consumer goods. In an industrial society, the process of innovations in production plays an important role, that is, the introduction into production of the latest achievements of scientific and technical thought: inventions, ideas, proposals. This process is called innovative.

Industrial society is a society determined by the level of development of industry and its technical base.

The criterion for assessing the level of development of an industrial society is not only the level of development of industrial production. The volume of manufactured goods for mass and durable consumption should also be taken into account: cars, refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, etc.

Characteristics of the information society

More recently, no one imagined that very soon humanity would be on the doorstep new era in the development of civilization - informational.

In the information society, the activities of both individuals and groups will increasingly depend on their awareness and the ability to effectively use the information available. It is known that before taking any action, it is necessary to carry out great job on the collection and processing of information, its comprehension and analysis, and, finally, to find the most rational solution. This requires the processing of large amounts of information, which may be beyond the power of a person without the involvement of special technical means.

The use of computers in all spheres of human activity will provide access to reliable sources of information, save people from routine work, accelerate the adoption of optimal decisions, automate information processing in production and social spheres... As a result, the driving force behind the development of society should be the production of not material, but information product. As for the material product, it will become more "information-intensive" and its cost will largely depend on the volume of innovations allowed in its structure, on the design solution, and on the quality of marketing.

In the information society, not only production will change, but the whole way of life, the system of values, the importance of cultural leisure in relation to material values ​​will increase. Compared to an industrial society, where everything is aimed at the production and consumption of goods, in an information society, intelligence and knowledge will become the means and product of production, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the share of mental labor. A person will need the ability to be creative, and the demand for knowledge will increase.

The material and technical basis of the information society will be various kinds of systems based on computer technology and computer networks, information technology, telecommunication systems.

The information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of information.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the picture of the information society created by theorists is gradually acquiring visible outlines. The transformation of the entire world space into a single computerized and information community people living in houses equipped with all kinds of electronic devices and "smart" devices. Human activities will focus primarily on information processing, while the production of energy and material products will be assigned to machines.

Informatization as a process of transformation of an industrial society into an information society

Today, the world has accumulated a huge information potential, which people cannot take full advantage of due to their limited capabilities. This situation, called the information crisis, has put society in front of the need to find ways out of this situation. The introduction of modern means of processing and transmitting information in various fields of activity was the beginning of the evolutionary process of transition from industrial to information society... This process is called informatization. In order to understand the role of this process in history, one can draw an analogy with the concept of "industrialization", which meant the transition from agrarian society to the industrial.

Let's give a more complete definition of informatization, based on the formulation used in the law Russian Federation"On information, informatization and information protection", adopted The State Duma January 25, 1995.

Informatization is a process by which conditions are created to satisfy the needs of any person in obtaining the necessary information.

Now in any country, to one degree or another, the process of informatization is taking place. Some countries are already on the verge of an information society, while others still have a long way to go. It depends on many objective factors, which include economic and political stability, the level of development of the country's industry, the presence of a state transition program and many other factors.

Informatization of society is one of the laws of modern social progress. The term "informatization" is decisively replacing the term "computerization" which was widely used until recently. Despite the external similarity, these concepts have a significant difference.

In the computerization of society, the main attention is paid to the development and implementation of a technical base - computers, which ensure the accumulation of information and the prompt receipt of the results of its processing.

When informatization of society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures aimed at ensuring full use reliable, comprehensive and operational knowledge in all types of human activity.

Thus, the informatization of society is a broader concept than computerization. It focuses not so much on technical means as on the essence and goals of socio-technical progress in general. Computers are only a basic technical component of the process of informatization of society.

Informatization is not a tribute to fashion, but a natural process of the development of society at a new stage, where information and knowledge are the basis of all processes. Informatization of society has a revolutionary impact on all spheres of human society, changes the living conditions and culture of people. For each country, its movement from the industrial stage of development to the informational stage is determined by the degree of informatization of society.

The process of informatization of society is a basic component of the fifth information revolution. The result of the informatization process is the creation of an information society in which the main role intelligence and knowledge play.

Test questions and tasks


1. Highlight the main characteristics of each information revolution.

2. Using information from the Internet or from reference books, select several indicators that are the most characterize the level of development of an industrial society.

3. Using information from the Internet or from reference books, select several indicators that best characterize the level of development of the information society.

4. Compare the levels of development of several countries and draw a conclusion regarding their belonging to the phases of development of human society.

5. Give examples that reflect the informatization process.

Control questions

1. How do you understand the information revolution? Are they inevitable?

2. What caused the information revolutions? Tell us about each of them.

3. Give a brief description of the generations of computers and connect them with the information revolution.

4. What defines an industrial society?

5. Is there a link between industrial and information revolutions?

6. How do you represent the information society?

7. Is our society informational? Justify your answer.

8. What is the essence of the informatization process?

9. What is the difference between the processes of computerization and informatization?

10. What defines the fifth information revolution?

To answer the question why information is becoming the highest value, it is necessary to define the concept of "information society". Various researchers have tried to identify the main trends of the modern industrial society and, on their basis, describe and define the society of the future. Among them are D. Riesman, D. Bell, Z. Brzezinski, M. McLuhan, E. Toffler, P. Drucker, M. Castells and others. These researchers give different names society of the future: post-industrial, post-capitalist, information, knowledge society. They focus on different trends. But anyway it comes about a completely new civilization, the third stage of human development, which follows the agrarian and industrial civilization and which will completely change all kinds of spheres of human life. Moreover, humanity will perish if it cannot adapt to a new civilization.

Skeptics perceive such reasoning as fantasy and the rich imagination of scientists. However, there are objective grounds for these provisions. Industrial civilization views nature as a "warehouse" of raw materials for an extensively developing economy. The most important resources of the industrial civilization are oil and gas, coal and uranium. Their consumption is constantly growing in the world. But these human resources are limited, not renewable. The further the industrial civilization develops, the more clearly we realize the limited resource base. What will happen to industrial civilization when resources run out?

We have not yet come to the point where the resources really ran out, but already now we can see other problems created by the industrial civilization. In the foreground are environmental problems: air and water pollution; changing of the climate; nuclear weapons capable of destroying all life on earth; extinction of species; the unprecedented growth of the human population, which is already turning into hunger in the least developed regions of the world, etc. Humanity must respond to these problems now. Whether people want to solve the problems created by the industrial civilization or not, they still have to be solved.

The progressive part of humanity, primarily the elite of the countries of Europe and the United States, where the level of industrial development has reached its apogee, is striving to work out ways out of the current situation. They are not abandoning industrial growth, but are striving to seize ever larger resource bases. We observe this process in our country, which is trying to integrate into the developed industrial world, while maintaining independence. As E. Toffler notes: “In 1492, when Columbus first landed in the New World, Europeans controlled only 9% of the territory the globe... By 1801, they were in control of a third. By 1880, two-thirds. By 1935, Europeans exercised political control over 85% of the earth's surface and over 70% of its population. Like the Second Wave society itself, the world was divided into integrators and integrators. " However, the way of developing more and more territories and resources leaves the same unresolved problems, so the elites of industrially developed countries are mastering an alternative way, namely, the search for new technologies - energy-saving, environmentally friendly, based on renewable energy sources. They are thinking about how people will need to change their traditional industrial way of life to solve environmental problems.

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From industrial society to information society


1. Howdifferconcepts"information"and"data"?

Data is the results of observations of objects and phenomena that are not used, but only stored.

Information is information about the world around us that increases the level of human awareness. Information is the data used.

2. Whatsuchinformationalprocess?Examples.

"Information process" is a process as a result of which the reception, transmission (exchange), transformation and use of information is carried out.

They take place in human society, flora and fauna.

3. Vwhatareasactivitieshumanprevailinformationprocesses?

With the help of their senses, people perceive information, comprehend it and, based on their experience, existing knowledge, intuition, make decisions that are embodied in real action transforming the world around.

In the field of production, in the field of obtaining information.

4. Vhowessenceinformationrevolutions?Neededwhetherthey?

The information revolution is the stages of the emergence of new means and methods of information processing that have caused dramatic changes in society.

They are necessary in connection with the development of society.

5. Howweredue toinformationrevolution?

1st- the invention of writing, as the emergence of means and methods for storing information.

2nd- mid-16th century, invention of printing. The massive distribution of printed materials made cultural values ​​accessible, opened up the possibility of independent and purposeful development of the individual. This new way storage of information.

3rd- the end of the 19th century, associated with the invention of electricity, the appearance of the telegraph, telephone, radio. This made it possible to transfer and accumulate information in any volume. Means of new communications are being developed.

4th- 70g. 20th century, associated with the invention of microprocessor technology and the emergence of PCs, computer networks, data transmission systems.

6. GivebriefcharacterizationgenerationscomputerandbinditWithinformationrevolution

The invention of an electronic computer (ECM) in the mid-40s of the XX century triggered the 4th information revolution.

Improvement of computer parts (i.e., element base) contributed to the change of computer generations.

1st generation-the middle of the 40s of the XX century. Element base - electronic tubes. Computers have large dimensions, power-consuming, low speed of action, low reliability, programming is carried out in codes.

2nd generation-since the late 50s of the XX century. Element base - semiconductor elements. All technical characteristics have been improved (dimensions, power consumption, speed, reliability). Algorithmic languages ​​are used for programming.

3rd generation-since the mid 60s. Element base - integrated circuits, multilayer printed wiring. A sharp decrease in the size of computers, an increase in their reliability and productivity. Access from remote terminals.

4th generation-from the late 70s to the present. Element base - microprocessors, large integrated circuits. Technical characteristics have been significantly improved. Mass production of personal computers (PCs)

7. What determines the development of an industrial society?

An industrial society is focused on the development of industry, the improvement of the means of production. Here, the process of innovations (innovations) in production plays an important role: inventions, ideas, proposals.

This society is determined by the level of development of industry, its technical base.

8. There iswhetherconnectionbetweenindustrialrevolutionsandinformational?

The transition to an industrial society is associated with the second industrial revolution in the middle of the 20th century. What contributed to the 3rd and 4th information revolutions.

The second industrial revolution, or scientific and technical, marked a complete restructuring of the technical base and technology in connection with the discovery of the electron, radium, with the invention of electricity.

9. Howyouimagineinformationalsociety?

The information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of information.

And the production of energy and material products will be entrusted to machines.

10. Is anwhetheroursocietyinformational?Justifyanswer

Unfortunately, our society is not yet informational, because far from all spheres of human activity are used Information Systems by providing access to reliable sources of information. Many people are still doing routine work... The share of mental labor is still insignificant. The ability to be creative and knowledgeable is not always in demand.

11. Whatsuchinformatizationsociety?

The introduction of modern means of processing and transmission of information in various fields of activity was the beginning of the transition from an industrial society to an informational one. This process is called informatization.

Informatization is a process by which conditions are created that satisfy the needs of any person in obtaining the necessary information.

12. Vhowdifferenceprocessescomputerizationandinformatization?

At computerization societies the main attention is paid to the implementation and development of the technical base - PCs, which ensure the prompt receipt of the results of information processing and its accumulation.

At informatization societies- the focus is on a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and operational knowledge in all types of human activity.

Informatization is a broader concept than computerization. The result of the informatization process is the creation of an information society in which intelligence and knowledge play the main role.

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After studying this topic, you will learn: What are
specific traits
industrial society;
What is informational
What is the essence of informatization

Industrial society

The industrial society is oriented
primarily for development
industry, improvement
means of production, strengthening the system
accumulation and control of capital.
It replaced the agricultural one, where
relations in
agriculture related system
land tenure and land use

To get a comprehensive understanding of
industrial society, it is necessary to answer
the question is, what is industry, what does it give
to humanity that consumes.

Industrial society - a society determined by the level of development of industry, its technical base

In an industrial society, a big role
plays the process of innovations in
production, i.e. introduction of the latter
achievements of scientific and technical thought:
inventions, ideas, suggestions. V
recently this process has received
the name of the innovative.
Industrial society -
society defined
level of development
industry, its
technical base

Information society

In the information society, intelligence and
knowledge is a means and a product
production, which in turn will lead
to an increase in the share of mental labor.
Material and technical basis
information society will
various systems based on
computer technology and computer
networks, information technology,

Information society - a society in which most of the labor force is engaged in production, storage, processing, sale and

In the information society, driving
production must become a force of development
informational, not material
Information society -
a society in which
most of the workforce
busy with production,
storage, processing,
sale and exchange

Informatization of society

Today in the world
a huge
information potential,
which people cannot
take full advantage of
the strength of the limitations of their
opportunities. This situation,
information crisis,
put society in front of
the need to find a way out of
the situation.


Implementation of modern tools
processing and transmission of information
in various fields of activity
was the beginning of an evolutionary
transition from industrial
society to information. This
the process is called


Informatization is a process when
where conditions are created
meeting the needs
any person in getting
necessary information.
RF Law "On Information, Informatization
and information protection ", adopted
State Duma on January 25, 1995


Today the term "informatization"
decisively displaces widely
used until recently
the term "computerization". At
the external similarity of these concepts, they
have a significant difference.


With the computerization of society, a special
attention is paid to implementation and development
technical base - computers,
ensuring prompt receipt
results of information processing and its
In the informatization of society, the main
attention is paid to a set of measures,
aimed at ensuring full
use of reliable,
comprehensive and operational knowledge in
all kinds of human activities.


The result of the process
informatization is the creation
information society, in
which is played by
intelligence and knowledge.
For each country, its movement from
industrial stage of development to
informational defined
degree of informatization

15. Information Society. Human information culture.

The information society is a society in which the majority
workers are busy with production, storage,
processing, sale and exchange of information
I information revolution - the emergence of writing
II information revolution - the appearance of the printing press
III information revolution - the emergence of electrical transmission and
storage of information (telephone, radio, telegraph, TV)
IV information revolution - the emergence of computer technology
Human information culture - the ability of a person to work with
information and use it wisely
receiving, transferring and storing computer
information technologies.
Skills in the use of various technical means - from the phone to
personal computers and computer networks.
Ability to use computer information technology in their work.
Ability to extract and work with information from various sources- from
periodicals to electronic communications.
Ability to present information in an understandable way and use it effectively.
Ability to work with different kinds information.


Home computers
Ensuring normal
the life of the dwelling.
Providing information
needs of people in
Automated systems
design (CAD)
Computers in teaching
Automated training
systems (AOS); training bases data
(UBD) and educational knowledge base (UBZ);
systems "Multimedia" and
"Virtual reality";
educational computer
telecommunication networks -
distance learning (DL)
Automated systems scientific computers in industry
research (ASNI)
Knowledge bases
Expert systems
Computers in the administrative
Electronic office; automation
document flow - electronic
mail; execution control system
orders and orders; system
Flexible automated
production (HAP); control and measuring complexes
In medicine
Computers in trade
Bar code
Computerized sale
goods on orders
Electronic money

Informatization of society

Information concept

Comes from lat. "Informatio" - clarification, notification, presentation.

Information is information about the surrounding world, which reduces the degree of uncertainty of knowledge about it.

Information is presented in the form of messages.

Message - transmission of information in the form of pictures, text, drawings, sound, color, energy and nerve impulses, etc.

The term "information" should be distinguished from the term "data". Data is also presented in the form of messages.

Data - only stored, not used. Data turns into information if they reduce the degree of uncertainty in knowledge about something, i.e. are useful and make sense.

Let's write 10 six-digit numbers and give it to a friend. For him, this is data. Now let's tell him that these are 10 phones of companies where there is decent work. Then it becomes information.

Reducing the uncertainty of knowledge is the first property of information.

Information always presupposes a source and a recipient. This is the second property of information.

The paths and processes that ensure the transfer of messages from source to destination are called information communications.

Transition to the information society.

In the field of information processing, there have been several information revolutions.

The first is caused by the invention of writing, which allows information to be transmitted from generation to generation (approximately 3 thousand years BC).

The second is associated with the invention of book printing, which allows multiple duplication of information (XVI century)

The third is due to the invention electric transmission(telephone, telegraph, radio), which allows you to instantly transmit information to long distances(late 19th century).

The fourth is associated with the creation of computers that allow you to store large amounts of information and quickly process them.

The last revolution led to the creation information industry, as the production of hardware and software, information technology to gain new knowledge.

Information technology (IT) is a description, a list of stages of the process of obtaining information of a new quality based on the collection, processing and transmission of data.

In the process of development, a society goes through several stages.

In an industrial society, more than 50% of the working-age population is employed in material production.

In a post-industrial society, more than 50% of the working-age population is employed in the service sector.

In the information society, more than 50% of the working-age population is engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information.

The Information Society exists in the USA, Japan and Western Europe.

The information society is followed by the noospheric one, in which most of the workers will be engaged in intellectual activity, obtaining knowledge.

Informatization of society is an organized process of creating optimal conditions for meeting the information needs of citizens and organizations on the basis of the formation and use of information resources.

Informatization should be distinguished from the computerization of society.

Information potential societies

Informational resources, products and services.

Information resources - documents and their arrays in information systems (library, archive, fund), i.e. documented knowledge.

Information resources are strategic along with material, natural, labor, financial, and energy resources.

Information resources are used to create information products, as data aggregates formed by the manufacturer for the purpose of distribution.

Information product is distributed in the same ways as material, in particular through services. Legal basis information service there must be an agreement between the supplier and the recipient.

Information market

Information market Is a system of economic, legal and organizational relations for the trade in products of intellectual labor.

Unlike trade in a material product, information technologies and systems (licenses, patents, trademarks, know-how, engineering services, intelligence, etc.).

For an information product, an important and distinctive feature is the ease of copying, in this regard, copyright applies to it.

The information product on the market is considered in two aspects.

  1. As a tangible product.
  2. As an intellectual product.

Infrastructure information market divided into 3 parts:

  1. Technical (hardware).
  2. Software.
  3. Communication.

Introduction to Economic Informatics

Features of economic information

Economic information is a collection of information about the processes of production, distribution and consumption of material goods.

The management of economic objects is always associated with the transformation of economic information, which is characterized by the following features:

1. Volume.

2. Relatively simple processing.

3. Cyclicity.

4. representation in the form of text and numbers.

An important characteristic of information is its adequacy.

Adequacy of information - the degree of correspondence of information to a real object of the surrounding world.

There are three types and three measures of adequacy:

  1. Syntactic (structural)
  2. Semantic (semantic)
  3. Pragmatic (benefits)

Syntactic adequacy reflects the formal, structural characteristics of information without connection with its meaning and benefits.

Syntactic information= data.

Semantic adequacy reflects the semantic content and generalization of information.

Pragmatic adequacy reflects the degree to which information corresponds to an object. It serves as the basis for decision making.

Units of measurement and examples of three types of adequacy are shown in table 2.1.

Economic information systems (EIS) and technologies (EIT)

EIS concept

A system is a collection of dissimilar elements designed to achieve a single goal.

The goal is the criterion for which the best value is achieved.

The concept of "best" is equivalent to the concepts of "greatest" or "least", so you can always find a quantitative estimate for a goal, for example, the goal of an economic object is to maximize profit.

The concept of "function" must be distinguished from the goal.

Function presupposes achievement set value or range, the function may not be a number.

For example: "the machine is running" is a function; “The machine is running at peak performance” is the goal.

The system features are as follows:

1. The elements of the system are interconnected and interact with each other and with the environment.

2. Each element of the system can be considered as independent system... In this case, the function of the element becomes the goal of the system.

3. The system as a whole performs a specific task, which cannot be reduced to the sum of the functions of its elements.

4. Elements in interaction can change their content and internal structure.

The purpose of the EIS is the efficient collection, storage, processing and issuance of economic information.

One EIS differs from another in the type of economic information.

An example of an EIS is the accounting department of an enterprise. It consists of heterogeneous elements: personnel, premises, computers, rules and instructions.

EIS composition

A subsystem is a part of the system, selected according to some attribute.

IS subsystems (including EIS) are called "collateral".

IS consists of the following collateral:

  1. Information Support.
  2. Technical.
  3. Software
  4. Mathematical.
  5. Legal.
  6. Organizational.
  7. Linguistic.

Informational - a system of classification and coding of information (documentation system, information flow diagram, construction methodology, storage organization).

Technical - a set of equipment, instructional materials, service personnel.

Software - a set of software tools for equipment and personnel management. Divided into: system-wide and applied software.

Math - set mathematical methods, models and algorithms used in EIS.

Legal - a set of legal norms that determine the creation, legal status and operation of the EIS, and regulates the procedure for obtaining, transforming and using information.

Organizational - a set of methods and tools that determine the interaction of workers with equipment and among themselves during the operation of the EIS.

Linguistic - a system of language tools that are used for the modification and operation of the EIS, as well as the rules for interaction between equipment and personnel (dialogue interface).

It should be noted that the boundaries between collaterals are not strictly defined. Some elements of the EIS can be attributed to different subsystems.

For example: algorithms can be attributed not to mathematical, but to software. Job descriptions can be attributed not to legal, but to information or organizational support.

The history of the development of EIS and EIT

In accordance with the technical base used to create and transmit information, there are five stages in the development of EIS and EIT:

1. Until the middle of the XIX century. Manual information technology.

Pen and paper.

Mail and couriers.

2. Before the beginning of the XX century. Mechanical technology.



3. Until the 60s of the XX century. Electrical technology.

Large tube computers.

Telephones and faxes.

4. Until the 80s of the XX century. Electronic technology.

Transistor computers.

Automated control systems.

5. Since the 80s of the XX century. Computer techologies.

Personal computer, peripherals.

Computer networks.

EIT data processing

- this technology is used for well-structured data and stable processing algorithms. It is applied at the level of operational and accounting activities, management of lower-level personnel.

Features of data processing technology:

  1. The company is required by law to store information about its business activities.
  2. Well structured data.
  3. Standard procedures data processing.
  4. Stability of data structures and algorithms.
  5. The bulk of the work is carried out automatically.
  6. Isolation from other services.
  7. Emphasis on the chronology of events.

The main components of EIT data processing are shown in Figure 3.1.

The following are used for data processing standard operations:

1. Filter - selection of data for any logical condition... For example, a sample of employees whose salaries are above average.

2. Sorting - sorting data in ascending order of any criterion. For example, giving out a list of employees in alphabetical order.

3. Grouping - combining data into groups according to the values ​​of any criterion. For example, grouping a list of employees by departments.

4. Generalization - obtaining summarizing, final data for the group. For example, getting "TOTAL" on the payroll.

5. Calculation - obtaining new data using formulas and algorithms.

EIT control

From the point of view of cybernetics, any control process is reduced to interaction managed object and control systems. rice. 3.2.

Cybernetics is the science of management.

The control system receives information about the state of the controlled object, correlates it with the control criterion, and develops a control action.

For example, a controlled object can be: a machine tool, a workshop, a team; the control criterion can be a production plan.

The control action is a direct connection, and the state of the controlled object is a feedback.

Implementation of direct and feedback constitutes the main content of management services.

Basically, a technology based on the principle of deviation is used, which consists in performing four stages.

1. Planning for future performance characteristics.

2. Collection and processing of data.

3. Revealing deviations of the plan and the fact.

4. Making decisions and developing actions.

To reduce the amount of analyzed information, its generalization (aggregation) is used. The summarized data are presented in the form of reports:

1. Summarizing, which summarizes the data groups.

2. Comparative, which shows homogeneous data, but from different sources.

3. Emergency, where abnormal indicators are given.

Control technology diagram - Fig. 3.3.

Information from the data processing system

EIT expert systems

Expert systems transform the experience of experts in a certain area of ​​knowledge into the form of heuristic (experimental) rules.

A rule consists of two parts: a condition and an action, and is written in the following form: “If Condition then Action”.

The difference from decision-making technology is as follows:

  1. Decision making technology is based on user knowledge. The expert system relies on knowledge that the user may not be aware of.
  2. The expert system can explain its decisions.
  3. Use of a new type of information - knowledge.

The main components of expert systems are:

· Knowledge base


System creation module

The knowledge base contains facts of the surrounding world and the logical connection of facts in the form of rules.

The interpreter processes knowledge, rules and commands.

The system creation module is used to build a hierarchy of rules.

Office automation

Office automation components:

  1. Computer tools: text and table processors, Email, electronic conference.
  2. Non-computer facilities: copier, fax.

Office automation does not replace the existing system management and office work, but supplements and accelerates it.

The principle of action

According to the principle of operation, computers are divided into three classes:

  1. Digital (DVM)
  2. Analog (AVM)
  3. Hybrid (HVM)

The division criterion is the form of information presentation. With an analog form, the value of the characteristic in time is represented by the value of the electric voltage U (Fig. 4.1.a). In digital form, the characteristic value is encoded by a sequence of pulses at the moments of the clock frequency. (Fig. 4.1.b).


so you


AVMs are characterized by high speed and low cost, erratic performance and low accuracy. When the voltage changes, the value of the characteristic in the AVM will change.

In a digital computer, the voltage drop has little effect on the characteristic code.

The foundations for building a digital computer were laid in 1946 by von Neumann.

Von Neumann principles:

  1. All information is presented in binary form.
  2. The program is stored in the computer's memory and can be written there.
  3. programs can be treated like numbers.
  4. Hierarchical organization of memory.
  5. The arithmetic unit is constructed on the basis of an addition circuit.
  6. Parallel processing of multiple bits binary information.
  7. A hierarchical system of machine actions from basic instructions to compound procedures.

Currently, AVMs are almost never used.

Digital form information storage is now used in digital cameras, televisions and camcorders.

Digital principle also called pulse, and analog - continuous.

Stages of creation

The stages of creating a computer are associated with a change in the element base, which in turn was accompanied by a decrease in its size, and, as a consequence, an increase in performance and a decrease in price.

By stages of creation, computers are divided into six generations:

  1. 50s of XX century. Electronic vacuum tubes.
  2. 60s. Semiconductor transistors.
  3. 70s. Semiconductor integrated circuits (1000 transistors per circuit)
  4. 80s. Large integrated circuits (1,000,000 transistors per circuit)
  5. 90s. Multiprocessor computers processing several streams of information in parallel.
  6. Optoelectronic computers. (do not exist yet, but under development)

Currently used and.


By purpose, computers are divided into three groups:

  1. Universal.
  2. Problem-oriented.
  3. Specialized.

Designed to solve a wide range of problems: economic, engineering, mathematical.

Solve tasks for the management of technical objects (assembly lines, cars, rockets, airplanes, machine tools with numerical program management)

Solve strictly defined tasks (calculators, notebooks)


By functionality, computers are divided into:

  1. Super large.
  2. Large
  3. Small
  4. Mini computer
  5. Ultrasmall (Microcomputer)

The functionality of the computer is determined by the following technical characteristics:

  1. Performance, measured by the average number of million operations per second (MIPS).
  2. The bit depth of the processed numbers.
  3. Main memory capacity and performance (Mb / sec.)
  4. Capacity and speed of access to external storage devices.
  5. The throughput of computer nodes and interface devices.

The super-computer possesses great memory and is characterized by a large number of parallel-working processors (up to 100 pieces), they are used to control large distributed computer networks and for complex scientific calculations.

Large computers were historically the first to appear. Their element base has gone from electronic tubes to large integrated circuits. Large computers are used to solve scientific and technical problems, to work with large databases, to manage computer networks.

In the seventies of the XX century, mini-computers appeared.

Advantages of mini-computers: modular architecture, which made it possible to easily increase the power of the computer and connect additional devices; high performance / price ratio; increased accuracy of calculations.

The main areas of application of computers:

  1. control technological processes.
  2. Computer-aided design.
  3. Modeling objects.
  4. Scientific calculations.

Currently, mini-computers are not used. Their advantages and applications have passed to the microcomputer.

Microcomputer is a computer based on a microprocessor. There are two directions for using microcomputers:

  1. Management of technical objects and processes.
  2. Personal computers.

Personal computers

A personal computer (PVM) is a microprocessor-based computer that provides all its computing resources for single use.

PC history

In 1969. Japanese firm ordered from Intel 12 logic circuits... Intel engineers created one instead of 12 circuits. This scheme solved all 12 problems, moreover, it provided for a program for changing its functions. Thus, this scheme could, depending on the program, perform an unlimited number of functions. This circuit was called a microprocessor.

A processor is a device that is capable of receiving and executing a program.

On the basis of an Intel microprocessor, the ALTAIR kit was created, it was equipped with connectors to which external devices were to be connected.

The PC was first created in 1976. two students at Harvard University.

In 1981. IBM has finally entered the personal computer market.

The development team was allowed to use the development of other companies.

The principle of open architecture was adopted, which was that standards for the rules for receiving and transmitting information, as well as standards for electrical connectors, are adopted, and the development of external devices should be entrusted to other firms.

PC features

The PC was conceived as a universal and generally accessible device. Therefore, the PC has the following features:

Small size

Low price (100 - 10000)

High reliability (5000 hours of continuous work)

Individual interaction with a computer without intermediaries

· software compatibility with millions of other personal computers

Flexibility of architecture, allowing you to create a configuration for the necessary requirements

Possibility of operation without special requirements to the environment

· The ability to integrate into computer networks.

In addition to the IBM PC family, there is the DEC family, which is represented by the Macintosh PC. By design features PCs are divided into stationary (desktop) and portable. Portable are divided into:

Portable (Nomadic)

Knee (Laptop)


Handheld (Palmtop)

Notebooks (Organizer)

PC architecture

We will give an idea of ​​the structure and functions of the PC hardware

PC structure

For quite a long time, when creating computers to control devices, the "star" principle was used, in which all devices were connected to a control device (DC) and DC. coordinated their work.

To create a PC, the principle of "common bus" was used, in which all devices, including the control device, were connected to one device - a common bus.

Device one
Device 2
Main memory
HDD adapter
HDD adapter, timer

a printer

HDD - hard disk drive; HDD; Winchester.

An adapter is a device that converts signals from another device into signals on the system bus and vice versa.

Floppy disk drive - flexible storage magnetic disks, floppy disk drive.

Timer (hours)


The microprocessor is central unit A PC designed to control all other devices. The microprocessor includes:

  • control device (U.U.)
  • arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
  • microprocessor memory
  • coprocessor
  • interface system

The control device (U.U.) is formed and supplied to all computer blocks, to other parts of the microprocessor in the right moments time control signals.

ALU does all arithmetic and logical operations over integers and symbols.

Microprocessor memory is used for short-term storage of information when executing one or more machine instructions. The access speed to it is ten times higher than to the main memory (cache memory ["cache" - from French - treasure, hiding place]).

The coprocessor performs arithmetic operations over floating point numbers.

The interface system implements interfacing with other devices. It includes:

  • interfacing of microprocessor parts
  • buffer storage (registers)
  • I / O port control circuits
  • system bus control circuits

The coordination of the work of the parts of the microprocessor and the speed of work are set by the clock pulse generator. Now generators have been created that produce 3.5 billion pulses per second.

System bus

The system (common) bus includes:

  • data bus carrying information content
  • address bus carrying main memory and port addresses
  • command bus carrying control signals
  • power bus

The system bus is controlled by a microprocessor and bus control circuitry.

Most external devices are connected to the system bus using their own control circuits - adapters, controllers. It is important to note that the data bits of the address and commands are transmitted over the bus in parallel over several wires at 8, 16, 32, 64 bits per clock cycle. This increases the transmission speed.

The bus width is the number of simultaneously transmitted signals in parallel in one clock cycle.

Main memory

The main memory is used to store and exchange information between devices.

Main memory consists of read-only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM).

ROM is used to store unchanged information. The information in the ROM is saved when the computer is turned off. Changing the information in the ROM is very difficult. Has a small volume.

RAM is designed to store information that is changed during computer operation. The information in RAM disappears when the computer is turned off. Compared to ROM, it has a large volume.


There are 3 types of keyboards for PCs: 84-key, 101 and 104-key.

The keyboard contains a keyboard processor, when a key is pressed, the processor determines the coordinates of the key and generates a code. The processor is able to detect the duration of the press and simultaneous pressing multiple keys.

Video system

Consists of a display (monitor) and video adapter ( graphics card, video card).

To display information, a raster principle is used, i.e. the image is formed from horizontal and vertical rows of dots. In display with cathode ray tube three electron beam run over three sets of dots on the screen, which glow in red, green and blue (RGB) colors. The brightness of the glow depends on the power of the beam. Mixture three colors of different intensities gives a palette of colors. For example, three beams of the same power produce shades of gray. The beams pass the screen 70 or more times per second (refresh rate).

In the display on liquid crystals(LSD) at each point of the screen there are three windows responsible for RGB colors. Conductors fit to the windows, when voltage is applied, the windows either light up ( active matrix), or lose transparency. The resolution of the video system characterizes the degree of detail of the image on the screen.

The first characteristic of the resolution is the number of vertical and horizontal rows of dots. There is a standard row for this characteristic: 640 X 480, 800 X 600, 1024 X 768, 1152 X 864, 1280 X 720, 1280 X 768, 1280 X 960, 1280 X 1024.

The ratio of width to height is 4 X 3.

The second characteristic is the degree of color gradation in each ellipsis: from 2 to 16 million colors.

The maximum resolution depends on both the display and the video adapter.

The video adapter contains video memory. The amount of video memory limits the resolution. For example, to store a picture (800 X 600 pixels) with 256 colors, you need 480 KB of video memory.

The function of the video adapter is to receive information, record it in the video memory and regularly send the contents of the video memory to the display. A separate problem is displaying movies: a large amount of data is required here (480 Kb per frame) and fast processing(24 frames per second). For processing movies, file compression is used and there are 2 algorithms:

  1. JPEG (every frame is stored, with insufficient processing, the image quality improves)
  2. MPEG (differences between frames are stored)


Designed to display information on paper.

3 types of printers: matrix, inkjet, laser.

In dot matrix, a vertical row of metal rods moves and hits the paper, imprinting rows of dots through the ink tape.

Inkjet works in the same way as matrix, except that instead of rods, paint is sprayed through the holes.

Printing on a laser printer consists of 4 steps. First, the image is applied to the drum by a laser beam, then paint adheres to the places where the beam passes. The paint is transferred to the paper by rolling the drum. At the end, the paint is fixed by heating.

The dot matrix printing process has a low cost.

Inkjet printers are cheap on their own.

Laser printing the highest quality.

Dot matrix printers make a lot of noise, inkjet printing is quite expensive, laser printers are expensive.

Principles for choosing a PC

It is necessary to choose a PC for the following personal characteristics.

  1. Performance. It is measured in the following units:

· MIPS - Million operations per second with integers.

· MFLOPS - one million floating point operations per second.

Performance is mainly determined by:

· clock frequency

Parallel command execution

· throughput system bus

  1. Bit capacity of the microprocessor.
  2. Minimum capacity random access memory.

Due to the use of RAM, many programs access external devices... The increase in RAM speeds up the computer.

  1. HDD capacity

Development trend software shows an increase in the volume of the programs themselves and the amount of data required.

  1. Cache size

Due to the use of cache memory, the processor accesses the RAM less often.

  1. Display and video adapter type.

For professional work with graphics, watching movies requires an expensive display and video adapter with a lot of memory.

Computer networks

Computer networks are a collection of computers and communication channels that provide each user with shared resources.

Wide Area Networks (GAN)

Global networks cover an area of ​​hundreds and thousands of kilometers. The basic cell of the global network is separate computer or local network.

Global network Internet

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